A topaz wedding is a turning point in the family. During this time, the spouses learned to build their relationship, to be one, to understand and take care of each other, to support each other in difficult times. They learned to avoid quarrels and give in in controversial situations. At the next stage, the marital relationship will be renewed and “enlightened.” 16 years of marriage indicates that the family has taken shape, and friendly, trusting relationships prevail in it. Troubles should subside, calm and tranquility will come.

Topazes are light, airy, rather stylish minerals that symbolize the transition from soft to durable. It is not for nothing that the 16th wedding anniversary is associated with this stone. It is called a symbol of enlightenment and prudence. Topaz is considered semiprecious stone, although it is not inferior in beauty to precious minerals. It fascinates with the play of light and its transparency. U natural stone many shades. But blue is considered the most original. This mineral is considered a talisman that protects the family from troubles, adversity and various diseases.

Topaz is beautiful in its appearance. In ancient times, wise people thought that this stone was a talisman. It was customary to wear it when making difficult decisions. This stone was believed to promote good luck. In addition, people believed that topaz instills cheerfulness and confidence, and improves mood.

Wedding traditions for 16 years of marriage.

There are no ancient traditions on this date. It is not customary to have a big feast on this day. But these days some customs have appeared:

  1. Romantic dinner for two. You can decorate your room at home. Add decor with elements reminiscent of topaz. They may be blue or pale yellow. Dinner can also be had in the restaurant.
  2. Before your anniversary, place the stone in a jar of water overnight. In the morning, take it out and water all the flowers in the house with charged water. This water will protect you from all evil
  3. On the anniversary day, we greet each guest and tie a pale blue ribbon on their hand. You can put the ribbon in your pocket

How to celebrate your 16th wedding anniversary?

Many married couples still celebrate this date. A topaz wedding is usually celebrated in a narrow family circle. Whether you choose to have a quiet, relaxing dinner or not is your decision. But don't forget to congratulate each other on this event. It's nice to remind your wife of your love and tender feelings. And if family and friends come to this celebration, it will only make you happy.

What to give for your 16th wedding anniversary?

It is believed that topaz supports beauty in women and prudence in men. This mineral will help maintain love and friendship. A husband can present his wife with a beautiful jewel in the form of a pendant, earrings, necklace or brooch with inserts made of this stone. Instead of jewelry, you can buy something that your wife has been dreaming of buying lately. Be sure to give your significant other flowers for this anniversary.

Choosing a gift for a topaz wedding is easy. Any piece of jewelry decorated with these minerals is suitable for this occasion: rosary beads, cufflinks, ring. You can please your husband with a thing that has long interested him, or with something useful from his area of ​​interest.

Although the topaz wedding is not celebrated, friends and relatives will want to congratulate the celebrants on this date. You can give a watch or a mug with jewelry trim or decorative items. On your anniversary day, present a figurine, a box, a mirror with a frame or beautiful picture. All this can be decorated with topaz. A photo album is also suitable as a present for anniversaries. Over the years family photos enough has been accumulated. A gift for 16 wedding years is any things that will be useful in the household. You can bring some furniture: a sofa or a coffee table.

What to give your wife for a topaz wedding?

Elegant gold ring with topaz, which looks simple but has a sophisticated look. It will decorate a woman of any age. Especially those who prefer classic style. A woman can wear such a ring every day thanks to the delicate color of the mineral. The main highlight of the product is the oval blue stone, which shimmers from any angle due to its original cut. Light penetrates him from all sides, and he shines. The ring has original forms of connection with this mineral on the sides. This design is modern and unusual.

Very a good gift there will be a gold bracelet with blue topaz. The purity and brilliance of these minerals in an openwork gold binding will fascinate anyone. This bracelet can become a lucky talisman for the hostess. It is a perfect complement to earrings and rings made in the same style. Silver and gold cufflinks with mineral inserts look more interesting than buttons. Men's cufflinks are a great gift. They will give their owner a special style.

