Worthy of your beauty, charm and effort, from a loser who will only waste your time? Don't be fooled by false brilliance and the ability to show off! Pay attention only to what really matters.

What qualities are not a measure of success?

Women often judge the degree of success of a gentleman by purely external attributes: clothes, having a good car, his readiness to hand out tips left and right. This is a mistake. The desire to make a favorable impression on you can encourage a suitor, for example, to take out a loan from a bank or borrow money from friends, despite the fact that he himself survives from bread to water and is a real sad loser.

It is commendable if a man invited you to a good restaurant, gave a generous tip to the waiter, gave you some nice present, however, even his willingness to spend money for you does not yet indicate his success. He may be the heir of a rich family, carelessly burning through the family fortune that he received without any effort. Or simply a spender, unable to control his expenses.

It is also not a measure of success – at least for men. Many successful entrepreneurs are too busy to keep track of fashion trends. Also remember Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, regularly showing off in faded sweaters and faded jeans - and not so much out of modesty, but because this is the “uniform” that is common in the IT environment. Yes, your date looks great in an expensive suit, but are you sure he didn't rent it?

The fact that a man behaves confidently and has a “suspended tongue” indirectly testifies in his favor, but still is not 100% proof of his success. Situations when truly successful men, who have achieved career and professional heights, behave in the presence of a lady they like, like timid schoolchildren, stammer, blush and mumble, are not so rare.

And your attraction to your gentleman as a man should not be confused with success (especially if he is younger and has stronger energy). Success among women is not at all the same as success in the professional or business sphere. Besides, you need a reliable life partner, not charming gigolo.

What qualities do successful men have?

What you really should pay attention to when dating:

My Beautiful 2

Issue 1, season two"What should I do if I attract losers"

Issue 5, second season“How to distinguish a loser from a successful man”

Find out more men's secrets and penetrate into the hidden depths male psychology bright, funny and extremely educational will help you show "My Beautiful 2", the 2nd season of which is planned to be shown privately in 2017. The host of the show is irresistible and charismatic Pavel Rakov, the most famous women's trainer in the world. Look absolutely

Despite the virtually completed process of women's emancipation in all civilized countries, as well as the huge number of examples of successful women, many men continue to claim that among fair half There are practically no truly great representatives of humanity. Ladies may not have invented democracy, electricity, the Internet, medicine, cars, rockets and other greatest inventions of mankind, but now women are no less successful than men. Moreover, many ladies have achieved greater success than most of those men who claim that women achieve nothing in life. What is noteworthy is that this situation is observed in all countries in which women have the same rights as men. For obvious reasons, in many Muslim countries women achieve practically nothing, since they do not even have the chance to do so.

IN modern world meet successful women It's not difficult at all. Moreover, it is now more difficult to meet young promising or already established men who have achieved and are achieving everything on their own. Remarkably, this trend is being observed more and more often. And this is not surprising, since an increasing number of men are becoming losers, whom many women try to avoid. Although there are also those successful ladies who start relationships with losers. They do this in order to occupy a dominant position in the family. These ladies like to take care of their men from a position of strength. However, their men, being chronic losers, do not even resist this. They are completely satisfied with this course of events.

Where do unsuccessful men come from?

This shift in relations between men and women is relatively recent. This trend has been observed for less than a century. Although before there were women who had a serious influence on men. What is noteworthy is that such women could bend not only losers, but also truly strong men. Remember, at least, the amazing Lou Salomé, who could break not just anyone but Friedrich Nietzsche himself, which, as you understand, says a lot. Moreover, she could easily place the inimitable Rilke and the great Freud under her heel.

The most active period of “formation” of male losers occurred after the end of the Second World War. This is explained by the fact that a huge number of men who went to war never returned from it. Therefore, women took upon themselves the process of raising children. Although until this time, it was their fathers who had the greatest influence on the process of boys’ formation. Well, if the fathers did not have time for this, then their upbringing was carried out by male teachers. Remarkably, this continued for several millennia.

