Target: create an emotionally positive mood.


  • children of senior preschool age;
  • birthday boys - a girl and a boy.

Clowns: Birthday and Congratulations.

Attributes. Gifts for birthday people. Fake cake. Fake large candies for dancing. Table set for tea. Samovar. Pot. Large Matryoshka doll with candies. Costumes for clowns, baker and pastry chef, tiger cubs, detectives. Buckets and candies for the game. Footprints of tiger cubs drawn on cardboard. Poster with drawn objects: pumpkin, vegetables, fish, plate.

Decoration of the hall. Balloons. “Happy Birthday” banner, Places of honor for birthday people.

Music is playing. children with gifts enter the hall and sit on the carpet.

Leading: Why are we having fun?

What kind of holiday do we have here?

Children: birthday! Birthday!

It's our birthday!

The music of B. Savelyev “My Birthday” sounds, the birthday people (a boy and a girl) enter, the children, together with the presenter, approach them.

Leading: How smart and mature you are!

Birthday people: We dressed up today

Let's sing and dance

Let's have fun together

And welcome your guests!

Name days are wonderful!

This is wonderful and funny!

It's jokes, dancing, laughter.

Games, songs and surprises.

It will be fun for everyone!

Children: Our favorite holiday is Birthday!

And that’s why we gladly accept the invitation!

Song: "Guys' Birthday."

Children with gifts:

1st child: I prepared the dishes for you.

2nd: I wove a carpet for you.

3rd: I am a drawing.

4th: I am the box.

5th: You have some sweets from me.

All: Well, together we want

Start your own round dance!

Round dance: “Loaf” (children sit on chairs).

Leading: The first guests are already coming, welcome!

Two clowns run to the music: Imeninka and Pozdravlyalkin.

My name is Birthday!

And I, Congratulations. Our favorite holiday is birthday!

And that’s why we are visiting you today!

Name days are wonderful!

This is wonderful and funny!

Congratulations accepted

And you accept gifts!

Birthday boys, where are ours?

Congratulations accepted

And you get gifts!

Where are our birthday boys?

Let them show themselves

We will call them

We need to start clapping.

The birthday people go through a circle of honor and sit in their places of honor.

Birthday: There will definitely be a surprise for our birthday boys today!

Congratulations: Great! Do you want to know which one? Then guess the rebus.

A poster is brought out with images of objects whose names begin with “t”, “o”, “r”, “t”.

Let the birthday people try to guess this riddle.

There is one word hidden here to read. You need to know the first letters of these words.

Right! It's a cake! To bake it, we need a baker and a pastry chef.

Hey friends, come here quickly!

Children come out dressed in white chef's hats, aprons and scarves around their necks.

Baker: I’ll make white flour into fluffy dough!

Yeast, come on. Don't be lazy!

Raise our dough1

Leading: Wait, baker, let's play with the guys and show you. How yeast raises dough.

Baker: Of course, of course. Come out. Children. And help me. Follow me and repeat all the steps!

Physical education minute: The yeast collected the air,

The yeast puffed up the dough!

In and out, in and out

Pooh! Pooh! Oh, oh!

Come on, the dough, in breadth and height.

Grow up and rise up!

The white dough puffed - oh! Oh!

The dough matured and thickened - oh!

We kneaded it a little -

And they whipped it with a merry!

Leading: What a fluffy dough we made! Thanks everyone for your help.

Confectioner: Here is a delicious, delicious dough, not baked

Let's bake some cakes

And we will decorate from the heart

Cream, nuts, chocolate – this is the cake’s outfit!

The baker and pastry chef leave.

Birthday: In the meantime, our cake is being baked and decorated. We will play the game “What’s on the holiday table.”

The game is played according to the principle “edible - not edible.” The last word is the word “candy.”

Congratulations: Of course, what would a birthday be without sweets?

Little kids love

All kinds of candies

Who gnaws and who swallows

Who is rolling on the cheek?

Sweet girls come out.

1st “candy”: Somewhere far away is a country - chocolate land

Everything is there, everything is made of chocolate.

From halva and marmalade -

Everyone needs to get there!

2nd “candy”: I am chocolate candy

I'm dressed in a bright candy wrapper

In the chocolate kingdom

And stuffed with honey

I'm visible all the time.

