Half a minute later another device began to chirp, Yura grabbed the receiver and, hearing the caller, winked at Nastya. From his meager remarks it was impossible to realize Fr. There is a speech. He finally hung up and smiled broadly. Nastya burst into tears. With your hands. Indeed, the water had already boiled for a long time and was now gurgling in the highest clay chamber. The mug was so desperate that it spilled onto the floor. She frantically pulled the plug out of the socket, but there was still water in the mug. There's not enough left. Nastya obediently trudged along.

Fyodor asked, casting a mean glance at the bottles. Cigarettes. Water. Mineral, fruit, still, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, cola. Hot. Snacks. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fresh whites, shish kebab with side dishes. Italian salads. Crab, shrimp, ham. The tea is hot. The coffee is hot, dark and with milk. The door swung open and Oleg saw a strong, middle-sized man. Tall in a small black terry robe. His hair was wet, and Oleg realized what the tenant perceived.

He's on a business trip, and you're acting weird. Don’t call me names, otherwise I won’t give you a cot, you’ll sleep on the floor. Okay, take out the soup, you really need to eat it, huh. Leshka will be offended. Dinner turned out to be unexpectedly plentiful and satisfying, and Nastya and Yura, who had crammed so much goods into themselves out of hunger at once, could no longer move. Listen, Nastya said with fear, it seems like I can’t even get up. Gluttony is a great sin. Well, let's sit at the table, what's the hurry? Korotkov responded phlegmatically.

This morning everything started as usual. Lilya looked thoughtfully at the buoy dangling in the waves. Said. The licking was missed; for some reason the abundance of fruit did not appear from the snow-white bag. Rita plopped down on a towel and raised her exhausted face to me. I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t even realize which Olga we were talking about. This question could, perhaps, adequately compete with the previous one. He was neither smart nor original. Rita reacted with awareness. To our heartbreaking story, she immediately calmed down and, to her credit, I must admit, she didn’t spill the beans to anyone. And now our sweet joke threatened to turn into nothing. Suspecting Igor Litvak is in big trouble. And I realized that I had to somehow help poor Igor. I acutely felt my guilt towards him and...

I entered a military academy somewhere in the Caucasus. You must become an Ingush officer and serve our native land. If you go to study in Kyiv, you will serve in the Ukrainian army. Aslanbek. Must cancel trip. You are needed. Aslanbek went to the Carpathians. At a small airfield in Kolomyia, the highest big man. With a shock wavy hair and with a smiling face, introducing himself as Vasily Ignatievich. You are aware of what will have to be done for you. Vasily asked when they got into the car and drove towards the mountains. Father said. “I have to do arithmetic with some girl,” Aslan answered hesitantly. Yes, naturally, Aslan nodded absentmindedly, looking out the window at the houses standing on the sides of the road, buried in apple and pear trees. The car stopped in front of the tall metal gates.

Gulya is right. Gulya, you are absolutely right. If the woman did not lie, then the second man did. Then everything comes out. Mishanya, go to the office. “I figured you out, old man,” Misha grinned. Andrey. Chebotaev looked up from the computer and ruffled his hair. She’s not afraid of anything, Nastya agreed. Either he is extremely confident in himself, or he is just a cretin, which is more accurate. And yet I’m wondering if his name is in a magazine that... They took it from the salon, or.

Current page: 5 (book has 11 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]


100% +

Summer mask for hair treatment

Dig up burdock roots, wash them and boil them without peeling them. Rub the boiled roots through a metal sieve and cool. Squeeze the juice out of the garlic and add to the gruel. Apply this mask to your hair and keep it on for as long as you can, at least 5 hours! After you wash off this mask, your hair will literally sparkle. healthy shine, and there will be much less hair left on the comb.

Mask for dry, brittle hair

Dissolve 3 tablets of pharmaceutical mummy in half a glass of warm water. Add 1 spoon to the same glass castor oil, beaten with 3 chicken egg yolks. Mix and carefully apply the finished mask to the roots of your hair. Rub it into your scalp using gentle finger movements. Cover your hair with cellophane, wrap it with a warm, heated towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Don’t forget to acidify the rinsing water with lemon juice (2 tablespoons of juice per 1 liter of water). The mask must be done once a week.

