RF lifting is a skin rejuvenation procedure based on radio frequency radiation. It is also widely used in surgical, cardiological and urological fields. However, this technology has gained the greatest popularity in aesthetic cosmetology. The radiofrequency lifting procedure is based on a beneficial radio wave electrical effect on the inner layers of facial skin, which are responsible for firmness and elasticity. RF lifting is used to quickly tighten the skin and correct the shape of the face. The procedure is safe for the patient, painless, and visible results are noticeable after the first session.

The essence of the method

A protein compound called collagen is responsible for prolonging the youth and beauty of the skin. It is what gives the skin firmness and elasticity. It is produced naturally in the body. Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, the level of collagen decreases, it becomes dry, dehydrated, flabby, and covered with numerous wrinkles. The radiofrequency rejuvenation procedure, which also has another name - RF face lifting, will help solve this problem. The results from it delight clients and satisfy their basic needs: getting rid of age-related skin changes or inflammatory elements. After the first session, the visible result of the procedure lasts from 1 to 2 months. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect, you need to attend a course of procedures. On average, the final result after RF lifting lasts for five years, after which the course should be repeated.

It is worth noting the low pricing policy in this area of ​​cosmetology. The cost may vary depending on the number of procedures, the prestige of the medical center and the age of the client. The average price of one RF lifting procedure ranges from 4 to 8 thousand rubles. Do this procedure It is necessary only in highly specialized medical centers and must be carried out by a cosmetologist who has a certificate and documents on obtaining higher education in the field of medicine.

Equipment used for RF lifting

In specialized clinics, cosmetology equipment used for radiofrequency rejuvenation procedures is used in several types - unipolar, bipolar and combined action. When performing the procedure using monopolar equipment, the effect is clearly observed after just one session. This is due to the high power of the device. When using this type of cosmetology equipment, it is noted that the skin is injured during the procedure and requires a long period of rehabilitation. Therefore, now this type of technology is practically not used.

As for bipolar equipment, its effect is soft and lightweight. On such a device it is necessary to undergo a full course of procedures to achieve the final visible result after RF lifting. A device that combines the action of radio frequency waves and vacuum is called combined. This type of equipment is currently the most popular. Its essence lies in the fact that the radiofrequency pulse in a vacuum manifests itself in a more active and intense form, therefore the epicenter where the procedure will be carried out is subject to the strongest impact. Deep wrinkles and existing stretch marks are eliminated more effectively with the use of this equipment.

RF face lifting: reviews from cosmetologists

It is necessary to obtain an individual consultation with a qualified specialist in order to begin the RF facial lifting procedure. Reviews from cosmetologists on this matter indicate that if you ignore the consultation, and therefore the identification of contraindications, you can get a negative effect from the procedure. In addition, the patient's general condition may worsen. If no contraindications are found, the dermatocosmetologist will prescribe a specific course of procedures and determine the period after which the sessions need to be repeated. The opinions of cosmetologists also boil down to the fact that RF facial lifting is a comprehensive method of combating aging. During the procedure, the skin is not injured, the texture improves, wrinkles are corrected, and it brightens. age spots and vascular formations, and also returns healthy color faces. Cosmetologists note affordable price on this type of cosmetology services in comparison with other methods of combating age-related changes.

Correction of the area around the eyes

The radiofrequency rejuvenation procedure does not pose any danger even to such a delicate area on the face as the skin around the eyes. As is known, in this zone there is formed large number wrinkles: deep and fine, facial and age-related. The RF lifting procedure is capable of launching such a complex process as neocollagenesis (the natural production of collagen fibers). Radiofrequency rejuvenation performs lifting of the skin around the eyes. Drooping eyelids, small and deep wrinkles, loose skin, dark circles under the eyes, " crow's feet", swelling bags and other signs of fatigue and age-related changes - all these shortcomings can be eliminated by the radio wave rejuvenation procedure. For the skin around the eyes, RF lifting can be combined with injection methods of combating wrinkles. This approach will achieve the fastest and most lasting effect. RF procedure lifting has virtually no age restrictions. The results for patients. young more noticeable than in older patients, due to the fact that over time, collagen and elastin fibers become increasingly difficult to restore.