Candy Dance(music of choice).

Birthday: Why don't they bring cake?

Congratulations: The candles are probably being lit.

Birthday: Let's call our culinary masters. Pastry chefs.

All: Cooks! Cooks! Bring the cake here1

Baker: We guarded him, we took care of him.

Confectioner: They didn't save it.

Birthday girl: That's trouble! What are we going to do, Congratulations?

Congratulations: Think! Think! Got it! Let's call our famous detectives Klyuchikov.

Music from the cartoon “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” plays and the Detectives enter the hall.

1st: We are ready to start searching. What's missing?!

Children: Cake!

2nd: Yes, the task is difficult. We need helpers.

Presenter: guys, let's help the detectives?!

Game: "Little Detectives".

(Collect the drawn tracks of the tiger cubs, whoever is bigger and faster, give them to the birthday boys and detectives to count.)

1st detective: I think these are cat tracks!

2nd: Yes. No, look how big they are, these are probably dog ​​tracks.

Leading: And you, children, whose tracks do you think these are?

Children: Tiger cubs.

Detectives: So who is to blame for the missing cake!

Tiger cubs appear and carry a cake.

Tiger cubs: We don't need a cake, we wanted to come to your holiday.

Leading: Then dance for our birthday boys.

Dance of the Tiger Cubs (music of your choice).

Leading: Let's kids, let's thank the cooks, the detectives, and the tiger cubs too. They all tried their best and we had a cake for our birthday.

Birthday and Congratulations: This is how everything comes true in the world, especially on your birthday.

Song: “Everything comes true in the world”, music. E. Krylatova.

Children: Dolls, bunnies. Toys

Everyone sat down in a row.

Because it's a birthday

It's the boys' birthday.

To make our holiday bright.

We were preparing gifts.

We drew pictures

We have been waiting for this day!

Leading: And the gift for the birthday people will be the dance of the festive ball “Waltz”.

Leading: What about our birthday people, maybe they want to please us with something?

Birthday: But I love listening to poetry.

Congratulations: And when I was little, they put me on a chair. And I read a poem.

Leading: This is amazing. You can only fall from a chair. Let the poems sound from the podium.

The birthday boy reads the poem

We love holidays

We are looking forward to

Holidays bring us

Joy to every home

It starts with a song

Holiday day

It lights up in the heart

Warm light

It's a shame they're ending


But they are never forgotten.

They take out the samovar: I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming

I carry a samovar in my hands

I carry a samovar in my hands,

I sing a joke,

Eh, tea, tea, tea

Well, welcome the birthday people!

Song: “Samovar”, D. Tukhmanova.

My tea is already boiling

What's missing for tea?

Birthday: How you want something sweet...

Congratulations: I also dream about sweets.

Leading: Now we're going to play with candy.

Game: “Candy Shooter” (children of two teams throw candies into containers from a certain distance).

Child: We congratulate our friends

Happy wonderful day

We will sing a festive song for them.

Song: “Wonderful Song”, music. M. Protasova.

Leading: Children, would you like to tell the birthday boys your wishes? I will start passing the candy and wish the birthday people health.

A cheerful round dance about sweets (in a circle, all the children name wishes).

Birthday and congratulations:

Well done, guys! We had a lot of fun. We need to reward you all.

Right, but with what?

Birthday girl, did you and I buy candy?

We bought it!

Did we play with them?

Where are they?


Well, did you and I buy candy?

We bought it!

Did you take them with you?

Where are they?

Yes candy!

Don't know. Let's look! You go right, and I go left (they walk, bump into each other).

Well. Did you find it?

Not either. Let's go again. Only now you go to the left, and I go to the right (they go, they find).

Here it is - a great treat for everyone!

Fun for the kids!

Just a miracle - baby!

Matryoshka doll!

If we open it...

We can treat everyone!

Here's some candy for the guys.

For tiger cubs and talk!

Birthday people: Thank you all for your attention,

We invite all our friends for tea!

And we give out candy.

Birthday people treat all children with sweets, the holiday ends with tea.

