Reading time: 6 minutes

In conditions of constant rise in price of vital goods, even taking into account the benefits offered by the state, it is very difficult to raise a child. Social subsidies also include compensation for kindergarten, aimed at returning a certain percentage of the monthly parental payment. Sometimes financial compensation is possible even if the child does not attend kindergarten.

What is compensation for kindergarten

The implementation of the state's demographic program implies different shapes social support parents. This category also includes compensation payments that a family receives if a child attends state or municipal educational institutions for preschool age. Parents make monthly payments, and then compensation payments are made to their account. It is important that:

  • parents pay only the cost of child care and supervision, and the cost of educational services and building maintenance are paid from budget funds;
  • compensation is calculated depending on the number of minor children in the family.

Legal regulation

The basic document determining the possibility of assigning compensation is the Federal Law “On Education”. It says there is maximum size parental fees, exceeding which for state and municipal educational preschool institutions is not allowed. In addition, kindergartens of this type allow free stay for orphans, disabled people, and those left without parental care.

Types of compensation

Acting as a form monthly allowance, compensation for kindergarten may be regulated by both federal and local legislation. For example, when considering a partial refund cash, spent on paying for the services of a preschool educational institution, federal legislation does not address the situation of non-attendance at kindergarten. Since parents in this case have no less financial burden (for example, if a place is not provided), in many regions such payments are established at the local level.

State compensation of parental fees for kindergarten

Federal legislation determines the amount of monetary compensation for different categories of families, to which a regional or departmental supplement may be added. For example, those who have one child can qualify for benefits - 20% of the payment. Thus, for structural units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a 50% benefit is established if one of the parents:

  • is disabled;
  • is the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident;
  • undergoing conscription service;
  • works in a kindergarten.

Regional payments

Local legislation provides for a number of additional benefits - for example, they relate to situations where a family cannot obtain a place in kindergarten. The Russian Constitution guarantees the provision of a free preschool education program. At the federal level, a similar bill on compensation for kindergartens when services are not provided has been repeatedly introduced for legislative discussion, but this problem has not found a final solution nationwide.

At the same time, local legislative acts differ in requirements regarding the age limits of children, the amount of payments and the amount from which compensation for kindergarten is calculated. In many cases, this is 20% of the deposited amount for one child, but, for example, in Sevastopol in this situation they pay compensation of 30% of the average payment in the city, which is very beneficial for low-income families.

Who is entitled to a refund for kindergarten?

Compensation is issued to the parent (or substitute person) who makes the payment. The main factor determining the amount of benefits in this case is the number of minors in the family. The amount of compensation depends on the number of children:

  • for the first child, parents will receive 20%;
  • for the second – 50%;
  • for the third and each subsequent in large families - 70%.

How is the amount calculated?

Parents whose children attend preschool institutions can calculate what the compensation for kindergarten will be in the current month - it directly depends on the amount of payment. All this can be found using the formula SK = SOD x DPR x KKD = (OSP / RDM) x DPR x KKD, where:

  • SK – the amount of compensation that will be accrued to the parents,
  • SOD – cost of one day of stay;
  • DPR - the number of days the child was in preschool;
  • KKD – coefficient of the number of children;
  • OSP - the total cost of attending kindergarten, which parents pay;
  • RDM – number of working days in a month.

This can be explained with an example: there is one child in the family who, in July 2017, attended kindergarten for 14 days, for which they pay 1,800 rubles per month. To find out the amount of compensation payments, the available data is substituted into the formula, and it is easily found out that SK = 1,800 rubles. / 21 days x 14 days. x 0.2 = 240 rubles. The amount is not large, but if you calculate it over six months, you get 2140 rubles. – this is more than the average monthly payment!

