An expressive, spectacular, meaningful look can delight any representative strong half humanity. After all, no matter what anyone says, bright and unforgettable eyes are the first weapon of a representative of the fairer sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that women pay so much attention to them. This is especially difficult for women with narrow eyes, since it is extremely difficult for them to choose the right makeup. A lack of cosmetics does not give the desired effect, and an excess of it leads to narrow, unsightly slits. Let's try to figure out the main application errors decorative cosmetics, and determine what the ideal makeup for narrow eyes should be.

The main mistakes of “narrow-eyed” makeup

Remember, lengthening mascara makes your eyelashes longer, but does not enlarge your eyes, much less widen them. On the contrary, too long eyelashes weigh down the eyelid and make narrow slits even narrower. The black edging of the mascara also visually reduces the incision.

The same goes for eyeliner or pencil; it also shouldn’t be placed right next to the eyelash line. If you place it slightly higher, it will visually lift and round the eyelid, and accordingly, your eyes will become more expressive.

Another mistake is to frame the eye at the top and bottom, creating a solid line. Only open lines can make it wider, and it is advisable that the frame color is not black. By the way, you should not do makeup for narrow eyes in black or dark gray, with the exception of mascara. This is a common mistake. The fact is that black color significantly reduces and narrows the eyes, but the use of light colors will make them more open.

Correct makeup

The main rule of successful makeup is to ensure that the upper and lower eyelids are highlighted. Use a light or pearlescent eyeshadow or pencil to widen the eye, and use a brown pencil to blend it for definition. Makeup for narrow eyes also looks advantageous if you draw a gray or some light colored pencil just above the upper and lower eyelids (retreating 2-3 millimeters).

Narrow arrows are categorically not acceptable, even with colored or light pencils, they lengthen already narrow eyes. If, nevertheless, a woman wants to emphasize the look with the help of an arrow, then it is better to make it not clear, but slightly shaded towards the eyebrows. In this case, under the eyebrows you can apply a little light pearlescent shadow, moving to the upper eyelid. And from the side of the eyelash line, the tone will gradually rise from dark to light pearl.

You can also emphasize the lower eyelid, but by combining dark shadows with light ones. A barely noticeable line above the eyelashes, drawn with a pencil (but not black!) will look beautiful.

Other makeup options

Not too many options, you might say, especially for daily use. There are several more ways to properly “open” your eyes and make them more expressive:

  • You can draw the contour at some distance from the outer upper eyelid, and then shade it to the fold;
  • You can thicken the eyeliner in the middle of the eyelid, and shade it along the edges or simply cover it with light shadows;
  • Make the corners dark with shading;
  • Try to draw only a third of the eye from the outer corner;
  • Keep your eyelashes curled rather than long;
  • Use warm colors shadows, soft pink tones look very beautiful.

Fashionable eyebrows

Don't forget about eyebrow makeup, as they make your eyes open and more expressive. Today on the Internet there are many tutorials on how to properly color eyebrows. Remember that the shape of the eyebrows must be selected depending on the type and shape of the face. In general, it is considered correct that the edge of the eyebrows closest to the bridge of the nose should be in line with the inner corner of the eye, and the highest point of the eyebrows should be in line with the inner corner through the pupil. More details can be found in the photo online. Flawless eyebrows will add emphasis to your appearance.

Not only the eyes need to be given such great attention, but also the skin tone and the applied foundation and blush. Shiny porcelain skin with a light touch of pink blush on the cheekbones and cheeks always looks attractive. Experiment, choose your makeup, don’t be afraid to use different shades of shadows and pencils and, without a doubt, you will achieve perfect makeup, suitable for your face type.

Eyes with a narrow slit are a headache only for those who do not know how to choose makeup correctly. Standard makeup application techniques are not suitable for narrow eyes - there are some secrets here. You need to know them to transform narrow eyes. But with a little effort, you can easily master these techniques and make your eyes truly beautiful.

