Internal Affairs Officer's Day Russian Federation

Historical background

The Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually on November 10th. This is the number chosen to honor the profession that guards public order. Thanks to the patrol officers on the roads, police officers in public places, operatives and investigators in the country maintain constitutional tranquility. The date was not chosen by chance, but became the successor of the Soviet holiday “Police Day”.

Voentorg “Voenpro” joins in congratulating the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also offers for this holiday.

On November 10, 1917, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Rykov signed the decree “On the Workers' Militia.” This day is considered the birthday of Soviet law enforcement agencies.

But the Day of Internal Affairs Officer itself began to be celebrated only in 1962, and official holiday became completely after another 18 years. Concert events began to be prepared for the celebrations, and particularly distinguished employees were awarded departmental medals, insignia, and bonuses. In society it was necessary to create a bright image of a Soviet policeman who guards order. Therefore, a lot of attention was paid to preparing the holiday.

In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was forgotten, and it was restored only 20 years later. Although, despite its absence from the calendar, the Day of Workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continued to be celebrated, and quite loudly. For example, since the early 2000s, holiday concerts have been held in State Palace in the Kremlin. So the government took care of honoring the security forces.

In connection with the reform of 2011, the Day of Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was renamed the Day of Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The police themselves became the police, which caused a lot of discussion in society. But in the end, everyone got used to the new name quickly enough, and this issue was no longer understood. On April 5, 2016, another reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, which led to the reduction of 163 thousand employees and the establishment of the total staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at 904,871 specialists of all categories.

Some of those laid off were transferred to the newly formed Russian Guard. A Federal service Drug Control and the Federal Migration Service were transferred to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What traditions exist on the Day of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The Day of Russian Internal Affairs Officer has many of its own traditions that must be observed. Police officers are honored in all cities, where a festive program with an invitation is organized for them famous stars variety shows, theatrical performances, screening of documentaries or feature films. Interesting fact: The cult Soviet film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” was also released precisely on November 10th.

Congratulations on the Day of Internal Affairs Officer are heard from all government officials. The most distinguished employees are recognized with state and departmental awards. The award ceremony is held in front of the entire city, so that the population knows their heroes by sight. Concerts in large cities are necessarily broadcast on television, so everyone has the opportunity to watch the ceremony. After the official part, the concert continues.

Congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are also given to veterans of law enforcement agencies who have dedicated their entire lives to serving people. They are invited to holidays as guests of honor and celebrated with memorable awards. Such continuity shows the young that not only the police maintain order in the state, but the state will not forget about its workers.

Another mandatory event is the ceremonial laying of flowers at the monuments and memorials of the fallen security forces, who fulfilled their duty to the end and, even under the threat of death, did not retreat from their positions. Approximate statistics say that on average the country annually loses about a hundred Interior Ministry employees in the line of duty. More than half of all cases involve militant attacks on law enforcement officials.

How to congratulate loved ones on Ministry of Internal Affairs Day?

Internal Affairs Officer's Day in 2016 is coming very soon, so it's time to think about gifts. Receiving state awards, of course, is pleasant, but it will be much more pleasant to realize that your relatives have not forgotten about such a significant date and have prepared a surprise. I always want to know what is there loving family, which will support you in any life situation.

Many people don’t know what to give for the Ministry of Internal Affairs Day in order to definitely please the recipient. It is enough to visit any military store, where you can easily find interesting accessories with the symbols of the relevant department. Such products are very popular because they are of high quality and can last for a very long time, each time reminding the owner of the donor. For most people, in difficult moments, it is these signs that help them not to break down.

Of course, Voenpro also remembers the heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is necessary not to forget Let us know that November 10th is Internal Affairs Officer Day and congratulate everyone who stands between the criminal world and the peace of citizens. There is no doubt that every employee deserves the honors bestowed upon him. Even despite the risk to their lives, every year hundreds of young men and women consciously choose service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as their profession. Therefore, we need to pay tribute to them and do our best to ensure that the image of a police officer in society is associated with safety and security.

