Sometimes families break up, although it is unpleasant. But you don’t have to think, everything happens just like that, in one minute. It cannot be that a family is happy today and broken up tomorrow. If the husband left, and the wife says that she did not suspect anything until the last moment, and everything was fine, she is either cunning or very stupid. Most often, women simply do not want to wash their dirty laundry in public.

Men quite often leave their families, much more often than women, but this never happens just like that. Men are lazy by nature, and it is very difficult for them to decide to take such a step. They think for a long time, weigh, and only then can they decide to take serious action. Therefore, if a man left, it means that he had serious reasons for this.

Men return just as often. What guides them when they decide to take such steps? Why do men sometimes leave their families? Why are they returning? Is it possible to prevent leaving or is it in the nature of men?

Women's myths about a man leaving the family

Very often, women find it difficult to accept reality and they come up with, on their own or with the help of girlfriends and magazines, reasons why their husbands leave them and create other myths for themselves related to the departure of a man. More often than not, these are far from reality.

Men need freedom. It is easy for a woman to believe that her husband simply loves freedom, and that family responsibilities oppressed him. The woman accuses the man of not wanting to be responsible for the family and only wanting to hang out with friends and have affairs. In fact, it is a rare man who would exchange a comfortable and well-fed stay with a caring wife for the unbridled fun of hungry bachelor nights. Most often, he has another woman who is more caring and more able to provide comfort. But it is difficult for a woman to admit her own failure.

Men get over breakups easily. If from the outside it seems that he is having fun with friends, then in most cases it only seems so. Men also find it difficult to cope with the collapse of their usual life and it is also difficult for them to part, they just don’t cry on their girlfriend’s shoulder, but try to pretend that everything is fine. In fact, it’s difficult for him too.

According to statistics, marriages in which the man and woman share household responsibilities in half are much more likely to break up. Marriages are much stronger where the woman takes care of everyday life.

After a breakup, it’s easy for a man to find new girl. Most women are sure that as soon as their husband leaves the house, he turns into a desired trophy for insidious hunters. In fact, not many girls will want a relationship with a man who literally half an hour ago left his wife and, most likely, will return to her. And a man is unlikely to be in the mood for love after a difficult breakup.

There is no need to invent myths and live in captivity of illusions, you need to soberly assess the situation and understand why the man left, how can he be returned and is it necessary to do this?

Real reasons for men leaving the family (Video)

A realistic and sober assessment of the reasons for a man’s departure is often painful for a woman. In many cases, it turns out that not only “he’s an asshole,” but the woman herself is far from an angel. Therefore, let's look at why men leave families.

The woman ceased to interest him. Yes, it happens, and there’s nothing you can do about it, she’s no longer attractive sexually, she’s not interested as an interlocutor or as a life partner. If a family does not have normal communication and harmonious sexual relationships, it is doomed.

The characters don't match. The reason sounds banal, but if the characters or temperaments really don’t match, then it’s difficult to live together. Gradually, the partner’s character, even his voice and movements begin to irritate, and it becomes impossible to live together any longer.

A woman's incontinence. Often women themselves do not notice how they take out their anger or dissatisfaction with life on their husbands. Shouting over trifles, fiercely defending one’s own, not always correct, opinion, forever Bad mood can make a man leave.

Secrets from “premarital life.” Often women, in order to appear on the good side of a man, lie a little about their lives before meeting him. If this life was quite stormy, then when he finds out, he may be offended and leave.

A good relationship with your partner’s parents reduces the likelihood of divorce tenfold.

The woman shifts all the problems onto him. Of course, the husband should be a support and support, but constant complaints and whining will sooner or later lead him to the desire to simply leave in order to stop all this.

The woman doesn't take care of herself. Often, after marriage, women stop taking care of themselves, believing that the trophy has already been received. Of course, true love does not depend on kilograms and centimeters, but there is also no need to turn into an unkempt monster, everyone wants to see beauty nearby.

The extravagance of a woman. Many men leave their wives because, having given them their salary year after year, they do not see where it goes if the money is spent on nonsense.