For hair strength

From the letter:

“I have always had strong and thick hair. When I was little, I was even angry at my mop of hair, not wanting to comb it, but as I grew up, I realized that it greatly adorns me and attracts the eyes of men. Then an unpleasant thing happened. My friend's fiance began to show me signs of attention, and even left her. I give my word of honor that I didn’t fight him off and didn’t even try, but in response to all my words of refusal, he insisted that he couldn’t live without me. One day, my friend’s grandmother came to see me, and I was even taken aback, since we lived with her in different houses, and she had never been to my house before. Naturally, I let her into the apartment, because she old man and for some reason she came to me. When Irina Vasilievna sat down on a chair, I asked her what happened, implying by this question what she needed from me? In response to my question, Baba Ira said:

Don't you know what happened? My granddaughter cries all day long because of you, because it was you who took her fiancé away from her. So I look at you and am surprised, you are a hundred times worse than her, you have no skin, no face. Unless she took it with her hair, well, that’s a fixable matter. I suppose when you become bald, your groom will run away from you so quickly. I couldn't stand it and said:

Well, get out, you old witch, you decided to scare me!

Yes, witch, and now I'll leave. But just as I said, so it will be. You'll go bald and your fiancé will run back to my granddaughter!

With these words, my friend’s grandmother stood up and left. I don’t know what spell she cast on me, only after that my hair began to come out in clumps. I get up in the morning and there are clumps of hair on my pillow. I went to trichologists and paid a lot of money for examination and treatment, but to no avail. Now I have practically no hair left on my head, just a weak fuzz. A friend of my mother gave me your book. I want to ask you how I can remove the damage from my hair, I’m very scared, I’m afraid. As for my fiancé, he actually returned to my girlfriend.”

They take wax from the candle in which the baby was baptized and roll their hair into it. They go to the field, at a time when the field is full of wheat, and, swinging with force, they throw wax with a hair into the thick of the ears, saying:

Mother colosin, take my hair,
Take what I give and give what I ask.
Like a field with thick ears of ears,
So let my head
Thickly hairy.
And who took my hair with witchcraft,
He would have lost his hair.

Amen. Amen.

Recipes for rapid growth hair

In half a liter of water, put 30 g of ivy leaves and shoots, 10 g of nasturtium, 30 g of nettle and 10 g of cinquefoil roots. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Strain and add 3 tablespoons burdock oil. Rub the prepared infusion into the scalp 3 hours before washing. Do this 1-2 times a week, and you will see how quickly your hair begins to grow and how much stronger and thicker it has become.

* * *

Take 300 g of beef bone marrow and boil it with 50 g of water. Add 100 ml of burdock oil and a quarter cup of alcohol to the cooled mass. Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator in a glass jar. An hour before washing your hair, warm up a small portion of the mask and gently rub it into the roots of your hair. Soak a large terry towel in hot water, wring it out and wrap your head. Tie cellophane on top to make the mask better nourish your skin. After 25-30 minutes, wash your hair with egg yolks mixed with your favorite shampoo. Rinse your head with a special medicinal hair balm or acidified lemon juice water.

* * *

Buy real village milk at the market and use it to make curdled milk. Once every 3 days or at least once a week, make a mask out of it for your hair so that it is nourished with natural strength and restored. After such procedures, your hair will come to life, become beautiful and will be very easy to comb. They will become fuller, heavier and increase in volume. It is also useful to use curdled milk serum to wash your hair. Our great-grandmothers had neither soap nor shampoo, but it was thanks to yogurt and whey that their hair was below their knees and had extraordinary beauty.