They can have practical value or just be souvenirs that can be placed on your desk. Security forces have a good sense of humor, so something original will definitely please them positive emotions. In such a dangerous and difficult profession it is impossible to live without fun moments that give you the opportunity to distract yourself and think about something good.

Voenpro congratulates all employees of the Russian Internal Affairs bodies on the holiday!

Work, brothers!


Please contact our managers if you have any questions.

November 10 is the Day of Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation(until 1991 - Soviet Police Day, until 2011 - Russian Police Day).

Every year on November 10 in Russia, representatives of one of the most difficult and dangerous professions - employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - celebrate their professional holiday. Every day, risking their health and sometimes their lives, police officers protect society from crime.

The unofficial name of the holiday among Russian citizens is Police Day. An obligatory tradition of this date is the fact that all police officers serve in full dress uniform, it is customary to congratulate them on this day and give them themed cards.

This holiday has existed since September 26, 1962, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was adopted on this. Over time, it was repeatedly renamed in accordance with the renaming of the corresponding structures. Until 1991, this holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Police, until 2011 - the Day of the Russian Police. Since October 13, 2011, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, November 10 in Russia is celebrated as the Day of Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.

On this page you will find universal, sometimes humorous and cool congratulations Happy Police Day in poetry and prose. In addition, here you can send any of your favorite voice congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the phone of your police friend. This year the content has been updated for the holiday: now there are congratulations on Police Officer's Day by name.

Congratulations on the Day of Internal Affairs Officer.
Congratulations on Police Day

Let me congratulate you Happy Police Day!
And I wish you success from the bottom of my heart!
Today, according to established tradition, we
Let's celebrate the holiday together!
We wish you ups and downs at work,
Promotions, all sorts of awards!
And so that in your personal life - like clockwork -
Everything went smoothly, evenly, without obstacles.

Congratulations on Police Day in verse

They say that the police officers
Very often there are no days off,
But even rare ones fly like migratory birds,
It's so fast - sometimes you don't notice them!
And a holiday - once a year, like a birthday!
But if it exists, it’s not in vain!
You must have good mood
Combined with November 10th!
Children sleep peacefully, and let them dream
Something kind, funny, beautiful!
Police keep the peace
Day and night, weekdays or holidays!
Your service is both dangerous and difficult!
Every day is like a blank slate, without rehearsal!
God bless you with reliable, experienced comrades!
Congratulations today Happy Police Day!

Being a police officer isn't easy.
There is no cinematic beauty in it.
Chases, detentions, interrogations,
Who can handle this? Of course you are!
Let many now scold the police,
As long as there are people like you in it,
We can sleep peacefully, I know for sure
Happy holiday to you! Let your dreams come true!

Hard work, danger lurking nearby -
Such is the everyday life of our policemen!
And that’s why sometimes it doesn’t reach
They have an eye for every little detail!

Let everyone be congratulated on Police Day
Those who are dear to you and who love you!
The bosses will leave you alone on this day,
And let there be no new crimes!

We can't live without the police,
And there is no such power in the world
Which would be able not to bother
Without a brave defender in uniform.
Congratulations to the police today!
We love and respect you very much.
Because, without closing my watchful eyes,
You serve the law, protecting us all!

There was a time when the country sang about the police in songs:
Your service is indeed both dangerous and difficult.
Both your enemies and your friends honor you as soldiers of order,
Although not everything in work is smooth, it’s impossible without you.
We consider Police Day a general holiday of the country.
We cordially congratulate you - the Fatherland needs you!

Congratulations on Police Day in prose

Dear police officers! Dear veterans of internal affairs bodies!
Police Day is a holiday of courageous and fearless people who guard our peace and well-being. On this day, we thank the employees of the internal affairs bodies for their high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to duty, which we consider to be the key to future success in protecting public order.
Today, police officers fulfill their assigned tasks with dignity, justifying the high trust of the people, ensuring the safety and tranquility of the residents of Russia, protecting their legitimate rights and interests.
We are confident that the best qualities of our police officers will significantly increase the efficiency of their work, raise the level of legal awareness in the internal affairs bodies, and preserve the best traditions laid down by their predecessors.
We cordially congratulate you on professional holiday! We wish you success in your difficult but noble work, good health, happiness and prosperity!