Why do husbands come back after leaving?

Let’s say right away that men are more consistent in this regard than women. A woman can leave and come back a hundred times; most men leave forever. But 30% still return to their previous families. Why is this happening? Let's look at the main reasons.

Habit. Many men, having started new life, they transfer old habits into it, which are inappropriate in a new place and with a new partner. Gradually, everything bad about the former wife and the former life is smoothed out in the memory and a desire appears to return familiar life, in which everything was clear and simple to the point of automaticity. Therefore, they return to wives who are bad in some ways, but know how much to put in tea and are simple and predictable in everything.

Reassessment of values. Some men leave to get rid of some problems in the family, but after living alone they begin to understand that family problems are not at all a greater evil than complete loneliness. There is an understanding that even a non-ideal family is better than none, which becomes the reason for returning.

Men often start drinking alcohol after a divorce, women drink more during marriage.

Reconciliation. Yes, sometimes men leave to punish their wife, to show her how bad it will be without him, or simply during a quarrel in a fit of anger. In such cases, having calmed down, the spouses usually agree to reconciliation and the husband returns.

Is it worth putting up with if your husband returns?

After her husband leaves, a woman may be overcome by different feelings, but most often it is resentment and the desire, no matter what, to return her husband and restore her. If the husband returns, then most women forgive and accept everything, even if he was clearly wrong. This is where it’s worth thinking about, is this return really necessary?

About half of women and 30% of men remain angry at their ex even 10 years after their divorce.

In a situation where the husband first leaves and then returns, without much effort on the part of the woman, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Am I ready to change to become what my husband wants?
  • Do I really love him or is it pity, habit, sense of ownership, etc.?
  • If my husband returns because they are used to me, then do I need such a husband, or should I look for new fresh experiences?
  • If the husband left for another and returned, then won’t he go to the third, and then to the fourth? Do I need such comings and goings?

If, after thinking about it, it seems that it’s still worth giving a second chance to both him and yourself, then you can try. At the same time, we must remember that a second chance is a second, if a man leaves again, then there is definitely no need to revive such a relationship.

How to prevent a man from leaving

There are a lot of articles on the topic “How to keep a man” on the Internet, and most of them are not devoid of rational grain. If you really value your husband, then you can put a little effort into creating such an environment in the house that he will not want to leave. What specific steps need to be taken to keep a man?

Don't yell at him, especially if there is no reason for it. Before shouting or expressing your opinion sharply, you can try to count to ten. If that doesn't work, you can contact.

It is important to learn to make compromises. If there is any problem, then it is better to solve it in a calm conversation, giving each other the right to speak out. This will help avoid scandal and find a way out of the situation.

In some African nations, only the wife has the right to divorce; to do this, she simply needs to throw her husband’s things into the street.

It is very important to praise a man. A kind word is pleasant even to a cat, but a man needs it vitally. Praise men for their successes, thank them for their help, then they will try to achieve more and help more often. It is very important for them to know that they are needed and valued.

Try to smile more often. If something made you angry outside the house or spoiled your mood, then you can and should tell your man about it, but only when you are talking in a calm atmosphere, and not immediately attacking him with problems.

Understand that family problems are always both to blame, you need to be more tolerant and kinder friend to a friend.

According to statistics, it is the man who most often makes the decision to leave the family and end the relationship. Why is this happening? There are real reasons for this and superficial reasons, which are often confused with the former. Let's try to understand what motivates the so-called stronger sex when they abandon the woman they once loved.

What actually causes a man to leave a woman?

There is actually only one answer here. A man doesn't need responsibility. All other arguments, accusations of women, searches for some “deep reasons and motivations” are, for the most part, far-fetched idle talk. Nature has arranged it this way that it is not common for men to be faithful and support their family.

As my teacher said developmental psychology: “Men have an elementary task - I APOLOGIZE, stuck it in and left. And then you educate.” No matter how cynical it may sound, in the end everything turns out that way. A man tries to spread his seed to as many women as possible. What happens next does not depend on him. It turns out that a woman for a man is an object that is necessary to satisfy basic needs and simply provide a comfortable environment at home.