A topaz wedding is a transition to a calmer pace of life. On this day, wish the married couple that the next years of their family life will be filled with tenderness, well-being in everything and prosperity.

Many married couples do not celebrate their 16th birthday living together, believing that this date is not round, which means that it is not worth paying attention to.

But if you think about it, every wedding anniversary is a family birthday. Does a person miss their birthdays because the date is not round? Of course not, because every year is important, it symbolizes growing up, a new stage, new hopes.

And the sixteenth anniversary of marriage is a wonderful, significant reason not only to celebrate your wedding day, but also to remember once again the importance and value of family ties.

This anniversary, it turns out, has a very beautiful name - a topaz wedding. Topaz is a very delicate, beautiful gem, which is considered a stone of enlightenment and honesty. It is transparent, clean, sky blue.

This is what the topaz family is like now - even though it is still young, there is no place in it for lies and secrets, omissions and insincerity. Now the relationship is pure and sincere, the spouses understand each other and know how to give love unselfishly.

The number 16 also has an interesting meaning - this number means overcoming obstacles and a serious life lesson. This means that at 16 years of family life, spouses must gain valuable experience and wisdom, understand what life is like together, overcome obstacles and learn from their past mistakes.

How to celebrate a topaz anniversary?

A topaz wedding has no traditions or strict customs; it can be celebrated as your heart desires. The main thing is to celebrate in the way both spouses want, because this is a couple’s birthday, a day for two.

For this holiday, the main thing is not only congratulations, gifts and fun, but an understanding of the value of marriage, love and the strength of bonds.

A good activity for a topaz wedding for spouses is gratitude and forgiveness. How much has been accumulated over 16 years of marriage, how much is left in the soul - there are probably old grievances, complaints, some small secrets and unsaid things.

Since topaz is a stone of purity and honesty, it is very important to cleanse yourself of all this. Both spouses must tell each other everything that has accumulated in their souls, ask for forgiveness from the bottom of their hearts and forgive each other in order to start a new one. family year a new leaf, with a pure soul and conscience.

In addition, the spouses say personal congratulations to each other, thanking each other for all these long 16 years of happiness, joy, difficulties, common overcomings, patience and love. You must definitely remember and tell each other why you value your soulmate, what you are proud of, what qualities in him are a treasure. This is a useful ritual that will greatly strengthen the union.

How to celebrate the holiday?

A topaz wedding is not a reason for a big lavish celebration, which was the case for the 15th anniversary. The main principle of this day is that spouses should be close, not separate throughout the day and enjoy relaxation and each other’s company.

You can invite your closest ones, but if there are more than 16 guests, this can adversely affect the family and bring a turbulent year. It is better that only the closest relatives are there, and the holiday is quiet and comfortable.

You can go to a cafe or small restaurant, or stay at home. Everything needs to be decorated in soft blue tones, decorate the room with transparent blue balloons, ribbons, bring more blue delicate flowers, which all guests, and especially the husband, should give to the woman.

You can celebrate this holiday in nature. It will be especially successful to sit on the shore of a clean, transparent reservoir, looking at the blue surface of the water.

Another romantic option is to spend the evening just the two of you, going on a little romantic trip to the memorable places of the city. Visit the cafe where he proposed many years ago, go to his favorite cinema, visit the “iconic” bench or throw coins into the fountain, which has already fulfilled his main wish once upon a time...

Each couple has their own memorable places, and visiting them and mentally thanking them for their good fortune will be pleasant and useful. This will refresh the senses and bring a lot of joy to the couple.

Topaz Wedding Gifts

This anniversary is not traditionally celebrated, but memorials are needed for every family birthday.

A husband and wife must give something to each other. Their congratulations should be especially valuable and personal. Ideally, these are small jewelry with topaz.

