Purpose of the lesson: To develop a sense of collectivism and create an emotional mood for children.



  • Continue to teach how to engage in collective activities;
  • strengthen the skills of creating a composition;


  • develop aesthetic taste, navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • develop imagination and creative thinking.


  • to cultivate in children an understanding of beauty and a love of nature.


Recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “Seasons” “Spring”;

Pictures of flowers;

Whatman paper for the base of the application (flower meadow on which the sample flower is fixed);

Material for the lesson:

stripes of different colors; squares yellow for the core of the flower;

Glue, brush; brush stand, scissors, napkins.

Methodical techniques:

surprise moment musical accompaniment, psycho-gymnastics, conversation, questions, diagram (rules of a working person), encouragement, instructions, summing up.

Surprise moment:

The teacher enters the group in the form of a flower fairy.

Progress of the lesson:

Spring is the time when nature awakens from winter sleep. All living things are drawn to warmth, to sunlight. There was a slight smell of spring, and heaps of green, sharp shoots appeared in the flowerbeds. They hug each other like scared kids.

Psycho-gymnastics “Spring flowers”

(Conducted to the music of Tchaikovsky)

  • Imagine that you are small flower seeds. You were planted in the ground in a flowerbed. A warm ray of sunlight fell on the ground and warmed the seeds. Small sprouts sprouted from them, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the spring sun has warmed up, and small sprouts begin to grow quickly. Here is a sprout that has gained strength and finally got out into the fresh air. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are reaching for the light, the sun. How good! A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and finally unfolds the petals, so they straighten out, and everyone around sees a beautiful spring flower. And now I suggest you make an applique of stripes, stick the petals on a circle of paper so that you get a flower. Glue the completed flowers onto the clearing.
    • Show the children the base for the “Flower Meadow” applique, on which one sample flower is attached.
    • Look, we have a magical clearing. What do you think we need to do to make fabulous flowers grow on it? (you need to make paper flowers).
    • Let's remember the rules of a working person according to the scheme
      • Before you start work, prepare your workplace Right.
      • While working, keep your place in order: put it where you took it.
      • Always think about how to do the job better: save materials, take care of tools.
      • Once you've finished your work, clean up your place quickly and neatly.
      • Work together.
    • And now I suggest you make an applique of stripes, stick the petals on a circle of paper so that you get a flower. Glue the completed flowers onto the clearing.

The fairy reminds the children that they are in a magical clearing, which they have only imagined until now. Offers to decorate the clearing with flowers. Think about what flowers there will be, what color, how they should be placed so that it is beautiful, the colors are combined.

  • Read poems about flowers:

Windy in March

It rains in April -

In May there are daisies

and wait for lilies of the valley.

  • At the end of the lesson, ask the children if each of them alone can complete such a large and interesting picture.
  • Emphasize that this can only be done together.
  • Praise children for their efforts.
  • Give children stickers with pictures of flowers.

You can make a beautiful spring applique from colored paper even with 4-year-old children. like this interesting craft It's a good gift for March 8th, a birthday, or just any spring day. The application is easy to do, so even small children can handle it. For elementary school students, this work must be complicated with a large number of details. The "Flowers" applique will look good on a table in a child's room or at an exhibition of creative works.

What is required to complete the application?

Prepare colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue (PVA or glue stick), brush, ruler, simple pencil.

Application technology

  1. Print the flower template - 2 parts: core and petal. Cut out these parts from thick cardboard.
  2. Together with your child, decide what color paper you need to use to make the flowers. These can be gerberas - red petals and a black core, or sunflowers - yellow petals and a brown core. Let the baby decide for himself what kind of flower he will make.
  3. On the back of colored paper, trace 10 petals for one flower and a circle for the core according to the template.
  4. Carefully cut out the details of the petals and core with scissors. Cut out a narrow strip of stem from green paper.
  5. Take cardboard of the desired color. Try together with your child to determine how many flowers will fit on one sheet of cardboard. With a small child, it is better to make an applique of 1 flower.
  6. Each cut petal must be folded in half lengthwise. Spread half of the petal with glue and glue it to the cardboard. The petals should be placed in a circle with a slight overlap on each other. Please note that only half of the petal should be glued to the cardboard. The second half will be bent. This will give the applique volume.
  7. Once all the petals are glued on, you need to add the flower core and stem. If the baby easily coped with this work, then add two green leaves to the flower. They are cut out according to the petal pattern.

