• Don't overload. Many models are designed for everyday washing, and therefore quickly and efficiently cope with small amounts of dirty laundry. Do not place a large blanket, down jacket or blanket in the washing machine. When washing such things, they put a lot of stress on the motor and quickly damage it.
  • Keep the door open. Housewives often go to hang out laundry, closing the door washing machine. This is a big mistake! The fact is that after washing there is still a lot of moisture left in the drum, which must evaporate. Otherwise mold will appear bad smell and other undesirable phenomena. Therefore, keep the door open, and before washing, do not forget to add a special anti-scale agent along with the powder. This is especially true in regions with hard water.
  • Keep it clean. In order for a washing machine to efficiently remove dirt from clothes, it itself must be clean. After each wash, wipe the door and drum with a damp cloth to remove any traces of detergents etc. The same rule applies to the powder container. Rinse it thoroughly and remove excess moisture. Once or twice a month, you can run the machine with a small amount of vinegar, baking soda or lemon juice. They remove scale, unpleasant odors and greasy marks. If there are filters, clean them regularly.
  • Choose the right mode. Each model is capable of operating in several modes. They differ in water heating temperature and washing duration. Do not mix all things in a row, setting the general mode. Separate your laundry by fabric type and choose the appropriate cycle and detergent. This way you will not only save your things, but also your washing machine.
  • Water and powder control. If your equipment has a choice of load size, then use it in accordance with the amount of laundry. This will help reduce water consumption and perform a high-quality wash. The same applies to the amount of powder. If there is an excess of detergents, the laundry is not rinsed sufficiently, and the pipes and motor of the washing machine suffer.
  • Installation and maintenance. If you are seriously concerned about how to extend the life of your washing machine, take care of its proper placement and timely maintenance. During washing and spinning, it vibrates strongly. Incorrect installation can lead to displacement of the washing machine, program failures, and failure of individual elements. As for preventive measures, it is necessary to check the integrity of the rubber on the door, the hose for drawing water and the presence of extraneous noise. If you find any problems, contact a specialist.

You can only extend the life of your new washing machine through conscious preventative measures. To do this, you need to know about all its “weak points”. First of all, these are a heating element, a solenoid valve, a drain pump, a hatch door, electronics and a tank of the machine. Now let's talk about everything in order.

The main problem was and remains the effect of hard water on the heating element of the machine. Hard water contains insoluble mechanical substances. When it is heated, insoluble minerals are released and deposited on the heating element. The larger the layer of such sediment, the lower the thermal conductivity of the metal and, accordingly, the faster the heating element overheats and fails.

There are two methods of dealing with scale: chemical and technological. In the first case, acid-containing substances such as Antinakipin-M, etc. are used; For machines with enameled tanks, only Calgon can be used. All these means have a rather negative effect on rubber seals and the performance of the automation system.

The technological method of dealing with scale is safer and cheaper. It is enough to choose a washing mode with a temperature of up to 50°, do not wash very old clothes, install a magnetic converter or a softener filter - and the rate of scale formation will significantly decrease.

Regarding other common problems with washing machines, each of them has also already had its own solution.

To protect the solenoid valve from mechanical particles contained in water, it is enough to use a mechanical cleaning filter with replaceable cartridges. The drain pump fails when small objects get into it. Therefore, before you start washing, you must carefully check and turn out all the pockets in your clothes. The rubber seals on the hatch door suffer when laundry is loaded carelessly. To extend the service life of such parts, it is necessary to leave the hatch door open after washing to dry the tank and seals.

The biggest danger to an electronics system is power surges. Only connecting the machine to the network via a stabilizer can help here. One more common cause Strong vibration can cause mechanical breakdowns of the machine. To reduce it, the washing machine is placed exactly level on a flat and hard surface. When operating, do not overload the machine with laundry.

A tank leak can also lead to serious damage. The surface of even the most durable enameled tank can quickly collapse during operation if even one small crack appears on it.

By following these simple rules, the trouble-free operation of the machine can be extended for at least several years.

How many years does a washing machine last? Most experts say that the first breakdowns occur 5–6 years from the date of purchase (with active use). The service life of a washing machine depends on many factors. The main criterion is the build quality, which directly depends on the country of origin. If possible, buy European models.

