Let love, and tenderness, and warmth,
Life will be warmed like the sun.
Let kindness reign in both your heart and home,
Let every dream come true!

Let the stars shine in your eyes,
Let happiness sparkle like champagne,
May tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on your heart.
Let this day be like the song of a nightingale,
Bad weather will erase all the gloomy days.
May your life be like the May dawn
Brings happiness in the palms of your hands every day!

In a kind and simple look -
Smile... The house is full of light!
Thank you - heart and soul,
For being so easy with you
Dreaming, keeping secrets, chatting,
Help you around the house...
Let your soul be light,
And in a loving heart there is warmth!

Let the years not take away the beauty,
When a gray thread touches.
Save everything: sincerity, kindness -
And stay forever young.

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom!
May your heart be forever young
Crowning kindness with kindness!

Let life go on without sorrows,
And your soul will be light,
And may your life last longer,
And you and I are always warm.

you are still young at heart,
You don't have enough energy,
Only the years roll by
And you can't turn them back anymore.
Don't be sad, because your sadness is in vain,
The best is yet to come.
Believe in happiness! And believe that life is beautiful,
So as not to meet on the way.

Grandmother is kind, sweet, nice,
How old you are is not the main thing!
Live to be a hundred years old, don’t grow old, don’t get sick!
have everything your heart desires!

Let only success and good luck await you in everything,
So that the house is full of happiness and joy,
There is no such thing as anxiety and fatigue in life
And it’s just as easy to solve all problems!
Let everything that has not yet come true come true,
So that plans can be implemented as quickly as possible...
Better health, so that you don’t get sick forever,
To look at life with a cheerful smile!

We were very lucky with our grandmother,
You are kind and affectionate beyond measure.
It was always warm for you and me,
You serve as an excellent example for us.
You always give good advice,
You will regret it and take a deep breath.
I wish you health, happiness, long years!
Let those you love be nearby!

Other congratulations in verses for grandmother

It is always better to say your wishes to your grandmother in your own words, simply, but from the heart. Grandmother's love is as immense as her big, kind heart. And words of congratulations from her beloved child, about whom granny has been caring since the cradle, will turn an ordinary day into a real holiday.

In verse

  • I wish grandma warmth in her eyes,
  • So that you drown in old dreams,
  • So that everything glows with joy,
  • So that grandma falls in love again.
  • So that every day you become younger,
  • The body was filled with health,
  • So that I can breathe youth again,
  • My soul flew to heaven!
  • I wish my grandmother
  • To fry pancakes,
  • You are delicious as before,
  • And so that she is not sad.
  • To be cheerful
  • I always drank delicious kvass,
  • And you cooked borscht,
  • And dumplings and cabbage soup!
  • I wish grandma to be friends with the brownie!
  • May he be good and not evil at all!
  • So that the stove boils, sizzles, bakes,
  • And so that the guest in this house is fed!
  • So that the cat purrs and is friends with the dog,
  • So that the grandson constantly visits his grandmother,
  • So that you always smell of comfort and hay,
  • And the stove warmed everyone in the cold weather.
  • So that grandma has joy in her soul,
  • Let your home become your paradise in a hut,
  • Let the homemade pie smell like love,
  • And may God himself help grandma!
  • Grandma's hands
  • I wish you not to get tired
  • Bake cheesecakes, pies,
  • We should knit socks!
  • So that grandmother's hands work
  • So that you don’t languish in the garden for a long time,
  • Oh, these hands - don’t get sick,
  • Warm your grandchildren with warmth!
  • Crumble the salad and okroshka,
  • Spoon feed your grandchildren!
  • I praise my grandmother's hands
  • Who don't know boredom!
  • I wish warmth to grandma's house!
  • Let relatives gather in it!
  • Let the family gather often,
  • And your grandchildren make you happy with laughter!
  • So that you joke and play,
  • And she amused her grandchildren,
  • So that you tell them fairy tales,
  • She gave a lot of her affection!
  • Health to grandma!
  • And hearts with love!
  • spring weather,
  • And drive away adversity!
  • Have a wonderful morning
  • And eternal wisdom,
  • So that grandma's life
  • Became careless!
  • To grandma's house - only good things!
  • To grandma's house - love and warmth!
  • Let the pension be increased
  • Let your grandchildren not forget!
  • Let poetry be written in your soul,
  • In winter, let them knit socks,
  • When the river is covered with ice,
  • Let the stove crackle nicely!
  • Grandma has only light in her soul,
  • From an angel - love, hello,
  • From grandchildren - respect to grandmother,
  • And to the old heart - blossoms!
  • Let my grandmother
  • Everything will be covered in chocolate!
  • The pancakes will be delicious
  • Let your grandchildren be your joy.
  • So that there is a pension
  • Grandma's cool
  • So that you get
  • Cow and goat!
  • To make you happy
  • Why are you living in the world?
  • Let your dreams come true
  • And let the children love it!

In prose

Grandmothers bake pancakes. Grandmothers knit warm socks and mittens for winter. My beloved grandmother, destroying all stereotypes, wears trousers and does fashionable haircuts and doesn't like to sit at home. I wish my granny to remain as vigorous, young, impressive and active for many years to come as she is today! You are great!

Grandma will regret it, grandma will take a deep breath and won’t tell her parents anything. We need grandmothers for our soul and to lift our spirits, because mom and dad take care of our health and material needs. I know every bush, pebble and flower on the path trodden since childhood to your house. May it never disappear or become overgrown with weeds. I kiss and love my grandma!

