The longest day of daylight of the year, also called Day summer solstice, marks the transition of the planet to the phase of astronomical summer - in other words, real summer from the point of view of astronomy. The date of the summer solstice changes every year, and in 2018 it will occur on June 21 at 13.07 Moscow time.

The summer solstice will last a full 17 hours and 33 minutes. At this time, the Sun will reach its furthest position from the equator, and the Northern Hemisphere will experience the longest daylight hours and the shortest night.

What is the summer solstice

After the Sun rises to its peak, it will continue to remain at this height for some time - that's why this phenomenon is called a solstice. After this, the position of the Sun will begin to descend to the south, and daylight hours will gradually decrease.

The summer solstice is always accompanied by beautiful natural effects. So, in St. Petersburg on this day white nights begin, and north of 66 latitude the polar day begins. The hardest thing is for the residents of Murmansk: there the sun does not set beyond the horizon for about two months in a row, from May 22 to July 22.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich

The story of the summer solstice

Since ancient times, the day of the summer solstice has been shrouded in secrets and folk legends. Our ancestors attributed deep mystical meaning to this day, as evidenced by countless legends and signs that have survived to this day.

On the Summer Solstice, the ancient Slavs celebrated the summer holiday - Kupala. The celebration was accompanied by ceremonies and magical rituals in which people praised higher powers and nature. It was believed that special rituals for the Summer Solstice had supernatural power: they determined a person’s life on next year, his health and good luck. Of course, ignoring them was considered bad sign, and rarely could anyone dare to do such a thing.

Signs for the Summer Solstice

Many signs on the Summer Solstice Day are related to the weather, which is not surprising: the harvest, and therefore the life of the family for the entire next year, depended on it.

For example, bad, rainy weather on the Summer Solstice predicted a crop failure. Moreover, even a couple of clouds in the summer sky were considered bad weather.

A lot of dew on the leaves, on the contrary, spoke of a bountiful harvest. Dew was collected by hand into small vessels and magical healing powers were attributed to it.

There are many stars in the sky on the night of the summer solstice - there will be many mushrooms in the fall.

If a guy pours water on a girl on the Summer Solstice, they will soon get married. On the other hand, to attract female happiness, girls danced all night around the fire with songs.

© Sputnik / Egor Eremov

Do's and Don'ts on Summer Solstice

As with any holiday, it is best to avoid negative emotions, do not quarrel and do not shout, do not give in to despondency.

In many cultures, the summer solstice is considered a successful time for concluding any unions and agreements, including marriage. As our ancestors believed, on this day the Sun splashed out a lot of positive energy, which provided protection and prosperity to all people.

On the Summer Solstice, girls wove wreaths of flowers, making wishes along the way. If you wear such a wreath on your head, your wishes will definitely come true, our ancestors believed.
To attract money and success to your family, place coins under the door. And very soon you will notice how money will begin to appear to you on its own and in sufficient quantities.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation towards the Sun is at its lowest.

It is more obvious to residents of high latitudes that the summer solstice occurs on the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the sun rises at its highest in the sky. Because the summer solstice lasts only a brief moment in time, other names are used for the day on which the summer solstice occurs, such as “midsummer,” “longest day,” or “first day of summer.”

Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Summer Solstice Day in 2018: what date?

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, lasting 17 hours and 33 minutes.

Usually this day falls on June 21, and only on leap years- on the 20th of the same month. So, in 2018, this event will take place on June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time.

But why exactly the solstice? The fact is that on June 21, an ordinary observer gets the impression that the Sun seems to freeze at its zenith and does not move anywhere throughout the day.

The longest day of the year 2018, how long it lasts, date

The Summer Solstice is the longest sunny day of the year. As a rule, it falls on June 21, and in leap years a day earlier - on June 20. And since 2018 is not a leap year, this year the longest day falls on the 21st of this month.

The name solstice day arose because people who observe the Sun on this day see a picture of the luminary frozen on the horizon. Another name for the Solstice is Solstice; it is also customary to celebrate this day associated with these phenomena. folk holiday and they have their own traditions.

The history of the summer solstice

The sun has always played an important role in people's lives. This explains the fact that the solstice began to be celebrated long before our era. According to scientists, at the dawn of humanity. True, at what exact moment of the “dawn of humanity” historians still have not figured out.