However, it was after the war that everything began to change dramatically. Since then, women have been raising most boys. Nowadays, quite often, men leave their families not for the front, but for other women. Therefore, children, including boys, have to be raised by mothers and their grandmothers. Moreover, female education is pursued not only at home, but also in schools and kindergartens. Well, since the workers of these institutions, most often women, have such a strong influence on the development of the child’s personality, we can say with confidence that the majority of boys have an exclusively female upbringing. In addition, many of them rarely interact with adult men, so they have absolutely no idea how to really behave.

Women who raise and educate boys tell them that they should be real men, but do not explain the meaning of these at all. mysterious words. Most often, teachers of boys, which include mothers, grandmothers and teachers, put into the phrase “ a real man“what they want exactly. They tell future men that they must yield to girls in everything and follow their example. The teachers do not put any bad meaning into these words. However, they have a detrimental effect on the development of a man. Boys grow up to be spineless, weak, cowardly and repressed individuals.

Surely some of you have observed a situation when on the street or in public transport a drunk man molested a woman, and the rest of the representatives strong half humanity averted its eyes from this. But is this what real men should do?

Men's upbringing for boys can be replaced by sports, during which the coach takes on the role of father and educator. Therefore, women who are raising a boy alone need to give the child to sports section. Thus, the mother will reduce the likelihood that her son will grow up to be a spineless and infantile man.

What types of men are losers?

There are several types of unsuccessful men that women have to learn to distinguish and recognize in order not to fall for such a representative of the male gender.

Losers with the attitude of a ruler

To see such men as losers, women will have to try. The fact is that such men behave like successful, influential, active and busy individuals. But, in fact, they are not. This does not mean that such pseudo rulers of the world are pretending or playing a certain role. They actually feel like significant and influential people, doing dozens of different things at the same time. But for obvious reasons, they do not achieve any significant successes or serious results in any of the projects they have begun.

Such men are losers for the reason that they cannot decide on their goals and plans for life. They rush from one idea to another, trying themselves in different areas. When young guys aged 16 to 25 do this, it’s quite normal. But when a man between the ages of 30 and 50 behaves this way, it causes at least bewilderment. Such pseudo-lords are not destined to achieve success if they do not decide on their goals and continue to rush between ideas.

Mama's boys

The most common type of male loser is the product of being "cultivated" by women. The desire of women to take care of their children is inherent in mothers at the biological level. This desire is also called the maternal instinct, when a woman is ready to sacrifice absolutely everything so that her child feels good. Almost all animals have a similar instinct, not just humans. However, only in our species this care can last for 20-40 years.

Mothers pay special attention to raising and caring for their sons. Women can take care of their boys for decades. They feed them, help them with money and look after them. Moreover, a huge number are known when mothers found wives and girls for their sons.

Women believe that in this way they take care of their sons, making their lives easier and better. However, this is completely untrue. After all, men brought up in this way are not ready for independent life. Therefore, most often they become real losers. Such men look for women to replace their mothers, so that they can take care of and care for an adult boy. So if you want to become a nanny for a thirty-year-old man, then avoid “mama’s boys.”

Eternal jokers

All women know that a man must have a sense of humor. The fact is that a girl will never get bored with a guy who has a good sense of humor. Moreover, a sense of humor is a quality of a man that can compensate for some shortcomings.

However, there are some men whom many call “eternal jokers.” What is noteworthy is that not all men who are classified as “jokers” can boast of a good sense of humor. Men received this name for the reason that from everyone important issues Such men try to laugh off problems. That is, they are not ready to take responsibility, resolve issues and resolve problems. “Eternal jokers” prefer to get rid of problems with all kinds of phrases that seem funny to them. With their jokes, such men try to hide own fears and complexes.


It was not in vain that this type of male loser was named after the main character of the cult story by Astrid Lindgren. The fact is that such men, like the little plump Swede who was so loved by all of us in childhood, love to have fun, but cannot and do not want to be responsible for their actions. Their main drawback– irresponsibility. But due to the fact that such men know how to have fun and have a good sense of humor, they are quite popular among women. However, such men are only suitable for having fun, but nothing more.