How to get compensation for kindergarten

Parents are not always active in receiving compensation, considering the hassle to be great and the amount insignificant. The time spent is unlikely to be more than 15 minutes, and there is no extra money to raise a child. Step by step instructions will explain to you how to apply for compensation for kindergarten:

  1. It is necessary to prepare an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten and provide the necessary documents. Please note that copies of documents are accompanied by originals for verification.
  2. Applications for compensation are subject to registration in a special journal, and the provided copies of documents are certified by a seal.
  3. The documentation package is intended for social protection authorities, where new lists of recipients are formed quarterly.

What documents are needed

The package of documents for receiving compensation payments includes only the most common documents that are always at hand in the house. A fully prepared package should include:

  • birth certificate;
  • passports of both parents;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate of family composition (if there is more than one child);
  • bank account details in order to make the transfer.

Application for compensation for kindergarten

In most cases, state educational institutions already have a ready-made application form for recipients, where you only need to enter your data, which greatly simplifies the task. The prepared application must contain:

  • surname, first name, patronymic and place of residence of the parent;
  • a reasoned request for a partial refund of funds - parental fees
  • account number where the subsidy will be transferred;
  • obligation to inform about all changes that may affect the amount of social payments so that recalculation is made.

Compensation for private kindergarten

Apply for compensation social benefits It is also possible when visiting private kindergartens. The algorithm of actions here will be the same as when applying to government agencies, but it must be taken into account that payments are made not from the entire amount spent, but only from the average amount of payment for similar services of government organizations. This difference can be very significant, given that:

  • the fee for visiting private kindergartens includes all expenses (for example, the implementation educational programs), reaches 20,000 rubles and above;
  • The average payment for a kindergarten can be 1,000 rubles, and the 20 percent compensation that will be relied upon will be 200 rubles.

Compensation for failure to provide kindergarten

There is no legislative solution to this issue at the federal level. According to the Law “On Education”, this initiative has been transferred to local administrations of the republics and regions. If we are talking about receiving compensation payments for not receiving preschool services educational institutions, then you must contact the Social Security Administration at your place of residence. The package of documents will be larger than for those who want to return part of the parental fees, and additionally the following will be provided:

  • certificate of being in the social queue;
  • documented refusal to enroll in kindergarten due to lack of places;
  • maternity leave order.

Features of payments in the regions

Moving from the federal level to the local level, it is noticeable that compensation payments of this kind are not available in all cities and regions (for example, they are not in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod). Examples of some payments are given in the table, and here you can clearly see how much the size of these subsidies varies:

Male age period child, years Payment amount, rubles
Kirov 1,5-3 2 500
Krasnoyarsk 1,5-3 3 709
Permian 1,5-3 5 295
3-6 4 490
Samara 1,5-3 For the first child – 1,000, for the second – 1,500, for the third – 2,000
Tomsk 1,5-5 4000


Last modified: January 2019

Compensation for kindergarten- state reimbursement of part of the parental money spent on paying for the child’s stay in kindergarten. Rosstat calculated that on average across the country, parents of a child have to pay 97.67 rubles per day for kindergarten. Over the course of a month, this fee turns into a substantial amount, especially if the family has modest incomes and is raising several children.

Payments are sought in regional budgets, since the federal government has only established general rules, and the obligation to reimburse expenses for preschool transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The costs of keeping children in preschool institutions were partially reimbursed to all parents.

The size of the payment depended only on which child in the family began to attend kindergarten:

  • if the first - 20% of the total monthly cost of preschool education services;
  • if the second – 50%;
  • if the third (or subsequent children) – 70%.

These rules are still in effect today, but they have an important clarification:

subjects Russian Federation received the authority to determine the amount of family income (“means criteria”) under which parents will be able to qualify for compensation payments. This means that local authorities have the opportunity to vary the amount of the refunded amount based on the financial situation of the pupil’s family.

Regional authorities have the right to expand the list of recipients of this benefit if the budget allows paying for the care and supervision of special children using public funds. They also have the right only to increase the amount of compensation for the first, second and subsequent children. Local legislators are not allowed to reduce the established percentage of the payment to the total cost of services if the parents meet the established criteria of need.

