Love, security, age - these are, perhaps, the three fundamental areas for marriage. But if everything is clear with love - it either exists or it doesn’t, and with security it is also more or less clear - no one has abolished marriages of convenience, then with the issue of age, not everything is so simple.

No one will ever give an accurate and unambiguous answer to questions like “At what age is it best to get married” and “What should be the age of the spouses for happy marriage" Each couple has its own answer to these questions, and only stubborn statistics say that girls prefer to get married at 20-25 years old, and usually choose guys who are at least 3-6 years older than them as husbands.

In our survey (on the main page of the portal), the public has a clear opinion: the best age for a bride is 20-25 years. In second place is the age of 25-30 years. Young girls under the age of 20 take an honorable third place in our “bride age hit parade”.

Marriage age has long been associated with youth and physical maturity, health. According to the law, in Ukraine, boys can marry from the age of 18, girls - from 17. However, there is an exception in the Law: in the presence of special circumstances, marriage can be concluded at more early age. Usually such a “circumstance” is an “unexpected” pregnancy of the bride.

But if we ignore any “force majeure” circumstances for too early a marriage, we can distinguish several types of family, depending on the age of those entering the barque and the age difference between the spouses.

Early marriage. Of course, to this important issue Like marriage, you need to approach it carefully and thoroughly. After all, after the wedding, you bind yourself to your chosen one or chosen one for life. And society quite rightly believes that mature people are capable of making such decisions. Therefore, marriage of people aged 18-20, sometimes even 23, is often perceived as something premature and frivolous. According to statistics, early marriages are the most vulnerable. But, on the other hand, at an early age, feelings and emotions are extremely strong. Love at this age is characterized by ardor and recklessness, and youthful maximalism sweeps away all obstacles on the way to a loved one. And there are many couples who have proven that they are able to live happily and prosperously their entire lives together, from adolescence to old age. But still, if you are “in the mood” to get married at 18, we advise you to think it over carefully. And preferably without emotions. Remember that early marriages tend to break up in the first year.

Marriage of the “golden age”. The age from about 23 to 26-28 years is considered almost the most suitable for marriage. It should be noted that girls mature earlier than boys, but by the age of 25, the difference in physical and, importantly, psychological terms between peers of both sexes practically disappears. This age is the period of human flourishing. The most favorable for childbirth. For men, this is the time of best physical shape and endurance. By the age of 23-25, young people, as a rule, finish their studies and begin a professional career. They have already decided in life and can independently provide for their family. Youthful maximalism gives way to an adult outlook on life.

Late marriage. At the age of “about 30 or 30-something,” a wedding is already a conscious, a hundred times weighed decision. Often, at this age, people are not getting married for the first time, and they understand perfectly well what surprises life “after the altar” has in store for them.

Very late marriage. Perhaps we owe it to our grandparents catchphrase“All ages are submissive to love.” Such marriages take place at 50, 60, 70 and even 80 and more years! And although at this age love for partners means more support and care for each other, and not a fire in which all worldly hardships burn out, the feelings can be so strong that one can envy the young.

Marriage between peers. Usually girls marry peers, unable to resist long-term courtship. Such a marriage, as a rule, is the result of a long, kindergarten, school or college love. Relationships develop over a long period of time, and a wedding between peers, oddly enough, turns out to be a completely mature and deliberate decision.

The man is older than the woman. It is believed that a man should be a little, 3-4 years, older than his wife. Growing up earlier, girls mature and age earlier than their husbands. And a small age difference compensates for the consequences of these processes.

The man is much older than the woman. Young girls are attracted to mature men primarily by their “maturity.” They are confident that such a man will take care of them, shower them with attention and affection, they strive to be in a marriage “like behind a stone wall,” and they see the back of a mature, adult husband as such a wall. It must be said that most often these dreams come true. True, it is impossible to answer the question of what age difference would be reasonable. Girls are happy to marry men who are 10, 20 and even 30 years older than them. And, I must say, many such brides feel great in the status of wives.

The woman is older than the man. If the difference is small, within 5 years, such a marriage is practically no different from a marriage between peers or a marriage where the man is slightly older than his wife. But today marriages are increasingly being registered where the woman is much older than the man, at least 10 years old. In society, such women are considered “masters of intimate relationships”; in the eyes of others they look like real lionesses. Well, rumors tend to attribute the status of “son” to men in such marriages. Although in reality this is not always the case. The young spouse in such a marriage is, as a rule, a strong guy, but somewhat immature psychologically. He is touchy, vulnerable, unbalanced. He has very few friends. Most often, it is the wife who acts as her husband’s main friend and adviser; she helps him find a place in life. And although, according to statistics, such marriages do not last long, 5-8 years, the young spouse associates success in life with his ex-wife. And often such “ex” remain faithful and best friends for his, also former, wives.