Before starting the procedure, you must consult a cosmetologist to identify any contraindications. Before starting the session, he uses the patient's wrist to test the device at the highest possible temperature. If side effects does not arise, the specialist will move on to the problem area on the face. The doctor cleanses the skin around the eyes and applies a contact agent. The procedure does not cause any discomfort. It is better to start doing RF lifting around the eyes when the first age-related changes occur. Particular importance should be given to choosing a medical center and finding a highly qualified dermatocosmetologist to perform the procedure.

Benefits of Radiofrequency Rejuvenation

Undoubtedly, RF lifting, like many other cosmetic procedures, has a number of advantages, thanks to which patients choose it more often than other rejuvenation techniques:

  • special cosmetology equipment, thanks to which there is no pain;
  • lack of a long recovery period;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • The procedure can be performed starting from the age of 20, for people with different types skin;
  • almost instant, visible, long-lasting effect;
  • the procedure requires a small amount of time, only about half an hour;
  • Upon completion of a set of procedures, the effect lasts up to 5 years.

When can I start doing radiofrequency rejuvenation?

RF lifting (radiofrequency rejuvenation procedure) is recommended for a quick effect on the face, neck, décolleté, hips, and arms in order to tighten and eliminate age-related changes. Radio wave exposure has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. The respiration of cells participating in metabolic processes resumes. Lightening pigment spots, dilated vascular formations, returning a fresh look to the skin and restoring its elasticity - all these results can be achieved thanks to the RF facial lifting procedure. Reviews from cosmetologists confirm this.

Radiofrequency rejuvenation combines cold effects on the skin, otherwise called cryotherapy. Due to stimulation of skin vessels, rejuvenation occurs in a natural biological way. Due to the instant cooling of the top layer and heating of the deeper layers of the skin, drainage is activated. The existing liquid at the treatment site is eliminated in a minimum period of time. RF lifting is a procedure that restores clear contours and a beautiful oval of the face.

How often can RF face lifting be done and how many procedures are needed for the best effect?

The required number of procedures is prescribed individually in consultation with a specialist involved in RF face lifting. Reviews from cosmetologists say that by doing the required number of procedures, you can get desired result. The number of sessions can vary from 6 to 15 visits. The interval between procedures should not exceed 14 days. For patients over fifty years of age, the interval between sessions is reduced to 7 days, and their number reaches the maximum possible. You can use the RF lifting procedure for the first time at the age of 20; thanks to it, the skin will remain young for a long time, and the manifestation of the first signs of aging will be minimized.

Radiofrequency rejuvenation: effect after treatment

RF facial lifting is a method based on the action of a radiofrequency pulse that can penetrate the deep layers of the skin to increase its elasticity without damaging these layers and mucous membranes, unlike injection techniques, surgical intervention. You do not need to prepare thoroughly for the procedure; it is enough to follow simple preparation instructions. After the RF facial lifting procedure, there is no long recovery period, which is also an important factor. If radio wave rejuvenation is performed on people over 20 years of age, then a single session is enough to refresh the complexion and slightly even out the skin texture.

Patients more mature age After completing a course of RF lifting, they note that the skin becomes more elastic and firm. The effectiveness of the procedure lies in the fact that the renewal of collagen, which is responsible for these skin qualities, will continue after the course of radiofrequency rejuvenation procedures has been completed. With RF face lifting, the effect of the procedure is observed after the first session. The skin takes on a fresh look, it becomes smoother, tighter, and scars left from acne are hidden. After the recommended course of procedures, wrinkles are noticeably reduced, age spots and vascular formations are lightened, facial contours are tightened, and some patients experience a decrease in swelling.

Carrying out the procedure: basic principles

Let's learn more about how RF facial lifting works. Before starting the radiofrequency rejuvenation procedure, you must consult a dermatocosmetologist. The specialist determines the number and duration of procedures. If no contraindications are identified, the procedures can begin. Before the session, it is not recommended to apply cosmetics or use various types of creams on the face; it is necessary to free the face and neck area from jewelry. After the treatment areas have been cleaned, the specialist applies a specialized product that acts as a guide.

