Housekeeping is a fragile thing. Damage, the evil eye or a sudden illness can put an end to a farmer's well-being. Chickens sometimes peck eggs, and neighbors look at the cow badly. If you want your chickens to lay eggs well, look for proven spells and use white magic. This article will help.

A chicken pecking at eggs is one of the many problems that arise in a backyard. It is difficult to imagine a farm without a cow and other traditional animals (pigs, goats, rabbits). There are conspiracies so that the cows will have milk and the calves will quickly get on their feet. Apply the knowledge you gain wisely, and prosperity awaits you.

The magic word will protect your living creatures from any misfortunes. The main thing is to choose the right ritual. There are prayers aimed at increasing milk production and egg production, and there are general-purpose conspiracies. Here are some examples:

  • ritual to increase productivity;
  • increase in livestock numbers;
  • protection of cows from the evil eye and damage;
  • prayers for animal health;
  • rituals for chickens

It will take a lot of time for the calf to get on its feet, get stronger and begin to be useful. One of the most powerful rituals is associated with increasing the number of livestock. Wait until Easter, and at sunrise on the third day, walk around your yard. Look into the resting places of animals. The text of the prayer is:

“Dawns, beloved dawns, come to my humble courtyard. Every year, Easter makes people happy. May prosperity in the household also please me. Help me, Holy Trinity. Amen".

We increase the egg production of chickens with magical means

Chicken magic for increasing the number of eggs and protecting the hen is quite varied. If you want your chickens to lay eggs throughout the year without interruption, get a trough, water and millet. Wash your hands in a trough and place the resulting water in the pen with the chickens. Add some millet there too. Say the following text:

“The Lord loves eggs for Easter, and I (name) love eggs all year long. Let the chickens constantly lay eggs, peck at the millet, and turn the pecked grain into eggs. May there always be prosperity in my home. Amen".

Three boiled eggs

A powerful ritual is simple. If you are not satisfied with the egg production of chickens, boil three eggs, crumble them in the chicken pen, and make sure that the birds peck everything. The eggs will first have to be spoken:

“In a black valley, in a clear field, a hut stands, hidden in the fog. The hut is filled with great birds; those birds sit in great nests. There are enough chickens and eggs in their nests. So let my chickens be great, let them please me with eggs. My word is strong. Amen".

This conspiracy is one of the most effective. Use it to prevent chickens from pecking eggs and starting laying them on someone else's territory. After increasing egg production, go to church and thank God for your help.

Mastitis in a cow - we solve the problem with a conspiracy

Grandmother's housekeeping methods are universal. Our ancestors protected themselves with protective rituals from crop failures and livestock pestilence, from the evil eye and other misfortunes. Every animal has its own ritual. There is also a spell against mastitis in a cow, pronounced over a linen towel. You need to wipe the cow's udder with a charmed towel. The text of the spell is:

“Abraham appeared to the Mother of God and said: I will not bring you milk, Marya. My cow's udder hurts, and the milk in that udder is burning. The cow is suffering, her milk is burning out. The Mother of God answers: don’t cry, Abraham, I will give you a magic towel. Wipe the cow's udder, free it from trouble and illness. Disease, get away from the cow and jump onto a dry stump. The stump will burn with clear fire, my cattle will never get sick. Amen".

How to increase milk yield in cows and help the calf

If in order for a chicken to lay eggs well, a spell is required, why not use magic on a cow? Sometimes a cow's milk supply decreases for unexplained reasons. So that the cow brings more benefit, read the following spell when going out to pasture:

“Black (or other) color, for spring waters, for green arable land, for a milk river and hard cheese, fatty butter and sour cream. Fight off your enemies with your horns, swipe your tail, and rakes yourself with your hooves. Come to me with milk, bring profit. Amen".

Ritual against corruption

Sometimes absence cow's milk explained by the machinations of evil neighbors who decided to cause damage. There are many rituals to get rid of the consequences of black magic. The most popular ritual involves the following steps:

  1. Find a willow twig (flowering willow will also work).
  2. Wait until the cow is standing still.
  3. Walk around the animal, saying the spell out loud (this is done counterclockwise).
  4. Pat the animal's sides and udder.