  • Cufflinks, a hairpin or pin, a lighter or a ring with topaz are a wonderful gift for your beloved husband. And you can give your wife a ring or earrings, a brooch or a pendant with this stone.
  • If guests come with congratulations, then they may not give topazes, but simply choose something pale blue. You can give a beautiful blue bed sheets, curtains, towels, a pair of bathrobes for husband and wife, a blanket for furniture.
  • A wonderful gift that is very appropriate to give for a topaz wedding is clear blue glass.
  • You can give a beautiful set of glasses or glasses, transparent plates or salad bowls, shot glasses, a beautiful transparent tea set, or cute jars for bulk products. All this is useful for the home of a young family, and very pleasant.

Gifts, congratulations and entertainment program- an important part of the anniversary, but not the main one. The main thing is the love and warmth that the spouses will give each other on this day, gratitude, care and devotion.

Give the love of hearts, and go together until the golden wedding! Author: Vasilina Serova

Sixteen years from the wedding day is a serious period for a relationship. Whether to celebrate this anniversary or not is up to each couple to decide for themselves. However, we are sure that every family birthday is an excellent reason to organize a celebration, if not with guests, then at least for yourself. In this article you will find useful information about how to celebrate 16 years of marriage and what to choose as a gift.

If it is customary in your family to celebrate every anniversary of their marriage, then you will probably be interested to know which wedding falls on the 16th anniversary of the wedding. This wedding is called topaz. This symbolic name for the anniversary was chosen for a reason. Topaz is considered a stone of “enlightenment”. The couple, who have lived together for sixteen years, have already learned family wisdom. Spouses are ready to give in to each other in order to preserve the union. The passions that raged before the wedding subsided over the course of sixteen years, giving way to calm. Family relationships during this period are like a noble stone.

The sixteenth anniversary is a milestone after which relationships move to a new level. They are completely strengthened and it is almost impossible to destroy them. That is why the date must be celebrated, although many couples do not take this anniversary into account. It is recommended to celebrate 16 years of marriage together; this wedding anniversary is designed to remind spouses of their tender feelings for each other. An excellent option for spending time on this day would be a walk through places that are memorable for you, a trip to the cinema or theater and romantic dinner by candlelight. If you are planning to celebrate your anniversary with guests, then invite only your closest people (parents, brothers and sisters). It is better to celebrate the holiday with guests at home, in a cozy atmosphere, remembering the joyful events that have happened in the family over the years.

What to give for a topaz wedding

Guests invited to the 16th wedding anniversary should ask what kind of wedding it is and what they give for this holiday, because symbolic gifts are usually given on anniversaries. For the topaz anniversary the best gift there will be a product with the stone that gave the name to the holiday. However, since the sixteenth anniversary is not an anniversary and is celebrated in the family circle, the tradition may not be followed. The heroes of the occasion will be pleased to receive as a gift products needed in everyday life: textiles, interior accessories, small household appliances, dishes.

If you pack the gift in a wrapper that matches the color of topaz, then the symbolism of the celebration will be preserved.

An anniversary is a great occasion to please your significant other with a gift. On the 16th anniversary, the couple can exchange accessories with topaz inserts. The wife will be delighted with new earrings or a ring, and the husband will like cufflinks with a stone. You can choose a gift for your other half without reference to the name of the anniversary. Remember what your spouse has long dreamed of, and make your loved one’s dream come true on this day. A gift does not have to be expensive, anniversaries are designed to remind a couple of feelings, and sometimes this is the most eloquent thing to say nice little things.

Not every married couple can boast of celebrating such a significant date - 16 years together. Over such a long period, a lot of events can happen. But if a husband and wife celebrate this anniversary, it means that they have bravely withstood all the difficulties, remaining friendly and loving family. It is worth choosing a gift for such a couple wisely, because it should be appropriate and pleasant.

The role of topaz in the name of the wedding

When celebrating their sixteenth anniversary of marriage, many couples do not even realize that it is called topaz. Also, not everyone knows why the wedding was named after topaz. It's simple. Topaz is a semi-precious stone that is extremely durable. He personifies goodness, wisdom, calm and peace in the family. Considered the couple's talisman, it gives incredible beauty and attractiveness to a woman, calmness and prudence to a man. Having lived together for 16 years, the couple demonstrates the firmness, strength and reliability of their marriage. Family ties have gained strength, tenderness, warmth and tranquility, which is so valuable for both spouses. Hence the name of the anniversary.