During the procedure, the patient feels a slight tingling and thermal effect. The cosmetologist, using the handle of the device, which transmits radio pulses, warms up problem areas to a certain temperature (approximately 42 degrees Celsius). The temperature is regularly checked by a specialist using an electronic thermometer to prevent burns or excessive dryness of the skin. The RF lifting procedure takes place within 30 minutes, is painless and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Comparison of results

Below are photographs that clearly display the result of the RF lifting procedure (before and after).

1) A woman aged approximately 45 years was bothered by deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, uneven skin and dull complexion. Six procedures were performed. As a result, wrinkles have decreased, the complexion has become fresher, pigment spots have lightened, and the skin texture has become smoother.

2) The woman was worried about age-related changes, as well as a double chin. The photo on the left shows the result after a course of procedures. The chin tightened, the oval of the face became more toned and smooth, the complexion improved, and wrinkles smoothed out.

Indications for the procedure

Many patients cannot accurately formulate what shortcomings they want to get rid of and what result they want to achieve. In such cases, they come to medical centers for consultation and selection of a rejuvenation method.

Below are the main points that are indications for the RF lifting procedure:

  • rejuvenation, facial skin laxity, age-related changes, acne scars;
  • cellulite, loose skin on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, hands and décolleté;
  • recovery period after liposuction, either before it, or after plastic surgery to tighten the contours of the face;
  • as an additional procedure in conjunction with laser rejuvenation, chemical peeling, or injection techniques.

RF lifting: contraindications to the procedure

It should be remembered that before starting any cosmetic procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications. this way you can avoid negative consequences after carrying out this or that technique.

Absolute contraindications to RF face lifting:

  • pregnancy period;
  • various forms of malignant tumors;
  • thyroid disease;
  • the presence of lupus erythematosus and scleroderma;
  • the presence of acute viral infections;
  • severe hypertension and diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities.

Relative contraindications are presented in the form of the following indicators:

  • period of exacerbation of acne;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • acute form of rosacea.

Recovery after the procedure and proper skin care

Immediately after the radiofrequency rejuvenation procedure, slight redness and slight swelling may be observed. If you do not neglect the advice of a cosmetologist and properly care for your skin, then these symptoms will go away on their own within 2-3 days. Do not forget that the skin should always be as hydrated as possible. The moisture balance in it is replenished by using cosmetics good quality and drinking 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day.

After the session, it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight for 7 days; you should avoid visiting solariums or swimming pools, and if possible, minimize the use decorative cosmetics for the face. It is also not recommended to visit baths and saunas during the recovery period after the procedure, or use abrasive peels and scrubs.

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We are accustomed to the fact that almost all hardware cosmetology services are provided in courses for maximum effectiveness. On the other hand, many of these manipulations are not cheap, and they also take a lot of time. How to find the golden mean between benefits and efficiency?

Scientific research on RF lifting is usually indicate a significant result after just one, maximum - two procedures. In practice, cosmetologists often prescribe a course of at least three or four, and sometimes more. In this case, both sides can be right, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the age of the patient. The site explains the nuances:

In what cases is a visible effect possible after just one session?

Radiofrequency lifting works as follows: the device generates electromagnetic waves that intensively heat the deep layers of the dermis. Under the influence of heat, collagen fibers - the protein that creates the framework of our skin - are denatured, that is, they become denser and shortened by about 1/3 of their original length. As a result, the skin contracts and tightens, which becomes clearly visible from the outside as soon as the swelling goes away (if they appeared in principle - similar side effect does not happen to everyone).

Our body perceives the changes in protein structures as damage and begins to restore them. Special cells - fibroblasts - are activated and begin to synthesize new collagen. This process starts within 3-4 weeks after the procedure and continues for up to 3-6 months. And only then can you evaluate the final result of RF lifting, which remains with the patient for a long time, up to 3-5 years.

  • Scientists from the Washington Institute of Dermatology and Laser Surgery studied the effects of radio waves on 50 women with mild to moderate sagging skin on the face and neck. The median age of the patients was 53.3 years (in contrast to the arithmetic mean, the median is a number on both sides of which exactly half of all values ​​in the series are located. That is, half of the patients were younger than 53.3 years, half were older). The subjects were exposed to a single exposure. The condition of the nasolabial folds and skin in the submandibular area was studied immediately after the procedure, then after 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months. According to the results, the vast majority of study participants noted positive changes immediately after the session, and they reached their maximum by the 3rd month. There was no noticeable improvement in only 5 women; all of them were over 62 years old.

