Poems for a gift HAIR BALM

This is not just a hair balm -
This is a balm for the soul.
It will delight the nose with aroma
And it will deprive you of all your problems.

This miracle balm gives volume,
I love him very much.
This balm is simply heaven for hair,
That's why I give it.
As an example to you and other friends,
I'm giving away air conditioner!
Will be able to create comfort in the soul,
And the aroma will warm you!!!

Poems for a gift RAZOR

So that from now on with “stubble”
The battle was successful
Accept, oh our young man.
Give me this razor as a gift!


So that the skin becomes like silk,
I want to give you a razor
Then you are in any company
You can be irresistible.

There was a guy who was extremely cunning,
Who invented the electric razor.
Shave, massage, trim temples -
An electric razor can handle everything.
She does everything herself.
And women go crazy!

I will make your fate easier -
I'll give you a super razor.
To shave without problems,
I’ll also give you cream.

Today I will give you a razor,
So that you shave with it today.
Quickly remove the stubble,
And greet the new day with a smile.
And in the morning, when you wake up,
First of all, just take it.

Shave, (NAME), with this razor.
Forget about stubble.
There will be your snout
Shave than before.
Your mug will be clean.
The girls will say: “Well, soar!”
There will be your face
Smooth and pretty.
Your face will become
Purely like a lord's.
Shave with this razor more often.
Remember us in prayer.

Poems for a gift SHOWER GEL

Shower gel –
What could be more useful?
Walk all day
Fresh and wonderful.

He'll drive you crazy
Almost anyone.
Shower gel –
It's worth a lot.
You started going to the bath more often,
The beloved becomes closer and sweeter,
It glides over the body and captivates with its bliss.
You often miss him so much.
He caresses the body tenderly, funny,
It goes down the back in a trickle smoothly.
Dissolving in water, it flows soundlessly,
And he quietly dies in the bathroom.
Week two, and the gel has run out.
How to survive the loss of losses?!
I will hurry to help you quickly
Take my gift - use the gel! ®

Poems for a gift DEODORANT

I give you deodorant
So that you always smell like a dandy,
Let the girls stand in a crowd,
As soon as I smelled your scent,
Let them be ready for anything!
And I want to wish you more
You won't feel any anxiety,
And you can’t recognize grief in life!
Take this deodorant
And freshen up in the morning.
And go to work like a dandy,
Hurry up and hurry up.

All will be your girls -
I give a guarantee.
I also like that deodorant
Helped me find my wife.

I give you this deodorant
So that I can breathe you madly
Anyone who happens to be nearby.
This gift will come in handy!

Poems for a gift PERFUME

Today, besides roses and poems,
I give you a bottle of perfume.
Even if you just be a charmer,
Because you are beautiful as is
I hope I was able to please
I didn't get into trouble with my gift.

Madam! I'm not good at perfumes
What I tell you privately.
But you accept this bottle -
There is a pleasant smell hidden in it.
There will be a minute of melancholy,
Go to the theater or the opera,
But before that you whiskey
Lightly moisten with perfume.
Perfume for the Goddess is an elegant gift,
And the perfume brand is completely real.
You will put on them and make you happy
And you will quickly fall in love with the cute guy.
Wonderful aroma, wonderfully delicate,
He will emphasize your divinity.
I feel love and freshness
When I give you perfume!
Let the aroma take you over
When you are in his arms
I'll be there, you know, by the way
We breathe with one breath.
Perfume has a wonderful aroma
I'm always glad to feel
They always carry with them
Joy, tenderness and comfort!
Ready to give today
A bottle of your perfume for you.
After all, dropping a drop on the body
You become a queen!
More than any other memory
Memory loves aromas,
In addition to the best wishes
I'm giving perfume in honor of an important date.
We give you perfume
And from the bottom of my heart - poems:
Be cheerful and happy
And still beautiful!
Don't worry, don't worry,
Invite your friends more often!
We wish you luck
And the most wonderful mood!
I heartily congratulate you,
I give you a bottle of perfume,
I always want to be beautiful,
You are the only one I rely on in my life!
Fragrant myrrh
It has been used for a long time.
And in the hours of Christ it had
It's a wonderful property.
Yes, Christ was pleased
Listen to its smell.
Most gratifying
The fruit of love is to perceive.
The fragrance of Christ
Christians should be
Scents of God's Love
Spread on earth.
In a small bottle
The magic is kept
Like Copperfield
It works!
Drives someone crazy
Others are deprived of sleep,
Walks with beauties
Shouts: “Spring has come!”
This elixir is called
In a short word “Spirits”,
It is not given into the hands of men,
If they are short!
You just need an approach to them,
As in any case,
Don't touch the muse girl
If you're not in love!
Well, because I'm crazy
You have long been brought together,
Today I give as a gift
Magic bottle of water!
Every business has a special smell.
The bakery smells of burnt baked goods.
The butcher smells like rotten meat.
The stove smells like carbon dioxide.
The milk jug smells like sour cream.
The miners smell of burnt methane.
The newsboy smells like a dead duck
Like a perfume department - a prostitute.
The surgeon smells like unsuccessful anesthesia.
The milkmaid smells like evening manure.
The furrier smells of flayed skin.
Vacuum cleaner... You know how.
The cook smells of sour cabbage.
The nurse smells like a medical enema.
Mothers-in-law usually smell like pancakes,
Everything at customs costs a lot of money.
The party smells like red flags.
Nanny smells like Huggy diaper.
The shoemaker smells like thick shoe polish,
And the tailor smells of mothballs.
The carpenter smells slightly like turpentine,
And the guard on the corner is on fumes.
The pharmacy kiosk smells like aspirin,
And the popular singer uses cocaine.
The English consul smells like oatmeal,
The school teacher reeks of valerian.
It smells like a stale soldier's boot.
Smells like a hot iron, bro.
Rheumatic ozokerite smells.
The amateur fisherman smells like dynamite.
The tourist smells of sprat in the tomato,
Iodine with brilliant green - mountaineering athlete.
The priest smells like holy water.
Rabbis smell like kosher food.
The radio operator smells like Morse code.
And the heroin smuggler.
The sailor smells like spilled oil.
Only the deputies do not smell at all.
Now I want to wish you so much
Smell like a rose early July.
I was able to prepare for this
I present this bottle of perfume!

Poems for a gift HAIR SPRAY

Your happiness has finally come true -
On this holiday I give you hairspray!
And now I will soon marvel at myself
Long-lasting and voluminous hair!

