How hard it is for a girl to tell a guy about her feelings. You don't know for sure what the answer will be. Fear of losing hope for happiness, losing friendship and a natural feeling of embarrassment, and if we add to this the general misconception that the guy should be the first to confess his love, then it turns out that the task seems impossible. Understanding this, I would like to give some advice to those who still decide to open their hearts to a man.

There are two ways to tell a man how you feel. The first is the actual declaration of love, simple and ingenuous. The second, more subtle one is signs of attention, subtle hints that you are not indifferent to him.

Men don't fewer women obsessed with various “signs”. Here are some of them:

1. A casual glance, a sweet smile and he can be at your feet. “She smiled at me, she probably likes me,” I’ve probably heard similar speeches.

2. In conversations with his friends, you can casually mention him, say how good or sweet he is. They will certainly pass on your words to him. Men are terrible gossips.

3. Easy, non-committal flirting.

4. Write him some SMS with a banal “Hello. How are you?".

5. In a conversation with him, you can hint that you haven’t been to the cinema for a long time or really want to go ice skating. If he is not stupid and determined, he will certainly take advantage of the opportunity.

In general, I think the course of my thoughts is clear. Use such tricks and perhaps you will not have to do anything else and he will complete what you started.

However, based on personal experience, I came to the conclusion that best way To confess your love is to say everything directly. If you agree with me, then here are some tips on how to do this:

1. Cast aside all doubts. You may be afraid to confess your feelings to a guy, because this is natural, but you should not doubt them. If you feel that he is the one, the one and only, the one with whom you will be happy, who is able to give you love and lay all the blessings of the world at your feet, then you simply must tell him how dear he is to you. But if you have even the slightest doubt, do not rush to confess. First, sort out your feelings and resolve all doubts, and only then act.

2. Seize a moment when he is alone, or offer to meet under some plausible pretext. Forget about calls and SMS messages. You must tell him this face to face. Movements, gaze, facial expressions, gestures - he must see it all. This is the only way your words will sound most sincere, lively and convincing.

3. If you find it difficult to cope with anxiety, try to imagine in advance what and how you will say. Don't memorize a prepared speech. This is not election campaigning. The right words will come by themselves.

4. Some people advise being extremely restrained and relaxed when confessing. This advice has the right to live if you are cold-blooded by nature. If you are expressive and emotional, then excessive restraint can only do harm, especially if the guy is familiar with your character and habits.

5. Look into his eyes, watch his facial expression. Sometimes the answer is known already in the first words.

6. If the guy is in no hurry to answer, don’t despair. After all, he may be surprised, confused or embarrassed. Give him time to think.

7. Perhaps he will say “No.” In this case, it would be foolish to advise you not to get upset. It doesn’t matter whether you love him or you just like him, refusal will sadden you. Just remember that you accomplished a great feat and turned out to be stronger than many other women who, having never decided to confess their love, then, many years later, regretted it and wondered how their lives would have turned out if they had shown a little more determination. .

Good luck to you and remember, you are the creator of your destiny!

Deya Consuelo

Discussion of the article “How to tell a man about your feelings”

Lerka Rogacheva

Damn guys, forget all this love!? Yes, that’s all, I’ve loved him for 3 years and I realized that all this is a pathetic waste of time and he STILL doesn’t care. Mutual feelings are called love, not when you are with him, but he feels like he’s hitting the wall, this is not love, this is like living in agony every day, listening to him shower you with insults. And when alone, he immediately becomes calm, all THIS IS JUST ADVICE FOR THE HOPELESS. I LISTENED IT BECAME A HUNDRED TIMES WORSE I TRIED 1 YEAR AGO I have nothing more to say. Forget, no matter how much it would hurt to let go, FORGET HOW I FORGOT IN TORMENT.

27.04.2017 (21:32)

oh sad

I like it for a year already, we communicate, I’m still afraid 😣

12.10.2016 (22:25)


And I just wrote “stop dreaming about me.” and we got the hang of it and now everything is fine. he said it’s good that I took the first step. That's how men are, indecisive

09.06.2013 (21:44)


People, help me, I really like one guy, you can even say that I love him, and he likes my best friend, but she herself is in love with another, everyone is trying to bring us together, but nothing works out for them. His friends have already talked to him and he replies that I’m just a good friend to him. He doesn’t see me as a girl, he sees me just as a friend. and that I haven’t already tried to be with him, but nothing worked out.

11.05.2013 (03:29)


Maybe I’ll try. And you, Katya, learn to love when you’re still young). I’m 14 and I just now understood what love means and what sympathy means.

