What is meant by the expression “discounts for travel by train”? Nothing more than a free purchase of a ticket at the ticket office of the railway station; the option of “buying” both ways at once is possible. The document is valid for 24 hours. However, carriers often accommodate beneficiaries and increase the duration of the ticket, for example, from a weekend to the first day of the work week – Monday.

Beneficiaries are also invited to take advantage of an additional and very convenient service, which consists of booking a train ticket. Thus, in the Moscow region, some stations are already accepting appointments for issuing tickets 10 days before the departure of public electric transport from the initial station.

Force majeure circumstances occur when for some reason (for example, major repairs or reconstruction of the station) there is no ticket office or kiosks at the station where you can buy tickets. In this case, you are allowed to receive the document in your hands while directly on the train; for the beneficiary, this procedure is completely free. Other citizens must pay an additional fee.

Who is entitled to free travel on trains?

Who is guaranteed to have the right to free travel on electric trains:

  • veterans and persons who became disabled during the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled children;
  • Russian citizens are former concentration camp prisoners.

The group of persons who may also qualify for benefits in electric transport in certain regions of the country include:

  • persons who have reached retirement age;
  • students receiving secondary and higher education;
  • schoolchildren.

However, whether travel benefits are available for the above categories is determined within the local budget, depending on whether there are enough funds to cover the losses of the railway.

How to confirm your right to benefits regarding travel on trains

It is enough to have a passport and officially registered paper with you, which indicates your right to enjoy travel benefits. Accordingly, pensioners need to present a pension certificate. Cardholders social protection Those who live in the capital and the Moscow region are automatically exempt from presenting a passport at the ticket office.

So, in Moscow the following people can take advantage of the right to free travel on electric trains:

  • orphans and minors who have no parents;
  • veterans of labor activity and others like them;
  • workers in the rear;
  • Russian citizens who suffered from repression;
  • children under 16 years of age living in a large family.

During the warm summer season, the local authorities accommodated St. Petersburg pensioners and established free travel on suburban electric trains from April 27 to October 30. At the same time, the region found funds to cover the costs of carriers and provide preferential travel for pensioners for the entire 2019.

Who claims benefits in city public transport

Of course, in connection with the federal decision, certain categories of Russian citizens have the right to preferential travel on buses, trolleybuses, and trams. However, private carriers often order “their own music” and rely only on the fact whether cash from the regional budget for beneficiaries.

As practice shows, such a benefit rarely affects all pensioners. For example, in 2015, Rostov-on-Don designated free travel only for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and disabled people. And in St. Petersburg, it additionally applies to orphans who have lost a breadwinner or those living without parental care.

As in electric trains, in public transport it is necessary to justify your right to benefits by presenting identification documents indicating the fact of entitlement.

Changes in relation to beneficiaries in the Moscow region

The warm summer did not brighten up pensioners and people of retirement age military service and labor veterans of the capital’s suburbs have an unpleasant aftertaste of the law adopted on June 18 abolishing free travel for the above-mentioned citizens on public transport in Moscow. The brewing scandal was not calmed by the fact that benefits for pensioners in the Moscow region are still in effect.

The initiator of introducing such a law was United Russia; others abstained and were against signing the document. Of course, it has always been financially difficult for the region to shoulder the burden of paying for travel for beneficiaries, but at the same time, it was precisely this achievement of supporting the vulnerable segment of the population that the region could be proud of.

As a rule, the Moscow region does not have its own center, and therefore all roads pass through the capital. Working pensioners travel from the suburbs to Moscow almost every day. It is here that important regional companies are located, which local residents, one way or another, are periodically forced to visit.

Without finding a compromise, after long meetings, disputes and negotiations, a decision was finally made, and on August 1 the law will come into force. Such innovations will hurt the pockets of 1.3 million Russian citizens. At the same time, it is expected to save 2.3 billion rubles, which they promise to spend on the development of education, art, and the construction of school and preschool institutions.

In connection with the introduced changes, social cards for elderly people will no longer be valid in the Moscow metro and public transport. The Department of Transport promises to fully inform the population through the broadcast of an audio clip in the metro and colorful boards placed throughout the city. Metro workers will also be familiarized with the new rules in order to avoid questions and controversial situations.