Topaz is characterized by a certain blurriness in its edges. This trait can also be compared to a sixteen year marriage. At this time, despite so many years spent with each other, husband and wife still carry a certain mystery, because it is difficult to recognize a person completely. Therefore, spouses still have something to explore in each other. This fact will definitely make their subsequent years different from the previous ones.

Over the course of 16 years, the couple have become older and wiser. This will allow them to continue to maintain stability in their relationships and thereby delight their family and friends who have been watching them throughout this time.

Gift options

As a rule, spouses are very sensitive to the celebration associated with this date. Naturally, they are in anticipation of the gifts that they will give each other and receive from guests.

Since the wedding is topaz, it would be logical to choose a gift with this semi-precious stone. It is believed that if you give each other jewelry with topaz on the evening of the celebration, then these gifts will become symbols of love and the inviolability of marriage, will protect the spouses from wrong steps in life and will make the family even stronger. Therefore, as a rule, when choosing gifts for each other, spouses try to choose items decorated with topazes. Since this stone is considered semi-precious, it can easily compete with products made from precious materials.

A gift for your wife can be one of the options listed below.

  • Jewelry will cheer up any woman in the snow or rain, which means that a man cannot go wrong with choosing such a gift. Earrings, pendants, rings, necklaces, bracelets decorated with topaz will remind a woman of this significant event throughout her life and warm her soul with its beauty and grace.
  • Jewelry storage box suitable for a woman, which already has a large selection of jewelry.
  • A beautiful wallet will be a wonderful accessory for a fashionista.
  • An elegant bag will please those who enjoy variety in creating images.
  • A gym membership will be useful for a woman who is actively involved in sports.
  • Certificate for salon treatments will not leave any lady indifferent.

And, of course, any gift is best presented with a huge bouquet. This way a man can make his wife happy with his attention.

How to surprise your husband on this day is a more complicated question. Choosing gifts for a man is more difficult, but if you want, you can truly please your spouse. As for gifts with a symbol stone, there are several options.

  • Cufflinks will become a decoration men's wardrobe on special occasions, because not every man is used to wearing shirts with cufflinks every day.
  • A ring with topaz will remind a husband of his wonderful relationship with his beloved wife, with whom he shares all the joys and sorrows married life for 16 years already.
  • A tie clip is a very convenient men's accessory.

If a man is indifferent to jewelry, you can choose another gift that is not related to the theme of the celebration, but can please the recipient. The gift should be useful and practical. It is advisable to be guided by what your husband likes to do in his free time from work. It could be something related to sports, a car. Perhaps your spouse loves to read or has a special hobby. Perhaps he wants something, but he does not dare to spend money on his whim.

If you take into account the tastes of your loved one, then every time he will remember with warmth and tenderness that this gift was bought by his wife.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the gifts that a married couple wants to receive from guests, namely from relatives and friends. They need to try to surprise and please the couple so that the gift will be forever etched in their memory. When choosing, you should take into account the tastes and characters of the members of the young family. A gift can be useful, romantic, original or simply beautiful:

  • a passport made with your own hands and symbolizing the coming of age of the couple will become in an original way surprise the spouses;
  • a certificate for a romantic dinner at the favorite restaurant of the heroes of the occasion will diversify their everyday life;
  • a certificate for massage and other salon procedures that will not only allow the couple to relax and take a break from daily routine affairs, but will also have a beneficial effect on their emotional state– another wonderful option;
  • flight to hot air balloon will provide a romantic mood;
  • elegant bed linen will return the couple's former passion;
  • household appliances (the main thing is to find out in advance which item of household appliance the couple needs or has broken down) is a useful gift;
  • beautiful dishes will decorate the table not only during a family meal, but also when meeting guests;
  • a beautiful vase will always remind you of the celebration and will become a reason for the husband to once again please his wife and give long-awaited flowers;
  • figurines will decorate the house;
  • wall clock, tastefully matched to the design of the room, painting or other stylish items interior can also become pleasant gifts;
  • the photo album will collect photographs of the most significant events in the life of the couple.