Meanwhile, it is known that the summer solstice holiday was revered in the cultures of many nations. Moreover, he was especially loved by the inhabitants of the north, who, after a long winter, had more reasons to enjoy the sun, summer and warmth than others.

The Slavs celebrated the summer solstice main holiday summer - Kupala (however, after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, it ceased to coincide with the longest day of the year).

In general, during the times of the pagans, the summer solstice holiday was at the peak of its popularity. The rituals adopted on this day were so important that few people dared to ignore them: it was believed that these rituals determined what a person’s life would be like for the next year (in particular, happiness, health, and good luck depended on them).

But after the advent of Christianity, pagan traditions were no longer held in high esteem. The Church tried to ban them in every possible way, but she never succeeded in making people forget about the summer solstice. This day is still celebrated in many countries around the world. And in Finland, the longest day of the year (there they call it Juhannus) is even an official public holiday.

Signs for the Summer Solstice

On summer holiday there are many signs. Here are some of them.

If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be abundant. By the way, dew was collected in a vessel because they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.

Bad weather means crop failure.

If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, an abundance of mushrooms is expected in early autumn.

Those who meet the sunrise in nature are guaranteed health and strength for the whole year.

If a guy cheats on a girl on this day, they will soon get married.

Those born on June 21 are carriers of the “evil eye” and can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.

If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

What to do on the summer solstice

To extract maximum benefit this day, you must:

From June 20 to June 23 are the strongest energy days. If you are engaged in self-development, use this time for cleansing and the practices that you do. If you do everything right, the results will be good.

On the night of June 20-21, you need to swim in the pond. At this time, water has healing properties.

Start the morning of June 21 with a greeting to the Sun. A very good greeting would be the yoga gymnastics Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). It is advisable to spend this entire day in Nature.

Make yourself some sun tea. Brew the tea you like and put it out in the sun. Drink it with honey.

In the morning, fill up with water. On this day, water is considered healing.

On this day, wear clothes and jewelry with yellow color.

Take time to understand and cleanse your emotional sphere. We look into all corners of our consciousness and cleanse it of all negative things. In return, we are filled with love and joy.

Forgive all your offenders, mentally thank them for the lessons they taught you.

Get as much rest as possible on this day.

If you can, find a group of people who celebrate on this day. At the festival, in round dances and through rituals, you will receive purification.

However, listen to your intuition. Not all holiday groups will be useful for you.

Do something creative on this day: sing, embroider, express yourself.

Have fun with friends or like-minded people in Nature.

On this day, it is customary to cleanse the body (swimming in a pond), cleanse the soul (jump over a fire) and cleanse the spirit (walk barefoot on hot coals).

There are four moments in the annual cycle that play a significant role in life on Earth.

People have long known about the existence of these transition points, but the physical essence of these phenomena became clear only with the development. We are talking about two solstices (winter and summer) and two equinoxes (spring and autumn).

What is solstice?

At the everyday level, we understand that the solstice is the day with the longest (summer solstice) or shortest (winter solstice) daylight hours. Our distant ancestors knew well that before winter solstice the day shortens, and after it begins to increase. In summer, the opposite happens. It was also noticed that on the day of the winter solstice the sun occupies its lowest position above the horizon, and at the moment of the summer solstice it passes the highest point for the entire year.

What is happening to our planet and the Sun with scientific point vision? Let's remember some astronomical concepts.

Celestial sphere- an imaginary surface that we look at when we are on Earth and looking around the sky. For us, earthly observers, it is along the celestial sphere that all celestial objects, including the Sun, move.

Ecliptic- a circle located on the celestial sphere along which the Sun moves relative to the Earth.

celestial sphere– a circle located perpendicular to the celestial sphere coincides with the Earth’s equator.

Due to the fact that the Earth's axis is inclined to the planet's orbit around our star, the equator of the celestial sphere and the ecliptic do not coincide. Due to this, the seasons change with moments of transition - solstices.

On the day of the solstice, the Sun passes through the points of the ecliptic that are furthest from the celestial equator. Otherwise, it can be expressed this way: solstices are the moments of the greatest (in winter) or smallest (in summer) deviation of the earth’s axis from the Sun.

Winter and summer solstice

The winter solstice occurs on December 21st or 22nd (the date may vary in different time zones). This day marks the shortest daylight hours and longest night in the northern hemisphere. The summer solstice falls on June 21 and is distinguished by the fact that this date has the longest daylight hours and the shortest night.