Makeup techniques according to the color of narrow eyes

It's not just girls of Asian descent who have narrow eyes. They are also found among Europeans. For this type of appearance, black eyeliner and mascara are completely unacceptable. Excessively long and black eyelashes will make your eyes appear smaller, and black eyeliner will make them even narrower.
  • Makeup for beauties with narrow brown eyes has no color restrictions. Green, pink, brown, metallic shades suit them. Shadows with a transition from dirty pink to pale pink look great. But don't overdo it with blue and pink - your eyes may appear tired.
  • Narrow green eyes Gray, lilac, blue, brown colors are suitable. Avoid black eyeliner and use brown and gray ones. To make narrow eyes look bigger, apply eyeliner with a thicker line in the middle of the eyelid. Apply a contour line on a small gap from the eyelashes. Do some shading.
  • Makeup for narrow gray and blue eyes similar in color scheme. Here you can use brown, lilac, gray, blue colors. Be careful when experimenting with pink and blue eyeshadows.

Doing daytime makeup for narrow eyes

When applying makeup for narrow eyes, it is advisable to use shades of the same color scheme. To visually “open” the eyes, apply a light shade of shimmer to the upper eyelids.

Mascara should be in harmony with the overall makeup. When creating makeup for the day, you can take brown or blue mascara. The look will seem more open if you first curl your eyelashes with tweezers.

Narrow day suits the eyes makeup in beige tones. Apply pearlescent shadows or highlighter, stick, pencil to the area under the eyebrows. On the upper eyelid, use a brown pencil to draw a contour above the eyelash line.

Use highlighter to highlight the inside corner of your eye. Apply brown mascara to your eyelashes. Don't forget about your eyebrows. Their shape should be neat, without unnecessary hairs. For narrow eyes, make your eyebrows a little thinner than usual. They need to be painted.

How to do evening makeup for narrow eyes

The main task of this makeup is to create the impression that the eyes are larger. Start by evening out the tone. We hide minor imperfections with corrector or concealer and apply foundation. Light lilac shadows are suitable for evening. Draw the outline with a blue pencil. Draw a line a little higher than the eyelashes. Line the bottom of the eyelid with a blue pencil. Black mascara is suitable for evening - only one layer. Eyelashes need to be curled with tweezers.

Makeup for narrow eyes step by step

A competent choice of color palette is the main thing in makeup for Asian eyes. Through experimentation, you can find colors that suit your appearance. When this task is solved, begin to master the technique of applying makeup.

Video tutorial on how to do makeup for narrow eyes

A woman is an amazing creature who constantly strives for perfection. Each representative of the fair sex has her own views and concept of “beauty”, so many strive to emphasize their graceful sides and tactfully hide their defective ones.

Makeup for narrow girls will help Asian girls make their eyes more expressive and brighter, but for this it is important to know all the secrets of makeup.

Makeup for narrow people brown eyes can “open” your eyes

To “open” your eyes, do not overuse dark shadows and eyeliner. Before applying makeup, the upper and lower eyelids are lightened with white or beige shadows; concealer is also suitable (shaded with a brush or fingers).

An expressive look is created by pearlescent eyeliner in gray, blue, brown or lilac color. For narrow brown eyes, it is forbidden to use black eyeliner in the form of a soft fat pencil. If it is necessary to use dark shades, then they must be shaded, creating a smoky effect.

Do not outline the lower eyelid with eyeliner. For narrow brown eyes, arrows on the upper contour are suitable, but they should be thin and neat. In this case, it is also worth using gray, brown, ash and lilac shades. Graceful arrows will make the look open and emphasize all the expressiveness.

Use not only eye shadow and eyeliner, but also good mascara, concealer, and foundation. Lengthening mascara in black or black will help to “open” your eyes. brown. Apply mascara only to the lashes in the outer corner of the eye.