Would you say this is too one-sided? Maybe. But I will answer you: not one a real man will not leave a woman if he has ideas about responsibility for others. Why is there a list of other reasons that supposedly lead to separation? They appear due to attempts to justify disgusting behavior. Both the men themselves and the women who were abandoned are justified. Let's see what the excuses are next.

Why men leave, according to psychologists

As you might guess, psychologists love to look for deep and complex reasons for people’s behavior in order to somehow justify their education and profession. So let's see what exactly they revealed in unconscious attempts to justify outright womanizers, who just left to look for a new, to put it mildly, girlfriend.

1. “The woman has ceased to surprise”

Wonderful logic. That is, according to men, a woman should be like a clown in a circus: all in sparkles, with surprises, constantly coming up with something new and always appearing in a unique role every week. A man, seeing how his woman simply somehow manages a relationship alone, and even serves the whole family with children, gradually gets bored, dreams of new achievements, of diversity... After all, there are so many women nearby who are ready to almost stand up, or attract attention to yourself. Loneliness is not a joy.

2. “A woman is constantly burdened with problems”

Also a “brilliant” reason. The “poor man” is forced to constantly listen to how the “doing nothing” woman or wife invents new problems for herself. Then why are relationships created? Why is a family created? Isn't it for people to solve problems together? What men perceive as an attempt to burden them usually turns out to be a request for help. Unfortunately, they don't understand this. It’s much easier to go to someone else who supposedly has no problems. BYE.

3. “Disrespect for a man from a woman”

There are women who openly behave boorishly. They insult, belittle a man, constantly nag him because of low earnings or inability in bed. But this is rather an exception. Usually men are sensitive to any, even the most minimal reproach. Still, they are very gentle, in no case should you compare them with other men, ask him to try to earn more, so that he can spend more time with the child. Otherwise, your precious spouse or boyfriend will run away from shame and resentment.

4. “Selfishness on the part of a woman”

Psychologists urge women not to be selfish. In practice, this means that you need to constantly jump around a hubby or a boy who, for example, will not dare to propose. You need to forget about your own life, devote all your time to him, forgive all his mistakes. After all, he is the center of the world for us, and a woman is just a servant next to him. And she must fully concentrate on him, satisfy his desires and needs. God forbid if she thinks about her desires for even a minute.

5. “A man feels unwanted”

Again, due to their natural vulnerability and gentleness, men are sensitive to all situations where they are even slightly neglected. Moreover, the man believes that he is not needed, even if the woman is simply able to do without him in some men’s affairs. For example, screw in a light bulb or change a tire on a car. And it doesn’t matter that you usually won’t ask a man to do this. He still thinks that he needs to wait for him, because only he has hands.

6. “Female infidelity or constant infidelity”

Yes, this happens too. It's stupid to deny here. For some women, having only one man is not enough. At least sometimes female infidelities become a way of revenge after some kind of insult. But, in my opinion, this still does not justify women. They changed it, which means they themselves are to blame. There is no need to blame the man here. Perhaps one of the few objective reasons forcing a man to leave and end the relationship.

7. “Utilitarian attitude towards a man”

Men don't like to be used without permission. You can't argue with that. He may be the main breadwinner in the family; you can ask him for money or an expensive gift. But there is no need to be impudent. If you are unhappy that your husband does not earn enough, although in fact his earnings are above average, it is better to find someone else. But don’t nag him, don’t reproach him, don’t threaten or blackmail him with your feminine advantages. Still won't help. The man will only want to leave even more.

8. “Financial inequality in couples”

This is a situation where a woman earns higher income. The man is greatly offended. How can it be, he is still the stronger sex here, the breadwinner and supporter of the family, and he is not the main contributor to the family budget. It looks a little funny, but men often have strange complexes, including this one. Although it is still difficult to understand. If you, as a woman, don't mind inequality, what's the problem? Maybe you should immediately explain to him that you are accepting of the situation.