In the southern hemisphere, exactly the opposite processes occur: there is a summer solstice in December, and a winter solstice in June.

What is an equinox?

There are two more important points in the annual cycle - the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. These days the Sun passes the intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecliptic. The days of the equinoxes fall in the middle of the period from one solstice to the next (although due to the fact that the earth moves around the Sun not in a circle, but in an ellipse, the dates shift slightly).

The spring equinox falls on March 20 or 21, the autumn equinox on September 22 or 23. As the name suggests, equinoxes are the times when day is equal in length to night.

How do the solstices and equinoxes affect life on Earth?

People have always known that critical points in the movement of our star across the celestial sphere affect nature. This is especially true for residents of northern latitudes, where the change of seasons is more pronounced. For example, from the day of the March equinox, real spring comes to us: it becomes warmer, the soil warms up, and plants come to life. This is of great importance for agriculture.

It is no coincidence that the agricultural calendar has always been associated with the days of the solstices and equinoxes. These dates were important pagan holidays, some of which were adopted by Christianity. These holidays are:

Winter Solstice - Catholic Christmas and Kolyada;

Spring equinox - Maslenitsa;

Summer solstice - the holiday of Ivan Kupala;

The autumn equinox is a harvest festival.

As you can see, even in the technocratic 21st century we celebrate these events without even thinking that they are related to the annual solar cycle and how dependent our ancestors were on natural phenomena.

Solstice is one of the two days of the year when the Sun is at its greatest angular distance from the celestial equator, i.e. when the height of the Sun above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. This results in the longest day and shortest night (summer solstice) in one hemisphere of the Earth and the most short day and the longest night (winter solstice) - in another.

The day of the summer solstice is the day of the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere, that is, if the inhabitants of the Northern part of the Earth from this moment are at the beginning of astronomical summer, then for the inhabitants of the Southern hemisphere astronomical winter will begin in the same period of time.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20, 21 or 22. In the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice falls on these dates. Due to various inequalities in the movement of the Earth, the solstices fluctuate by 1-2 days.

In 2017, astronomical summer in the northern hemisphere will begin on June 21 at 04.24 UTC (UTC, 07.24 Moscow time).

On the day of the summer solstice at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of more than 57 degrees, and in territories located above a latitude of 66.5 degrees (the Arctic Circle), it does not set beyond the horizon at all, and the day lasts around the clock. At the North Pole of the Earth, the Sun moves across the sky at the same height around the clock. It is polar night at the South Pole at this time.

During several adjacent solstice days, the sun's midday heights in the sky remain almost constant; This is where the name of the solstice comes from. After the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the day begins to wane, and the night gradually begins to increase. In the southern hemisphere it is the other way around.

For thousands of years, the summer solstice was of great importance to our ancient ancestors, who were subject to natural cycles. In the times of the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature.

In the old days, even before the advent of Christianity, the holiday of Kupala, dedicated to the ancient pagan god Kupala, was timed to coincide with the summer solstice.

On this day and night, they wove wreaths, drank surya (a honey drink), jumped over fires, made sacrifices to water and fire, collected medicinal herbs, performed rituals calling for the harvest, and “purifying the soul and body” ablutions in rivers, lakes and streams. The central place among the vegetation that night was occupied by ferns. It was believed that a fern flower, blooming only for a moment at midnight, would accurately indicate where the treasure was buried.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

On June 21, we will celebrate a grand astronomical holiday - the Summer Solstice. This is the longest day of the year when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. This is a powerful, special time filled with the energy and power of nature and the Sun.

In the days around the Solstice, the Earth's energy is at its peak, and so is our own energy. It is especially strong on the day of the Solstice itself.

Mentions of the celebration of the solstice can be found not only among the Slavs, but also among the Europeans and the Balts. Even today it is celebrated in Sweden, Poland, Belarus and other countries. And in Finland this day is an official public holiday.

Special attention deserves to celebrate this day at Stonehenge. Most scientists agree that in the distant past, this was the place where the Druids chose to conduct their rituals. The Celts supposedly believed that on the day of the solstice, the fertilization of Mother Earth by God the Sun took place. Today, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge on the summer solstice to pay tribute to the old Celtic traditions.

