If you need to hide some facial imperfections, hair is an excellent helper. Shortcomings, especially visible ones, give rise to a lot of complexes in us. Protruding ears, a square-shaped face, a large nose, and a double chin greatly affect self-esteem.

Fashion is changing, and the requirements for female attractiveness are becoming more stringent. Choosing the right hairstyle is quite difficult, especially if you are far from the world of hairdressing and appearance style. Of course, pick up the right hairstyle a competent stylist can do, which would hide flaws and emphasize advantages. But how often do we turn to them?

Hairstyle options that make facial imperfections less noticeable

There are many options for haircuts and hairstyles that hide imperfections in appearance. You can also achieve good results with correct installation hair.

Hair styling and volume

It’s worth noting right away that short haircuts are not best option hide facial flaws. Haircuts such as a bob or bob will not be able to hide a large nose. These hairstyles, on the contrary, emphasize this flaw in the face, focusing attention on it. But if you are a supporter short haircuts, a big nose is not a reason to refuse them. With proper installation you can achieve good results. To visually reduce a large nose, you need to give your hair a good proportional volume, paying significant attention to the back of the head.

Multi-layered long haircuts, such as a cascade, hide the presence of a voluminous nose well. They add volume to the hairstyle, emphasizing the eyes and lips.

Various kinds of curls and curls will only help you. They not only make the hairstyle voluminous, but also smooth out facial features, giving them femininity.

Wavy and curled hair easy to do with curlers or a curling iron, but with the help of foam and a hairdryer you can achieve wet effect. This method hair styling distracts well from the nose and noticeably beautifies its owner.

Backcombing, as a method of adding volume, is also very convenient.

What to Avoid

Avoid sleek, straight hairstyles as they accentuate irregular facial features.

Those with large noses should not wear their hair up, as this will reveal all the flaws in their face to the public. Various ponytails, shells, braids and slicked hairstyles will greatly highlight the nose.

If you need to pin your curls up, you should do it a little differently. Collect curls from all sides and pin them with hairpins, but without pulling. The hair should lie freely, this will add volume to the hairstyle. Let out a few small strands near your face; they will outline it and soften your features. Thanks to this styling, the emphasis on the nose will not fall.

A little about bangs

The selection of bangs should be taken seriously. Not every bang can hide a big nose.

Short, straight, smooth bangs will only emphasize imperfect facial features. But an oblique one or one hanging on the side will be very useful.

Hair length and color

As for hair length, the most optimal length would be medium length. Long strands are very convenient when creating various hairstyles.

One of the methods to distract attention from the nose is to tint the strands. Coloring focuses attention on the hair, distracting from facial flaws.

When choosing hair color, you should give preference to light brown and light tones. Because black color highlights imperfections.

There are many ways to hide facial imperfections with hair. A well-chosen hairstyle combined with the right makeup can not only hide a large nose, but also significantly change your appearance.

With a little practice, your friends with perfect facial features will take lessons in attractiveness from you.

These tips will greatly help girls who are going to get married. This is probably the only day in her life when a girl should look as impressive as possible. There should be no 100% miss on this day. Therefore, after choosing wedding dress in St. Petersburg, you should carefully consider your makeup and hairstyle. It’s better if you entrust this to a professional, but you just need to know the basics yourself. What if your stylist messes something up?

If you feel that your nose is too big, you should choose your hairstyle carefully.

We present five rules that draw attention away from a prominent, long, and large nose, making it appear less noticeable.

1. Coloring or bronding

The first rule applies to hair dye. You need to do something like highlighting so that your hair plays beautiful shades in the sun. Plain hair attracts more attention towards the center of your face, which you don't want if you have a prominent or large nose. Talk to your hairdresser, get highlights, you will be surprised by the results.

2. Haircut with bangs on the side

You'll have to give up your straight-parted hairstyle. Instead, choose an asymmetrical haircut with just enough long bangs to one side

Likewise, you should avoid straight bangs that hide your forehead and the first thing people will see about you will be your nose.

3. Haircut by a forester

4. Crimped hairstyle and curls

You'd better not wear your hair long and straight because this hairstyle makes a big nose look even bigger.

Instead, to make a hairstyle with volume, curls, tricks look like a big nose, making it appear less noticeable.

If you can't resist sleekness, then be sure to choose light hair colors.

5. Ideal length

Ideal - hair medium length. This rule applies to choosing hair length, the main thing is not to significantly reduce the volume of the hair.

Haircuts and Hairstyles You Should Avoid If You Have a Big Nose


Short pixie haircuts, bob haircuts, ponytail haircuts
Dark, solid hair color
Straight bangs
Hairstyles with a straight parting

Photo gallery suitable haircuts for big nose

Many women are dissatisfied with their appearance, so they have a desire to correct its shortcomings: thicken their eyebrows, emphasize their cheekbones, visually enlarge their eyes or make their nose smaller. In this matter, representatives of the fair sex are helped by choosing the right haircut and makeup.

