Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and place it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. IN […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a tricolor Swan from triangular modules. It would seem that what else can you come up with, what other options are there for making Swans using technology? modular origami. But it turns out there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I present to your attention new master class for making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson we made a Swan in red, but now I decided to change the style a little and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet you can find a huge number various schemes and master classes on making Swans using the modular origami technique. I'm sure you've never seen a swan like this before. This scheme is quite simple and even [...]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 3. In the third part of the master class, I offer you two video lessons and detailed diagram origami how to make a swan. The first video shows how to make a swan's neck and how to make a small stand. The second video talks about how to glue a swan better and faster. Lesson 6 (neck and […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the “Swans in Blue” tutorial we finish making the body. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed diagram of an origami swan from modules. To assemble a swan you will need 1438 modules of 1/16 size, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami swan from paper from 3D origami modules. The design is quite unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. I'll be honest - the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme I […]

“Rainbow Swan” diagram and video tutorials (part 3). The third part of the “Rainbow Swan” master class consists of three video tutorials on assembling the stand. And I also decided that a video tutorial on gluing the “Rainbow Swan” would be very useful for you. Lesson 5 (stand part 1) Lesson 6 (stand part 2) Lesson 7 (stand part 3) […]

Natalia Kaltyrina

The guys and I decided to give our dads a beautiful shirt with a tie made by yourself. And today I will describe to you in detail master- a class on making such a postcard.

1. We need: A4 sheet (smaller if you want) the shirt was smaller, piece of paper 10*10 (for a tie, glue, scissors.

How to make a tie:

1. Take a piece of paper 10*10.

2. Bend the leaf diagonally.

3. Unfold the piece of paper and bend the corners as follows way:

4. Turn the tie over and bend the top corner.

5. We bend the corner back, leaving a little space at the top.

6. We bend the entire upper part at the level of the upper corner.

7. Turn the tie over to the reverse side and bend part of the paper as in the picture.

8. The tie is ready.

Now we do shirt.

1. Fold the A4 sheet in half.

2. And bend it again on each side.

3. We bend the corners from the top.

4. Bend the top part.

5. Fold the outer strips inward and bend them so that you get a triangle in the middle. then bend the outer corners in the middle. Upper part bend it to form a hexagon.

6. Turn it over to the other side and get a T-shirt like this.

7. Fold a small piece of paper from the bottom (this will be the collar).

8. Turn over to the other side and bend the corners.

9. Bend double the shirt, and pass the corners of the collar over the T-shirt. And we get it ready shirt.

Final stage: Glue the tie to shirt and our card is ready. You can write something on it, or glue a pocket.

And look how bright the guys turned out shirts.

Zaushitsin Damir Andreevich, student of MBDOU "TsRR-DS "Smile" Abaza, Republic of Khakassia.

Description: This master class is intended for children, educators, teachers additional education, wonderful parents and creative people.

Purpose: a gift for daddy, can serve as work for an exhibition or competition.

Target: execution volumetric applique in non-traditional technology.

1. Create favorable conditions for the development of fine motor skills.
2. Promote the development of creative activity.
3. Create conditions for educating children emotionally, positive attitude for the holiday "February 23". The history of shirts or, in other words, men's shirts, originates, according to experts, in Rome. The modern shirt, which has gained wide popularity among the male population of the entire planet, appeared as a result of a series of transformations of the Roman tunic, which was worn directly under the toga. That is, in those ancient times, a shirt was used as underwear. The barbarians also wore shirts, but these clothes were made of a coarser material based on homespun. One of interesting facts is that even then a wrinkled or dirty tunic was considered a sign of bad taste. Yes, back in Ancient Rome, the quality of clothing began to acquire a certain importance. Every self-respecting Roman, as a rule, wore a white tunic made of linen or wool.

When the Renaissance came, people developed an unhealthy interest in dressing up men's clothing. All Renaissance fashionistas tried to make a statement with shirts. At first, they put on a snow-white shirt, and over it a jacket, and the shirt was visible through numerous slits in outerwear made specifically for these purposes.
At the beginning of the 16th century, the great Italian masters invented the technique of weaving lace. And it is not at all surprising that lace began to be actively used in the creation of men's shirts. Lace has been used to decorate shirts for many years.

In the 17th century, shirt fashion contributed to English masters. It was from these times that the men's shirt gradually ceased to be decorated with unnecessary decorations; it took on a more democratic and strict appearance. The chemise is worn as underwear so that only one collar is visible. Men's shirts continue to be considered a luxury that only wealthy people can afford. The fact is that this type of underwear does not tolerate physical work, gets dirty too quickly, and you constantly need to spend a lot of money on washing. Therefore, only the upper strata of society wore shirts. This situation began to change only in the 19th century, and more and more people could afford to wear men's shirts.