Years and life experience have made your gaze calm and wise. During your long life, winter colds and autumn winds have left their mark and left deep wrinkles on a kind face. Grandmother! What do you know that I don't know? Old age scares me when I look in the mirror. But I stop being afraid when I see you, because you are always calm and happy. My irreplaceable! The person I always need! Just be healthy!

In your own words

Grandmother! You are tender, sweet, healthy and strong! The past years are the same for you cold water. I got drunk and forgot! Never grow old at heart, entertain and make your grandfather laugh so that he doesn’t get discouraged and bored. Although it’s hard to get bored with a laugh like you! This is how you always be! Learn modern dances to surprise your guests at my wedding! I don't know what to tell you. Where can you find words that have not yet been spoken? Of course, I want you not to get sick, not to feel lonely. I want you to have many bright things ahead holidays and as little sadness as possible. I won’t be able to protect you from problems, but I will always help you cope with them. Just call, don't worry about me. I'm no longer a child. You can safely consider me yours best friend. I love you, grandma! Grandmother! My only wish is to come to us as often as possible! I study, work, vacation comes once a year! Parents are also busy all the time. Your heart shrinks when you think that you are spending all this alone long evenings, you look out the window, then turn on the TV and fall asleep with a book in your hands. Better yet, come to us for good. The apartment is large - there is enough space for everyone. Come! We will all be very happy!

My dear grandmother! Congratulations, my dear, on your birthday! On this sunny and joyful day for all of us, I would like to wish you good health, vitality, a positive attitude and good mood. Be always as cheerful, kind and cheerful. May your heart, my granny, beat often only from joyful moments and pleasant meetings, may tears well up in your beautiful eyes only from happiness, and the soul sings from delight and the miracles happening around. I wish you, my dear, to always be surrounded by your family and loved ones, so that your care and work are appreciated and rewarded. Be happy, my dear grandmother, you deserve it!

Grandma, happy birthday to you! I wish you long life, good health and great happiness. Remain a young soul, never be sad, have fun more often and smile from your heart. I love you very much. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday to my beloved grandmother! I wish you good health, long, long life, strength, energy, happiness, peace, goodness. May you always be warmed by the warmth and care of loved ones. Thank you very much to you for your love, support and wise advice.

My dear and sweet, the most beloved grandmother in the world, grandma! I cordially congratulate you on your birthday and wish you many, many more years to come! Live, dear, until you are a hundred years old in good health and good spirits! May you always have a sweet and pleasant smile on your face, and may your eyes quietly shine with happiness! Prosperity and vigor, faith and hope, beauty and inspiration! May God bless you every minute and give joy to your kind heart!

My dear grandma is a beauty! I wish that your days are always bright and warm, that your health is strong and good, that you always have enough strength to do all the things that you have in mind. I wish you a great mood and great energy. Always remain as active, advanced, stylish and fashionable grandmother. Happy birthday, my love!

Dear grandma! Thank you for the wealth that you gave me: wisdom, knowledge, the ability to distinguish bad from good, the ability to love and empathize. Thank you for the most delicious and aromatic pies and for the most fairy tales. Accept this day sincere congratulations and wishes: never grow old in soul, enjoy the best health for many more years, so that your smile and good mood never leave you, and so that your house is always full of guests and grandchildren. After all, you are the person to whom people are always drawn, despite the distance, because your word is the strongest, your glance is always the kindest, and your parting words are always helpful. Happy birthday, my love!

Dear grandma, happy birthday to you! I would like to wish you sunny and joyful days, health, happiness and prosperity. Never grow old in your soul or heart, give kindness and a smile to your loved ones, and receive care and understanding in return. May everything be fine with you, grandma.

My dearest and most wonderful grandmother, happy birthday to you! I wish you goodness and joy, happiness and health, all the best! Let every day bring only good things, and let your mood be warm and sunny. Congratulations, grandma!

Dear grandma! Happy birthday to you, dear! May your kind heart never hurt, may your golden hands never get tired, may every day be joyful and sunny! Forgive us if we ever upset you. And thank you very much with the deepest bow for everything that we had, have and will have! We all love you very much!

My dear grandmother, I want to wish you a happy birthday. May your every day be bright and joyful, and may your health never fail you. A grandmother like you must be earned, and I will try my best to prove that I have such an honor. I want you to never be sad, so that you can always hear the ringing laughter of your family, friends and loved ones in your home. You are the best! Happy birthday.

My dear grandmother,
God bless you!
I appreciate you, I love you with my soul,
I'm looking forward to visiting you soon!

I give tender congratulations,
In these wonderful words.
And thank you for everything!
And I want you to live forever...

I'll hug you, grandma!
I'll kiss you congratulations!
I wish you to be athletic
Actively drive away all ailments!

Grandma, my golden one!
I congratulate you today.
Let the years fly by, and okay,
The main thing is that we are nearby all the time!

Promise me to always be healthy
This is the basis of longevity!
There's nothing to worry about
May fate triple your luck!

Granny, all the years don’t count!
Smiling suits you!
Congratulations to you, dear,
I wish you to live without illness forever!

Congratulations to grandmother in verse

My grandmother is gray-haired
But he looks younger.
My grandmother is kind
But she looks stricter.

I love my grandmother because
That she is like a friend to me.
I love you for your affection and warmth,
Her magical hands.

And man has no relatives,
What is my grandmother?
Today, on this anniversary,
I want to congratulate

My beloved, dear,
My grandma.
Caring and simple
I want to hug you soon.

