We are glad to see you, dear readers, on our blog. Hurry up and join the conversation! Today he will talk about how to choose a mink coat. Some people prefer to prepare a fur coat, like a sleigh, in the summer, taking advantage of seasonal discounts. Others put it off until the last minute and rush to the store when they already want to warm up. So this question is relevant at any time of the year. Read the article to the end, and we will reveal all the secrets of a successful purchase!

Buying a fur coat is not an easy task. How to provide for everything here? It’s clear that we don’t buy winter clothes every day for lunch or dinner, so we expect to wear them for at least several seasons. Moreover, winter days, when you can walk a mink coat without damage, you can count them on your fingers.

A little theory

Americans were the first to commercially breed mink. At world auctions, North American mink skins are distinguished by a thick, long undercoat, which makes them visually lush and velvety. The Americans soon surpassed the Scandinavians in the number of skins purchased in the 1950s. Their product had a thick undercoat, the length of which highlighted the guard hair. Due to this combination, the fur shimmered beautifully. Russian minks were recognized as the most beautiful in the world. The silver-blue color of the skins made the hearts of fashionistas tremble.

Now a high-quality fur coat is included in the basic women's wardrobe, more about which you can read in. Did you know that mink comes in about 350 shades? An inexperienced buyer in a store will have his eyes wide open! Let's briefly go through the main groups:

  • from black gloss to chocolate brown matte finish. This includes brown, the most common and therefore cheapest;
  • pastel shade options. Light brown, coffee with milk, beige, milk chocolate are an excellent choice, especially since each shade is decorated with long pile, which provides a noble shimmer;
  • rare light brown mink with blue undercoat and blue silver of various saturations. The lightest in this group is “violet”;
  • The shade “Aleutian Steel” is distinguished by a rich gray undercoat with a tint of the same tone. "Lavender" - undercoat beige tone with lilac pile - extremely beautiful.

Once we have become experts in theory, we can safely move on to “ practical exercises» by choosing a fur coat:

Algorithm of actions in the store

The first rule of any purchase, and even more so for purchasing a long-awaited new thing, is to choose the right seller. Don't want to be deceived? Never buy anything from dubious places. We follow the rule: we avoid passages, advertisements, markets, tents, from acquaintances, strangers and other strange retail outlets. The amount required to purchase a fur coat is large enough to give it away for a low-quality product.

Only specialized stores, large centers, trusted online stores! Let's go in and don't give in to the persuasion of the sales consultants. As a rule, their task is to “sell” stale goods, a style that is not fashionable in 2018. We pass rows with short-lived rabbit, old-fashioned raccoon, and sable. Here they are, our minks! The most durable fur. In addition, it is least susceptible to weather vagaries. There is a sober choice, an accurate calculation ahead. Listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. Compare the appearance. A shiny, iridescent mink indicates good quality of the skin. But if the surface looks greasy, with stuck together pile, the renewal should remain on the store hanger;
  2. Smell the product. Unpleasant smell rancid fat, harsh, chemical - a reason to refuse this option.
  3. Swipe through the pile several times in different directions. If you see loose lint, it is better to discard the fur coat.
  4. Iron again against the grain. High-quality pile is obedient, lively, it immediately takes its original position.
  5. Let's move on to the internal inspection. The fewer seams, the longer the mink will last. A product made from pieces will only last two or three seasons. But remember that minks are naturally small animals. If you are offered a mink coat, the fragments of which are more than 70 cm in length, you should think about the authenticity of the model.
  6. If there is a lining, ask the store clerk to rip off the edge. He must do this, because the quality of the flesh speaks volumes. Smooth, light, no cracks wrong side skins indicate high quality.

More details in the video:

The most important thing: fitting

Without this ritual, there is no joy in acquiring a long-awaited item. No matter how beautiful the fur coat looks on the hanger, be sure to take the proper time to try it on. Ideally, walk around the salon in it for 5-7 minutes. At the slightest feeling of inconvenience, heaviness, or the desire to quickly throw it off our shoulders, we refuse this specimen without regret.

Raise your hands, lower them, try to sit down, bend over, move around. A narrow or short-length furrier's product looks cheap even in the photo, as they say, as if it came from someone else's shoulder. Remember how to distinguish quality item from fake? Don't you feel any discomfort? Have you chosen a good fur coat? Then we go to the cashier.

Wait for the purchase receipt and be sure to save the document. Trying it on in a store is one thing, but taking it to your home is another. Spin in front of your mirror, try on a fur coat with dresses and handbags. A fur product is not a down jacket, which has many combinations. By the way, you can read in detail about the topic of what to wear a down jacket with in the article. And remember that within 14 days you have the legal right to return the goods.