To summarize, I would like to point out one thing. Despite the fact that the issue of age for marriage is quite serious, you should not set the goal of building a relationship within the framework of the ideal, from your point of view, option. People can be so different that the criterion of age objectively, in fact, gives only relative characteristics. In any relationship, everywhere and always, you need to listen to two main advisers. And this is not mom and girlfriend, not dad and not uncle - not at all! This is your heart and your head. And these comrades, according to Felix Edmundovich, are radically different - a warm heart, a cold head. Therefore, their solutions will have an optimal temperature.

The traditional girl's dream is a diamond ring, a wedding dress and, of course, the long-awaited prince himself. And, having received a marriage proposal, every girl asks the question - what is the best thing to do? Should I postpone the wedding and wait until my feelings are tested by time? Or should I immediately agree before the prince changes his mind? According to psychologists, it is equally wrong to immediately throw yourself into the wedding pool headlong and drag it out indefinitely. has its pros and cons at any age.

According to the law, yesterday's schoolgirl in our country can easily wear a veil. True, you still have to ask your parents for permission. Having barely received a passport, the young “bride” may well get married under such circumstances as pregnancy. But the main question remains: will such an early marriage bring happiness, or will passion die out at the very first everyday problems?

The most common reasons for getting married at 16 years old

  • Unexpected pregnancy.
  • Negative family environment.
  • Excessive care and control of parents.
  • An irresistible craving for independence.

Advantages of marriage at 16

  • New status and level of relationship.
  • Mental flexibility. The ability to adapt to your husband’s character.
  • A young mother will retain her external attractiveness even by the time the child graduates from school.

Disadvantages of marriage at 16

Married at 18

At this age, unlike sixteen years old, you no longer need permission from the guardianship authorities and parents for your personal happiness. And it is quite possible to meet a man in whose life there is neither an ex-wife, nor children from his first marriage, nor alimony obligations. But many of the pros and cons of getting married at 16 also apply to this age.

Advantages of marriage at 18

  • Blooming youth, which (usually) excludes walking strong half"left".
  • The opportunity to remain a “young” mother even with a very adult child.
  • You can make your own decision about marriage.

Disadvantages of marriage at 18

  • Love at this age is often confused with a riot of hormones, as a result of which the chances of becoming an ex-wife increase exponentially.
  • Maternal instincts are present in every woman, but at this age they have not yet fully awakened so that the mother can devote herself completely to the child.
  • Such drastic changes as the inability to “hang out with girlfriends” or go to a club or salon often become causes of nervous breakdowns. In marriage, you have to devote yourself entirely to your family, which, alas, not every girl at this age comes to.

Bride aged 23-27

This age, according to psychologists, is ideal for marriage. Already behind the scenes at the university, with a diploma in hand you can find good job, a woman already knows a lot, knows and understands what she wants from life.

Advantages of marriage at 23-27 years old

  • The female body is already completely ready for bearing a baby and giving birth.
  • The “wind in the head” subsides, and the girl begins to think more soberly.
  • Actions become balanced and dictated not only by emotions, but also by logic.

Disadvantages of marriage at 23-27 years old

  • Risk of conflict of interests (one of the couple has not yet outgrown “nightclubs”, and the other is concerned about the family budget and possible prospects).
  • Approaching the age when pregnancy may become problematic.

According to statistics and the opinion of psychologists, marriages that take place at this age, for the most part, are dictated not by love, but by sober calculation. In such marriages, everything is checked down to the smallest detail, from the family budget to taking out the trash can. More like this marriage is like a business contract , although one cannot deny its strength - even in the absence of the “passions of youth”, marriages at this age are very strong. Precisely because of the balance of his decision.
In conclusion, we can repeat one well-known truth - “All ages are submissive to love.” Sincere mutual love knows no obstacles, and a love boat, provided there is trust, respect and mutual understanding, simply cannot break into everyday life, no matter what age the Mendelssohn march begins to play.