9. “Blackmail and ultimatums from a woman”

Morally unstable men who are not ready to take responsibility do not propose marriage for a long time or do not deliberately decide to have children. Women in such a situation can act cunningly or “clumsily” in the forehead. The first case is to achieve what you want from a man through deft manipulation. The second option is to issue an ultimatum. For example, “either we get married or we break up.” It’s just that men don’t like ultimatums. They should think that they made the decision themselves, even if you led to it quietly. Therefore, rest assured, if you present a man with a fait accompli, he will most likely choose separation.

10. “Different cultural stereotypes”

Finally, a man can leave simply because he and the woman do not get along in character. For example, he is such a cultural touchy-feely, and the woman grew up in an industrial area among rude workers. She also had a father who was not the most intelligent, and even, let’s say, he liked to drink bottles. It is foolish to expect that an intellectual and a “clean tomboy” will be able to get along for a long time and create a strong union. There are cases and vice versa: when a man is accustomed to rudeness, and his woman blushes at a swear word. As long as he uses it, everything is fine. If interest disappears, expect separation.

Let's sum it up

This may seem harsh and cynical to you. My goal was not to show that men are weak, irresponsible, stupid... I just wanted to offer you the idea that it is not always the woman’s fault. And, believe me, if a man loves you, none of these points will become a reinforced concrete reason for him to leave you. Perhaps the only thing he can’t stand is betrayal and a very, very disrespectful attitude. And the man who simply takes advantage of you will always find a reason to leave you.

Not every woman can boast of excellent intuition. Moreover, sometimes representatives of the fair sex do not notice obvious things: it happens that a beloved man shows with all his appearance that he wants to leave. But when he finally decides to pack his suitcase, the other half is very surprised by such an “unexpected” turn in his life. life together. How to understand that a man is thinking about breaking up, says psychologist Anetta Orlova.

How does a man's speech change?:

1. If earlier he himself talked about his life, relationships with colleagues, friends, plans for the coming years, career advancement or job change, then gradually such conversations fade away.

In addition, the man does not ask questions about your life. The former interest in your space, activities, the environment with which you spend time, etc. has disappeared.

2. A man avoids heart-to-heart conversations. He clearly reveals your intention to bring the conversation to an emotional level, to get closer, and tries at the very beginning to reduce everything to the genre of everyday dialogue or communication on an abstract topic. Getting closer now frightens him.

3. The suns, pussies and bunnies ran off for a walk! In a man’s speech, pleasant, gentle, sweet nicknames are catastrophically reduced, and addressing you becomes more formal.

4. Many men tend to destroy the image of the woman they once loved, since for them this is the easiest way not to regret the separation. How does this manifest itself? He doesn't want to see yours positive qualities, he tries to devalue even the best ones, since it is difficult for him to meet your strengths, but he happily emphasizes all your shortcomings.

5. In his speech, a man uses fewer and fewer words that indicate the stability of you as a couple. His conversations no longer contain images of a shared future. He tries to live in the present moment and think through ways to escape. He needs to take back all the promises he made. The pronoun “We” is replaced by “You” and “I”. Plans, things, friends also become “yours”, “mine”, and not “ours”.

6. The names of other women and colleagues who help with work, or girls who do fitness on a nearby exercise machine, begin to appear in the speech space. In conversations, the names of former girlfriends and places of the man’s former military glory, where he spent a lot of fun time, come up every now and then.

7. After your questions about a future together, the man seems to freeze before answering - a shallow breath, then a heavy exhale. He silently agrees with your statement, or answers dryly: “yes,” “ok,” “yeah,” and quickly turns the conversation to an abstract topic.

8. If before you were for him a sensitive and fragile nature that needs to be protected from the whole world, now you are just a hysterical person to whom you can tell the whole truth. IN conflict situations the man became harsh and even cruel. In an argument, a woman is freed from resentment, jealousy, boredom and a feeling of loneliness. She can ask questions that do not require answers, and all just so that the man will reassure her and say that he loves her very much. If he does not follow the lead of this plan, such a scenario weighs on him, then we can assume that he has lost interest in the woman. The less love, the stronger the irritation.