Poems for a gift NAIL POLISH

The beauty of your nails
Don't you dare hide it with varnish.
Well, this varnish is transparent
I think it will be successful!

Poems for a gift LOTION

I give you lotion
For very delicate skin,
He's her problem
It will help you decide.

You apply it
Slowly on the body
And your skin will be smooth
Like a baby's butt.
Biological law
Men are given a beard,
And sometimes you need to shave.
So how can you live without lotion?
Shaving is not to everyone's taste,
Shaving is painful at times
But what to do in the morning,
When can you no longer hide stubble?
The whole house froze in excitement,
And the tension on their faces...
But the pleasure comes later -
Refresh yourself with a wonderful lotion.
I conclude this:
Be friendly with cosmetics!
Will you appreciate my gift -
It is simple, but needed every day.

Poems for a gift SOAP

You are sweet, pure, beautiful,
But soap will not be superfluous.
This soap will come in handy
I'm happy to wash my face in the morning.

You can take it in addition
On vacation, to work, to the dacha...
Soap will always help
Only where there is water.
Beautiful soap, fragrant bar
I give it to you, dear friend,
So that you smell fragrant like an angel,
I took a shower and remembered me!
And then in the crib so that there are dreams
Everything about me, and everything about love!
And so that on the edge of the full moon
We were full of happiness with you!
I thought for a long time what to buy,
In the end, I decided to donate soap,
But not simple, but very manual,
The smell is super, the shape is wonderful.
And here I stand before you with soap,
“Accept - sign” - I’m telling you,
And I smile, and you answer me
You whisper: “Thank you. There is no more soap..."
I want to give a fragrant bar,
What else needs to be said?
Be young, beautiful, shine like the sun,
And fill everything around with your laughter!
And let my soap help you
To be pure and bright on this Earth!
This poem is a joke, because you understand
And soap - “thank you” for helping me!

Poems for a gift COLOGNE

I give you cologne
Just remember: it is inedible.
But he is dear, like you,
As soon as you shave, apply it quickly.

Seduce everyone around you like a macho
I guarantee, a hundred pounds,
And suddenly he cries out of envy
Arthur Pirozhkov himself.

Poems for a gift POMADE

What a friend is always happy about
What's always on your face?!..
My gift to you is lipstick!
You can decorate yourself without difficulty
And you will become, young beauty,
Men like everything in the world!

Poems for a gift POWDER

Now it’s hard to imagine
How women lived without powder.
From ancient books it is known, however,
They appreciated her very much.
It was from them that the initiative came -
Far away Vasilis the Wise -
To pave the way with that powder
To the hearts of inexperienced men.
For a woman she is irreplaceable,
Every lady has a demand for her.
Must always be at hand to guide
Tint your lips or powder your nose
We are talking about her, about the powder compact -
It makes it easier to preserve beauty.

Poems for a gift COMB

To have a fuller hairstyle,
I'll give you a comb.
To scratch slowly
Your golden mane
In spring, winter, summer, autumn
You can braid your hair.
Let them flow in the morning
Your braids are in the wind!
With amazing hair
You go at least every day
With this wonderful comb
It's not too lazy to comb your hair!
Here's a magic comb
She is friendly with any hairstyle,
She wants to decorate you!
Accept it from us!
If your hair is neat,
Everyone around you is so nice
Everyone admires you
They can't take their eyes off.

By the way, what beauty salon could you recommend? Like this one - "Mirror" is not bad, what do you think? They say that they do very good hair and nail care there, right?

Everyone's in the bathroom
There is a tricky thing:
Will wash away dirt
Both body and arms.
Look into the eye
It didn't hit.
It will pinch, then
It won't seem enough!

In elegant wrappers
There are chocolates lying
They are inedible
And not at all sweet.
Bitter and odorous
And they don't like dirt
Yes, this is it, brothers,
The usual….. .

What are we talking about?
I'm a young wizard
Not kidding at all;
I'm a hard piece
I'll turn it into a light ball.
(a bar of soap and soap bubbles).
4) I am not Moidodyr,
But I'll tell you truthfully
What's in my house
A real miracle:
There is a very hard piece on the shelf,
Break it up and grind it into powder.
Add some water, stir and watch:
Colorful bubbles fly across the sky.

Colored, white, regular,
Forest, bath, strawberry.
For every age
Every taste
Found in the store..... a bite.
(Insert word soap)

And in the bathhouse, and in the bathroom,
On a hike and at home,
Neither the weather nor fashion dictates to him.
After all, every baby and every old man
I’m not used to washing my hands without this product.

Magic remedy
And foam and white,
Fresh, fragrant,
And they wash their bodies with it.

They boiled me in a vat,
I got cold afterwards
And even blocks
They hit every house.

It comes in pieces
Comes in bottles
There is nothing more important than him
When washing and when washing.

What can be solid, liquid and spherical?

What helps us to be clean, but makes us sneeze after it gets into our nose and cry after it gets into our eyes?

What solution is used to spray plants to control aphids?

If your hands are covered in ink,
That will help you... (soap)

Getting ready for the road,
Make sure there is
On a hike with you

So that in your life
It would never happen
Infections, scabies-
Buy yourself... (soap)

Adults and children know
It is better to live in the world clean,
To be beautiful, not to be sadly ill
Helps... (soap)

This wizard works wonders:
A soap fairy tale flies to the skies.

Cleanliness has best friend:
Will wash away everyone and everything around.

If your hands are dirty,
Then it will help you.
Will wash away dirt, germs, soot.
What is this, who can name it?

It will wash away all the dirt from your hands,
And he washes his clothes.
Everything around will become clean.
What is this, who can guess?

It has different flavors
You just can't eat it.
The dirt will be washed away irrevocably,
The whole family will be clean.

It's getting old for us
And foams in your hands.
Can handle any microbe.
And it melts before our eyes.

This thing is friends with water,
And upon contact it foams.
It will wash you and me away,
He will wash away all the dirt and is not lazy.

Helps you stay clean
A small piece.
It bubbles in the water
And it smells very tasty.
It can be liquid
And hard things happen.
And it foams so well
And the dirt washes off easily.

I have a block in my hands
Always foams in water.
Will always help you cope
He has germs everywhere.

If you get your hands dirty
And suddenly you go swimming.
This thing is irreplaceable.
You will take it with you.
It will wash away dirt and blots.
It’s from your hands, from your hair, from your face.
It stings the eyes very much,
If it gets there.