Interestingly, the holiday was celebrated even in Nazi Germany. Moreover, in its scale it was not inferior to ancient pagan celebrations: with the onset of darkness, people lit fires and jumped over them, organized torchlight processions, dances and games.

On this day, rituals involving fire and water are performed. They almost always burn large fires and bathe in natural ponds or baths. These rituals are believed to help purify the soul. In Sweden, Germany and other countries, it is customary to establish this day in some crowded place Maypole, symbolizing the triumph of good.

The summer solstice is associated with the power of fire and its cleansing effect. In the cleansing flame, mothers burned the shirts worn by sick children. According to legend, the disease was burned along with the clothes.

Time of the elements

The summer solstice is one of the four main solar points of the year. Others - the winter solstice, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Capricorn, the day spring equinox, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries, and the autumn equinox, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Libra.

The most important thing, in my opinion, is for modern man- this is that solar holidays allow you to tune in to the correct natural cycle, which is more natural for humans than the social rhythm of life. By tuning into the sun, a person increases the tone of all vital organs, forges astral armor against “everyday life” and harmful foreign influences, strengthens the health of the body and the balance of the soul.

In the end, the attunement of man and the Sun makes it possible to feel like an important cosmic unit, capable of much, and not just a cog in modern society.

Ideally, of course, - oh, and out of the city into nature - into the kingdom of life and the four elements!

But if you still remain in the metropolis at this time, then this practice is also available to you.


The main symbol of the Solstice is, naturally, fire. Solar fire is heavenly, and its reflection is earthly fire. On the one hand, fire always symbolizes the very power of life, on the other, the human soul is woven from the same subtle substance as sunlight. That is why on Solstice you can thoroughly cleanse your energy, burn down complex karmic knots and at the same time saturate your subtle bodies, right down to your soul, with a new, radiant force. That’s why they make fires, light candles, and most importantly, greet the sun at dawn.

Direct tuning of body and soul to the solar rhythm

First of all, get up early on one of the culminating sunny days on June 21, 22, 23 or 24, together with the sun, because the night is very short now. The best time to do this is tomorrow. At the moment when the red apple begins to rise above the horizon in the east (and has not yet become dazzling), take a comfortable position to openly contemplate the fiery disk. It could be a clearing in the forest, the seashore, an open field, but your balcony or the roof of a high-rise building could also be suitable.

Look at the sun with wide open eyes, but with a calm, relaxed gaze. To get enough of its power, start breathing like... Breathe until you feel that your body, and especially your heart, is filled with beneficial heat. Remember this feeling.

At this time, you can ask the Sun for support in a difficult situation, in getting rid of something small that interferes with life (for example, fussiness, addiction, greed, irritability - any negative quality, as well as any illness). At this moment you warm up your aura and your soul.

At the moment of alignment with the Sun, you can make a wish, the most secret one! Imagine how, by saturating your energy with solar power, you simultaneously nourish your desire, and it will definitely come true. It can be done like this. You visualize your desire as a sparkling ball that grows and becomes brighter in the solar plexus (manipura chakra) as you breathe in the Sun. When you feel the density in manipura, ready to explode from within, push this ball out of you, like ball lightning or the Firebird, to the east, towards the Sun.

Solstice is a time when the boundary between the planes of reality becomes extremely thin, so everything speeds up, including the fulfillment of desires. At the end of the practice, thank the Genius of the Sun in your own words from pure heart, because at this time he is at the zenith of his power and is especially beautiful.

What else is useful to know

For those who work on self-development, these days are very important. On the summer solstice, solar energy intensifies and the potential for magic, ritual and meditation increases dramatically. On this day, you can not only take a big step towards exciting changes, but also absorb powerful energy, which will nourish you for many months. If you have long realized that you would like to change your life, consider that the decisive moment has come - it is difficult to imagine a more successful period than the day when sunlight overflows the world around us, unselfishly giving its warmth and energy.

Throughout the day, remember that today you are programming yourself for many weeks ahead. Be willing to absorb anything positive, but also remember to keep your guard up to protect yourself. Bioenergetics experts believe that in this way it is possible to protect the human biofield and chakras from imbalance. Don’t be afraid to make your wildest wishes and make grandiose plans today - the Sun will provide you with its powerful support and give you strength to realize your plans.