Thus, if age-related changes are relatively small, and the body’s internal potential for regeneration has not been exhausted, it may be enough to perform the RF lifting procedure 1-2 times. Then it will be enough to repeat it every 6-12 months in order to maintain the resulting rejuvenating effect.

When is a longer course needed?

With age, the activity of fibroblasts and their ability to restore the protein structures of the skin noticeably decrease. Such changes become especially noticeable by the age of 55-60, and sometimes even earlier - a lot depends on heredity, exposure to harmful external factors, etc.

In this situation, 1-2 sessions can still lead to clear improvements, but more often for a noticeable result a more extensive course is required - 3-6 procedures, carried out at intervals of 1 to 4 weeks (as a rule, 7 days is enough to restore the skin and the disappearance of possible “side effects”, such as swelling and redness). The final effect becomes cumulative and manifests itself in full force after a few months.

  • American scientists studied the rejuvenating effect of radio waves on 49 patients from 30 to 70 years old, median age - 59 years. 2 RF lifting procedures were performed, both on the lower third of the face and neck, with an interval of 1 month. The results were assessed after six months. Objective improvement occurred in 74% of the subjects, and subjectively 85% were satisfied with the effect.
  • Another study, also conducted in the USA: this time on 31 patients, median age - 56 years. They were given 3 sessions at an interval of 2 weeks, and the target area was the hands. After 3 months, the skin condition improved in a total of 89% of patients, in 50% these improvements were characterized as “well noticeable.”

What conclusions can be drawn?

Radio wave procedures provide a lifting effect after just a single exposure. However, the final number of sessions required for a full visible result largely depends on the age and general condition of the patient’s skin. Scientific research data and recommendations from cosmetologists indicate the following:

  • At the age of 30-40, while the reconstructive capabilities of our body are still great, and the signs of aging are not too pronounced, one or maximum two procedures in the basic course are enough, and then once every six months to a year - 1 session to maintain positive changes.
  • After 55-60, fibroblasts are no longer so active, so you should tune in for at least 3 procedures, and then 1-3 sessions every six months (depending on individual characteristics).
  • For ages between 40 and 55 years general recommendations no, the solution is in everyone specific case should be taken by a cosmetologist after an in-person examination of the patient.
  • It is believed that the effectiveness of RF lifting decreases with age, but in practice, qualitative changes can be achieved even in older people. age group- sometimes even without increasing the total number of procedures in the course.

Unfortunately, over the years female beauty and youth tend to leave only pleasant memories of themselves. Facial skin is the most susceptible to changes: loss of elasticity, sagging, fine wrinkles, etc.

Modern cosmetic technologies offer to solve these problems with the help of cosmetic procedures. Every specialist knows about rf facial lifting, what it is and why it is needed.

Thermolifting is a facial skin rejuvenation procedure using electrotherapy. During exposure to radiofrequency pulses of various frequencies, internal tissues heat up. As a result, their functional activity increases.

RF face lifting is cosmetic procedure, which helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and improve skin elasticity.

Natural collagen growth occurs, the skin tightens, smoothes and acquires a beautiful, healthy color.

Despite the fact that electrical currents are applied to the skin, the process is absolutely painless. The procedure takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the initial condition of the skin. The main rule after each session is to refrain from any thermal effects on the skin for 1 week.

I wonder what after a procedure such as RF facial lifting, the effect lasts for 1-2 months. This is a big plus for those who want to rejuvenate and refresh their appearance. To complete the full course, you will need to visit a cosmetologist about 7 times. Afterwards you should take a break for 2-3 years.

Indications for RF face lifting

One of the indications for carrying out, which can be called forced, is plastic surgery or after it. This helps to consolidate the effect.

The main indications for RF lifting are age-related skin changes.