The main reasons why people get married

Everyone wants to get married. Even those who prove the opposite. But some come out later, some earlier, depending on expectations in life. Everyone has it for marriage your motives and reasons :

  • All my friends have already gotten married.
  • Conscious desire to have a child.
  • Strong feelings for the gentleman.
  • The desire to live separately from parents.
  • An acute lack of male care for a girl who grew up without a father.
  • A man's wealth.
  • The cherished status of a “married lady.”
  • Parents' insistence on marriage.

Oddly enough, reasons for not getting married Modern girls also have:

  • Reluctance to do housework (cook, wash, etc.)
  • Independence and freedom, the loss of which seems catastrophic.
  • Fear of pregnancy and loss of slimness.
  • Uncertainty about feelings.
  • The desire to live exclusively for oneself.
  • Reluctance to change surname.
  • Life position – “free love”.

Some people consider marriage a lottery, while others want to believe in the existence of the only and true love, while still others approach starting a family with pragmatism and without illusions. Different character traits form different ideas about family relationships, which is reflected in the age of marriage. Astrologers are sure of one thing - there is no universal date for marriage, but it is worth listening to what the stars are saying.

Impulsive, amorous, romantic. They never stop idealizing their partner, endowing their other half with qualities that he/she may not have. In order not to be disappointed in their life partner, they should get married no earlier than 30 years old, otherwise the naive impulses of this zodiac sign will soon be dashed by the bitter truth.

Since Aries worship beauty, they often confuse passion with real feelings. Only a mature representative of a passionate sign will be able to recognize true heartfelt affection and distinguish it from a “false alarm.” At such a moment he will do right choice and will take reasonable steps to win the favor of the object of his affection. Otherwise, he faces boredom, a grumpy husband (grumpy wife) and emotional exhaustion from family worries.

There is a high probability that young Aries will file for divorce, having found a suitable match for himself or simply tired of life’s hardships. Nevertheless, he will not stop searching, firmly believing that somewhere in a fairy-tale kingdom his ideal lives.

Taurus even approach marriage responsibly and strictly according to plan. They have long had a portrait of a universal life partner drawn in their heads. He needs a person who will give a firm hand when things are difficult and gently console him in sad moments. However, he makes the same demands on himself, which is very commendable.

Taurus should decide to tie the knot of Hymen with the person he likes around the age of 30. This is the “golden mean” when fears and doubts about personal insolvency are left behind and complete readiness comes to let another individual into your personal life.

Before the finish line, representatives of this sign study their chosen ones, adding some to the black list. The most persistent candidates are honored to experience the sophistication of relationships and beautiful flirtation. True, only a few pass the qualifying round, since Taurus is not ready to complete the portrait of an ideal partner just because someone is poorly trained in “social manners.”

Anyone who does not know how to indulge the desires of Gemini will never achieve their hand and heart. These narcissistic and charming signs are flattered by the enormous interest in their person. They are ready to get married even tomorrow, as long as the other half has an unquenchable attraction to them and sufficient funds to organize a future together.

Geminis can get married at 18, but it is important to take into account the sign's quick mood changes. He can live happily in marriage for ten years and finally understand that he and his partner, it turns out, are completely unsuitable for each other. Hence frequent divorces, and new official relations. By the age of 35, the realization that marriage is not kindergarten, is secured and brings them to the final stop.

Since Geminis fanatically take care of themselves and look young even in adulthood, they have no end to admirers: for such a dandy and fashionista there are sure to be a dozen brides and grooms.

They have a natural ability to create coziness and comfort in the home. Very often, Cancers find it difficult to leave their parents' home, which significantly impedes the creation of their own family. Advice: try to live separately from your parents, because no one can cancel warm communication, support and care for relatives.

On an intuitive level, Cancers look for their hero among dozens of passers-by and, surprisingly, find him! Friends may doubt their ability to resourcefully cope with family problems, but this amazing talent is in their blood from birth. Therefore, there is nothing unusual in the fact that representatives of this sign successfully create families even at the age of 20-25.

Sensitive and vulnerable, Cancers will always find sweet Nothing for the second half. They can show willpower and determination where these qualities cannot be avoided. Household members will be surrounded by care and attention, tender love and sincerity.

Has a bad effect on family relationships excessive workaholism, which can lead to family breakdown. But even in a critical situation, “crayfish” persuasiveness will save the marriage.

A brilliant actor and consummate speaker. He will make a marriage proposal that is impossible to refuse. But only if you treat him like a king. At times, finding such a partner can take a long time. Astrologers have calculated the optimal age for brides and grooms under the zodiac of the king of beasts - 30-40 years.