These include:

  • children with disabilities;
  • orphans;
  • children, due to various reasons those left without parental care (for example, if the father and mother were deprived of their rights to the child);
  • pupils infected with tuberculosis.

Legislative framework

The right to compensation for kindergarten expenses, as well as complete exemption from this fee, is established by the Law on Education in the Russian Federation No. 263-FZ (Article 65). The same regulatory act establishes another rule: regions must determine the maximum cost of preschool educational institutions for the supervision and care of young pupils, which cannot be exceeded. Judging by the statistics of average consumer prices for these services for the first three months of 2018, Russian entities set them in a huge range:

  • St. Petersburg – 29.61 rubles/day;
  • Chechen Republic – 75.80 rubles/day;
  • Pskov region – 88.83 rubles/day;
  • Moscow – 142.11 rubles/day;
  • Saratov region – 152.44 rubles/day;
  • Kamchatka Territory – 201.14 rubles/day;
  • Magadan region – 224.30 rubles/day.
Let us recall that earlier in January 2015, the new version of Article 217 (clause 42) of the Tax Code included compensation payments for kindergarten in the list of income not subject to personal income tax. Previously, parents did not receive the full amount of compensation, but minus 13%.

Compensation from the Russian Ministry of Defense

Additional compensation for kindergarten was provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They are intended for certain categories of parents whose daughters and sons attend preschool institutions of the military department. Preferences for payment for kindergartens are established by Order of the Minister of Defense of Russia dated November 24, 2014 No. 862 (Appendix 2).

Recipients of compensation in the amount of 50%, regardless of the number of children in the family, are:

  • conscripts;
  • Chernobyl liquidators;
  • disabled people assigned to group I or II;
  • employees of subordinate kindergartens.

Parents (trustees, guardians) of three or more children receive the same compensation if one of their children attends a “military” kindergarten. Legal representatives of a child with low incomes who have the status of low-income citizens (confirmed by a certificate from social security) are completely exempt from fees.

Payment processing procedure

Compensation for kindergarten is not calculated automatically, but is of a declarative nature. That is, the parent must indicate that he wishes to receive this payment. To do this, he writes an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten, in which he asks to compensate his expenses for the services of the preschool educational institution.

The paper is submitted to the accounting department of the preschool educational institution. If its employees refuse to accept an application for compensation, you should contact the social security authorities (compensation department).

What is indicated in the application

An application for monetary compensation must contain several mandatory items:

  • to whom it is addressed - full name of the head of the kindergarten with the name of the institution she heads;
  • by whom the paper was drawn up - full name of the parent/guardian of the pupil, indicating the address of his residence;
  • a request for partial compensation for kindergarten expenses for the 1st, 2nd or subsequent child (it is important to indicate which one, since the amount of compensation depends on this);
  • Full name of daughter or son attending kindergarten;
  • name of the preschool educational institution;
  • passport details of the applicant parent;
  • list of documents to be transferred;
  • date of writing and signature.

When submitting an application, the parent should ensure that it is properly registered. It is better to make it in duplicate and ask to also put the date and incoming number on the second (own) copy. Only such a document will confirm the fact that the mother or father has applied for compensation in any authority, including the court.

You can download the application form for compensation for kindergarten:

Set of documents

The right to compensation and the identity of the applicant are confirmed by the following documents:

  • a photocopy of the Russian passport of the parent or guardian;
  • a copy of the registry office certificate of the birth of the child (if he is not the only one in the family, you must attach copies of certificates for all children);

If in order to receive a payment you must have a family income no more than a certain level, the applicant will have to document that it has not been exceeded. To do this, you will need certificates about the salaries of family members, the amount of pensions and benefits, the amount of alimony, and other similar documents. Officials also need to provide bank details where the compensation money should be transferred.

It is impossible to provide a complete list of documents, since each region determines it independently. It needs to be clarified either in the accounting department of the kindergarten or in the social security authorities.

