I sleep 3 hours a day. My best friend and the interlocutor is the wall opposite my bed. The only moments when I was interested in what was happening around me were hallucinations. I'm scared. My head is pounding. I am completely losing control of my life, if you can call it life. I hate myself. I have no future.
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Anna, age: 15 / 05/10/2012


Yes, I have a similar situation. For several months I either did not sleep at all, or slept at all.
a little. All this time I was thinking. And you know what, I realized that I was insignificant!
No one needs it, stupid and vicious. It was the worst time of my life. Thoughts about suicide appeared. To me
it seemed that death was the best way out. I started to think which method suits me best. I chose something. For a long time
I was getting ready and getting ready. I didn't care about anything, as if I was already dead. But then I started drawing. I used to
fell asleep with a brush.
I drew my emotions the world around us. And I realized - I want to live! I won't give up for anything!
After all, I won't have a second chance. So my main advice– more sleep and favorite activity (whether it’s
drawing, music, writing poetry and prose, even weaving baubles, whatever). And go for walks more often
nature - you realize the beauty of the world. And understand, you are part of nature. And the future is already the next second.

Linka, age: 15 / 05/10/2012

Frankly speaking, I didn’t understand much. I didn’t understand the essence of the problem. Maybe you’re just going through adolescence? I don’t
I know, I’m only guessing.. But you don’t need to hate yourself, you’re in vain! Talk to your parents. Is this possible? Maybe
see a psychologist? But in any case, thinking that you have no future is absurd. Why? Yes, because there is a chance
having a happy future is granted to each of us, no matter what we are. You just need to see this
a chance to catch luck by the tail, as they say, and be able to keep it. Good luck to you, Anna, and take care of yourself! Okay?

guest, age: 35 / 05/10/2012

Anichka, hello! what happened to you? Why hallucinations? tell us more!

Julia, age: 34 / 05/10/2012

Anya, I understand you very much! I recently found myself in the same situation. I already wanted to end my life
suicide, but didn’t do it, and after half a year life got better. Time rules the world. According to him
As time passes, pain, disappointment, and despair pass away.

Nastya, age: 17 / 10.05.2012

Hello. Hallucinations are treatable. And at the doctor and at the temple. Confession and Communion. and of course, definitely a doctor.
Why endure, suffer, go to people with a problem. Not only the wall hears you, but also God. The main thing to remember is
believe this. He will definitely help you. just give yourself a chance.

Love, age: 32 / 05/10/2012

Anya, you need to see a doctor. First, see a therapist. Then most likely see a psychotherapist. You have serious health problems. Don't engage in soul-searching and philosophizing. You will find the meaning of life later. Do you sleep 3 hours? After a few months you will be completely exhausted. Don't take things to extremes. Run to the doctor and describe your symptoms to him in as much detail as possible. And drink more water. The body really needs it. Especially if you have problems like yours: mental health (hallucinations) and headaches.

Lena, age: 24 / 05/10/2012

Annushka, you should definitely consult a specialist about this. You can start with a psychologist, but it’s better to go straight to
If you believe in God, then start visiting God's temple regularly.

Agnia Lvovna, age: 71 / 05/11/2012

Anya, if you live in Moscow, then go to the Intercession Convent to Matronushka, ask her for help.
Hallcinations are treatable, but you are still too young to die. You deserve to live. There are no hopeless options
positions, honey, believe me. I know what I’m talking about, I myself have gone through despair more than once. What are your
Any interests? Then look for appropriate clubs, you will find friends there. If it’s so difficult, look at
Internet, where they are.
And one more thing. Here's a link to the monastery's website, where you'll find information about Matronushka.
And there is no need to hate yourself. You are good, you are smart, keep fighting for yourself, I believe everything will be fine for you.

Esther, age: 46 / 05/11/2012

And I sleep 4-5 hours a day, study, work, have a bunch of hobbies and don’t brag at all, but I sleep little, because... I want to do everything in time. At a certain stage I had health problems, but over time everything went away. Anna, there is only one piece of advice for you: you need the help of a doctor, at least a psychologist first, because hallucinations will not go away on their own, this is already a deep depression that should be treated by specialists. My advice to you, girl, see a doctor as soon as possible!