* * *

Heat up the bread yeast kvass or beer and put one packet of gelatin in it. Let the gelatin dissolve and apply this mask to your head for 1 hour. Wash off the mask with water acidified with lemon. The effect is amazing, because we all know that gelatin is made from the bones and fibers of animals, and gelatin itself is essentially nothing more than protein, and it is an integral part of our hair and nails, which is why this protein mask is so useful for you. In addition, the ingredients of kvass and beer contain a complex rich in microelements and vitamins due to bread malt, hops and yeast.

Time-tested recipes
Stomach cancer
Collection No. 1

Peony root – 2 parts

Sweet clover herb – 2 parts

Violet flowers – 3 parts

Plantain leaves – 3 parts

Horsetail – 1 part

Dry the collection of the listed herbs. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the crushed collection and brew it in 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and take a quarter glass of infusion 3 times a day, with meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks of taking the infusion, then 2 weeks of rest and again the above method.

Collection No. 2

St. John's wort herb – 3 parts

Nettle herb – 3 parts

Sedum herb – 1 part

Flax seed – 1 part

Brew and take the infusion in the same order as in the first recipe.

Uterine cancer

Iris root – 2 parts

Burnet root – 3 parts

Tatar grass – 2 parts

Bedrenets – 1 part

Officinalis marigolds – 3 parts

All of these herbs and roots are washed, crushed and dried. Store in cardboard box. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection and brew it in 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let sit for 30 minutes, then strain. Take a quarter glass of infusion with breakfast and dinner. The treatment is long-term.

Breast cancer

Maryin root – 2 parts

Chamomile flowers – 3 parts

Calendula flowers – 2 parts

Strawberry flowers and plant – 3 parts

Chernobyl root – 1 part

The entire collection should be finely chopped. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection and brew 1.5 cups of boiling water. Take a quarter glass of infusion once a day with meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Liver cancer
Collection No. 1

Dandelion root – 2 parts

Celandine – 1 part

Officinalis marigolds – 2 parts

Stinging nettle – 1 part

Rose hips – 2 parts

Budra – 1 part

Grind the entire collection. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture per 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 40 minutes, cool and take 3 tbsp. spoons before meals.

Collection No. 2

Wormwood – 2 parts

Agrimony root – 1 part

Chicory root – 1 part

Chernobyl root – 2 parts

Dandelion root – 1 part

Large sedum – 1 part

Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take a quarter glass 2 times a day before meals.

Collection No. 3

Corn silk – 2 parts

White peony root – 1 part

Peppermint – 1 part

Celandine herb – 1 part

Calendula – 1 part

Calamus root – 1 part

Preparation of the infusion and use is the same as in recipe No. 2.

Infusion for relief during chemotherapy

Chokeberry fruits – 2 parts

Brown rose hips – 2 parts

Wheatgrass root – 1 part

Small-leaved aspen bark – 3 parts

Peppermint herb – 1 part

The collection is crushed and stored in a cardboard box in a cool place. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection per 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day with meals.

Diabetes mellitus

An extract from moth larvae is good for lowering blood sugar: 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of alcohol. The finished extract is taken 2 times a day with meals, diluting 20 drops of extract in a quarter glass of water.

* * *

I highly recommend royal jelly of bees, it speeds up the breakdown of complex sugars in the body. Bee milk can always be purchased at any market from honey sellers. In addition, royal jelly of bees significantly improves immunity, rejuvenates the body, and therefore significantly prolongs life. People who have metabolic disorders simply need bee milk. If you still couldn’t get it at your local market, buy royal jelly of bees at least in tablet form at the pharmacy, called “Apilak”.


I recommend you the most best recipes from anemia. In addition, patients with anemia should include fresh beef liver and rare roast beef in their diet daily. Make various apple desserts, eat fresh apples and drink apple juice.

Cocktail recipe against anemia

Pomegranate juice – 100 g

Apple juice – 50 g

Beet juice – 20 g

Drink in small sips, slowly, 2 times a day after meals.

To raise hemoglobin

Prepare red clover flowers from the summer. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of flower heads and brew with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 40 minutes and take a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.