Who is not affected by the abolition of benefits for travel on public transport:

  1. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and citizens who became disabled during this period of time are held in high esteem.
  2. Persons who worked in the rear.
  3. Siege survivors of military Leningrad.
  4. Prisoners imprisoned in concentration camps.
  5. Disabled people belonging to group 1 or 2.
  6. Families with a large number of children, who have confirmed and formalized the status of having many children, have not been forgotten.
  7. Regular blood donors with the title of honorary donor.
  8. Disabled children.

If the income of a low-income (and only!) citizen is less living wage established by Russian legislation, and due to a serious illness he is forced to travel to Moscow clinics for treatment, the person is given the right to receive monetary compensation for transportation costs. To do this, you should collect all previously paid travel tickets and go to the department of social security authorities, in addition to attaching a medical report from the treating doctor.

Citizens of the Russian Federation of retirement age must contact their local social security authority to apply for travel compensation for a pensioner in 2018. Transport subsidies will be financed from the federal and regional budgets on the basis of relevant legislative acts. The right to free use of municipal public transport will remain for a number of preferential categories; other elderly people will be able to receive financial compensation or a discounted travel ticket.

What is travel compensation for pensioners

Travel subsidies for pensioners are one of the types of social government support for this category of citizens. Every citizen of the Russian Federation after reaching retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 60 years old) has the right to receive benefits when using city public transport (metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses). The rules for reduced fares when using minibuses do not apply.

What benefits are provided?

Preferential travel for pensioners on public transport is partly subsidized at the federal level and partly financed from regional budgets. The amounts of payments and the scheme for calculating them change annually. State social services recommend applying annually for clarification of information and registration necessary documents to receive compensation. In addition to preferential travel, pensioners are entitled to a number of other federal and regional benefits.

At the federal level

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2018 for a number of preferential categories of citizens at the federal level will be made on the basis of the following legislative acts:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the rules for compensation of expenses for paying travel costs to pensioners” dated 04/01/2005 No. 176.
  • Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ.
  • Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ.

According to federal legislation, along with travel compensation, citizens of retirement age have the right to use the following benefits financed from the federal budget:

  • Tax benefits - exemption from property tax (one property owned), tax deduction for the purchase of housing for working pensioners (due to income tax compensation).
  • Vacation pay – the right to additional paid leave of 14 days.
  • Utilities - a discount when paying a contribution for major repairs: 50% for persons over 70 years of age, 100% for citizens over 80 years of age (in the absence of arrears in payments for utility services and only for people living alone).
  • Financial - an additional payment up to the subsistence level for all categories of pensioners when the amount of the assigned pension is below this minimum acceptable threshold. There are also allowances for age, disability, caring for a disabled dependent, and for working in the Far North and equivalent regions.
  • Transport – for persons living in the territories of the Far North and equivalent regions, annual travel paid from the budget to a place of rest and back within the territory of the Russian Federation is provided. There are transport benefits for military retirees and employees of internal affairs and state security agencies.

Local benefits

The regional level provides for special tariffs and other methods of providing preferential travel (for example, payment of compensation). At the same time, each region sets the amount of subsidies and the procedure for their provision independently, based on local programs social support population of benefit categories. For Moscow residents of retirement age in 2018, free travel on municipal transport and commuter electric trains will be replaced by an increase in monthly transport compensation. Other regional benefits include:

  • benefits for utility bills (water supply, electricity) - for pensioners living alone in the absence of debt for housing and communal services;
  • premium for government experience civil servants, military personnel (for injury during service), for maternal labor, professional allowances, bonuses for donors, allowances for Moscow pensioners.

Discounts on public transport

Cash compensation is provided to all categories of citizens of retirement age, does not apply to intercity transportation (with the exception of the right of pensioners of the Far North to a vacation spot in the Russian Federation), is carried out at the local level using registration:

  • special travel tickets;
  • establishing special travel rules for citizens of retirement age;
  • payment of a compensation supplement to the pension.

Benefits and compensation are provided when using city municipal public transport; they do not apply to taxis, minibuses and private bus routes. Preferential tickets for commuter travel (buses, trains) are provided only to certain categories of citizens of retirement age in the amount of full compensation (free travel).