And wish that never
From your clear eyes,
A tear came out of sadness.
Would be proud of us

Your grandchildren, your children.
And so that, as now,
On your centenary,
You made us happy.

It is very touching when a small child reads this poem.

Congratulations to grandma
Happy anniversary to us!
Who brought her slippers
Who brought the flowers?

Shine brightly and brightly
She has eyes!
It will finally come true
She has a dream!

We will, we will please
We always have it!
This day will be remembered
By us forever!

Here she is smart
Stands among all
Make you happy with your glances
We all have to!

Long life and health
We wish
Surprise with beauty
You are our soul!

I'll look at grandma
And I'll say no
It's more beautiful on earth
"Girls" are nowhere!

You live and make us happy
With your kindness,
And we will be happy
Together everything is with you!

Grandma, grandma
I love you!
And this gift
I'm giving it to you!

Be kind to you, beloved granny,
There is simply no man in the world.
My eyes sparkled again,
When I wrapped myself in your blanket.

You create only comfort around you,
And I wish from the bottom of my heart today.
Let them sing shimmeringly all around,
There are hundreds of birds of paradise and cheerful ones.

Beautiful congratulations to grandma

What should I tell you, grandma?
Thank you for your kindness and education.
I would like to sincerely wish you again,
To be surrounded by understanding.

Please live a hundred years
In love, smiles and prosperity.
Without old age diseases, troubles,
So that everything is in order in life.

Who has the most delicious jams?
The best pancakes, pancakes, pies?
Granny only has, without a doubt,
Take care of yourself, dear!

Don't be sick, live as long as possible,
Smile, don't argue with grandpa.
May there be more happy days,
They didn’t bother about where the sorrows and illness were.

You always understood better than anyone,
My quirks, different quirks.
Sent there, where there was success,
And she helped right away when things were bad.

She raised me, pampering her a little,
I didn't tell my mom what I did.
I kiss your gray hair,
I wish you joy and a lot of strength.

You spoiled me from an early age,
And she always forgave my pranks.
Treated diseases, all sorts of troubles,
Grandma, you never lost heart.

Grandma, I want you to know
How much you are dear to me,
And never disappeared
A smile from a kind face.

Today is your birthday,
Let only warm words sound,
And joyful congratulations
Many hearts will be given.

I want you to be healthy
Never lost heart
And may, under the warmth of your roof,
It will be warm and cozy as always.

Granny, my dear,
Today is your holiday!
I will congratulate you in the morning
And I’ll be ahead of everyone, hurray!

I wish you many years
Not knowing evil diseases and troubles.
It's a pleasure to spend leisure time
And visit us more often!

My grandmother, my most beloved,
How good it is that you are with me!
I need you in all matters,
You have a sea of ​​kindness in your heart...

You will never scold me
If I do anything wrong.
Because you love your granddaughter,
As I do for you, my dear...

Congratulations to grandma to grandma to tears

Your golden hands can do everything in the world:
They bake pies and cakes, knit and cook.
They salt, ferment, steam, fry and also sew,
Creating endless comfort around us...

My dear granny, I bow to you...
You are like the kindest angel in my destiny.
Let me congratulate you, wish you forever,
To keep you healthy, smile at me!

My dear grandmother, I wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes.
How much warmth you brought into my life, taught perseverance
in achieving goals, the ability to withstand life’s difficulties.
I know that you are the most happy about my successes. Wishing you

health and longevity, it is so important for me to feel your shoulder next to me.
I promise to always be your support and support, I will do everything to
you were proud of me. Your age is called the golden years
and may each of them be filled cheerful laughter and quiet joy.

Let your optimism not fade away and let your loved ones be nearby.
Among your peers, you are always the youngest and most energetic.
What a blessing that we have you, dear grandma.

Happy anniversary to our beloved grandmother and mother!
These kind, gentle hands raised more than one generation of our family.
The children have long grown up and started their own families.
Now the grandchildren are growing up, who are hope and support for our birthday girl.

Each of us remembers yours good fairy tales and lullabies on long sleepless nights.
Despite daily heavy worries about the well-being of the family and home comfort,
you have always been and remain friendly, attentive and affectionate.
We wish you health, prosperity, long life and always stay with us!

My dear grandmother,
God bless you!
I appreciate you, I love you with my soul,
I'm looking forward to visiting you soon!

I give tender congratulations,
In these wonderful words.
And thank you for everything!
And I want you to live forever.

I'll hug you, grandma!
I'll kiss you congratulations!
I wish you to be athletic
Actively drive away all ailments!

Grandma, my golden one!
I congratulate you today.
Let the years fly by, and okay,
The main thing is that we are nearby all the time!

Granny, all the years don’t count!
Smiling suits you!
Congratulations to you, dear,
I wish you to live without illness forever!

My grandmother is gray-haired
But he looks younger.
My grandmother is kind
But she looks stricter.

I love my grandmother because
That she is like a friend to me.
I love you for your affection and warmth,
Her magical hands.

And man has no relatives,
What is my grandmother?
Today, on this anniversary,
I want to congratulate

My beloved, dear,
My grandma.
Caring and simple
I want to hug you soon.

And wish that never
From your clear eyes,
A tear came out of sadness.
Would be proud of us

Your grandchildren, your children.
And so that, as now,
On your centenary,
You made us happy.

Congratulations to grandma
Happy anniversary to us!
Who brought her slippers
Who brought the flowers?

Shine brightly and brightly
She has eyes!
It will finally come true
She has a dream!

