Scenario New Year's performance for children



Baba Yaga


Fox Alice

Cat Basilio

Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Clowns greet children in the hall.

They pronounce inviting texts,

They are escorted to the hall where the New Year's action will take place.

Merry New Year's music sounds, a Clown runs out to the Christmas tree


Attention! Attention!

Our snub-nosed people!

For our merry holiday

Us New Year calling!

Everybody hurry here quickly,

Get ready for a round dance!

Look, look

New Year is coming to us!

Music game- greetings

Greetings from us cheerful ones,

Funny and mischievous

Hello he's beautiful

And the most groovy ones.

Make me happy with the answer

In short, we say hello

We collect greetings, we distribute greetings!

Oh, how many friends are there around here?

The boys are waving to us.. (fireworks)

And greeting them in return

Parents are screaming.. (hello)

In cool haute couture outfits

The girls will exclaim..(bonjours)

The neighbors will smile here

And the boys will shout.. (fireworks)

It's like a breeze blew

The girls are waving to us.. (bonjours)

There is nothing more beautiful than them in the world

Your parents are sending you... (hello)

We are simply in love with you

Greet everyone at once!

Clown: Guys, let's wish everyone a Happy New Year! I will say who we congratulate, and you will all loudly say “Happy New Year!!!”

All girls, all sisters and girlfriends!

Happy New Year!

All boys, all friends and all brothers!

Happy New Year!

Dads, moms, gentlemen and ladies!

Happy New Year!

Grandfathers, grandmothers, neighbors!

Happy New Year!

You and me and all our friends!

Happy New Year!

Mass dance “If only there were no winter”

At the end of the dance, Baba Yaga and Pirate appear on the stage

B.Ya.: Just look, did you hear that?

Pirate: Well, I heard!

B.Ya.: No, did you see this?

Pirate: Well, I saw it.

B.Ya.: No, I'm about to burst with anger.

Pirate: I would like to have something to eat now. And then we walk here among the Christmas trees, I think I’ve already lost weight.

B.Ya.: All you can think about is what to eat!

Pirate: Hungry!

B.Ya.: There's a whole menu to choose from! Oak bark, pine bark, birch bark! (notices a decorated Christmas tree) Stop, one-two!

Pirate: Hey, Yaga, where have you brought me?

B.Ya.: (looks around) To a hall full of miracles!

Pirate: Did we come here for miracles?

B.Ya.: For what miracles? I fed you for three days?

Pirate: Yes!

B.Ya.: Did you drink for three days?

Pirate: Yes!

B.Ya.: She said the same thing for three days! What a Christmas tree I need, New Year!!!

Pirate: Yes, I remember, I remember! But I don’t understand why you need a Christmas tree, Yaga. You live among the Christmas trees!

B.Ya.: So this is on the street! But I want to go to the hut. Dressed up! What am I? Worst of all or extreme? I also want to sing and dance! I'll gather people and have fun!

Pirate: Well, you give it! Sing, dance! At your age!

B.Ya.: What are my years! I've just turned 300 years old - I'm still a teenager! (Singing)

Even at 345

Baba berry again

Is it really years?

For forest species?

The blood is burning, the eye is burning,

If only there is no sciatica,

The class would show

I would break dance for you!

Pirate: You yourself had fun, but who will entertain the guests? The clowns really amused the kids. You can only do evil and harmful things. Your guests will be covered with moss from boredom!

B.Ya.: Am I the one who can’t cheer up the guests? Yes, at my anniversary, all the evil spirits danced like that! The whole swamp was shaking. You have never seen such dances in your life!

Dance of Baba Yaga

After the dance, meowing is heard

B.Ya.: What kind of cat phenomenon is this? (to the pirate) Hide, let's watch!

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear on the stage

Cat: Meow, meow, fff...

Fox: What are you yelling about?

Cat: Phew... Snow! Snowdrifts! Meow, meow! Got all my paws wet! Cold!

Fox: Nothing! Toughen up!

Cat: Cats don't harden!

Fox: And you will!

Cat: We're not supposed to!

Fox: Why do you deserve this?

Cat: Kitiket! Whiskas! Sour cream!.. To purr with pleasure and make people happy!

Fox: Glutton! I already feed you every 13th of every 13th month! And in general, you have to earn food first!

Cat: Work?! Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. The cat must lie on the stove!

Fox: Yes, I won’t be me if I don’t ruin this stupid holiday! I won’t be ME if I don’t ruin everyone’s mood! And you will help me!

Cat: What should you do?

Fox: We need Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to unwind!

Cat: What are they? Married?

Fox: Oh! There is no peace from you, neither in summer nor in winter! To deceive means to deceive, to deceive!