30.03.2013 (23:59)

Yana Romodanova

I'll do it this way

25.03.2013 (18:48)


I love him very much but he loves someone else:

21.03.2013 (11:26)


Let's try!

12.03.2013 (15:02)


What should I do??

11.03.2013 (23:51)


Damn, these tips didn't work for me.

11.03.2013 (23:44)

Galina Kazhevnikova

He refused

02.02.2013 (09:07)


Damn he said no

02.02.2013 (09:05)


Katya, fifth grade, scribe, you don’t need to think about snotty love. Study, read, do what you love, find new hobbies, make new friends. What kind of love can there be here?

Recognition in warm feelings- this is a very important and at the same time exciting moment, which very often happens in the life of a woman and a man. However, not every representative of our society is able to confess their love.

People who are in love become timid and shy in front of the object of their feelings. Unfortunately, no one will tell a person when it is necessary to open his feelings. You have to decide for yourself when and how to confess. In this matter, you need to listen to your heart. There is no need to be afraid of misunderstanding and refusal; only by opening your heart will you understand what to expect from your lover.

Declaring love is not an easy thing. Many representatives of the stronger sex prepare for this event in advance and try to compose a speech and choose words. However, most often such a conversation occurs spontaneously. Sometimes a woman directly demands an answer whether a man loves her or not. And then all that remains is to lay all the cards on the table. As you know, girls love with their ears, and therefore a man should talk to his partner about his feelings as often as possible and give her compliments.

There are men who do not wait for a push from their beloved and confess their love themselves. Moreover, such gentlemen very often talk about their love to various representatives of the fair sex. The whole point is that words of love are for them empty space, they don't put meaning into them. Such gentlemen are fickle and unfaithful. In such relationships, representatives of the fair sex quickly become disappointed in their partners. The thing is that if a man is sincerely in love, it is very difficult for him to admit this to a girl.

Before you make a confession, you need to determine for yourself what its meaning is. Perhaps, having opened up, you want to tie a person to you, force him to look after you and be always there, or it may be that your feelings are so strong that you have no strength to hide them. After this important step, the woman can expect a refusal or mutual love and gratitude from the gentleman for not being afraid and taking the first step that he did not dare to take.

It also happens that after going on a couple of dates, a woman suddenly realizes that there were no feelings, she invented them herself. Therefore, before you talk to your gentleman about love, you need to get to know him better. We must try to learn about it from different sides. Take an interest in his hobbies and work. But don't be pushy. Representatives of the fair sex should be able to listen and restrain themselves in conversation; they should not chat incessantly.

You need to show interest in his life and activities. If men have a hobby, then the woman must show that she also likes this activity. You should gradually try to attract the attention of the gentleman you like. You need to take an appraising look at a man’s behavior, his compliments and attitude towards you, and only then think about whether you should open your feelings or not.

There are many ways to confess your love. If you have a talent for writing poetry, then you can compose a love letter. Girls who are bolder can declare their feelings by looking straight into a man’s eyes. In order to be a little safer, you can choose a humorous or playful form of recognition, so you can determine the guy’s attitude towards you. But this method is absolutely not suitable for serious recognition.

It is important to talk about your feelings not only at the initial stage of a relationship; women want to hear about love even after several years of living together. In order to hear what they want, representatives of the fair sex use various tricks. Don't neglect in beautiful words. Be sure to tell your partner how much you love him.

Psychologists unanimously assure: the best way out of any situation is frank conversation about your feelings. And yet, many of us find it difficult to decide to be sincere in our relationships with our partners. Oddly enough, the more we value a man, the more difficult it is for us to confess our love to him.

Firstly, we still have social stereotypes that in a couple a man should take the initiative in everything, and a woman should wait passively and seem indifferent.

Secondly, we are afraid of hurting our ego. “By confessing our feelings, we run the risk of mentally exposing ourselves, showing our vulnerability in front of a loved one, and the fear of this is a very powerful experience,” explains the clinical psychologist Alisa Galatz.

Well, thirdly, we are simply afraid of losing our loved one, and with him the relationship (or the illusion of it) that we had. “For example, some people prefer not to clarify anything with their partner, afraid to find out how he really feels about them,” the specialist notes.

At the same time, mature, full-fledged relationships are impossible without openness, emphasizes psychologist and coach Alena August. “The adult position is to openly discuss what is happening, what suits or does not suit whom. This is better than worrying on the sly and inventing something that may not exist,” says the expert.