“You’re a feisty witch, a creeping viper and a weeping willow, you can’t take milk from my little cow. The sides do not grow thin, the fertility does not go away. Amen".

The cow has calved - a conspiracy to help

It happens that a cow calves, the calf stands firmly on the ground, and something bad happens to the cattle itself. The animal looks unhealthy, wastes away and does not produce milk. To avoid this, use household magic. Go into the barn, run your hand first along the wall, then over the cow. Say:

“The walls will stand, and my little cow will give birth. Your insides are strong, just like the walls. Amen".

Now you know a basic set of rituals that will be useful in the household. Use magic carefully, pray often and light candles. This way you will increase your well-being.

In rural areas, chickens are kept in almost every yard. And it is very important for every owner that they lay well. But sometimes it happens that the laying rate of chickens decreases. With the help of certain rituals you can increase the productivity of laying hens. In order for chickens to lay eggs every day, the plot must be carried out in compliance with certain rules and recommendations.

On the water

To ensure that chickens lay eggs well, the plot can be carried out using water. With its help, you can also remove damage and protect your yard from envious people and ill-wishers. In order to carry out magical actions, you need to collect spring water. Pour it into any container. Wash your face with this water for three days in a row and say:

“The Lord loves eggs for Easter, but I (name) cannot live a day without them. So let my chickens start laying eggs well every day. Let the number of eggs increase every day. So let it always be.”

Add a handful of salt to the remaining water, then pour it over the chickens. If the birds refuse to drink this liquid, this is a direct sign that damage or the evil eye has been cast on your household. Then another ritual is used. Take clean spring water and a handful of millet. Early in the morning, before sunrise, fill a basin with water, wash your face with it, and rinse your hands and feet. Say a spell so that eggs are laid every day so that poultry does not get sick:

“Run, my hens, every day, all year round. There will be no disease among my birds. I will enjoy a delicious product every day. And let the envious people avoid my house and my yard.”

After casting spells on the chickens, pour the millet into a bowl of water and place it on the chickens.

On eggshells

In order for the chickens to start laying eggs well, you can perform a ritual using eggshells. Grind it into flour using a coffee grinder, then sprinkle the resulting powdery mixture near the gate and gate, go around the entire yard in a circle, sprinkling its borders. Then stand in the center of the yard and say the following words:

“My birds and my testicles. Like these shells all over my yard, let the eggs lie in the nest every day. My hens will lay eggs every day. And they will never fall into the wrong hands. Only I will collect useful product and taste it daily. Let no one covet my property, only I will be its owner. So be it."

Turn on your right leg clockwise three times. In order for poultry to start laying eggs better, you can also add a charmed shell to the food and first whisper into it:

“It will be tasty and healthy for you, my birds. Enjoy your vitamins, and make me happy with your offspring every day. Bright joy comes to my house, the ugliness increases, the household makes me happy every day. I will praise you, my birds, and feed you delicious food. And you thank me. Let every hen lay an egg every day. And the whole family will taste a delicious product.”

Another version of the ritual is using shells and eggs, which is very effective. Hard boil three eggs. Light a church candle, place the product next to it, and then say the following words:

“In clear, wide steppes, in dense and dense forests. Behind the gray fogs there is a lonely hut. In this hut there are a lot of fertile chickens. Their nests are large and warm, they stand high so that only laying birds can reach them. Each nest contains an incredibly large number of chicks and eggs. Let my chickens become as big, successful and fertile. Let them carry the same huge eggs, let them have large nests, and let them become a home for eggs and chicks. My words are powerful and my actions are swift. So be it."

Crush the eggs and shells with any in a convenient way. Then mix it with poultry food and feed it to them. Each of them should eat at least a little, make sure that they eat it. Such magical actions can be repeated every month, so you will protect your farm and improve its fertility.

On egg yolks

To increase the fertility of poultry, you can perform the following ritual. Take as many yolks as there are birds on the farm. Boil the eggs hard, separate the yolks, chop them finely and mix with the crumb of white bread. Next, say the following words over the tasty mixture:

“My chickens will eat well and lay eggs perfectly. The yolk will be large and tasty. My birds are smart, and the eggs are large and tasty.”