How to celebrate the occasion?

In most families there is wonderful tradition celebrate wedding anniversaries in a solemn atmosphere, in the company of relatives and numerous friends. The larger the company, the more fun and relaxed this day will be. The couple will have to prepare a festive dinner, buy a cake and listen to wishes while the glasses clink. eternal love, mutual understanding, happiness and peace in the home. The most valuable aspect of such a date is that the couple already has grown-up children, who with their gifts and participation will make this day truly unforgettable. They already know the tastes of their parents, and therefore they will probably prepare a lot of interesting surprises.

Cheerful music, dancing, heart-warming toasts from guests... The couple will once again feel the atmosphere of that same wedding day, when they swore vows of eternal love to each other and promised to always be together. Guests who witnessed the birth of this couple will be especially pleased. After all, they went from the status of lovers to a married couple, having lived together for such a long period and now celebrating the sixteenth anniversary of their marriage among their loved ones.

To be able to truly surprise your soulmate, you need to be very careful when choosing a gift for her. You should not give your wife a household appliance, even if the owner has been dreaming about it for a long time. Save that gift for another day. On your wedding anniversary, remind your spouse that she is the woman you desire, not a housewife. You can organize romantic evening or turn your whole day into a fairy tale. Horseback riding, a picnic by the lake, dinner by candlelight - there are many options. Women like to be surprised.

Shower your wife with compliments, give jewelry and beautiful things. Receiving compliments from her husband, the spouse will flourish, gaining self-confidence. A man will be able to see again the same perky and cheerful girl with whom he fell in love 16 years ago.

Congratulations and gift options for a topaz wedding.

One of the most mysterious and unusual anniversaries is a topaz wedding. This is the 16th wedding anniversary. If the spouses have lived together for so many years, this indicates their patience, and that diplomatic resolution of issues comes first in the family. The marriage is quite strong; according to statistics, after so many years of marriage, only a small part of couples get divorced.

Topaz is a mysterious and enigmatic stone. It is quite difficult to break. At the same time, it looks gentle and seems quite fragile. So are relationships after 16 years of marriage. They are full of tenderness, but it is quite difficult to break them. At the same time, there are opacities in the stone, this is a kind of mystery in the pair.

In general, it is recommended to celebrate this anniversary one-on-one. That is, it should be a romantic dinner or a trip to the theater. Accordingly, the children should be given to their grandmother or relatives and spend time together. But if the spouses decide to celebrate this anniversary, prepare them a useful and interesting gift.

Gift options:

  • Family book with blue cover
  • Pendants inlaid with topaz
  • Pajamas or T-shirts with photos of spouses
  • Family portrait in frame
  • Theater tickets for your favorite show

Traditionally, try to spend this day with your wife. Try to reach an agreement with relatives to leave the children to them. Ideal if your beloved is at work that day. Then prepare a romantic candlelit dinner for her arrival. This is quite symbolic. Try to set the table in blue or green colors.

Gift options:

  • Pendant or ring with topaz
  • Comb or hairpin with topaz
  • Box decorated with blue stones
  • Clutch or bag
  • Phone bumper decorated with stones
  • Spa membership

Over the course of 16 years, the husband becomes a friend and helper. Try to give your spouse a good mood and a lot of smiles on this day. You can complement all this with pleasant gifts. These can be pleasant little things or valuable gifts.

Gift options:

  • Fishing tackle set
  • Cigarette case decorated with stones
  • Ring with topaz
  • Cufflinks and tie holder
  • Gym membership
  • Blue or green shirt
  • Hookah

According to tradition, spouses rarely celebrate this wedding in a grand manner, mostly with family gatherings or even a romantic dinner. But if, nevertheless, you find yourself in a circle of close friends who were invited to the holiday, learn a short poem or say a couple of pleasant lines.