The work of police officers is not easy, often quite dangerous, fraught with risk and unforeseen accidents. And what qualities do you need to have in order to get out of any difficult situation with honor, a dilemma that is insoluble at first glance, to stop the criminal who is destroying everything in his path.
Next to you on this solemn day are your friends and acquaintances, the people whom you saved from trouble. They are proud of you, they thank you and wish you success in your valiant work. IN difficult moment you can count on them, you can call on them for help.
Raise your glass, dear friends, and wish our fearless police officers endless warmth and incredible wealth in their souls, warmth and wealth in their homes.
May luck and success always accompany them, may their hearts be forever young, may their eyes glow cheerfully, with a twinkle, may phone calls at least once a year, on their professional holiday, bring them only congratulations and not a single unpleasant news about crime or disorder !

Dear employees of internal affairs bodies! Dear law enforcement veterans! I cordially congratulate you on Police Day!
The state has entrusted the most difficult and responsible tasks to your shoulders - to protect citizens from crime, to defend Law and Order. The fight against crime remains actual problem. Therefore, the consistent, painstaking work of the police aimed at ensuring public safety and law and order, and maintaining the peace of the region’s residents is extremely important. The future of ongoing reforms and the degree of public confidence in the state and its authorities depend on success in this activity.
Due to the nature of your service, you have to risk your own health, and sometimes your life, in the name of the ideals of justice and goodness. But, despite this, day after day you continue to carry out your difficult service, coming to the aid of people who find themselves in trouble and danger.
Today many of you will spend a holiday at the post. I wish you all to fulfill your professional duty with dignity, I wish you coordinated and efficient work, courage and perseverance! And also simple human happiness!

Congratulations on Police Day from women

On this day, our valiant police officers, accept congratulations and the most dear confessions and wishes from your loved ones and dear ones - girlfriends, beloved women and faithful wives. We, your valiant women, know well the peculiarities of police service; we experience many of the hardships and inconveniences associated with this difficult work.
It is we who receive every phone call with anxiety, because such a call can again disrupt the rhythm of our life, it can again take our husband and father into the darkness for who knows how long.
And all we can do is wait and worry about you, wait for any news from the invisible front of the fight against evil and crime, stay awake at night and wait, wait, wait. It is we who nurse and raise your children, we tell them about your noble work, we raise future defenders of the country.
It’s us, late at night, having put the kids to bed, shedding a few tears and thinking about you, sewing shoulder straps on your overcoat. A double burden on our fragile shoulders, a burden that we usually cope with.
And in every award that now shines on the chests of our valiant police officers, there is a part of our heroism, the everyday heroism of our wives and girlfriends. Our deepest bow and respect to you, our endless gratitude and gratitude, our love to you, dear police officers.

SMS congratulations on Police Day

Short congratulations on Police Day

Today is Happy Police Day!
I want to congratulate you!
Career ambitions
Let them come true at once!
Let there be a minimum of crimes
Happens in the country
And only straight lines
They guide you according to your destiny!

Let there be rare rises in alarm,
Let there be more weekends a year,
The bosses don't scold too harshly,
And let the salary grow even more...

Happy Police Day!!!

You are a policeman with a capital P, you love and value your profession. Therefore, today, Police Day, you are worthy best congratulations and praise. Always remain in charge of order no matter what, so that everyone will be proud and respect you. Happy holiday!

Police are a duty! Police are a service!
Take it today kind words.
May there always be true friendship nearby,
And for great things - a clear head!

I wish you happiness and success
Less wet stuff in pharmacies
Police are always needed
And without her we are nowhere
Who protects us on the street and in the house?
The police are always on the lookout.
Ready to defend order and rights
Our people always! Hooray!

Voice greetings on Police Day

Congratulations on Police Day to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on Police Day to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations Happy Police Day will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Police Day

Some people don't want to be honest
Live somewhere today
But it is known for certain
Who will help us in trouble.
Some kind of holiday today,
Someone is drinking something today.
Something big and different
Our people want them.
Here and there songs will flow,
There will be something to dance about.
Sing, law! Crime - crack!
Who the fuck is your mother!