If we are talking about simple desire to transform yourself, then the reasons to carry out RF facial lifting include the following:

  • consequences of acne and acne;
  • mimic and shallow age wrinkles;
  • dryness and sagging skin;
  • loss of facial contour;
  • fat deposits;
  • general skin aging;
  • bags under the eyes.

Thermolifting is a complete replacement for the surgical method of facelift, painless and not requiring rehabilitation.

Types of RF face lifting

Each area of ​​the face requires an individual approach. Depending on the problem requiring intervention and the method of correcting it, RF lifting is divided into a number of types.

The main types of RF lifting include the following:

  • fractional;
  • needle;
  • bipolar;
  • cavitation.

A specialist is responsible for choosing one or another lifting method., after carrying out the necessary examination.

Fractional RF lifting: features of the procedure, reviews

This type of lifting is one of the most modern methods. The rejuvenation process occurs due to the effect of electrical currents on the skin at the level of radio waves.

The method got its name by dividing the wave into fractions and penetrating the skin to different depths.

Fractional RF lifting, by heating the internal tissues, causes old collagen to disintegrate, while the breakdown products, passing through the blood vessels, are removed to the outside.

Instead of old collagen, new collagen is produced, the skin tightens, becomes firm and elastic.

Cosmetologists recommend this type of lift for those who have visible age-related changes on their face: loose skin, deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds and around the eyes, scars. The average procedure time is 30-45 minutes.

To achieve good results, 1-3 procedures will be required, and the effect will last up to 3 years. Based on reviews from women who have experienced this procedure, we can conclude that fractional RF lifting brings only positive results.

The skin was rejuvenated, wrinkles were smoothed out, and there was no trace left of the bags under the eyes. Women began to look at themselves in the mirror more often, confidence in themselves and their beauty appeared.

RF needle lifting: features of the procedure, reviews

Needle lifting is one of the most effective methods combating facial skin problems. Suitable for eliminating beginning wrinkles, bags under the eyes, and post-acne.

Rf (RF) face lifting - what is it and what are the features of the procedure using micro-needle cartridges.

Its essence is to influence the skin not only with radiofrequency waves, but also with microneedles. During acupuncture, fatty deposits under the skin are broken down, wrinkles are smoothed out and new collagen is produced.

RF needle lifting involves the introduction of needles into the upper layers of the epidermis without violating its integrity.

Radio waves pass through the needles and affect problem areas. Although the skin is pierced, the process is not traumatic and is painless.

The procedure time ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The number of sessions is determined individually by the cosmetologist. After needle lifting, tissue swelling, redness, and in some cases mild itching may be observed. These troubles disappear a few hours after the session.

Patients who have undergone a course of microneedling note that the method is painless, fast recovery after the procedure, thereby not falling out of your usual lifestyle.

Feedback from the facelift is only positive. Wrinkles, even deep ones, are smoothed out, the double chin disappears, and the face takes on a new, fresh look.

Bipolar RF lifting: features of the procedure, reviews

This method of RF lifting allows you to influence the facial skin using two electrodes and reduce the current strength by 2 times. The use of bipolar devices is considered the safest method of rejuvenation.

During the procedure, radio waves affect only the upper layers of the epidermis, having a gentle effect without damaging it. Due to the fact that bipolar lifting is carried out in a gentle manner, it will take more time to get the final result. But the result will please you for many years.

The main advantage of the procedure is the complete absence of contraindications.

This allows you to carry out lifting at any age and as many times as necessary. Those who have completed the full course of biopolar RF lifting are very pleased with the results. Having a fuzzy oval face, wrinkles and loose skin, looked several years younger, gained confidence in themselves and their beauty.

Cavitation RF lifting: features of the procedure, reviews

Cavitation is an innovation in the world of cosmetology. It gets rid of fat deposits and reduces volume, fights sagging skin. A low-frequency ultrasonic pulse, affecting subcutaneous fat, breaks it down.

Fat tissue is liquefied and naturally eliminated from the body.
The peculiarity of this procedure is that, apart from fat deposits, no other layers are affected. Thus, cavitation can be considered an absolutely harmless procedure.

Salon treatments There are two types of cavitation: vacuum and laser.

The choice is made on an individual basis. Women, and men too, describe this procedure as the most effective. With minimal risk, maximum results are obtained. As a result, a positive result is visible: the skin is tightened, smooth, without excess fat deposits.