So the beautiful volumetric spring applique “Flowers” ​​is ready. Be sure to praise your child for his neatness and diligence, tell him that everything worked out for him and put the picture on the table or for a “home exhibition”.

Good luck with your creativity and beautiful spring crafts!

Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Physical Education", " Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Music".

Types of activities:

1) gaming,
2) communicative,
3) productive,
4) listening to a piece of music.

Demo material: recording of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”, hall decorated with flowers.

Equipment:colored paper, newspaper, magazine, cardboard, ready-made paper forms (colored squares, rectangles), scissors, pencils, napkins, glue, a sheet of Whatman paper with a picture of a vase.

Preliminary work: Looking at photographs, postcards, calendars depicting flowers. Conversation about spring and flowering plants, experimental activities with paper. Folding elements of the Narcissus flower using the origami technique.


Develop the ability to compare the quality characteristics and properties of paper;

Teach children origami techniques, cut out leaves different shapes, conveying the characteristic features of colors;

Show children the possibility of creating a panoramic collective composition on a single basis from many elements (flowers);

Foster interest in joint creativity;

Develop spatial thinking and imagination.

Children enter the hall decorated in spring to the composition of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

Teacher: Guys, look how beautiful it is in our hall, wonderful music sounds. What's your mood?

Children: Good, spring!

Teacher: Yes, the mood is really spring and our lesson today is called “Bouquet - Spring Mood”. Why do you think?

Children: Because spring has come. Everything around is blooming and people are in a good mood.

Teacher: That's right guys! I suggest you play spring game “1, 2, 3, - the flowers have grown”


1, 2, 3 - flowers have grown (from a sitting position, rise up, palm your hands with a bud)

Reached high towards the sun

They felt pleasant and warm (open the “flower” above their head, arms to the sides)

The breeze flew by - the stems shook (slight tilts to the sides)

Swung to the left - bent low (tilt to the left)

Swung to the right - bent low (tilt to the right)

The breeze runs away - don’t break the flowers (it will spin)

Let them bloom - they will bring joy to people (open a “flower” from a bud in front of you).

Teacher: Guys, we have colored paper and we can use paper to express our mood. But how?

Children: Make flowers and a bouquet out of paper.

Teacher: Yes, we will do that. What else can you say about paper and its properties?

Children: Paper can be folded, twisted, crumpled, torn, and pasted.

Teacher: Well done , Let me remind you what the paper folding technique is called - origami - and remember how to fold a spring flower - a narcissus - out of paper.

Children: Origami.

Teacher: Right. Let's get to work.

Children's work. Teacher's help. Children arrange all the folded flowers into a bouquet, gluing them onto a piece of whatman paper with a picture of a vase.

Teacher: You made such a wonderful spring bouquet. Girls, do you think if mom looks at this bouquet, she will be in a spring mood? Boys, if you gave girls such a bouquet, would they be in a spring mood?

I propose to create a general spring mood not only thanks to our bouquet, but also to the general dance “Waltz of the Flowers”. Children dance as shown by the teacher with artificial flowers to the composition of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

List of sources:

Physical exercise “1, 2, 3 - flowers have grown” - http://www.docme.ru/doc/127074/proekt-zelenye-spasateli-original.


Demo material : visual aid“Flowers”, plush bunny, ready-made applique.

Handouts : colored cardboard, applique details (stems, leaves and buds), glue stick, napkins, work surface for each child.

Preliminary work : observing various changes in nature with the arrival of spring, talking with children about spring, grass, trees, flowers, looking at illustrations in books and manuals, looking at the structure of flowers in diagrams.


Physical exercise "Spring":


    Hear, children, someone is knocking on our door. I'll go see who came to us.

    Guys, look, it’s Bunny who came to our group. Can he stay with us and listen to us about spring? (Children: yes)

  • Guys, Bunny whispered to me that the snow in the forest had also almost all melted, and flowers appeared. What flowers appear in spring? (Children: primroses)
  • We have already seen them in the pictures, let's look again and show them to our guest - Bunny.

Physical exercise “Wind”:

The wind blows in our faces, the tree sways.

(children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso in one direction or the other) The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher and higher.

(children squat when they hear the words “hush, hush”; when they hear “higher, higher,” they straighten up.)


    First, we will glue the stems, then the leaves, and lastly, the flowers themselves.

