This is not quite LR, so it was justifiably placed in another section, and it is unusual.
This is a fairy tale about a genie, and also a parable about desires, from which the conclusion follows: be careful what you wish for, even if you have a personal genie, because you will have to pay for your desires.
Translation of text is not only verbatim, he is also illiterate. So before reading you need to be patient.
Since I read it before, "Sweet dreams" I already noticed that author's handwriting.
And the author loves to describe the outfits of his heroines and the interiors in which events take place, and this is part of the reason for the voluminous text. If we talk about the interiors, they were important in this text (first poor, then luxurious), but what clothes the main character appeared in seemed completely unimportant to me. In addition, the outfit is a matter of taste; some will find it cute, while others will find it tasteless, which will significantly affect the attitude towards the heroine.

But these are all trifles, let's talk about the heroes.
We can already say that the author gravitates towards “machismo”, her heroes are powerful and strong, but in this case the portrait is painted with bold strokes. HE is a predator (this word is repeated often), who does not yield his prey to anyone, he is courageous, strong, frantic and merciless, and... incredibly beautiful....and he absolutely loves the heroine, who is also very beautiful

These girls' dreams are being translated into reality. It looks stupid if you don't understand that the story is ironic.

The heroine is at first sweet and naively simple, but after eight years, having gained life experience and realizing that she already has a strong hold on the hero, she becomes a brilliant manipulator (the author describes in detail this process of first inept, then more experienced control of the hero).
Having nothing and not being able to do anything (despite graduating from Oxford, the heroine was never able to learn how to make money), she only knows that she resists the main character, at first quietly, then more and more boldly, reaching the point of hysteria.

But any attacks of the heroine are easily repelled by the hero, like a merciless predator, he evokes her animal instincts and easily turns off her brain. There are a lot of intimate scenes, but they are quite boring, although they should give the impression of stormy feelings on which this incredible love is based, nevertheless it all looks like a parody of the relationship between a dominant and a submissive.
Actually, why the hero loves the narrow-minded heroine so much and for so long is not clear to me; this can only be explained by being fooled by magic.

Hero - every girl's dream, he shows up and solves all the problems, pays the bills and mortgage, updates the house and interiors, orders groceries and food to be taken home, updates the heroine's outfits, opens an account in her name and a trust fund for her child.
But at the same time, he exercises absolute diktat, checking bills and expenses, choosing the attending physician, and even the method of contraception.

The indignation of the heroine, who graduated from Oxford but was not on birth control(as if Oxford is where they teach sexual literacy). At the same time, it is not mentioned that the hero himself has ever used condoms in the presence of love affairs in the past. Another condition that is put to the heroine without discussion is also humiliating: " no more children"Although this is explained by his fear of losing her in the next birth, it looks selfish.

The problems for which the heroes were separated for eight years are absolutely unrealistic for the age of information technology.
In general, while reading, it seemed to me that the heroes should live in the 60s of the twentieth century (maximum -70s), it was then that the type of good mafioso who retired to rest was cultivated, as well as the style of relationships when the wife of a rich man left work and was content because she went shopping. Today, only a narrow-minded woman can be happy that she is just a beautiful favorite toy belonging to a rich husband. This ideal of female happiness in the 21st century is completely outdated, and this, in my opinion, is a big minus of the work.
The heroes' lives pass without modern technologies, although the mentioned mobile phones and computers are mentioned in the text, but they are almost never used by the heroes. Otherwise, how could you not find the person who was for you? everyone?

Actually, all my comments are not significant for the fairy tale.
The important conclusion is that a very handsome and merciless hero may turn out to be too rude and domineering, which will cause many tears, and life with such a person who adores you to the point of madness and at the same time controls every step and every desire can become torture.

