Often girls decide to wear a pirate costume to the carnival. Making it with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to emphasize the main features of the corsairs’ outfit.

Distinctive features of a female pirate outfit

What should you remember in order to make your own pirate costume beautiful, elegant, and so that everyone can immediately understand who the girl is portraying at the carnival?

The peculiarities of this outfit are that pirates are, firstly, sailors, and secondly, robbers. There is one more important detail: being robbers, pirates had a weakness for jewelry, leather and velvet robes, and bright fabrics. Therefore, in order to build a pirate costume with your own hands, you need to get from the pantry or from the mezzanine an old vest or striped fabric, high boots, preferably over the knee boots, a leather vest, bright chiffon or nylon scarves and scarves, wide belts and belts with buckles, a bandana, large shiny jewelry and weapons - you can use children's toy sabers, swords, swords, muskets, pistols and the like.

do it yourself with a vest

If you have a vest and high boots, then the issue with the suit, one might say, has already been resolved, all other items will only be an addition to it. With a vest you can wear leggings or trousers, shorts or breeches, a skirt or Bermuda shorts - this is a secondary issue.

One of the outfit options is robber. Then it is recommended to turn the bottom of the skirt into rags, cut holes in the vest, and put a black bandage over the eye. A toy bird on the shoulder will perfectly complement the image of a sort of bloodthirsty pirate chieftain.

Outfit for a pirate coquette

The situation is more complicated if there is no vest. In this case, you will have to make a pirate costume with your own hands, relying on other distinctive features this outfit. And this will be a hat or bandana, in the form of a skull and crossbones (you can even paint the emblem with white paint), wide belt with a large metal buckle.

A pirate-coquette can wear either a long-skirted velvet camisole, or shorts and high boots, with her hair tucked under a bandana, hat, or loosened with a ribbon on her forehead. You can make such a pirate costume with your own hands, a photo of which is presented here: with an uneven asymmetrical hem of the skirt, a bright scarf tied on the hips, with a low-cut blouse, the sleeves of which are quite wide and tied at the wrist with a drawstring, and with a vest that completes the overall look.

Pirate weapons

But it may happen that there are no toy weapons in the house. In this case, you can make it yourself. As an option, a curved short saber, which can be easily made from cardboard, is perfect.

After drawing the outline of the blade and handle on cardboard, for example, from a box of candy or cookies, it should be cut out with a sharp knife. Then the blade needs to be covered with foil, and the handle should be wrapped with electrical tape. Rhinestones, old brooches, chains, bright buttons and other sparkles glued to the handle will imitate the weapon being inlaid with precious stones.

You can also cut out a musket from cardboard. By placing two templates together, they can easily be wrapped with electrical tape and covered black paint. “Inlaid” on a musket with shiny things at hand is not only not forbidden, but also encouraged!

A great pirate costume that takes no more than 30 minutes to create

Creating a pirate costume with your own hands may be the only possible solution, especially when there is already time and money to buy finished product just no. In addition, such an outfit can be created completely individually for the baby; there will be no unpleasant sensations during wearing, rubbing, and other things that sometimes differ from store-bought clothes.

Option one - a young pirate in bright jeans


When creating a pirate costume for a boy with your own hands, you can sometimes use the simplest things that can only be found in an old wardrobe. For example, these could be children's jeans, which are to be cut into a herringbone pattern, creating a feeling of wear and tear, cuts obtained by a pirate in the fire of battle. The length of these jeans can vary; the most optimal shape will be the breeches. It is advisable that if jeans are selected as the initial option, they can be associated with the sea.


The second element of the costume will be a vest, which can be created from an ordinary children's T-shirt. It is advisable if the initial clothes are several larger size to create a kind of “sagging” effect on the body. The item of clothing may be sleeveless, with an unbuttoned collar. To match your jeans, it is best to choose striped clothes with white and bright red lines.


When considering how to make a pirate costume with your own hands, you will need to pay close attention to such an element as the jacket. The product is quite complex, as it will be necessary to design it. The basis is a classic jacket blue, which is also cut into a herringbone pattern at the bottom, just like jeans. You have to do a little work with the design, for which it’s easy to use a fashionable golden-colored ribbon that will go directly to the lapels of the jacket.


