After “Bird Sweetness,” which generally left a neutral impression, I decided to turn my attention to other candies from the “Slavyanka” factory and, as luck would have it, the “Levushka” candies, a jelly-based glazed candy, came into my sight.

The candies are available in two flavors: classic and tropical. Under classic version refers to a glazed candy based on jelly with soft milk caramel. But the tropical option raises a question. The description of this type of candy on the official website says in black and white: “a glazed candy based on delicate jelly with the taste of wild berries, strawberries and banana.” Of the listed fruits and berries, only banana can be classified as exotic. Wild berries and strawberries still gravitate more towards northern latitudes. Why do producers call wild berries and strawberries exotic?

The candy wrapper is made in a bright, but rather primitive design. All the template images associated with this “king of beasts” are present - the lion himself with a mane, his profile in the light of the setting sun and the color of the savannas. But the font itself is readable and stands out well—this cannot be taken away. At the same time, the factory logo is poorly visible, as it is rolled up.

Candies have oval shape with streaks of white glaze on top of dark chocolate glaze, characteristic of candy produced by the Slavyanka factory.

The cut of the candy looks very neat and, in my opinion, appetizing. It's beautiful here milky jelly and the correct consistency of milk caramel as a filling. All together - jelly and caramel - are good not only for appearance, but also to taste. Semi-sweet jelly, which occupies the bulk of the volume, goes well with sweeter caramel, which is much less in the filling. These two filling elements complement and complement each other favorably so that overall a perfectly balanced taste is obtained.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that you should always have such sweets at home. They are very pleasant for everyday tea drinking, not cloying, not annoying, not too high in calories and not expensive. For me, these candies became a godsend (along with those from the Roshen factory) and now when I want something simple and tasty, I buy these candies.

Perhaps every person has tried candy at least once in his life. Candies called "Levushka" are quite tasty and attractive, but what secrets do they hide in their composition and do they benefit the human body?


The composition of Levushka sweets includes the following elements:

  • sugar;
  • condensed milk;
  • crushed cocoa;
  • pectin (as a gelling agent);
  • cocoa butter;
  • vegetable fat;
  • salt;
  • carrageenan;
  • natural flavors;
  • dyes.

It is also worth noting the ratio of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in the product. Per 100 grams of product there is 1 gram of protein, 7.4 grams of fat and 74.4 grams of carbohydrates. The calorie content of 100 grams of sweets is 371 calories.

Useful properties

Due to the presence of a large number of chemical elements in the composition of Levushka sweets, there is a lot to be said about their beneficial properties it won't work. Despite this, they are able to satisfy hunger and provide the body with energy in a short period of time.

In addition, carbohydrates, of which there are quite a large amount in the product, help normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, remove harmful infections and stop inflammatory processes.

Also, the benefits of Levushka sweets largely depend on at what time and in what quantity you consume them. The amount of sweets per day should not exceed 50 grams. Best time for consumption - after lunch. It is not recommended to eat chocolate products in the morning and evening.

Harm to the body

Many people know about the dangers of sweets for the body. Slavyanki sweets are no exception. The harm of sweets is as follows:

  1. Sweets can cause great damage to teeth. If we take into account the fact that Levushka candies are half chewable (they get stuck in the teeth), then this issue should be approached as seriously as possible.
  2. Candy products can cause addiction in a child, after which it will not be easy to wean your child off them.

Many people may not believe that candy addiction exists. Despite this, people try to eat more and more after each candy until they are full. The consequences of such dependence can be the appearance of gastritis or, even worse, ulcers.

Also, if you eat sweets in large quantities and too often, there is a risk of obesity. As you can see above, Levushka candies are a high-calorie product. Having accustomed their child to this kind of sweets, parents may not even notice how their son or daughter begins to gain weight and develop health problems.

- Delicious leftovers.

Pros: Taste.

Disadvantages: Possible composition.

Hello everyone!

For a long time I looked at Levushka candies from the Slavyanka factory in the store, but decided to buy them only when the promotional price for them was reduced to 49 rubles for a 250 gram bag.

I have a transparent bag with the logo of a confectionery factory. Through it you can see candies in cheerful red candy wrappers with the image of a lion's head.

On the other side of the bag is a sticker with all the information about these candies.

It contains a lot of all sorts of unhealthy substitutes, flavorings, etc.

But this happens in any purchased confectionery product.

The candy consists of three layers. The outer layer is thin - it is chocolate glaze. There's nothing special about it; you can't call it chocolate. It has a decor of light stripes of glaze.

Under the glaze there is a dense white layer, thicker, sweetish with a creamy taste. It holds the shape of the candy and prevents the moderately liquid part from leaking out.

The inside is the sweetest with the taste of boiled condensed milk. Overall, the candy is creamy, very sweet, with the taste of condensed milk, but not cloying. The white part has to be chewed, but it is not hard, it just has some elasticity.

I associated the candy with an egg: yolk, white and shell.

Delicious candies, I liked them.

Video review


Glazed sweets based on jelly with soft milk
Sweets "Levushka" of the Confectionery Factory "Slavyanka" -
this is a combination of two fillings, delicate fruit jelly and sweet
caramel. The top of the delicacy is covered with a layer of milk glaze and decorated
thin strips of white chocolate. Layers of jelly intertwine
itself, creating a soft, pleasant taste with a slight sourness. Candies
goes wonderfully with a cup of invigorating morning coffee. Raise yourself
mood in the morning, enjoying a sweet breakfast.

molasses, sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter equivalent (vegetable oils,
emulsifier soy lecithin, antioxidant E306, citric acid),
whole condensed milk with sugar (sugars: sucrose, lactose, milk
whole), gelling agent pectin, cocoa butter substitute (butter
vegetable, emulsifiers: E492, soy lecithin, antioxidant E306),
whey powder, dyes (titanium dioxide, sugar color),
emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), vegetable fat (oils
vegetable, antioxidant E306), flavorings, cocoa powder,
salt, moisture-retaining agent E420.
May contain traces of wheat flour, egg white, hazelnuts.