From the vast post-Soviet space and the incomprehensible people, from the entire multinational population of our vast country, and from me personally, I proclaim the most touching congratulations to a policeman on his professional holiday.
I wish that they give up your seat on the bus, that you are skipped in line at the bakery, that your children are proud of you, and that your neighbors want to become a policeman like you. Don’t let an acute respiratory infection or a runny nose bother you. May you be lucky in the instant lottery. Let the scrambled eggs never burn, and the cap never be too tight. Thank you for protecting our peaceful sleep and fighting crime.
Happy holiday to you, Happy Police Day! Hurray, comrades!!!

Today is a holiday - Police Day,
Today is the Day of Criminal Investigation, Experts...
And we don't need foreign police.
Why? You yourself know more than the answers
To those questions: who killed, why.
And you don’t often have days off,
But it doesn’t matter, because you are trying for them,
For us, for everyone and everything.
We believe that the day will come
And the shadow will disappear forever,
And it will be light for everyone around,
And we will love the cops.

In Rus', the police appeared as a state authority under Peter I in 1715. On September 8, 1802, under Alexander I, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed in the Russian Empire. In 1908, operational search activities were added to the list of functions performed by the police. The overthrow of the autocracy and the revolution of 1917 led to the liquidation of the tsarist police, which was replaced by the “people's militia” (created on November 10, 1917). It was called upon to protect revolutionary social order. Already in 1920, the police branched out into city and county, railway, industrial, water, and search police.

In the years Civil War and intervention, police officers actively participated in hostilities and at the fronts. In 1919, over 8 thousand policemen were sent to the Red Army. In 1920, the entire frontline police took part in the battles against Wrangel’s troops and the White Poles; more than 3 thousand railway police workers were sent to the Western Front.

The formation of the police after the collapse of the USSR took place in 1991 with the adoption of the RSFSR Law of April 18, 1991 No. 1026-1 “On the Police”.

In 2010, Russian authorities admitted that the police were subject to fundamental reforms. As a result, President Dmitry Medvedev proposed a bill “On the Police”, which has the status of a Federal Law since March 1, 2011.

Police reform

In 2008-2009 measures were taken to limit the excessive powers of the police in the sphere of control over the economic sphere, and restrictions were also introduced to bring to criminal liability for crimes in the field of taxes and fees. These measures will certainly reduce police brutality in the economy, but they are not a reform in themselves.

The first steps towards reform were taken at the end of 2009, when, after a number of high-profile crimes committed by police officers, significant public attention was drawn to the need for change. On December 24, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree “On measures to improve the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation,” which provides, among other things:

  1. reduction of the number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 20% until January 1, 2012,
  2. instructing the Government of the Russian Federation to consider increasing allocations for paying remuneration to police officers, presenting proposals for reforming the system of cash payments, optimizing the number of specialized educational institutions etc.,
  3. ordering the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to review the procedure for selecting candidates for service, taking into account their moral and ethical qualities and improving professionalism, to eliminate duplication of functions of internal affairs bodies, etc.

On August 7, 2010, the draft law “On the Police” was published in the public domain with the possibility of commenting, designed to replace the Federal Law “On the Police”.

On March 1, 2011, the police in the Russian Federation officially ceased to exist.

Our congratulations in verse for Police Day, congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, congratulations on Police Officer Day:

Dear employees and veterans of law enforcement agencies!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Day of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

You have always been the shield and sword of the citizens of Russia. Every day in peacetime you are exposed to crime in your service. This enemy often wages a dishonest war in which innocent people die. Crime, like a disease, infects people and makes them cruel and selfish. Unfortunately, it has not yet been completely possible to cope with it, but people can always rely on you as their defenders, guardians of order and justice.

We wish you endurance, courage and good luck in the fight against our common enemy - crime! We wish your families peace and prosperity. I wish you happiness, good health and all the best!


Ensuring the protection of public order, the peace of citizens and everyday issues are the main tasks of the police, carried out with honor by employees of law enforcement agencies of the state. The work of the department is organized in accordance with international standards. Militiamen (police) promptly and skillfully respond to threats of terrorism, solve crimes in the economic sphere, expose mafia structures, and successfully identify and eliminate criminal groups.