If Leo falls in love seriously (he loses his head quite often), pre-wedding chores will turn out to be the most pleasant element in the wedding. Leos make the best fathers and mothers; with them, the child will never be bored, and the partner will see an inexhaustible flow of energy, which can be directed to improving living conditions, and a positive mood. With a loved one, representatives of the fire element flourish and achieve success, but if they are unlucky with marriage, they fade away and fall into prolonged despondency deep in their souls.

Virgos, who are pretentious about little things, find it difficult to find a suitable candidate. They are looking for a convenient option that will suit them for the most part in everyday life. A clean house, neat clothes, a delicious lunch and a dozen more tips and recommendations from the scrupulous sign will not appeal to everyone.

Possessing high self-criticism, Virgos do not forgive their partners’ mistakes. Ambitions push them to build a career and only then engage in family planning. No reason can force them to give up a promising career; at best, they will ask their significant other to wait for a favorable moment for marriage.

No matter how responsible and strict the earth signs are, good age for them to get married - before the age of 24 or after 27, when they have already decided on work processes and have allocated time to build a serious relationship.

Uncertainty haunts Libra in choosing a partner. Today it seems to them that there is no one in the world more beautiful than their beloved, and tomorrow they will name at least three shortcomings that will turn them away from the desire to register a relationship. These signs tend to get divorced and get married again. They didn’t succeed the first time, but they will succeed the second or third time, because it is important for them to feel their own importance and the all-consuming interest from their partner. There is only one piece of advice for Libra: don’t rush!

Libra strives for love in all its forms. At the age of 25, they can safely go to the altar, pronounce oaths of allegiance and sacrifice themselves to the whims of their other half. With great pleasure, representatives of the air sign follow the shadow of their spouse if he occupies a dominant position in their tandem. But they prefer to regulate financial issues themselves, since they are more prudent and thrifty in this regard.

They make excellent lovers. A fatal relationship with a Scorpio is not a guarantee that he is ready to move to the next level of relationships. He likes emotions, bright breakups, adrenaline in the next quarrel, but few partners would desire such drive in a family. A wary and vindictive representative of the zodiac circle is recommended to get married no earlier than 30 years of age.

A hot-tempered sign can break a family overnight, get divorced and bitterly regret what they have done. At the time of maturity, the experience of youth will help you avoid making mistakes and find stability with a new life partner.

A lover of travel and fantastic adventures will not experiment with his future. He does not need acute impressions in marriage. Instead, he will prefer clarity and specificity. He is capable of getting married at any age, but will he be able to sit still when so many exciting and unique things are happening around him? Having an aversion to the blues and boredom, Sagittarius will look for love relationships on the side if he starts a family at the age of 20.

The ideal age for these purposes is 30-35 years. Since he always makes decisions on his own, so as not to blame others later, he will also find a spouse himself. He's impressed image of a lung to the rise of a cheerful individual who will not be afraid to wander and look for a spiritual home away from his homeland. Sagittarius in marriage remains faithful and understanding, despite childish antics.

For these representatives of the zodiac circle, duty comes first. They are guided by it not only at work, but also when they start a family and children. Capricorns may seem dry, callous, soulless, because they do not show warmth and tenderness, do not speak beautiful words and don't fork out crazy amounts expensive gifts. But behind the reliable backs of Capricorns one feels incredible comfort, their devotion becomes a legendary plot in novels, and the heightened sense of responsibility cannot be compared with any other zodiac sign. After all, they feel best surrounded by family and friends.

There are no marriage age restrictions for earthly representatives. Young or mature, they have the same attitude towards their responsibilities to provide for loved ones. To slow down the emergence of family troubles, they are recommended to enter into serious relationship at about 25 years old.

Lovers of entertainment, meetings and new acquaintances leave no choice to their fans. It is impossible to lure them into the net without wild persistence. If he is “pinned to the wall” and forced to marry, he will take such a risky step, because this is not the final verdict. If you don’t like it, it will go away! And he will be extremely grateful to the experience and the former chosen one, who gave him priceless moments of happiness.

Aquarians tend to tie themselves into marriage several times. And the point here is not that they are irresponsible. With each romance, they get the feeling that now his love is real and exclusive. Having had their fill of games of ladies' man/coquette, they will be ready to accomplish a feat and settle down. There comes a decisive moment after about 40 years, when Aquarius is looking not for passion, but for deep affection. At this age, his significant other is not afraid of betrayal and false excuses.