9. When expressing complaints, a man uses expressions: “you’re in your repertoire”, “everything is as usual”, “well, everything is clear with you”, “you don’t get along with anyone”, “friends are telling the truth”, “it’s clear why Even your mother can’t communicate with you,” etc. Thus, it pursues several goals at once. Firstly, he wants to expand his dissatisfaction with you to the level of a group of people who are also dissatisfied with you - mother, ex, girlfriends, colleagues, children. Secondly, generalize the difficulties, present your mistakes in such a light that they turn into defects of your personality, preferably irreparable. This is a self-hypnosis technique. Thirdly, he makes an attempt to discredit you by comparing you with those with whom comparison is traumatic for you. This is done in order to simply deal a blow to self-esteem.

How a man's behavior changes:

1. In your presence, the man tends to move to another territory. He is tolerant of silence, he can say three words in the whole evening, and those are not the most pleasant ones, he is more interested in his own affairs and tasks than in communicating with a woman. This is a clear sign that feelings are cooling down.

2. A man is happy to give you the initiative in a relationship. If earlier he called three times a day, today he hardly writes a couple of SMS, and those with a banal question: “How are you doing?” This is how he tries to calm your anxiety, but he doesn’t have too much of a true desire to communicate. Gradually, he will answer your calls more than initiate communication.

3. The importance of the telephone increases sharply, and in such competition you are clearly losing. He now carries his mobile phone either in a case (so that the display is not visible), or by pure chance he always puts it with the screen down.

4. A man becomes indifferent to your tears; if he hugs, it’s out of mercy, and all the time he glances at his watch, then at his phone. Your condition quickly irritates him.

5. When you find yourself in a beautiful place against which you would like to take a selfie together, he asks you to take a photo of him alone and immediately posts the pictures on social media- I must admit that he is not doing this for your sake. He just has other viewers.

6. He begins to avoid contact with your parents, although previously he was happy to initiate it himself. Parents are a symbol of conscience. A decent man is very worried when meeting people who see him as a potential son-in-law.

7. Money invested in you is no longer an investment, but a waste of a resource. The man becomes much tighter. When it comes to spending on you, he listens more to his mother’s advice than to his own - it’s more reliable.

8. Your requests seem increasingly unreasonable and unimportant to him. Your tone is dissatisfied and harsh. Your attempts to get closer violate his boundaries.

9. A man becomes the master of his word. He can not only give it, but also easily take it back. His values ​​change just as his attitude towards you changes.

Reading time: 3 min

Why do men come back after a breakup? It is impossible to give a definite answer regarding the reasons for returning after a breakup, since it concerns the individuality of the intimate history of each unique relationship. However, the most common trends stand out. It happens that they come back after trying several other relationships, which gives the formation of an experienced understanding that the ex-woman is more suitable, and her importance increases. The everyday side of the issue also works, making a man, satiated with romance and adrenaline, miss arranged life and your usual slippers. There is also full-blown jealousy, like a drive towards the past, and an inability to experience the new happiness of the former companion. Debt to children, reproaches from friends, image at work, paying off a mortgage, a feeling of shame, inadequacy in everyday life - everything can become a motive for returning. Although the most ethically correct reason why men return to their exes after a breakup is the presence of a desire to be together, due to mutual feelings and the same direction in life.

A woman faces a difficult choice about accepting back a man who wants to return. Such a passage of a crisis can give a new understanding of relationships, or it can take time and nerves, and the success of ending such an undertaking depends on the initial motives, efforts made and internal capabilities.

Why men come back after a breakup - psychology

Breakup is a complex emotional process, which women experience statistically faster, but more tragically, than men. The inconsistency of speeds provides a picture when she has lived through all the stages of grief and decided to start a new life, only freed from painful memories, so her former lover appears on her threshold. Women's interest in why men return to their mistress after breaking up is also generated by the feelings of those women to whom they leave when the new romance suddenly ends, and then the lady finds out that her man has returned to his previous relationship.