Here she is smart
Stands among all
Make you happy with your glances
We all have to!

Long life and health
We wish
Surprise with beauty
You are our soul!

I'll look at grandma
And I'll say no
It's more beautiful on earth
"Girls" are nowhere!

You live and make us happy
With your kindness,
And we will be happy
Together everything is with you!

Be kind to you, beloved granny,
There is simply no man in the world.
My eyes sparkled again,
When I wrapped myself in your blanket.

You create only comfort around you,
And I wish from the bottom of my heart today.
Let them sing shimmeringly all around,
There are hundreds of birds of paradise and cheerful ones.

What should I tell you, grandma?
Thank you for your kindness and education.
I would like to sincerely wish you again,
To be surrounded by understanding.

Please live a hundred years
In love, smiles and prosperity.
Without old age diseases, troubles,
So that everything is in order in life.

Who has the most delicious jams?
The best pancakes, pancakes, pies?
Granny only has, without a doubt,
Take care of yourself, dear!

Don't be sick, live as long as possible,
Smile, don't argue with grandpa.
May there be more happy days,
They didn’t bother about where the sorrows and illness were.

You always understood better than anyone,
My quirks, different quirks.
Sent there, where there was success,
And she helped right away when things were bad.

She raised me, pampering her a little,
I didn't tell my mom what I did.
I kiss your gray hair,
I wish you joy and a lot of strength.

You spoiled me from an early age,
And she always forgave my pranks.
Treated diseases, all sorts of troubles,
Grandma, you never lost heart.

Grandma, I want you to know
How much you are dear to me,
And never disappeared
A smile from a kind face.

Today is your birthday,
Let only warm words sound,
And joyful congratulations
Many hearts will be given.

I want you to be healthy
Never lost heart
And may, under the warmth of your roof,
It will be warm and cozy as always.

Granny, my dear,
Today is your holiday!
I will congratulate you in the morning
And I’ll be ahead of everyone, hurray!

I wish you many years
Not knowing evil diseases and troubles.
It's a pleasure to spend leisure time
And visit us more often!

My grandmother, my most beloved,
How good it is that you are with me!
I need you in all matters,
You have a sea of ​​kindness in your heart.

You will never scold me
If I do anything wrong.
Because you love your granddaughter,
As I do for you, my dear.

My dear granny, I bow to you.
You are like the kindest angel in my destiny.
Let me congratulate you, wish you forever,
To keep you healthy, smile at me!

My dear grandmother, I wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes.
How much warmth you brought into my life, taught perseverance
in achieving goals, the ability to withstand life’s difficulties.
I know that you are the most happy about my successes. Wishing you

health and longevity, it is so important for me to feel your shoulder next to me.
I promise to always be your support and support, I will do everything to
you were proud of me. Your age is called the golden years
and let each of them be filled with cheerful laughter and quiet joy.

Let your optimism not fade away and let your loved ones be nearby.
Among your peers, you are always the youngest and most energetic.
What a blessing that we have you, dear grandmother.

Happy anniversary to our beloved grandmother and mother!
These kind, gentle hands raised more than one generation of our family.
The children have long grown up and started their own families.
Now the grandchildren are growing up, who are hope and support for our birthday girl.

Let your face bloom with insight
Even if gray as snow.
Age doesn't matter,
If a person is young at heart!
Let all the flowers fall at your feet,
Let the stars turn into emeralds,
Let grief and sorrow go away,
May your dreams come true on this day!

Grandma's hands
Grandchildren appreciate it very much
These hands are forever -
The embodiment of labor!
Clean and wash
Peel beets, grate carrots.
What inspires your work?
True love!
“Thank you” to grandma! I say
And I thank her for everything!

What are the years, if you again
The language of love dictates joy,
And even a little bit
Capable of shaking the heart.
And the gaze is clear, and everything is joyful,
And it’s good to be with friends nearby,
And grandchildren - a whole brigade,
And endless grace.

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very happy day
We would like to wish:
Even though the wrinkles are from laughter.
No problem with gray hair.
Let there be tears, but from happiness
They always accompany you.
To smile in life
Your clear eyes
For happiness and health
Have always been a companion!

Don't count your years
Don't look for reasons for getting old.
Always say that you are young
Even if there are already wrinkles.
Everything will pass: both youth and life.
So why grow old early?
Manage to live up to a hundred years,
Up to a hundred years old, men like it.

And it’s okay that the head is gray
And behind me is a whole century,
For us you are always young,
Dear, beloved person.
Stay with us longer, dear,
As little pain as possible!
Regardless of your age,
Don't grow old in soul and heart!

The years fly away like the fluff of poplars,
Don’t be sad as you watch them go.
After all, the years are not a problem and are completely nonsense,
If family and friends are with you.
We wish you good health for many years to come,
And to avoid adversity.
So that joy and happiness do not know separation,
So that children and grandchildren warm the soul.

Grandma, you've gotten older - don't be sorry,
After all, every year you are needed more.
Both in the family and at work
The meaning of our life is caring,
Give joy to loved ones
And in return be happy!

I so want life to give
All the most beautiful things to you,
Made all my wishes come true
And may you always be happy!
Good health, good luck
Let the horseshoe bring
After all, every moment with you is brighter,
May grandma be lucky to you!

I am every day
I understand more and more
How dear you are to me
I love you and respect you
My granny!

And I wish you a lot of happiness,
Forgive me, dear,
what happens to you sometimes
I'm rarely there
but every meeting we have
I'm looking forward to it!