Sixteen years have flown by since you were together
And, only for you are all the sparks of fate.

There is no stronger love on earth.
Stay together for another 16
With bright love, you are hand in hand.


Dear our friends! Thank you for inviting us to this unique celebration. On your topaz wedding we would like to wish you Siberian health, wealth and mutual understanding. Let yours family life It gets better every year.

Our dear and dear people! We are very happy for you and cannot believe that you have been together for 16 years. The anniversary is very significant. It speaks of your endurance and ability to compromise. Continue to give each other only joy and positive emotions.

After 16 years, husband and wife become one. They think and speak the same. That's why better than my husband no one knows his wife. Congratulate your loved one on this special occasion and try to spend time together. A romantic dinner would be ideal. Complete gifts with beautiful words.


Sixteen years have flown by since we've been together
And, only for us are all the sparks of fate.
Topaz shines, framed by happiness,
and flowers fall at the feet of the two.
And, there is no more beautiful couple in the world!
There is no stronger love on earth.
We'll last another 16 together,
With bright love, we are hand in hand.


My diamond wife! Despite the fact that our wedding is topaz, I consider myself lucky. Since I really got a diamond wife. I have no one more precious than you, I am very happy about our happiness. Happy holiday, my love!

The years go by, and you keep getting better. I am very happy that we have been together for so many years. It was you who became the incentive for me to achieve my goals. It is only thanks to you that we have everything. I hope that you will continue to love and please me.

Psychologists believe that after 15-20 years of marriage, husbands begin to look for entertainment on the side. This is due to the midlife crisis. Try to keep your relationship vibrant and warm it up from time to time.


These lines are congratulations to you!
You have been a faithful husband for 16 years!
And today on your wedding day I wish,
I am very happy, my friend!
And to it I will add health,
And more good luck!
Congratulations on your 16th wedding!
Always stay young!


There is no more valuable person in the world than your beloved husband. I congratulate you on our topaz anniversary and wish you a lot of patience, passion and good health. We've been through so much together, so I hope we can celebrate our golden anniversary.

Beloved husband! You are still my most desirable man, despite the fact that 16 years have passed since our wedding. I wish you success, health and more free time. I really want to meet you in the evenings and spoil you with a delicious dinner.

Couples who celebrate their topaz wedding have children who have not yet reached adulthood. Respectively expensive gifts they cannot give. But you can make it pleasant with the help of poetry or congratulations in prose.


Topaz is a stone of happiness
Transparent and golden.
Let him ward off bad weather
From your family dear.
Sixteen years is the date!
Topaz Jubilee.
So happy guys!
We'll drink to you quickly.


Dear parents! You are the most valuable thing we have. We are very glad that after so many years you are still close and try to please each other. Your couple will be a model for us in the future. We hope that the thrill in your relationship will remain for the rest of your life.

Dear mom and dad! We are happy that you are our parents. Thanks to your patience we have grown. Forgive us for the sleepless nights, we hope you will continue to respect and love each other as you always have and we will celebrate our golden anniversary.

If you are invited to such a wedding anniversary, congratulate the heroes of the occasion and say a few beautiful lines.


Sixteen years ago we got married,
On this beautiful bright day,
The union united in love,
You walked together under her canopy.
For sixteen years I gave love
Warmth and joy to you always,
So let it still bring peace
She will be with you for many years!

Cake for 16th wedding anniversary: ​​ideas, photos

Since the topaz wedding is celebrated quite modestly, the cake is prepared in a small size. Decorate the dessert in blue tones. In addition, you can decorate with mastic flowers or imitate jewelry with topaz. Below are several cake options.

Cake for 16th wedding anniversary: ​​ideas, photos

Despite the fact that a topaz wedding is not an anniversary, it is an indicative and happy date. Try to spend this day together, away from the hustle and bustle.

VIDEO: Topaz wedding