How to wear and care for a fur coat

Having brought a new thing home, determine a place for it in the wardrobe: away from radiators, without direct access to sunlight and, of course, without moths. It is optimal if the fur coat is stored in a special breathable cover. It’s one thing when you go for a walk in the winter sun, and another thing when the sun shines on one side of it all day long.

  • cannot be wetted, washed, ironed;
  • cannot be dried at high temperatures;
  • When getting into a car, try to raise the long floors and turn off the seat heating;
  • Avoid wearing your handbag on your shoulder; the strap will rub off the fur.

For more tips on caring for your fur coat, watch the video:

Well, it seems that we have discussed everything about how to choose a mink coat. If you have any questions, ask them through the comments. Share your new knowledge with your friends and colleagues by giving them a link to our article. See you soon, girls! Happy shopping!

Every representative of the fair sex always wants to look beautiful, elegant and luxurious. And this can be achieved with the help of fashionable and exclusive clothing. However, winter is that time of year when, under a thick layer of coat or jacket, it is not always possible to show yourself in all your glory. In this case, all that remains is to resort to choosing aesthetically beautiful outerwear. With sufficient financial solvency, the question arises: “How to choose a fur coat?”

A fur coat is a fur product that every woman dreams of. In winter, it will warm you much better than a down jacket or coat, it is not afraid of moisture, and fur is one of the popular decorative elements in the form of trim on jackets, vests and bags. The better the quality of the fur coat, the better it will retain heat in winter frosts and keep you warm. Therefore, it is very important to choose a product from natural fur. However, when you go searching, you can easily come across a fake that will cost no less than the original. It is important to know how to choose the right fur coat in order not to be deceived, let's consider the main criteria for choosing a fur coat.

When choosing a new fur coat, you should first consider the natural climate that prevails in your area. It is this factor that determines how long the new product will serve you. Special attention It is worth paying attention to such parameters as air humidity, amount of precipitation and its nature (snow and rain or just snow), the lowest temperature in winter. You also need to decide in advance why exactly you want to purchase one. outerwear- for protection from hot frosts or to emphasize your status.

Below we have tried to present in as much detail as possible possible options furs for fur coats, which are best suited for residents of certain regions of our country. The material of the product may be different:

  • mink coat;
  • mouton fur coat;
  • from fox;
  • from astrakhan;
  • from raccoon;
  • rabbit fur coat;
  • from sable;
  • marten fur coat, etc.

If you live in Siberia, the Urals or the Far East, then an ideal option for you would be a fur coat made from an arctic fox, a mouton, a fur coat made from sable or a fox. It is these animals that live in climatic conditions similar to your region, and their skin has the highest heat resistance. It is recommended to select exclusively “winter” fur; it usually has a thick and dense down. Such a fur coat is not cheap, but it pays off due to its long wear life, which is up to 10 years.

If you live in a region where a more humid climate prevails, you should prefer a fur coat made from beaver, chinchilla or nutria. Their skin is also not afraid of cold weather, but is more resistant to high humidity and is very wear-resistant. On average, beaver and nutria fur coats are worn for at least 15 years.

If you are a resident of a region with a milder and warmer climate, you can choose a rabbit fur coat. Options such as marmot and ermine fur are also great options. Such a product will not be able to save you from frost, but its cost is significantly lower than the cost of previous options.

Characteristics of types of fur

Let's look at each type of fur and its features.

Astrakhan fur coat

A product made from such fur will have a high wool density medium length with a pronounced pattern. Usually the fur coats are black, but they can also be gray, white, or with a golden tint.

From the fox

The coat is long and thick, and the color can shimmer and have different shades. Maybe red gray different shades, interspersed with white and black.

From rabbit

Choosing a rabbit fur coat is the most budget option. The fur is short in length and soft to the touch. The colors are varied - black, brown, gray, white.

Mouton fur coat

Mouton fur coats are processed and dyed, and the fur is cut so that it is the same length. The fur is soft and shiny.

Sable fur coat

Choosing a sable fur coat means purchasing one of the elite options. Sable fur is thick, soft and pleasant to the touch. The pile is long - about four centimeters. The color can range from sandy yellow to dark brown.

From beaver and nutria

Both nutria and beaver have heavy, dense fur, the color is different gradations of brown. A fur coat made from nutria is cheaper than one made from beaver, but beaver fur is denser and fluffier, so if you decide to choose a fur coat made from river beaver, keep this in mind.