Romantic and subtle Pisces enter into early marriage; they can’t wait to plunge into an independent environment adult life. They are ready to bear the burden for two, undergo a daily test of endurance in the status of a married person, enjoy petty domestic feuds and build a cozy nest. They make good partners, as this water sign does not remain indifferent to the experiences of the other half.

Surprisingly, it is true that their intuition is a powerful weapon when choosing a companion. Intuition will correctly tell you who out of the whole crowd is more suitable for Pisces. Charm will give them a chance to impress their interlocutor and assure him that he is the one who initiated the continuation of the relationship. Compliance and cheerfulness, combined with dreaminess, create an attractive mystery around the representatives of this sign.

The stars favor the marriage of Pisces up to 25 years. Having been married for many years, they will not lose the original passion with which they entered into it, and will surprise their children and relatives with many other things. Pisces will have a smooth relationship with their chosen one if they feel support and interest in the business they are trying to organize.


Everyone has their own ideal age to get married. Someone already at 18 years old is ripe for a serious relationship and is ready to propose to his beloved. And yet, in most cases, it turns out that a man who got married early then begins to experience discomfort from the loss of his freedom, the lack of permanent relationships with friends, and the many restrictions that family and marriage impose on him. Ultimately, this can lead to problems in the family, a crisis for a man, and even divorce.

The modern structure of society is such that very young people still have few financial opportunities, but there are plenty of temptations to spend their youth wildly and cheerfully. Studying at school until the age of 18, then college and the army extend the entry age young man in adulthood up to 22-23 years of age. But even this age in society is considered too early to get married, because you still need to start a career, earn your first money, learn to support yourself, and not live with your parents.

In addition, the huge entertainment opportunities in the big city pushes the date of marriage back for some time. Do you really want to shift the burden of responsibility onto yourself when there is fun company friends and you can lead an interesting, rich life without thinking about serious things? All this leaves its mark on the personality of the young man, showing in him signs of immaturity and unpreparedness for marriage even after coming of age.

But time passes, and the man begins to think more about his career and creating a serious relationship. This period usually begins at age 24 or 25. It is at this time that important changes occur at the hormonal level, allowing the man’s body to enter a more measured and calm period of life. However, for each young person everything is very individual and can begin earlier or a little later than this age. If at this age a man meets a girl with whom he wants to build a serious relationship, after a while such a relationship leads to marriage. And such a union will be more thoughtful and desirable than when getting married before the age of 20.

The most comfortable age for marriage is considered to be 30-35 years old. This is the period when a young man begins to turn into a real man. He is in his prime, but at the same time he already knows a lot, he is experienced and has had an established career, he is confident in himself and has many plans for life. At this age, men become excellent fathers and give their children an excellent upbringing. If before this age a man has not yet managed to find the woman he loves, then this is the best time to start searching, and with the specific goal of getting married and starting a family.

Valeria Zhilyaeva

As a rule, men are in no hurry to go to the registry office. Women are more likely to start a family. However, almost all representatives of the stronger sex sooner or later come to the conclusion that marriage is necessary. When is it time for a man to get married? Some will say 18, others will name the number 34, and still others will suggest that up to 50 and looking in the direction of the registry office is undesirable. We will determine the optimal age for marriage in the article.

It's interesting that in different countries The issue of marriage is viewed differently. For example, in the USA, depending on the state, the age of marriage varies from 14 to 21 years. And in Japan you can register a marriage at 20, but residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are in no hurry to get married - getting married after 40 is the norm there. How are things going in the Russian Federation?

At what age can you get married in Russia?

The legislator considered 18 years old to be the optimal age for marriage for a man and a woman in Russia. At this age comes full legal capacity from a legal point of view.

In some cases, marriage is allowed two years earlier

It is allowed to marry from the age of 16 in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • birth of a child;
  • recognition of the boy and girl as adults in court;
  • actual marital relations;
  • other grounds that may be considered valid.

However, according to statistics, our fellow citizens are in no hurry to go to the registry office and Rarely get married at 16. However, late marriage is also rare - starting a family at 55 or fifty-something is, at the very least, surprising in society.

When can you get married in Russia?

According to statistics, girls most often get married at the age of 19-25, and men get married for the first time a little later - at 22-28 years. The current trend is that the age of marriage is gradually rising.

What age should a man get married?