Parents of any child attending a preschool institution are interested in the question on the eve of children's name days - how to celebrate the child's birthday in kindergarten? Happy holiday, which is celebrated at home, everything seems simple and clear. But what so interesting and unusual can be organized for a child within the walls of a kindergarten, so that the wolves are fed and the sheep remain safe? A birthday in kindergarten is an excellent occasion to arrange games, competitions and even a real show for your child and his “classmates”!

Before organizing this or that performance for your child, talk to the teachers. There are kindergartens where there is a tradition of celebrating the birthdays of several children born at the same time of year. Or in these preschool institutions celebrate a holiday for all birthday people of the month. In these cases, there is no need for an individual birthday.

Possible options for celebrating a birthday in kindergarten

When celebrating a birthday in kindergarten, you can choose two options. The first is to take the organization of the birthday into your own hands, that is, prepare the holiday program yourself: script, props for games, and the like.

Teachers or a music worker can be involved in preparing the birthday party, of course, by prior agreement. Remember simple and popular children's games, competitions, magic tricks and other entertainment.

Don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to attract and hold the attention of kids; preschoolers are unpretentious in these matters; it’s enough, for example, to arrange a puppet show for them, taking several toys that will “say”: “Hello, guys! Today is Elechka’s birthday, and we came to congratulate her.” You'll see, the kids will definitely get carried away, and your child will be the center of attention. Useful advice: do not strive for a too rich program; preschool children get tired quite quickly. A couple of competitions, two musical compositions and a little dancing - this will be quite enough.

The second option is to invite professionals to the holiday: animators, magicians, clowns. But before you do this, be sure to study the program they offer, the portfolio and reviews of other parents, so that later, in the midst of a birthday, you don’t clutch your head in horror. Discuss with professionals such points as: the duration of the gala event, the age of the children, the intensity of competitions, games and entertainment. And most importantly, find out which characters the animators are going to play at your holiday. Some kids are afraid of clowns or wolves and foxes. It is advisable to avoid the appearance of such characters in the show program.

Practical tips on how to celebrate a child’s birthday in kindergarten

Whatever celebration option you choose, first find out from teachers and parents what treats you can bring with you, and how much time you will be allocated for the festive event. Based on these points, you can start writing a holiday script.

If you decide to be the host of the birthday program yourself, think about renting costumes for those participating in the celebration and other details. If you invite animators and other specially trained people to the holiday, study their program to make the necessary adjustments.

Don't forget about holiday decor the hall where your baby’s birthday will take place: flowers, balloons, streamers, posters. Prepare gifts not only for the birthday boy, but also for all other children who will recite poems, dance, and participate in competitions, so that not a single child is offended. If possible, ask the birthday boy's dad to take on the duties of photographer and cameraman, or, if finances allow, hire a third party for these purposes. Buy it for your baby beautiful outfit for a birthday celebration, which will be different from the outfit for a home party.

When the solemn event comes to its logical conclusion, do not rush to leave the kindergarten premises. Help the preschool workers with the tidying. Treat them to tea and cakes, and simply sincerely thank them for their help. And only after that, feel free to go home.

Birthday tea party

Many kindergartens do not allow cakes to be brought to the party. But what would a holiday be without a birthday cake with candles? Discuss this point with your teachers in advance. Perhaps such a ban is imposed only on homemade baked goods, so you can bring a purchased cake to the holiday. In this case, give preference to cottage cheese baked goods with fruit, and accordingly avoid butter creams.

If the teachers strictly prohibit the cake, do not be upset. Talk to the parents of other kids in the group your child attends whose birthdays have already passed, and ask how they got out of a similar situation. Perhaps they brought individually wrapped waffles, eclairs, muffins, rolls and biscuits to the group. Typically, you are allowed to bring candy and cookies to kindergarten. But remember that these treats should under no circumstances contain chocolate; some of the children may be allergic.

But what about the tradition of blowing out candles? Here's what: fold the cupcakes or pastries in a circle, insert one candle into each of the cupcakes so that in the end there are exactly as many of them as your child is old. Among the unsweetened treats at the holiday, fruits would be appropriate: bananas, grapes and traditional apples. For each baby, prepare an individual juice box with a straw. Bring disposable tableware for tea drinking; this will make life easier for you, the kitchen workers, and the kindergarten nanny.

