Chapter « Musical activity "

Educational area — — artistic and aesthetic development.

Children's age 2.5 - 3 years

Amount of children : 5 - 6 people

Theme - Children's musical and creative activity

Purpose of the lesson - development of interest in joint activities with other children.


  • creating a favorable comfortable environment;
  • development of ideas about the world around;
  • formation of conditions for self-realization of the child;
  • creation of conditions for active communication of the child with other children and the teacher.


  • record player;
  • the piano
  • house layout

Visual aids:

  • paper suns (25 cm)
  • paper suns (10 cm)
  • paper flowers

Musical material:

  • "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile" by V. Shainsky
  • "We walk - we run" E. Telicheeva
  • "The sun is shining for everyone" A. Ermolov
  • "Hello palms" by E. Zheleznova.

Entertainment script

Children with their parents enter the study to the music (V. Shainsky's song “A gloomy day is brighter from a smile” sounds).


- Hello guys! I am very glad to see you! Let's stand with you in a circle and say hello to the music (mothers and children stand in a circle).

A musical greeting sounds.

- Well done! Now let's get together.

Exercise "Hello palms"

Well done!

- Today we will go with you to visit the sun. And we will go on a fabulous train. Go! (shows how to perform the movements of the arms bent at the elbows to the music).

- Well done guys! How amicably and merrily we rode the train. And here is the house in front of us (points to the model of the house). Who lives in the house?


- Sun!


- Let's go to the house, smile together and clap our hands. The sun will hear us, guys (the sun raises).


- Hello guys! (children greet the Sun)


Somehow the sun woke up

It's time for him to wash,

But get out of bed

It all will not be resolved.

Will not part with a pillow:

- I'll sleep for another hour ...

And a fluffy cloud

Was covered with a head.

The sun announced to everyone:

- Today is a day off!

Oh, how capricious I am

Sometimes in spring!


- Guys, tell me, please, to be clean and tidy, what should you do?


- Wash your face, wash your hands, brush your teeth.


Right! Do you know how to wash? (children answer)


- Let's, guys, show the sun how we wash our faces properly. The exercise "We wash our pens" is performed (see the appendix)

- And now we will wash our face, the exercise "Vodichka" is performed (see the appendix).


- Thank you very much for coming to visit me. Let's clap and smile together (everyone claps and smiles).


- Guys, when does the sun wake up? (children answer).

- Right! In the morning, our beloved sun wakes up. It becomes brighter and warmer on the street and in the house. And we all are happy when the sun is shining. And in the evening it goes to bed, and it becomes dark outside (the musical exercise "The Sun Rises in the Morning" is performed).


- Well done kids! Well and rightly shown how the sun wakes up. Guys, and you know, in order to be healthy, you need to do exercises in the morning, march, run. Do you know how?


- Guys, let's show the Sun how we can walk and run beautifully to the music (march and run to the music "Walk - Run" by E. Telicheva).

- The sun always brings joy to our kids. It brings the earth back to life, gently warms, shines brightly, pleases and always cheers up.

Sunshine, sunshine

Shine on us brighter

Will be on the lawn

Flowers bloom.

- Look, guys, flowers have grown in the meadow. This sun did its best. Let's dance for him ( a dance with flowers is performed).

- I really want to sing songs about the sun. What are the children happy about when they go out? To the sun. What do parents call their beloved children? (turns to parents, they answer).

- Let's stand in a circle and sing n (the round dance “The sun is shining for everyone” is performed)).


- Well done, guys! I really liked it with you! And to make you always happy, I will give you something. When you look at this gift, remember me and you will feel cheerful, joyful and warm (gives each circle a sun).

The teacher says goodbye to children and parents. They leave the office to the music.


Exercise "We wash our pens"

We wash our pens like this, like this, ( simulate movements in accordance with the text)

We lift our hands like this, like this,

We lower our pens like this, like this,

And we put it behind the back like this, like this.