The true attribute of a pirate is a hat, which can be used as an ordinary cardboard pattern, additionally covered with fabric. The hat in the final version must certainly be black, the same color that real pirates had, and this tradition should not be neglected. The skull and crossbones, an indispensable personification of piracy itself, can be applied either through paint through a stencil, or specially embroidered on the surface of the hat.

As an additional design element, a red ribbon tied around the waist can be used. This product will serve as a belt, the length can be adjusted to any size, it is important that the ribbon hangs slightly on the side, this must be taken into account when making a pirate costume with your own hands.

Option two - sea wolf jacket


Alternatively, when making a pirate costume, you can make it without a bottom, which will allow you to easily wear the product under any skirt or jeans. The vest is selected, as in the previous version, striped, combining red and white lines and thus allowing you to imitate the clothes of a sea wolf experienced in battle. In this case, the sleeves can be chosen long; the material from which the structure is made does not matter; it is important that the child is as comfortable and comfortable as possible in his clothes.


For a pirate jacket, an ordinary item from the wardrobe is selected, from which almost all the buttons are removed except for one. It is on this remaining button that the product itself will be attached; it is located just above the chest. What’s noteworthy is that you can try to apply the corresponding symbol of piracy on the surface of the jacket, namely bones with a skull. There can be two application options: fabric marking and stencil or embroidery.

Pirate hat

A DIY children's pirate costume cannot be considered complete unless it comes with a high-quality hat. As in the previous version, you can easily use a cardboard base, or a body covered with a special material, black. In the same way as with the jacket, an image of a skull and crossbones, a pirate symbol, is applied to the central part of the hat.

An eye patch made of black fabric can be used to complement the look.

Option three - jacket and headband

When looking at what a do-it-yourself pirate costume for a boy looks like in a photo, you need to pay attention to the fact that it may not always be necessary to create complex elements or patterns. It is enough to use only two or three elements and create on their basis.


A completely ordinary shirt for a child can be used, white, of varying lengths, but preferably longer, so that the item hangs a little. The sleeves can be simply rolled up or trimmed, depending on individual wishes.

Jacket (Vest)

The detail is relevant for both a boy’s and a girl’s costume. The pattern is the most common, and if you haven’t found a cheap ready-made option, don’t worry. Let's do it ourselves. To make it easier, the product may not have buttons and can be worn openly.

As additional elements a special eye patch made of black fabric can be used.

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Pirate costume for the New Year: what are they?

For convenience, we divide the pirates into 4 groups:

  • from computer games;
  • from films and TV series;
  • anime;
  • realistic.

The image you choose for yourself or your child will depend on your personal passion for the topic. Fans of the popular game for happiness will want to dress up as the main character, just as connoisseurs of modern cinema will want to dress up as a Hollywood handsome man dressed as a pirate.

What remains is anime and images of sea robbers that are as close to realistic as possible. The first ones are distinguished by their piquancy and will be close to all those who have a soft spot for Japanese animation art.

The latter are the lot of those who thirst for truthfulness and honesty in the image, even if we are not talking about a costume themed party, but about a banal New Year’s corporate party. I'll tell you about each of the options.

Game heroes - pirate images with a modern twist

I suggest not going far into the virtual wilds, but choosing images of the heroes of the most popular games about naval battles.

  • I advise you to pay attention to the game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.

The image of a pirate in this fascinating, although not the most profound game, is more romantic and courageous than evil and dangerous. Making a hero costume is not difficult at all. The base is a hooded sweatshirt and dark-colored wide pants. The main attributes are high boots, arm ruffles and a vest made of thick fabric, leather, you can even use cardboard. Instead of a belt, there is a thick fabric wrapped several times around the waist. That's enough.

Add a fake sword to each hand (sold in any toy store), tuck the knives into your belt, and fasten the revolvers to your vest for convincing. The image is ready! Such a pirate smells of adventure and love of freedom literally a mile away!

  • Another interesting option- a modern pirate from the game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. The uniqueness of the hero lies in his extraordinary, atypical image. Drake, that is the name of the hero, continues the romantic exploits of sea robbers several centuries after their last representative disappeared. He also searches for treasures, travels, enjoys freedom and the sea, but at the same time looks like an ordinary person.