Dari Curti, age: 22 / 05/13/2012

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Get rid of fear and anxiety

Spiritual Weapons Against Fear

It is in churchliness that a person finds peace, tranquility, and confidence. It’s different for everyone, but for myself I know for sure that before I came to the Church, before I became a conscious believer, by my nature I was inclined to worry, to worry, and the state of anxiety, expectation of change for the worse was very characteristic of me. I remember that I often could not escape this anxious state. But with my joining the church, when I first became simply a believer, received baptism, began to read prayers, go to church, and confess, this state went away. To say that now that I am already a priest, anxiety is completely unusual for me would be untrue. It happens that I worry and worry about things that I shouldn’t worry about, but this is completely different, incommensurate with how it was before.

If your relationship fits the description below, then it’s time for you to “pack your things.” It’s easy to get caught up in an “unhealthy” relationship, but it’s even harder to live in constant disappointment. If a relationship brings you nothing but pain, it is better to abandon it altogether, because it will only get worse, and not only for you, but also for your partner.

There are several important things without which any relationship is doomed to failure. Is your relationship worth maintaining? Check out the list below and the answer will come to you.

1. Lack of support

Support is the foundation of a lasting relationship. A good partner is one who always accepts you as you are, and does not try to change you into someone or something that he likes. Every person has their own pros and cons, but a good partner will always accept any of your shortcomings. He doesn't have to like all the things you like or like to do. But he should not judge or criticize you for all this. For example, your partner doesn't have to watch The Vampire Diaries just because you're crazy about it, just like you don't have to watch football games if you don't like them. Respecting and accepting each other's choices is an extremely important part of a healthy relationship.

If your decisions make your partner furious, or if he constantly criticizes even such simple things as the choice of your clothes, the way you walk or talk to people, and even hates your favorite color, this is a sure sign that things will not work out for you.

2. Lack of compassion

Relationships aren't just about having a good time. Each of us faces daily stressful situations or problems. We're all familiar with tough days at work, having financial problems, and getting sick. A good partner will show empathy and try to help solve problems instead of getting angry or pushing you away. If in difficult moment he refuses to support you or behaves distantly, this is the most important indicator that your relationship has no future.

3. Loneliness

It's normal to feel lonely if you're not in a relationship. But if you have a partner and the feeling of loneliness persists, then you have a serious problem. Below are a few warning signs that should not be ignored: you want to talk to your partner, but he is never there, your partner is not in a hurry to cheer you up after a hard day, your emotional needs and overwhelming feelings of loneliness do not find a response in the heart of your loved one or beloved. All of these signs indicate that the relationship is no longer viable and you and your partner do not have a future together.

4. You're not on the same page.

If you and your partner are not on the same page, you will soon run into problems. For example, your partner dreams of traveling the world, and you desperately want to get married and have a family life.
If you feel like you have very different interests and conflict is brewing, it's time for a serious conversation. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you have different plans and there is no place for you in your partner’s life. At least you will put everything in its place.

5. One-way relationships

Not all relationships start out as one-sided, but most soon become that way. A successful relationship requires both partners to be able to both take and give. The problems start if one of them does or takes more.

Since a relationship requires equal effort from both partners, each of them must be able to sacrifice something if they want the relationship to be successful. If one of them cares about the relationship, and the other does not make half as much effort, then their relationship is on the verge of collapse.

6. Lack of trust

Trust is the most important point in relationships. If you can’t completely trust your partner, constantly check his call list and message history, suspect him of cheating, then it’s time for you to ask yourself what you’re even doing next to such a person. Even if you decide to stay in a relationship with him and try to ignore your insecurities, lack of trust will still lead to nothing.

7. There is no longer any incentive to work on the relationship.

When you and your partner no longer want to resolve the differences that arise, it's probably time to separate - the spark has gone out, and spending time with your previously loved one becomes unbearable.

Someone is afraid to break off a relationship, afraid of hurting their partner's feelings, or afraid of living life alone. Here's a little advice for you: loneliness is much better than a meaningless relationship.

Don't forget to share your feelings with your partner and give the relationship one last chance before ending it forever. Love is beautiful, and if you truly love someone, then there is nothing wrong with trying to spice things up. But first, try to make sure that your partner shares your feelings. Good luck with this!

