The moment is approaching, the wooden goat will be replaced by the fiery Rooster - the symbol of the New Year 2017. According to eastern calendar, The Rooster will take its full place on the throne on January 28. Fire is the element of 2017, and the symbolic colors of the New Year are red, yellow, golden, orange and other appropriate shades.

To spend it with dignity New Year's Eve, you should prepare carefully, paying attention even to the smallest details. On New Year's Eve, everything should be thought out: the festive table, the decorations, and the outfits. How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs will help make the most anticipated night of the year unforgettable!

Festive table

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what the menu should be, probably the most current question on the eve of the long-awaited holiday. It should be remembered that on the table there should be dishes not only traditional for the winter celebration, but also those that the symbol of the year, the Rooster, loves. After all, everyone should remain full on New Year’s Eve!

It’s better that the New Year’s menu takes a leading position vegetarian dishes, since the diet of the totem of the year includes no more than 2% meat. Of course, you shouldn’t turn your table into a paradise for herbivores, especially if among the guests there are lovers of meat delicacies: chicken, poultry and rabbit dishes are suitable.

It is also worth making sure that there is a real abundance of fruit on the table; the Rooster will certainly appreciate this! Also, the symbol of the year will appreciate something exotic and creative. After all, cooking is also a space for imagination! You can make, for example, a fruit cake and insert fireworks into the center. Or depict a rooster from some dish.

Tips for choosing a wardrobe

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs include choosing a festive outfit in accordance with the symbol of the year. It should be remembered that by decorating the festive table, according to traditions and signs of how to celebrate the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, good luck and prosperity are attracted to the house. But by dressing yourself in symbolic colors, personal luck is attracted.

Rooster loves creativity to the point. Therefore, the more original it is New Year's outfit, the greater the chance that the Rooster will pay attention. Despite the fact that the typical colors for 2017 are fiery shades, the Rooster welcomes and blue, and green. Therefore, if bright, eccentric outfits are not quite your style, you can choose clothes in soothing colors, diluting them with bright elements in the form of a brooch or hairpin.

The Rooster will appreciate everyone's efforts, especially if he dominates on New Year's Eve good mood, a bright atmosphere with notes of something incredible and magical. May the New Year be filled with unforgettable moments!

IN New Year even skeptics tend to believe superstitions. Many signs have been collected over centuries and have been time-tested. Find out how to appease the symbol of 2017 and attract capricious luck.

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. In order for the coming year to be successful, our ancestors carefully prepared for its meeting.

The most famous sign, perhaps, is the saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.”

Therefore, watch your actions and attract good luck with the help of simple rituals.

New Year's signs

The most seemingly ordinary broom can be useful not only for cleaning. Buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it at the entrance with the fluffy side up. A bright headband will attract the owner of the year - the Red Rooster, and awaits you financial well-being.

A large paper bill placed in your pocket before the New Year is a guarantee of prosperity and luck.

Try not to change it for a month. For greater effect, spell the bill for monetary well-being and carry it in your wallet as a talisman.

A coin held in the hand during the chiming clock is also a guarantee of material wealth. It is believed that the lower its value, the more profit awaits you next year.

Guaranteed abundance - food on festive table. The sign says that nothing cooked should be thrown away, because along with the thrown away food, the energy of well-being leaves the house. Invite your friends over and try to eat everything left after the holiday.

The choice of food on the table is also important. Superstitions suggest that plant foods will respect the Rooster. A beautiful painted saucer with grain and fish, as well as fresh water in a beautiful jug will not leave a fastidious bird indifferent and will attract good luck.

If you sneeze on New Year's Eve after dusk, then the year will be positive for you and will bring many unexpected pleasant surprises.

When going on a visit to celebrate the New Year, watch your step. If you stumble over the threshold with your left foot, a joyful year awaits you; if you stumble with your right foot, difficulties await you. Step your right foot three times and say, “Left, left, left.” Then stomp your left foot.

New clothes for the holiday are a sign of renewal and change for the better. A bright suit will attract the attention of the Red Rooster, and new things await you next year.

A discount for a random buyer will help improve the financial situation of businessmen. On the eve of the New Year, you will cheer him up with an unexpected gift, and also attract the favor of Fortune.

Do not forget that the Rooster does not like greedy and petty people. He is willful, but generous, and will definitely respond to your kindness.

When choosing clothes with pockets as an outfit, remember that they should not be empty. Place a coin or banknote there to guarantee a happy life.

It is customary to repay debts before the New Year. Those who did not take care of repayment risk spending the next year in constant loans.