Feed the prepared food to the laying hens; they should eat it completely. While they peck, they say:

“Each hen will take a grain and produce one egg a day. They are large, heavy and round.”

When everything is eaten, spit three times over your left shoulder and leave without looking back.

For grain

To increase the egg production of domestic chickens, in order to protect your farm from evil eyes and conversations, the following ritual is performed. It must be performed at midnight of any day, preferably during the waxing moon. Go to the barn or chicken coop at midnight without turning on the light. Catch one laying hen. Bring her into the house and sit her on the table. Place a container with a handful of grain and a container with birch sap in front of it. While the hen is tasting the food, say quietly:

“Let all the dashing troubles go away, all the deep and dark grief, all the evil spoken and whispered. People's rumors and bad rumors, directed against me, against my cattle and birds, go away. Come on, leave my yard forever, I won’t let you back. I will close the gate and my gate with seven damask locks. No one will be able to come here and harm my household.”

Take the hen back to the coop along with the remaining grains and juice. Give the grains to the birds, and sprinkle the juice on all four walls of the room, saying:

“This birch sap is pure, like a tear. So let my poultry house be cleansed of everything bad, let it be clean, only goodness will be in it and good offspring. There will be no bad words or envious glances.”

As you leave the chicken coop, pour a handful of salt behind your back and say:

“I mark the road, and human anger and envy will not find me.”

Other ritual options

The ritual that is performed on Easter is very effective. Early in the morning, go outside and say these words:

“May good luck come to my yard. Just as Easter brings joy to people, let my household bring me joy. There will be wealth and luck, prosperity and success. May the Holy Trinity set things right in my house and help me in all my endeavors. Just as there are many stars in the sky, so may my hens bring eggs. And I will thank the higher powers for the help provided to me. Amen".

Thanks to this ritual, it is possible to improve the fertility of not only chickens, but also other animals on the farm.

Using a feather

Scientists believe that birds' feathers contain genetic information. Therefore, plumage is used in many magical rituals. To increase the productivity of poultry, a ritual is performed using a feather. In total you will need the following items:

  • three feathers, you can take rooster feathers;
  • a handful of any grain;
  • smooth pebble;
  • a piece of red cloth.

Get up with the first rays of the sun and go into the poultry house. Take three feathers and hold them in your fist. Go out into the yard, stand in the center and say:

“I hold feathers tightly in my hand, so let their owners please me every day. As hard as I squeeze, my chickens lay eggs.”

Place a pebble under the threshold of the barn and say:

“This stone lies indestructible, so let my words be indestructible. I collect eggs every day, I thank the stone.”

Pour a handful of millet into the barn, saying:

“As many grains as I sprinkle, so many eggs will my birds have.”

And tie a piece of fabric to the door handle of the chicken coop, this will be a talisman for the premises and its “inhabitants”.

With the help of simple but effective rituals, you can improve the fertility of poultry, make sure that they only lay eggs at home, and protect your farm from the negativity of others energy impact. Remember that you should never tell anyone that you used magical rituals for your own purposes. Magic does not like boasting and publicity.

Housekeeping requires a lot of effort and some ingenuity if you want to raise chickens. The owner must create favorable conditions for laying hens, provide them with food and a cozy roost. However, not only traditional methods, but also magical methods help to achieve results. They will strengthen the protection of pets from diseases and make sure that the chickens lay eggs well, spells and special rituals.

The conspiracy will help protect chickens from diseases

How to read chicken conspiracies

In order for the magic to work for the household, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Everything has its time. You need to read conspiracies and perform rituals in complete solitude, so that no one interferes. Before Easter rituals, it is necessary to observe a bloodless fast for at least three days. Conspiracies should be performed on the waxing moon (with the exception of Easter holidays).
  2. Every thing has its place. Before performing the ritual, you should remove all accessories and put on loose clothing. Women need to let their hair down and remove all bobby pins and bobby pins.
  3. The word is silver. Short conspiracies should be read in one sitting. When performing a ritual with chicken, it is worth remembering that this ritual does not tolerate fuss. It is better to read the prayers by heart, and if it is difficult to memorize them, you can write the text by hand on a piece of paper.
  4. Remember the main thing. You cannot perform rituals during illness, so first it is better to completely get your physical condition in order. After completing the actions, you need to rest and not focus on the possible result.