Love, like many other feelings, has an expiration date. Unfortunately, few are lucky enough to experience love to the grave. It seems that everything is calm and good in life, but one morning, when you wake up, you clearly understand that there is a stranger next to you, that the relationship has reached a dead end - you need to leave, but you do not leave and torment both yourself and him. Why?

One of the common pretexts is habit. You are used to this person, you know what to expect from him, how to live with him and conduct a dialogue. But you can’t build a relationship on the ashes of past feelings. Don't look back - look to the future.

Women are afraid to go into the unknown, to a new man. There, beyond, it is not clear how relationships will begin to develop, there will be ups and downs, but here it may be lousy, but everything is clear in advance.

Women's biggest fear is the fear of loneliness. This applies to women at any age. Surprisingly, many representatives of the fairer sex cling to a man as their last hope, even if, apart from swearing and mutual claims, they have nothing else in common. Such relationships should definitely end quickly.

You need to learn to love yourself, to part with unnecessary things and people, raise their self-esteem to the proper level.

The desire to be the center of attention. All complexes stem from childhood. The girl, once disliked by her parents, compensates for her previous lack of care with her current hopeless relationship, giving the man groundless hopes of continuing the romance. Such girls need to be loved and adored by absolutely all men they know and don’t know.

Leave and never come back

You need to clearly realize and decide for yourself that you do not want the continuation and further development of the relationship. There is only one way out - to complete the novel completely without any reservations.

If you cannot understand yourself and your internal torment on your own, contact a psychologist, at whose appointment you can tell the reasons for your experiences. And he, in turn, will help you understand your feelings.

Lead personal diary, in which you can record all the coming emotions, feelings, thoughts. After re-reading the notes with a fresh mind, you will probably understand what exactly you want.

When you decide to take such an important step, think about your partner. Such things cannot be said right away. Prepare for the conversation. Choose neutral territory - some small restaurant or cafe, crowded place, where you cannot give free rein to your feelings.

Try to explain to your chosen one as accurately as possible, calmly, without raising your voice, why your relationship has reached a dead end and you do not want it to continue. Put an end to it: dispel all doubts so that in the future the person does not bother you with calls and messages, feeding unfounded hopes.

Of course, after a breakup it is impossible to remain friends, but try not to lead the relationship to bitter enmity.

In order not to break down and not try to return everything, occupy the free time you have with something useful: sports, yoga, cooking or sewing courses, learning foreign languages. Soon, painful emotions will subside, and you will live a measured life.

There are different situations in the relationship between two lovers. Romance and passion can smoothly flow into habit and everyday life. Perhaps, after meeting each other for some time, you realized that there was absolutely the wrong person next to you. Gradually the thought comes that it’s time to leave. And breaking up in most cases is difficult. How can you tell your ex-lover that it’s all over between you? Follow our instructions.


Don’t delay this unpleasant moment, talk to your ex-lover. After all, such relationships will only bring suffering. Often this method of breaking up a relationship, when one is satisfied with everything, and the other is constantly delaying the moment, is called “long-term”. As a rule, it does not lead to anything good.

During this difficult period, you most of all need the support of friends. Maybe it makes sense to trust several people, because you will relive your situation again and again, talking about it, and it will be difficult for one person to listen to all this. Plus, you have the chance to listen to multiple points of view. It will be easier for you if you see people around you who care about your life.

Work on yourself, find new, interesting activities. Start with improvement own body, feel its strength and attractiveness. Physical exercise, cycling, fitness and yoga classes - all this will help you find harmony with both your soul and your soul. Understand what you need and separate your desires from the desires of that person. relationship with which you need. Start living own life, take care of yourself, become interesting to yourself and this will help you become interesting to many.

Video on the topic

Please note

The relationship reaches a dead end, and each of you understands that this is the end. Separation is always an unpleasant and painful process, but even it is possible to smooth it out and maintain, if not friendly, then normal relationship. The most important thing is that if you decide to end the relationship, then try to resolve everything without scandals.

Useful advice

These people use all their strength to breathe life into their relationships, however, our lives are too short for us to allow ourselves the luxury of wasting our energy. According to Dr. Neder, relationships should be a journey, and "Think carefully about what you are looking for before you create a relationship." This way you will be much more likely to have healthy relationships, and quickly finish unhealthy.

