Journeling fragrant, sweet apricot, bought on the market or brought from a neighbor, you probably thought: can I grow apricot from the bone? We answer: you can. But only grows out of the bones of this sweet and fragrant fetus is not necessarily the same tree. In other words, the apricot seed will give a tree, similar to "mother", and on the "dad", and on the "grandmother", and on the right ... (everything is like people).

The dick will grow - it is possible more delicious, and more crop, but not the same as the maternal tree.

therefore the cultivation of the bone apricot is not the key to the fact that you will get a tree with the same characteristics from where the fruit was taken. It is always an experiment. But the experiment is fascinating, not troublesome, and his result will be a surprise, although delayed. Therefore, we suggest you find out how to grow apricot from the boneIn order not to get to write and prevent elementary errors.

Abricot bone: pros and cons

You can grow apricot from the bone at homeAnd you can propagate it vegetatively, through a dive, or buy a seedling of a particular variety in the nursery. Each methods have their own drawbacks and dignity.

Advantages of growing bone apricot:

This is cheap, practically - for free, you can plant an unlimited number of stones, engage in its own selection, choosing the most resistant copies

There is a high likelihood that you will get a high-yielding tree, although it will be a dick (acherence)

Apricot, grown from the bone, is obtained more adapted to your soil and climate

Disadvantages of growing apricot from the bones:

Such apricots (as well as "Apricot on Apricot") are very often suffering in winter from damage to the bark - these are cracks in developments, burns, ring defeat near the root neck. Therefore, it is better to instill a draft of apricot on the plum (cherry, china), and already bones from the fruits of this tree to use for the cultivation of young apricots. And already such a tree will be resistant to your climate. Although the topic is separate.

Fruit apricot, grown from the bone, will not necessarily be the same fruits as his "mother"

Growing apricot from bone: about everything in order

How to choose the right apricot for growing bone?

There are several moments when choosing. Take a little overripe, major fruits whose bones are well separated from the pulp. This is the key to the fact that the kernel inside the bone is not bitter, and the fruits will grow tasty.

Take Only zoned varieties adapted for your region, as a last resort, are varieties of more "northern", cold-resistant apricot. Do not inspire the landing apricot from the bones obtained from the fruits from the southern regions: freezed. And about the huge Turkish, Spanish and other overseas apricots and think about.

When and how to plant an apricot bone?

The best to plant apricot bones in the late autumn. Although there are options for disembarking in summer and spring.

  • Landing apricot from bone in summer

Some Michurinans advise adhere to the principle of "RTA - to Groke." That is, I ate the flesh, and the bone immediately planted. The way is good with its simplicity, but has two essential drawbacks:

For better gerbus, the bones should lie so that the nucleoli seek;

Rodents adore apricot bones, and will take them out of the garden for the winter.

  • Landing apricot from bones in autumn

In the summer, collect bones, cleanse from the pulp, dried slightly and put in a bag in a dark dry place. Immediately before planting the bones, they are soaked in rain or boiled water for 1-2 days, periodically changing water. Before the start of frosts (October-November), bones sow into the ground. To progress and not "dive scrap" the ground, the bed can be prepared at the beginning of autumn, and then hide the bag or polyethylene so that the Earth in this place does not make it possible.

Landing the bone apricot can be carried out by three similar ways:

- In the grooves with the subsequent seedle. In this case, the groove is made in a depth of 2-3 cm. Why so small? For apricot, it is very important that the root neck will not be broken into the ground. In addition, the strongest, sustainable trees grow out of apricots, just falling to the ground, where nobody burns them. The bones of such fruits pass the most real winter hardening, without shelters. A shallow landing Apricot will allow you to reveal "Sleeps" and "Merzlyaks" - they will not rise in the spring, but they don't need them.

If winter in your region is very severe - you can plant a little deeper (maximum - 6 centimeters). Between the bones, leave a small distance - in the area of \u200b\u200b10 centimeters. Circling do not hide, if very dry - pre-ground the ground with water. Spring landing should take. The first year apricot seedlings grow in the same place. It is not necessary to feed them, except that closer to the autumn phosphoric fertilizers - so that it is better tooling the shoots and the tree overwhelmed. For the second year they choose the best saplings and sear them at a permanent place.

- in pits at a permanent place. Apricot does not like transplants. Each apricot transplant slows down its development. For example, apricot from the stock produces fruit for the third year, from the bone without a transplant - on average for the fifth, with a transplant - only on the 7th. After 5 years of age, the apricot is not transplanted. Therefore, there is a reason to plant an apricot bone in a permanent place. To do this, make a shallow round hole, and in a circle lay out with a dozen bones (so that it was from what to choose). A year later, after the first wintering of seedlings, one, the strongest, the rest are removed / transplant.

- there is another way to plant an apricot from the bones. For more information about it, you can learn from this video:

3) Landing apricot from the bone in spring.

If in the previous cases, the bone of apricot passed the natural hardening of frosts, then there will have to create artificial conditions for hardening (conducting seed stratification). For this, in about January, the seeds of apricots are put in the balls with wet sand (the drain holes should be lower at the boxes). The boxes are placed in the refrigerator, the cellar, they cheat into the ground, - in a word, create conditions close to winter. The bones are planted in the ground in April - so itself, as with autumn landing.

Basically, You can grow apricot from bone in a pot - As seedlings under the spring landing. But it is better not to wear a tree ahead of the wood in warm home conditions, and do not borrow yourself to unnecessary work.

Care for the young apricot tree

Arbitrary In the first year of life, you need to take care of not so much from frosts, how many from birds, rodents, hares and other livestock, for which a young escape is a treat.

Remember that apricot is required to light and heat, so it is distinguished by solar or slightly shaded areas, not in lowlands. The distance between the two trees should be at least 4 meters. In one garden, it is recommended to disembark at least 3-4 apricots for better pollination.

Apricot is difficult to call soil whimsulus - rather, it is demanding of its structure. The soil for apricot should be loose, easy. On heavy soils, the soil for landing jam is prepared specially from a mixture of land, sand and peat. To do this, in the landing pit, the aforementioned mixture is pounding, a seeder is put on the top of the hill, and the roots straightened it on the slopes. Next, it is neatly filled with a mixture of the hole to the level of the ground, watching not to sprinkle the root neck of apricot. Tree watered well. In general, apricot, like all fruit trees, should be watered rarely, but abundantly - 1-2 times a month.

In the future, the care for apricot grown from the bone, will not differ from.

So, if you wonder - will the bone apricot grow- I answer: grows! But what qualities will have - unknown. therefore most often on apricots grown from bone, instill a certain variety (cut off twig from neighbors, from the nursery). And if you like experiments, it will wait for the apricot, grown from the bone to be froning. It is possible that it is your bone that will be happy and will give a yield, a large-scale, excellent tree!

In conclusion, we offer your attention a video about how to grow apricot from the bone, from the Ukrainian amateur of gardening:

Tatyana Kuzmenko, a member of the editorial board of the companion of the Internet edition "Atmagro. Agro-industrial messenger"