When is the best time to read chicken conspiracies?

Protective rituals need to be periodically “refreshed”. This is done with a certain frequency (once every few months) or as the effect weakens. It is best to perform them on strong days - equinox and solstice. The energy of special periods enhances all rituals. It is not for nothing that among ancient peoples all the most important dates fell on these holidays. If the chosen method does not work on the first try, there is no need to try another. It is better to repeat it after three days.

Easter rituals are repeated every year and preparations are made for them in advance. You need to perform rituals with bright thoughts, a positive attitude and pure intentions. When reading hexes, you should imagine the chickens healthy and laying eggs.

Easter rituals should be carried out with pure thoughts

Conspiracies and whispers on chicken productivity

There is a belief among household owners: chicken spells read on Easter are the most powerful and effective. However, on other calendar days they do not lose their power.

With wooden egg

To perform this magical ritual, you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Preparation. Should be carved from wood or purchased wooden egg. It is best to use spruce, birch, pine or oak, which have long been considered sacred relics by the Slavs;
  2. Visit to the temple. The wooden product should be consecrated on one of the large Christian holidays in the church. Purchased eggs undergo the sacrament several times.

Carrying out the ritual. You need to put the consecrated item in a wicker basket and leave it there until Easter. On Bright Sunday, you need to place an egg on the hen and read the plot:

The egg should be left near the chickens for the entire Great holiday, or maybe for the whole Easter week. The voiced prayer is very powerful and gives results after a couple of days.

On the water

Another effective ritual It was used with chicken back in ancient times, when the whole family lived on the fruits of peasant farming.

Wash your hands and feet in water

Stages of the ritual:

  1. Cleansing. You should wash your hands and feet with water without using soap. Before carrying out the ritual, thoughts for better plumage and productivity of chickens should also be pure.
  2. Conducting the sacrament. You need to pour water out to the birds after washing the body and read the spell: “Just as on Easter a lot of eggs are given and exchanged, so let there not be a shortage of eggs and chickens in my house, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
  3. To consolidate the result, the ritual must be repeated after three days. The method does not work instantly, but it is effective not only at Easter, but also in winter.

Universal conspiracy

To protect laying hens and roosters from diseases, to ensure that the birds lay eggs well in winter, begin to peck food well and have thick feathers, you can read the following plot:

“Beloved little stars, come into my yard and bring joy on Easter. May he give me grace, prosperity and wealth, protect livestock and birds from illness and bad weather, theft and the evil eye. Holy Trinity, I ask for help with household chores. Amen".

Prayer will protect not only birds, but also all animals in the household. You need to read the spell on Easter morning next to the living creatures.

Plot to protect birds

Many magical rituals help the birds to start laying eggs, peck food well, have lush feathers and not get sick. Among people who raise chickens, a ritual with eggs is popular. This method helps birds grow and lay eggs by doing the following:

  1. Preparation. You need to boil three chicken eggs. Duck and goose are not suitable in this case, as they have nothing to do with the desire to increase the productivity of chickens.
  2. Reading the plot. The whisper must be spoken by heart and with a clear message to achieve the result: “In the clear steppe, and the cloudy forest, behind the fog-mountains, there is a hut and keeps large chickens. Those birds live on large nests, lay golden eggs and raise chickens. I conjure that my chickens will grow powerful, that they will lay huge eggs, and that they will build lush nests for strong chicks. My words are strong and my deeds are good. Amen".
  3. Completion of the ritual. The eggs need to be crushed with their shells and given to the chickens so that they eat them equally. If there are a lot of birds, then you should divide them into groups and feed them with enchanted eggs one at a time.

Prayer for the protection of eggs

Sometimes laying hens peck their own eggs.

Prayer for the protection of eggs is said 3 times

If you miss this point, then even with excellent chicken productivity there is no way to talk about a good result. Prayer for damage to eggs will help cope with the problem:

“Chickens are pockmarked, chickens are white, chickens are black, just as you don’t peck at the stars in the sky, so you don’t peck at your eggs. Truly."

The cherished words are said three times before it is time to feed the birds.