Exercise "Vodichka"

Water, water wash my face ( imitate the movements of washing)

To make your eyes shine ( massage in the corners of the eyes),

To make the cheeks pink ( three cheeks with palms),

So that the mouth laughs ( massage with index fingers in the corners of the mouth),

And the tooth was biting ( squeeze and unclench your fingers).

Musical exercise "In the morning the sun rises"

In the morning, the sun rises higher, higher, higher ( children squat and stand up slowly while raising the paper sun high)

By nightfall, the sun will set lower, lower, lower ( children slowly squat down and lower the paper sun)

Well, the sun is laughing well,

And under the sun everyone sings merrily (children clap their hands).

    Place of residence (city, village), oblast, krai, region: The city of Salsk, Rostov region, Southern Federal District.

    Name educational institution: MBDOU number 2 "Vasilek"

    Discipline: Physical development

    The tutorial being taught: The program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva

    Subject (for materials): Scenario "Day of Health"

    Class (course): group of general developmental orientation of children 2 - 3 years old.

    Duration of the lesson: 15 minutes.

GOAL: Form children into the habit of healthy way life.


    Learn to take care of your health, properly care for your teeth.

    Contribute to fostering a sense of responsibility for your health.

    Exercise basic movements (balance, crawling, jumping).

    To give knowledge about the importance of vitamins for human health.

Morning . The teacher meets the children at the site, says that a "Day of Health" is held in the kindergarten, asks the parents:

Do they exercise in the morning?

Are there sports equipment at home? Which?

How is a child involved in sports activities?

What outdoor games do you like to play with your child?

The teacher, with the involvement of parents, organizes games:


In an even circle, one after another, we go step by step.

What mom will show us, we will do it together.


Barely - barely, barely - barely, the merry-go-rounds were turned.

And then, then, then - all running, running, running.

Hush, hush, do not make noise, stop the carousel!

One - two, one - two, that's the game over!

Morning gymnastics

The hare Stepashka (child senior group) and offers to play with him (morning exercises are carried out). The teacher pronounces the text, the children help by completing the words, and together with the bunny they perform movements in accordance with the text:

1. Little gray bunny sits, Children squat, wiggle

And wiggles his ears. hands raised.

Like this, like this,

He wiggles his ears.

Bunny is cold to sit

It is necessary to warm the paws. Get up, clap in

Clap - clap, clap - clap, hands.

It is necessary to warm the paws.

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny needs to jump Children jump on the spot,

Dap - Dap, Dap - Dap, on both legs.

The bunny must jump. Average pace.

The wolf scared the bunny,

Bunny jump -

And galloped away!

2. An outdoor game "Blow up, bubble!"


There is no worse punishment - to live without washing.

All childish faces love to wash.

Without water and soap, dirt would cover everyone.

Wonderful, wonderful, it's not difficult to wash!

Honestly, honestly, it's wonderful to be clean!

Children enter the group, while the teacher continues to wash the poem:

Now the nose is clean, now the mouth is clean

The chin is clean and the eyes shine

Have fun looking!

Before breakfast, a finger game "Porridge" is held:

Buckwheat porridge, where was it cooked? ( Children lead their fingers right hand on

palm left)

In the stove.

They got it out of the stove, ( Fold their palms into a cup»)

Masha was given. ( Stretching forward)

Eat, please! ( Open their palms.)


Game - staging:« We take care of our health "

Theme: " Why keep your teeth clean?»

Target: 1. Teach children to properly care for their teeth.

2. Explain why it is necessary to protect teeth from childhood.

3. Form the ability to answer questions.

Material: toys - a doll Masha, a doll Dasha with a cheek tied with a scarf, 2 toothbrushes for children, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a glass.

The course of the lesson.

The kids are sitting on the rug. The teacher brings the doll Masha with him and addresses the children:

Guys, two friends will come to visit us today - Masha and Dasha. Masha is already here, and Dasha is delaying something. I wonder what happened? Maybe she got sick? (Referring to the doll Masha).