This small piece,
All microbes are their worst enemy.
He will wash away everyone without a trace
And for us he is a friend and brother.
It foams up a lot, amazingly
What is this? Of course (soap)

It smells very tasty
It lives in a soapbox.
Kills all germs.
Very fast, no hassle.

You will take it in your hands.
And you'll get wet underwater.
So it will foam,
It will wash away all the dirt.

Children's riddles about Soap

So that your stomach doesn't hurt,
We need to wash our hands with special... (Soap).

It can be liquid, solid,
Children's, bath, with a fruity smell.
Have the kids guessed what this item is?
Let's call him... (Soap).

Wash your hands special means,
Colorful, fragrant and very pleasant.
What's it called?
This is floral... (Soap).

Before you sit down at the table,
You need to take it and wash your hands.
And for this you need to pick up the magic... (Soap).

We visited the bathhouse
After a light massage, you need to wash yourself... (with soap).

We bought soap bubbles
In order for them to turn out well,
You need to add liquid... (Soap).

Wanted a bubble bath
And for this, kids,
You need to add peach... (Soap).

If you have washed your hands,
Of course we won’t forget,
That diseases are the worst enemy,
Clean and a piece of... (Soap).

Always smell clean
Gives clean water and fragrant... (Soap).

To make your skin shine clean,
Wash your face.
We always have to try
And wash the child’s face... (with soap).

We ran along the path, walked along the path.
And then you need to wash your socks.
For washing you need laundry... (Soap).

It is better for the baby to wash his diapers,
Children's... (Soap).

In the question section, please tell me riddles about shampoo, slingshot, lollipop, washcloth, shower gel, and napkins? very urgent!!! given by the author skinny the best answer is I only found about soap and shampoo! Riddles about soap
Take me, wash, bathe,
And guess what I am, guess quickly.
And know: it would be a big disaster,
Whenever it's not me and the water -
On a dirty, unwashed neck
Ugly snakes would live there
And poisonous stings
They would stab you like daggers.
And in every unwashed ear
Evil frogs would settle in,
And if you, poor things, cried,
They would laugh and croak.
Here, dear children, what a disaster!
There would be, if it weren’t for me and the water.
Take me, wash, bathe,
And guess what I am, guess quickly. Guess: Soap
(The riddle of Korney Chukovsky)
Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,
Everyone needs to have one.
What is this, guys?
So as not to be “dirty”,
You should be friends with me.
Foamy, fragrant,
Handles will be clean.
If I get in your eyes,
I'll pinch it a little...
But as soon as the foam was washed away,
Stopped pinching...
It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go. It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands!
It blew bubbles, foamed up, - And it was gone, Suddenly it disappeared!
Riddles about shampoo (only these...)
There are no more fools to cut their hair,
Shampoo helped everyone...(Gliss Kur)
Don't tear out your hair anymore
Better than mine...(PANTIN PRO VI!)
Lush hair, and itself ALIVE,
You chose...(Palmolive!!)
To shine, becoming a princess,
Buy better shampoo.. . (DAF)
I buy, having grown up,
I'm from LOREAL...(Elsev)

Bright and interesting riddles about soap will help your beloved child understand how important hygiene is and immerse himself in exciting fun with his parents. It is worth paying attention to the fact that activities with a child should be structured in the form of a game in order to arouse interest and a desire to answer questions.

Riddles about soap for the little ones

Preschoolers should make simple, easy-to-understand puzzles. The following riddles about soap for babies can be told.

It makes handles clean

And usually soft and fragrant.

It always slips from your hands,

Especially when it's wet.

But it's always wet

You hold him tightly.

So that your hands are clean,

They bought you the most fragrant thing.

It smells very tasty

Strawberry, mint, chamomile.

You take him tightly in your hands

And you wash your hands and face.

Happens different shapes, round, square.

It is slippery and very fragrant.

It will leave your hands clean and will drive away all germs.

The foam is lush from friction and spinning movements.

It produces a lot of foam once it gets into your hands.

Dirt, germs - everything is washed away, legs and arms are cleansed.

Fragrant, odorous, sometimes stings,

He washes his hands and makes a lot of foam.

As soon as you come home,

You go straight to the bathroom.

Fragrant, foamy, clean

You take it in your hands.

These and similar riddles about soap for children can be made by both the smallest and older children. Be sure to try it.

Interesting riddles about soap for school-age children

Schoolchildren can make problems a little more difficult than small children, for example, these could be the following options.

It will kill bacteria and drive away germs.

It removes dirt from your hands and fills them with aroma.

You wash your hands and feet with it,

It smells very tasty.

There are different aroma

Hands beat it into foam.

Gets rid of bacteria

Leaves arms and legs clean.

Your hands will be clean if you take it.

Put your hands under the water and say, “You won’t escape anywhere.”

To always be clean, tidy and fragrant,

You should always take it, whenever you come home.

What did you use to wash the chimney sweep clean?

Who is not friends with this subject,

It will always be dirty.

It is aromatic, foamy,

And the microbes will destroy everything.

It can be slippery under water,

If it gets in the eye, it stings.

Overall it smells great

And it gives you the opportunity to be healthy.

You and your mom buy in the store for sure

And shampoos, and balms, and creams.

It is foamy, fragrant, aromatic, cleansing,

You always take everything with you.

All microbes will run away

When they take it in their hands.

The foam will wash away all the dirt,

Only slippery things happen

And sometimes he escapes from the handles.

About soap in verse

Before starting the game, which is based on riddles about soap, you can tell your child a couple of poems about this hygiene accessory.

The soap is fluffy, very fragrant,

Smells nice and makes you look neat.

Fragrant soap will help remove dirt,

As soon as you come home, you take it right away.

There is no place for germs and bacteria on handles,

They will leave together with aromatic foam.

When telling children riddles about soap, it is worth emphasizing that this hygiene item is very important and is needed by everyone. You can also, for a change, tell an instructive story, for example, about Moidodyr, so that the child understands what untidiness and reluctance to wash hands after going outside leads to.

Everyone's in the bathroom
There is a tricky thing:
Will wash away dirt
Both body and arms.
Look into the eye
It didn't hit.
It will pinch, then
It won't seem enough!

In elegant wrappers
There are chocolates lying
They are inedible
And not at all sweet.
Bitter and odorous
And they don't like dirt
Yes, this is it, brothers,
The usual….. .