Relationship in a couple can collapse when one of the halves thinks about the wrong choice of a partner. But breaking a long-term relationship is not at all easy. Time spent together mutual friends, the difficulties that we went through hand in hand - all this leaves an imprint, leaves a trace in the memory and awakens feelings. If a worm of doubt has nevertheless crept in and gnawed at you day after day, then it’s time to burn bridges and go through another painful stage - separation.


If your chosen one is an adequate and calm person, then you will have a long and difficult conversation. Talk about how you feel and what's bothering you. About the fact that you can no longer continue this relationship, that you don’t see life together, development and general plans. Perhaps your significant other feels the same way as you, but simply did not dare to explain to you.

Now pack your things (if you live in your ex-lover's apartment). Take everything at once; if you have a lot of suitcases, call a taxi. You should not return to this house again. As for valuable items purchased with common money, try to divide the property. Do not take with you small figurines, postcards, magnets - all the little things that were given to you by your passion. These things can become thorns in your new life.

If your former lovers refuse to move out of your house, and this happens when they are against breaking up, then they should. Pack other people's things into bags and suitcases while at work. Call a car or ask friends to help you deliver your belongings to the apartment where, say, his or her parents live. Then send an SMS or call in person, warning your ex that it is no longer worth returning to your apartment.

In the case when a young man threatens and does not allow you to leave on good terms, wait for the moment and go as far as possible, maybe to another city to visit relatives. Parting with something so easy will not work; the best thing is to disappear out of sight. If a girl throws hysterics and scandals, stay with a friend for a while or warn her that in a week you are renting out your living space, she has time to get ready.

Now, being free or free, you should not become limp and in no case break down. Don't call young man(), do not try to find out from friends how he feels, and so on. Even if they tell you that he (she) does not sleep or eat, this is not a reason to run to him and improve your life. Basta. It's over. Maybe you will become friends, but in two years.

The best way forget about the past - start a new relationship. They will not be serious, as harsh as it may sound, but they will serve as a pill that will heal your soul. Enjoy life and look for your one and only true soul mate.

Video on the topic

Please note

As Lev Landau said: “ good thing They won’t call it marriage!” Apparently, his statement is deeply embedded in the heads of some men who do not want to tie themselves into marriage. And naive girls believe promises and wait for their great gift in a small box. Only this will not happen, and if a man says that he does not want to marry, this means: a) he does not want to marry you; b) he is a confirmed bachelor.

Do you need it, wait by the sea for the weather, exchanging your life for a person whom you are happy with only in the role of a housewife without the obligation to marry?


Ask yourself the question - “Do you want to introduce him to your parents?” and then everything will become clear. If the answer is no, then you have no future. This means you only need him for a pleasant pastime and you don’t want to make further plans for your life with him. You should also think about the impossibility of further relationships when a young man hides you from his friends, and if you meet them somewhere by chance, he introduces you not as a girl, but as an acquaintance.

Maybe you are shy with each other and together only because you don’t want to be alone. There is only one way out - to break up.


It means you’ve been dating for about a year, but during this time your boyfriend never gave you gifts, didn’t take you to the movies or cafes, even basic ones nice little things didn't present it. We don't think any girl would like this attitude. And you don’t need to accuse us of commercialism and the desire to rip you off, we just understand that, God forbid, if you marry such a cheapskate, divorce cannot be avoided, so it’s not even worth trying.


It was always interesting - why for a girl? After all, it is clear that he will not leave his wife for you (yes, there are exceptions to the rules, but this is not often), and if he leaves, then where is the guarantee that he will not find another girl with whom he will cheat on you?

If you want thrills, lack the status of a “mistress” and the hysterics of your chosen one’s wife - please “play around”, just don’t forget that you have no future.


In order for such a relationship to have a future, you will have to fight “to the death” with his mother. And it’s not a fact that if you win, he will choose you. Yes, and you need it - to wrest your husband away from your mother, listen to her constant complaints and put up with her advice. And when you have children, what will happen then? It will be very difficult for you, so it is better not to even start such a relationship.


Relationships based solely on carnal pleasures cannot have a future. Yes, high-quality sex is not unimportant for, but you can’t rely on it. If you feel good together, look general topics for conversations, interests and try for a while. If all else fails, run...