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“Lesson plan for artistic and aesthetic development (application). "Spring Bouquet"»

Outline of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development. Application “Spring Bouquet”.

Tasks: improve the ability to admire the beauty of spring nature; expand children's understanding of the first spring flowers; expand children's knowledge about the names of plant parts; improving children's techniques and techniques for working with applique (skills in applying glue to applique parts and gluing them, orienting them on a sheet of paper, gluing parts in the required places); develop creative imagination, visual perception; develop interest in the results of your work.

Demo material : visual aid “Flowers”, plush bunny, ready-made application.

Handouts : colored cardboard, applique details (stems, leaves and buds), glue stick, napkins, work surface for each child.

Preliminary work : observing various changes in nature with the arrival of spring, talking with children about spring, grass, trees, flowers, looking at illustrations in books and manuals, looking at the structure of flowers in diagrams.

The course of direct educational activities.


    Yesterday I went for a walk in the park and couldn’t recognize him. Everything has changed so much. The snow is gone! Where did he go? (Children: melted.)

    And the trees changed, some swollen ovals appeared on the branches. What is this? (Children: kidneys)

    What are these kidneys for? (Children: leaves will appear from them later)

    The snow melted, the buds swelled, the birds began to sing. What time of year is this now? (Children: spring)

    That's right guys, it's spring. All nature rejoices at the arrival of spring. Let's rejoice and dance a little.

    Physical exercise “Spring”:

    And the clear sun was hot, hot

    (children walk in a circle, holding hands and raising them)

    And gold spilled everywhere, spilled,

    (children walk in a circle with their hands down)

    The streams on the street are still murmuring, they are all murmuring,

    (change direction, run in circles on tiptoes, hands on belt)

    The cranes crow and fly and fly

    (change direction and walk flapping their arms, pretending to be wings)

The children return to the tables. There is a knock on the door.


    Hear, children, someone is knocking on our door. I'll go have a look.

The teacher goes to the door and returns with a stuffed bunny.

    Guys, look, this bunny came into our group. Can he stay with us and listen to us about spring? (Children: yes)

    Pay attention, what color is our bunny? (Children: gray)

    Do you remember what color the bunny was in winter? (Children: white)

    That's right, in winter the bunny was white, and in spring he changes his coat and turns gray. Sit down, bunny, with us.

    Guys, the bunny whispered to me that the snow in the forest had also almost all melted, and flowers appeared. What flowers appear in spring? (Children: primroses)

    We have already seen them in the pictures, let's look again and show them to our guest - Bunny.

    The teacher shows illustrations with primroses, among which there are coltsfoot flowers.

    Guys, Bunny wants to tell us something.

    The teacher brings the toy to his ear, pretending to listen to the Bunny's conversation.

    Guys, Bunny saw in our illustrations the flowers he met in the park, here they are (shows the picture with the coltsfoot again)

    What are these flowers called? (Children answer)

    That's right, it's coltsfoot. These flowers appear the earliest, even before the leaves emerge from the buds of the trees. And they are called that because the underside of the leaves is covered with many villi, and water evaporates from there much more slowly, and accordingly, the underside of the leaf is warmer, it is the “mother”. And the upper side of the leaves is smooth and colder, it is nicknamed “stepmother”.

    Today we will make an applique, which we will call “Spring Bouquet”. We will make a bouquet of coltsfoot flowers. But first, let's rest a little.

Physical exercise “Wind”:

    The wind blows in our faces
    The tree swayed.

    (children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso in one direction or the other)
    The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
    The tree is getting higher and higher.

    (children squat when they say “hush, hush”; when they hear “higher, higher,” they straighten up.)


    Now we have rested, and now we can get to work.

    Let's make an application like this

    The teacher attaches the finished sample application to the easel.

    What color will our flowers be? (yellow)

    What color are the stems of the flowers? (green)

    What color are the leaves? (also green)

    You all have ready-made cut out flowers, stems and leaves.

    First, we will glue the stems, then the leaves, and lastly, the flowers themselves.

    The teacher demonstrates the process of gluing the stems - the children repeat, then the leaves and flowers.

    During the process, the teacher helps to carefully use the glue and correctly position the applique elements.

    After work, the teacher reminds the children to put their workplace in order: close the glue, put aside unused parts and materials.