Seasonal benefits are provided for air transportation - for pensioners living in remote regions (Siberia, the Far East), for intercity rail transport - for senior citizens - residents of the Far North. The amount of compensation for other categories of citizens of retirement age is established by regional authorities individually, in accordance with the local policy of social protection of low-income segments of the population.

Who is entitled to free travel on public transport?

Full compensation - free travel for pensioners on public transport - is provided for by federal legislation for such categories of Russian citizens as:

  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War);
  • family members of military personnel killed in action;
  • victims during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident;
  • home front workers;
  • heroes of labor from the times of the USSR and the Russian Federation, members of their families:
  • concentration camp prisoners, prisoners of war;
  • disabled people of all groups;
  • persons recognized as victims of political repression, rehabilitated;
  • awarded the “Honorary Donor” badge (in Soviet times and during the period of modern Russia);
  • families raising children with disabilities, plus persons looking after children with disabilities;
  • children and other categories of citizens receiving a survivor's pension.

Who is eligible for discounts on train travel in 2018?

Preferential travel on electric trains will be provided to federal beneficiaries. For other categories of pensioners, the issue of compensation will be resolved at the regional level. In 2018, Moscow pensioners will lose free travel on suburban electric trains - it will be compensated by doubling monthly transport payments. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state security agencies will retain the right to preferential use of suburban transport throughout the Russian Federation.

Pensioners in St. Petersburg will be able to receive a seasonal discount of 90% when using short-distance electric trains from May to October. Residents of the Leningrad Region of retirement age will enjoy an 85% discount regardless of the season. Pensioners permanently residing in Moscow and having Moscow registration will retain the right to travel free on electric trains within the Moscow Ring Road. Residents of other regions should check their benefits with local social security authorities.

Compensation for travel to and from your vacation spot

At the federal level, preferential categories are provided with payment for travel to places of treatment. There is payment for travel for pensioners of the Far North who receive labor pension for old age or disability, to a place of rest and back once a year within the country. To receive compensation, you must contact the pension fund. The application is submitted in the form prescribed by law, indicating the place of rest and documents confirming the citizen’s upcoming stay in a sanatorium, dispensary or any other place of rest.

Northerners with confirmed official status can receive compensation in the form of reimbursement of expenses for purchasing tickets, or in the form of a preferential travel document. The benefit applies to the following types of trips:

  • railway transport (second-class cars of passenger trains);
  • air transport (economy class);
  • inland water transport (third category cabins on all ships operating domestic routes);
  • maritime transport (cabins of 4-5 groups of sea vessels for all lines of regional communication);
  • motor transport (intercity buses on regular transport routes).

Benefits for travel to the place of treatment within the Russian Federation are granted once a year to military pensioners with 20-25 years of service. Compensation for ticket prices is also provided for accompanying persons. Discount tickets upon presentation of the relevant documents are issued at any ticket office. Restrictions are imposed on persons who retired after 2012. These citizens will have to independently pay for transport services by rail, air and road transport.

Where to get a travel pass

To obtain a travel ticket, a pensioner must contact the social security authorities, write an application in the established form and attach the relevant documents to it (passport, pension certificate and documents entitling them to receive benefits). After receiving a certificate of passing a medical social examination, the citizen is registered in a unified database of beneficiaries. The received certificate is the basis for issuing a travel card, which is issued at any ticket office and is valid on all types of municipal public transport.

How to get a free ride

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2018 will be issued on the basis of the necessary documents in the local social protection departments. A citizen of retirement age has the right to refuse to receive a preferential travel pass in favor of receiving a compensatory monthly payment. The financial benefit will have to be transferred in parallel with the main pension payment. Funds are issued monthly.

In a number of regions, instead of a travel ticket, the state issues a transport card with limited number trips per month, which, upon presentation of the relevant documents, can be issued at multifunctional public service centers. For pensioners of St. Petersburg, a single personalized travel pass will be valid for citizens with registration or officially registered registration (valid for permanent residence). With its help, older people will be able to purchase tickets for all types of municipal transport at a discounted price.


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It's fast and FOR FREE!