Imagine this situation - you are dating someone who just raises his hand to you, humiliates you and makes you feel like an insignificance... Do you like it? We think not. What future awaits you with a man who uses you as a punching bag at every opportunity? Sooner or later, he will either kill you or maim you so much that he will make you disabled.

And you don’t need to say that you love him and are ready to forgive everyone - this is not true (although you may have already developed “Stockholm syndrome”, which needs to be treated), you’re just afraid to leave and be left alone.


Not every woman is ready for her man. And even if she forgave, it was only for show and at every opportunity she would not forget to remind him of the love offense. So, you either truly forgive him by never remembering the unpleasant incident, or you end the relationship once and for all.

It happens that your inner instinct tells you that something went wrong in your relationship with your friend. The former mutual understanding has been replaced by constant reproaches, interests are diametrically different, you do not want to support each other, and you prefer to spend time apart. You can continue to live in this relationship, or you can face the truth and move on. Perhaps you are simply different and, by staying with an unloved person, you doom each other to an unhappy existence without hope of finding true love in your life. If you have a similar situation, then you should be aware of the signs that indicate that your relationship has no future.

Non-acceptance of individuals

Accepting the interests and hobbies of your loved one is the basis strong relationships. A good partner will accept any adequate hobbies, will not constantly poke his nose at shortcomings, but will help you get rid of them.

You don’t have to share each other’s interests, because everyone has their own hobbies. Let’s say, if you play the bagpipes, and your friend loves watching “The Vampire Diaries,” then you shouldn’t adopt these hobbies from each other if you don’t like them. If your partner criticizes all aspects of your life - clothes, favorite places, communication style - and does not try to help fix it; if, besides aggression, you don’t see anything else, then this is a signal that the relationship is starting to go down. It will only get worse.

Complete lack of support

Relationships are not just about going to cinemas, cafes and bars together. Sooner or later, one of the partners will have difficult times when you want to reject the hustle and bustle and feel supported loved one. Finance, health, work - crises and problems can occur in any area. A good partner will support you in difficult times and will do everything possible to solve the problems that arise.

If you don’t feel support, your partner distances himself from problems and because of bad mood, then nothing good should be expected from this person in the future. Time does not change people for the better, but only the other way around.

Do you feel lonely in your relationship?

Have you ever had the feeling that your girlfriend is sitting next to you on the sofa, but you have the feeling that this is completely stranger? Sometimes you really want to talk to her about your experiences, but she doesn’t care about you. She cheers you up and doesn't show you the slightest bit of attention. An emotional hole forms inside you, into which all your feelings will gradually flow. If this happens at a stage when your relationship has just formed, then you may not even dream of further development and progress.

You are on different “waves”

Let’s say you understand that you want a cozy home and tranquility from life, but your friend wants to wander from place to place, travel and “put down roots” where you didn’t even think of living. You don't have to share each other's interests, but if the position of one of you makes the other unhappy, is it worth continuing such a relationship?

One-sided relationship

Only both partners can build a strong union. If one does much more, all initiatives come only from his side, and the second partner does not appreciate this and continues to live without giving anything in return, then this relationship is unlikely to lead to anything more. You must make mutual sacrifices for each other and try to make each other happy equally.

Lack of trust

If you cannot completely trust your friend, regardless of whether she has given reasons for this, then it is better not to torture yourself and her and end this relationship. This will only lead to constant hassle, and over time will develop into paranoia.

When the motivation to work on relationships disappears

If you don’t want to do anything for each other, please with gifts, make sacrifices and overcome, spend less and less time together, then it’s better to finish everything before you become enemies. You can't live your whole life like a zombie who doesn't leave his girlfriend just because it's wrong. Over time, you will burn out and hate your life.

You spend your free time apart

Imagine: you've been working all week, and now it's Friday evening or the weekend when it's time to be together. So what's going on? You prefer to spend this time not together. If the desire for each other has disappeared, there is no frantic desire to share every free minute with your loved one, then is it even worth spending time on each other?

Lack of respect

Remember how it all began: you couldn’t even say an offensive word to each other, disputes were quickly smoothed over, and schedules were adjusted to suit each other, and you – hers.

What now? You are careless in your words, which hurt and leave scars, and your partner’s personal time has lost all value. The relationship has become mutually consumerist, and hopes for a happy future are fading, like first-year students in front of a young teacher. I doubt it will get any better.