The theme of the genies pulled out the entire plot; compared to the other novel I read, this one is too weak. I give it a seven to downgrade the rating.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a good fellow, Emelyan. He was one of those who are called “white collar workers” or “office plankton”. Moderately smart, moderately literate, a little lazy, and with a big craving for alcohol. He had such a hobby.
Life flowed neither shaky nor slow... From advance payment to salary... From salary to advance payment... He lived, did not grieve, was friends with a black cat... Smoked the sky quietly, peacefully... But one day something happened...
The beginning of this summer Sunday, which will be discussed, was similar to many others.
“What kind of life...” said Emelya, crawling under the table. - I can’t find the second sock. Where did you go?
- Meow... Meow... Meow... - the black cat meowed loudly.
- Shoot, parasite, don’t interfere! - said Emelya, driving away the cat clinging to him.
“Meow... Meow... Meow...” he continued, hoping that the owner would finally pay attention to him and feed him.
- Some people can’t find their calling, others can’t find love! And damn it, I can’t find the second sock! And love always passes me by... - Emelya sighed. -Where did the sock go?...
He looked under the bed, then again under the table. He asked plaintively:
- Domovoy, Domovoy, don’t joke, give back what doesn’t belong to you. - He believed in spirits and miracles, and he believed in the reality of brownies.
“Hee-hee-hee...” a thin, squeaky voice came from the corner of the room. - Yes, here it is, your sock is on the table - next to the empty glass.
Emelya was not afraid and was not surprised. I took the conversation with Domovoy as a matter of course.
“That’s the problem, it’s empty,” he answered with a sigh, gently pressing the sock he found to himself. - I drank it last night - it was good! And this morning it’s really bad... Could you, Master, give me a half-liter so that I can heal a little,” Emelya respectfully turned to Domovoy.
“Ha-ha-ha...” sounded dully from the corner of the room.

She clapped loudly front door, a light breeze ran through the room, and a bottle with multi-colored peas appeared on the table.
- Three pills - three wishes. But don't be greedy. Limit yourself to two,” Domovoy warned. - Don’t touch the red pea. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
- How about two... And the third - to whom? - Emelya grumbled, hastily grabbing a bottle from the table.
- Swallow the pills. Take it with water. “You just have to dream, and everything will come true,” Domovoy admonished.
Without hesitation, Emelya took a blue pea from the bottle, swallowed it, washed it down with water... And began to dream: “Someone like that, with green eyes... so that they sparkle like two emeralds... And long hair right down to your toes."
“So this is a mermaid,” the brownie chuckled from the corner of the room.
- I want a mermaid! - shouted the drunken Emelya, hugging and biting the pillow from excess passion.

The door opened and slammed shut...
Emelya woke up on a sandbank of the river. Silence... You can only hear the waves hitting the shore. He opened his eyes... He saw himself naked and next to him, in the water, was a beautiful young maiden. He sits, combing his wavy golden-red hair with a comb. The eyes were large and green and pierced Emelya. Breasts, naked white, caught his gaze and pulled him towards them. Long, wet hair slid over the face and body, entwining and tickling not only the face, but also something more important on the at the moment. Choking with passion, Emelya said nervously:
- I can’t figure out your anatomy. The tail is in the way.
“Ah, tail...” the maiden said languidly in a voice as gentle as the sounds of a harp.
- It's not a problem. I can get rid of him.
In one smooth movement, she slid out of the tail, covered with scales like unnecessary clothing. And she pressed her cool body against Emelya, gently, like a breath of wind, whispering:
- Is everything okay with the anatomy now?
“Now you’ll find out,” Emelya said knowingly.
“Ah... ah...” the young but already experienced mermaid moaned, and they swam on the waves of bliss.

In the morning Emelya woke up: there was no river, no sandbank, no Mermaid... Before his eyes, an untidy studio apartment with a bunch of vodka bottles. Empty. And one started on the table.
- Meow! Meow! Meow! - the unfed cat yelled.
“For the devil’s sake…” Emelya grumbled, filling the glass with a trembling hand and pushing the cat away with his foot. - Love, tenderness... Boring. I want hard sex.
He picked up a green pill. Having swallowed it, washed it down with some water and said:
- Let her not be a beauty! Even if it’s a kikimora! The main thing is to have hard sex. And not a tail, but female legs, legs... And so long and strong that they could hug me and not let me out of their embrace...