Large nose - choice of haircut.

Choosing a haircut for a woman with a large nose

Owners of such a nose should not cut their hair short. Pixie, bob, pageboy - such haircuts will focus on this part of the face. Ladies who are accustomed to a brush on their heads should think about it and grow out their strands, which then need to be given a tousled shape. For those who naturally have a large nose, the following options are suitable:

1. Ask your hairdresser to make a multi-layer cascade. This haircut will soften your facial features. If you then style your hair in waves or curl it into soft curls, then the eyes of others will be drawn to it.

2. Opt for a medium-length bob. You need to style your hair using a round comb and a hairdryer. This hairstyle will highlight the eyes, diverting attention from the large nose.

If you want to update your appearance, cut your bangs not straight, but rather sideways. It will visually reduce large facial features. However, it is better to leave the forehead open.

Haircuts for a large nose - tips.

Makeup for a large nose

The right haircut and hairstyle will smooth out imperfections in appearance, but to complete the look you need to be able to disguise the size and shape of the nose with the help of makeup. It is applied taking into account the proportions of the face:

· Some girls naturally have a hump on their nose. To hide it, use light foundation, and the rest of the face is covered with a darker one;

· the nose, which is wider at the base, visually narrows if a dark foundation is applied to its side walls and shaded. At the same time, other areas of the face should have a light tone. To visually shorten the nose, use a dark base, and to lengthen it, use a light base. It is applied to the tip of this part of the face. Then everything must be thoroughly shaded.

A person's face basically has no perfect proportions. Following advice on choosing a haircut and makeup to reduce the size of your nose, every woman should remember that the main thing is confidence in her beauty and irresistibility. Then both herself and others will like her.

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How to make your nose smaller with makeup

Proper makeup allows you to correct the shape of your nose in the vast majority of cases. Of course, there are situations when you cannot do without the help of a plastic surgeon, but we advise you to seek help from specialists of this level in extreme cases (for example, after an accident or when there is a deviated septum, which does not allow you to breathe normally).

The secrets of makeup are used by many stars, whose makeup artists “make” their noses miniature and graceful.

A thin, narrow, graceful and small nose is the dream of many women. There are several secrets that can help you make your nose smaller with makeup and slightly adjust its shape.

1. Bright eye or lip makeup will distract attention from a large nose that is not quite ideally shaped.

2. Blush, which should be applied from the “apples” of the cheeks to the temples, will help make your nose visually smaller.

3. A hairstyle with a voluminous nape will help to visually reduce your nose. If you have a large nose, avoid bangs.

4. Facial sculpting. This method has several important nuances, so let’s look at it in more detail.

How to use makeup to make your nose smaller with potatoes

Visually making a large nose smaller will help special equipment applying a light foundation (several shades lighter) and a dark foundation or bronzer. It is important to remember that both products must be contrasting, otherwise the desired effect will not work. But for these purposes it is better to use professional cream correctors, which are applied under foundation, or dry ones, which are applied on top of foundation.

Step 1. Apply a suitable foundation to the skin of the face and do eye makeup. The girl in the photo has makeup done in oriental style, which allows you to beautifully emphasize the almond shape.

Step 2. foundation or dry corrector light shade Apply to the middle of the nose, the bridge of the nose and the middle of the forehead. Using the same product, we highlight the area under the eyes, draw the outline of the lips along the outer edge and apply the foundation to the chin. Apply bronzer to the bridge of the nose and nostrils, as well as to the cheekbones. The basic rule of sculpting is to darken areas that need to be hidden and highlight areas that need to be emphasized.

Step 3. Using a sponge or brush, carefully blend the applied products, moving from the center to the periphery until you can cope with the visible transitions. Lightly dust your face with reflective powder.

Using the same scheme, we distribute cream correctors onto clean face, and then apply foundation and powder on top of them.

This technique is simply excellent; with its help you can make your face almost perfect. The only thing is that it takes practice to apply the products, and therefore you need training, training and more training! Experiment with makeup in advance and determine which option suits you personally.

How to reduce a hump nose with makeup

We use the same foundations, as in the previous case. Apply a foundation of a natural shade to the skin. We apply bronzer or a dark foundation to the “hump” (we darken the imperfections), and apply a lighter foundation to the wings of the nose and its tip. Carefully shade the borders of the transition.

How to use makeup to reduce a long nose

Step 1. After applying a suitable foundation to the skin of the face, we begin sculpting. Apply a light-colored foundation or corrector to the middle of the nose from the bridge to the tip.

Step 2: Foundation dark color We apply it in not too wide stripes, bordering the light stripe and making a rounding at the bottom of the nose. Draw on an area 1 cm above the tip of the nose horizontal stripe, as shown in the photo - this technique will visually shorten the length.

Step 3. Shading the borders.

Step 4. Put some light shadows or powder on the brush and go over the center of the nose again.

