A ping pong ball, a sheet of bright paper, add a little imagination, and you will get an elegant doll using the modular origami technique. If you choose the right color and style of “clothing”, the craft will look beautiful in any interior. A cute face will always cheer you and your loved ones up. Such an origami paper doll - wonderful gift, into which you put a piece of your soul.

Required material:

  • table tennis ball;
  • thread;
  • 1 toothpick;
  • a small piece of paper for the eyes;
  • a small sheet of paper for lips;
  • yellow rectangle measuring 4x2 cm - 1 piece;
  • yellow rectangles measuring 8x3 cm - 6 pieces;
  • squares of colored paper 8x8 cm - 12 pieces;
  • colored squares measuring 10x10 cm - 8 pieces;
  • colored squares measuring 34x34 cm - 3 pieces.

1. The most important thing in making this doll is the module. For the module we need a colored square of the required size.

2. Make a “valley” fold, bending it with the colored side inward.

3. Bend it and fold it again, getting a second fold vertically.

5. Bend the opposite side in the same way.

6. Now you need to bend the square with the wrong side outward, and along the lines of the resulting bends, fold the “double square” figure.

7. After this, bend the corner from the resulting figure on the left or right side, flattening it.

8. Do the same actions with the following angles

9. Bend the corner of the part so that you get a diamond of the same color (only wrong side square).

10. Grasp one corner of the diamond and fold it towards the curve in the middle.

11. Do the same on the other side of the diamond.

12. Lower the top corner of the diamond as shown in the photo.

13. Perform operations of the same kind with the three remaining diamonds. You now have the basis for the module.

14. Carefully open it.

15. Place the resulting square with the outer (colored) side down, fold one part of the corner along the fold lines.

16. Fold the second corner in the same way. Did you succeed the first time? Then you are a real master origamist! Fold the remaining corners in the same way.

17. The module for the origami doll is ready!

18. Let’s move on to the actual production of origami dolls from modules “ young lady" To do this, make 3 modules from 34x34 cm squares.

19. From 8 squares measuring 10x10 cm, make modules-parts for the drape.

20. Thread them onto the thread, piercing them with a needle.

22. Glue three colored modules together. This is the basis of the dress. Glue the cape to it.

23. Then, from 4 squares 8x8 cm, make colored modules that will serve as the sleeves of the dress. They also need to be glued to the dress.

24. Take the yellow rectangles, cut them into thin strips of about 0.2 cm. Using a toothpick, curl the curls.

25. Make bangs from a yellow 4x2 cm rectangle.

26. After twisting all 6 pieces of hair, glue them to the ping pong ball.

27. All that remains is to glue on the bangs, and the lady’s hairstyle is ready.

28. Glue the head to the dress.

29. From 8 squares measuring 8x8 cm, similarly to the cape, make an elegant hat.

30. Cut out and glue the eyes and lips to the origami doll's face. When all the parts are dry, “Young Lady” is ready.

This is just one example of dolls from origami modules, but you can make an unlimited number of them, using only your imagination and desire. Inspiration to you!

Galina Karpova

Hello, dear Maamites, I’m with you again!

More than once in my publications I have confessed my great love for different types paper construction. But my love for origami is simply limitless. There is another type of creativity that I love no less origami. This is doll making. I tried a lot technician: and sewing soft toys, and making dolls from papier-mâché, and sculpting them from salt dough And polymer clay. Russian folk dolls- this is a completely separate song. But just recently I had a desire to combine these two of my love: dolls and origami. I started looking for literature on this topic, I looked a lot different materials from the Internet. I made my first dolls using ready-made master classes. Having gained a little experience, I began to come up with my own dolls. I invite you to look at my collection origami dolls.

Here is my first beauty: Chinese girl. It was made according to video master class from the Internet.

My second work was the Snow Maiden.

I made the Snow Maiden last year. We had a December competition New Year's toys in Russian folk traditions.