On the State Services website you can submit an application and track your payment. Go here .

How and when is paid

Start of payments

The submitted application along with the attached documents are first checked in the kindergarten by the employee who accepts them. He needs to check them with the originals, so applicants need to carry them with them. It is also subject to verification whether a complete set of papers was provided by the parent or guardian, and whether they really indicate the citizen’s right to compensation.

Then, the preschool educational institution’s accounting department employees independently submit the application and documents to the social security authorities and the education department. There they are checked again, after which a decision is made either to pay compensation or to refuse it. In the latter case, the applicant must be notified in writing of the reasons for not providing monetary payment for the garden.

If the decision is positive, parents will receive the first compensation for their child’s stay in a preschool institution the following month. It goes to the bank or “card” account specified when submitting documents.

Attention! Parents do not lose the right to compensation if the child attends a private kindergarten. It is paid in the same amounts and in the same manner as compensation amounts for a regular (state) kindergarten. There is only one restriction regarding a preschool educational institution: it must have a license.

Not the entire amount paid for a commercial kindergarten will be compensated. Sometimes it can reach tens of thousands of rubles, and the state is not ready for such compensation. As a rule, they are not required by citizens who are able to pay such significant sums for preschool education child. Compensation is calculated based on the average cost of such services in public kindergartens in the region.

Compensation for lack of a place in kindergarten

The Law on Education (Article 5) guarantees its universal accessibility at any level. Including preschool. But, despite the fact that many parents have to wait in line for years for kindergarten, the federal government has not taken responsibility for failing to fulfill its own promises. Unified all-Russian compensation for failure to provide a place in kindergarten has not yet been provided, although a bill on such payments has been wandering around the central government for many years. They could become a real support for families where one of the parents (and sometimes the only parent) cannot start working because they have nowhere to leave the baby during this time.

Today, the decision on compensation for parents who were unable to place their child in a preschool institution is made at the local level. And not all regions responded to this proposal, understanding how significant budget expenditures under this item could be. In particular, such compensation is not provided even by such a rich metropolis as Moscow.

But in many regions, parents actually receive some payments for not having a place in kindergarten. Their amounts are small and, as a rule, vary from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles. Although, for example, in Yaroslavl the amount of compensation in 2017 until the child’s 3rd birthday is only 591 rubles.

The age of the child is also established, during which regional authorities are willing to pay something. In some regions it begins at one and a half years and expires when the “home pupil” reaches three years of age (Kirov, Krasnoyarsk, Samara). In others, on the contrary, compensation begins to be paid only when the child turns 3 years old (Lipetsk).

The main documents that need to be presented to social security officials or the education department:

  • referral for registration of a child in a preschool institution;
  • a written refusal of a kindergarten to admit a child due to lack of space in a preschool educational institution.

Regional compensation for kindergarten

Each region sets the amount of compensation payments and the conditions for receiving them in accordance with budgetary possibilities. Therefore, accurate information on this issue must be obtained from local social protection authorities.

For example, legislators in St. Petersburg did not limit themselves to the minimum requirements of the law on education and established additional compensation for parents:

  • 40% of the payment – ​​if the child is being raised by a single parent in a low-income family (less than 2 subsistence minimums for each family member);
  • 50% of the payment – ​​if one of the parents has a disability (1st or 2nd group);
  • 70% of the payment – ​​if the average per capita income in the family does not reach living wage.

And in cities such as Togliatti and Samara, compensation for kindergarten is paid only to those families whose members have an income of less than 1.5 times the subsistence level (for each).

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Providing citizens with social services is the main task of the state. The poor in Russia have a large list of assistance that is provided to them at different levels of government.

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It is necessary to understand whether low-income families in Russia are entitled to compensation for kindergarten in 2019. After all, assistance for children is a separate category in terms of low-income citizens.


Low-income citizens in Russia are those who do not have a sufficient level of income. For calculation, the total family income is selected, divided by the number of people and the average per capita income is obtained.