In what situations is it better to express your feelings and how to do it? Let's take a closer look.

You are just friends

If the man of your dreams is your colleague, neighbor or childhood friend, then the question immediately arises: is it better to leave everything as it is or try to move the relationship into the romance phase? As Alena August emphasizes, men and women are built differently, and therefore you should not expect that your lover will understand the meaning of your languid glances and sighs.

And if you don’t want to miss your chance, it’s still better to have the courage and speak directly about your feelings. Of course, in this case, you must be mentally prepared to accept a possible refusal with dignity.

“You have the right to declare your condition, but not demand anything in return. A person may have his own life, his own relationships, but he may simply not be ready,” adds the psychologist.

In addition, before confessing, it is better to weigh all the factors and assess how strong your feelings really are, and whether it will be comfortable for both of you to communicate further in the event of his refusal. Will work relationships suffer? Will you be able to look into each other's eyes in the company of mutual friends?

Perhaps after this your self-esteem will be shaken, but think for yourself: it would be much worse if you hoped in vain and waited for unknown things.

Your couple status is unknown

Sometimes, especially at the beginning of a whirlwind romance, it is difficult for partners to understand what exactly connects them - sex or serious relationship. “It’s possible that your man doesn’t even think about the status of your relationship, because he already feels good with you,” notes Alena August.

But if such uncertainty bothers you, then it makes sense to clarify the situation, emphasizing how important this is for your mental comfort. And before confessing, decide for yourself what exactly you want from a relationship, and whether you are ready to give up what you want if your partner has other plans for you. For example, will you become simple if you dream of a family and children?

If you become a coward and remain in a “suspended” state, then over time your relationship may simply collapse. Instead of liveliness and brightness, tension, resentment, and discontent will appear.

You've been dating for a long time

Even those partners who have been together for many years are not always in a hurry to confess their love to each other. For some women, this does not matter, and some suffer and wait until they hear the cherished three words.

In this case, again it is worth considering male psychology, reminds Alena August. After all, for many representatives of the stronger sex it is more important to show their feelings through actions rather than words.

“And there is no need to force a man to do this, he feels differently. It’s better for you to sincerely talk about yourself, about your experiences and feelings - in the words that you can and know how,” notes the psychologist.

Well, don’t forget that a man’s reaction to your sincerity is an excellent indicator of whether he is suitable for you in principle. And if, for example, he turns a conversation about feelings into a joke or calls it stupid, then is it worth staying close to this person?

Can't you stop thinking about that man? Are you tired of waiting for him to make the first move? Perhaps you and he are just friends, but maybe there is something more between you? Almost every woman has been secretly in love with someone at least once in her life. Admit your feelings to yourself and think about your personal life. Open your feelings to that man. Our advice will help you with this.


How to show a man your sympathy

    Surround him with attention. Show that you are interested in everything he says or does. This is one of the first steps to demonstrating your sympathy. Whether you're spending time together or hanging out, this is the perfect opportunity to show him your affection.

    Try to “accidentally” come across it somewhere. If you've ever managed to strike up a conversation with him and ask a few questions, you most likely already know at least something about his interests and hobbies, so you can guess where he might spend his time. Perhaps he plays in a band or goes to sporting events? What bar does he usually spend his weekends at?

    • If in a conversation he mentioned some sports games and stadiums where he often visits, take your girlfriend and go there!
    • Friend him on social media and follow him on Twitter to keep up to date with him social life. Think about what his hobbies might interest you so as not to feel out of place.
    • Try getting closer to his friends to see what they usually do together. Once you know their weekend or evening plans, ask if you and your friends can join. Such a cunning plan will hide your sincere motives, and his friends will not think that you are deliberately trying to arrange a meeting with the man you like.
  1. Smile at him and make eye contact. If you're in the same room, let him catch your eye. Once this happens, smile into his eyes for a couple of seconds and then look away. Also, whenever you catch him looking at you, smile and show him that you like his attention.

    Buy him a gift. This should be some kind of symbolic gift that will demonstrate your attention and interest. You should not buy some expensive gift or give just money - this option is absolutely unacceptable. Choose a gift that matches his interests or reminds him of something good times(possibly spent with you). For example, you can give a figurine of his favorite athlete or tickets to a concert of a musical group that you both like. If you are into crafts, you can make a gift with your own hands. For example, you can decorate a frame and insert your a photo together. Or you can create a whole collage of some interesting and memorable moments from his life.