The history of the police goes back more than one century. At any time and under any social system, it is necessary to monitor the observance of order among the population.

Historical dates:

  • 1715 - Tsar Peter I founded a police force in the Russian Empire to protect and control public order;
  • 1802 – creation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire;
  • 1908 - creation of operational search units;
  • 1917 - formation of the workers' and peasants' militia by the People's Commissariat and introduction uniform form for employees;
  • 1946 - the police are transferred to the subordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 1962 - government decree on the introduction and celebration professional day law enforcement officers;
  • 2011 - the holiday date became known as the Day of the Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.

A policeman is a reliable defender of the peace of Russians, who maintains order around the clock in the territory entrusted to him, solving both everyday problems of people and protecting the state from criminal attacks.


The department's officers celebrate their professional day while on duty and protect everyday work, peace and quiet life of the population.

For many years, ceremonial events have been held on this day, at which senior officer ranks, on behalf of the state and grateful Russians, congratulate employees of the departments of the ministry on the holiday and celebrate distinguished law enforcement officers with memorable gifts, medals, and certificates. The program includes obligatory congratulations to veterans, former employees of the internal affairs department, a minute of silence and tribute to those killed in the line of duty. Festive concerts in open areas of the country with the participation of show business stars. Police Day ends with fireworks.

Law enforcement is one of the most in demand, but also the most thankless profession. The police, like the army, merely reflect the deep processes of society. Most people who protect our peace and health do it out of duty, without sparing themselves.

Services involved in maintaining order have existed as long as the state itself. Russian police began its journey with the reign of Peter I. In 1715, he created a security service that monitored public order. It was at this time that the name “police” appeared.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was created much later, under Alexander I. Its tasks included: establishing and maintaining calm, fighting deserters and fugitives, fire safety, monitoring the condition of roads, trade, and supervising shelters.

The formation of the service continued until the middle of the 19th century. First, the Ministry of Police was created. Then laws were gradually adopted that established detective departments and service departments.After the revolution, a workers' and peasants' militia was created to maintain order. It performed almost the same functions as the police. Literate citizens aged 21 and older who supported Soviet power were accepted into its ranks. They gave a subscription, which they were obliged to serve for at least six months. From this moment on, the history of the Soviet and then the Russian police begins - October 28 (November 10), 1917.

The history of the police is closely connected with the history of the country. There are many glorious and heroic pages in it. Employees fought on the fronts of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, fought against saboteurs and spies. The majority of personnel always celebrate their holiday at the combat post, protecting our peace.

Like the whole country, the police have experienced a lot during its existence - the cult of personality, the thaw, stagnation, perestroika, the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation. These are dramatic and epochal times. The chaos of the 90s affected employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs almost more than other structures of the state.
Low wages, lack of modern technical means, lack of understanding of society could not break people selflessly serving the country and society. The police have repeatedly proven their dedication and high professionalism. Privates, sergeants and officers continuously solve everyday problems to protect the country and society from criminal activities.

Until recently, the holiday was called “Police Day.” According to the Law “On Police”, the service changed its name in 2011. And before the next professional date, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the name was changed to the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.

On November 10, they not only reward distinguished employees, but also congratulate service veterans. The holiday is always a little sad - we remember the comrades who died in the line of duty. Unfortunately, the best of us leave first, but this is another reason to serve better not for money, not for gratitude, but at the behest of duty and honor.