To take advantage of this opportunity, you must belong to a group of the population defined by law and have the appropriate identification.

There are also restrictions on discount tickets, which do not apply to everyone. Therefore, it is important to study the rules for providing benefits for travel on electric trains in 2019.

What you need to know

The benefit for the train implies either a completely free ticket for such transport, or partial compensation of the cost by the state, which is usually about 50%.

Regardless of the level of the discount, some stations allow you to book discount tickets several days in advance, a maximum of 10, this makes it possible to plan trips and definitely get a ticket.

In addition, if there are no ticket offices or other ticket sales points at the station, you can purchase them directly from the ticket inspector on the train, and you will not have to pay anything extra for this service.

Who is eligible for this type of assistance?

  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • children with disabilities;
  • former concentration camp prisoners.

Separate benefits may be established by regional authorities. Most often, they are received by students of schools and higher educational institutions, as well as pensioners, regardless of status and rank.

But privileges are not always given, but only if the local budget has money to pay compensation to the railway, and the fullness of the benefits depends only on the wealth of the region itself.

Discount period

But at the same time, schoolchildren and students can usually travel on such transport with a discount in the period from September 1 to June 15. After all, it is precisely at this time that active movement of such categories of the population is observed due to study.

Current standards

The general principles of free travel on public transport in the Russian Federation are outlined in Government Decree No. 176 of 2005. It describes exactly how the beneficiary should pay for travel and how to receive compensation.

Everything except the obligation to compensate for funds rests with local authorities, and it is they who establish the nuances of benefits.

Preferential travel for students and schoolchildren is financed from regional budgets, as stated in Law 273-FZ “On Education”.

Thus, it states that if local authorities have the financial ability to pay for discounted travel for students, they must enter into agreements with carriers, and then inform all educational institutions about the possibility of free travel.

General aspects

To understand the provision of benefits for the use of public transport, including electric trains, you need to study the nuances of the process.

This will allow you to understand how you need to act to receive benefits, and how the different categories differ.

How to get discounts on train travel

To get discounted travel on the train, you need to take your passport and a document that confirms the discounted category.

This could be a pension certificate, a document confirming participation in the Second World War, or a student ID card. At the box office they will check the data specified in the documents, after which they will issue a discounted ticket depending on the conditions for its provision to a separate group.

IN student environment There is a concept of a smart card that replaces the usual student ID. It is formalized in government agencies in the direction educational institution and entitles you to pay half the cost of the ticket.

Payment for travel is made using the same card, which needs to be periodically replenished, but the cashier may ask you to confirm your identity with a passport or driving license.

Amount of assistance

Different categories receive different benefits; if students can pay half the cost, then pensioners and veterans can get a free ticket. It is necessary to consider each of the categories of beneficiaries in more detail.

For students

Local benefits are available for students. They are prisoners of regional initiatives, so their availability and size will need to be clarified.

  • higher educational institutions:
  • professional and technical educational organizations;
  • military schools.

The main condition for them is full-time education. That is, by means of electric transport they must get to the place of education and back.

On average, local authorities set a discount of half the fare. To purchase a travel document, you will need to confirm your identity (with a birth certificate or passport) and show your student ID.


The regional budget can cover up to 50% of the price of a train ticket. The benefit applies to schoolchildren and boarding schools.

Registration will also take place on the basis of two documents:

  • citizen identity cards;
  • certificates from school.

To avoid having to carry such a set of documents with you all the time, you can get a monthly pass. In this case, the discount will still apply.

For pensioners

This benefit is also regional. So, in the central regions special maps are used. In most regions of the country, pensioners use a pension certificate to obtain a travel pass.

A labor veteran has the same benefits for travel on electric trains as other categories of pensioners. For them in Moscow, it is possible to issue a Muscovite social card and receive free travel.

Subway travel is paid in full, although some categories of citizens have benefits and the opportunity to travel in the subway for free.

If you live in the Far North, it is possible to reimburse the cost of vacation tickets once a year. One-time compensation is paid for rest and for military personnel.

Other categories

For large families, local budgets provide opportunities to compensate for travel on electric trains. Thus, in Moscow, registered citizens can receive a refund of half the ticket price.