Explaining such actions with a sudden insight and understanding of one’s mistakes, as well as a decision to fix everything, is quite romantic, but psychology can offer several other less comforting versions. With an inexhaustible desire, finding ways to influence a return is still impossible, because the reasons that motivate a man to return lie precisely in him, and only a small percentage probability of return depends on the characteristics of the woman’s personality and behavior. A man who does not know how to close gestalts, manipulates departures, and is inclined to return will continue the old relationship, regardless of external circumstances.

Why men return to their mistress after breaking up can be explained by the mechanisms inherent in nature. So, every man is an owner, the only differences are in how this manifests itself and how developed this trait is. Entering into a relationship with a woman, a man appropriates her to himself, like other achievements, from now on she herself and the space around her is his territory, entry into which others are prohibited. When parting ex-woman remains the same (i.e. this is still his territory of influence), and, therefore, seeing her happy and cheerful (as indirect manifestations of falling in love), or accompanied by another man (as a direct act of invading his perceived territory) in a man The defender turns on. It is the desire to defend his own that makes him appear again, call, find out how things are going, or resort to more catchy actions if the opponent is close enough. If everything is determined precisely by this mechanism, then as soon as the woman’s gaze fades again and the flocks of admirers stop hovering around her, such a man will disappear.

Rising higher from the natural animal level, one may encounter a situation where a man is confident that every woman he meets will take equally good and complete care of him, performing somewhat maternal functions, without taking into account the internal characteristics of the woman as an individual. And then, having gone to another energy and everyday space, he does not receive the degree of care to which he is accustomed. Is it because the new companion is not capable of performing such duties, or because she has not yet remembered what kind of cottage cheese he likes for breakfast. Retreating back to the infantile position looks like a retreat to warmth and comfort, accompanied by a collision with reality and the impossibility of all women treating a man equally.

But there is also a return caused by a sense of duty, guilt or pity. Characteristic of people with high morals and who are not able to be fully responsible for the chosen path. A man can stay close when his ex has a financial crisis or there are serious health problems, he can stay because of the children or to avoid censure from society. Such appearance does not lead to good, it is a deception on both sides - one pretends to appreciate, the other pretends to believe.

But not all internal returns have an unpleasant aftertaste, and it is worth focusing on those that have a positive charge and a chance for a new development of relations. One of these reasons is when a man’s departure is provoked by the wife’s objective shortcomings. It happens that over time a woman stops paying attention to herself and to relationships, and the departure of a man becomes, albeit a shock, a reason to look at own life and that’s where the careless attitude led. If a woman takes care of her appearance, instead of the usual “yes, it’ll do,” she starts attending interesting events, and takes up new hobbies, then she becomes an interesting conversationalist. People who are passionate and take part in an active external life attract the attention of not only new acquaintances around them, but also arouse significant interest from previous partners. With such a changed woman, a man can remember former feelings and become eager to continue, especially if the reason for the separation has undergone dramatic changes.

And one more reason for resuming a relationship, when none of the above is motivating, and the man has really realized his own mistake, or the mistake of his woman. With real deep awareness, inner work occurs and if there is sincerity, then it is possible to discuss difficulties that seemed insoluble at the time of separation. With this approach, instead of getting rid of troubles, people choose the path of resolving them, and then a meeting on a new level becomes possible.

Why men come back after a breakup - men's opinions

Men's opinions regarding their own return to their ex-girlfriend have a slightly different bias than psychological explanations. Initially, it all starts with a simple interest in how he lives ex-girlfriend, on the one hand, the interest is idle and if nothing interesting happens in her life, then perhaps he will no longer appear in the coming year. And if there was a career change or personal life improved with another guy, this causes both interest and indignation that all these goodies happened without his presence.