Despite the fact that the law enforcement service has existed in Rus' since time immemorial, servants of the law acquired a professional holiday only in 1962 after the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date November 10 was chosen because on October 28 (November 10, new style), 1917, the NKVD of the RSFSR resolution “On the Workers’ Militia” was adopted. For almost thirty years, from 1962 to 1991, the holiday was called “Soviet Police Day.” After the change in the political system, the word “Soviet” left the name of the holiday. From 1991 to 2011, the holiday was called “Police Day.” The latest changes in the fate of the holiday occurred in 2011. After the adoption of the new law “On Police” on March 1, 2011, the name “militia” was replaced by “police”. The official name of the holiday also changed and came to its current form. We are currently celebrating "Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation." However, in everyday speech the holiday is often called more briefly and simply - “Police Day”. On this page you will find poems and congratulations on Police Day, postcards and pictures for the holiday, and you can also send cool audio congratulations to family and friends of police officers directly to your mobile phone. See also:

On the tenth day of November

This invariably happens on the tenth day of November: The tables are fogged up, It’s not in vain that the glasses are full -

Something will wait until tomorrow, Something was done yesterday... The holiday came to us suddenly! Happy Police Day! Hooray!


Congratulations to the police officers

We wish the police officers with all our hearts not to give up their position, may they have great success,

Let your career work out, Let your salary grow as soon as possible, Let you want and be able. Happy holiday to everyone, guys!


To your favorite policeman

My hero is always on guard! This is not your first time fighting! With the authorities, with life, with the chaos... But don’t fight just with me!

I can always understand you, I always want to hug you. Today I will say lovingly: “Darling, happy holiday to you!”


Good poems with congratulations on Police Day

May God protect you from all obstacles and from bad things, move forward boldly, and never know anything bad in life.

I wish you with all my heart peaceful service in the police, may great success await you! Love, hope, true friendship!


Happy holiday poem to a police officer

The police are rejoicing - they congratulate them and kiss them! On this holiday, the whole country is full of gratitude!

Even thieves will congratulate them: They will leave dark deeds behind! Smile and dance, Policeman, from the heart!


Congratulations on Police Day for women

Our weaker sex - you are the strongest! They proved this in action! In labor, sometimes backbreaking, we won brilliant victories!

On your special and professional day, please accept a personal gift from us! We give gratitude and recognition, For courage, for career and for titles!

We women's forces We wish our defenders and warmly congratulate you on Police Day!


Congratulations to the policeman husband

My husband is a brave policeman, He is on duty day and night. And everyday life is not scary, And the daughter is proud of her dad.

Let the troubles pass, Let the shifts be shorter. Let the hard workers in the police be like supermen!

Let your salary grow, Like yeast dough, There will be more servelat, At family parties!


Congratulations to a friend - a police officer

The siren roars heavily: “Waah! Wow! Whoa!” A cap is sticking out of the window, A head is in the cap.

And in the head of that thought Sometimes it’s not easy, And on the belt hangs a baton with a holster.

And in the holster the clip is tucked into the pistol. Live in peace, brother, preferably for a hundred years!


Police Day in Russia

Police service is the shield and sword of the country, In protecting society from criminal darkness.

It’s the police’s job to serve the Motherland, and cherish the oath taken sacredly.

Brave knights, armies of peaceful days, Serve every day according to the laws of their homeland.

Excellent training They stand at their posts, They will neutralize in time the Passion of thieves' brigades.

Great Rus' will be more beautiful and sweeter, Under the protection of the knights - Glorious sons.


Cool congratulations on Police Day

Some people don’t want to live honestly in some places today, But it is known for certain who will help us in trouble.

Some kind of holiday today, Someone is drinking something today. Our people want something big and different.

In some places there will be songs, and there will be some dancing. Sing, law! Crime - crack! Who the fuck is your mother!


Happy Cops Day!

Happy Cops Day! Let there be no jambs! They respect you at work, they shake your hand firmly!

Everyone is happy to congratulate you! Let the salary increase! Be tough on crime, be lucky and healthy!


Congratulations on Police Day to women

Your shoulders are crowned with stars, The shape fits your figure and suits your face; And these women also know how to fight back any insolent person!

Girls, today, on Police Day, Our boss signed the order, And you are all appointed queens! Rule us - we love you so much!


Congratulations on Police Day

Policeman, be strong and in love with your profession. Protect ordinary people, And today – just drink!

Just drink and pour, Celebrate this holiday, Happiness in life wanders nearby, Nothing else is needed!


Congratulations to a police officer

As a child, it seemed that this was courage, Courage, weapons, strength, deduction... But it turned out to be paper, freshwater, Crosses, scum, intrigue, corruption.