The condition for this will be a certificate of belonging to a large family. Plus, the child’s age must not exceed 16 years.

With a social card you can reduce the cost of travel in underground public transport. This benefit is valid in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Disabled people of group 3 are compensated only for travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment and back. And you can only choose railway transport.

Regional features for students

For schoolchildren and students, the regions offer the most large number all kinds of travel benefits. But main feature the seasonal nature of the benefits becomes apparent.

Since such compensation aims to make it easier for parents financially to transport their child to the place of study and back.

Parents should also take into account the nuances that arise when using such benefits. After all, each region has its own rules for processing and applying compensation payments.

Moscow region

To travel with a discount, a student must apply for a social card. The benefit is valid only if the place of travel does not go beyond the city or region and does not involve transfers. Although options for issuing such cards are possible when a transfer is available.

Options for obtaining a discount on an individual plastic card are available. And the discount on a monthly pass is half the cost of travel.

You cannot issue a discount ticket for a student on express trains. Plus, it is important to purchase tickets in Moscow, then the list of available trains will be larger. If the pass is purchased in the region, the discount applies only to commuter trains.

St. Petersburg

Members of large families are provided with a 90% discount. Students up to age 23 can use free travel. And this discount is valid for the whole year.

Separate legislation concerns orphans and those without parental care. The main condition for free travel for a student is his education in St. Petersburg.

And, of course, training must take place in the full-time department of the institution. The form of ownership and type of educational institution do not play a role. For other categories of students, the discount is 50% of the ticket price.


The majority of retired citizens live exclusively on pension benefit– even those pensioners who have children and relatives do not often receive financial assistance, since there is not enough money for everyone. In this regard, the state and regional authorities are trying to reduce the costs of low-income categories of the population so that they do not cross the poverty line. One of these support measures is benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains.

Benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains: who has the right to apply?

The fact is that such a benefit has not been established at the federal level, which means that all pensioners in the country without exception cannot qualify for it. But for certain categories of pensioners, regional authorities have approved free travel:

  • Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • former residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • disabled people who are deprived of the opportunity to find work due to being declared incapable of work;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • pensioners who became victims of the Nazis.

The benefit applies not only to the pensioner himself, but also to one person accompanying him. The return ticket for the train will be valid until the end of the next day, but it may be valid longer if the carrier decides to extend it due to the purchase before the weekend.

How to prove the existence of rights to benefits for pensioners for travel on electric trains

Benefits for using passenger transportation services on electric trains will not be issued to a pensioner automatically - to obtain the right to use the benefit, you need to visit the territorial unit Pension Fund (or use the services MFC or website State Services) and write a corresponding statement, presenting to the Pension Fund specialist:

  • Russian passport;
  • pension certificate;
  • certificate of a veteran/disabled person/participant of the Second World War, Hero of the Russian Federation and the USSR, liquidator of the Chernobyl accident, etc.

Employees of the institution will review the documents within 10 days, after which, in case of a positive decision, the pensioner will be issued and issued social card.

Benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains: terms of provision

Pensioners living in Moscow will be issued a transport card, to receive which they must bring the following to the social security authorities:

  • photocopy of Russian passport;
  • photocopy of pension certificate;
  • insurance policy.

How to get benefits for pensioners on train travel

To purchase a discount ticket, you need to go to the station ticket office, use the terminal to purchase travel tickets, or buy a ticket on an electric train. You can book your ticket in advance at the box office - 10 days before your trip.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: A pensioner living in St. Petersburg is demanding the right to free travel on the train.

Comment: There is no such benefit in St. Petersburg. Pensioners can buy a train ticket for 10% of the cost, residents of the Leningrad region - for 15%, home front workers, rehabilitated persons and labor veterans - for 11% of the total fare.

Error: A pensioner living in Moscow presented his pension certificate to the conductor of the train in order to obtain the right to a discounted fare.

Socially vulnerable segments of the population in the Russian Federation are supported financially in every possible way. Benefits are such a support measure, allowing veterans, pensioners, and disabled people to pay less. Payment for travel, in particular, on commuter trains is no exception.