How does the RF lifting procedure work?

Many people know what rf facial lifting is, but not everyone is familiar with how this procedure takes place. Basically, the whole process is divided into 3 stages: preparation, the process itself and post-events.


Before the procedure, the facial skin must be cleansed of cosmetics and peeling. If the skin is highly sensitive, a special anesthetic may be applied. Immediately before the start of the process, it is washed off.

Special markings help the specialist to evenly and symmetrically work on all areas of the face that require rejuvenation.

Special markings may be applied. It is necessary to ensure uniform passage through each treated area. Depending on the device, the skin is treated with a conductor gel.

Execution process

The cosmetologist passes the tip of the device over the skin, heating the surface to 45 °C. Thus, radio waves pass into the upper layers of the epidermis and break up fatty tissue. The lifting time is calculated individually. Usually it is 20-30 minutes.

After the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, a restorative cream is applied. After RF facial lifting, the skin may become red and slightly inflamed. This condition goes away after a few hours.

During the week, visits to swimming pools, saunas, baths and exposure to the open sun are prohibited.

Features of RF lifting around the eyes

The area around the eyes is considered one of the most sensitive. That's why everyone cosmetic procedures must be carried out with extreme caution. RF lifting around the eyes will get rid of sagging eyelids, fine wrinkles and bags.

RF facelift in general and separately in the area around the eyes has the same indications and contraindications. Thanks to this procedure, all the signs of aging that every woman hates so much go away.

RF lifting helps smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and restore youthful looks.

The procedure has no age restrictions. A woman at any age can get a “new” face and expressive eyes, with the only difference that in young people this process will happen a little faster. For lifting, monopolar and bipolar devices are used.

The advantages of RF lifting around the eyes over other types of cosmetic interventions are the complete absence of unpleasant sensations and the absence of a rehabilitation period.

Skin care after RF face lifting

Any facelift will come to naught if you do not follow the recommendations and take care of yourself after the procedure. After RF facial lifting, the renewed skin is sensitive, so it is easy to injure.

For some time, going to the solarium and the beach has been banned.

From bad habits It's also better to refuse. It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air and carry out cosmetic procedures at home or in salons.

In beauty salons, a specialist may suggest undergoing a myostimulation procedure before RF lifting. This is the effect of electric current on problem areas, as a result of which the entire body is toned. Thus, subsequent lifting will bring better results.

What results can you expect after the procedure?

If the question arises: to carry out RF facial lifting or not, then the first visible problems have appeared. To prevent signs of aging, indications for the procedure begin as early as 25 years of age.

After completing all the sessions, a completely different personality is reflected in the mirror:

  • signs of aging and sagging skin go away;
  • nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes are smoothed out;
  • improves complexion;
  • its volume decreases and a clear oval appears;
  • “removes” several years from a woman’s face.

The main thing about the “rf face lifting” procedure is that it is such a minor cosmetic intervention that will not harm the body, and the results will last for several years.

RF face lifting: how often can it be done?

A cosmetologist can individually recommend RF facial lifting to each woman. To determine the number of procedures and sessions, the patient must be under the supervision of a specialist.

It all depends on the age, condition of the skin and its ability to regenerate. Typically, 6-10 lifts are performed with a gap of 1-2 weeks. Subsequent maintenance procedures are carried out no earlier than six months after the first course. On average, up to 5 procedures per year will be enough.

RF lifting: contraindications

The first thing to remember about RF facial lifting is that it is the same interference in the natural processes of the body, like any cosmetic procedure.

Radiofrequency lifting involves exposing the skin to heat and radio frequencies of varying power. Accordingly, it has specific contraindications that should not be neglected.

The main contraindications to RF lifting include the following:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute chronic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin damage, fresh scars;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • oncology.

RF lifting: consequences of the procedure

No matter how gentle and safe the RF lifting procedure is, unpleasant consequences also occur. Often, negative results after the procedure were obtained from monopolar devices.

To prevent negative consequences After the RF lifting procedure, you should undergo a comprehensive examination aimed at eliminating contraindications. You also need to adhere to the specialist’s recommendations, which he gives at the end of the procedure.