Masha: I don’t know, we were visiting Katya yesterday. Dasha was completely healthy, she even ate 3 cans of jam, a can of honey, a lot of sweets, and even a bag of walnuts.

Educator (surprised): So many sweet things? And she ate all this alone? And, of course, she gnawed the nuts with her teeth?

Masha: Yes.

Dasha appears with a bandaged cheek.

Educator (addresses children): What do you think happened to Dasha?

Having listened to the assumptions of the children, the teacher turns to the doll Dasha with the question:

What happened to you? Why is your cheek bandaged?

Dasha says that she was visiting and ate a lot of sweets there, and then began to gnaw nuts with her teeth and broke her tooth, and at night she could not sleep at all, as her teeth ached and her cheek was swollen.

Educator: Guys, do you think you can eat so many sweets and gnaw nuts with your teeth? ( Children's answers).

(Dasha). Did you brush your teeth at night?

Dasha: Here's another, I'll start tormenting my teeth, and with some kind of a prickly brush in my mouth to climb, it's tasteless.

The teacher with surprise addresses the kids:

So she, it turns out, thinks that the brush should be eaten. Guys, do you know why you need a toothbrush? ( Children's answers).

The teacher shows the toothbrush and examines it with the children:

Look, it has a handle to hold on to and a brush to brush your teeth with.

Look, Dasha, how to brush your teeth! The teacher shows the dolls- girlfriends and children how to brush their teeth correctly and offers two or three the guys to brush their teeth.

Why do you think you need to brush your teeth? ( listens to answers children).

In conclusion, the teacher says:

Yes, guys, you need to protect your teeth from childhood, you need to brush them in the morning and in the evening with a toothbrush and paste, and after eating, rinse your mouth with warm water, and in no case should you eat a lot of sweets and gnaw nuts with your teeth. It is very beneficial for our teeth to eat carrots, cabbage and apples.

Here Masha cleans her teeth and they are beautiful, white and do not hurt!

Masha takes care of her teeth and that is why she has them so healthy.

Educator: Dasha, I will give you a toothbrush and toothpaste so that you always brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, and they will never hurt you, take care of your teeth.

Before the walk the teacher invites the children to go on a journey, but they will only know what they will ride when they put on outerwear.

When the children are dressed, the whistle of a locomotive is heard, the teacher invites the children to go on a train journey. Children cling to each other in trailers, and the teacher is a locomotive. We went to the site, on the way they were singing a song with the teacher:

A steam locomotive hummed, shiny new,

He drove the trailers like a real one!

Who's on the train?

Teddy bears, fluffy cats, bunnies and kids!

Chu - chu, chu - chu - chu - chu, the locomotive puffs.

Far - far away he took the guys.

But here's a stop - whoever wants to, get off!

Get up guys, let's go for a walk!

We arrived at the site, and the teacher says:

Guys, look, we came to the forest. Ouch! How many mushrooms and berries are here, let's collect them! Children collect and carry to the teacher, find one carrot.

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? Who dropped it? (Probably a bunny).

The teacher notices a bunny (toy) hiding behind a tree, draws the attention of the children to him and asks the bunny:

Bunny, did you drop the carrot?

Bunny: Yes, I was running so fast that I did not notice how I lost my carrot. I am the fastest, the most agile in the forest, neither the fox nor the wolf can catch up with me! I run the fastest! Can you catch up with me?

Educator: You shouldn't, bunny, brag, our kids can run fast too, and they can catch up with you!

An outdoor game "Catch up, bunny!"

Bunny: Well done! Do you want to be as strong as your dads?

And for this you need to not be lazy every morning to get up in Kindergarten, wash your face with soap, do not be afraid of water and do morning exercises.

The whistle of a locomotive is heard, the bunny says goodbye, and the children cling to each other and again go on a trip. On the way I met a river, and across it a bridge.