What are we talking about?
I'm a young wizard
Not kidding at all;
I'm a hard piece
I'll turn it into a light ball.
(A bar of soap and soap bubbles).
4) I am not Moidodyr,
But I'll tell you truthfully
What's in my house
A real miracle:
There is a very hard piece on the shelf,
Break it up and grind it into powder.
Add some water, stir and watch:
Colorful bubbles fly across the sky.

Colored, white, regular,
Forest, bath, strawberry.
For every age
Every taste
Found in the store..... a bite.
(Insert word soap)

And in the bathhouse, and in the bathroom,
On a hike and at home,
Neither the weather nor fashion dictates to him.
After all, every baby and every old man
I’m not used to washing my hands without this product.

Magic remedy
And foam and white,
Fresh, fragrant,
And they wash their bodies with it.

They boiled me in a vat,
I got cold afterwards
And even blocks
They hit every house.

It comes in pieces
Comes in bottles
There is nothing more important than him
When washing and when washing.

What can be solid, liquid and spherical?

What helps us to be clean, but makes us sneeze after it gets into our nose and cry after it gets into our eyes?

What solution is used to spray plants to control aphids?

If your hands are covered in ink,
That will help you... (soap)

Getting ready for the road,
Make sure there is
On a hike with you

So that in your life
It would never happen
Infections, scabies-
Buy yourself... (soap)

Adults and children know
It is better to live in the world clean,
To be beautiful, not to be sadly ill
Helps... (soap)

This wizard works wonders:
A soap fairy tale flies to the skies.

Cleanliness has a best friend:
Will wash away everyone and everything around.

If your hands are dirty,
Then it will help you.
Will wash away dirt, germs, soot.
What is this, who can name it?

It will wash away all the dirt from your hands,
And he washes his clothes.
Everything around will become clean.
What is this, who can guess?

It has different flavors
You just can't eat it.
The dirt will be washed away irrevocably,
The whole family will be clean.

It's getting old for us
And foams in your hands.
Can handle any microbe.
And it melts before our eyes.

This thing is friends with water,
And upon contact it foams.
It will wash you and me away,
He will wash away all the dirt and is not lazy.

Helps you stay clean
A small piece.
It bubbles in the water
And it smells very tasty.
It can be liquid
And hard things happen.
And it foams so well
And the dirt washes off easily.

I have a block in my hands
Always foams in water.
Will always help you cope
He has germs everywhere.

If you get your hands dirty
And suddenly you go swimming.
This thing is irreplaceable.
You will take it with you.
It will wash away dirt and blots.
It’s from your hands, from your hair, from your face.
It stings the eyes very much,
If it gets there.

This little piece
All microbes are their worst enemy.
He will wash away everyone without a trace
And for us he is a friend and brother.
It foams up a lot, amazingly
What is this? Of course (soap)

It smells very tasty
It lives in a soapbox.
Kills all germs.
Very fast, no hassle.

You will take it in your hands.
And you'll get wet underwater.
So it will foam,
It will wash away all the dirt.

Children's riddles about Soap

So that your stomach doesn't hurt,
We need to wash our hands with special... (Soap).

It can be liquid, solid,
Children's, bath, with a fruity smell.
Have the kids guessed what this item is?
Let's call him... (Soap).

Wash your hands with a special product,
Colorful, fragrant and very pleasant.
What's it called?
This is floral... (Soap).

Before you sit down at the table,
You need to take it and wash your hands.
And for this you need to pick up the magic... (Soap).

We visited the bathhouse
After a light massage, you need to wash yourself... (with soap).

We bought soap bubbles
In order for them to turn out well,
You need to add liquid... (Soap).

Wanted a bubble bath
And for this, kids,
You need to add peach... (Soap).

If you have washed your hands,
Of course we won’t forget,
That diseases are the worst enemy,
Clean and a piece of... (Soap).

Always smell clean
Gives clean water and fragrant... (Soap).

To make your skin shine clean,
Wash your face.
We always have to try
And wash the child’s face... (with soap).

We ran along the path, walked along the path.
And then you need to wash your socks.
For washing you need laundry... (Soap).

It is better for the baby to wash his diapers,
Children's... (Soap).

We wash ourselves with scented soap,
It gives delicate aroma.
Each of the kids wash... (Glad).

The husband gave his wife a ring and said: “When I die, read what is written on it.” He died and she read it. Later, when she was having fun, reading the inscription on the ring, she became sad, and when she was sad, reading the inscription, she became happy. What was written on the ring?
Answer: Everything will pass
Krapivkina Yulia, Barnaul

They don’t eat it raw, they throw it away when it’s cooked. What is this?
Answer: Bay leaf
Koval Vasya, Samara

Which 2 notes indicate an edible product?
Answer: Fa-sol
Afanasyev Daniil, Barvikha

What type of weapon has a date and year?
Answer: Pistol

I placed the pencil in the room so that no one could step over or jump over it. How did I do this?
Answer: Put a pencil near the wall
Malets Daniel, Minsk

Gray hare under a pine tree
He announced that he was a tailor.
And to the tailor in an hour
The little bear gave the order.
- Your order will be ready
Until the January cold.
The hare cuts, the hare sews,
And the bear is waiting in the den.
The deadline has passed. The bear came
But you can't wear pants!
Answer: The little bear became a bear
Vasilyeva Polina, Perm

Largest human organ?
Answer: Leather
Gubanov Sergey, Ryazan

Marina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Vasya also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he only needed 1 ruble. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?
Answer: Cost - 10 rubles. Marina has no money at all.
Vagapova Elizabeth, Uchaly

What can I do that you will never be able to repeat in your life?
Answer: Crawl between your legs
Chuikova Natalya, Samara

What breaks but never falls? What falls but never breaks?
Answer: Heart and blood pressure

What can you take in your left hand, but not in your right?
Answer: Right elbow
Smirnova Anyuta, Nizhny Novgorod

The jar is on the table. It stands so that one half of it is in the air and the other is on the table. What is in the jar if it falls in half an hour? And why?
Answer: Ice. It will melt and the jar will fall.
Zagorodnyuk Nastya, Kostanay

There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where do you start?
Answer: Take a piece of paper
Polina, Saransk

Where do people pay for what is taken from them?
Answer: Hairdresser
Savelyeva Karina, Ulyanovsk