How to draw arrows:

  • Option 1. The line is applied to the entire contour of the upper eyelid and shaded.
  • Option 2. The line is drawn along the entire contour, emphasizing the outer corner of the eye in a bolder font.
  • Option 3. The line is drawn along the entire contour, but starting from the inner corner the arrow becomes more saturated and bright. The inner corner area is carefully shaded.
  • Option 4. The line is drawn from the middle of the contour to the outer corner and shaded.
  • Option 5. The contour of the lower eyelid is barely noticeably emphasized and shaded. This option is an exception to the rule and is used only for evening makeup or make-up.
  • Option 6. The line is drawn from the inner corner to the middle of the upper eyelid, while trying not to affect the outer corner. This option will help open your eyes and make them more rounded.

Which shades to choose

Only light shades: dark shades will narrow your eyes even more

Makeup for narrow brown eyes does not tolerate dark tones. Everyday makeup should consist of pearlescent, light and delicate colors, and evening make-up allows the use of brown and gray shades.

Everyday makeup

Ideal for lightweight and light colors. You can use porcelain, light beige and golden shadows as a base. For the second layer, choose shades of vanilla, honey and cinnamon.

To complete the makeup, use gold, brown, chocolate and dark brown tones. If you want your makeup to match your outfit, you can add emerald, lilac, and crimson tones.

Evening makeup

To make your eyes appear more open and voluminous, it is important to apply makeup in several stages. The ideal option for narrow brown eyes would be a smokey eye, or smoky look. For this, gray, emerald-ash, blue, brown and bronze shadows are used.

The main task of makeup for narrow eyes is to make the look more expressive and piercing. To do this, you can create khaki shades with the addition of olive and dark green shadows.

Ideal shades of shadows for brown narrow eyes: light brown, milk chocolate, plum and lilac, walnut and dark chocolate, grass and emerald, silver and gray, sand, gold, beige, amber and purple.

Avoid using bright red or pink eyeshadow. large quantities, and also with a yellow tint. To create an individual look, it is best to add sea green and coral shades, and to make your makeup give you mystery and sexuality, you can use herbal and lemon shades.

Advice! You should not use shadows that match the color of your pupils and skin. This will be a losing proposition. Also, do not use black colors - this will make you look older and visually reduce the shape of your eyes.

Spectacular make-ups and rules for applying makeup

Makeup for asian eyes: lilac shades

There are several optimal solutions for narrow brown eyes, which are suitable for both fatal and burning brunettes.

To do this, you need to know how to apply cosmetics correctly:

  • Apply foundation (concealer) to a cleansed and moisturized face, which is blended using a soft sponge or brush. The foundation should be applied in a thin layer to the forehead, chin, lower eyelid, cheekbones and nose.
  • Apply foundation on top of the concealer in drops or dots on the forehead, nose, chin, neck and cheekbones. Shaded along the lines of “beauty”, that is, from bottom to top. The foundation must be carefully distributed over all areas so that there are no stains or unevenness.
  • The final step is the corrector. They are allocated to areas on the sinuses of the nose, in the corners of the lips, near the inner corner of the eye, and are also applied to the upper eyelid under the eyebrows. When the skin tone is evened out and pimples and red spots are disguised, then you can apply shadows.
  • The main shadow layer is the application of light shades that open up the eyes. Dark shades should be applied over gold, beige, light brown and honey shadows.

Smoky look for narrow eyes: step-by-step instructions

  • To ensure that the shadows lie evenly on the eyelid and do not roll down during the day, it is necessary to powder the area with body talcum powder.
  • Use brown or dark gray eyeliner to draw an arrow from the inner corner to the outer one.
  • To add expressiveness, do not go beyond the lash line, and to create a fatal look, you need to make a pointed arrow extending beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  • The eyeliner must be shaded.
  • To create a “cat” look over the contour, you need to apply light shadows from the inner corner to the eyebrow line.
  • The area of ​​the moving fold is painted with medium shadows, giving more saturation in the outer corner.
  • The applied shades must be shaded with a large fluffy brush.
  • A few mid-tone shadows are applied to the contour of the lower eyelid and connected to the arrow line.
  • Shade with a small brush. To give a more daring look, darker and richer shadows (ash, gray, brown) are applied to the outer corner. Also blendable with a fluffy brush.
  • Light shadows highlight the contour under the eyebrows, as well as the inner corner.
  • Apply mascara to add volume.