Dressing up as Drake couldn't be easier. Regular jeans, jumper, gun in hand. To make it more convincing, you can add a few abrasions to the face and body. The image is not quite New Year's, but very colorful, suitable for adult holiday parties.

Hollywood Heroes of the Caribbean

When recalling popular blockbusters with a pirate theme, the first thing that comes to mind is the sensational “Pirates of the Caribbean.” The charismatic and cheerful Captain Jack Sparrow added to the popularity of the film. You can change into it New Year, maintaining the pirate theme from the films. The costume is appropriate for both an adult party and an innocent one. children's matinee, therefore can be considered universal.

What is he like, Jack Sparrow? Charming, slightly unkempt, masculine and stylish. The signature detail is a bandana and hat over long dark dreadlocks. The costume itself is typical of a commoner of past centuries. These are traditional:

  • shirt with wide sleeves;
  • tight wide pants;
  • high boots with cuffs;
  • thick belt with holster;
  • camisole or vest;
  • a little decor.

And yes, don’t forget about makeup. Jack has a thin mustache with a goatee and heavily lined eyes, which makes him seem a little sly.

Pirates in anime - what they look like

It’s better to dress up as Japanese anime characters, for example, from the popular cartoon “Black Lagoon” as a couple. When a boy and a girl, or a girl and a boy, try on costumes and makeup, it will look more realistic and clearer. The costumes of Japanese anime robbers are the simplest, so to make yourself recognizable it is important to focus on the details: hairstyle, makeup, tattoos.

Don’t forget about pistols and a brave look - this is how anime fans remember the heroes of the Black Lagoon pirates.

Image of a real pirate

The images of the first sea robbers were not much different from the images that the creators of heroes draw in films and games today. Moreover, they became their prototypes. Therefore, I will not reveal anything new if I say that real pirates, just like fictional ones, wore wide, comfortable trousers made of thick fabrics or leather, high boots, camisoles or vests, shirts or blouses, depending on their position and income.

Most of the robbers tied their heads with bandanas, headbands, and wore hats. Some used creepy black marks on their eyes. Everyone had a whole arsenal of weapons in stock, ranging from a knife to revolvers, sabers, etc. Of course, appearance pirates were not distinguished by cleanliness and sophistication. Constant battles, ordeals, persecution and frequent poverty left their mark on clothing. Therefore, if you decide to dress up as a pirate of the past, choose worn, rough clothes, or give them a worn-out effect with simple sandpaper.

Eliminate all modern attributes. An 18th century pirate with a smartphone in his hand will look implausible and funny.

That's all friends. I’m glad if you helped me decide on the look and I’ll be grateful for the repost! See you again!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Children really love holidays, where they can wear some interesting and fun costume, play with friends and dream about other exciting and interesting world. The most important thing in children's costume- become a vivid childhood memory for life. For similar themed parties and adults wear bright costumes. Regardless of the reason for the meeting, you need to choose an attractive, funny and beautiful appearance for yourself and your child. One of the most popular characters is the pirate. Let's figure out how to create a pirate costume with your own hands.

However, first you need to choose an example of a sea robber on whom you will rely when creating your image. Below are a few pictures to get you started.

Pirate attributes

Most often, the following elements are used in the image of a pirate:

  • cocked hat or bandana;
  • black eye patch;
  • white shirt in old style with cuffs and frill, necessarily not ironed, torn if desired;
  • vest;
  • striped pants or a skirt, but not straight and preferably torn;
  • a sash belt, or several ordinary leather belts;
  • boots, always high.

In the image of a pirate, the following will look impressive: a hook on the hand, muskets in the belt, a spyglass, daggers, a parrot sitting on the shoulder, an abundance of rings on the fingers.

Do not avoid excess, pirates love pretentiousness, so if you want to use all the details in the costume, then use them all. And so for the appearance of a pirate, just a few of the elements will be enough.

Sew a shirt

If suddenly you don’t have an old shirt with lace somewhere in the attic, then sew it yourself.