During treatment, the patient should not drink coffee, strong tea, or any alcoholic beverages (including beer). You should not eat meat, drink raw eggs, or eat spicy foods or seasonings. Required nap in the fresh air, walks in the forest, wiping the body with cool water. Everything should be excluded conflict situations, watching “heavy” films and reading books. The patient's state of mind should be calm and peaceful.

In half a liter of high-quality vodka, add 100 g of meadow lumbago grass and 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint. Let it brew for 15 days and take it morning and night, after diluting 7 drops of infusion in half a glass of water. Be careful about the accuracy of the indicated drops, since meadow lumbago grass is a poisonous plant. This recipe is not suitable for people suffering from liver and kidney diseases.


Collect sprouts from sprouted potatoes into a half-liter bottle. Chop 4 large heads of garlic, peel and all, and add to the sprouts in the bottle. Fill the remaining space in the bottle with pepper tincture (pepper vodka) and leave to infuse in a cool, dark place for 10 days. If necessary, rub the resulting infusion on sore areas, and soon you will forget about your pain.

Skin cancer

Add the juice squeezed from celandine to purified Vaseline and mix everything. Gently apply the ointment with a swab to the sore area in the morning and at night.


Birch tar – 50 g

Natural honey – 50 g

Half a piece of dissolved laundry soap

Garlic juice – 50 g

Mix everything well and make a compress from this ointment for 10 minutes. After the compress, gently wipe the sore areas with a damp cloth.


Grate the laundry soap. Grind it with half a glass of kerosene and beat in 4 chicken eggs. Apply well-mixed ointment to sore areas overnight and wash off in the morning.

The ointment not only provides relief from pain, but also prevents bone lumps from growing.

Allergic eczema

Boil two handfuls of fresh leaves in half a liter of milk walnut, cool and grind through a fine sieve. Lubricate the affected areas with this paste, leaving it on the skin for 10 minutes. After washing off the ointment, pat your body dry soft cloth. 2-3 such compresses - and the eczema will disappear.

How to draw pus out of an abscess

Finely chop 1 onion and together with 1 tbsp. Heat a spoonful of water and 1/2 teaspoon of grated laundry soap in a frying pan, stirring this mixture constantly. While warm, place the prepared pulp on the abscess and leave it under the bandage until the morning. In the morning, when you remove the bandage, you will see that instead of an abscess, there remains a hollow (empty without pus) hole, which will soon heal.

Treatment of alcoholism

Wormwood – 2 parts

Lovage herb – 1 part

Viburnum fruits – 1 part

Three-leaf watch – 1 part

Linden flowers – 4 parts

Hazel flowers – 1 part

To prepare a medicinal infusion, take 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, chop and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Prepare the infusion in the evening, and in the morning give the patient one glass 3 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​3 months.

Treatment of a drunkard

Buckthorn bark – 1 part

Thyme herb – 1 part

Aspen bark – 1 part

Foot root – 1 part

Licorice root – 2 parts

To prepare a medicinal infusion, take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Take 1/4 cup of infusion with meals 3 times a day.

From female alcoholism

Linden flowers – 2 parts

Spruce bark – 1 part

Wintergrass root - 1 part

Juniper fruits – 1 part

1 teaspoon of finely ground collection is poured into 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes and drink 3 tbsp. spoons every hour (7 times a day in total).

So as not to be drawn to intoxicating

Seeing dog shit, an alcoholic should spit and say:

How disgusting this shit is to me

So let the wine be disgusting and disgusting!

To make vodka and wine disgusting

You need, as soon as you recover in a big way, to look over your left shoulder and say:

How can I not know his name?
And I never miss him
So I wouldn’t even miss the hops,
I didn’t think about him, didn’t feel sad, didn’t miss him.

Treatment for hops on Midsummer's Day

At midnight, heat a poker red hot and throw it into cold water. The water will hiss from the fire, and you say:

How do you hiss, water,
And then you shut up
So my womb would be silent,
I didn’t miss the wild hops.
Amen. Amen.