The game "Cross the river across the bridge" is held.

An outdoor game "Small and Big Legs" is held .

Little feet walked along the path, ( Walking in small steps per

Top - top - top, walked the track. educator.)

Big feet walked along the road, ( Walking wide strides

Top - top - top, walked down the road. teacher.)

Little feet galloped along the path, ( Jumping on two legs with

Skok - skok - skok - galloped along the track moving forward)

And then it gets wider, wider, ( Walking wide side step)

Big legs walked.

Little feet ran along the path (Mincing run)

Top - top - top, ran down the track.

Big legs know a lot

They run like a gray wolf. ( Running with a wide stride.)

Top - top - top, run like a gray wolf.

Legs walked again, top-top- top.

We walked, walked, walked, we came to the clearing.

In a clearing under a tree, the children find a basket with cones in it.

An outdoor game “Collect cones ».

Children take a basket and go by train to kindergarten.

Games "Soap Bubbles" are organized on the site, as well as attributes for playing with sand, water, and launching boats.

2 half day.

Awakening gymnastics "Little Cockerel".

A small cockerel was born. He did not know how to do anything - he only waved his wings.

Control. No. 1 - "Little Cockerel"

From I.P. lying on your back - alternately raising the right and left arms through the side. He raises his wings, pulls up, looks at them, is surprised and lowers them down.

Control. # 2 - "Surprise"

From I.P. lying on your back - raise both hands to the vertical, then lower.

The cockerel is still small, so he hides his head under his wing for fear.

Control. # 3 - "Praise the Cockerel"

From I.P. lying on the stomach with support on the forearms - alternate lifting of straight legs with short-term tension of the back muscles.

The chicken mother praised the cockerel and said: "Now turn your paws wherever I show with my hand."

Control. No. 4. - "Cockerel is the protector."

From I.P. "Middle fours" - transition to high fours, swinging forward - backward. "Come on, show how lively you are, cockerel!"

Control. No. 5. - "Chicken Leader"

Walking with a high leg lift at the knee, moving the arms to the sides.

Petya - the cockerel does not like riots - he ate the grain, flew up on the fence, flapped his wings, shouted "Ku - ka - re - ku!"

Tempering measures.

Air procedures:

End-to-end ventilation of the premises before going to bed for 30 minutes.

When changing clothes at bedtime and after sleeping for 3-5 minutes.

During physical education, awakening gymnastics.

Wellness walks:

- Daily:

Stay in the fresh air should be at least 4 - hours a day.

Water procedures:

Washing with cold water before and after eating; after every contamination of hands.

Walking barefoot in normal conditions and along the ribbed path before and after sleep at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees C.

After an afternoon snack, the children of the older group show a performance based on a poem

A. Barto "Grimy Girl".

On the evening walk, games are held:

"Sparrows and the Cat", "Catch the Ball", "The Sun and the Rain".

Used Books:

    MF Litvinova "Outdoor games and play exercises for children of the third year of life"

    A. Barto "Grimy Girl".

    THAT. Kharchenko “Morning exercises in kindergarten. Exercises for children 2-3 years old "

    Yurchenko O. “Games and fairy tales for the development of children's speech. 1.5 - 3 years "

1 half day:

Admission of children to the group. Examination of the appearance.

Conversation with children on the topic: "Washing and bathing"

Purpose: formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children. To form the need for hygiene and tidiness skills in everyday life.

Individual work: to form the ability to behave correctly in the washroom - do not make noise, do not push, do not spray water, wipe your hands dry. (Nastya, Eva, Savely).

Didactic game: "Body parts, emotions"

Purpose: to form the ability to correlate an object with its verbal designation; form a dictionary on the topic; teach orientation in the scheme of your own body; to learn to distinguish between the concepts of "girl-boy"; form the grammatical structure of speech; develop speech and auditory attention; continue to teach to perform an action according to verbal instructions;

Labor assignments: To develop the ability, together with an adult and under his supervision, to put bread bins (without bread) and napkins before meals.