Protection from the evil eye

Success in breeding animals does not always please neighbors. In this case, it is better to play it safe so that the chickens do not stop laying eggs. You can block damage to the household with the help of prayer:

“I walk, I walk, I tell fortunes, I tell fortunes, I speak, so that the enemies do not do dark things, my cattle are not jinxed, my yard is not destroyed. So be it. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to try to establish contact with ill-wishers. It doesn’t hurt to take them a dozen charmed eggs before sunset and mentally say in front of the envious person’s threshold:

“I forgive you! I forgive sins!”

Voiced prayers have great power, they protect chickens, help so that the birds do not get sick, do not die, and people do not steal them. You can perform a magical ritual on any day on the waxing moon. It is important that no one interferes with the ritual, so it is better to carry it out early in the morning. The ritual needs to be done once every three months. The frequency of the sacrament increases if damage has been caused.

If your chickens do not produce the desired number of eggs, then you can use a special spell to make the chickens lay eggs every day. This magical ritual is quite in demand among those people who run their own households. It often happens that a bird lays eggs every day, but at a certain point, for no particular reason, stopped doing so. There can be a lot of reasons for this: the evil eye, damage, problems with the health of the bird, etc. In order to eliminate all the above problems, there are special conspiracies. You can highlight rituals on water, eggs and other items of daily use.

Conspiracies to increase egg production of chickens

Sometimes the word is such a powerful tool that we ourselves do not notice how we are harming our own economy. That is why, in order for chickens to lay eggs well, special magical rituals should be performed from time to time. Perhaps they will remove the evil eye, improve health and help ensure that there are always fresh eggs in your home.

Quite often we see a situation where hens lay eggs normally, but every new day they produce fewer and fewer eggs. In any case, there is a reason for this. What measures to take in such a situation? Everything is radically simple, you should carry out the necessary ritual to quickly cope with the problem. There are various conspiracies:

  • rituals to ensure that chickens lay eggs well;
  • rituals to eliminate bird health problems;
  • rituals against possible evil eye;
  • spells to prevent birds from pecking eggs that they laid on their own, etc.

The most strong rituals are held on Easter. You should wait for this day and read the text near your living creatures:

“Beloved stars, come to my humble courtyard. Every year is a holiday Happy Easter brings joy to people's homes. May he please me with prosperity and wealth. Give me help, Holy Trinity, to put things in order in the house. Amen".

This plot is very universal, which will help every owner get rid of problems with chickens. Plus, this ritual is also performed in relation to other domestic animals (cows, pigs, other birds). Therefore, if you want to really improve things in your household, be sure to wait until Easter and perform the ritual.

Water spells are used in a variety of cases. Thanks to them, you can remove damage from birds and adequately resist black magic, because very often enemies and ill-wishers with their unkind glance cause troubles in the household. Any liquid, especially clean water, has excellent energy indicators, which very quickly and easily cope with adverse effects. She easily transmits information to all living beings, from the simplest animals to people.

In order for the ceremony to go well and bring the necessary results, you should first obtain clean water and preferably taken from a spring. It must be poured into a transparent glass container. Every morning for 3 days you need to wash your face with this water and recite a special spell:

“The Lord God loves eggs for Easter, but I (my name) cannot live a day without this product. So let my hens lay eggs well all year round and bring more and more of this product every day. So be it. Amen".

Chickens may be spoiled

You should definitely repeat this text every day and in no case should you forget about your name, otherwise it will not affect the chicken eggs and their quantity in particular. After the ritual, there must be water left. You should dissolve a little salt in it and place it in the chicken coop. It is important that the chickens drink this water. If they refuse it altogether, then it is likely that there is damage on your farm and this method will not help make your birds lay more eggs.

Any owner wants his chickens to lay eggs well every day and produce the number of eggs necessary to feed the whole family. To ensure this, there are universal rituals on the chicken egg and on the nest, where, in fact, the chickens lay their eggs.

Egg rituals involve using not the inside of the product, but only the shell. You need to prepare a fine powder from it. They should sprinkle the entire yard, and, placing themselves in the middle of it, the text of the conspiracy should be clearly pronounced:

“My chickens are mine and my eggs. Just as eggshells are placed in my yard, so the eggs will be in the poultry house. I want my hens to lay eggs every day and for all this to not end up in someone else’s yard. So be it. Amen".