One of the key moments in the emergence of modern men's shirts was the creation of a shirt with full-length buttons by a company called Brown, Davis & Co. This is where the development of the modern men's shirt began. Currently, we know many types of men's shirts: classic, fitted, loose, polo and others, and we offer you, my dears, to make paper shirt as a gift for February 23rd. For this we need a sheet of A4 paper.

Let's fold it in half

Like this,

And then again

And again on the other side

Let's turn the corner and iron the fold line well on one side and the other...

Let's turn it over

And let’s bend our product a little on the opposite side, about 1-1.2 cm

Let's turn it over again (we work with the opposite edge of the product)

We turn the corners so that the sharp edges point down, because... then our entire product will hold on to these sharp edges

And at the last stage, bend the product in half, pinching the bottom part under the corners of the collar

The decoration of any shirt is a tie; to make it “cheerful” you can use different pictures from an unnecessary magazine, which is what we will do

We need a 9X9 paper square

Bend it diagonally

Unbend and apply one of the corners to the fold line

According to the same scheme and another

Turn over and bend the top corner 2 cm

From the base of the short fold, bend another corner about 2 mm up

And again by 1 cm

Then we bend both edges on one side and on the other to the long fold line.

Glue the tie to the shirt. So Damir made a wonderful postcard for his dad! Happy February 23, beloved daddy!!!

Dad - you mean so much to me
Thank you for everything, my dear,
You are kind to me, and sometimes you are strict,
And sometimes you give me instructions.
On February 23, let me congratulate you,
I wish you joy and fun on this holiday,
As a son, I want to be like you,
To do good deeds!!!

I want to give every grandson or granddaughter original gift grandfather on February 23. With their own hands, children, using various materials for child labor, can make many interesting souvenirs, which will pleasantly surprise their close relative. Of course, creating a paper gift will require a lot of effort and time, but what can you do for your beloved grandfather!

Origami shirt: DIY sleeve folding

One of the most unusual gifts, which a child can make with his own hands using paper, is an origami shirt. Such a homemade gift can simultaneously play the role of a souvenir and a postcard. So, to make this gift for your grandfather on February 23rd with your own hands, you will need to prepare colored paper and pencils or markers.

Creating a souvenir should begin by folding a rectangular sheet in half, but not across, but lengthwise. Next, you need to unfold it and then bend the edges towards the middle. As a result of this action, you should get a two-layer rectangle, the bottom layer of which is solid, and the top layer consists of two halves. After this, you need to straighten all the bends again and place the sheet vertically on front side. Now the upper corners of the workpiece need to be bent towards the middle, then straightened out and the sheet turned inside out. Next, you will need to fold the upper corners again, but only to those bend lines that were made at the previous stage.

The next step for those who make a gift for grandfather on February 23rd with their own hands should be to fold the top of the page where the edge of the sheet intersects with the fold lines of the corners. Next, you need to fold the edges of the workpiece towards the middle, and form sleeves from the upper part. You can see exactly how it should look in the picture below.

Making a collar for an origami shirt

To create the collar, the lower part of the sheet will be used, which must be turned over to the other side after making the sleeves. Next, the paper should be folded so that the collar is twice as narrow as the sleeves. Then turn the sheet over again and make the corners of the collar, the tops of these rectangles should touch the center line. Now all that remains is to fold the workpiece so that the collar protrudes beyond the sleeves, and secure the product using the corners of the collar, which must be laid on top of the “shirt”. At the final stage, a gift for grandfather on February 23rd can be decorated with your own hands with a folded paper tie, a bow tie, as well as painted or glued buttons.

Picture from pencils and paper: preparing details

One more interesting craft A picture made from pencils and paper could be a gift to give to your grandfather. To make it you will need wooden frame size 10x15, sponge, sheet of paper.

The frame, which will become the basis of the picture, will need to be decorated with colored pencils, and in its center place a pre-folded paper volumetric boat. That is why you first need to create the main element of the composition, and then continue to make a gift for your grandfather on February 23rd with your own hands. A photo of the finished boat can be seen below, and it must be folded according to the instructions given.

Making a paper boat

First you need to fold a rectangular sheet of paper across, and then slightly bend the workpiece lengthwise, but not all the way, but only so as to outline a line. After this, you should bend the upper left corner to it. Do similar actions with the right side. One layer of the lower free edge should be folded up; the fold line should be the lower edges of the triangles made at the previous stage. Next, the workpiece should be turned over and a similar action should be done on the opposite side.