For fibroids

Crumble 3 tbsp. spoons of birch chaga. Grind 1 tbsp. spoon of comfrey root. Cut the marin root into pieces (3 tablespoons). Add to the collection 5 teaspoons of calendula flowers and 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers. Mix the entire collection and store in a cardboard box. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and take warm 3 times a day, a quarter glass of infusion with meals.

From an ovarian cyst

Douche with freshly squeezed burdock root juice at night for 1 month. At the same time, take an infusion of marina root, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Cervical erosion

With erosion, douching with an infusion of wormwood and vaginal tampons soaked in an infusion prepared from the roots of elecampane, chamomile, and sweet clover grass, taken in equal parts, help.

Uterine fibroid

Relieves swelling, inflammation and bleeding by drinking an infusion of bergenia.

Rare menstruation

In this case, an infusion prepared from medicinal lovage will definitely help. For 1 glass of boiling water add 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs, leave for 30 minutes and take a quarter glass of infusion 3 times a day with meals.

Heavy menstruation

Pyrethrum – 1 part

Calendula – 2 parts

Bergenia thickleaf – 3 parts

Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water and take a quarter cup of infusion before meals 3 times a day.

For low vision

Try to consume fresh carrot tops with your meals as much as possible by adding them

in soups, salads and making decoctions from it. This method has been tried many times, and the result has always been good.

For leg cramps

Brew 3 tbsp in half a liter of boiling water. spoons of motherwort. Leave it to sit overnight. In the morning, take a quarter glass of infusion 3 times a day before meals, and you will forget what cramps are.


An infusion prepared from pink yarrow flowers will quickly help eliminate leucorrhoea - 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1.5 cups of boiling water. Take hot before meals 3 times a day, a quarter glass of infusion.

Warm sitz baths prepared from a decoction of aspen buds, as well as douching with an infusion of St. John's wort at night, help with leucorrhoea.

Scanty menstruation

2 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over spoons of hare cabbage. An hour later, when the infusion is ready, drink all the medicine at once.

Lack of menstruation

Of course, in this case, an examination is first necessary, but sometimes women claim that doctors cannot detect the cause. In this case, this remedy helps: wash 1 kg of red onion along with the peel, pour 1 liter of water on the onion and boil for 20 minutes. During boiling, the water will turn dark brown, this is how they are usually painted. easter eggs. Cool the broth, filter and drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals. The taste of this drink is not very pleasant, but the result makes up for it.

Bitch's udder

Grate half a piece of laundry soap on a fine grater and add to it the internal lard fried in a frying pan with finely chopped onion. Mix everything thoroughly and, when the mass has cooled, apply to the sore spot.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder

Approaching the whelping dog, say:

Puppy bitch tit
Sucked and fell behind,
So would it be from me
The bitch's udder has fallen behind,
It was thrown off my body and disappeared.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.


You will need 1 teaspoon of rosin, 1 teaspoon of combustible sulfur, 2 tbsp. spoons of beeswax and half a stick of butter.

First you need to put wax and oil in an enamel mug and melt it in a water bath. When everything is well dissolved, add flammable sulfur and rosin and simmer again in a water bath. The ointment should be stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, in a glass jar. Use the ointment as a heated compress on sore areas. By doing this constantly, you will achieve complete resorption of the cones. I emphasize that this ointment helps well with breast mastitis, but this remedy does not help with oncology.

For fast healing burn

Pour half a glass of fish oil into an enamel mug and put on fire. Once the oil is hot, add beeswax the size of a chicken yolk. When the wax has dissolved in the fish oil, remove the mug from the heat. Wait for the mixture to cool to body temperature and add the egg yolk to it. Beat everything with a fork until fluffy and smear the burned areas of the body every day, but each time this remedy is prepared anew so that there is a fresh yolk. Burns go away very quickly, and most importantly, ugly scars do not remain on the skin after this treatment.