And this is my next work, “Two Princesses”.

With my princesses, I became a laureate of the arts and crafts competition at the Pedagogical Olympics.

And this, meet dancer Jacqueline. She's my favorite.

At the next stage of my origamously-puppetry, I had a desire to make dolls based on fairy tales or literary works. Soon the fairy tale will tell. But still, things are being done little by little. First I made Malvina and Pierrot.

Then I got another interesting one couple: Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.

That's all for now. There is one unfinished doll, “in progress”, there are several ideas. But for now, preparations for the most beloved and most magical holiday - New year - takes up all my free time! Happy New Year, dear colleagues!

Publications on the topic:

Such material as foamiran has long been known to needlewomen in Russia. Manufacturers of foam rubber or foamiran - Korea, Iran.

Good afternoon Today I would like to address the parents, or rather the happy “owners” of little princesses. Every mother is waiting for birth.

Good evening, dear colleagues! Summer is a small life, there is no time for the Internet, everything is busy with your favorite flowers, preparations and new hobbies.

Hello, dear colleagues! I have finally decided to submit my next work to your judgment. The idea is to make a church out of origami modules.

I started doing modular origami a couple of years ago. Who doesn't know what it is modular origami, I will explain, this is a figure made up of several.

My new hobby and “The Tale of a Turnip and a Big Country Family” My new hobby is rags amulets dolls. Together with my granddaughter Katenka, we composed a fairy tale and staged it using our own puppets.

The guys and I continue to study artistic creativity. In the morning we open a creative workshop. We use non-traditional ones.

Bookmark "Japanese"

Materials and tools:

  • Cardboard (thin) light gray, with patterns (2 different sheets), black;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue pencil.

For the bookmark, you should take very thin and double-sided cardboard, because the doll has 2 sides. She looks beautiful both front and back. It is better not to use during production colored paper because she's too thin for that. The edges will wrinkle and curl all the time.
You can buy special cardboard with Japanese motifs, or you can find something at home. The main thing is that the pattern repeats.

Cut out a strip approximately 7 mm wide from light cardboard. This will be the neck of the pupa. But you need to cut it much longer, because both the doll’s head and kimono will be glued to it.
Photo 1

Now let’s take cardboard with any design and cut out a strip from it approximately the same as for the neck.
It needs to be wrapped like a scarf.
Photo 2

This will be the collar from the lower kimono.
Now we will make the outer kimono. For this we need cardboard with a different pattern. Cut a rectangle out of it. Its width should be approximately 6.5 cm and its length 10 - 10.5 cm.
We turn it vertically and also, as it were, wrap our workpiece.
Photo 3

And we bend both sides.
Photo 4

Now we cut out the sleeves from the same cardboard. They will also serve as the element that holds the pages of the books.
We cut out an element such as in the photo.
Photo 5

Let's put this detail aside for now. From the same cardboard you need to cut a rectangle 7 cm long and 2.5 cm wide.
It must be attached to the body of the pupa from above. You need to place the center of the rectangle on the body, and bend the remaining parts behind the back. We glue this detail onto the doll's chest.
Behind the back we coat one part with glue and glue it to the second.
That is, we made a belt.
Now we take the sleeves and the triangle that has formed in the center and insert them between the belt and the doll’s body.
Photo 6

We cut out a thin strip, like a neck, 7.5 cm long from cardboard the color of the collar of the inner kimono.
It needs to be glued to your belt.
Photo 7

Cut out an oval from light cardboard the color of the neck. This will be the doll's face.
Photo 8

Cut out hair from black cardboard. Glue the face onto the hair.
Photo 9

Separately, cut out the bangs in the form of a leaf, narrowed on both sides.
Photo 10

Glue on the bangs. Now let's make a small hair decoration. From paper with different patterns cut out a circle and glue it to the side of the head. Cut out a semicircle from another paper and glue it, covering half of the circle. The semicircle should be wider than the circle.