If a couple has common children, then the man considers it quite natural to appear regularly in the life of his ex. Sometimes these appearances can cross the line, such as staying overnight or asking to borrow money. Many people allow themselves to portray the new man as their ex, citing the fact that he is the father here. Defending one's territory and protecting children from the influence of another man by violating the privacy of their mother. Such actions can pop up even unintentionally, at a basic subconscious level.

Why does a man leave and then come back? The prose of life is included when comparing new and old passions. We can pretend that we are all saints and perceive a person without using standards and comparisons, but if this is not the first relationship, then comparisons cannot be avoided. Men talk about how new girlfriend Everything seemed easier and more romantic to them until reality knocked on the door with a heavy boot called “everyday life”, and until it turned out that she snores, is hysterical every evening and is absolutely not adapted to life. At such moments, a man’s bright image that lives in cafes and parks collapses, and he remembers the old woman with whom he has already gotten used to both characters and habits, and in general she remembers how his favorite meat should be fried.

Why do men come back after a breakup? Psychology notes in this regard that comparison and are the main engines of returning back. It’s both easier to live with your past lover and easier to build a relationship, because all the paths to her heart have already been explored. A certain spiritual closeness pushes men to remember and appear with their exes when there is sadness in their souls, when a contract has not been signed, when they have quarreled with a friend, and in other unpleasant situations. This particular woman’s habit of receiving emotional support may remain for many years. Well, then another habit of “not strangers” and the relationship seemed to be renewed.

A fairly large percentage of men, when asked what served as the impetus for renewing the relationship, cannot give a clear answer, explaining that everything somehow worked out on its own. Or when there is a long period of absence of a relationship, then the reasoning of the idea tends to search for a simple and quick solution to the problem, and it will be easier to get a girl who has already been won over once and abandoned the second time. The statement is partly true, because if a girl at least responded to new communication, then there is still something left inside.

Such revelations were obtained in individual conversations, but if you ask what version these same men would tell women, then everyone would prefer to talk about the desire to resume relationships, repent of their own actions, confess their love only for this one woman. Which of this to believe is up to each individual to decide, because if, of all the women, this man decided to build a relationship with you, then perhaps this is dictated by sincere feelings, and he really values ​​you and everything that you give him.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Hello, dear readers and those who accidentally came to this blog.

Below in this article we will write 5 reasons why men leave you.

I often left girls and there were always reasons. There were cases when, when I left, I did not understand the reason, but now, having rethought it, I clearly understand. And I understand that there is always a reason and no man ever leaves a girl just like that. And I also realized that surprisingly, girls do not adequately evaluate a man’s departure.

They build illusions and guesses and often live in hope. Well then. Now I will destroy your illusions and tell you why men leave you. And most importantly - where do they go!

Why do men leave?

1. Life is destructive.

Life itself is not scary, but the behavior of many girls (in this article we will not consider men, they are also good) in everyday life is simply cruel. Sometimes there are simply no words and only emotions. As you might guess - negative.

A man wants to see every day beautiful princess, he wants a mystery and wants to conquer. It’s just by nature that he wants to win the heart of his girl. But how? How the hell do you win the heart of someone who sits and picks her nose or goes to the toilet without closing the door? Or she sings terribly, but thinks that her singing is the trill of a fucking nightingale. Or she walks around like a 90-year-old granny in a filthy robe that smells of borscht and not even romantic cutlets! Cucumbers on the face and lazy fat on the sides, which becomes more and more massive every year. Or what the hell is the princess who sits with open mouth and watches another series that was filmed for complete idiots. What association does a man have? I think it's clear...

And I don’t need to talk about the difficult life of women, children and other problems. Make your boyfriend feel sorry for him, I know what I’m talking about and everyday life destroys a lot of families. And if you have a question - why did the man leave you, from being so white and fluffy, then think - maybe your whiteness smells like cutlets? You need to start with yourself...

Well, a note to future housewives. Don’t create a life that you want to leave. Always remain a princess.