Cure boils

Touch the boil with a crust of bread and give it to a stray dog. At the same time say:

The dog walked and found bread.
When the dog eats the crust,
Then my boil will go away from my body.
Word for word. Case in point.
So that I have (name)
Nothing hurt.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Find a dry twig on a tree and, looking at it, say:

How did this bitch dry up?
That way my boil would dry up.
Chirey-Vered, place for you
Not on my body.
How this bitch dries up,
So let my boil die!

Draw a knot on the body of the boil and say:

Tweet-king, sit on a branch.
Just as the twig has dried up, dry you too,
Freeze, wither and die!

From damage, from curses, from evil words

If you feel unwell

Sometimes a person may feel unwell because he has been jinxed or envied. One has only to wash him with the enchanted water, and he is cheerful and healthy again. There are a great many reports for this purpose, for example, these are the following.

Wash off three corners of the dining table and sprinkle on a sick person, saying:

How the water ran away from the corners,
So it would be sick
(so-and-so) has disappeared.
It came from the wind, so it went into the wind.
It came from the eyes, and went away from the eyes.
It came from the tongue, and went to the tongue.
Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Throw a pinch of salt into the water and lower a spoon into the water. The patient is seated on a stool and, holding a cup of water over his head, a spoon is taken out of it. Water is dripping from the spoon, and you say:

How can this spoon not hold water?
It doesn’t cling to it, so let it go to (such and such)
The disease does not hold on and detaches itself from it!

Now, forever, forever and ever.

The sick person is seated facing east and, pouring water from glass to glass, they say:

I will become a servant of God and go to the east,
To the sub-eastern side.
On the eastern side there is the Sin River,
That Sin River has yellow banks.
There is a deep hole on that bank,
There's a dead man in the pit,
And in the dead man there is a worm.
Eat, worm, eat up all the pains, all the ailments:
Small, big,
Alluvial and any.
Eat, chew, take away,
Back to (such and such)
Don't return it.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

The human body constantly needs certain vitamins and microelements. If the content of certain substances decreases significantly below normal, noticeable changes occur in the body. As a result of such changes, some pathological conditions develop that disrupt the normal functioning of the human body.

Iron deficiency anemia is a condition caused by a lack of one of the most important microelements in the body - iron. Such a deficiency is directly involved in a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

A person suffering from anemia feels weak, loses ability to work, and may suffer from depressed mood.

There are several degrees of anemia. The higher the degree, the more serious the person’s condition becomes. Mild variants of this pathological condition sometimes go unnoticed and resolve on their own.

Anemia can develop in people of any age group. Anemia is especially common in pregnant women and children of primary school and preschool age.

Main causes

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common pathological conditions in humans. Various factors can influence the development of this disorder.

It is customary to identify the following common causes of the development of this condition:

Severe blood loss due to injury surgical interventions, diseases of internal organs .

Prolonged heavy menstruation in women, provoked by certain gynecological pathologies (endometriosis, adnexitis).

Disruption of metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, insufficient absorption of microelements.

Poorly balanced diet or regular fasting.

Conspiracies for anemia

You are ore, God's servant (name) is blood. Be renewed, rejuvenate, become healing from this hour. No sooner said than done. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before speaking, the speaker takes a pin and pricks ring finger on right hand the person being charmed, squeezes out a drop of blood and slanders it directly.

Ever-Virgin Mary embroidered robes, straightened ore for the servant of God (name). You, the ore of God's servant (name), be scarlet and strong, hot and abundant. From now on and forever and ever the ore of the servant of God (name) is like the Virgin’s thread. Amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies for anemia

I cross with the cross, I command the ore of the servant of God (name): be strong and abundant. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr-stone is dug into the ground. Just as there is plenty of water around him and plenty of land, so would the servant of God (name) have plenty of ore now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies for poor blood clotting

I speak words, not simple ones, but golden ones, so that God’s servant (name) has ore flowing through his veins, not spilling out, not spreading across the ground. And if it spills, let it turn into a scab. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done in the evening. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before speaking, the person speaking takes a pin, pricks the middle finger on the right hand of the person being spoken, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly on it.