    Let's see what we got. Pull up and show me your work. (Children demonstrate their work)

    What is the name of our application? ("Spring Bouquet")

    What kind of flowers did we depict today? (coltsfoot)

    Why are these flowers called that, who remembers? (children's answer options)

    Well done, guys! Our guest also liked these bouquets. The bunny is very grateful to you for telling him what kind of flowers these are. And now he will run back to the forest and delight his friends with new knowledge.

Exhibition of works for demonstration to parents.

Elena Lyabina


1. Revive children’s impressions of spring nature and the first flowers.

2. Develop the ability to create an image of a flower from paper using familiar manufacturing methods (symmetrical cutting, origami technique, tearing paper). Practice the ability to perform work according to the scheme - the sequence of making a flower.

3. Develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills fingers, creativity.

4. Foster a caring attitude towards living nature as the basis of ecological culture.

Integration of educational areas:

“Artistic and aesthetic development”, “ Speech development", "Cognitive development"

Preliminary work: GCD for FCCM on the topic “Flowers”, observing flowers in a flowerbed while walking, observing dandelions in the kindergarten, looking at pictures, postcards with different colors, coming up with riddles about flowers, reading poems about spring flowers, talking on the topic “My favorite flower.”


demonstration: easel, box with riddles, playing field “Circles of Lull” with pictures depicting methods of making appliqué (tearing paper, folding, cutting, crumpling) and with samples of completed work, diagram - the sequence of making a flower, fields for placing children’s works (“ flowerbed" for tulips and daffodils, "clearing" for dandelions);

handout: brushes, oilcloths, rags, glue, scissors, colored paper, paper napkins, album sheet.

Progress of activities:

(Children stand in a circle on the carpet)

Guys, new riddles have appeared in our magic box!

Do you want to know which ones?

Then listen carefully!

(children guess riddles about flowers)

1. It grew from an onion,

But it's not good for food.

On a bright glass

The flower is similar. (tulip)

2. My flower is like a saucer

In the middle there is a cup,

So that I can drink dew

Every little bug. (narcissus)

3. Burnt in the dewy grass

The flashlight is golden.

Then it faded, went out

And turned into fluff. (dandelion)

How to call dandelion, tulip, daffodil in one word?

Where do tulips and daffodils grow?

(in flower beds, in the garden)

So, what kind of flowers are these?


What other flowers are there?

(meadow, field, forest)

Guys, what color is dandelion? Why do you think so?

(dandelion is a meadow flower. It grows in the meadow)

Well done, now let's think about what relation a person has to flowers?

(a person plants flowers, admires them, picks bouquets).

What is the name of the person who grows flowers and cares for them?

(gardener, florist)

Guys, do you like flowers?

Of course, the flowers are very beautiful, they smell delicious, and you just want to pick them.

Sometimes people pick flowers, especially meadow, forest, and wildflowers, without even thinking about the consequences.

What do you guys think, what consequences could this lead to?

(there will be no flowers left, the butterflies will have nowhere to collect nectar)

That's right, you need to take care of nature!

Since you love flowers and nature so much, I suggest you start “planting” spring flowers: decorate the flowerbed with tulips, daffodils, and also restore the meadow of dandelions so that they delight with their beauty!

Do you guys want some?

You can choose which flowers you will “plant” and how to make them. And “magic circles”, which have helped us out more than once, will help us with this. Go to the chairs and sit comfortably.

(Children sit on chairs around the playing field of “Lulli circles” and, rotating them, choose a flower and how to make it).

Well, we've chosen the flowers, now it's time to get to work. Go to the tables.

(Children sit at the tables, take turns coming up and choosing on a separate table required material for work)

Before you start working, you need to prepare your hands.

FINGER GYMNASTICS “Our scarlet flowers”

Guys, on the easel there is a diagram of the sequence of making a flower, it will help you.

As soon as the flowers are ready, “plant” them in a flowerbed or clearing.

Don't forget the rules for working with glue and scissors.

(Performing appliqué by children)

The first flowers appeared in the flowerbed! What a bright tulip Alyosha “planted”! Nikitin the narcissus “grew up” nearby!

(children stand around tables with works and look at them)

And our clearing begins to transform! How many dandelions are on it! Look guys!

Tell me, Nastya, what flower did you “plant”? How did you make it?

(stories from several children about their works)

Which beautiful flowers We “grew up” today, didn’t we guys? Did you enjoy “growing” flowers? Now, perhaps, you will think twice before picking dandelions just like that, unnecessarily!

And our lesson has come to an end, and a sweet treat awaits you for working hard today!