Volume eyelashes will make your look more expressive

Please pay attention special attention preparation of the face. It is very important that the skin is cleansed, and with the help of a corrector, foundation and powder all the contours and correct features were outlined. You can make narrow eyes open and expressive, or create the illusion of larger eyes with the right shade.

Also a winning option There will be the use of blush and lipstick, which will distract the interlocutor from the size and shape of the eyes. To do this, choose a rich and (ripe berries, scarlet rose, blood red order or crimson dawn).

Do not create monochromatic makeup. Use 2, or preferably 3 different shades that combine with each other. For example, white gold + + bronze.

For a more daring and sexy look, use an eyelash curler. The curled hairs will create the visual illusion of large doe eyes.

Never use black! Mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil should be brown or gray.

You should also pay attention. With a clearly drawn line, you can slightly raise the eyebrow, which will make the eyes appear much more expressive and open.

A woman will never be satisfied with her appearance, no matter how supportive nature is with her gifts. Advice from experienced makeup artists who have studied the field of beauty and share their secrets with the fair sex comes to the rescue. Being beautiful is easy!

Secrets flawless makeup for narrow brown eyes the following video will show you:

An elongated eye shape is not only characteristic of oriental girls. Many European women would like to visually increase their shape and make their eyes appear more open. Achieve this effect It’s simple if you don’t make some mistakes and follow simple recommendations:

  • Over black, you should choose cobalt gray, brown and other alternative shades, depending on the overall look.
  • It’s best to avoid liquid eyeliner altogether. It is worth highlighting the eyelash growth line with the help of shadows applied with a damp brush or a soft pencil, followed by careful shading.
  • When applying eyeliner, you need to step back a little from the natural hairline to visually round the cut. Also, you should not connect the arrows at the outer corner; this technique will help open your eyes.
  • It is not recommended to use charcoal lengthening mascara. Too long hairs will cover the cut and create unnecessary edging, which will make the shape appear even smaller.
  • To visually enlarge and round the shape of the eyelashes, you can curl them using special tweezers.
  • In the color palette, it is better to take a closer look at light beige and pearlescent shades. This will help make your eyes look bigger.

An important detail in creating a beautiful make-up will be the correctly selected eyebrow line. The shape of the eyebrows for narrow eyes should be chosen based on the oval of the face, but their width should be slightly narrower than usual. Excess hairs should be removed with tongs, and the space between them should be painted over with special shadows or a pencil.

No matter what color palette you choose and for what occasion it is intended, the sequence of preparatory actions will always be the same.

First, you need to even out the surface of your face with a moisturizer or foundation. This is necessary so that subsequent layers lay smoother and last longer throughout the day.

After the base is absorbed, you can apply a little foundation to even out skin color. In this case, it is better to opt for light textures that will be less noticeable and more comfortable to use.

Next, you can experiment with the color of the shadows and various techniques their application. The upper eyelid should be painted up to the brow area. It is better to apply a little light product or highlighter to the area under the eyebrow. The inner corner of the eye is traditionally highlighted with pearl or white shadows, and a bright color can be added to the outer corner.

The gradient looks very good when the color smoothly stretches from rich dark at the lash line to almost transparent.

Eyelid products should be of the highest quality because the skin around the eyes is especially sensitive.

Mineral cosmetics are ideal. It contains only natural ingredients that do not cause irritation or allergies. The particles pass oxygen to the cells, allowing them to breathe. Such products take care of the skin, combat minor imperfections and help prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. A wide selection of pigments allows you to create vivid images every day without harm to health.

Which arrows are suitable for narrow eyes?

Eyeliner with a narrow slit must be drawn very carefully, since an excessively heavy contour will give the makeup the opposite effect: instead of an open look, you will get small slits. Therefore, makeup artists often do not recommend girls with this feature to draw arrows. But if you have such a desire, you can experiment and, through trial and error, choose the option that will look good.

Clear lines will only draw attention to the cut, so to create arrows in this case it is better to use soft pencils or shadows applied with a damp brush and shade the contours well. The line should be drawn at a short distance from the edge of the eyelid to visually enlarge the eyes.