It is worth noting that a family member is not individually recognized as needy. There is only the possibility of a general distribution of status for the entire family.

If a person lives alone and acts as an independent unit, then he can be assigned a status and receive assistance. The same applies to single parents raising children.

Important Concepts

Consideration of this issue requires familiarization with various terms in the field of legal regulation:

Concept Its designation
Compensation Payment, which is characterized by material reimbursement of any costs for products and services. Issued for social categories citizens through registration with state control authorities
Statement A document that has legal force and significance and aims to transfer data and information in paper or electronic form. Used in the legal system of the state for registration, decision-making and dispute resolution
Low-income citizen A person who is unable to obtain sufficient funds for subsistence through existing government instruments

Types of compensation

The placement of a child in a preschool institution is an obligation of the state and acts as a right for the use of citizens of the country.

Therefore, there are several options for compensation due low-income family in this area:

Only these methods of compensation are available in Russia for low-income parents in 2019.

Legal basis

This area is regulated on the basis of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. This document includes all the necessary points for structuring issues in this area.

Article 65 of this legal act provides provisions on how payment is made for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution.

Assistance measures are offered within the framework of Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children.”

The document includes data on how financing is carried out in terms of such funds as maternity capital.

Key points of compensation for kindergarten to low-income families

Compensation payments are made in the field of state social policy. Therefore, you can receive such benefits only within certain requirements.

Fulfillment of all conditions guarantees the provision of compensation for kindergarten and will slightly reduce the burden on the budget of the family of needy citizens.

Payments of this kind become possible within the state budget at the federal level. Therefore, you can get such help in any region of the country.

It is also possible to obtain benefits that relate to the regional budget. The family needs to understand that there are many options for obtaining a refund.

And they can all relate not only to benefits through the status of the poor. Therefore, if necessary, you can use other preferential options.

Benefit amount

Compensation figures may vary depending on individual family performance.

The poor are provided with benefits for kindergarten in the form of setting a percentage rate for compensation based on the number of children being raised in preschool educational institutions.

The indicators look like this:

These indicators apply to average monthly payments in rubles for a stay in a preschool educational institution.

Therefore, calculations are carried out based on several indicators:

  • number of children in the family;
  • amount of payment for staying in a preschool educational institution.

Depending on which preschool educational institution the child attends, the amount of payment may vary. Factors that determine payment include the region where the institution is located, the number of children it houses, and so on.

Design mechanism

A mandatory step in applying for benefits is obtaining the status of a beneficiary. In this case, the status of the poor is established.

Refunds under this scheme are carried out in the following algorithm:

Collection of documents It is necessary to prepare a specific package of documents, since the speed of processing information and carrying out compensatory measures depends on its completeness
Submitting papers Conducted by the child’s legal representative - a guardian or one of the parents. Papers should be submitted at the child’s place of education. In this case, there is either a separate commission in the preschool educational institution, or the manager is involved in data processing. The very fact of benefits is based on data from the social security authority
Making a decision A special commission assembled in the region checks documents and makes a decision on the candidate for the benefit. The maximum period of time allotted for this procedure, is one month
If the decision regarding the benefit is positive, monthly compensation payments will begin to be made according to the parents’ details.

In case of refusal, the candidate has the opportunity to appeal this decision. You should go to court and apply for preschool education. The same is done in case of failure to provide a place in kindergarten without legal grounds for this.

It is worth understanding that there are cases of failures for several reasons:

  • incomplete or inaccurate information about applicants for benefits;
  • incorrectly completed application.

List of required documents

Submission of documentary support is carried out quarterly. This is necessary to confirm the existence of grounds for receiving benefits.

The main package of documents includes the following items:

  • application according to the established form;
  • ID cards of candidates for benefits - a passport of the child’s representative is required;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • information about the details for transferring compensation for benefits.
All papers are submitted in the form of originals and copies. In the case where the surname of the child and the parent do not match, it is necessary to provide a document confirming the marriage or divorce.