Benefits for travel on electric trains in 2015 are provided at the local level, but regional authorities can only supplement the “federal” list of beneficiaries. Such discounts are especially relevant for students of schools, colleges and universities, who have to use suburban transport every day. For pensioners, the discount on travel becomes noticeable in the summer, when trips to dachas become daily.

The need for benefits

Today, benefits for rail travel are not centralized. For example, veterans who are legally entitled to benefits are conventionally divided into “federal” and “local.” Consequently, a veteran will have discounts on travel at his place of residence, but not always in other regions.

The benefits for paying for train tickets provided to pensioners are more logical: this category of citizens is given the right to choose a benefit or cash assistance for transport travel. All pensioners, regardless of age, status, place of residence, are equal in their rights.

Benefits for schoolchildren and students also depend on the decision and efficiency of local authorities. The latter are already planning to cancel benefits for travel on electric trains in certain regions of the Russian Federation.

Today, more than 60 million Russians use discounts on travel on electric trains alone. For the transportation of students and schoolchildren, contracts are concluded with local authorities. In total, according to Russian Railways, preferential treatment costs 2 billion rubles annually.

Federal benefits

The following categories of citizens can use discounted travel on electric trains, regardless of their region of residence:

  • disabled children, as well as all other groups;
  • a disabled child or disabled adult accompanied by one person;
  • participants, disabled people of the Second World War;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • veterans of labor and combat;
  • juvenile prisoners of fascism;
  • family members of a deceased participant, disabled person of the Second World War;
  • “Chernobyl victims” and categories of persons equated to them.

Providing benefits to these categories of persons looks like a 100% discount on travel costs. To receive a free ticket, a citizen is issued a one-time document in both directions or one way. The beneficiary can travel back using this ticket until the end of the next day. Basically, the ticket is issued immediately before the departure of the commuter train. In some cities, for example, St. Petersburg and Moscow, you can issue a document a week before the trip.

Discounts for schoolchildren and students

The scope of the benefit depends on the region from which the train departs and the route. Discounts are issued for the period academic year: from September 1 to June 15. Basically, the benefit is a 50% fare payment when purchasing tickets.

To receive the benefit, the student must meet certain requirements:

  • age - at least 7 years;
  • place of study - general education institutions, institutions of primary or vocational, higher professional education;
  • availability of a student card or certificate from an educational institution.

Since the benefit is regional, not all students receive discounts on train travel:

  • The Republic of Crimea provides discounts on travel on commuter trains only for students of the peninsula.
  • In the capital, “correspondence students” cannot ride free trains.
  • The Pskov region provides discounted travel rights until the end of June.
  • In some regions, the benefit does not apply to travel on fast trains.

Subtleties of design:

  • Some regions allow students to apply for a discount 5-7 days in advance.
  • A discounted ticket can be issued for social cards of students and students.
  • A monthly travel pass is also available (50% discount on the full fare).
  • In the capital, you can apply for benefits on a Muscovite’s social card.

Subscriptions are not available everywhere. In general, the entire process and scope of benefits is established by the decision of local authorities. The regions also provide discounts on travel on electric trains for pensioners if they do not receive cash compensation. You can find out whether there are benefits and what benefits for travel on commuter trains in a particular region and nearby ones at the PF at the place of service.

Documents for receiving benefits

In order to receive a 50% discount on train travel or not pay it at all, the recipient must present one of the following documents:

  • books: Hero of Socialist Labor, USSR, Russian Federation, order;
  • social card of a Muscovite (needed to obtain benefits for travel on Moscow electric trains for pensioners and other categories) or a resident of the region;
  • certificate issued to members of the Federation;
  • Member's ID;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming receipt of compensation or the right to benefits;
  • student card, student social card;
  • service certificates or transport requirements for railway workers, military personnel.

In addition to the specified documents, the beneficiary is required to present an identity card (passport). If the ticket is issued by a disabled person (disabled child) and an accompanying person, identification cards of both citizens will be required.

It should be noted that in most regions in 2015, travel benefits were fully preserved. In addition, the list of preferential categories has been supplemented in some places by low-income and large families. The cost of the ticket, from which the benefit is calculated, is the same both at the ticket office and on the train itself. The carrier company is not allowed to independently differentiate the established tariffs.