Cat: What are Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

Fox: Well, Frost is such an old man, he emerged straight from the snow. And Snegurka is all made of snow, the granddaughter of this grandfather.

Cat: Ugh! Out of the snow, I'm quiet! There is nothing to rob from them!

Baba Yaga and Pirate appear from behind the tree,

eavesdropped on the entire conversation

B.Ya.: But here, your lie: there are no more beautiful fur coats in the world! The fur is sable and arctic fox, and it’s new for every year! Grandfather has a staff - a stick; it’s not a pity to die!

Cat: How is Snow Maiden dressed?

Fox: Oh, I’ll keep quiet about this. Blue sable fur coat. And we never dreamed of you and me. Precious earrings and morocco boots...

B.Ya.: Grandfather and granddaughter are SO rich! And their chambers are crystal.

Pirate: The staff is pure silver. Diamonds are just - wow!

Cat: Well, grandma, grace! We need to get our hands on everything!

Fox: You, Granny Yagulechka, come up with a robbery plan first! You are the very first villain in our forest! In the meantime, we’ll have some fun and stretch our bones, otherwise there are so many guests gathered in this room, they won’t be bored!

Musical game "Warming up"

Our joker Grandfather Frost

Loves to pinch our noses

So that we don't catch a cold,

Let's warm up and move.

And on frost outside,

We'll rub our neighbor's nose.

We won't mess around

Let's grab our neighbor by the ears.

They shook their heads,

And they helped the neighbor.

They knocked on my knees,

So that the neighbors don't get bored.

Let's pat you on the shoulders,

But at this time we are stomping.

Let's stand together one after another!

Press your hands on your friend's shoulders.

And a cheerful locomotive

B.Ya.: So what? If I'm such a villain, I can't have fun? Now, guys, Granny - Yagulechka will entertain you while your Grandfather - Morozyulechka is away!

Game "Cat and mouse"

After the game, Baba Yaga gets tired and falls to the floor

Cat: Well, no... You, Baba Yaga, have completely lost your qualifications!

B.I.: What did you lose? (starts looking for something on the floor)

Cat: Qua-li-fiction!

B.Ya.: Kwa-who? What does this mean? Am I a frog, or what? Well, now you will regret that you were born!

Cat: I'm not afraid of you! To lose a qualification is to lose a skill.

Pirate: So I’ll soon lose my qualifications if I don’t breed Father Frost and Snow Maiden. I swear on the shark's guts!

B.Ya.: Are you saying that I can't do anything? No fun, no villainy?

Fox: Why! You can't think of a single dirty deed!

Cat: But everyone is afraid of the black cat! As soon as I cross someone’s path, everyone spits over their left shoulder. Otherwise there will be no luck - such a sign!

Dance of Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat

B.Ya.: Yes, I’ll show you in action now. I'm going to villainize right now! (I thought) It's New Year's Eve, right? So what do you need?

Pirate: Separate Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! A thousand cuttlefish!

B.Ya.: We need to enchant the Christmas tree!

I'll blow on the broom,

I'll put a spell on the Christmas tree!

I'll spit over my shoulder -

You won't see anything!

There was a Christmas tree! Hello!

And now she’s gone!

Cat: Your villainy is outdated. Santa Claus will break his spell!

B.Ya.: Then I have a backup plan. You need to steal Santa Claus' staff.

Pirate: Oh, how necessary... There are so many diamonds on it! We'll become rich! Jellyfish down your throat!

Fox: Why! How many times has this staff been stolen, it becomes an ordinary stick and only in the hands of Santa Claus has magical powers!

B.Ya.: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh... What to do?! We can't defeat children, right? Santa Claus - even more so! So we need to quarrel between the children and Santa Claus!

Fox: Right! Nepotism has spread here. Grandfather and granddaughter! Just some kind of family contract!

Cat: That's it, it's decided! Now I’ll run between the children and quarrel between them and Santa Claus!

Clown: No, dear evil spirits, we do not believe in omens, and there is no way to quarrel between Santa Claus and the guys! The guys know everything about Santa Claus!

Musical chant

Get ready kids

It's time to have some fun

We invite you to shout

On answer questions,

If you agree, then

You answer - Yes!

If you don’t agree, then in response

You will shout together - No!

Are we always waiting for the New Year?

Putting a Christmas tree by the pond?

Christmas tree outfit made of candies?

She has green?

Is there a star on the Christmas tree?

D.M. will he come here?

Will Grandfather bring gifts?

Does he have a beard?

Is Snegurka young?

Is Grandfather Frost brunette?

Is he dancing by?

Are you always good?

Or only sometimes?