To work, you need to prepare an ordinary old shirt that will fit you, and a piece of fabric of a different color.

Fold the fabric in half, unfold the shirt on top, and trace it. The shirt must be made quite wide under the arms, with voluminous sleeves. If you want, you can make it longer. While creating the pattern, make the necessary adjustments and only then cut. Be sure to add a few centimeters to the pattern pieces to process the seams and hem the edges, preferably more to be on the safe side in case you made a mistake in the cut.

Cut the neck so that the head fits comfortably into the resulting hole, and process as illustrated below. Now all that remains is to create the sleeve cuffs. Overcast the cut of the fabric and sew the elastic with a zigzag at a slight distance from the edge, while it needs to be stretched a little.

Now you just need to hem the bottom of the shirt and sew side seams, and the pirate shirt is ready. And to make it perfect, you can make lacing on the collar or sew a lace frill.

There is a simpler option for children. Take a white T-shirt and sew a lace frill onto it. However, with this option you need to wear a vest or camisole.

If a pirate costume is created in limited time or it is not possible to sew a shirt, then you can replace it with a vest.

Stylish vest

The vest is very easy to create using the pattern described above. Take a comfortable t-shirt and fold it in half to make a pattern. Then you need to outline it, but without sleeves. The end result should be two front pieces and one back piece. Don't forget to step back a little from the pattern to finish the seams and edges. Then feel free to cut out all the details.

We sew all the parts together and trim along the edges. The vest can be made wide open, without buttons, since sewing on buttons is not good for a pirate. And if it was created for a cute pirate, then the patches sewn on top will become a beautiful decor.

Striped pants

IN ideal image pirate should use striped pants, but if you don’t want to, then suitable option There will also be plain skinny jeans.

The sewing technology for this piece of the pirate's wardrobe is exactly the same. We take comfortable pants, preferably not made of knitwear. Then we fold them in half, pant leg to pant leg, to create a pattern. We fold the fabric twice. If using striped fabric, it will need to be folded in the direction of the stripes.

There's just a little bit left to do. We hem the trouser legs and insert an elastic band into the waistband. If you want, you can use the elastic at the bottom, it’s very convenient, especially if the costume is for a child.

We complement the image with a skirt

A technique for creating a skirt for a pirate girl. You need to take fabric; black or striped colors will look best. First you need to sew a regular straight-cut skirt. You can then create an uneven hem by cutting out different triangles along the edge. This skirt will look good with a corset and a sash.

If you don’t want to wear a skirt, then you can opt for skinny trousers or wide pants.

Eye patch

One of the main details that distinguishes a pirate is the black patch on one eye. It best explains the image, and is very easy to do at home.

To make a bandage, you need to take a thick fabric, such as felt. We make an eyecup from the selected fabric, attach an elastic band or a fabric strip with an elastic insert to it. A patch will look good on the eyecup; for little ones you can make a cute one, with some favorite animal, for example, and for adults and older children you can make a patch with bones crossed under the skull.

This bandage can also be easily made from paper. To do this, you just need to cut out a circle of the required diameter from thick black cardboard, thread it with a thin elastic band and, if desired, decorate it with a pirate symbol with bones.

Sea Robber's Tricorne

To make a cocked hat you need felt. We make 1 piece with a slot (slot size = ½ head circumference), sew the edges with a buttonhole stitch and threads of a different color. If you don't have a patch on your pirate eyepatch, you can make one on your hat.

The “ears” of the cocked hat must be glued or sewn.

If you don’t have felt, don’t despair, it can also be made from paper.

To do this, take thick cardboard. We cut out the part in the shape of a hat and a strip of cardboard so that it fits on the head.

Now both parts need to be painted in the pirate’s favorite color - black, if cardboard of the desired color is not available. And also, if desired, we decorate the hat with crossed bones under the skull.

The hat will look more impressive if you glue a fringe of paper to it.

There is a simpler and quick option make a hat like a mask. To do this, you also need to cut out the part in the shape of a hat, if you need to paint it. And after that, glue it with glue or tape so that you can hold the hat and take funny photos at the party in a pirate hat, just by placing it on your head.

If the pirate hat is not to your liking, then it can be completely replaced with a bandana. Below are options on how to tie it like a pirate.