Our distant ancestors, who endowed each natural phenomenon human traits, and, of course, could not stay away from this astronomical phenomenon. The ancient Slavs celebrated the birthday of the thunder god Perun on June 21, and the Celts and Druids celebrated the holiday of Lita, which can be translated as “the longest day of the year.”

Many rituals and traditions on the day of the summer solstice are reminiscent of the celebration of Ivan Kupala. Indeed, initially Midsummer's Day was closely associated with the longest day of the year, but due to the mixture of Christian and pagan traditions, as well as due to the division of calendars into the Gregorian and Julian holiday of Ivan Kupala, we celebrate July 7th.

Astrologers and esotericists claim that the summer solstice greatly affects all living organisms, be they people or plants. Peasants have long noticed that it is before the Solstice that annual plants grow in height, and then begin to energetically feed their fruits.

It was also noticed that the seeds that will be sown on June 21 will either not sprout at all, or the seedlings will be weak and frail even if they are exhaustively lengthened to lengthen the day.

During the summer solstice, the entire space around us is literally saturated with the energy of the Sun. June 21 is ideal for programming the future - from the very morning, tune yourself to a positive wave and don’t miss it at least until sunset.

From an astrological point of view, the day of the summer solstice is especially favorable for the signs of the element of fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. For earth and water signs of the zodiac, the day is generally neutral, but representatives of the air element should show caution and prudence on this day.

What kind of magic is Summer Solstice Day suitable for?

  • Solar magic rituals are greatly enhanced. For example, on this day you can make a Sun talisman for yourself.
  • Subtle communication with the astral world occurs much easier.
  • Fortune telling on the day and night of the summer solstice is much more accurate. Fortune telling using Tarot cards and Runes is especially suitable. Love fortune telling gives truthful answers.
  • Love magic spells work much better on the summer solstice. For love magic, collect seven different herbs and flowers and sew them into an amulet. Flowers of calendula, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, fern leaves, verbena, oak, rowan, etc. have properties that attract love on this day. The traditional magical colors of this day are yellow and red; red and pink flowers are also suitable for love magic. On this day you can perform a ritual to attract love.
  • This is a powerful magical time for rituals with crystals, stones using solar energy.
  • This day is very good for starting healing work, because the Sun is an esoteric healer.
  • Collecting herbs for magic, especially those used for solar magic, fire magic, and healing. Powerful healing power The sunny herbs collected at this time have the following properties: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. And some, such as nettle, rowan, burdock, and dill, are used at home to protect against evil. On the day of the summer solstice, you can perform a ritual to protect your home.
The night before the summer solstice - magical time. To celebrate the solstice, rituals are performed at night on the eve of this day. This is the time when the veil between our world and the parallel world becomes thin, allowing magic, spirits and fairies to permeate our world.

In ancient times, celebrations of the summer solstice almost always included ritual bonfires. The tradition of jumping over the fire has been preserved from ancient times to the present day. Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to make a fire, but you can light yellow or orange candles. The element of fire symbolizes vitality and life itself. Death is cold. Fire is warmth and life. In many traditions, this day celebrates the unification of the elements of Water and Fire, and water also has powerful magical powers.

The next important solar point of the year will be the autumn equinox.

Ritual of Turning to the Light

The entire day of the summer solstice must be turned into meditation: starting in the morning and until the night.

The day before, take a glass of water, pour a sip of holy water into it and top up with regular water. Place it on your bedside table and go to bed before dawn.

If the birds failed to wake you up, try to wake up from the first sound of the alarm clock: do not fill up the notorious “five minutes” of sleep. Open your eyes and welcome the world. Sit in bed and, spreading your arms wide, imagine how you absorb solar energy. It spreads warmth throughout the body, penetrates every cell, and fills thoughts. Having sent your greetings to the day of the summer solstice, drink the water, mentally saying a prayer: the one that is closest to you in spirit and evokes the strongest sensations. Just think about every word, give meaning to every step of this day.

All the things you plan for this day should be pleasant for you. The people you meet should only evoke good emotions. Do not get involved in conflicts under any circumstances and avoid fuss.

Ritual for change

To dramatically change your life for the better, on the night of June 21-22, you need to spend an hour by the reservoir, taking with you a mug of spring water. From time to time, take a sip with the words: “As the water runs, hurries, and changes, so may my life change for the better.”

The ritual must be performed between sunset and dawn.