Shoeless, but wearing boots. Walks on the ground, but upside down.
Answer: Nail in the boot
Uvarov Zhenya, Moscow

A cowboy, a gentleman and a yogi are sitting at the table. How many feet are there on the floor?
Answer: 1 leg (a cowboy puts his legs on the table, a gentleman crosses his legs, and a yogi meditates)
Savenkova Liza, Kostroma

You have guests over, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of... mineral water. What will you open first?
Answer: Refrigerator

Read the phrase correctly:
Answer: Love our mighty language
Averyanova Polina, Saransk

George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nero - who is the “odd one” on this list?
Answer: Sherlock Holmes (fictional character)

What can't a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?
Answer: Angles

What little horse needs to be placed between two pronouns to make the name of a country?
Answer: Pony (Japan)

What number has as many numbers as there are letters in its name?
Answer: 100 (hundred), 1000000 (million)

Where on Earth does the south wind always blow?
Answer: At the North Pole

How many different digits must be used to write the number 100?
Answer: Two: zero and one

The night watchman died during the day. Will they give him a pension?
Answer: A dead man doesn't need a pension

What animal did the Canary Islands get their name from?
Answer: Dog (Latin canis - dog, Spanish Las Islas Canarias - “islands of dogs”)
Cat on its own, Kaluga

What was the name of King George VI?
Answer: Albert
Cat on its own, Kaluga

How many years did the Hundred Years' War last?
Answer: 116 years
Cat on its own, Kaluga

Which bird's feathers need to be plucked to create morning, afternoon, evening and night at once?
Answer: From a duck (day)

Which island calls itself a piece of underwear?
Answer: Jamaica (I'm a jersey)

A carrot and a scarf lay on the black snow. No one abandoned them on purpose or forgot. How did they get there, and why is the snow black?
Answer: The snowman's buttons were made from coal. It melted, the coal was washed away, it ate into the snow, and the snow turned black.
Lyusya, Omsk

The person is completely healthy, not dead, not disabled, but they carry him out of the hospital in their arms.
Answer: Newborn

What needs to be done to keep 4 guys in one boot?
Answer: Take one boot off each guy
Gorbunova Daria, Novosibirsk

Which tap can you not wash your hands from?
Answer: From construction
Almazova Sveta, Sevastopol

A man walked into a bar, approached the bartender and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender pointed a gun at him. The man said “thank you” and left. Why?
Answer: The man had severe hiccups, and the bartender decided to help him, scaring him.
Garbar Oleg

A naked dead man lies in the desert. He has a broken match in his hand. How did he get there, why was he naked and why was there a match in his hand?
Answer: People were flying on hot air balloon. The ball began to descend. In order not to break, they took off their clothes and threw them away, but this did not help. They began to draw lots to see who would sacrifice themselves.
Nikulina Arina

The girl could not sleep at night. She twisted and turned, but nothing could help. Suddenly she picked up the phone and called somewhere. And after that she was able to sleep peacefully. Why exactly after the call could she fall asleep?
Answer: In the next apartment, a neighbor was snoring very heavily. She called him and woke him up. Then she fell asleep.
I won't tell Alinka

What is used in hockey, on a Jew's mind, on a woman's body and on a chessboard?
Answer: Combination
Khamidullin Ramil, Nizhnekamsk

Riddles about hygiene

      Steel fungus on the leg
      Sliding along the path
      His leg is
      In the wrong hands
      Rides upside down
      Let him scrape the path.

      (Answer: Razor)

      White trough
      Nailed to the floor.

      (Answer: Bath)

      iron house,
      The walls slope in it,
      There is no roof - there is a bottom,
      And at the bottom there is a window.

      (Answer: Bath)

      Can I dive to the bottom in it?
      But I can't drown
      And if it gets deep
      I can open the cork easily.

      (Answer: Bath)

      White lake -
      Sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s shallow,
      Clear water from the sky -
      It will fill the lake,
      Otherwise it will disappear without a trace.

      (Answer: Bath)

      A warm wave splashes
      There is whiteness under the wave.
      Guess, remember,
      What kind of sea is in the room?

      (Answer: Bath)

      A warm wave splashes
      In cast iron banks:
      Guess, remember
      What kind of sea is in the room?

      (Answer: Bath)

      I am neither a sea nor a river,
      I am not a lake, not a pond,
      But like morning or evening -
      People are all running towards me.

      (Answer: Bath)

      Stormy sea
      Plays in the open air
      The whale has sailed -
      Opened his mouth
      And in the mouth there is a lattice,
      The sea flows through it -
      Wave to wave obediently clings.

      (Answer: Hair and comb)

      Wooden fence
      Fences the yard
      In the yard - the herd is over,
      And in the fence there are a hundred doors,
      To get free
      Yes, run in an open field.
      The horses rushed in a wave,
      They flowed like a living river.

      (Answer: Hair and comb)

      In a small house
      Full of people live
      Everyone is honest and simple,
      Everything is transparent and clean,
      And when the guest comes -
      People will run out
      He will attack the guest -
      Yes, the guest will not be offended,
      Once he hugs, another -
      It will shine with purity.

      (Answer: Shower)

      The rain is warm and thick:
      This rain is not easy,
      He is without clouds, without clouds,
      Ready to go all day.

      (Answer: Shower)

      White River
      Flew into the cave,
      It comes out along the stream -
      He removes everything from the walls.

      (Answer: Toothpaste)

      Bone back,
      Stiff bristles
      Goes well with mint paste,
      Serves us diligently.

      (Answer: Toothbrush)

      The tail is made of bone,
      And on the back there are bristles.

      (Answer: Toothbrush)

      And she looks a little like a hedgehog,

      (Answer: Toothbrush)

      Skinny girl -
      Hard bangs,
      It gets cool during the day.
      And in the mornings and evenings
      Accepted work:
      will cover your head
      Yes, it will wash the walls.

      (Answer: Toothbrush)

      Skinny girl -
      Hard bangs,
      In the mornings and evenings
      Brings us purity.

      (Answer: Toothbrush)

      Whenever it's not me and the water -
      On a dirty, unwashed neck
      Ugly snakes would live there
      And poisonous stings
      They would stab you like daggers.
      And in every unwashed ear
      Evil frogs would settle in,
      And if you, poor things, cried,
      They would laugh and croak.
      Here, dear children, what a disaster!

      (Answer: A bar of soap)

      Iron hedgehog
      With rubber skin
      It goes down like needles,
      It rakes the grass with needles.