Unusual accessories

If the main part of the costume is ready, then it’s time to think about accessories. You can make a dagger out of thick cardboard, take a stuffed parrot, decorate black fabric and make a pirate flag out of it, because these are the details that will show that your character is a real pirate.

To create a pipe that is so necessary for a pirate to go to sea, you need to take several cardboard rolls, for example, from under toilet paper. It is necessary to make a pipe blank from them.

After this, we wrap each roll in a flap artificial leather or paint it black.

And then we connect the rolls together, creating a pipe, as shown in the photo below.

There is a faster and easier option. To do this, we twist a sheet of cardboard into a pipe and secure it on both sides with electrical tape. The telescope is ready.

Do you want to seem like a formidable pirate? A hook instead of a hand will make the blood of those around you freeze with fear. And it's very easy to make. Take a disposable cardboard cup and make a hole in the bottom. We make a hook from food foil and insert it into this hole. Fix with glue. And now all that remains is to decorate the glass.

To complete your look, when all the accessories and clothes are ready, remember that tousled hair and eyeliner are a must for a pirate look. A couple of scars will only decorate a sea robber.

Video on the topic of the article

And finally, a few videos on how to create a great pirate look.

Pirate costume for boy

Not a single pirate party children's party or New Year is not complete without such a bright character as pirate. But for the character to turn out real and unforgettable, he needs the following attributes: a pirate costume, a pirate’s hat and hook, as well as an eye patch.

In this article, the News Portal “site” wants to invite you to try making a pirate costume with your own hands from scrap materials. This idea won’t take up a lot of your free time, but it will have an impressive effect.

So, first of all, it’s worth understanding What does a real pirate costume consist of?

The pirate costume consists of shirts with voluminous sleeves, a lush frill or a regular vest, pants, a bandana or cocked hat with a skull image, as well as all kinds of accessories in the form of an eye patch, a hook and a weapon.

If a pirate costume is necessary for a girl, then it can be anything elegant dress, decorated with patches with skulls and sabers, striped leg warmers or tights and definitely a luxurious hat with a feather or a playful bandana.

So let's get started...

And we'll start with making a pirate's headdress .

The most simple option headdress for a pirate can become bandana. Use bright colors scarves pre-decorated with thematic stripes and patterns. You can tie a pirate bandana using the patterns below.

Pirate bandana

How to make a Jack Sparrow costume with your own hands?

DIY paper pirate hat

To make a pirate hat you will need a sheet of thick cardboard, paint, scissors and glue.

Cut out the silhouette of the future pirate hat from a sheet of cardboard. Separately, make a cardboard headband that will fit perfectly on your head.

Now using paints, decorate the future pirate hat. Remember that a real pirate hat is black. The decoration of the hat should be crossed bones under the shard.

If you glue paper fringe to a pirate hat, the hat will look much more interesting and voluminous.

A pirate hat can also be made according to the principle of a mask. Cut out the silhouette of a hat from a sheet of thick cardboard and decorate it. And then, using regular tape or tape, glue a stick or pencil to the hat. With this stick, the child will be able to hold the hat and apply it to his head.

DIY pirate eye patch

What's a pirate without an eye patch?

Making such a bandage yourself will not be difficult.

Cut out the circle required size from a sheet of thick black paper or cardboard. Thread a thin elastic band into the circle. The black circle itself can be decorated with a skull and crossbones.

The same can be done from fabric.

DIY pirate spyglass

To make a real pirate pipe, you will need several cardboard toilet paper rolls, glue, artificial leather or fabric, and paint.

From toilet cardboard rolls you need to make a pirate blank spyglass. Wrap each cardboard roll in a piece of faux leather or paint it with black paint. Then combine the finished cardboard rolls into a single whole (see photo).

DIY pirate hook

To make a pirate hook, use a disposable cardboard cup.

Make a hole in the bottom of a disposable cup. Make a hook from food foil and insert it into the hole made in a disposable cup. Secure with glue. Now you can start decorating the cardboard cup.

If you have used all the master classes presented in this article, then you should end up with a very bright and original homemade pirate costume. Be sure to complement the costume with weapons and makeup.