For example, Germany provides a guarantee of up to 25 years, Italy - up to 15, Korea - 8–15, China - up to 5. The human factor is also important. Proper care can extend the life of the washing machine. Let’s look at what factors influence the lifespan of SMA and give advice on how to extend the life of your “home assistant.”

Causes of failure

Let's start with factors that do not depend on the user's influence. This:

  1. Marriage. It is impossible to insure against this. Even premium cars can go on sale with defects. It’s good that you can easily exchange such a device or get your money back. If the defect is not manufacturing, but external, in the form of scratches or abrasions, you can buy such a machine; this will not affect the operation, but serious dents can “eat up” the service life of the SMA.
  2. Natural wear of parts. Any element is not eternal and requires replacement over time. Study the specifications carefully. Inverter motors are more durable than brushed motors, and stainless steel tanks will last longer than plastic or enameled ones.
  3. Force majeure circumstances. Voltage surges also affect the duration of operation. To connect to the electrical network, it is better to use extension cords with a power of 16 A; they are more resistant to overvoltage.

Let's move on to breakdowns that may occur due to the user's fault:

  • Filter clogged. Often occurs due to foreign objects (buttons, coins, fasteners, etc.). To avoid this, check the pockets and the secure fastening of the fittings before each wash.
  • Heating element overheating. The reason for damage to the heating element is the accumulation of scale. We'll talk about it a little later.
  • Wear of functional elements. Often such damage is caused by strong vibrations. Reasons: the washer level is set incorrectly, the permissible amount of laundry is exceeded.

Preventive measures

The following rules can prevent damage to your washing machine and avoid system failures:

  • Please read the attached instructions carefully. It indicates individual care “secrets” for the model.
  • Don't jam the drum. It is also not recommended to wash light items with heavy ones in one cycle. This leads to imbalance and excessive vibrations.
  • Check the filter regularly and clean it.
  • Monitor the condition of the hoses. Replace with new ones at the first sign of damage. It is recommended to replace it every couple of years. Scale accumulates in the hoses, after a while an unpleasant odor appears, and clothes can get dirty.
  • It is necessary to periodically run an “empty” wash with disinfectants.
  • If possible, do not place the washing machine in places with high humidity.
  • At the end of the cycle, ventilate the drum compartment to prevent mold from forming. Close the door only after the internal elements are completely dry.
  • Do not exceed the detergent limit. Information about how much powder needs to be poured into the compartment is usually indicated in the instructions. Do not use products that create too much foam. They can damage the electrical module.
  • Clean the powder receptacle after finishing washing. This will get rid of traffic jams that interfere with water intake.
  • Do not place bathroom accessories on the top cover. Leave a gap between the washing machine and the furniture set (at least half a centimeter).
  • To connect to the electrical network, use sockets with grounding. If the machine does not work, disconnect it from the network and turn off the water supply valve. This is especially true during departures.
  • To avoid failures in the control system, do not make your own adjustments to the running program if special options do not allow it.
  • Do not overload the drum. Clean it from time to time with disinfectants.
  • It is better to run a new washing machine idle, without laundry and without water. In this case, you need to turn off the heating function.
  • Give the automatic machine a rest. How often can I wash it? No more than three times a week.

Anti-scale protection

Scale forms through hard water and washing at high temperatures. How to determine water hardness? If the detergent is quickly washed off from the hair and body, then the hardness level is high, since salts destroy soap molecules. If you cannot get rid of the soap film for a long time, your water is soft and does not pose a threat to the washer.

Hard water not only forms plaque, but also does not dissolve detergents well. How to soften water? A special one will help washing powder. Or you can buy a softener and attach it to the water supply pipe; you don’t need to cut anything in. The principle of its operation is based on magnetic fields that destroy salt ions. The softener is manufactured in the form of a box, up to 13 centimeters long. It can last very long for a long time. After 10 years, properties decrease by only 0.2 percent.

The magnetic softener is easy to install and remove. Does not require complex maintenance or replacement of elements. One such unit will last for 30 years. The only drawback is that it cannot be placed next to other electromagnetic devices. The distance must be at least one meter. It does not remove plaque, but only softens the water!