Birthday games for kindergarten

Game "Collect flowers"

The leader divides the kids into two teams. Explains to them the purpose of the game in detail. Then he scatters large paper flower petals across the floor and places the center of the flower separately on the floor. At the leader’s command, the children begin to collect petals and place them in the middle of their flower. The team of kids that completes this task the fastest wins.

Game "Candy Dress"

The presenter calls two children to him. One of the guys is given candy in wrappers and clothespins. The child’s task is to attach candy with clothespins to a friend’s clothes so that they get a beautiful outfit. If one of the kids cannot cope with the task, the leader or teacher helps them.

Game "Santa Claus' Bag"

The presenter calls three or four people to play. Perhaps more children will want to take part in it, so prepare more sweets in advance. The children's task is to put their hand into the bag and determine by touch what kind of sweet they are holding in their hands. If they guess right, they take it for themselves. To avoid tears and resentment during the holiday, at the end of the game, give the kids all the treats that are left in the bag.

Appropriate gifts for kindergarten

Birthday gifts in each kindergarten have their own characteristics. It happens that the parent committee collects a certain, clearly agreed amount, buys identical gifts to the kids, and the teacher gives them to the children on their name day.

If this tradition does not exist or you have agreed with the teachers that you yourself prepare a present for your child, then good options There will be: toys suitable for the child by age and gender, various sets for creativity, board games, puzzles, mosaics, construction sets and the like. Usually, a birthday child does not know that the gift that is given to him in kindergarten was bought by his parents, since it is supposedly presented to him by the teachers and children.

A good gift option would be one that is made with your own hands. You can ask the kids during one of the classes to draw a picture together with the teacher as a gift for the birthday boy or to make an applique card. On parent meeting invite the teachers in your group to introduce a tradition: on each child’s birthday, do teamwork: collage with photographs, applique, painting large sizes. Perhaps this idea will take root in kindergarten, because it’s not easy collaboration, developing certain skills and abilities, and a lesson of kindness and generosity for every child. In conclusion, a fun game to congratulate the birthday person.

Celebrating a child's birthday in kindergarten usually comes down to parents buying sweets for tea, but I wanted to organize a real holiday and entertainment. All children, without exception, love games and magic, and this is what I started from when preparing the script.

For any magical journey, first of all, you need a real Fairy, whose role I played.

FAIRY: - Hello guys! Oh, how many of you there are! Did you find out who I am? I am a fairy from the magical land of holidays! This is such a wonderful country where every day there is some kind of holiday! Can you imagine? What holidays do you know?

Children list holidays known to them.

FAIRY: - What a great fellow you are! How many holidays do you know? And I, like a real fairy, have wand and a magic book that says everything in the world! Look, it says here that Lena is already 5 years old, what did you eat for breakfast...(check with your teacher in advance) and Lisa has a drawing on her locker...(check with your teacher in advance). Right? Well, well, let's see... Here! It also says here that today is the birthday of a girl named Milana! Sweetie! Is everything right? Is it your birthday today? Guys, let's all congratulate Milochka together! Come here!

We dance in a circle and sing “Loaf”.

Magical journey

FAIRY: - Guys, I propose to organize a holiday that is not ordinary, but magical! Let's all go on a magical trip together forest clearing! But to get there, we need to go through a magical path.

Children must overcome an obstacle while listening to cheerful music (this is a complex of two play tents connected by a tunnel). Girls go one way, boys go the other. Then we sit down on chairs: girls on the right, boys on the left.

FAIRY: - In this magical place You are no longer just girls and boys, but who? Don't know? In order to find out who you have become, you need to solve riddles.

For girls:
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.

For boys:
He is green, bouncy,
Completely non-prickly
It chirps in the meadow all day long,
He wants to surprise us with a song.

FAIRY: - Now do you know what the girls turned into?(girls answer) What about the boys?(boys answer) How do butterflies flutter through flowers? Show it to the Fairy. How do grasshoppers jump from blade to blade of grass?(children flap their wings and jump) Ay, well done! Tell me, did you like solving riddles? Do you want more? OK then! Since we are in a magical forest clearing, there will be riddles about those who live in this clearing. So, listen carefully and guess!