      (Answer: Massage brush)

      Elastic band - Akulinka
      I went for a walk along the back.
      And while she was walking,
      The back has become pink.

      (Answer: Washcloth)

      Where a sponge can't handle it,
      It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away,
      I take on the labor:
      I rub my heels and elbows with soap,
      And I rub my knees,
      I don't forget anything.

      (Answer: Washcloth)

      Smooth, fragrant, washes clean!

      (Answer: Soap)

      Blowing bubbles
      Foam climbed to the top, -
      And he was gone
      Suddenly it disappeared!

      (Answer: Soap)

      Slipping away like something alive
      But I won't let him out.
      Foams with white foam,
      Don't be lazy about washing your hands!

      (Answer: Soap)

      The path says -
      Two embroidered ends:
      Wash yourself a little,
      Wash the ink off your face! -
      Otherwise you're in half a day
      You'll get me dirty!

      (Answer: Towel)

      Which year is it for me?
      a hedgehog lives in the room.
      If the floor is waxed,
      He will polish it to a shine.

      (Answer: Polisher)

      Behind the wave there is a wave,
      A harrow is walking across the field,
      Rakes the wheat
      Maintains order.

      (Answer: Comb)

      He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

      (Answer: Comb)

      I walk, I wander not through the forests,
      And by the mustache, by the hair,
      And my teeth are longer,
      Than wolves and mice.

      (Answer: Comb)

      What will the teeth reach the back of the head?

      (Answer: Comb)

      Light field-side,
      A harrow is walking across the field,
      Rakes the wheat
      Maintains order.

      (Answer: Comb)

      Silver trumpet,
      From the pipe - water,
      Water runs and pours
      Into the whiteness of the well,
      There are two brothers on the pipe,
      They sit and have fun.
      One in a red caftan,
      The second one is in blue,
      Both friends are brothers
      They manage the water.

      (Answer: Washbasin)

      Parashka stands -
      Holds a cup
      bowed her head,
      She lowered her nose,
      And it flows from the nose
      Pure water in a cup.

      (Answer: Washbasin)

Iron Valentine

Lesson summary on the topic« Hygiene items» using methodological manual lapbook by educational field "Child and Society"


Build knowledge and ideas about personal hygiene items; ability to answer complex questions proposal with an alliance"to"; ability to compose offers according to the action performed.

Develop a sustainable interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle; cognitive and speech activity of children; attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills fingers

Foster a conscious, responsible attitude towards your health.

Equipment: lapbook on the topic « Hygiene items» , letter, bag, hygiene items(soap, washcloth, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, handkerchief, towel, comb, pictures for proverbs, cards for the game "Put it in order", For experiment: combs, toothbrushes, cotton wool, puzzles on the topic « Hygiene items» .

Preliminary work:

Reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", poems by A. Barto "Greasy girl". Reading proverbs, sayings, poems about cleanliness, health, hygiene items. Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items. Receiving a parcel from Moidodyr. Carrying out didactic game "Connect personal hygiene items» . Conversations on topic: "Personal hygiene» , "Our good friends", .

Progress of the lesson:

Educator preschool education (V.d.o.)

You guys are passing,

Everyone look at the guests.

Friends came to us here,

Say hello first

Smile at them together

To our dear guests.

Guys, when I came in the morning and you weren’t there yet, the postman brought me a letter.

Want to know who it's from? Guess:

He is the commander of washbasins and the commander of washcloths.

And if you are lazy to wash, he will wash you to the holes.

He will take gentle, fragrant soap,

He will wash you thoroughly and cleanly.

He will brush your teeth with powder and comb your teeth.

That's right, this letter is from Moidodyr. That's what he is writes: “I am the Great Washbasin, the Famous Moidodyr. The head of the wash basins and the commander of the washcloths. My dear children! I am writing to you letter: I ask you to wash your hands and face often. You must wash yourself in the morning, evening and afternoon, before every meal, after sleep and before going to bed.”

And Moidodyr also asks if we received his parcel? (children's answers)

“Dear guys! In a laptop I collected games about hygiene items. Play these games today. Goodbye. Your Moidodyr."

V.d.o. Let's play with you today and talk about hygiene items, about cleanliness, and what is needed for this.

Children sit near the table on which there is a laptop on the topic « Hygiene items» .

I suggest start by solving riddles. And we will not only name the answers, but also find them in wonderful bag.

Game "What's in the bag?"

Children listen to the riddle, guess and find the answer by touch, hygiene item. You can't look, you can touch.

V.d.o. I'm curly and shaggy

Wash you guys clean (washcloth).

Children: This is a washcloth.

1 child takes out a washcloth.

V.d.o. Why do we need a washcloth?

Children: To wash our body.

V.d.o. She has things to do this morning

Brush your teeth until white. (toothbrush).

2 the child takes out a toothbrush.

V.d.o. What is a toothbrush for?

Children: To brush your teeth.

V.d.o. I am not sugar, not flour

But he looks a little like them

It's always me in the morning.

I get it on my teeth (toothpaste).

V.d.o. What is this?

Children: Toothpaste.

3 The child takes out toothpaste.

V.d.o. Why do we need toothpaste?

Children: To brush your teeth.

V.d.o. It is fragrant and aromatic

Pleasant for our hair

Only with him we always have

Will clear head (shampoo).

Children: Shampoo.

4 The child takes out shampoo.

V.d.o. What is shampoo for?

Children: To wash your hair.

V.d.o. Fluffy, colorful

Fun, terry!

Wipe your face and ears dry (towel).

Children: Towel.

5 The child takes out a towel.

V.d.o. Why do you need a towel?

Children: To wipe your hands and face.

V.d.o. As many as 25 cloves,

For curls and tufts.

And under each, under the tooth -

Hair will lie in a row (comb).

6 The child takes out a comb.

V.d.o. Who knows what a comb is for?

V.d.o. Must always be in your pocket

At Nadyusha, Bori, Tanya

Aunt Vera, Uncle Petya

And for all the people in the world.

It’s impossible to live without it!

You need to take your friends with you,

To the theatre, park or skating rink

Clean …. (handkerchief).

V.d.o. Well done! Do you think everyone should have their own handkerchief, or can you give it to your neighbor when he needs it? (answers)

V.d.o. It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go.

It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands (soap).

V.d.o. Guys, what is this?

Children: Soap.

V.d.o. What is soap used for?