That's it! The bookmark in the shape of a Japanese doll is ready!

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Origami doll is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami doll, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami doll was taken by one of our site users. His doll turned out to be much more interesting, but assembling it is not so easy. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami doll from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami doll will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami doll quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami doll may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami doll video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos about origami dolls, which clearly show the steps to assemble a doll. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami doll.

This video lesson will teach you how to assemble an origami doll of a more interesting design:

And after watching this video, you can surprise many with an original paper doll:


There are dolls in almost all cultures. They were most often used as toys for children, but dolls have a range of symbolic meanings. For example, in many cultures a doll is a symbol of a transitional state. In many fairy tales, dolls played the role of guides between worlds or human states.

Bookmark paper dolls in Japan are called shiori ningyo, which means bookmark girl. Such dolls have another name - chiogami ningyo - paper doll. Such dolls are common in the Land of the Rising Sun among girls as bookmarks for books or for playing pretend to be their mother’s daughter. Having made such a traditional Japanese doll, you can stick it on a postcard or make a bookmark - it will be a great gift for a friend who is into anime. Traditionally, a Japanese paper doll is made without a face, just like our Russian one. rag-doll. In our master class we will show you how to make a simple Japanese paper doll and tell you which ones you can use for it.
How to make a Japanese paper doll Shiori (chiogami) ningyo.
Dimensions are given for a doll 8.5 cm.
Japanese paper doll girl - paper craft.

For this paper doll you will need the following materials:

  • For the head - a circle of white cardboard with a diameter of 2 cm.
  • For the neck - a rectangle of white cardboard 0.4x4cm
  • We make the hair from black corrugated (crepe) paper - two rectangles 2x5cm and 2x1cm. Stripes in corrugated paper place vertically (2cm) to imitate doll hair.
  • Eri (kimano neck) – rectangle of colored paper 1.5x3cm
  • Kimono – rectangle 6.5x6cm. It's best to use patterned matte origami paper, but you can cut colored squares from old magazines, use wrapping paper, or beautiful napkins. As an option, make a plain kimono for a doll from ordinary colored paper.
  • Obi (belt) is a rectangle of plain paper 3x4.5 cm.
  • The sleeves are a rectangle 8x3.5 cm. You can take the same paper as for the kimono, or you can make the doll’s sleeves in a different color.
  • Glue - pencil

Step-by-step instructions for making a Japanese paper doll Shiori (Chiogami) Ningyo.

Glue the doll's head to the neck.
We put the eri (kimano neck) on the doll. Fold the eri strip in half along the long side. We put it on the back of the neck (you can glue it) and bend the sides forward at a slight angle.
We put a kimono on the doll.
We bend a strip of kimono paper from the top (approximately 1.5 cm) to the wrong side.
Flip the rectangle to front side and make another fold on top (approximately 0.5 cm)
We place the paper doll on the kimono in the center (you can glue it), so that the eri is visible a little.
We fold the kimono on the doll. There should be two folds on each side: we bend the first fold at an angle, the second we align the clothes so that the bottom of the doll forms a rectangle.
We put on the obi (belt).

Fold the edges of the waistband towards the center.

Place the belt on the doll and fold the edges back. If desired, you can use glue.
We make hair for a doll from corrugated paper.

Place a rectangle of paper over the doll's face. Fold the exposed edges of the paper back. Use glue if necessary.
Make a tail from the second rectangle by crumpling the bottom part.

Glue the ponytail to your hair.
Making sleeves for a Japanese paper doll's kimono.

Fold the edges on a strip of paper, you should get a narrow strip of paper in three folds.

Glue the strip down the center back of the doll and fold the sides of the sleeves down.
As an option for decorating a paper doll's kimono: you can slightly bend the corner of the kimono. This option looks especially impressive if you used paper on the kimono in different colors on both sides.
To attach a string to it. On the other side of the string, hang a bead, tassel or rectangle of cardboard.