If a citizen wants to refuse the assistance he receives, he will need to write a corresponding application.

How to write an application correctly

The document form should be drawn up correctly, since the acceptance of the entire package of documents will depend on it. A sample form for compensation of part of parental fees for kindergarten is available.

The following information must be included in the application:

They also include a list of documents that are attached to the application itself.

The document form is drawn up based on the following sample:

Compilation can be carried out not only according to this document. And it is important to take into account the recommendations of the preschool educational institution.

It is important to fill out all the fields and provide only truthful information. After all, all data will be checked.

Possible changes in this matter

For 2019 it is observed large number children who need a place for preschool education. In this regard, the state needs to regulate this issue.

There are many bills. For example, one that involves refusing to provide a child with a place in a preschool educational institution if he does not live at his place of registration. Through such measures, the government plans to make it possible to provide places for other applicants.

In 2016, all parents and legal guardians of the child had the opportunity to receive compensation for payments for their child’s education in kindergarten. Refunds for kindergarten fees in 2018 are also: 20% for one child, 50% for two children and 70% for three children (or more). However, since January 1, the law in this area has undergone certain changes that you need to know about. Now not everyone can get some of their money back.

Who is eligible for a refund?

Parents who receive an income of no more than 150% of the subsistence level (the minimum amount established by the state for living), approximately 14,000 rubles, have the right to a refund of part of the payment. Thus, the total income of a family (for example, 4 people, two adults and two children) should not exceed the amount of 58,000 rubles. This is the most significant change compared to 2016. It is worth considering that depending on the region, the amount may vary.

Also, from January 1, 2017, operations to refund kindergarten fees were suspended due to new changes. The exception is persons who, in addition to the return payment, received child benefits every month.

Changes in calculating compensation for kindergarten fees come into force on January 1, 2017. Who is entitled to a refund of money spent on feeding children? What percentage? Where to submit documents for a refund?

Documents for refund of payment for kindergarten

A parent or guardian can contact the authorities responsible for this area of ​​activity - social services. protection or MFC (Multifunctional Center) with a claim for compensation. It is necessary to provide a documentation set to which you need to add data on the family’s financial situation and its income.

List of data to be provided:

  • Identity document;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Evidence of other children (when there are older brothers or sisters);
  • Paper from the institution where the son or daughter will receive training;
  • Document on family composition (must be obtained from the Housing Office);
  • For legal representatives who are not parents – a document confirming the decision to transfer custody;
  • Data on the financial status of the family for the last three months that preceded the month of filing documents.

Interest accrual terms in 2018

If documents are submitted before the specified date, the calculation of the refund percentage for kindergarten fees will begin from the moment the payment procedure was suspended, that is, from January 1. If an application is submitted after the specified date, money will begin to accrue immediately from the moment the application was made. The refund amount for payment for food in kindergarten will be paid throughout the year (12 months). After this period of time, the documents must be updated.

Do not forget that self-government bodies at the local level have the right to establish additional benefits. Based on this, in different regions of the country the total family income and a number of other informative data may differ slightly. For this reason, it is necessary to contact the structures responsible for this area of ​​activity. Institutional staff will advise applicants and answer questions regarding this topic.


Refunds for kindergarten fees have undergone a number of changes in 2018, but in general the procedure remains the same. There were no changes for preferential categories. Beneficiaries are: children of military personnel, kindergarten workers, disabled people, Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidators.

For several years now, throughout Russia, federal compensation has been paid for parental fees for part of children's preschool educational institutions (kindergartens). Regulation of the legal side of this procedure is based on the Law on Education (as amended in 1992). In this part, compensation for kindergarten is a strictly regulated procedure and a fairly effective tool.

Who is entitled to compensation for kindergarten?

The existing right to receive back a certain amount of money from the amount paid by the child’s parents for attending kindergarten.

This right to due compensation is exercised to the extent of the parent who signed an agreement with the kindergarten for the provision of preschool educational services, and also regularly makes monthly payments.