From the raccoon

The pile of such a fur coat is long and soft. Colors may vary, but fur with less yellow is more prized.

Mink coat and its features

This option, such as a mink coat, is the most popular. Many women prefer this type of fur because of its versatility. Firstly, mink fur has average heat resistance and wear resistance, secondly, a mink coat can last quite a long time - up to 10 seasons, and thirdly, the cost of this fur coat is low.

The fur of a male mink is much warmer than that of a female because it has a thick, dense undercoat that keeps the cold out. However, the second option may also turn out to be warm, it all depends on the model of the fur coat and the type of fur treatment. For example, on sale now you can see a mink coat with fur in the same form as it was originally, and there are plucked and shorn models.

To obtain a plucked mink, the longest hairs are pulled out, giving the fur a plush appearance. A plucked mink coat will be less warm, but the sheared model has even less heat-resistant properties, since the fur processing technology involves cutting not only long hairs, but also short pile. By the way, the latter processing method is often used when there are defects on the product, so when choosing a fur coat, take this into account.

Dyed fur: for or against?

A product such as a fur coat can be diversified not only due to the style, unusual tailoring or cutting technology, but also by dyeing the fur. In this way, you can get a fur coat, the fur of which will have a bright and lively color, even unnatural shades and fashionable prints. Typically, a dyed fur coat does not lose its basic properties of heat resistance and moisture resistance; it all depends on the quality of the technology used.

Some manufacturers may use the dyeing method in cases where it is necessary to hide small fur defects, after which the fur coat is put up for sale at a significantly higher price than what was originally set. In the same way, they can pass off cheap fur as expensive. Coloring the fur of wild nutria is generally a mandatory process, since the natural color is not so attractive.

There is a risk of purchasing a dyed fur coat, which will shed at the slightest exposure to moisture, which is also unpleasant. In order not to fall for the tricks of cunning resellers who want to make money from inexperienced buyers, you should take a white handkerchief with you. When you are directly in the store, go up to the product and tightly squeeze the fur with a handkerchief. If after this the paint, even in small quantities, remains on the white fabric, then the fur coat was subjected to poor-quality dyeing.

What fur coats are popular now?

As statistics show, mink is still very popular, but sable fur coats are considered the most elite, which not everyone can afford. Of course, you can choose a fur coat from cheaper fur, for example, beaver or rabbit fur, the most important thing is not even this, but that your new fur coat is in fashion. What are the fashion trends in fur products dominate now?

To the delight of all representatives of the fair sex, various styles of fur coats remain in fashion. These can be long fur coats with a fitted silhouette or short models loose fit - there is a choice for every taste. But if you often use transport, then it is not recommended to buy a fur coat that is below the calves, otherwise the fur on the hem will quickly lose its original appearance.

Main fashionable direction Today there is a technology for processing fur as a “wild skin”. Fur coats processed using this technique look as if they have just been plucked from animals. Uneven, seemingly torn edges of sleeves, hem and collars are a new highlight that has reached the peak of popularity. However, this trend is, of course, not for everyone.

Another trend this year is a fur coat, sewn from different pieces of mink skin, the fur of which differs in color, for example, a combination of beige-brown and green-gray fur is used in the product. Those representatives who like to stand out from the crowd should pay attention to fur coats painted in the brightest and most unusual colors, for example, pink, yellow, blue or bright red.

Determining the quality of a fur coat

Before you go shopping, you need to make sure that you know exactly how to check a fur coat for quality. Please note the following rules:

    First of all, you need to check the fur. It should be uniform, thick and shiny, there should be no bald spots. Run your hand over the fur against its direction, if after this the hairs smoothly fall into place, then the fur is of high quality.

    Squeeze a small fluff of fur in your hand and try to pull out the hairs; if they do not stretch out, this is a good sign, but if they remain on your hands even with the slightest stroking, the product is of poor quality and it is better not to buy it.

    Shake in your hands any part of the fur coat, for example, the hem. If the product is of high quality, it will quickly straighten and take on its original shape, and the fibers will not form icicles, but if the fur coat is of poor quality, the area will remain wrinkled and the fur untidy.

    Carefully inspect the joints of the skins on the product. If you do not find threads or stitching, this indicates that the parts are simply glued together, and such a fur coat will not last you long. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the back side of the skins; there should be no yellowness, creases or cracks. A good quality fur coat usually has a white back.

    The lining of the product must have branded labels of the same design, and there must also be a tag that contains information on how to care for the product.