I speak to the ore of the servant of God (name). I conjure you, ore. Never ooze out, be in seclusion every day and hour, guard yourself, don’t open, don’t splash outside. You'll end up with a scab. And so it is always. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before the spell, the speaker takes a pin, pricks the little finger on the right hand of the person being charmed, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly on it.

Conspiracies against too viscous blood

Ore, you are ore, flow through the veins of God’s servant (name), pour it, hurry up, don’t clog up the veins, don’t get thicker, don’t be mothers, be quicker and livelier. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done during the day. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before casting a spell, the speaker takes a pin, pricks the ring finger on the left hand of the caste, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly onto it.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command the ore in the veins of the servant of God (name): do not wake up the sleeping ones, standing still, scatter, ore, spread out, suddenly dissolve in a row. Be it as God intended for you, so be it. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before casting a spell, the speaker takes a pin, pricks the middle finger on the left hand of the charmed person, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly onto it.

Dampen a small cloth with the patient's blood. Take her into the forest to the big oak tree. Make a small hole in the bark of this oak tree. Place the bloody cloth in it and cover the hole with resin so that the bark grows back together. After this, pick an acorn from the oak tree and give it to the patient. Instruct him to always carry this acorn with him and put it under his pillow at night.

Xxx -

Mix five finely chopped green Antonov apples with a pound of lard. Place this product in the oven and simmer it over low heat. At this time, mash ten egg yolks white with a glass of granulated sugar, and then add a pound of grated chocolate or half a pound of cocoa powder to them. When the lard with apples has melted, remove it from the oven and strain through a sieve. Combine the first composition with the second. Spread this medicine on bread. Whisper to him:

At sea, on the ocean, on Buyan Island

lies a red stone,

A mighty force is buried under the red stone.

I lift that stone, I release that power,

I am sending God’s servant such and such for healing.

So that the blood turns red, so that frailty flies away

so that the pallor goes away, so that the strength increases.

Be, my words, all strong and sculpted,

spoken and executed.

Let us eat this bread to those whose blood is weak. This treatment must be repeated three or more times a day and be sure to wash down the bread with hot milk. If you treat the patient with other means, then recite this spell on them too.

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Mix equal parts rendered lard, honey, cow butter and cocoa. Dissolve this mixture over low heat and bring it to a boil. Be careful not to burn the potion. When cool, transfer it to a jar with a lid and store it in a cool, dark place. Give it to someone who is weakening in body and spirit. At the same time, let the patient eat a lot of prunes so that there is no stagnation either in the blood or in the stomach.

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Mix three parts of church cahors, two parts of linden honey and one part of aloe juice. Give this remedy one spoon three times a day.

Before lunch, let the patient drink a glass of vodka infused with cinchona peel.

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Anyone who is losing strength should drink black radish juice without pulling it out of the ground. To do this, peel the radish from the top of the soil, cut a groove in it and, after waiting for the juice to fill it, drink it all through a straw. Cut three of these radishes at once and drink the juice from them until it is all dried up. Repeat this treatment twice a day.

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Dissolve gelatin powder in half a glass of water. Beat one egg. Mix everything and give it to someone who is losing blood strength to drink. Repeat this treatment twice a day.

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Squeeze juice from carrots, beets and radishes. Pour them into one large bottle. Cover this bottle with dough and place it in the oven. Simmer the potion for three hours on low heat. Give the resulting medicine three spoons before meals three times a day.

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Give the patient one spoonful of garlic boiled with honey before eating.

Also give two tablespoons of watercress juice. Repeat the treatment three times a day.

Add one spoon of chicory juice to a glass of milk. This milk should not be drunk immediately, but throughout the day. Brew wild strawberry leaves instead of tea.

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For anemia, give the patient infusions and decoctions prepared from dandelion root and herb, wormwood herb, fireweed herb, nettle leaves, flowering tops of buckwheat, yarrow flowers, rowan berries, rose hips, blackberry leaves, anise seeds and caraway seeds.

Individual training in magic

INidentifying and developing your hidden abilities

Pdirect transmission of witchcraft and magical power