    How to Flirt with a Man to Show You're Interested in Him

    1. Flirt using body language. Flirting is interesting and quite effective way show the person your feelings. But this method is best used in combination with others. You want your man to know how you feel about him, and you're not just flirting for fun.

      • When you talk, lean towards his face and position your body towards him. This is a clear sign that you are interested in him. Plus, it will flatter him if you are in a company where there are other men.
      • Be playful and sensual while talking and try touching him lightly. If neither of you dares to hug when you meet, lightly touch him with your hand. During a conversation, touch his hand - this will add a note of excitement to the conversation.
      • For example, you want to tell him something interesting. Excitedly lean towards him, lightly touch his arm and say: “You won’t believe what just happened!” You can touch his shoulder or knee and playfully tease him. Touch his shoulder with your fingertips and say something (for example: “what are you, stupid”). You can touch his knee, telling him how funny and interesting he is.
    2. Maintain eye contact while talking. An excellent and quite effective way to start a conversation is to look someone in the eyes for a long time. Of course, this requires a little effort and confidence, since it is not so easy to hold your gaze for more than a couple of seconds. It is much easier to maintain eye contact while speaking. Look closely into his eyes during the conversation for about 7 seconds. You may want to look away from time to time, but don't ruin the moment by staring at your device or watching someone across the room while the guy you like is telling a story about his childhood or his pet.

      Dress to impress! While flirting, you can make eyes at him and try to get his attention. But don't forget about appearance. Of course, you don't have to change your entire wardrobe, just try to look good when you're around him. You can wear tight-fitting items to highlight your figure. Complete your look with makeup. But don't overdo it! You need to highlight, not hide, your natural beauty. Tint your lips (you can even bright colors, for example, sensual red). To highlight your eyes and lengthen your eyelashes, use mascara and eye shadow.

      Flirt by complimenting the man you like. Regular compliments can seem overly pompous and insincere. To give a compliment that shows your affection, notice something you like about him. It should be something concrete that you can get excited about. Here are some examples: “Oh, this shirt suits you so well!”, “You are a very cool drummer. I love hearing you play." To make a compliment sound more playful and flirtatious, come closer to him, lean in, and say the compliment in a quiet voice.

      Flirt through messages. Send him nice, friendly messages to let him know you're thinking about him. You shouldn't send messages every minute if you don't want to get on his nerves. Although, of course, the degree and level of your communication depends on how close you are, as well as on its nature. You can write him something funny, send him some joke, write something intriguing or something related to his interests and hobbies. You can just compliment him! If you met somewhere the night before, you can write: “Yesterday was a lot of fun” or “That blue color really suits you.”

    How to tell a man that you like him

      First you need to find out if he is free. Of course, the man will be a little surprised by this question. If you flirt with him beforehand and give him enough attention, he will understand exactly why you are asking him this question. In other words, this will be a very clear hint that you like him. Even if you know that he doesn't have a girlfriend (for example, you found out in advance through friends or from social network), you can still ask this question. Consider this one of the ways to tell a man that you like him.

      • You can start a conversation on this topic immediately after you have met somewhere and talked. If you were flirting with him and noticed that he also liked you back, be sincere and ask this question right away (without introduction). Especially if you feel that your feelings are mutual. You can ask the question directly: “Are you free?” or “Do you have a girlfriend?”, or you can ask it in a veiled manner: “Where is your girlfriend?” or “Are you here alone?”
      • Be prepared for a counter question as soon as he answers yours. If he answers that he is free, just say, “Okay” and smile. And if you are brave enough, you can lean towards him and whisper: “Then I’m lucky.” If the man you like tells you that he has a girlfriend, it would be best to back off. Of course, you shouldn't stop the conversation right away. To maintain your dignity and play up such an awkward moment, you can jokingly say: “Damn, I’m late!”
    1. Tell him directly that you like him. Instead of beating around the bush and dropping hints to no avail, hoping that he will take your hints, be brave and tell him straight out. Wait for the right moment when you can be alone. You can say your feelings in a serious tone, or you can say it in a humorous and playful tone. The style of speech and the words themselves depend on how much you like it.