The only one, dear, unique
On this day we say “thank you”.
For kindness and a heart of gold,
We, grandmother, thank you!

May the years never make you old,
We, children and grandchildren, all love You!
We wish you health, we wish you well,
Live long and long, we all need you.

Bow to grandma, happy birthday,
Bloom and live for many years,
Always be in the mood,
Like a sunny spring bouquet!

We, grandma, congratulate
Happy Birthday to you,
“We don’t know a better grandmother!”
We tell you, love!
We want to be healthy
Don't be sad and don't get sick,
Always be so cheerful
Smile and shine!

Long life without sorrow,
Children to respect
Grandchildren brought joy,
They loved grandma dearly.

We send warm greetings to you!
We wish you many years to live
And keep your health,
To be even sweeter and more beautiful.

You live, radiating warmth to us,
Warming grandchildren and children
You can do everything, my dear,
So you can live longer!

I'm going to my dear grandma today
I’ll give you a huge bouquet,
I love her very much
I thank her for everything!

Granny, dear, dear!
Today is your birthday
I wish you with all my heart
To be forever young, young!

And don't look at the wrinkles
They only color your image!
I want you to always laugh
And you remained like that!

It's good with your affectionate granny!
You will treat me to a pie,
You will be captivated by a fairy tale
And you'll forgive me for pranks.
Every time you're near
So cozy and warm!
How wonderful it is if you are with your grandmother
Very, very lucky!

You are a funny grandmother
you are a beautiful grandmother.
Let many days fly by -
There is no one wiser in the world than you.

Full of toys
nesting dolls and cheesecakes,
to treat everyone you love,
to tell us all a fairy tale.

Our grandmother is simply awesome!
And I have nothing to add to this.
And happy birthday from all of us
We want to congratulate you, dear!
And wish you health and good luck,
Enough for many, many years!
Grandma, you mean a lot to your grandchildren,
A big “Hello” from all of us today!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!
I want to hug you.
Your favorite flowers
I will hand it over with tenderness.

I would like to say with joy:
- I'm lucky to have you!
Such a grandma in the world
The second one cannot be found.

I wish you to live and be healthy,
Not knowing any worries at all,
It's not scary that it was added
New year at your age.

You are as beautiful as in your youth
And young at heart.
I'm proud and admired
Granny, by you.

Happy birthday, my dear grandmother!
Affectionate, kind, I love you so much!
You will always find the right words,
Give me some advice and hold me close!

Be healthy, cheerful, we all need you,
You are the best one to find a solution to all problems!
Happiness to you, grandmother, long life years,
Let the bright light of your heart not fade away!

To my dear granny
On my birthday I say,
That with all my heart and soul,
I adore her!

Which of the two words is better?
I can tell her now
To tenderness and care
Show me to grandma!

Words cannot be replaced
What's in my heart
There is always a corner in it,
Darling, for you!

To be dressed like dolls,
Drink fragrant tea with sweets!
Indulge in buns together.
Become good friends!

So that old age does not succumb,
Remained just as wise
To always love you
So that there is less pain in the heart,

Granny, happiness without size,
You have both kindness and faith,
Accept our wishes,
Your soul is becoming more and more beautiful!

Grandmother! You are a teacher and friend,
You are like a circle of salvation in the lake.
You protect us from storms and winds,
We wish you prophetic dreams,

We wish your dreams to come true,
So that you are happy and joyful
In life, the road was bright,
She was sunny and joyful.

We will read you congratulations,
Grandma, so that you're in the mood
It was great to have good health.
May you always be surrounded by love!

So let's sing, dance and have fun.
After all, today a wonderful miracle happened,
After all, today the holiday comes into the house,
You know, dear grandma, about

How we all love you, and how we are with you
It's good for us to have a blue dream
Float through life that fate has given us all
Today, grandma, we will drink to you!

We wish you happiness and health
We kiss your hands - dear,
Wrinkles and gray strand hair,
And we humbly ask your forgiveness

For the pain and sadness that everyone brought
Live longer, you are our favorite person
And most importantly, try not to get sick.
Believe that you are needed more than anyone in the world
For our grandchildren and for us children!

Today is your birthday
Accept these words and wishes.
We want to wish you a lot, lovingly,
For the most best grandmother in the world!

You carried wisdom through the years,
You endowed us with love for people.
We wish you to be healthy
So that you always have enough strength for everything!

The word “grandmother” exudes home comfort and warm pies. The care, warmth and affection that they bestow on us is limitless. Any grandmother will feel happy when she receives a Happy Birthday greeting from her beloved grandson or granddaughter.

Our dear grandmother, the closest person,
And we know there is no one else like you in the whole world.
It doesn’t matter that the years fly by if your loved ones are with you.
Birthday – warm holiday, all words sound with soul.
We now wish you only a good journey,
Be happy, smile, don’t be sad for a minute!

You give tenderness, affection and care,
The light of love, the warmth of your soul!
Dear grandmother, you and I
Joyful, cozy and bright!

Granny, don't count the years.
You don't know melancholy and boredom!
You will always be young
After all, the continuation of life is grandchildren!

Today is your birthday,
Congratulations to you!
Much health and love
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

And there is great love -
You love everyone and you are loved.
You are our pride, our honor,
We all need you so much!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!
Happiness and goodness!
Let the mood be good
And a smile will enter the house in the morning.
Let sorrows disappear forever,
So that the years don't upset you,
And you, grandmother, always remained
Cheerful, vigorous and young.

Bow to grandma. Happy Birthday!
Bloom and live for many years,
Always be in the mood,
Like a sunny spring bouquet!