    The more whole pieces of skin, the better. This fur coat will keep you warm in winter. If the product is made from many small skins, its cost and heat resistance will be reduced by an order of magnitude. Remember that solid skin is considered to be material measuring at least 15x15 cm.

Having looked at the fur coat suitable model, you shouldn’t rush to buy it, even if you thought it was of very high quality. First you need to ask the seller to show you a certificate of compliance of the product with established standards. This document is very important, because it confirms that the fur coat was made in accordance with all the rules and is safe. It is unlikely that you will be provided with such a certificate at the market, which may indicate that the fur coat is fake and of poor quality.

How to care for a fur coat?

If you still choose a successful option, you need to make sure that the product serves you for as long as possible. You need to know how to properly care for such a thing. It is recommended to hang your fur coat on hangers that suit your size, and it is advisable that they have more wide margins. Ideally, a fur coat should be in a case and stored in a closed closet away from heating appliances. If you choose a dyed fur coat, it is not recommended to hang it next to light-colored items to prevent them from staining.

It is not recommended to clean fur yourself at home; it is better to contact a dry cleaning specialist. If your fur coat gets a little wet under the snow, it can be easily dried. To do this, you must first shake the product thoroughly, then spread it out in an even layer on any horizontal plane (for example, on the floor). The fur coat should be left to dry at room temperature; under no circumstances should the product be placed next to a radiator or any other heating device. After the fur coat has completely dried, the fur should be combed with a brush in the direction of the pile.

Considering the high cost, you need to know how to choose the right fur coat. Follow the tips above and take your time making your purchasing decision.

In a country where negative temperatures persist for almost six months, a fur coat should be a mandatory outerwear. But how not to make a mistake when buying? After all, in addition to one’s own taste and fashion trends, you need to take into account many nuances: how to choose fur, which fur is the warmest and highest quality, which fur coat is worn for many years, and not for a couple of seasons. We tried to cover all the details.

Step 1: Set a Budget

Photo: Beretta/Sims/REX/Shutterstock

A fairly obvious but important step that you must take before purchasing a fur coat is to decide on the budget for your future purchase. It will determine which store you go to, and what fur, model and brand you can afford. Even the color affects the price. For example, the most affordable mink option will be light brown, and the most expensive will be the so-called “black diamond,” that is, blue-black fur. You should not assume that the cost of a fur coat is directly proportional to its warmth: to a greater extent, the price affects the service life of the fur coat and its appearance.

Step 2: Choose your fur type

The type of fur you need should be determined based on the climate. After all, mink, rabbit and sable have completely different thermal properties. Let's look at them in a little more detail using the example of several options.

The ability of fur to retain heat depends on its length, thickness and elasticity. In terms of these qualities, deer and bear furs are the leaders, but you are unlikely to find outerwear made from these materials in stores (and you are unlikely to like them - they are too heavy). But the fur of the Arctic fox and everyone aesthetic requirements corresponds, and will not allow you to freeze even in the most severe frosts, although the price for it is quite high. Fur coats made from fox or mouton will be much more budget-friendly: they are not far behind the arctic fox in their ability to retain heat, so feel free to choose fur coats made from this material if you live in cold regions.

A classic solution that never goes out of fashion is elegant mink or sable fur coats. Stylish coat You can purchase a fitted silhouette with an English collar in a fur salon. The model is made of high-quality auction mink in natural black color. The collar and bottom of the sleeves are trimmed with the most delicate Barguzin sable of natural color. The product is made of whole mink skins, the bottom of the fur coat is flared in the form of a flounce. A stylish feminine fur coat made in a romantic style.

with English sable collar, price: from 484,000 rub.

A fur coat made of sable and mink looks impressive, but don’t count on them for long walks at -30 ºC, although for moderate cold winter this fur will be quite enough. Then on the list are the rabbit, squirrel, astrakhan fur and marmot - they are approximately the same in terms of heat capacity and are suitable only for mild winter. Marmot and ermine are considered the least warm types of fur.

Among other things, the warmth of a fur coat depends on the density of the fur, and therefore on its weight. Unfortunately, the weightless new thing is unlikely to be warm, because to sew it, the fur was stretched and made less dense.

Step 3. Decide on model and style

Girls with an hourglass figure can once again thank Mother Nature, because they don’t have to worry about which fur coat to choose. They just need to decide which fur coat they like. You can afford almost any length and silhouette; you should only avoid very voluminous models that end at the middle of the thigh. This is the most dangerous place: when a horizontal line appears at its level, the figure appears wider.