Children: Soap is needed to wash your face: Wash your hands, face, neck and whole body to be clean, destroy germs.

1 child takes out the soap by touch.

V.d.o. So we found out what lies in the wonderful bag. Do you know what all these are called in one word? items?

Children: « Personal hygiene items» .

Guys, do you always wash your hands correctly? Let's remember the rules of hand washing.

Hand washing algorithm

Working with lapbook elements. Children tell the hand washing algorithm according to the diagram.

V.d.o. And now I I suggest complete the task at the tables, but first let’s do some eye exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes

"Your eyes need a rest"

(Guys close their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath"

(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)

“Eyes will run around in circles”

(Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

“They will blink many, many times.”

(Frequent blinking of eyes)

“My eyes felt good”

(Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)

“Everyone will see our eyes!”

(Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

Game "Place in order"

On the tables there are pictures of the hand washing algorithm on separate cards, the children arrange the cards in order.

V.d.o. asks children what actions are performed first and then.

V.d.o. Well done, you completed the task. Now let's stand in a circle and rest a little.

Physical education minute

We need it before eating (we all walk together)

Wash your hands with soap and water (we wash our hands)

To the evil despicable microbe (Grooves by hand)

Didn't get into our stomachs. (Stroke the belly)

Water, water, (open palms up)

Wash my face. (As if we were touching the face)

To make your eyes sparkle, (touch eyes)

To make your cheeks rosy, (in a circular motion cheeks)

So that children are healthy (hold hands and raise their arms up)

All over, all over the planet. (walk in place).

Working with lapbook elements.

Game “What’s friends with what?”

V.d.o. Guys, I choose hygiene item or part of a person’s body, and you put an arrow on that hygiene item or that part of a person’s body with which he is friends.

– What are your nose, nails, hair, toothpaste, soap, hands, teeth friendly with?

V.d.o. Look, (refer to the laptop) guys, on this tooth. What is he like? (showing a bad tooth)

V.d.o. Why is he sad?

Children: He has a hole, he is sick, he has caries.

V.d.o. He's probably not friendly with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

V.d.o. What tooth is this?

Children: Funny.

V.d.o. Why is he cheerful?+

Children: He is white, healthy.

V.d.o. Why is he healthy? How many times a day should you brush your teeth? Before or after meals?

V.D.O.: In order for your teeth to be healthy, you need to eat right. I think you know which foods are healthy and which are harmful to the health of our teeth. Name foods that are good for teeth (kefir, cheese, fish, meat, kiwi, parsley, almonds, pine nuts; name foods that are harmful to teeth (Coca-Cola, Chupa Chups, candies, toffees, cakes, cookies, chips, seeds).

Game “Beneficial and harmful foods for teeth”(children lay out healthy products near a healthy tooth, harmful ones near a sick one).

Well done, I see you know a lot about healthy eating.


V.d.o. And now I I suggest conduct an experiment. Please come to the table. Look, the comb is our teeth, the cotton wool between the teeth of the comb is the remains of food. If we brush left and right with a toothbrush, then the remaining food is poorly removed, but if we brush from top to bottom, we will clean our teeth well. (The experiment is carried out by children). Well done, you know how to brush your teeth properly.

Exercise "Proverbs and sayings"

V.d.o. Let's remember proverbs and sayings about cleanliness.

Working with lapbook elements "Proverbs and sayings". Children choose pictures that match the meaning of the proverb, the child shows the picture and names the proverb.

IN healthy body- healthy mind.

He who is neat is liked by people.

Wash yourself more often, don’t be afraid of water.

The soap is gray, but the wash is white.

The soap will foam, the dirt will go somewhere.

Wash your hands more often, all the dirt will be washed away with water.

Game "It's just for me"

They are on the table hygiene items.

V.d.o. They are on the table personal hygiene items. Put those in the red basket hygiene items, which cannot be transferred to others, which intended for personal use only. To green - items, which the whole family can use.

Well done, you know what hygiene items cannot be passed on to other people. Now let's play with our fingers. Come out onto the carpet.

Finger gymnastics "Washing our hands"

(Rhythmically rub your palms, imitating washing your hands).

Ah, water, water, water!

Let's always be clean!

“We wash the water from our hands”: fingers clenched into a fist, then straighten your fingers with force, as if shaking off some water.

Splash to the right, splash to the left!

Our body became wet!

"We wipe our hands": Vigorous movements simulate drying each hand with a towel in turn.

A fluffy towel

Wipe your hands quickly.

V.d.o. Now please sit down at the tables I suggest you put away your hygiene items.

Didactic game "Fold the picture"

Working at tables.

V.d.o. Guys, add it up hygiene items and name what you put together.

V.d.o. Today we talked a lot about what you need to do in order to be healthy, clean, and tidy. Let us once again turn to our laptop, consolidate our knowledge and name the rules of personal hygiene.

Exercise "Moidodyr's Advice"

Children receive cards on which the personal rules are encrypted. hygiene.

1. I wash my face in the mornings and evenings.

2. I brush my teeth 2 times a day (in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, before bed)

3. I wash my hair and comb my hair daily.

4. I cut my nails on time.

5. I take a shower or wash in the bathroom.

6. Wash your hands (before eating, after using the toilet and walking).


Everyone must know:

We must maintain health!

You need to eat right

You need to play sports.

Wash your hands before eating,

Brush your teeth, temper yourself,

Always be friends with water.

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time.

And remember, because health

Can't buy it in the store!

Bottom line classes

V.d.o. What did we talk about today? What task did you have difficulty completing? What game did you enjoy playing the most?

      Steel fungus on the leg
      Sliding along the path
      His leg is
      In the wrong hands
      Rides upside down
      Let him scrape the path.


      White trough
      Nailed to the floor.

      iron house,
      The walls slope in it,
      There is no roof - there is a bottom,
      And at the bottom there is a window.

      Can I dive to the bottom in it?
      But I can't drown
      And if it gets deep
      I can open the cork easily.

      White lake -
      Sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s shallow,
      Clear water from the sky -
      It will fill the lake,
      Otherwise it will disappear without a trace.

      A warm wave splashes
      There is whiteness under the wave.
      Guess, remember,
      What kind of sea is in the room?

      A warm wave splashes
      In cast iron banks:
      Guess, remember
      What kind of sea is in the room?

      I am neither a sea nor a river,
      I am not a lake, not a pond,
      But like morning or evening -
      People are all running towards me.