Grandma, I really want you to be healthy and life to make you happy more often. Let the love of those who are dear to you make you happy. I love you very much! Happy Birthday!

Grandma, you are the best!
Happy Birthday, dear!
Hear your laughter more often
I always dream.
And I want to wish you
Strength, health, happiness.
I’ll keep silent about the problems -
Let the bad weather go away!

Dear granny, I will repeat tenderly,
How I love you, how I appreciate you!
And on your birthday, my grandmother,
I wish you happiness, strength and joy!

Dear grandmother, happy birthday! Let only tears of happiness appear in your eyes from sincere and warm wishes, friendly looks from family and friends, gratitude, kindness and tenderness from loved ones!

Happy birthday grandma, dear, beloved,
A housewife who is needed by everyone!
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart.
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

My dear grandmother,
Happy birthday!
I sincerely wish you many years to come,
Live in health, without troubles.

Grandmother, on this wonderful day - your birthday - I wish you to live long and happily, not to need anything. Always remain wise, understanding, resourceful and cheerful.

Happy birthday to our grandmother
Congratulations this morning.
Everyone is at home with anticipation
They are waiting for evening pie.

The pie, as always, comes with
Cake, coffee, salad and compote.
Every time from such a feast
Feeling like your stomach will burst.

Today we love grandma
Everything is ready to be carried in your arms.
Hugging, we whisper in her ear:
“How precious you are after all.”

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs,
But there are exceptions:
Here's a chance that presented itself to me -
It's your birthday, grandma.

You, dear, sleep longer,
The body needs rest
Eat more vitamins
And look into the distance with optimism!

Remember that you are very loved
And still beautiful.
The whole family wants to see
Every moment you are happy.

And our grandmother has delicious pancakes,
And our grandmother has golden hands!
And our grandmother and I love to sit next to each other,
And our grandmother and I are the closest!
Happy birthday grandma
We will congratulate you today!
We will tell her from the bottom of our hearts:
“Bah! How we love you!”

Grandma, I wish you to be energetic
And forget about all diseases.
I wish you to rejuvenate
And fall in love with grandpa again.

I wish you never get bored.
And never grumble at grandpa.
I wish you not to turn into a decrepit grandmother
And have fun as often as possible!

Granny, I wish you the desire to dress up and not lose it.
I wish you to hang out at the fitness club.
I wish you to look younger than everyone else.
And may success await you.

I wish you a great harvest from your garden.
I wish you a lot of conservation.
Let the heroes help you in the garden.
I wish you to fill them with work.

May your back not hurt.
Let Karloson hurry to fly to you,
After all, grandma, you have the most delicious jam.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!

I wish you to become the grandmother of the year,
And receive a presidential award.
I wish you to visit the Prime Minister.
And show yourself on the world stage.

Let old age not get to you.
I wish you to fight her off with all your might.
Drink the elixir of youth.
And don’t forget to be the most energetic!

Granny, I wish to be modern,
The most stylish and stunning.
I wish you never to grumble,
And don’t drive young people under the entrance.

I wish you to love me more than anyone,
And feed them delicious pies.
May you be able to live forever,
And any wish is immediately fulfilled!

Grandmother, dear dear! The memories associated with you are the happiest, warmest and softest from my childhood! I remember how you told me magical bedtime stories. What delicious food! It's so nice to return to these memories. And it’s so nice that I have you. Thank you!

When I was little, the trees, as they say, seemed big. And you seemed old to me then. Now I understand that back then you were still in the prime of your life. And now you seem younger to me than in my childhood. Stay so cheerful, please!

Granny, congratulations, my dear! It’s always so interesting to watch how you raise my parents, how you feel sorry for them. They are always children for you. And I am always, I hope, a beloved grandson!
The baby is even at my no longer childhood age!

Happy holiday, the best (for me) grandmother! you always support me. Despite the generational difference, you are the one who will always understand me. Even if I'm wrong. You always give the right advice from your experience. I'm so glad I have you. Live another hundred years!

Grandma, I so want, I so wish you to remain healthy, cheerful and happy! I will try not to upset you, I will always support you! I know that in the hustle and bustle modern life I always have a quiet haven where you wait, carefully preserving my childhood. And I will carefully preserve your years of wisdom and peace.

Granny, I love you, I eat everything you cook. I want to wish you long life, so that I have the opportunity to eat all the most delicious and homemade things. May you have no need for anything. Live happily and positively.

My beloved grandmother, I want to wish you to be as healthy as planet earth. I want to wish you to be as necessary as air. May your beds always have a good harvest. Let all the preserves be delicious. Let the pension be brought regularly, and also be added monthly!

Grandma, I want to wish you to enjoy the success of your children and grandchildren. I want to wish you not to remember the war. Let pleasant memories be stored in your memory. Let neither body nor soul hurt. I wish you a festive mood, a sea of ​​flowers and more joyful events!

Another holiday has arrived. Grandma, you are still a baby. It's too early for you to think about old age. Let there be time for gatherings with girlfriends. Let there be time to meet with relatives. Let there be a desire to relax and travel, and most importantly, let there be enough finances!

Dear and my beloved grandmother! Today is a significant day, because at this time you were born. May every day be sunny! Joyful and cheerful! Happy smiles and everything that will warm your heart!

What a wonderful day today! The sun is shining brightly, and you see a smile in response on the face of every passerby! I want to laugh with happiness, because everyone is happy and cheerful, as if they know that you were born today, my beloved granny!