When applied to the skin, radiofrequency pulses heated the tissue to 60 °C. This in turn caused tissue burns. Need to know main feature about RF face lifting, what is this effect on the body, the results of which even the most experienced specialist cannot predict.

Negative results sometimes include burns, subcutaneous hemorrhages, pigmentation and scarring. It should be remembered that if the manifestation undesirable consequences has not passed after 2-4 days, you must urgently consult a doctor for examination and further treatment.

RF lifting: price and what it depends on

The cost of one procedure and the entire course of RF lifting is set by a cosmetologist. based on inspection results and determination required quantity sessions.

Depending on the area, complexity of implementation and type of device, prices for RF lifting vary. Also, the cost may vary in different regions and depending on the qualifications of the clinic.

Face 20 min 5,000 rubles
Eye area 20 min 3,000 rubles
Area around the mouth 20 min 1,500 rubles
Face + neck 30 min 7,000 rubles

RF lifting is a modern technique for rejuvenating the body and face. It is produced using special equipment, while radio frequency radiation affects the deep layers of the skin. After a course of treatment for six months, the effect increases, as the body begins to synthesize its own collagen and the dermis becomes stronger. This procedure is considered an excellent alternative to surgery. Another name for this technique is thermolifting.

Over time, the natural collagen found in skin cells becomes less and less. This is why elasticity is lost and age-related changes are noticeable.

During the RF lifting procedure, heating occurs to 60-65 degrees, fibrils (thread-like protein fibers) lose moisture, contract and become unable to stretch, and collagen molecules curl into tight spirals, creating a powerful lifting effect. Thus, a framework is created inside the dermis, due to which skin stretches. The process of self-rejuvenation begins. Moreover, this works not only during the session, but over the course of several months the result will only improve.

RF lifting acts directly on the dermis. Due to the thermal effect on it, the production of its own elastin and collagen fibers is enhanced, which leads to a noticeable reduction in depth facial wrinkles, significantly tightens the skin and strengthens its tone.

Facial rejuvenation

RF face lifting is a hardware-based treatment with high-frequency electromagnetic waves, during which controlled heating of the dermis occurs. Effect you can expect:

  • Improving trophism (blood supply) of tissues.
  • Lymph flow is stimulated, thereby reducing tissue swelling.
  • A healthy complexion appears.
  • The skin becomes tightened and elastic.
  • Clear features appear.
  • Expression wrinkles are reduced.
  • The depth and number of wrinkles around the eyes decreases.
  • Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are reduced.
  • The lower and upper eyelids are tightened.
  • The double chin is significantly reduced.
  • Tissue swelling is reduced.

Body rejuvenation

RF lifting is also effective when body rejuvenation is required. In addition, the procedure helps to start the process of breaking down fat deposits. The technique is especially recommended for treating the following areas:

  • Neckline (tightens the skin).
  • Thigh area (reduces fat deposits).
  • Belly (makes stretch marks less noticeable).
  • Buttocks (promotes the breakdown of fat and improves tone).
  • Shoulders (tightens sagging skin on the inner surface).

Judging by the reviews, radio wave lifting is one of the most popular and effective modern rejuvenation techniques.

1. After the RF lifting session, it is advised to refrain from the solarium and the beach for the first 3 days.

3. During the session, you need to remove contact lenses and all metal jewelry.

4. Within the next 24 hours after RF lifting, other procedures in this area cannot be performed.

5. Do not subject the treated area to mechanical stress on the same day (do not rub or scratch).

Compatibility with other methods

On the day of RF lifting, it is better to refrain from additional rejuvenation activities. This method is self-sufficient and its rejuvenating effect is noticeable, but if you have the desire and finances, it can be supplemented with other procedures, only after 2-3 days. The following go well with this procedure:

  • Mesotherapy.
  • Photorejuvenation.
  • Chemical peels.