Such a person may also be the child’s legal representative.

This compensation for kindergarten in 2016 is aimed at significantly reducing the financial burden, primarily on the poor and large families, which is, of course, a very important task.

Various types of compensation payments for kindergarten

All payments from the state, as a rule, are intended to compensate the child’s parents only for a certain part of the payment they make, the amount of which depends entirely on how many children there are in the family. at the moment there is time in the family.

There is also compensation for fees for an additional type of kindergarten, which covers food. Payment of this compensation is monthly, and its implementation applies only to persons with the status of “Chernobyl victims,” that is, to persons who suffered during the Chernobyl accident and have all the documents confirming this fact.

Compensation for failure to provide kindergarten

Some regions of Russia, on their own initiative, also provided compensation for a place in kindergarten to parents whose children did not get a place in kindergarten. Let us recall that the implementation of the possibility of such compensation in all regions of the Russian Federation was considered back in 2011 in the State Duma, however, it was not adopted. In other words, compensation for not providing a kindergarten is currently not mandatory throughout the Russian Federation.

Thus, parental benefit kindergarten fees may vary depending on the region, and everyone needs specific case in more precise specification at the local level.

The amount of compensation that parents receive for kindergarten

The amount that can be compensated for parental fees for kindergarten is calculated from the amount that parents pay each month for the child. Here, the benefits that parents may have must also be taken into account.

The basic rule when calculating the amount of compensation today is the total number of children (under 18 years old) living in the family:

  • If there is one child in the family, the compensation amount is 20%;
  • If there are two children in the family, the amount of compensation is 50%;
  • If there are three or more children in the family, the compensation amount is 70%.

Rules for processing compensation payments

The entire procedure for registration and payments, which is called compensation of part of the kindergarten fee, is today within the competence of Russian subjects, thus, any questions regarding this procedure are carried out at the level of regional authorities.

How to start the procedure

In order to start the procedure for processing documents to receive compensation for a kindergarten in 2016, you need to start collecting all the documents necessary for this, as well as make a request (you can contact it directly) to the head of the kindergarten.


After all the formalities of the first stage have been complied with, a special department involved in the formation of compensation (usually at the regional, regional or republican level) calculates and subsequently pays refundable funds. The transfer of these funds is carried out to a personal account opened by the parents in any of the Russian banks (in most regions, payments are usually linked to Sberbank or large regional banks).

Cases of cancellation of payments

Let us note that in practice there are cases when compensation payments are canceled or a refusal to receive them occurs, even at the stage of document verification. This happens due to the fact that the authorities checking the documentation discover the falsity of the information provided by the applicants. Cancellation of compensation also occurs if the child drops out of kindergarten.

Interestingly, according to the current law, parents receive compensation for kindergarten in 2016, including for their child’s attendance at private kindergartens.

List of required documents in 2016

The moment of payment for refund occurs, as mentioned above, after the parents or legal representatives of the child have collected the entire list necessary documents, and the relevant authorities have established its reliability.

The list of such documentation consists of six points:

  • A statement written to the head of the kindergarten, with information that the institution must make compensation payments;
  • A photocopy of the applicant’s identity document (first page and page with information about the place of registration);
  • A photocopy of the child's birth certificate. If the child has a legal representative, photocopies of the relevant agreement establishing the right of custody of the child should be provided.
  • Certificate of family composition (done by local authorities, from the house register);
  • A personal bank account issued in the name of the applicant, to which payments will be made in the future (a copy of the account certified by a bank seal is provided).

What do you need to know about compensation and taxes on it?

According to the latest changes that have occurred in tax legislation, regarding the payment of compensation for kindergarten, an amendment has appeared regarding the tax that was previously imposed on it. From the beginning of 2015 to the present, personal income tax, which is currently 13%, no longer applies to this part of payments, that is, it does not take away part of the money returned to parents as compensation.

New procedure for payment of compensation for kindergarten (video)