Morning exercises: “Horses! "

Purpose: to form the expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the simplest actions of some movements; foster a desire to exercise.

GCD number 1 Development of speech.

Topic: "In the country of healthy people"

Objective: To develop cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills; cognitive interest; Creative skills.

SOD.1. Organizational moment

2.Reading Rhymes: "Water, water, wash my face!"

3. " Wonderful pouch»

4. Conversation: "Dirty hands, clean palms"

5. Game situation: "Let's help Bunny knock down the pin"

6. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Walk. 1

Observation " appearance people on the street "

Purpose: to draw the attention of children to the appearance of people, their clothes; clarify the purpose of clothing and its health-preserving functions.

Didactic game: “Name what I’ll show”.

Purpose: Name items and parts of clothing. Enrich the active vocabulary.

Outdoor game "One, two, three, catch"

Purpose: To develop dexterity, to strengthen the respiratory system.

An outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat"

Purpose: to educate the skill of quick action, reaction and ingenuity.

Labor assignments: Foster interest in adult work. Expand the circle of observations of children over the work of adults. To draw their attention to what and how an adult is doing, why he performs certain actions. Maintain a desire to help adults. (Feed the birds, help collect toys).

Ball games.

Purpose: to develop physical activity, strength, dexterity. Cultivate friendships.

Individual work: based on the breathing exercise "Let's Blow on the Leaves" (Sasha, Yaroslav, Veronika)

Objectives: training the skill of correct nasal breathing; the formation of a deep exhalation, an increase in interest in a healthy lifestyle; support, develop and strengthen the defenses of the child's body, teach them to resist unfavorable environmental factors.

2 half day

Gradual rise of children. Incentive: "Pinocchio, stretched"

Purpose: to maintain and strengthen the health of children; develop the ability to determine your state and feelings; raise muscle tone; improve your mood after a quiet hour.

"Wake up"

Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's high time to get up.

Go to exercise

Come with me for a walk.

"Let's warm the wings in the sun" - lying on your back, arms along the body.

Raise our hands up with the words "warm", lower.

“Hide the legs” - while lying on your back, raise your legs up with the words “hide the legs”, lower but the bed.

Labor: To teach to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games to arrange the play material in places.

GCD number 2. Physical education.

Objective: Exercise walking and running in a column, one at a time. different directions, in rolling the ball into the goal, in crawling and crawling into the goal. To cultivate attention, independence, initiative, positive attitude to movements. Train them to act on a signal from their caregiver. game lesson and the desire to participate in it.


1. Walking in a subgroup and the whole group;

2. Jumping on two legs in place;

3. Play exercise"Birds are flying";

4. An outdoor game. "Sparrows and the car".

Didactic game "The doll is doing exercises"

Objectives: to instill in the child a positive attitude towards washing, physical education; continue to develop practical skills.

Individual work: "We know how to dress ourselves"

Objectives: To develop the ability to dress and undress in a certain sequence, the ability to fasten buttons. (Veronica, Lisa,

Viewing and discussion of the cartoon "Moidodyr"

Purpose: to develop children's attention while watching a cartoon; teach to retell short parts of the cartoon; the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Reading fiction. Agnia Barto "Grimy Girl"

Purpose: to educate children in the ability to listen, to follow the development of the plot in the work; explain to children the actions of the character and the consequences of these actions.

An outdoor game. "Bubble"

Purpose: to teach children to form a circle, changing its size depending on the game actions; to form the ability to coordinate actions with the spoken words.

Didactic game: "Katya's doll got sick"

Purpose: to shape initial views about a healthy lifestyle in play situations.

Walk: 2

Observing the weather.

Talk with children about what changes have occurred in people's clothing compared to winter. Discuss why it is important to dress for the weather, shape conscious attitude to your health.