Happy Birthday, Grandma! I love you very much and want to wish you happiness! After all, this is the most important thing in our life! If you feel sad, let it go immediately! There is no need to be sad, just rejoice at everything that happens in our lives, because nothing happens for nothing.

The day is the best! Cheerful, joyful and bright! Simply incredibly bright! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you happiness and love! May luck always be with you! After all, sometimes this is exactly what is required for everything to be fine. Happy days to you!

Happy wonderful day to you, grandma! Let everything be fine and let your every day be happy! Never be sad, may you always be in a good mood! Dear granny, I wish you long days of life that will not be boring, but joyful and long-awaited!

I really want to wish you wonderful warm days! Sun and blue-blue sky! May the sky above your head always be peaceful! May you never worry, may there be no problems! Happiness and love! There are many difficulties in life, but I wish you to endure them all with dignity!

May everything be wonderful for you on this day, and on other days too! I wish you no problems! May all wishes come true! May you never feel pain, may everything just be calm! Let prosperity be in your home! And may wealth also come to your home!

Happiness to you from all of us, dear grandmother! Happiness quickly intersects with a black streak, but may everything be fine with you anyway! Please let everything work out for you, no matter what! I wish your wishes to come true!

Grandma, I can imagine how difficult it was for you to cope with me, because I am truly harmful, but I am grateful to you that it was thanks to you that I became a real person. I want you to live as long as possible and enjoy life!

Grandma, I know that I have upset you more than once, but you never take offense or scold me for anything! Thank you for constantly helping me, helping me out, taking care of me. I hope that I will not disappoint you and that you will always be proud of me.

I wish you great and strong health! Take care of yourself, because we still need your love and support. Remain as strong, brave and at the same time lively and cheerful. We all love you very much.

My dear grandmother, my dear little man! I want to wish you patience and good spirits, so that the new day is always sunny, and tears come to your eyes only from happiness or laughter! Live long and be happy big family! Our love for you is limitless!

My unique and most beautiful grandmother! As a child, when I was a little girl, you always taught me what a woman should be. You taught me to give warmth and tenderness, to be confident and strong, no matter what! Thank you for everything!

Granny! I love absolutely everything about you: every wrinkle, every gray hair. When you laugh, the world around you becomes kinder and better! Your smile always calms me down, and sometimes a serious expression on your face makes me become better than I am. I love you with all my heart!

Don't let the years scare you! They only reflect your vast life experience. At heart you will always be a young girl who often has fun, loves to joke and listen. We love you for your huge heart and golden hands! It is only thanks to you that we all live in this world!

My good grandmother, the most beautiful and amazing! You have always been our keeper hearth and home. Each of us always turns to you for wise advice! And the way you cook is simply fantastic! We are all proud that you are our grandmother! And we will pass on our love to our children!

My dear and beloved grandmother! I want to congratulate you on this wonderful day, when you were born a long time ago. For me this day seems so far away, but for you it probably seems as if several hours have flown by. So may you never regret those past days!

The sun is shining especially brightly today. Its rays obediently quietly illuminate your room. The sky is blue and everything is covered in white fluffy clouds. Let life be like this every day! Happiness and love!

Happiness does not always lie in money and material well-being! For me, happiness is you, dear grandmother! May every day of your birthday be as joyful as today! May your mood always be wonderful and cheerful!

Life is beautiful in all its manifestations! Grandma, happy birthday to you! I want to wish you to remember these words of truth, so that your mood will always be consistently good! I wish you love, because love is the most important thing we still have left in this life!

The day is beautiful, let the mood on your birthday be so! Your sense of humor will never disappear, but will improve several times more! Although money is not happiness, it can still make its contribution to your life, so let it be in sufficient quantity in your life!

I wish you sincere smiles and happy laughter! Let the sun and all nature around smile back at you! Happiness is short-lived, as they like to say! But know that this is not true, especially if you smile every day and every hour!

Let your love be sincere, and let them love you! Happiness first of all! Well-being comes second, because this is also integral to happiness! Whatever you want! Happy Birthday to you!

The day promises to be very warm and sunny. May all the days in your future be exactly like this! Never be sad, at least not too much. I wish you to smile and enjoy every day always, no matter what happens! Know that you bring joy to many, because for some you are the whole world!

Granny, of course, I wish you long life. I wish you to continue to cook deliciously. Delight us with delicious pastries, delicious vegetables, delicious casseroles and meat dishes. We love you and love to come visit you!

Grandmother, on your holiday I wish you longevity. Don't let your back or legs hurt. Let your head remain clear, let there be no memory problems. I wish you to enjoy life. Don't let the political situation affect you. May my family and friends be close by. I adore you!

Grandmother, I wish you a great harvest in your beds. I wish you delicious recipes for canning. I wish you not to get sick and be healthy. I wish you live communication and more positive emotions!

Grandma, I know that I rarely come to visit and rarely call, but know that I love you very much. I wish you longevity, endurance, stability, prosperity, security and simple human happiness!

Beloved grandmother! I solemnly congratulate you on your name day! And now, I want to wish you with all my heart not to know sadness and troubles. Be healthy and happy. What do you need to be happy? So that your children and grandchildren are happy. So that everyone lives in prosperity and peace.

I want to congratulate my grandmother today. Always be respected and loved. I wish you not to be forgotten by your grandchildren, friends, and relatives. To make you happy with your successes, so that you are proud of us. And, of course, good health and lots and lots of it.