After you have said these words, you should spin around yourself 3 times. It is very important to follow all the rules of the ritual, otherwise it will not bring the desired effect. With the help of such a ritual, you can even remove damage from an egg, which the owner himself may not be aware of.

Very often, owners cannot even imagine where the eggs go if they do not let the chickens out of the yard. Numerous studies have revealed that birds themselves peck their eggs due to a lack of protein or calcium in their bodies. In order to stop this process, a special ritual should be performed. A ritual is performed over the grains that the chickens will eat in the future. Sitting over the grain, you should recite the text of the spell 3 times: “My chickens, just as you don’t peck out the stars in the sky, so don’t spoil your eggs. Amen".

You can see the first effect literally after a few days. You will find a much larger number of eggs in each laying nest. In order to rid chickens of this habit, their diet should be enriched with animal protein from time to time. If you don’t notice the result, you should simply kill the chicken that does this most often, because it is she who teaches the rest of the “roommates” to do the same. Such birds are considered dangerous to surrounding chickens, since they can kill even weaker neighbors in the future.

Any chicken, like other poultry, has an animal instinct to go where it is not asked. If she has access to neighbors or to an open space, she can leave her eggs there, while the owner is deprived of this necessary product. To stop this process, a special ritual should be performed. To do this, before your front door You should place the apron that you use most often around the house and let it lie there until the night. When you pick it up, you should sit down over it and quietly say the special text:

“My apron lies in the yard, and you, chickens, bring home your eggs. Amen".

To ensure that your owner's chickens lay eggs every day, aggressively read a strong magic spell. The egg will be large and productive. The envy of the neighbors.

People who live in the village and live on what their own crops and pets produce often use spells for good luck in their work.

Conspiracies to make chickens lay eggs

If chickens do not lay eggs, it means that someone has brought the evil eye or damage to your home. There are different types of conspiracies. They are made with water, eggs and other items. There are signs. On the day you place the chicken on eggs, wash one egg and say a spell before placing it under the chicken.

First ritual. Take three chicken feathers and a handful of millet, as well as red woolen cloth. Then they perform the ritual. In the morning, before dawn, you need to go into the chicken coop and take 3 feathers from the chicken. You need to go out into the yard with them, squeezing them in your fist and clearly say certain words out loud.

There is a second conspiracy on the pen. You need to take 3 feathers, a handful of millet, a small stone and a piece of red. Afterwards, you need to sprinkle millet around the yard, saying a certain spell. Then the scrap needs to be tied to the chicken coop door handle. Then you need to release the chickens into the yard so that they peck all the millet that you spoke about.

There is a spell for flax, cucumber, sand and yolks. Read more about them below.

How to read chicken conspiracies

In order for the magic to work for the household, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Everything has its time. You need to read conspiracies and perform rituals in complete solitude, so that no one interferes. Before Easter rituals, it is necessary to observe a bloodless fast for at least three days. Conspiracies should be performed on the waxing moon (with the exception of Easter holidays).
  2. Every thing has its place. Before performing the ritual, you should remove all accessories and put on loose clothing. Women need to let their hair down and remove all bobby pins and bobby pins.
  3. The word is silver. Short conspiracies should be read in one sitting. When performing a ritual with chicken, it is worth remembering that this ritual does not tolerate fuss. It is better to read the prayers by heart, and if it is difficult to memorize them, you can write the text by hand on a piece of paper.
  4. Remember the main thing. You cannot perform rituals during illness, so first it is better to completely get your physical condition in order. After completing the actions, you need to rest and not focus on the possible result.

When is the best time to read chicken conspiracies?

Protective rituals need to be periodically “refreshed”. This is done with a certain frequency (once every few months) or as the effect weakens. It is best to perform them on strong days - equinox and solstice. The energy of special periods enhances all rituals.

It is not for nothing that among ancient peoples all the most important dates fell on these holidays. If the chosen method does not work on the first try, there is no need to try another. It is better to repeat it after three days.

Easter rituals are repeated every year and preparations are made for them in advance. You need to perform rituals with bright thoughts, a positive attitude and pure intentions. When reading slander, you should imagine the chickens healthy and laying eggs. Easter rituals should be carried out with pure thoughts