If you drank tea with honey,
You know her well.
I collected a lot of honey

The airplane is light and fast
A fragrant flower flies over.
Wings, tail and eyes.
This is a miracle...

FAIRY: - Let's talk about insects. Now you have solved riddles about butterflies, grasshoppers, bees, dragonflies. They are all insects. What do insects eat? That's right: pollen. Insects fly from flower to flower and look for the sweetest and most fragrant. Let's check who will visit all the flowers faster - butterflies or grasshoppers?

Game: collecting pollen

Three flowers are laid out in front of each team (I cut them out of wallpaper). From each team, first one child runs around the flowers, returns, the next one clings to him, and they run like a train (to cheerful music).

FAIRY: - Now let's see which team will collect pollen faster. You have to jump from flower to flower one at a time without touching the ground.

Now the children take turns jumping from flower to flower and returning to their chairs.

Game: help the flowers

FAIRY: - What a great fellow you are! Sit down and relax. I'll tell you this. This morning a mischievous breeze flew into our magical forest clearing. And he began to blow on all the flowers. How did he blow, guys?

The children are blowing.

FAIRY: - Only I will tell you that the wind is a strong mischief and it blew hard! Come on, show me how he blew?

Children blow harder.

FAIRY: - So what do you think? The mischievous wind blew away all the petals from the flowers! And we must help the poor flowers!

For this task, large petals (of two colors, for example, red and blue) and centers are cut out in advance. The girls' team and the boys' team each receive the center of a flower, and next to it - a bunch of mixed petals. Who is most likely to pick a flower? (music starts)

FAIRY: - Well done! You completed the task! Sit down on the chairs, and I will tell you riddles about flowers.

The fairy makes a wish (five pieces)


FAIRY: - The breeze frolicked in the forest clearing, frolicked, and... drove a cloud. And it started to rain. And I was just leaving the empty jars here, and the rain got right into the jars. Look. And now I will show you something interesting! It’s not for nothing that I’m a fairy and I have a magic wand!

For the trick, we need three jars from baby food. Gouache is applied to the inside of the lid in advance (we had jars with green, red and blue gouache) and water is carefully poured in so that it does not stain. Saying the magic words, the Fairy shakes the jar, and... the water becomes colored! The children especially liked this episode of the holiday.

Magic words:
You, water-water,
My friend, you are cold,
Stand, water-water,
Not light, but green!

You, water-water,
You are my beautiful friend,
Stand, water-water,
Not simple, but red.

You, water-water,
Light as frost
Stand, water-water,
Not simple, but blue!

Game: collecting rainbows

FAIRY: - Guys, tell me what happens in the sky after it rains? That's right, rainbow! But bad luck! The mischievous wind also mixed the colors of the rainbow. We can't go home until we help the rainbow!
Seven wide ribbons of rainbow colors are prepared in advance, and children are invited to make a real rainbow out of them.

Well, at the end of the holiday - a treat, which I also tried to make them themed: in the basket there were mushroom cookies with caps made of dark and white chocolate and candies: ladybugs and bees.

I wish you good mood And have a fun day Births in kindergarten!

Shared the holiday Veronica Raida, Krasnodar

VIDEO on the topic

“Birthday Scenario in Kindergarten”

The hall is festively decorated. Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

Toffee: Hello, kids, girls and boys! I am a cheerful and mischievous Toffee! Guys, we have gathered today in this wonderful hall for a reason, because...
Today! For little ones and adults,
Thin and fat
Obedient and disobedient,
Happy and sad
Our coolest
The most beautiful thing
The show, called...

Children: Birthday!

And he invited us all to his birthday today, Herman. And he turns 3 today! Let's welcome him !

(Iriska invites the birthday boy to the center of the hall, draws attention to how smart he is, etc.).

Do you know, guys, that at birthdays there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noise makers and games... And today, Herman, we will congratulate only you, because today is your most wonderful holiday YOUR BIRTHDAY.

And our congratulations will not be ordinary. Now I will read wishes to Herman, and you will help me. Answer Yes-Yes-Yes to those wishes that you like, and No-No-No to those that you don’t want to wish at all. You just have to shout loudly. And at the end you need to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Agreed? Are you ready?


Happy birthday!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

And, of course, we wish you!