You can remove all the negativity of the outgoing year as follows:

Throw a shawl or scarf over your shoulders, and with the last chime, take it off and shake your bad luck out of the open window.

Girls who want to attract love, according to tradition, painted their lips with bright lipstick or paint and kissed the man on the cheek. According to the superstition, the brighter the trace remained, the more strong love expected them next year.

It’s very easy to win the attention of your chosen one to your person on a magical New Year’s Eve - attach a photo with his image to your heart and ask while the chimes strike Fire Rooster about assistance and luck in love.

Remember that miracles happen more often than you think. A wish made during the chiming clock will definitely come true.

The energy of a huge number of people increases at this time, and happiness is in the air.

It has long been believed that the New Year is a wonderful time for the fulfillment of cherished desires; you just need to try to attract luck to your side. How can we make sure that all our plans come true, and that peace and harmony reign in the coming year?

Some customs, rituals and signs for the New Year 2017, which we have kindly collected and organized for your convenience.

Traditions of seeing off the Old Year and preparing for the New Year

  • It is believed that it is necessary to celebrate the farewell to the Old Year abundantly and in full force, so that the New Young Year will bring only happiness and good luck. From December 29 to 31, the table should be full of delicacies. Even in Rus', they prepared for the farewell of the outgoing year in the same way as for the New Year: they baked pancakes, made kutya with cream, and the table was always generous at this time. Then all next year will be rich and not stingy with the gifts of fate.
  • Even before December 31st, it is necessary to deal with all debts so that they do not haunt the whole year and do not multiply. You cannot repay debts on January 1, otherwise you risk paying off the entire year.
  • Before the New Year, you should ask for forgiveness from everyone you offended, intentionally or accidentally.
  • You need to approach the New Year celebration with a clear conscience and a clean home. You should carry out a thorough cleaning and, without hesitation, throw away everything that has been lying idle for a long time.

Signs and customs of preparing for the New Year

  • Remember well the dream you have on the night of December 31st - it will show what the whole year will be like.
  • You cannot wash dirty linen out of the house before, otherwise you will face a year deprived of domestic well-being.
  • Everyone knows that New Year is a family holiday, so you definitely need to invite your parents or visit them yourself.
  • Many years ago, it was considered a good tradition to entangle the legs of chairs with rope so that all relatives gathered at the festive table would be happy and successful, and there would be no squabbles and squabbles in the family. Neither grief nor sadness can break a married family.
  • To make you happy with new clothes all year, you need to wear a new outfit for the New Year celebration itself.
  • You should refrain from gambling on New Year's Day. Don't tempt fate.
  • You need to arrange a noisy and generous feast, then the whole year will be full and cheerful.
  • To live out of poverty, for the New Year you simply need to wear your best, take out jewelry and the most luxurious dresses. And if you want troubles to remain in the past and new adversities to pass by, throw them out the door old clothes and shoes.
  • If on New Year's Day your pockets are not empty - all a year will pass under the sign of wealth.
  • The New Year's table must include rice, wheat, fruits and nuts - these are the foods that symbolize prosperity.
  • Do you want abundance in the coming year? Then make the New Year's table rich in treats.

Magic time - chimes: customs and signs of the New Year

  • In order for all bad events, illnesses and adversities to remain in the past, before the 12 beats begin, you need to throw a scarf or shawl over your shoulders, and with the twelfth blow, quickly throw off the blanket.
  • When the clock strikes twelve, everyone, young and old, makes a wish and, as a rule, it comes true.
  • At the first strike of the clock, you need to hold a penny in the fist of your left palm and wish for wealth in the new year. The coin should be thrown into a glass of champagne and drunk. After that, you need to make a hole in the penny and wear it on a chain as a keychain.
  • One minute before the countdown of twelve beats begins, you need to take a tangerine, peel it and put it under the Christmas tree. If you remember to do this, then the whole year will be very happy.
  • The most common activity during the chiming clock is to quickly write on a piece of paper or a piece of napkin after the first strike. cherished wish, set it on fire and throw it into a glass of champagne. Before the last strike you need to drink all the champagne. If you succeed, your wish will come true.
  • Everything that happened to a person on New Year’s Eve will be repeated in different variations all year.
  • All unfavorable and favorable meetings in the afternoon before the New Year become doubly significant. It is believed that if you meet a woman, the illness will not go away all year; if it is a man, you will be healthy throughout the year.
  • If someone sneezes at the festive New Year's table, then the whole year will be happy. Another sign is that the number of times you sneeze, the number of girls there will be in the new year.
  • To attract wealth, on New Year's Eve, you need to shower all the guests sitting at the table with grain. Or you can cook porridge and put it on the table. This ritual is especially favored by the Fire Rooster.
  • To get clean beautiful face, you need to wash your face on New Year’s Eve exclusively with water in which you put gold, silver or copper.
  • If a girl accidentally cuts or pricks her finger on New Year’s Day, she will definitely get married this year.
  • On New Year's Day, you need to be attentive to all sorts of events happening around you: a quarrel or a peaceful state, a lack or an excess, etc. indicate future events. “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it,” says the main page worldly wisdom New Year.
  • If you celebrate New Year near the fireplace, then you need to make sure that the fire does not go out all night. It is considered a good custom to bring a coal with you and throw it into the fireplace.
  • On New Year's Day, you cannot lend anything related to fire (lighters, matches, etc.) to strangers.
  • How more people If you manage to congratulate them on the New Year and wish them happiness, the more happiness you will have in the coming year.