Outdoor game "Cat and Mouse"

Respiratory gymnastics "Machine" - we develop and train correct breathing.

Didactic game: "Tell and Show" (invite children to show where the nose, mouth, eyes, ears are) - we activate the thinking of children.

Exercises in a ball:

Relay "Who will pass the ball faster". Children standing in a circle

pass the ball to each other.

"Throw it over, catch it, don't let it fall!" Children stand in twos

against each other and throw balls from one to another.

3. "Bubbles". The teacher lets bubble

and invites the children to catch them.

Outdoor game: "Ball"

Tasks: To foster a love of physical education and the desire for elementary methods of a healthy lifestyle.

The project "We want to be healthy!" in the first younger group

Description: the work presents a description of the project of cognitive and creative activities of children 2-3 years old. The work is intended for kindergarten teachers, teachers additional education, parents.
Appointment: organization of educational and educational activities with children early age.

Project name:"We want to be healthy!"
Authors of the project: Eryshova G.Yu., teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32".

Project type and type: Cognitive and creative, short-term, group
Project participants: Children, caregivers, parents
Children's age: 2-3 years
Duration: Week 1
Relevance of the project: Early age is the most favorable time for educating a child in the basics of motor culture, hardening, habits of proper nutrition, compliance with cultural and hygienic standards, the need to obtain positive emotions, i.e. the basics of a healthy lifestyle:
In order to preserve and strengthen the health of babies, to draw their attention to game situations related to health, the development of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills, the group had an idea to conduct the project "We want to be healthy!"
To participate in the project, parents were also involved, who can directly demonstrate their knowledge, experience, creativity on the problem of health.

The problem to be solved by the project: The life experience of children 2-3 years old is still quite small, therefore, to form in them elementary representations about what you need to do in order to always be healthy - this is the main direction of this project.
We kids are kids
Not old enough ...
And we want to quickly find out
How to improve health?

Objective of the project: The initial formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children 2-3 years old.
Project objectives:
To form children's ideas about health, the features of its preservation and strengthening.
Develop cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills; cognitive interest; Creative skills.
Enrich the motor experience of children; make you want to take care of your health.
To increase the competence of parents on the issues of maintaining and strengthening the health of children.