Everything swam before Emelya’s eyes... I woke up naked on swamp hummock. I looked around. On a nearby hillock sits some creature, its front limbs smeared with silt in a palisade of unkempt hair, long, sinewy legs with long, uncut nails spread wide apart. Bust size seven, lips like two halves of a big bagel. Part of the head is shaved. Small eyes are covered with swamp mud. The most interesting place is the piercing...
“Kikimora...” Emelya whispered.
I didn't have time to see anything further. I wanted to run away as quickly as possible, but I couldn’t. She attacked him. As a prelude, she dragged her through the swamp, jumping from one hummock to another, forcing her to catch it blindfolded. Marked it with a heather broom. I plunged my head into the pool a couple of times. Then she made her lick the cranberry juice from her body. Yes, so that you don’t miss a single dent or crease on the body. And then... It’s better not to remember what happened next.
- Good... - Good... - Emelya whispered in exhaustion.
The session ended immediately.
And in the morning the restless lover again wanted free sex.
- Meow! Meow, Meow! - the cat screamed, throwing the long-gnawed ridge of a dry ram off the table with his paw.
- What else do we have left in the bottle? - Pushing the cat away and having a hangover, Emelya said, taking out the last red pill. He swallowed it, washed it down with water and said a spell:
- I want it to burn inside and out.

The door of the room opened and slammed shut.
And Emelya found himself in a forest hut. Dried herbs are hung on the walls. In the corner an owl looms on a perch, its eyes like balls. A black cat sits on a bench, glaring with green eyes. And he himself, Emelya, is naked, smeared with fragrant oil and crucified on a large iron sheet with a long wooden handle. Emelya closed his eyes and opened his eyes again. Did you check if it was a dream? Not a dream.
“The third one will be the coolest…” he whispered, testing the strength of the bonds.
- Sadomasochism.
And then a hunchbacked, bony old woman with a slack jaw appeared. Well, just like Baba Yaga.
- What are you doing here, old man? - Emelya was surprised.
- Now you'll find out. “I’ve already burned out the stove,” the hag said in a nasal voice.
“I’m not cold,” said Emelya.
The old woman came closer, wiggled her nose near him and said:
- It smells like the Russian spirit, the Russian spirit... I won’t marinate. Well drunk...
- Meow! Meow! Meow! - the black cat screamed heart-rendingly.
- Don't yell, and that's enough for you. “You won’t stay hungry,” the hag reassured him and began to cast spells. The shovel from Emelya separated from the wall, assumed a horizontal position and floated into the mouth of the blazing heat stove.
- Uh... Grandma Yaga. Stop! This is me... According to the subscription, so that it burns inside and out... - Emelya shouted.
“Greed ruined the fraer,” Baba Yaga mumbled. “You’ve already been burned from the inside, killer whale!” All that remains is to do it outside...
The damper on the stove shook with screams... They were echoed by the meowing of a large black cat.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.

Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale “Three Wishes (English Fairytale)”, you can feel the love and wisdom of our people in it. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all that oppose them: anger, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. Rivers, trees, animals, birds - everything comes to life, is filled with living colors, helps the heroes of the work in gratitude for their kindness and affection. The entire surrounding space, depicted with vivid visual images, is permeated with kindness, friendship, loyalty and indescribable delight. The text, written in the last millennium, combines surprisingly easily and naturally with our modern times; its relevance has not diminished at all. The plot is simple and as old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful. When faced with such strong, strong-willed and kind qualities of the hero, you involuntarily feel the desire to transform yourself for the better. The fairy tale “Three Wishes (English Fairytale)” is certainly necessary to read for free online, not by children alone, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