Luxurious straight-cut fur coat in beige color we found it for you in the online store . This model is made of astragan and mink fur. Products made from astragan are famous for their lightness and elegance, they are convenient and practical.

Women's, fur: astragan, mink trim, price: from 48,500 rub.

The main task of girls with an apple body type or those with a boyish figure is to create a waist with the help of clothes. Therefore, choose fur coats with fitted silhouettes or fur coats that need to be tied with a belt - this way you will create a more feminine silhouette. Models with additional volume along the collar and hem will also suit you.

Girls with a sporty figure, whose most vulnerable spot is broad shoulders, should avoid models with voluminous sleeves. The emphasis should be on the lower part of the fur coat: expanded downward or complemented by a flounce and a fluffier edge. You can also take a closer look at full-length models or fur coats made from a combination of fluffier and trimmed fur.

Those with wide hips and narrow shoulders should first of all pay attention to fur coats with a high waistline, models with a V-neck or options with voluminous sleeves. Your task is to focus on the upper torso. A voluminous collar is perfect for these purposes.

For girls with narrow shoulders, we recommend trying on a beaver fur coat with a voluminous hood from. This stylish model made in Greece. The introduction of the world's best technologies, modern equipment and cooperation with Italian designers have brought the ELENA FURS company among the leaders of the Russian fur industry.

made of beaver fur, finishing: lynx, price: from 162,400 rub.

Plus size girls first of all need to choose not correct model, but the right fur. In your case, it should not be too long and fluffy. In addition, in the case of fur coats, the rule is that light shades They add extra volume, so give preference to dark options. As for the silhouette, medium-length fur coats will suit you. Ideally, they should be slightly fitted or straight.

Step 4. Try on as many models as possible

You're almost there. Now you can go shopping for your desired purchase. Here main advice is this: don’t buy the first model you like. A fur coat is as important a thing as wedding dress. Only you will wear it more than once, but will regularly wear it for 7-10 seasons, so you should feel that this is “your” fur coat. To do this, you will have to go around more than one store and try on more than a dozen models - be prepared for this.

Step 5. Assess the quality of the fur

Even when you come across a fur coat that you are ready to take home, don’t rush. Now it is important to understand how high-quality the product is in your hands. By the way, with these very hands you will have to carry out a thorough check! Run your palm against the fur - the fibers should not fall out or break, the undercoat should be elastic, smooth and uniform. Tug on the fibers - the fur coat should not shed. Carefully inspect the seams of the product - they should be thin, neat and almost invisible. Pay attention to the color of the flesh: if the fur is undyed, then it should remain light. Finally, only buy a fur coat with a manufacturer's warranty.

Girls' best friends are not only diamonds, but also luxurious fur coats that haunt both residents of snowy and frosty latitudes and sun-warmed paradises of our wonderful planet. Every self-respecting dreamer of something expensive, fluffy and warm must know how to choose the right fur coat so that it becomes more than just reliable protection from severe frosts, but a real decoration. A fur coat is more than warm clothing. It is rather a symbol of status, well-being, and, in general, the wealth of a woman and the presence in her close circle of a generous and loving “patron,” or at least a generous and gentle one, which is also not bad, although with love it is, of course, more sincere and warmer. A fur coat is a unique thing, because, like jewelry, it is purchased mainly not with one’s own money, but with “sponsor money”, but the choice is always up to the lady.

What you need to know before buying

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How to choose the right fur coat for your loved one

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Clothing market or store

Buying a fur coat at a clothing market is equivalent to buying a pig in a poke. Are you satisfied with a fur coat made from a cat? Then everything is fine 🙂 In general, such serious and expensive purchases should only be made in a specialized store, boutique or salon selling fur and leather, which has been operating under the name of a well-known brand for several years.

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Choosing a fur coat model

First of all, decide for what purpose you are purchasing a fur coat. The choice of model will depend on your answer. If you have to spend a lot of time outdoors, it is better to choose a long fur coat with a dense thick fur. If you drive a car and it is your main means of transportation, the ideal option is a short fur coat or fur jacket with comfortable sleeves that do not restrict movement. An all-in-one solution for slushy days and daily driving in public transport- short fur coat. In this case, you will have to forget about light fur and too long a hem. If you can’t afford to update your fur stock every season, give preference to classic products made from high-quality raw materials that successfully migrate from season to season without losing their relevance and presentability. appearance. Ultra-modern models with piquant newfangled features may lose all their piquancy and popularity by next year, and you will simply be left out of business with an expensive thing that does not bring any pleasure.