Project product: Exhibition of drawings and crafts. Design of the newspaper "We want to be healthy!" based on the results of the project.
Brief annotation of the project: The project presents an acquaintance with the components of human health, with the profession of a doctor. The project is implemented through direct educational activities, the organization of game and problem situations, through various types of practical exercises and productive activities.
Expected results of the project:
- Get initial knowledge about human health, the features of its preservation and strengthening;
-Get familiar with the profession of a doctor and its importance for other people;
- Get acquainted with games, works of fiction on the topic;
-Take part in different types physical and artistic-aesthetic activities.
-The practical skills of children in communication with peers and adults will appear.
Preliminary work.
Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project, taking into account the integration of educational areas.
Drawing up summaries of direct educational activities.
Selection of poems, songs, small forms of Russian folklore.
Selection of books, illustrative material and reproductions of paintings.
Selection of didactic games.
Selection of the musical repertoire.
Involvement of parents in the current project.
OO project activities.
Cognitive development.
"In the country of healthy people"
"Moidodyr visiting the guys"
“The pills grow on a branch,
The pills grow in the garden. "
Excursions: "Medical office".
Experimental activities:
"Dirty hands, clean palms"
Game situations:
"Sorceress water!"
"Bath day at Katya's doll"
"Let's dress the doll Katya for a walk"
"Let's make dinner for the dolls"
"Crib for Katya's doll"
Artistic and aesthetic development
Pictures, illustrations:
Personal hygiene rules
"We are engaged in physical education"
Illustrations depicting the profession of a doctor.
Exhibition of children's works:
"An icicle-icicle hung from the roof" - drawing.
"Competition of snails" - molding.
"Apples for a doll" - coloring products from salt dough.
Singing songs: "Sun", "Sparrow", "Pussy".
Dance learning: "Make friends."
Painting coloring pages on the topic: "Health".
Newspaper design: "We want to be healthy!"
Speech development.
Reading children's literature, memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.
K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Aibolit" - excerpts.
V. Berestov "Sick Doll"
E. Blaginina "Masha the Confused"
S.Ya. Marshak "Mustache-striped"
Nursery rhymes: "Water, water, wash my face!"
"Big and small legs"
"Our Masha"
Social and communicative development
"Caution, icicles!"
"That's a bow!"
Didactic games:
"ABC of health"
"What's growing on the tree?"
"What changed?"
"Funny laces"
"Surprise in the house"
"Fold the picture"
"Wonderful bag"
"Heal everyone, heal,
Good doctor Aibolit! "
"The little hare got sick"
Practical exercises:
“Moidodyr is waiting for us in the morning-
It's time for us to wash! "
"Soap Gloves"
"Long live fragrant soap
And the towel is fluffy! "
“We want to be healthy-
We are sitting right at the table ... "
“We are neat kids-
We take napkins in our hands! "
“We're going for a walk-
We dress ourselves! "
“We are getting ready for bed-
I will take off my things ... "
"The most accurate!"
Entertainment: physical culture leisure
"We have a round ball!"
Labor assignments: we help the teacher's assistant set the table, take care of the flowers, water the onions in the "Zaykin garden".
Physical development
Game situations:
“We guys are strong,
We are friends with physical education! "
"Let's help Mishutka knock down the pin"
Fun game: with soap bubbles
Relay game: "Who is faster?"
Outdoor games:
"The gray bunny is washing his face", "We are funny guys", "Birds in the nests", "Vesnyanka", "The sun and the rain", "Sparrows and the car", "Who will throw next?", "The crow and the dog", "To the tree run! ”,“ Traps with ribbons ”,“ Paths ”,“ Get into the circle ”.
Finger gymnastics: "We chop cabbage, chop", "Apple", "We drew today ...", "I bake, bake, bake ...", "We asked our oven ..."
Hardening procedures, gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats.

Interaction with parents
Creation of an exhibition of drawings ( joint creativity) "We want to be healthy!"
Memorizing nursery rhymes with the children on the topic of the project.
Release of the newsletter: "May the baby grow healthy!"

Thematic plan of the project "We want to be healthy!"
Day of the week Topic title Tasks
"In the land of healthy people"
-form in children general idea about health;
-develop dialogical speech;
foster a desire to take care of your health.
"Moidodyr visiting the guys"
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about personal hygiene items and actions with them;
-develop cultural and hygienic skills;

“To be healthy always-
We need healthy food! "

- to form ideas about healthy and wholesome food; to acquaint with the concept of "vitamins";
-develop active speech;
- to educate the skills of cultural table behavior.

"Sorceress water!"
- to form children's ideas about the properties of water, about the need for cleanliness for human health;
-develop cognitive activity;
-to cultivate the desire to be clean and tidy.

"Heal everyone, heal,
Good doctor Aibolit! "

- to form in children elementary ideas about the work of a "doctor";
-enrich vocabulary with relevant concepts;
-to cultivate a desire to help others.
Interaction with parents:
-Release of the newsletter: "May the baby grow healthy!"
- Teaching nursery rhymes with the children on the topic of the project.
-Creation of an exhibition of drawings (joint creativity)
"We want to be healthy!"
-to draw the attention of parents to the topic of the project;
- to acquaint with the main areas of work to preserve and strengthen the health of babies;
- to activate their creative activity.
1. Bondarenko T.M. Complex classes in the first junior group of kindergarten. –Voronezh, 2009.
2. Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.
3. Gubanova N.F. Development of play activity: The second group of early age. = M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014.
4. Laizane S.Ya. Physical education for kids. = M: "Education", 1978.
5. Mosalova L.L. Me and the world: Summaries of classes on social and moral education of children preschool age... = SPb .: "Childhood-Press", 2013.
6. Sypchenko E.A. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Method of projects in preschool educational institutions. - SPb .: LLC CHILDHOOD-PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2012.
7. Teplyuk S.N. Walking games with toddlers: For activities with children 2-4 years old. = M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014.