Children: Yes, yes, yes

Herman needs to grow up more.

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Definitely get fatter!

Children: No, no, no!

Be beautiful, kind, sweet!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Both loud and pugnacious.

Children: No, no, no!

So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

With a strap to hit me more often.

Children: No, no, no!

Okay, okay. To feed you lollipops!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Ved: And everyone, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

(all this time the birthday boy stands in the center of the hall).

Toffee praises the children).

Oh why am I alone? By the way, have you seen my friend Klyopa? No? Where did he go? Let's all call him together. (KlyopaKlyopaKlyopa)

(the bug runs in)

Where was Klepaty?

Klyopa: I was flying on balloons and saw an ice cream shop. Butterscotch, well, you know how much I love ice cream (speaks shyly)

Taffy: EhKlyopa, Klyopa

Klyopa: Do you kids like ice cream? Oh, how many guys have gathered here. And I didn’t even say hello. I'll go say hello. (begins to greet each child and introduce himself)

Butterscotch: (pulls her hand back) but that’s not right, you’re doing everything wrong. Hello! You go out into the middle and shout loudly. Hello! It's clear?

Klyopa: Yeah, I’ll try it now!

(goes out to the middle and shouts loudly: Hello!)

Klyopa: Butterscotch, don’t you know why so many guys have gathered here?

Toffee: I know! Guys, why are we gathered here, let's tell Klepa!

Children: Today is Herman’s birthday!

Klyopa: From whom? At Vasya's?

Toffee: No, they said at Herman's!

Klyopa: At Nastya's. So, where is Nastya?

Toffee: They said at Herman's!

I heard somewhere that on your birthday you should have fun and play.

Can you hear Klepa? (Klepa pretends not to hear)

Toffee: Klyopa, Klyopa, why can’t you hear, like bananas are in your ears.

Klepa: Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas?

(pretends to look under the chairs in the children's arms)

Butterscotch: Here he is. Try to catch up with him. Kids, don't give him a banana.

The game "Catch the Banana" begins

Klyopa. Oh, I'm tired, (sits down)

Toffee: Stop sitting there. Let's better congratulate the birthday boy.

Klyopa: I know one such cool congratulation. I'll show you now.

Game "Congratulations".

Toffee divides the children into two teams. "Karapuziki" and "Chumaziki"

Rules of the game: on a signal, one team shouts HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the other. Toffee confuses the children by giving the same command several times. At the end, everyone screams in unison. Happy birthday!

Klyopa: Maybe stop congratulating us, we need to play games.

Toffee: Wait with your games. Better a riddle guess

Who is the most important person at the birthday party?

Klyopa: Like who, of course, me!

Toffee: You? No way. The most important person at the birthday party.

Klyopa: (offended). How is this boy the most important? (walks around the birthday boy) This one in nice suit? With such a beautiful hairstyle? And cheerful eyes? Is he the most important person at the birthday party? For this I won’t tell you what kind of person I am new game I know!

Toffee: Oh, Klyopa, shame on you! Today is Herman's birthday. And you're being capricious!

Klyopa: Okay, okay. So be it. The game is called cake.

Toffee: Oh, you have a sweet tooth Klyopa. Are you talking about all sorts of sweets again?

Klyopa: And that at every birthday there is cake. Now we will bake it.

Game "Cake"

Song Loaf

Butterscotch: This is how the cake turned out. What's missing from the cake? Of course candles. Raise your arms up. That's how many candles. Now let everyone take a piece of cake.

Klyopa: It seems to me that we forgot to do something?

Klyopa: No, we haven’t forgotten anything. Children, maybe you can tell me what else is missing? (gift)

Toffee: Did you take Klepa and forget the gift again?

Klyopa: Well, of course I did.

Toffee: Where is he?

At this moment, Toffee distracts the children. With the pretext that the zoo had arrived there, everyone was invited to the window.

Klyopa: Butterscotch seemed to you. And here is the gift.

Toffee: Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye, all the kids. Don't forget about us. It will be boring, invite me to visit.

Goodbye kids!

Communication game “Polite Centipede”.

Instructions: the one who stands in front should greet any of you with a song (like this): hello, what is your name? And the one who is being greeted must answer him by singing the word “Hello! I …." and becomes the head of a centipede. The game is repeated until everyone says hello.