Of the violators, every second is a godfather of a deputy, a major and a criminal. And the rest are with them, profited. Throw away the running shackles!

Go into business, or into private security... Who will then protect you, unfortunate people? Will it save lives, save investments? Who else but a humble police officer?


Happy Police Day, opera!

Hand over your weapons to the base! Turn off the phones and set the tables so you can immediately receive congratulations!

Let the opera take a break from work today! Pour it already, whatever! Happy Police Day! Hooray!


Wishes for the holiday - Police Day

We especially honor this day - Police Day for us - a holiday of the highest standard. It was in the past and now.

We wish you, in deeds and in words, to conquer the criminal world. Always be strong, healthy, and keep your promises.

And serve with dignity, saving everyone from trouble, Believe in sincere friendship and our universal success!


Congratulations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Rubber baton - Reliable tool. Does not require gasoline, Starts instantly.

The criminal intruder will appear in the distance, And - once!!! - already in bed, chewing tetracycline.

Tetracycline is tasteless and runs down my beard. So we congratulate the Ministry of Internal Affairs in writing and orally!


Congratulations on Police Day

On Police Day, I have long dreamed of congratulating you. Only to sincerely glorify, wish you every hour

Just enjoy life, Don’t forget about your family, And for your homeland, To reduce crime!


Guys, Happy Police Day

Guys, I want to congratulate you on Police Day! Let your career ambitions come true!

Let a minimum of crimes happen in the country, And only straight lines Lead you to your destiny!


On Police Day, take a rest!

All your colleagues respect you, your loved ones love you, your friends appreciate you, all doors are open to you, and your family is proud of you.

On this festive day, I wish that all your wishes and dreams come true, And career growth, and titles, On Police Day, rest!


Police Day for us

Police Day means a lot to us: Every day and every hour, Day and dark night

Our police protects peace dispassionately! Let life be great, Let the service be safe!


Thanks to the police officers

You are guarding our lives, Protecting peace, Serving the Fatherland with honor with Heart, body and soul,

Even if you can’t say everything in words, But thank you for standing on guard, for preserving our peace!


Good wishes for Police Day

A policeman is a guardian of order - This is always the pride of Russia! Even if the work is sometimes not sweet - you cope with it without difficulty!

On Police Day, may the commanders reward you with a new rank! And let new stars suddenly shine on the uniform’s shoulder straps!


Who protects our peace

Who protects our peace, guards hooligans, and protects order, protects the defenseless - Viva for all police! Everyone is happy to congratulate you! We wish you success, Happiness, joy and laughter, And love your job, Give people care to everyone, We now congratulate you all on Happy Police Day!


Happy holiday! Happy Police Day!

The whole country celebrates Police Day from year to year. People celebrate this holiday very joyfully.

We heartily congratulate the wonderful guys, we wish you easy service and high salaries!


Happy Police Day!

Happy Police Day! Today is a big holiday for you. And from my heart I wish you everything, so that you are happy and believe in yourself,

I wish you success at work, and love and warmth in your personal life! And may everything you dream about always come true in life!


There is a number ten in November, We must not forget it, And the Ministry of Internal Affairs on this wonderful date It is time to congratulate.

You are strong, brave people and you are not afraid of anything, you are doing important work and thank you for it!


To all the cops - hip-hip hooray!

To all the cops - hip-hip hurray, your holiday is today! Happiness to you - for all the years, Excellent service!

Titles, honors, awards, Many bonuses, Eternal vigor, auspicious days!

Let the money rustle in the house, Life will be great, And the criminals are in a hurry to come to you to confess!


Today you are smart, beautiful...

Today you are smart, beautiful, Let crime fall asleep forever, We say to you for everything: “Thank you!” We are grateful to you, gentlemen!

You are the protection of the people, You stop crimes, And you are engaged in solving cases, You are in perpetual motion...

And on your day - from the bottom of our hearts we wish that the country becomes calmer, that you are at home more often, that you are valued in your family!


Short poem Happy Police Day

Congratulations on Police Day! May your service and destiny be successful. All crime will disappear like smoke, so that you are happy, love and be loved!