Dear grandmother, I congratulate you on your name day. I wish you to always be as kind and beautiful. May your children and grandchildren not forget you, help you more often and take care of you. Because you deserve better.

It’s my beloved grandma’s birthday today. Congratulations to you, grandmother, and I wish you not to grow old in soul and body, to always be blooming and strong. I wish you good health and more joy in life.

My dear grandmother, my dear person, you are very dear to me, so I wish you to live a very long, long and happy life. I want you to delight us with your favorite culinary masterpieces and care. Happy holiday to you!

Grandma, we want to congratulate you
And wish you good health and many years to come.
You are always with your charm
You will instantly distract from grief and troubles!
Live, dear, happily ever after.
You are very good for your age!
It’s not for nothing that he’s a handsome man
Only if you are a kind soul!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
Let the wrinkles on a kind face
We love you very much, dear.
And from the heart we wish you:
Don't get sick, don't be sad, don't be sad.
Let a smile decorate your face.
There is a lot of happiness, let grandma fall down
And grandfather will get a goldfish.

My grandma is the best in the world!
Both her grandchildren and children are proud of her.
We congratulate her on her birthday
And we wish you the best in life.
Always stay young, dear.
Healthy and loved, dear.
We want you to always laugh.
Let no misfortune come into your life!

Today we gathered at the table,
To congratulate your grandmother on her birthday.
We'll kiss you, and then
We will read out our congratulations with a smile.
May the Lord protect you
Let your health not fail you!
And don’t let your soul hurt
And may you always be lucky in life!

Dear grandmother! I want to congratulate you on your Birthday and wish from the bottom of my heart long life, health, for it is the most valuable thing we have, and also that you always remain such a cheerful and never despondent grandmother as we all know you.

Grandma, on your birthday, I would like to point out one important thing that you do every day. This thing is that you pass on your experience to us, protect us from your mistakes. I believe that you are giving us the most valuable thing - your experience. And for this I want to say sincere thanks to you.

Dear grandmother, today is your birthday, and on this holiday you should accomplish various miracles. They will probably wish you many different good things, but they will be in words, but I would like everything, the wonderful things that people will tell you today, to become a reality.

Girlfriend, I wish you all the best. Namely, so that stockings do not tear, nails do not break, weight does not gain, and men do not offend. Bloom and smell, regardless of weather conditions and everyday adversities.

My dear and closest little man! I am immensely glad that you appeared in my life! Every minute with you is filled with happiness and fun, self-confidence and a great desire to live!

I wish you to grow up to be a smart boy. I wish you to respect your elders. I wish you to love your mom and dad and, of course, not to forget about your aunt.

May all your wishes come true, may passers-by smile at you. Let life be fabulous. Don't be afraid to take risks and make decisions. Be loving and caring. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

Happy Birthday, Grandma! Live forever!
Knit us warm socks endlessly,
Make jam and close the tomato juice,
And don’t forget to bake pancakes with cottage cheese!
Also spoil us with cabbage pie,
And warm me with your gentle warmth,
Borscht for lunch, delicious cutlets for dinner,
We want to spend the whole summer with you!

Mom is at work, father is on shift,
And grandma is at home, well done!
He will feed, wash, dress, let you go for a walk,
With grandmother there is no life, but sheer grace!
And today is grandma's birthday,
She needs to arrange happy moments,
The whole family come to her house,
And gather together at the festive table!

Dear grandmother! Happy Birthday!
I notice your care every day,
Your kind, gentle and warm hands,
Never languish from idleness and boredom!
On the table there are pies, dumplings, cutlets, jellied meat,
I don’t know how you manage to do everything! Well done!
Low bow from our entire family,
Grandma, live at least a hundred years!

Grandmother, my dear,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Happy wonderful birthday,
I wish you luck in everything.
May your share be happy
Let sadness forget you forever,
I wish you all the best, peace,
May your destiny be happy.

Happy birthday, grandma, congratulations,
I wish you good health with all my heart,
I wish you a life without troubles,
To always have enough strength for everything.
Let spring always sing in your soul,
Be cheerful, grandma, always
I wish you to always look cheerful,
And you never know where, what hurts.

Grandma, you are the embodiment of goodness,
Gentle, kind, sweet,
Happy birthday to you,
Be the luckiest and happiest.
Never regret the past
Smile at the new day soon,
May there be no obstacles on your path,
Let everyone be happy to meet you.

Grandmother, my kind, my dear,
You are the hero of the occasion today,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams come true.
Let your home be a full cup,
Let joy and comfort settle in it,
May your grandchildren always make you happy,
And you will certainly be surrounded by reliable friends.

I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
Meeting you is a reward for me,
May fortune always smile on you,
Let spring always sing in your soul.
Stay with me longer, dear,
Enjoy life, don't worry,
Be loved and desired
I wish your dream to come true.

Happy birthday, grandma, congratulations,
We wish you to live in health always,
May your life be long and happy,
My closest person.
Sunny spring and happiness to you,
Let all bad weather pass by,
Let every day turn into a holiday,
We wish all our plans to come true.

Grandma, my beloved,
You are glorious, kind, irreplaceable,
Do not grow old in soul and heart,
May everything be fine in your destiny.
All the best to you, peace, inspiration,
Let the mood be great
We wish you health, happiness, goodness,
Happy birthday, my love.

Grandma, I sincerely wish you
Lots of songs, love and fun,
Let everything be fine in fate,
Let life give you only inspiration.
We wish you to always be healthy,
And never lose heart,
Today with joy and love,
We came to congratulate you on your birthday.