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Determining the quality of fur

I really want it to be beautiful, warm, and not very expensive! How to find the golden mean? The value of fur is determined by the density of the pile, its height, softness and shine. High-quality fur is distinguished by its rich color, elasticity, silkiness, dazzling shine and the absence of an unpleasant “greasy” feeling when touched.

Based on weight, furs are usually divided into heavy ones - raccoon dog, wolf, otter, sable, arctic fox, beaver, astrakhan fur; moderate - rabbit, mink, nutria, squirrel, muskrat, ferret; and very light ones - gopher, hamster, hare. The weight of the product also depends on the finishing of the skin - the better the finishing, the lighter it is. However, a fur coat that is too light should also alert you. The fact is that furriers, in pursuit of saving fur, often stretch the skin more than necessary - the thickness of the skin and weight decrease, and the distance between the hairs increases, and you get a cold fur coat with thin fur.

For harsh frosty winters, a fur coat made from arctic fox, muton, sable, wolf or fox is best suited. The fur of marmot, goat, sheared rabbit and ermine does not warm well. And if you choose a gopher or a hamster, you risk getting stung. These cute little animals will only warm your soul, and even then only in their live form. Although lightweight for a metropolis in the middle zone winter option may turn out to be quite reasonable. If winter in your region is not particularly severe, there are frequent thaws, cold drizzle or wet snow, it is more advisable to rely on waterproof furs, for example, beaver or otter.

The service life of the product directly depends on the wear resistance of the fur. Otter fur will last the longest – up to 20 seasons! River beaver - 18 winters, fur seal - 17, mink - 10, astrakhan fur, marten and blue fox - 7, nutria and fox - 5, marmot and squirrel - 4, rabbit - 2, hare - just one winter.

Never rush into a purchase. Look at everything carefully, touch, smell, pull, pinch, try on... A high-quality product will withstand all your executions without any problems. Having laid out the fur coat on the counter, take a close look at the fur - it should be thick, shiny, with a solid undercoat and without bald spots. Be sure to check the fur for stability. To do this, simply stroke the fur coat you like against the grain. If you notice that the guard hair breaks during this manipulation, and fluff remains on the palm of your hand, it means that in a couple of seasons your fur coat will become quite bald. A quality product will not be “offended” even if you try to pinch off a piece of fur from it - it will remain in its proper place and will not end up in your hands.

If you like a fashionable dyed fur coat, an ordinary white handkerchief can be used to test the fastness of the dye by running it over the pile. If the handkerchief remains clean, you can be sure that the fur coat will not “float” in the rain.

It wouldn't hurt to smell the fur! Yes, choosing a fur coat is not an easy task; you will have to involve all your senses. Who told you it would be easy? Sniff! An unpleasant, pungent odor should alert you - the skin was most likely processed in an artisanal way.

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The wrong side - looking at the root!

Famous brands Those who produce fur products usually do not stitch the lining at the bottom. This is a very good indicator, indicating that the manufacturer has nothing to hide and is confident in the quality of its product. If you like the fur coat, but the lining is sewn on, you have every right to ask the seller to trim it a little in order to inspect the product in detail. In case of refusal, remember the pig in a poke and don’t be stupid - the matter is clearly rubbish.

It is the inside of the fur coat that will allow you to check the quality of the skins, seams and plate sizes. The flesh should be elastic and soft to the touch. If the flesh rustles and crunches when compressed, the fur is overdried and the fur coat will be short-lived. For unpainted products, the back side of the skin should remain white. Yellow mezdra indicates old stale fur. The seams should be stitched neatly and thinly, almost without being felt. A high-quality expensive fur coat should be made from whole skins. If we are talking about mink, beloved by many ladies, the size of the pieces should be 15x15. Using “half-plates” is not so bad, but a product made from very small pieces may begin to come apart at the seams after a couple of seasons. By the way, it’s worth making sure whether the fur coat is sewn or glued. And this is possible. A glued fur coat is very likely to come unstuck under the first snowfall.

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Brand marking

A high-quality fur product must have branded tags that inform the buyer about the manufacturer and how to care for the fur coat. Moreover, the labels should be in several places at once. Vigilant buyers are often helped to identify a counterfeit by the discrepancy between the information indicated on the label at the top of the lining and the markings on other parts of the product.

Do not forget that all fur products sold in Russia are subject to mandatory certification, so do not hesitate to ask the seller to show you a certificate of conformity for your fur coat - this is your legal right.