At the next stage, you will need to secure the edges to the craft by bending all the protruding corners around it. Next, the resulting triangular pocket should be opened and folded along opposite fold lines. The received part must have square shape. After this, one free edge of the workpiece needs to be folded diagonally, and then do the same with the second. The resulting product should be taken by the opposite edges and carefully stretched - this will be the boat needed to make an original gift for your grandfather on February 23rd with your own hands. The master class given above will help even the youngest grandchildren create crafts without much effort and time.

Assembling a picture from pencils and paper with your own hands as a gift to your grandfather

Finally, all the materials and parts are at hand, all that remains is to assemble the picture. To do this, the photo frame must be covered with pencils in three rows. It is necessary that they cover the entire length of each side. It is important not to forget to insert a blank sheet of paper inside the frame on which this composition will be formed. When the frame is dry, you can move on to the next stage of making a present for grandfather.

The previously made boat should be attached with glue in the center of the base. The lower part of the picture can be painted in the form of sea waves, and the upper part can be painted with clouds and the sun. This gift will definitely make your grandfather happy.

Picture for grandfather on February 23 from his granddaughter: preparatory stage

When thinking about what kind of gift you can make for your grandfather on February 23rd from paper with your own hands, girls should pay attention to the picture made using the quilling technique. To make this souvenir you will need a special set or double-sided white and colored paper, which can be cut into narrow strips and continue working. In addition, you need to prepare glue, scissors and a sheet of cardboard for the base.

We all know that girls really like to use the quilling technique to make flowers, so we suggest making them the basis of a product that will be presented as a gift to grandfather on February 23. With your own hands, your granddaughter will need to make a lot of curls from paper strips using a toothpick. Next, each resulting part will need to be given a petal shape by stretching out its edges, or left round - the centers will be made from them. The leaves for the composition are created in the same way as the petals, and green stripes will be used as stems. You can create several elements and any other fancy shapes.

Creating a painting

When all the details are at hand, all that remains is to assemble a composition from them. To do this, you need cardboard, preferably colored, and glue the details prepared in advance onto it, forming flowers or any abstract shapes. You should leave 3-4 centimeters free at the bottom of the postcard. In this place, you will need to line up the inscription “February” in white, and stick it on top of the entire color composition large number"23". Of course, it will not be easy for your granddaughter to make such a gift for her grandfather on February 23rd with her own hands, but the result is worth all these incredible efforts.

Tank made from matchboxes and paper to grandfather from grandson: master class

Boys from the very early age love to stack weapons and tanks from various materials, so why not make this hobby the basis of a gift for grandpa? Having planned the production of this craft, you will need to prepare 6 matchboxes, green paper, glue, black tape, tape, pencil and black cardboard. So, everything you need has been collected, you can start making a gift for your grandfather on February 23rd with your own hands. You don’t yet know how to make a base for a tank, but believe me, there is nothing complicated about it.

First, you need to use tape to connect 4 boxes - two at the bottom and two at the top, and fasten two more separately. The resulting blanks should be covered with green paper. Next you need to get an image of the caterpillars. To do this, black tape should be used to cover the edges of the blank of 4 boxes. Then you will need to attach the tower - a part of two boxes - to the appropriate place. All that's left are the wheels and the cannon. To make the first part you need to cut it out of black cardboard required quantity circles, and make the second one from a strip of paper, rolling it into a tube. After this, you just need to attach all the parts to the corresponding places on the tank hull - and you can present the made gift to your grandfather on February 23rd with your own hands. It is always a pleasure to receive a present from a grandson, and if it is also so original, then the pleasure is simply indescribable.

Dad or grandfather will be very happy to receive a handmade card from your child as a gift on February 23rd. We invite you to make a beautiful and original shirt postcard. At first glance it seems that this is very difficult. But in fact, making such a postcard is much easier than it seems. Even a child can cope with this task preschool age with a little help from an adult.

Grab a few sheets of colored paper and get creative. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper of the color you like in half and unfold it. Now fold each half towards the center. Now make sleeves for the shirt by folding the corners, as shown in photos 3 and 4. Turn our workpiece over and fold the bottom edge (photo 5). Turn the piece over and make a collar as shown in photos 6, 7 and 7a. Now all that remains is to fold the card, folding the bottom edge and tucking it under the collar. All! The postcard shirt is ready!

Now it’s time to make a tie or bow tie. Follow the instructions in the photo and you will succeed! Or just cut out a tie from paper and stick it on your shirt.