Fortune telling for the New Year

  • On New Year's Day, you need to listen to the sounds outside the window: the barking of a dog will herald a new friend or groom; the meowing of a cat will attract a new neighbor; the ringing of church bells foreshadows major events in the family; bird voices mean good news or a bride if there is an unmarried guy in the family.
  • In the old days, wax was poured into the New Year cold water and from the frozen figure they guessed the future. They also judged the future by eavesdropping on other people's conversations and trying to decipher and apply fragments of phrases to their lives.
  • You need to freeze water in a spoon and the next morning, January 1, you can judge the future from the frozen ice: if pits appear - to illness or even death, if bubbles - to longevity.
  • During the festive feast, you need to look at your shadow, which is cast by the dancing candle flame: if there are heads, everything is good, if there are no heads, things are bad.
  • The favorite New Year's fortune telling for girls in Rus' is to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation outside the door. If she hears “go,” it means she will get married in the coming year, but if she hears “sit,” she won’t see her husband for the whole year.

On New Year's Day, even skeptics tend to believe superstitions. Many signs have been collected over centuries and have been time-tested. Find out how to appease the symbol of 2017 and attract capricious luck.

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. In order for the coming year to be successful, our ancestors carefully prepared for its meeting. The most famous sign, perhaps, is the saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Therefore, watch your actions and attract good luck with the help of simple rituals.

New Year's signs

The most seemingly ordinary broom can be useful not only for cleaning. Buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it at the entrance with the fluffy side up. A bright headband will attract the owner of the year - the Red Rooster, and financial well-being awaits you.

A large paper bill placed in your pocket before the New Year is a guarantee of prosperity and luck. Try not to change it for a month. For greater effect, spell the bill for monetary well-being and carry it in your wallet as a talisman.

A coin held in the hand during the chiming clock is also a guarantee of material wealth. It is believed that the lower its value, the more profit awaits you next year.

A guarantee of abundance is food on the festive table. The sign says that nothing cooked should be thrown away, because along with the thrown away food, the energy of well-being leaves the house. Invite your friends over and try to eat everything left after the holiday.

The choice of food on the table is also important. Superstitions suggest that plant foods will respect the Rooster. A beautiful painted saucer with grain and fish, as well as fresh water in a beautiful jug will not leave a fastidious bird indifferent and will attract good luck.

If you sneeze on New Year's Eve after dusk, then the year will be positive for you and will bring many unexpected pleasant surprises.

When going on a visit to celebrate the New Year, watch your step. If you stumble over the threshold with your left foot, a joyful year awaits you; if you stumble with your right foot, difficulties await you. Step your right foot three times and say: "Left, left, left". Then stomp your left foot.

Remember that miracles happen more often than you think. A wish made during the chiming clock will definitely come true. The energy of a huge number of people increases at this time, and happiness is in the air. Happy holidays to you, and don’t forget to click on the buttons and

05.12.2016 01:10

The night from July 6 to 7 is popularly called Bathing Night. It is on this night, according to an old Russian legend, that the fern blooms. ...

They say that there are signs that will tell you exactly what awaits you. Particularly important folk signs on the threshold of the change of years. Look at what interesting signs we have collected for the new year 2017 to laugh or think together... What if exactly what you read today will affect your destiny? There will be many, it is especially important to remember those that have been accumulated for centuries - they always come true.