Before dealing with scale, you need to determine the extent of the damage. Often the heating element and the drum itself are affected. It is not recommended to remove a large layer yourself. Mechanical cleaning can damage the surface, creating irregularities that subsequently lead to new corrosion.

Too aggressive means can also compromise the integrity of the element. Allowed for use: Magic Power, Luxus Professional, Top House (German production), “Antinakipin”, “AquaShield” (domestic analogues). They also help folk remedies- citric acid, bleach, vinegar and even Coca-Cola. You can soak the heating elements in them, then remove the deposits using a rough rag or fine sandpaper. Or pour citric acid into the powder compartment (200 g is enough) and run a “idle wash”. Helps to clean the drum.

No woman can do without such an irreplaceable helper as a washing machine. But if you use it incorrectly, forget about the negative effects of hard water and low-quality detergents, then it will not serve its owner for long. This problem can be avoided if you resort to the recommendations of specialists. The life of your washing machine will be long if you care for it properly.


The washing machine needs to be cleaned very carefully. It is necessary to clean both internal and external surfaces of dirt. Special attention Care must be taken to ensure that there are no traces of detergent left in it. After all this, you need to take a cloth, moisten it in warm water and wipe the washing machine. If the dirt is strong and difficult to clean, you can use liquid detergent added to water. Also, do not forget about the part of the machine where the powder is poured.


During operation, the filter of the washing machine becomes dirty, accumulating various debris. It needs to be cleaned regularly. If this is not done, then except unpleasant odor You may even encounter a flood.

The filter occupies a corner at the front of the machine. Before you start cleaning it, you need to prepare a small container into which the water will drain. A regular bowl will do for this. Having opened the filter cover, you need to take out the hose, draining the remaining water from it. Then remove the filter and free it from dirt.

This procedure cannot be performed while the machine is running. And before you start cleaning the filter, you need to turn off the taps that supply water. If you yourself are unable to cope with such a procedure, then you can resort to the help of specialists who service and repair washing machines. They will come to your home and do everything necessary.


It needs to be given no less attention than other parts of the washing machine. They clean it not only when an unpleasant odor appears, but also for the long service life of the machine. You need to pour 100 grams of bleach into the drum and set the mode to 60 degrees.


In order to cope with this problem, there are many special tools. Their range is so wide that choosing the best will not be easy. The product must be not only effective, but also safe.

If it contains a detergent, then there is no need to choose it, since it will not give desired result. Choosing necessary remedy, not worth saving. Those that help remove scale from the kettle are not suitable here.

After the machine has stopped working, you must leave it open for ventilation.

Unpleasant smell

It appears when bacteria accumulates inside the washing machine. Most often, this situation occurs when washing is carried out at low temperatures. In the future, pathogenic bacteria can settle in clothing.

This is possible if you use cheap powders and do not use rinse aid. Before washing, you need to check the pockets of your clothes. If there are leftover food or crumbs in them, then in the future this will lead to an unpleasant odor from the drum. Bacteria love to “inhabit” paper that has bunched up into a ball. Therefore, before washing, it is the pockets that should be given attention.

The problem can be neutralized if you turn on the washing machine long time without things in mode high temperature. It is better to clean the drum using effective and high-quality products. At the end of the procedure, use a soft cloth soaked in bleach to wipe the rubber of the drum.

Tablets that are used to clean dishwashers give very good results. They can also be used when tidying up the washing unit.

Home Remedies

To deal with mold, you can wipe the inside and outside of the machine with a soda solution (1:1) every 10 days.

In order for the service life to be longer, you can use citric acid. A glass of it is poured into the washing tray and the boiling mode is turned on. All this will be followed by a reaction that will remove all the scale. This procedure should be carried out infrequently: once every two months.

10 min.

Many people, when buying a washing machine, hope for its long, efficient service. Some people are lucky and do not have any problems, while others experience frequent breakdowns after just a few months of use. If you have a question about how many years an automatic machine lasts, we will try to answer it. The manufacturer does not provide a warranty of more than three years. Experts convince us that the washing machine breaks down after approximately five years of service. Very difficult to determine exact date washing machine service, since there are many factors that affect the performance of the equipment.