      • If you dare, you can simply say, “Listen, I like you. I would like something more than friendship." Essentially, this way you will drive him into a corner. He will have no choice but to reciprocate your feelings or refuse. This way you will quickly learn about his feelings.
      • Confess to him that you think he's cute and suggest that you spend time together more often. That's pretty too effective method show a man that you like him. In addition, this is a fairly common way to express your feelings. Once you suggest spending more time together, he will feel some discomfort and pressure from you because he will need to respond quickly and clearly to your proposal. Say: “I think you are very interesting and funny. We should spend time together more often!”
    2. Ask him out on a date. If you are sure of your feelings, but for some reason you don’t want to talk about them yet, just ask him out. This can be done in person, by phone or via SMS. Show him that you enjoy his company and that you want to spend more time with him to get to know him better. You might say, “I had a really good time with you yesterday. It was so much fun! I would like to be alone with you more often. Maybe we can go somewhere?” Think in advance about where and when you can go. You shouldn’t leave planning a date to him.

    3. Write to him about your feelings. Perhaps you don't have the courage to confess to him in person. Or you are very nervous and afraid of mixing up words. It's okay, in this case, you can write about your sympathy in SMS.

      • Write in a message about your feelings. Write as if you are standing in front of him now and saying all this to his face. The message can be written in a serious or playful tone (depending on the degree of your feelings, as well as your personal preferences). For example, you could write: “I think you are very sexy. Maybe we can go somewhere?” The message may be of a different plan: “Listen, I want to confess. I can't stop thinking about you. You are so sweet and funny. Maybe you feel something similar? If so, maybe we can go somewhere and learn more about each other?”
      • If it turns out that your sympathy was not mutual, perhaps the man will ignore your messages. Be prepared for this turn of events. You should also think in advance about how to behave in those awkward moments when you run into each other somewhere. It might be better to pretend that nothing happened between you at all. Or you can muster up the courage and personally explain to him that it is better to forget about this conversation.
      • Let it be something in which you actually have at least some interest. You don't want to look stupid when it comes to your "hobby," like mud wrestling, that you don't really know anything about. This way, you will confuse yourself and him, and you are unlikely to be able to start a conversation.
      • Try to understand what he values ​​in women. If you know that he likes conservative women, you should not show up on a date in high heels and a short, tight dress. In that case, don't expect to impress him.
      • Did you ask him out on a date? Make a plan for the evening so that you can have fun and talk. For example, this could be dinner at a restaurant, mini golf, or visiting an exhibition.


      • Don't overdo it when flirting. You should not behave too loosely so that he immediately understands your intentions. Especially if you know that he likes more reserved women.
      • Don't chase him. Yes, you like him and want to spend as much time with him as possible. But you shouldn’t constantly hover before his eyes and try to meet him at every event in which he takes part.

Despite the fact that men have a calmer disposition and very rarely show negative emotions in relation to the women they love, sometimes even they cannot restrain themselves when they hear unpleasant words from the lips of representatives fair half humanity. But, besides what men don’t want to hear, there are also phrases that they agree to listen to for hours. If you love your chosen one and want to bring him joy as often as possible, take care of what you need to say to a man.

What not to say to a man

Remember once and for all that all the cute nicknames and words that you say to your beloved man should not go beyond your home. Even if he happily accepts everything you say to him in private, this does not mean at all that he will be just as pleased to hear them in front of you. strangers and especially friends. Having heard such sweet words, his acquaintances and friends will not fail to once again make fun of him or smile behind his back.

Displays of tenderness in society cause irreparable damage to male pride, making him appear in the eyes of other representatives strong half humanity is weak. And most likely his wives can call his friends even more kind words, but in public they will never appreciate such manifestations of love, as well as overly gentle touches reminiscent of maternal care. But he will always appreciate the emphasis on his masculine qualities, how strong and caring he is, how many times he has helped you out in difficult situations, and that without him you would certainly never have completed some very important task. Men value admiration from women like nothing else. These words are a real balm for their wounded souls in the struggle for a place in the sun.

Do not tell your husband about your imaginary and real shortcomings. Don't draw his attention to the fact that you've gained weight, become worse at cooking, or stopped taking care of yourself. Usually men rarely pay attention to what they think are little things, but if they hear such conversations, they will subconsciously begin to look closely at you and look for flaws to make sure that you are not deceiving him. Don't forget that in the heat of conflict, a person can use these words against you. Always be the best for your man. And to do this, only talk about how you have become slimmer, more beautiful and younger. And that there is no one better than you in the world. Men believe what they hear from the women they love.

If a representative of the stronger half of humanity did not do something, although he promised, ask him to do it again. There is no need to remind once again that he failed. Few people will like the fact that they blame him for something that he himself has already repented of a hundred times. It’s better to say that you can’t do without his help and could he go buy bread, put away socks, take out the trash or help prepare dinner, and your gratitude will know no bounds. There is no need to walk around all evening, offended, and trying to convict him of being indifferent to you. Believe me, he himself has already felt guilty a hundred times for not keeping his promise, so when he hears, instead of further complaints, a simple request to do what he did not have time to do, he will do what is needed with double zeal.