There are several options available:

  • carefully shaded arrows on both eyelids;
  • a line only along the contour of the upper eyelid, thickening in the middle;
  • when the eyelash growth line on the upper eyelid is fully emphasized, and on the lower eyelid only from the outer corner.

Let us remind you that you should avoid black and choose a dark brown or gray option. Among the shadows of mineral cosmetics there is a large assortment of different rich shades. Applied with a damp brush, they are in no way inferior in richness to a pencil, and the rich palette will allow you to create a bold and interesting image.

An example of arrows for narrow eyes can be seen in the photo.

As we already said, general rules makeup application will be the same for everyone. You should choose a color scheme based on the clothing set and the shade of the iris.

Makeup for narrow brown eyes

Enhance the natural beauty of fair-haired people brown eyed girls shades of pink, greenish, peach and sand colors will help. Dark-eyed brunettes should take a closer look at golden, gray, and lilac shades. You should avoid shades of blue and red so that your face does not look tired and inflamed.

Makeup for narrow blue and gray eyes

Blue slanted eyes will benefit from smoky, cobalt, blue-lilac and soft blue colors. The main thing is that their shade differs from the tone of the cornea, otherwise natural colors may look more faded.

Makeup for narrow green eyes

Green-eyed beauties can choose various shades of gray, lilac, blue and brown. Among the tones of green, it is worth paying attention to mint and turquoise.

Evening and wedding makeup for narrow eyes

When creating festive look the principle of operation remains the same, but you can play with color combinations and choose brighter shades.

You need to start by evening out the skin using a base and foundation.

For evening look It would be useful to draw the eyelash line a little, but be sure to shade the contour so that there are no clear boundaries. Since black eyeliner is not recommended in this case, you can safely experiment with a pencil in blue, green, silver-gray and golden colors.

Eyelashes should be covered with mascara in one layer, having previously curled them with tweezers. For a more dramatic effect, you can contact a specialist to add bunches of artificial eyelashes at the outer corner. This technique will visually significantly round the shape and make the eyes larger.

Here are some examples of bright evening makeup for slanted eyes with step-by-step photos.

For a bride, a more delicate and feminine look is usually preferable. Therefore, makeup should be natural, with small bright accents. Depending on your eye color, you can choose blue, golden, pearl, peach and greenish shadows. In this case, it is better to refuse eyeliner.

Makeup for Asian eyes

Asian appearance is very beautiful and mysterious. This is characterized by a somewhat drooping eyelid and short eyelashes, a yellowish complexion and beautifully defined plump lips. Asian women's eyes are very expressive, but there are some features that must be taken into account when applying makeup.

To make your look more open, you should lift the lowered tip of the eyebrow, removing excess hairs.

To refresh your look, you can apply it to the lower lash line. white using a pencil or shadows, and draw a clearly defined arrow on top. Moreover, if in general cases makeup artists do not recommend black eyeliner for narrow eyes, then in the case of Asian face it will be very appropriate. In this case, it is better to draw the line only on the moving eyelid, increasing its width in the middle.

If you want to emphasize the eyelash line on both eyelids, then it is preferable to use a soft pencil or shadow and shade the contour well.

How to make your eyes look narrow with makeup

Many European girls with round eyes they want to visually make them narrower. The reason for this may be that their size is too large, disproportionate to the rest of the facial features, or the need to wear glasses with magnifying lenses.

Often, coquettes just want to create a fox-like eye shape in order to add slyness and enthusiasm to the image. This can be easily achieved by following a few tips:

  • Choose dark colors for makeup. They will visually deepen the setting of the eyes and make them smaller.
  • The smokey eye, beloved by many, will help narrow the cut.
  • Correctly drawn arrows will help give an elongated shape. Along the moving eyelid, you need to draw a line from the inner corner along the eyelash growth line to the outer corner, slightly moving it beyond the boundaries of the eyelids and lifting it at the end. For the bottom, it is better to use not a coal-black product, but a dark gray one. Similarly, draw the edge along the growth of the eyelashes, slightly shading the line.