Reviews from patients about RF lifting indicate the undeniable advantages of this method:

  • There are no age restrictions.
  • Suitable for any skin type.
  • Short session (15-20 minutes depending on the area being treated).
  • Fully controlled thermal effect.
  • Effective skin smoothing.
  • Painless, feeling only pleasant warmth.
  • There are no traumatic marks left (bruises, swelling, stitches).
  • There is no need for a preparatory or rehabilitation period (after the session you can immediately begin your normal activities).
  • The area of ​​the treated surface is not limited.
  • There are practically no contraindications (they are kept to a minimum).
  • The cosmetologist does not resort to the use of foreign substances; the effect is achieved through own strength body.


  • Ptosis (sagging skin).
  • Dry skin.
  • Age-related “jowls” that change the correct contours of the face.
  • Wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle area.
  • Deep wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Post-acne.
  • Photoaging.
  • Excess fat deposits in certain areas.
  • Cellulite.
  • Striae (stretch marks).
  • Reduced elasticity.
  • Sagging skin.
  • Photoaging.

The number of RF lifting sessions is calculated by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Usually, for the first course, 6 to 10 procedures are enough; maintenance procedures are recommended after 1-1.5 years. It will require 2-3 fewer sessions.


Like any medical effect, RF lifting has its contraindications, which are divided into absolute and relative. The absolute ones include:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Any neoplasms (benign and malignant).
  • Viral infections.
  • Skin diseases in the acute stage.
  • Severe hypertension.
  • Silicone in the treated area.
  • Fresh scars.

Relative contraindications only postpone the procedure for a certain period of time (until the stage of remission of the disease):

  • Exacerbation of chronic skin diseases.


The cost is influenced by the reputation of the clinic, its prestige and distance from the center, the number necessary procedures. You can save a lot by purchasing the entire course at once. There are also often promotions during which prices for popular techniques are reduced. The average cost of one RF lifting session in Moscow is shown in the table.

Treatment areaPrice, rubles
Belly (40 minutes)4 500
Belly + waist (45 min)5 000
Hips3 500
Buttocks3 500
Buttocks + riding breeches4 000
Buttocks + riding breeches + legs (60 min)6 000
Hands (30 min)3 500
Back (30 min)5 000
Face (45 min)4 000
Face + neck (60 min)4 500
Face + neck + décolleté5 500
Eyelid area2 000
Nasolabial folds2 000
Hands (30 min)2 500


“I decided to undergo RF lifting after being impressed by my friend’s results. At first, the cosmetologist treated only one half of my face, then showed me the difference. The effect is amazing right away. During the course I visited the clinic 8 times. They did it on different devices. The ones that are more expensive are better. Everything cost me 30 thousand rubles. My skin has tightened and I look much younger. I recommend it."

Lera Ivanovskaya, Moscow.

“Radio wave lifting helped me in the fight against orange peel - it smoothes out the bumps well. I went with a coupon with a serious discount. Even once gave a good result, but it’s better to take the whole course.”

Alla Kucherenko, Moscow.

“I will soon be 40 years old, I want to look younger than I actually am. And this is what RF lifting gave me: the skin was rejuvenated and tightened. I did my face and body, I decided not to spare money and I was pleased with the result! The cost of one zone is only 500 rubles.”

Varvara Borovik, St. Petersburg.

“I look good at 46, overweight missing, but I want to look better. The oval of the face is no longer the same, and the wrinkles around the eyes are noticeable. I already wanted to choose a mesothread, but I found it on the Internet good reviews about the effect of RF lifting for the face and neck. After 8 times, the oval of the face tightened, the bags and circles under the eyes disappeared. One session cost me 3 thousand rubles. In other salons you can pay twice as much for the same thing. After the whole course I became 7-8 years younger.”

Claudia Volkova, St. Petersburg.

“After giving birth, my abdominal skin was far from ideal. I did radio wave lifting six times and the stretch marks became almost invisible, the skin noticeably tightened. There’s a trip to the sea ahead, and now I’m ready for it.”

Anna Londe, Moscow.

“Age is taking its toll and it’s time to move on from homemade masks to salon ones. When I lost 14 kg, my skin was terribly saggy, I took an RF lifting course. The network of wrinkles has not disappeared anywhere, but has become significantly smaller, the oval of the face has become the same as before. The skin of the face tightened and became pleasant to the touch, the cheeks were like those of a baby. I’ll repeat it in a year.”

Olga Sorokina, Krasnodar.