Elena Rusyakova

Thematic health day in the early age group

« Health day»

Target: Security health children and the formation of the basis of culture health.

Tasks: Preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological children's health, accumulation and enrichment of children's motor experience.

1 half day: OSI: P / R, R / R, SK / R, F / R

1. Round dance game "Bubble"- the consolidation of the skill becomes in a circle, gradually expanding and narrowing it.

2. Finger gymnastics "Salted cabbage"

We chop the cabbage, Movements with straight brushes up and down.

We are three carrots

The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, the movement of the fists towards you and away from you.

We salt the cabbage

Simulate a pinch of salt.

We are harvesting cabbage.

Squeeze and unclench the fingers on both hands intensively.

Theme: “I love vitamins and I want to be healthy»

Target: Formation of elementary concepts about healthy lifestyle in children.

Tasks: Expand the concept of vitamins, get acquainted with useful properties, during the lesson, children should learn a new nursery rhyme about vegetables and generalize the concept of the name of vegetables.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, when I went to kindergarten, then I saw an unusual basket at the gate, and while she was carrying it, everything spilled out of it, let's see what lay in it, lie on the floor (carrot, tomato, turnip, beetroot, cucumber)

Children: Let's

Educator: What's scattered on the floor? (carrot, tomato, turnip, beetroot, cucumber.)

Children: Vegetables.

Educator: Let's pick up vegetables from the floor.

Educator: picks up vegetables from the floor and shows them to children.

Educator: Shows vegetables to children one by one and asks what shape and color they are? He puts everything in the basket.

When all the vegetables are collected in a basket, the teacher invites the children to say a nursery rhyme.

We will put it in the basket cleverly

Beets, turnips and carrots,

Tomatoes cucumbers,

These are great fellows!

Educator: Vegetables contain many vitamins that strengthen our body and it is easier for him to fight diseases, and when he healthy and strong, then not what microbes he doesn’t need.

Do you need to wash them thoroughly before eating vegetables? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Who's knocking at us? Let's guess the riddle of who it is.

He loves to gnaw on carrots.

Eats cabbage very cleverly.

He gallops here and there.

Through the fields and through the forests.

Gray, white and oblique.

Who, tell me, is he?

Children: Hare.

Educator: Bunny, why are you so sad?

Bunny: I lost my basket when I was running away from the wolf, in which I was carrying treats for my bunnies, now they will be upset and not when they do not know what was in the basket and what I wanted to treat them, as well as how useful and tasty it is.

Educator: Don't worry, bunny, we found your basket and the guys and I will tell you what the vegetables are called and how they are useful for the child's body.

Bunny: He is happy with the guys' answers and thanks. Thank you so much for everything you taught me!

Fizminutka: "Little gray bunny sits"

Educator: That's what, you are great, well, now let's say goodbye to the bunny.

Say goodbye to the bunny.

Walk: OSI: P / R, F / R, SK / R, R / R

1. Let's play with the kitty: P / I "Cat and Mouse"

2. Respiratory gymnastics "A car"- we develop and train correct breathing.

3. D / I "Tell and Show" (invite children to show where the nose, mouth, eyes, ears are)- we activate the thinking of children.

2 half day: OSI: F / R, R / R

1. "Ribbed bridge"- prevention of flat feet.

2. Hardening procedure - washing with cool water based on the nursery rhyme "Bunny gray washed his face"- encourage children to perform actions according to the text.

3. Reading thin. K. Chukovsky's literature "My dadyr"- we cultivate respect for health through reading children's literature. DI "Laundry".

4.X / I "Carousel"- we perform actions according to the text.

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