      Stormy sea
      Plays in the open air
      The whale has sailed -
      Opened his mouth
      And in the mouth there is a lattice,
      The sea flows through it -
      Wave to wave obediently clings.

    Hair and comb

      Wooden fence
      Fences the yard
      In the yard - the herd is over,
      And in the fence there are a hundred doors,
      To get free
      Yes, run in an open field.
      The horses rushed in a wave,
      They flowed like a living river.

    Hair and comb

      In a small house
      Full of people live
      Everyone is honest and simple,
      Everything is transparent and clean,
      And when the guest comes -
      People will run out
      He will attack the guest -
      Yes, the guest will not be offended,
      Once he hugs, another -
      It will shine with purity.

      The rain is warm and thick:
      This rain is not easy,
      He is without clouds, without clouds,
      Ready to go all day.

      White River
      Flew into the cave,
      It comes out along the stream -
      He removes everything from the walls.


      Bone back,
      Stiff bristles
      Goes well with mint paste,
      Serves us diligently.


      The tail is made of bone,
      And on the back there are bristles.


      Even though she doesn't look very good
      And she looks a little like a hedgehog,
      Loves it very much before I go to bed,
      Dance on my teeth for a minute.


      Skinny girl -
      Hard bangs,
      It gets cool during the day.
      And in the mornings and evenings
      Accepted work:
      will cover your head
      Yes, it will wash the walls.


      Skinny girl -
      Hard bangs,
      In the mornings and evenings
      Brings us purity.


      Take me, wash, bathe,

      And know: it would be a big disaster,
      Whenever it's not me and the water -
      On a dirty, unwashed neck
      Ugly snakes would live there
      And poisonous stings
      They would stab you like daggers.
      And in every unwashed ear
      Evil frogs would settle in,
      And if you, poor things, cried,
      They would laugh and croak.
      Here, dear children, what a disaster!
      There would be, if it weren’t for me and the water.
      Take me, wash, bathe,
      And guess what I am, guess quickly.

    Bar of soap

      Iron hedgehog
      With rubber skin
      It goes down like needles,
      It rakes the grass with needles.

    Massage brush

      Elastic band - Akulinka
      I went for a walk along the back.
      And while she was walking,
      The back has become pink.

      Where a sponge can't handle it,
      It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away,
      I take on the labor:
      I rub my heels and elbows with soap,
      And I rub my knees,
      I don't forget anything.

      Smooth, fragrant, washes clean!

      Blowing bubbles
      Foam climbed to the top, -
      And he was gone
      Suddenly it disappeared!

      Slipping away like something alive
      But I won't let him out.
      Foams with white foam,
      Don't be lazy about washing your hands!

      The path says -
      Two embroidered ends:
      Wash yourself a little,
      Wash the ink off your face! -
      Otherwise you're in half a day
      You'll get me dirty!


      Which year is it for me?
      a hedgehog lives in the room.
      If the floor is waxed,
      He will polish it to a shine.

      Behind the wave there is a wave,
      A harrow is walking across the field,
      Rakes the wheat
      Maintains order.


      He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.


      I walk, I wander not through the forests,
      And by the mustache, by the hair,
      And my teeth are longer,
      Than wolves and mice.


      What will the teeth reach the back of the head?


      Light field-side,
      A harrow is walking across the field,
      Rakes the wheat
      Maintains order.


      Silver trumpet,
      From the pipe - water,
      Water runs and pours
      Into the whiteness of the well,
      There are two brothers on the pipe,
      They sit and have fun.
      One in a red caftan,
      The second one is in blue,
      Both friends are brothers
      They manage the water.

    Wash basin

      Parashka stands -
      Holds a cup
      bowed her head,
      She lowered her nose,
      And it flows from the nose
      Pure water in a cup.

    Wash basin

      Cap for a light bulb.

      Day and night I stand on the roof,
      There are no ears, but I hear everything,
      I look into the distance, although without eyes,
      My story is on the screen.

      A steeplejack stands on the roof
      And catches news for us.

      I'm standing on the roof, above all the pipes.

      Not a house, but not a street either.
      High, but not scary.

      He worries and pleases sailors,
      Reporting weather news.
      Now he rises, now he falls,
      But always on the spot.


      In our house under the window
      There is a hot accordion:
      She doesn't sing or play - she heats the house.

    Heating battery

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    The bone back, hard bristles and soft paste are friends. Serves us diligently.
    I'm in my pocket guarding a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one. I won’t forget the streams of tears in the morning and about my nose.
    Smooth and fragrant will wash clean.
    I am a cloud and a fog, a stream and an ocean. And I fly and run, and I can be glass.
    As many as twenty-five cloves for curls and tufts, and under each clove
Hair will lie in a row
    After the bath I help, get wet, dry. Fluffy, terry, clean, new.
    Feel free to lather me up, I’ll get down to business right away. I rub my hands, feet, body, wipe off any dirt.
    To make your hair shine and beautiful view If they were sparkling clean, I would quickly wash them.
    I’ll put this riddle in my pocket, take it out later and look at myself.
    To always be clean, people all need
Based on materials from the magazine “Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka”
  1. Objectives: training in personal hygiene skills; formation of a healthy lifestyle; education of neatness and cleanliness

    Class hour

    Equipment: poster with the image of the “tree of health” (starts at the beginning academic year); a box containing personal hygiene items (soap, towel, handkerchief, comb, clothes brush, toothbrush, scissors); fairy tale K.

  2. Game 1st grade Teacher: Bokova T. A. Purpose: repetition of the rules of personal hygiene, formation of a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle


    The head of the wash basins and the commander of the washcloths. My good reliable assistants are with me. An old, proven friend is a useful Bacteria. It simply and easily turns milk into yogurt and kefir.

  3. Topic: “Hygiene rules”


    screen, projector, computer, video recordings of the cartoon “Queen Toothbrush”, “Moidodyr”, “Peter and the Microbus”; a parcel from Moidodyr with personal hygiene items, an envelope with a letter, a jug of water, a basin, a toothbrush.

  4. Http://navigator rv ua/index php


    Life is often unsatisfactory, and sometimes unsafe. Therefore, we need to not only be good, but also both. You should not only rely on the help of adults, but also stand up for yourself.

  5. Personal hygiene rules Eyes How we hear Sense organs


    The collection contains a complex of electronic teaching materials For primary school, including educational presentations and lesson scripts, video clips, e-books and encyclopedias, games, music albums, etc.