It is difficult to recognize such a man, because he does not have any pronounced features. You can only test such a man with time. The fact is that he will never come to the aid of a woman when she needs it. They won’t do this not out of harm, but because at heart he is still a child. Therefore, he does not know how to solve certain problems.


Weak and insecure men who assert themselves at the expense of equally weak and complex women. “Tyrants” manipulate such women, deceiving themselves that they can do the same to other women. But most often this is not true, because bright, beautiful and strong women will never be with them.


Many women would like to have such men next to them. And this is not surprising, because “heels” are ready to swear their love to their chosen one day and night, and then fulfill her whims. However, this pattern of behavior is typical only for losers. Confident, promising and accomplished men never behave this way. Therefore, if a man constantly showers you with compliments, runs at your first call and fulfills all your whims, then it means that a loser is courting you. Think about it, do you need such a man?

The main signs of unsuccessful men

1. The most common trait of losers is self-pity. Such men are constantly dissatisfied with absolutely everyone. Everyone is to blame for their failures and problems, right down to the TV presenter who reported the wrong weather forecast.

2. If you have found a man who never spares money on you, even for the most unnecessary whims, then do not rush to rejoice. Perhaps this man is a loser who does not know how to plan his budget. Well, by fulfilling your whims, he drives himself into debt, which only losers allow themselves to do.

3. If a man often plays computer games, then there is a high probability that he is trying to hide from his problems in the virtual world. Well, only losers do that. However, in this case, you need to find the line that separates an ordinary game for relaxation from immersion in virtual world in order to escape from problems in real life.

4. If a man constantly agrees with you on various little things, for example, choosing a movie to watch or an establishment to visit, then pay attention to this. If he really does this all the time, it means he doesn’t have his own opinion. In this case, he can immediately be classified as a loser.

5. If, after coughing, a man immediately suspects that he has double pneumonia, it means that he likes to exaggerate problems. But, for example, when he has real health problems, he is in no hurry to get treatment. This may mean that a man is putting off solving all problems. Both signs characterize a true loser.

6. If a man becomes very attached to unnecessary things and cannot part with them quickly, then this can also portray him as an insecure person.

7. The absence of any interests can also mark a man as a loser. If he is not interested in anything at all, and spends his free time watching TV, then you need to think about whether you need such a man. After all, it will probably be boring with him.

Pages of women's secrets

IN in this case money is not the main indicator. And a man can have an income of 30 thousand rubles at the beginning of his career and be quite promising.
What distinguishes a loser from a successful man?

1. The main indicator is the position of the victim. He complains about life, he has problems that he does not solve. Does not strive for anything, does not like to make decisions and is afraid of change. Doesn't believe in himself. It's important to him public opinion what others will say.

2. His motivation is “from”, avoidance. Fear of making a mistake, they begin to change something only when it’s “locked in.” And they try to keep everything as it is. In contrast to successful men with “k” motivation, who know how to take risks, experiment, set super-goals, have healthy ambitions and believe in themselves.

3. A loser often says: nothing depends on me, it’s not fate, “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky,” I can’t handle it, “what can I do?” I’m no worse off than others... These phrases are often heard in his speeches.

4. He makes decisions slowly and difficultly. Always waits and finds excuses to be inactive, “it’s not time yet.” Successful people make decisions much faster and look for options for action; for them, time is the main resource.

ATTENTION! What kind of women attract losers?

These are the "rescuers". Those who want to help, save, make them better, etc. But the problem is that saving the “victim” is a thankless task. And how much longer do you intend to drag everything on yourself, in the hope that he will change?
Girls who attract losers find them with common language and understanding, close to them in their thinking! Yes, yes, you could recognize yourself among the listed points. And successful men quickly recognize notes of failure in such women and do not want to waste time. He is used to acting, achieving and looking for the best!
You can find a lot of excuses. But if you want changes in your life, let this be a “magic kick” for you. It's time for change! And if you need help, contact us.