Pirate: Listen, Baba Yaga, I’ll tell you the truth. With your atrocities, Grandfather and Snow Maiden will never be robbed! You're ruining all our raspberries!

Fox: And it’s true: with you, not only will you not get a new fur coat, but you will also lose yours and go bald from boredom!

Pirate: There are such countless treasures buried on the island of Madagascar..! All! I'm going to the South!

Fox: Oh, Pirate, my dear, take me with you..! A? Don't mess with this old woman..! That's what I am! Young, beautiful, cunning..!

Pirate: Eh, I swear on the shark's guts! This will be a great robbery!!!

Fox Alice and Pirate leave

B.Ya.: Sharanda-baranda! U-u-stubborn! So and so!... So be it, let them go! But I’ll still ruin your holiday if you don’t fulfill my condition!

Clown: Well, speak up, Baba Yaga, quickly! The guys and I will cope with all your tasks!

B.Ya.: Cheer me up and teach goodness to someone who is angry!

Clown: We will not be discouraged, we will get the job done! So that you are not so harsh, we are ready to cheer you up!

Game "Christmas trees, needles"

Clown: Here you go! Mission accomplished!

B.Ya.: Do you remember what it says next? Teach goodness to someone who is angry! Do it! If you don’t do it, you have yourself to blame!

Clown: Guys, I know the game about Baba Yaga!

B.Ya.: (coquettishly) Oh, you really made me blush... It’s kind of awkward... But my game is still better than all yours!

Musical game "Broom"

Clown: Hey Baba Yaga! She played and danced the best! Let's clap for her, guys! Louder!

B.Ya.: Were you the one clapping for me, killer whales? Oh, I’m really weakening... I’m giving up the evil spirit! Thank you! It's all awry! I was the one who said “thank you”!

Clown: You, Baba Yaga, you!

B.Ya.: No, it can’t be, dry up my tongue! For me to say such a word?!

Clown: What will you say when we give you a New Year's gift? (Covers Baba Yaga's shoulders beautiful scarf)

B.Ya.: How beautiful... Colorful... It’s not a shame to come to a holiday wearing such a scarf. You guys are wonderful.

Clown: The job is done again, Grandma Yozhka is unrecognizable! Having overcome my terrible temper, I learned to be kinder! Well, now is the time to invite Father Frost and Snow Maiden to the holiday! When we rise right hand, the boys will call Father Frost, and when left, the girls will call the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come onto the site


Here I am! Come on, are you tired of waiting?!

Hello to all the guys!

I see you tried -

There is no better Christmas tree in the world!

Nowadays there is no place for sadness,

There are songs everywhere, dancing everywhere...

They also told me on the way,

It's interesting here!

I love someone who is cheerful!

I am, after all, Grandfather Frost!

If someone hangs his nose,

Let him raise his nose higher!

Let him see how wonderful he is

This holiday is New Year!


Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Me with a snowy round dance

I’m in a hurry to visit you here!

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday,

Everyone calls her Snegurochka!

Happy New Year, fellow kids!

Happy New Year, boys and girls!


Hello, festive tree!

Hello little people!

I'm very glad that we are together,

Here we celebrate the New Year!


For boys and girls

The Christmas tree is big!

Yes, there are no lights on the Christmas tree,

Snowflakes don't sparkle...


Christmas tree, green needle,

With garlands, firecrackers,

With balls and toys,

With elegant gifts,

Light up the lights bright.

The tree is lit with festive lights


Looks good in her outfit

The kids are very happy about her

There are needles on its branches,

Yolka invites everyone to a round dance!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”


To begin with, for order

Let us tell you riddles.

And you, kids, don’t yawn,

Answer together, in unison!


Both old and young are waiting for him,

Everyone is very happy about him.

Brings fun to everyone

Good holiday… /New Year/

Masks are circling near the Christmas tree,

It's like something straight out of a fairy tale.

The hall lights up with smiles -

This is wonderful.../Carnival/


There is a staff and a beard,

He is always very kind

I brought joy to you, friends.

Good... /Grandfather Frost/


Comes to you on New Year's Eve,

He dances around the Christmas tree,

Very slender figure -

This is sweet... /Snow Maiden/


Glorious New Year's holiday

We celebrate today

He is magical, kind, bright,

Presents to everyone... /Gifts/


Guys, do you know whose year is coming? Who will host the New Year? Who will protect us from troubles all year long?

Let's invite to our wonderful holiday the symbol of the coming 2012 - our dear Dragon!

Little dragon:

Hello my friends! I came to congratulate you!

I hurried through the blizzard and through the blizzard,

I ran through the snowdrifts and on the ice,

To wish you guys fun

And happiness in the coming year!