Under no circumstances compare a man with other representatives of the stronger half of humanity. No matter how much he offends you, no matter what he does, mentioning that your old friend is a thousand times better than him will not correct the situation, but will only provoke a quarrel and resentment. Since you live with this man, it means that he is the best for you and there is no one in the world who can compare with him. And any misunderstandings can be resolved by discussing the disagreements that have arisen and remembering how dear you are to each other. Your love is priceless to be exchanged for squabbles. Remember your feelings more often, and you will be surprised how much easier it will become to live and find common language with your beloved man.

Photo: what you should and shouldn’t say to a man

Don't criticize his work, hobbies, former women and friends. Any negativity towards them is perceived by a representative of the stronger half of humanity as criticism of his personality. After all, he chose these women, and since they are not so good, it means he doesn’t know how to choose his favorite ones. Constantly emphasizing his superiority over his ex can have the opposite effect. A man may decide that you are not suitable for him either, because, according to your own words, he does not know how to choose women at all. The same applies to his work. Self-realization is very important for any man, and it is at work that he can feel what contribution he can make to the development of society, no matter how pretentious it may sound. Therefore, the slightest criticism will be perceived as a belittlement of his dignity, and he is unlikely to like it.

If you don't like his job, then it's better to carefully ask why he chose it. Maybe he himself has been wanting to change it for a long time, but he thinks that you won’t approve of such a decision, or there is a way to take a better-paid position. If the work completely suits your loved one, then all that remains is to accept it, since you love this man.

In general, try to express an opinion without assessing what he is doing, but suggesting ways to solve some issues or problems. In any case, take an interest in his affairs, what is happening with his friends and relatives, even if you could not find a common language with them. Understanding that you are doing this for his sake, a man will be able to appreciate how lucky he is to have you.

Top 7 phrases to say to a man

  • Tell him about your love. Don't look for a reason or the right time. Greet him with words of love from work when he wakes up or goes to rest, sits down to watch TV or has dinner. Believe me, men like the phrase “I love you” no less than women. If you want, leave him a note, describing the full strength of your feelings. When he wakes up, he will happily remember once again how happy he is.
  • Tell him how proud you are of him. No matter what he does, no matter what he says, no matter what he decides, no matter how he acts, there will always be that moment when you can tell him that he is worthy of your respect. How could it be different if you agreed to become his wife or bride. He brought home an unfortunate puppy, a kitten, a stray dog, who did not even hope that he would be noticed and saved. Don’t say that you don’t have the strength to look after the animal, but tell him how kind he is and that you are behind him like behind a stone wall. All difficulties will be left behind, and you will forever remember what a big heart your loved one has, seeing how your new pet clings to his lap, thanking him for saving him.
  • There is always a reason to say what “golden” hands he has, because when something breaks, you immediately turn to him for help so that he can help and fix it. How many broken things he was able to fix, or, in the end, buy. And in a difficult situation, isn’t it really a man who is looking for a way out, what to do and how to be. The main thing is not to forget that sometimes men need words of admiration and approval more than women.
  • When choosing clothes for him or going to visit him, emphasize how beautiful his eyes are, how courageous his face is, and how his figure drives you crazy. Just be prepared that you may be late for your visit.
  • In addition to words of love, do not forget to say that there is no such man in the world anymore, and there never will be. That for you he is the one and only and that you are grateful to fate for giving you a meeting with him.
  • Tell your chosen one as often as possible how proud you are of him, and that he, like no one else, is worthy of respect and gratitude. It doesn’t matter what he did today, the main thing is that he cares about you and tries to turn your life into a real fairy tale. How much lies on his shoulders, but he carries this load on his own strong shoulders, protecting you from all the hardships and difficulties of this world. Recognition of his merits from your lips will be the best praise and appreciation for his work.
  • Compliment him, tell him how strong, smart, courageous, amazing and caring he is. How happy you are to be next to him, feeling his love. For him to finally fall at your feet, tell him that meeting him changed your life beyond recognition, turning it into a fairy tale.

Photo: what you should and shouldn’t say to a man

Having learned what you need to say to a man, you will never get into trouble, you will never feel his anger and dissatisfaction by saying something wrong. The ability to please your loved one will be a huge advantage over other representatives of the fair sex. You can rest assured that a man will never want to leave such a magician who knows how to give joy, even in words, for another.