Of course, the question of when is the best time to get married requires individual approach. However, the opinion that if you haven’t gotten married before 30, you won’t get married anymore is not relevant.

Many men start a family after they reach financial solvency

It is popularly believed that the ideal age to get married is between 28 and 38 years old. Usually by this time the man has already “matured” sexually, financially and psychologically plans. He recognizes himself as a man and is ready to take responsibility not only for himself, but for his wife and children.

By this age, a man no longer wants to spend time in dubious places, change women like gloves and lead a riotous lifestyle. He already realized that happiness does not lie in women, but in the one and only one he will love sincerely and irrevocably.

It is better for a man to marry when he sincerely loves a woman

Another point in favor of later marriages - material wealth. As a rule, after 30 years a man is already firmly on his feet financially and can provide his family with everything necessary.

So, at what age is it better for a guy to get married? At the age when he realizes all the responsibility, he began to earn a normal income and can provide for his family.

How do you know when it's time to get married?

Unlike men, all girls understand that they have little chance of getting married after 35, and having children at this age is fraught with serious health problems. Men, on the contrary, “pull” to the last.

Girls usually set the duration of a relationship before marriage to no more than three years

If after three years the guy does not propose to legalize the relationship, the girl begins look for another candidate. This sometimes happens subconsciously. Of course, there are exceptions when a woman waits for years for him to “ripe”, but there are not many of them.

How to understand that it's time to get married

Sometimes a man, having reached a certain age, comes to the conclusion that marriage is not beneficial for him. For example, why don't men want to get married after 30? The reason for this may be banal greed and reluctance to share what one has acquired with someone.

You can understand when a man needs to get married based on three factors:

  1. Opportunity to provide women social protection and material support.
  2. Parents' opinion.
  3. Girl's loyalty.

Let's look at each of them in more detail. To be honest, then girls don't care on a man’s ability or impossibility to support his family. Usually a woman doesn’t even delve into this issue.

Each man must decide for himself can he provide your family. Doubts in this regard are absolutely normal and indicate that the man has reached a certain degree of maturity. It is recommended to create a “safety cushion” in the form of living expenses for 3-6 months in advance. If you don't do this, your family will have a hard time when the girl gets pregnant.

Parental approval is also important. Of course, it happens that mom and dad deliberately say bad things about their offspring’s potential chosen ones, but much more often they express an objective opinion, which would be nice to listen to.

A man needs to marry when he is confident in a girl

How much Parents' point of view is important? Firstly, they have certain life experience, and, secondly, they love you and wish you only the best. However, it all depends on the situation. If the reasons for the girl's disapproval are far-fetched, there is no need to cancel the wedding.

A wife is not only an object of desire, but also life partner, comrade, friend. If a girl has previously given reason to doubt herself, you should not marry her. Remember that betrayal in most cases will happen again.

Once upon a time, the concept of a “confirmed bachelor” did not exist at all. Only a promise to enter a monastery or the presence of a serious illness could prevent a man from getting married.

Families were created only with the approval of parents until the 20th century

Parents agreed on the marriage of their children early. If we talk about how old people were married in Rus', then we can say that girls were married at 14-16 years old, and boys were married a little later - at 18-20.

A man should think twice before getting married

Such early marriages are explained by desire protect children from fornication and other inappropriate things. In addition, the parents had to understand that their family line would not be interrupted, so they tried to get their son married as soon as possible, and then demanded grandchildren.

If this was a second marriage, or the man remained single for too long and achieved more mature age, he could choose his bride without parental participation. But a woman was not allowed to take the initiative. An exception was made for rich widows, but these were also not approved, since the proposal traditionally had to be made by a man.

However, independence in resolving the marriage issue was extremely rare - young people obeyed the will of their parents. The son's wife was chosen based on from class and property interests, but there was no talk of love. Parents, who themselves were once married in a similar way, believed that “they will endure it and fall in love.”

The man traditionally proposes

The children resignedly accepted their parents' choice. In most cases, the marriages were happy, and there were few romantic stories in the spirit of classical literature.

No one can tell you for sure whether you should get married at 25, 40 or 50 or how many times you can get married in general. This issue requires an individual approach and is considered comprehensively.

However, before making an offer, you should weigh everything carefully. Are you ready to provide for your family? Be faithful to one single woman? To the birth of children? Do you understand the full extent of responsibility? If the answer to these questions is yes, feel free to go for the ring.

June 3, 2018, 00:49