Oh yes. If you constantly take a man shopping and drag him along with you through the departments, then I can imagine how soon you will find hair on his clothes that is a slightly different color than yours. I see girls walking into the shopping center, and her boyfriend trailing behind like a dog, looking as if another day of his life has been lost. If your boyfriend doesn’t volunteer to go with you, then why the hell take him with you? And as a result, a girl with an open mouth and sparkling eyes walks through the boutiques, followed by a tired and dissatisfied guy who stares at other girls out of boredom. Just watch, I'm not making this up. Men will support me in this.

It seems like princesses should show off their outfits, and not drag princes to choose them. Or am I wrong?

2. Mommy is not exciting.

Men are not turned on by their mother, and he also does not want his aunt and his sister, even if she is very beautiful. And often men leave because their girlfriend begins to associate with a relative. But we don’t want relatives, we love our relatives, but we don’t care about them. And the girls make a global mistake. They begin to take care of their boyfriend like a mother takes care of her child. Yes, the man’s behavior is often to blame for this, but no one forces a woman to become a standard wife with a standard family code with the distribution of responsibilities and the fulfillment of marital duties. Debt is always bad! And also standard and boring.

Do you want a super secret - how to become the most beloved and most desirable for a man? Become his mistress for an indefinite period! All smart mistresses have one thing in common - the ability to give a man freedom, which he himself wants to get rid of. And men move mountains from this state. I’ll write about this in more detail sometime, if you’re interested, add the blog to your browser bookmarks so that you always have it at hand.

3. Let me go conquer this world.

A man wants to be a winner and conquer new lands. It runs in his blood. He wants to strive for something, well, at least something!

But instead, he watches a movie with you, walks with your dog, visits with you and helps you cut cucumbers for salad. And one day the acute lack of victories in his life will hit him in the head with the decision to leave you and get a taste of victory. It is against his nature to use a man for other purposes.

I was dating a girl who wanted to make me an assistant and I simply didn’t have enough time to realize my goals. I told her that I missed it, and she was offended, pouted and said that I probably didn’t love her. I began to feel insecure with her and eventually went to conquer the world, or rather the heart of another girl. The new girl did everything very competently and made sure that I constantly conquered her. This was really right. I will describe this technique in the book Love Personality. Otherwise it will be too long an article.

4. Why you?

I dated a girl for 5 years and everything was fine with her. But one day I looked at her very intently when she was telling me something and thought - why should I connect my life with you? And I broke up with her. I remember the pain and bewilderment at the lyceum. I didn't understand the reason then, but now I understand. I didn't think it was the best for one simple reason. She didn't make me feel emotional. I looked at her and felt nothing.

She did nothing to make me feel emotions with her (both positive and negative). While I tried to surprise her, please her, shock her, make her laugh, make her angry, make her jealous, she didn’t do it. I don't need a teddy bear. So I just left.

If a girl does not evoke feelings in a guy, then she becomes a bun. And the man is actively looking for emotions on the side. Subconsciously.

5. Another girl.

It's very simple. The whole point is that a man just wants a newer girl or just a different one. The other SEEMS SEXIER against the backdrop of the fact that many wives do not bother at all with their sexuality, so not only love, but also the man leaves them...

It's a hit, it's always in the TOP. Cause why does a man leave- this is another girl. This is the answer to the question - where do men go? When a girl does not evoke emotions, when she does not allow a man to be a man and a winner, when she becomes a relative instead of being an eternal lover, when a girl makes life disgusting, then the man decides to leave for another.

A man doesn't just leave. He doesn’t need a break from the relationship, he doesn’t need pauses and other crap. He doesn’t need you and that’s it, but he needs someone else. Who will make his life pleasant (at least at the beginning, and then he will make the same mistake anyway), who will be a mistress and will make the man himself want to become unfree, who will provoke him to move forward and not limit him in his aspirations and which will give him emotions.

Don’t do nonsense, if a man left you, then he left for another girl. And now you know the reason. Don't step on this rake again.

And don’t make 10 women’s mistakes in relationships so as not to lose your man.

Bye! Good luck. Proud...