Now you know what to do if your eyes are narrow and how to visually enlarge them. We also invite you to watch a video tutorial on creating makeup for narrow eyes.

Narrow eyes, which nature most often rewards women with Asian roots, are not only beautiful, but also alluring and even mysterious. This form is often called languid, since the female gaze does not seem to be completely open due to the strongly drooping lower eyelids.

But not all representatives of the fair sex are happy that they have such an individual external feature, so they want to change the shape, using makeup for narrow eyes. If you do this procedure correctly, with the help of suitable cosmetics, you can, without much difficulty, further emphasize your own beauty and individuality, make the look of brown or green eyes bottomless and mysterious.

When applying makeup for narrow eyes, you should try to preserve the natural unique shape and at the same time, with the help of cosmetics, visually enlarge the incision and make the look more open.

First of all, you need to work on drooping eyelids, following the recommendations of professional makeup artists:

  1. Eyeliner is applied to the lower eyelid using a white cosmetic pencil.
  2. Eyelashes definitely need to be painted, since those with narrow eyes most often have short and sparse eyelashes.
  3. To effectively lengthen eyelashes, experts recommend using only high-quality lengthening mascara, applying it in two or even three layers.

It’s time to fight drooping eyelids with the help of proper eyebrow correction, step-by-step execution this event can be found in numerous videos. The most important thing in this case is to remove the eyebrow line, which seems to fall down, in order to visually enlarge the look and at the same time remove all the lower eyebrow hairs. Another trick to make makeup for narrow eyes more fresh and expressive is highlighting the upper part of the eyebrows. To do this, use a black pencil; with its help, drooping eyelids become almost invisible.

Correct selection of shadows

Makeup for narrow eyes will not be complete if you abandon the shadows. In this event, you should definitely adhere to the basic rule - use two color palettes - dark and light. Step by step application must be carried out according to the rules so that the makeup turns out beautiful and expressive:

  • a light shade should be applied under the arch of the eyebrows;
  • the upper eyelid is shaded with shadows of two shades, while performing smooth transition from light to dark;
  • The darkest shadows are applied to the curve of the eyelids, smoothly transitioning to light ones under the eyebrows. Be sure to use shading to make the transition of shades less noticeable.

It is worth taking into account that makeup for narrow eyes will look beautiful and expressive if you use matte cosmetics, but at the same time avoid sharp transitions and lines as much as possible.

Various arrows

Arrows help you do narrow shape the eye is bright, expressive and visually enlarges it. That is why professional makeup artists recommend using this particular technique in makeup:

  • to draw a contour line, you can use liquid cosmetic eyeliner or a black pencil;
  • apply eyeliner to the upper eyelid, it is recommended to make the arrows wide and always clear;
  • If the shape of the eyes is slightly slanting, the arrows should be applied from the outer corner, extending to the middle of the eyelid.

Before applying makeup for narrow eyes, as well as for other shapes, you should prepare your facial skin. Experts advise using foundation, powder, and, if necessary, corrective cosmetics. And only after applying the foundation can you proceed to the eyes, taking into account that this particular part of the makeup will be labor-intensive and time-consuming:

  1. The foundation is created. For this light shades shadows are applied only to the moving part of the eyelid and must be shaded. If you have any difficulties choosing a shade, you can watch the video tutorial at any time. And looking at photos will make it much easier to choose cosmetics for green, brown or gray eyes to effortlessly emphasize their expressiveness.
  2. As was already said earlier, shadows are applied to the moving part of the eyelid, and they need to be visually divided into two parts - a dark shade is applied to the outer part, it is better to choose light colors on the inner part. Be sure to carefully shade the transition area.
  3. If you wish, you can use shadows for the lower eyelids, but you must adhere to a clear and correct line, otherwise makeup for narrow eyes will not be able to be made beautiful and expressive.

According to professional makeup artists, a black or black pencil will help make your look mysterious. dark brown, with which you need to apply eyeliner along the eyelashes. And it is best to apply mascara to pre-curled eyelashes so that the shape of the eyes is wide and open.