Difference in service life

If shortly after purchase you encounter a breakdown of the SMA, most likely the reason is faulty - poor-quality equipment. This is not affected in any way by proper operation or price, because defects are possible even with an expensive model.

The cause of the first malfunctions in the operation of the machine after five years of service may be natural wear and tear of parts. This is especially true when frequent use cars.

But it happens that someone’s washing machine does not break down even after 15 years of service! Why? This is influenced by several factors: high quality, infrequent use, careful operation, constant prevention. If you don't know how often you can machine wash it to prolong its life, we'll give you the answer. It all depends on how much washing you need. If you have to wash daily or even several times a day, you should take a break between washes. Of course, it is best to wash it several times a week to ensure that the washer lasts a long time.

The most common breakdowns in washing machines

Sometimes a breakdown of an automatic washing machine can be repaired, which is more advisable than buying a new washing machine. It is more profitable for the technician to replace the part so that you can use the machine again. All models of cars are united by common breakdowns and malfunctions. We'll look at them next.

The formation of scale in washing machines that use water temperatures above 70 degrees very often leads to damage to the heating element. Reliable protecting your washing machine from scale – frequent maintenance, cleaning citric acid, vinegar, soda or by special means. Using any means, turn the machine on to “idle” mode.

As for the question of whether it is possible to turn on the washing machine without laundry, the answer is yes: when cleaning, you just need to run the empty machine so that the pieces of scale break up into small particles.

Important! Under no circumstances try to remove scale using sandpaper or a file! If the heating element is covered with three layers of scale, call a professional.

It is recommended to check the condition of the hose at least once a year. If you notice that it is damaged, the hose must be replaced. Continuing to use the hose will cause it to burst.

Clogged filter

The washing machine filter is not the last place in washing machine. Its main function is to retain small objects that fall into the drum along with things: buttons, coins, matches, etc. During prolonged operation, a clogged filter will block the drain hole. It is better if the owner cleans the filter once a month by rinsing it under running water.

Very often, bra bones get into the holes of the drum, which leads to a grinding noise inside the bra. To avoid consequences, you need to stop the washing program, drain the water and turn off the machine. If any small parts get into the washer tank, it will cause serious damage. Repairing a tank requires a large investment.

If you find problems with your washer, contact an experienced mechanic. Do not try to fix the problem yourself. The sooner you diagnose your automatic machine, the faster the breakdown will be fixed.

Constant prevention and proper care will help extend the service life. What can you do to prevent your washing machine from breaking down several years after purchase?

Have you ever wondered how to increase the service life of your washing machine? There are many ways to do this, which we will consider below:

  1. Washing things in a machine only when using special detergents. If you notice that the powder foams a lot, then it is a fake. There is no need to use such powders, because they can damage the control board.
  2. Use 16A extension cords to avoid burnt out electrical wires.

  1. If the question arises - how much powder should be poured into the washing machine, it should be calculated using the following formula: 50 g of powder per 1 kg of dry laundry. If your washing machine has a capacity of 5 kg, then when loading 3 kg of clothes into the tray you should pour 150 g of powder, not 500 g.
  2. Do not overload the washer with laundry when washing, as things are washed poorly. In addition, failure at maximum power is also possible.
  3. If you have activated one washing program, don't reinstall her to the other. This will lead to a failure of the automation, and in the future it will result in serious damage.
  4. Use a grounded outlet. When going somewhere for a long time, unplug the cord and disconnect it from the pipeline.
  5. Don't put it on the machine any items. The distance between the washing machine and the furniture around it must be at least 5 mm.
  6. As for whether it is possible to turn on the washing machine without water, you simply will not be able to do it. Why? Without water supply, the heating element will not turn on.
  7. Don't know how to soften the water in your washing machine? It's very simple use soda ash together with powder in a 1:1 ratio.
  • For a long service life of the washer and efficient washing, do not leave the door open for a long time, otherwise everything inside will dry out.
  • Do not allow large accumulations of detergents on the tray. Regular cleaning is recommended.
  • Descale your machine at least once a year.
  • When turning on the automatic machine, use its instructions.