Once upon a time, and even a long time ago, a poor woodcutter lived in a dense forest. Every single day he went into the forest to cut down trees. One day he was getting ready to go into the forest, and his wife filled his knapsack with food, and hung a full bottle over her shoulder so that he could have a snack and drink in the forest.
On this day, the woodcutter was going to fell a mighty old oak tree.
“We’ll get a lot of strong boards,” he thought.
So he approached an old oak tree, pulled out an ax and swung it as if he wanted to knock down the tree with one blow. But he didn’t have time to hit: suddenly a plaintive voice was heard and a fairy appeared. She began to ask and beg the woodcutter not to cut down the old oak tree. The woodcutter was amazed and couldn’t even open his mouth to utter a word. Finally he woke up and said:
- Well, I won’t chop if you ask.
“That way it will be better for you,” said the fairy. “And I will thank you for this, I will fulfill any three of your wishes.”
Then the fairy disappeared, and the woodcutter went home with a knapsack over his shoulders and a bottle at his side.
It was a long way from home, and all the way the poor fellow remembered what had happened to him - he was amazed and could not come to his senses. When he finally came home, he had only one thing on his mind: to sit and rest. Who knows, maybe the fairy was messing with his head again. Either way, he sat down by the fire and had just sat down when hunger began to torment him: and it was still a long time before dinner.
- Well, will we have dinner soon, old woman? - he asked his wife.
“In two hours,” she answered.
- Eh! — the woodcutter sighed, “I wish I had a ring of blood sausage now, and a thicker one!”
And before he had time to say it, suddenly - bang! — a whole ring of blood sausage fell into the fireplace, so much so that you’ll lick your fingers.
The woodcutter was amazed, and his wife was three times more surprised.
- What is this? - speaks.
Then the woodcutter remembered everything that happened to him in the morning, and told his wife about it, from beginning to end. But while he was talking, his wife kept frowning and sulking, and when he reached the end, she exploded:
- Oh, you such a fool! Stuffed fool! May your blood sausage grow to your nose!
And before they had time to blink an eye, a blood sausage jumped out of the fireplace and stuck to the woodcutter’s nose.
The woodcutter pulled the sausage, but it didn’t come off; the wife pulled it, but it didn’t come off: they both pulled and pulled, almost pulled out the poor guy’s nose, but the sausage still didn’t come off - it was firmly attached.
- What should we do now? - asks the woodcutter.
- Nothing! - the wife answers, looking at him with anger. - Not so ugly!
And then the woodcutter realized that he had only one wish left - the third and last. And he immediately wished that the blood sausage would bounce off his nose.
Clap! and the sausage plopped onto the dish that was on the table. And if the woodcutter and his wife never had the chance to ride in a golden carriage and dress in silk and velvet, well, for dinner they got such a delicious blood sausage that you’ll lick your fingers.

All this happened a long time ago. There lived a poor woodcutter in a dense forest. Every day he went into the forest to cut down trees. One day he was getting ready, as always, to go into the forest. His wife filled his knapsack with food and hung a full bottle over his shoulder so that the woodcutter could eat and drink in the forest.
On this day, the woodcutter wanted to fell a mighty old oak tree.
A lot of strong boards will come out of it, he thought.
So he approached an old oak tree, pulled out an ax and swung it as if he hoped to knock down the mighty tree with one blow. But he didn’t have time to strike when suddenly a plaintive voice was heard from the oak tree itself and a fairy appeared in front of him. She asked the woodcutter to spare the old oak tree. Well, the woodcutter was surprised, even scared! And I couldn’t open my mouth to utter even a word. Finally he woke up and muttered:
- Well, I will fulfill your request.
“And it will be better for you,” said the fairy. - I will thank you and my wife for this: may your first three wishes come true!
Then the fairy disappeared, and the woodcutter went home, with a knapsack over his shoulders and a bottle at his side.
His journey was long, and all the way he never ceased to be amazed at what happened to him. When he finally got home, there was only one thing on his mind: to sit and rest now. Maybe it was the fairy's tricks again, who knows? One way or another, he sat down by the fire and had just sat down when he felt terrible hunger, although it was still far from dinner.
- Do you have anything to eat, my hostess? - he turned to his wife.
“It will be in about two hours,” the wife answered.
“Eh,” the woodcutter sighed, “I wish I had a thicker ring of blood sausage right now!”
And before he had time to say it, suddenly - slap! - a whole ring of finger-licking blood sausage fell into the fireplace.
The woodcutter was amazed, and his wife was three times more surprised.
- What is this? - speaks.
Then the woodcutter remembered what had happened to him in the morning, and told his wife the whole story, from beginning to end. But the further he talked, the gloomier his wife became, and when he reached the end, she completely exploded:
- Oh, you such a fool! Stuffed fool! May your blood sausage grow to your nose!
And before they both had time to blink an eye, the blood sausage jumped out of the fireplace and fused to the woodcutter’s nose.
He pulled on the sausage and didn’t come off; my wife pulled and didn’t come off. They tugged and tugged, but the sausage did not come off - it was firmly attached.
- What should we do now? - asks the woodcutter.
And then he realized that he had one more wish left - the third and last! And he, without wasting a second, wished that the blood sausage would bounce off his nose.
Slap! - and the sausage was already lying on the table in front of him.
And if the woodcutter and his wife never had the chance to ride in a golden carriage and dress in silk and velvet, well, for dinner they got such a delicious blood sausage that you’ll lick your fingers.