Let's celebrate the holiday!

Have fun, sing, play!

Ball game

Little dragon:

And now the disco of the 21st century!

Nobody stands still

Let's dance with us!

New Year's disco,

during which gifts are given to children

D.M.: Glorious New Year's holiday

We are celebrating today

But, however, kids,

It's time for us to part.

WITH: Listen little people

Wishes for the New Year!

B.Ya.: How many needles are there on the Christmas tree?

So many new toys and updates for you!

Cat: How much for Christmas tree branches,

So many delicious sweets as a gift for you!

Little dragon: How many cones are there on the Christmas tree?

So much joy for the kids!

WITH.: May the New Year you meet

Happy year will come into your life.

And all the good things you dream of,

Let it come true and definitely come!

D.M.: And now, friends, goodbye!

Goodbye! Don't be bored!

About the New Year tree

"Visiting Russian fairy tales"

Christmas tree 2016-2017 at the Russian Song Theater (Small Stage)

“Visiting Russian Fairy Tales” is a simple and understandable story about kindness and friendship, this is a wonderful adventure that children will remember for a long time! The Christmas tree “Visiting Russian Fairy Tales” includes, in addition to the performance, an interactive event in the foyer. Guests will enjoy all kinds of games and entertainment with cheerful buffoons, master classes from specialists in various folk crafts.

“Visiting Russian Fairy Tales” on the Small Stage of the Theater

The Moscow Folklore Theater invites children and their parents to Christmas trees 2016-2017 for the whole family!

What are Christmas trees in the theater under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina? A fairy-tale plot generously seasoned with beautiful music, dancing, colorful outfits and cheerful acting. It is interesting for both young guests and adults to follow what is happening on stage.

The Russian Song Theater always carefully prepares for the New Year - a time of surprises and unusual congratulations. The theater will give a gift this time too: Christmas tree 2016-2017 is called “Visiting Russian Fairy Tales”, the performance will be shown on days winter holidays on the Small Stage of the Folklore Theater - Russian song.

The plot of the New Year tree at the Russian Song Theater

“Visiting Russian Fairy Tales” is a fascinating journey into the world of epic heroes and folklore characters, the world that we knew and loved when we were little.

Tickets for the New Year's performance are an opportunity to be transported to a magical land, into which the stage will turn, in order to meet your favorite characters, as if they had stepped out of the pages of a book.

The new performance will tell about the kind young man Danil and the capricious beauty Nenila, the sorceress Auntie Pevunya and the evil Baba Yaga, the peace-loving Vodyan Bul-Bul and the tricky Kikimoras. Of course, there will be main characters any winter performance - Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka!

The audience, together with the heroes, must resist evil, and only together will they be able to save the long-awaited winter holiday!

By the way

It is better to arrive to the theater early. In the lobby, little guests can enjoy games and entertainment with cheerful buffoons, as well as master classes from specialists in various folk crafts.

Christmas trees at the Russian Song Theater

Only at the “Russian Song” Theater you will see a wonderful and unique New Year’s show “Visiting Russian Fairy Tales”. Those who had a chance to attend last year's holiday show are already rushing to buy tickets for the new one. After all, it should become no less beautiful and spectacular, incredibly impressive and even more interesting than the previous one!

How to buy tickets for the New Year's show “Visiting Russian Fairy Tales”

You can order tickets for this wonderful performance directly on our website. Filling out the online ticket booking form is a snap. You just need to decide on the desired date of the performance and the number of tickets. Our specialists will contact you as soon as possible to clarify the details of your order.

Tickets for Christmas trees and shows for children are always in great demand. Therefore, many parents try to buy them in advance. And they are doing the right thing! After all, the sooner you contact us, the greater the choice of places we can offer you. Therefore, don’t put it off until later, but rather call us right now and order tickets to the New Year’s show for the whole family!

What will surprise the audience at the Russian Song Theater?

During the winter holidays, theater guests will see the latest technologies and special effects that will make the show truly magical and unforgettable. Incredible water scenery, 3D projections, thousands soap bubbles! All this in the new amazing show “Visiting Russian Fairy Tales.” Young spectators who come to the performance will be completely delighted. An original exciting story was written especially for them with the participation of friends fairy tale characters. Wonderful costumes, dazzling decorations and wonderful music will make the holiday unforgettable. Both children and adults will definitely like it. Come and see for yourself!

Entertainment program in the theater lobby

The New Year should only bring positive emotions and a great mood, as well as fulfillment of desires. No one will be bored at the Russian Song Theater. wonderful entertainment program for children - this is exactly what you need to create festive atmosphere. Many fun games, various competitions and master classes await you in the theater foyer. Don't miss it!