In the New Year's bustle, even in the house, it is not an accident to stumble over the threshold. Which foot hit him? If the left one, oh, what a pity - it means failure, and the right one - everything will be just great! To bad omen reset, spin around yourself three times in place, be sure to only counterclockwise. Be careful, otherwise you will fall in the chaos!

You are all decorating the Christmas tree together, children and parents have gathered. And then it fell out of my hands Christmas tree decoration- so this is for profit! The more fragments, the greater the profit; if it completely crumbles into pieces, it means there will be a lot of small income, large pieces will lead to big profit. Don't forget to make a wish when you throw away the pieces. It will definitely come true!

New broom

This is one of the signs for New Year's Eve 2017: buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it in a corner with the handle down - next year you will live in abundance. A broom will still be useful to you, and a red ribbon on it, moreover, in the year of the Fire Rooster - to financial profit. You can also purchase a decorative broom made of herbs, but keep in mind that the ribbon should still be red.

It is better not to lend money and be sure to pay off your debts. There is no way to pay off all your debts - just borrow for exactly one day, return it to your lender with a request to delay the repayment, and luck will definitely smile on you! And yet, on New Year's Eve you shouldn't bother with money and debts; pay for everything - it will be better.


During the New Year 2017 there is a sign: go outside, look around to see if there are three or even more cats nearby. It’s a pity if on this very night all the cats in your area decided to go for a walk, this promises you trouble, you will be the culprit all year because of your sharp tongue. So, maybe you shouldn’t go out looking for cats? Let them sit quietly at home in the warmth with a full bowl of goodies.

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Be sure to put a large bill in one of your pockets and try not to change it during the year. This is the irredeemable bill that brings good luck and financial well-being. Try to keep it with you all the time - good omens always come true.


When celebrating the New Year 2017, there are also actions for good luck: prepare a coin in advance, preferably “yellow” in color, and while the chimes are striking, squeeze it tightly in your fist. The year will be financial and profitable. And one more nuance to this sign: the smaller the money in your hands, the larger the profit will be next year.

Do you want your chosen one to be with you all year, do you dream of keeping him close to you? If you put a photo of your chosen one in your pocket closer to your heart, you will firmly attract his attention.

Food on the New Year's table

You should definitely add this one to the New Year's signs for 2017: food with New Year's table cannot be thrown away. As the signs say, in this way you will throw happiness out of your home. There’s still a lot of food, all the refrigerators are filled to capacity, just pack everything tightly, new year holidays last a long time, you will have time to eat everything, and your pets will also help you.

If you want to spend the whole next year in joy, then arrange a real celebration. So that music would sound, so that the house would be decorated both inside and outside, so that there would be an abundance of food on the table - at least twelve different dishes. They say how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Let joy always reign in your home, let it be a full cup!

Funny prediction: if you sneeze on December 31st, then the year will be happy for you, you will be lucky in everything.

A long time ago it was customary to wear new suit. This is not random omen As you celebrate the New Year, so it will be in the future. A whole year in new clothes - isn't that wonderful?

There were a lot of guests around the table, a full bar of booze, and an abundance of snacks in the kitchen. Pay attention to this sign: whoever pours the last drops of the drink from the bottle will have good luck all year. And since a lot of bottles are drunk, it’s up to you to whom to pour the remaining intoxicating potion. You can, of course, drain the last drops only for yourself, but if you share with a family member or friend, that’s even better.

If guests come to you on New Year's Eve, then you will be with guests all year. If you want to spend the New Year fun and joyfully, but by nature you are still a loner, then you should go to someone’s New Year celebration, and not invite friends to your place, otherwise they will come to visit you all year.

Attention traders

Note this sign for the New Year 2017 - the goods must be given to the first buyer very cheaply, only then financial luck will smile on you all year round. It’s better to give one buyer a discount than to miss out on benefits throughout the year.

You can’t work hard on New Year’s Day because your head hurts. It is better to take a break from the celebration, because if you decide to work, you will have to work hard all year.

When celebrating the New Year of the Fire Rooster, you need to put a lot of dishes with plant foods on the table. And don’t forget about fish - the Rooster respects this food and will appreciate your desire to please him. The Rooster's patronage will be guaranteed to you for a whole year, so let your table be laden with food - the surest sign for the New Year.

An interesting New Year's omen 2017 for the year of the Rooster: if you accidentally tore a new one during the celebration and dancing beautiful dress, don't be upset. This year, a fleeting passionate romance awaits you, when love comes to your heart - how wonderful it is, even if it comes only for a year. And if your beautiful New Year's outfit gets dirty, this can also lead to monetary gain, but you won't end up with gossip.