Our heroes love fairy tales very much. Help me tell a story? You know. But the letters in my book have been erased, and I will pronounce individual letters to you.

“ ba.. and by.. u ni Ku..rya.. Sne.. Ku..ya..not about..a zo... De.. bi.. hwo. . mA..i.. by..and ra… … … . ."

Guess the last word in an unfamiliar text.

1.Cat and mouse

Petya saved the mouse from the cat.

Petya gave the mouse…….. (potatoes).

2. The mouse ate potatoes

And she scolded strongly...... (cat)

3.And the cat ate gingerbread

And she scolded me strongly... (mouse)

4. The mouse stopped eating

And from Petya...... (ran away)

5. The cat caught the mouse

The mouse cat...... (bite)

6. The cat got tired of it and they got down to business... (getting down to business)

8. The mouse said: -You and I, we are now with you..... (friends)

Games with balls indoors

For the little ones. Children stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center and holds the balls by a string. He calls the child's name from the circle (or a number if there are children with the same names) and releases the ball. A called child from the circle must catch the ball before it falls to the floor (if the balls are inflated with regular air) or touches the ceiling (if the balls are inflated with helium mixture). If the child catches the ball, then he stands in a circle with it; if not, then he stands in the center of the circle. The rules can be reversed.

For older children.Participants must be able to inflate balloons on their own. A goal is hung on the wall, and each participant is given uninflated balloons. Children stand in one line opposite the target. On the count of one, two, three, participants must inflate the balloons and release them, while trying to hit the target on the wall. Teams can take part in this competition. Each team has its own ball color.

Guessing games:

  • Participants sit in a circle, the leader goes into another room. The participants agree on who the leader should be and call the leader into the room. The presenter asks each participant what he should have, and from the answers he must guess who he should be. For example, the participants decided that the presenter would be a pop star. In their answers they give hints that the presenter should have a microphone, guitar, etc. If the presenter does not guess who he should be, then he again goes into another room and a new role is invented for him.
  • Chairs are placed in a circle and participants sit on them. The leader becomes the center. He blindfolds himself. The participants quietly change places. The presenter sits in the arms of one of the participants and tries to guess who it is without talking to the participant.

Be sure to prepare competitions for your birthday, then you and your guests will remember this holiday for a long time.

Birthday competition "Cats and Mouse"
Necessary: chairs
The chairs are placed in a circle, with the seats facing inward. Half of the children sit on chairs - these are “mice”, the rest stand behind them - these are “cats”. One “cat” “mouse” should not be enough, that is, it is standing behind an empty chair. This “cat” winks at some “mouse”.
Mouse task: run over to the empty chair next to the one who winked. The task of the “cat” standing behind you is to hold it with your hands. If she doesn’t hold back, she winks at the next “mouse.” After some time, the “mice” and “cats” change roles.

Competition "Chamomile"
Necessary: paper, scissors, funny tasks.
A chamomile is made from paper in advance - as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal.
Children tear off the petals and begin to perform tasks: walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister...

Birthday Gifts Competition
Necessary: gifts that will be given
Children are divided into subgroups, depending on which subgroup prepared a particular gift. One by one, each subgroup “goes to the store to buy gifts”: the children go to the corner of the room and agree on what imitation movements they can use to describe their gift.
After this, the children approach the hero of the occasion and say: “We have prepared a gift, guess what?” Children show movements, and the child guesses. He is given a gift.

Birthday competition “Freeze”
Necessary: balloon
The presenter throws up a balloon. While it is flying, you can move, if it touches the floor - everyone must freeze and not smile.
Whoever does not freeze is out of the game.

Competition "Potatoes and Spoon"
Necessary: 4 chairs, 4 plates, potatoes
At one end of the room there are two chairs, on each there is a plate of potatoes. At the other end of the room there are also two chairs, but there are empty cups on them. 2 people compete.
You need to use a spoon that holds one potato to transfer all the potatoes from one plate to another.
Winner: the team that moves the potatoes from plate to plate faster.

Birthday competition “Harvest”
Necessary: 10 pieces of potatoes, basket - 2 pieces, wooden spoon - 2 pieces
The game involves two people. Potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon.
At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket.
Competition winner:the child who collected the most potatoes in a certain time.