How to make your nose smaller with makeup: video

How to do a correct nose correction

How to reduce a long nose

How to narrow your nose

How to make your nose smaller using makeup

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When choosing a hairstyle for yourself, you need to take into account not only individual preferences in length, styling and overall look. A haircut that is well chosen for a large nose, for example, will visually, if not reduce, then balance large features, balance the volume of hair and draw the eye to the advantages of the face, drawing attention away from the shortcomings. If your nose is large, long or wide, the main thing in choosing how to transform your hair is to follow the stylist’s recommendations.

Here are a few golden rules for a haircut suited to a face with big nose:

  1. Long strands.
  2. Coloring and ombre.
  3. Perm.
  4. Asymmetrical bangs.

Short haircuts with a uniform length primarily draw attention to the face, directly to its center. The most successful choice would be medium length, to the shoulders and below, patiently grown natural hair or extended. Both long options require individual care, but the latter will allow you to experiment more freely with coloring.

If you lack inspiration, you can always get ideas from celebrities with similar features and their stylists. In this case, it’s difficult to make a mistake, and you can see examples of styling voluminous curls or successfully trimmed oblique bangs. Like a well-chosen coloring, such techniques will draw attention away from the nose, drawing attention primarily to the hair.

Therefore, there is no doubt: well-groomed hair and a winning hairstyle can radically change your image for the better:

Features of haircuts for people with a high forehead and a large nose (with photos)

Women's haircut that is chosen for thin face with a large nose will have its own distinctive features.

This example is given to remind you that it is worth considering not only the features individually, but also collectively, in order to choose a hairstyle that will complement the overall look.

If your face is thin and possibly elongated, it is worth balancing it with volume. Textured hair will add life and dynamism to your appearance, while being a good distraction from a large nose. In this case, it will not remain the only outstanding part, but will be balanced by the hairstyle.

For oval face with a large nose, almost any type of haircut is suitable, since (with the exception of a large nose) this shape is considered ideal.

That is, in in this case You can choose hairstyles for any length: short squeaks and bobs or long cascades and ladders. The main thing is to never straighten your strands with a curling iron or a hairdryer with a comb, because they take on an unnatural appearance and simply don’t look bad. The perfect balance will be created by curled curls, especially large waves.

For a high forehead and large nose, a haircut with the addition of side bangs will be ideal. In this case, the benefits are literally “on your face”, since such a hairstyle:

  1. Creates asymmetry.
  2. It will hide your forehead.

Both points in this case are important, since oblique lines of strands in the upper part of the face on a subconscious level lead the eye to the side, especially if the bangs are curled outward.

Successful haircuts for faces with a large nose can be looked at in the photo to create the correct visual image in your mind:

Short to Medium Haircuts to Balance Faces with Large Noses

  1. Kare.

Overly short variations, such as pixies, are best left aside. The bob will look good graduated and will create the necessary volume. If your hair is naturally thin and sparse, you can apply foam at the roots and lightly backcomb it. It’s good to dilute the classic bob with waves, and to add texture, apply a special oil to the strands.

A haircut for medium hair that perfectly balances a large nose is everyone’s favorite cascade:

The hairstyle itself is an almost universal option and a basic choice, on the basis of which you can create various images tailored to your individual characteristics. Thus, voluminous hairstyles with a cap will look especially advantageous, as well as curls and stylish bouffants in the spirit of Adele and Amy Winehouse. This look will not only smooth out the “sharp corners” well, but will also create a unique aesthetic in the image.

What haircuts are suitable for women and girls if they have a big nose (with photo)

Haircuts chosen for women with large noses will have a more restrained and calm character.

For women, stylish short hairstyles such as bobs and bobs with a less drastic difference in length between the top and front are great.

If desired, you can leave bangs, again, smoothing out the difference in the length of the strands and smoothly moving them to the side. This choice will delight you with the practicality and stylishness of the image and will create a pleasant, neat appearance. Crazy curls should be avoided, but... voluminous roots will come in handy.

Haircuts for women with big noses can be seen in the photo, which shows many different options:

Don't be shy about coloring your hair, although highlighting should be avoided. Muted shades of light brown combined with a few lightened strands will add softness to the face and perfectly complement the features.

Almost nothing stops young girls from choosing a hairstyle, since young age is the time for experimentation. Bright coloring will distract from large features, large curls along the entire length they will add volume and dilute everyday life with an interesting detail in the image.

When asked which haircut would suit a girl with a big nose, the first thing to answer is: a long, textured cascade.

Of course, loose hair can also get boring, and it doesn’t look like this every day: bad weather, not enough time to style it, something else.

The original option would be to collect the hair at the back of the head and raise it at the top. Leave a few strands to frame the face, comb the tail and secure it with varnish or mousse in a “creative mess” - quickly and original.

Which haircut will suit, if your nose is large, you can look at the photo to make sure that there are actually a whole lot of available options:

It is worth noting that no matter what hairstyle you choose, light color hair, such as blond or light brown, always creates an aura of lightness. While black and chestnut sharply and unambiguously outline the face, gold and ash blur and smooth out sharp corners and large features.