Flowerbed Competition
Necessary: colored hoops, musical accompaniment
Colored hoops are laid out on the floor - these are “flower beds”. A child, a “flower,” squats in each “flowerbed.” To the music (for example, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky), children imitate the growth of flowers, run out of hoops and dance. As soon as the music stops, you need to return to your flowerbed and not get confused!

Birthday competition "Fire brigade"
Necessary: chairs equal in number to the number of players (10 or more)
Chairs according to the number of players are placed in a circle, with their backs facing inward. The players (firefighters) walk around these chairs to the sound of music (tambourine, drum). As soon as the music stops, players must place an item of clothing on the chair they are standing near. The game continues. When each participant removes 3 objects (they end up on different chairs), the alarm sounds: “Fire!” Players must quickly find their items and put them on.
Winner: The one who gets dressed the fastest

Competition “It’s boring to sit like this”
Required: chairs
There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall. Read the poem:
It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
Everyone looks at each other.
Isn't it time to go for a run?
And change places?

As soon as the poem is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to occupy the empty chairs,
which is one lessthan the game participants. The one who remains without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed.
Everything is repeated until
winner won't take the last remaining chair.

Birthday games "Bear"
One of the guys pretends to be a bear and lies down on the ground. The rest of the players walk around him, pretend to pick berries and mushrooms, and sing:
By the bear in the forest
I pick mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us!
The basket overturned
The bear rushed after us!

At the end of the song, the “bear” jumps up and runs after the fleeing guys.
Whoever he catches first becomes the new “bear”, and the game repeats.

Competition "Fishermen and Fishes"
2 “fishermen” are selected, the rest are “fish”. They lead a round dance and sing:
Fish live in water
There is no beak, but they peck.
There are wings but they don't fly,
There are no legs, but they are walking.
They don't make nests
And the children are taken out.

The “fish” scatter, the “fishermen” join hands and catch the “fish”. The caught “fish” join the “fishermen”, causing the “net” to become longer, and the remaining “fish” are caught.

Birthday competition "Grandfather"
Children choose a “grandfather”, then step aside and agree on what they will show, after which they approach the “grandfather”.
- Hello, grandfather!
- Hello, children! Where were you, what were you doing?
- We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did...

Children make movements depicting some kind of work, a. “grandfather” must guess what kind of work it is. If he guesses right, everyone runs away and he must catch someone. If he doesn’t guess, the children agree again and pretend to do another job.

Birthday Games “Simon Says”
They play as a team of children.
- Simon says... (any movement, for example, “jump”, “raise your arms up”, “sit on the floor”).
Children must perform the movement. If the leader simply says: “Jump!”, then the children should notice that there are no words “Simon says” and not perform the movement, but tell the leader: “Simon didn’t tell us!”

For example:

- Simon says: “Turn around in one place!”
The kids are all spinning around.
- Run in circles!
- Simon didn't tell us!
The one who ran leaves the game or must freeze in place and miss a turn. You have to play quickly.

Games for a child’s birthday “Ring”
Necessary: ring or stone
Children stand a few steps in front of some wall, with the leader opposite them. The children hold their palms in a “boat” position in front of them, and the leader hides the ring in his (also cupped) palms. Approaching each player, he pretends that he is placing the ring in his hands (slowly passes his “boat” between the player’s hands).
The presenter goes around all the players, steps aside and says:
“Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!”
The one with the ring must run out to avoid being grabbed and touch the wall with his hand. If he can, then he becomes the leader, and the leader becomes a player.

Competitions for a child’s birthday “Porters”
Necessary: 6 large balls, two rugs
Children are divided into teams. The first child from each team receives three large balls. They must be carried to the final destination - the mat and returned back. After which the second child goes to the mat, takes 3 balls and carries them to the third player of the team. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and picking up a fallen ball without outside help is also not easy. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great).
Winner: the team that will complete the task faster.

Competition "Night Driver"
Necessary: skittles
The presenter says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to a freeway made from sports pins. Handing the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single post is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The presenter gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about danger. When the path has been completed, the leader unties the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game “go”.
Winner: The one who knocks down the least number of pins.