One of the most significant events in life for Muslims is nikah - marriage according to the norms of Muslim religious law. It is widely known that Islam does not encourage the renunciation of marriage and the choice of a monastic lifestyle. And this is the great wisdom of Allah Almighty (Subhana wa Tagala).

“He is the One who created you from a single soul and made a wife out of her, so that he could rest with her...”(Sura “Barriers”: 189)

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in this regard: “I am the most righteous and God-fearing among you, but I fast and break my fast, I pray and sleep, and I marry women, and whoever turns away from my Sunnah , not with me."

Allah (Subhana wa Tagala) created man, man and woman in such a way that they were constantly necessary for each other, so that they served as help for each other.

“Another miracle is that He created wives for you from yourselves, so that you could live with them. He has established love and compassion between you. In all this there is a sign for a people who think” (Surah Rumah, 21).

At the same time, our All-Merciful Creator protected us from troubles and sins, leaving instructions to create families, testifying before the Almighty and people about the election of a certain woman as a wife or a certain man as a husband. So the prophet Adam (peace be upon him) did not touch Chava until marriage was concluded between them.

To get married, certain conditions must be met. These are:

  1. Mutual consent of those entering into marriage.

“O you who believe! You are not allowed to take inheritance from your wives against their will."(Surah “Women”, verse 19).

A common misconception is that Islam allows a girl’s father to marry off his daughter without her will. This has nothing to do with the truth. No one can force a woman to marry, not even her own father. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) instructed believers in this matter: “The consent of a virgin is asked by her father.” At the same time, an adult capable girl herself has the right, without the permission of the guardian, to give consent to the marriage, however, if the guardian considers the marriage unequal, he can annul it. A woman can give consent by appointing a proxy (vekil) who will convey her answer. The girl's guardian is usually her father, or if there is no father, the closest relative on the father's side. Provided that the girl is an orphan and has no male relatives on her father’s side, her mother can be her guardian.

Sometimes preliminary marriages are concluded, the essence of which is a future marriage union; until adulthood, no one can touch the girl. Only the girl’s father has the right to enter into such a marriage, but when she reaches adulthood, she has the right to annul the marriage.

  1. Witnesses who are of age and legally capable must be present at the wedding, because the nikah should become known to others. Ibn ‘Abbas narrates the following words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Those [women] who give themselves away in marriage without announcing it [i.e. e. without the consent of the guardian and without the participation of witnesses].” According to the Hanafi madhhab, witnesses can be two men, or a man and two women.

Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him) called it desirable for the girl’s guardian to be present at the nikah, but this is not a prerequisite; he can be replaced by a trusted person. In a situation where the guardian (father) is absent for some time, for example, on a trip, the bride's brother can act as him.

There are also circumstances that serve as an obstacle to nikah. They can be divided into permanent and temporary. The first includes consanguinity or milk kinship, in which a man and a woman had the same wet nurse during childhood. Temporary obstacles include the following circumstances:

If the bride is the sister of the real wife of the man about to marry;

If the woman is already the wife of another man;

If a woman has recently received a divorce, but 3 months have not yet passed, the period of “iddah”;

If a woman is a widow and the period of mourning for her deceased husband has not yet passed - 4 months and ten days;

If a divorced woman or widow is pregnant, then you need to wait for the birth of the child.

The Holy Qur'an has given a broad and clear explanation regarding this matter:

Do not marry the women your fathers married, unless this has happened before. Truly, this is a vile and hateful act and a bad way. Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your mothers who suckled you, your foster sisters, the mothers of your wives, your stepdaughters who are under your patronage, with whose mothers you had intimacy, because if you did not have intimacy with them, then there will be no sin on you; and also the wives of your sons, who came from your loins. It is forbidden for you to marry two sisters at the same time, unless this has happened first. Verily, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. AND married women forbidden to you unless your right hands have taken possession of them (unless they have become your slaves). This is Allah's command for you. All other women are permitted to you if you pursue them through your property, observing chastity and not immorality. And for the pleasure you get from them, give them a set reward (dowry). There will be no sin on you if you come to a mutual agreement after determining the obligatory remuneration (dowry). Verily, Allah is Knowing, Wise. (Sura “Women”: 22-24)

It is very important to remember that a marriage concluded for a certain period is invalid, and people who enter into such a marriage and have marital intimacy commit zina - adultery. From ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) the following words are reported: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade temporary marriages and eating the meat of a domestic donkey during the campaign against Khaybar.”

To conclude a nikah, among other things, there is one more important condition - it is mahr or bride price, as mahr is sometimes called. Mahr is a gift from the groom to the bride in the form of jewelry, money or other movable and real estate. Usually the size of the terry is agreed upon in advance, otherwise the groom determines it himself.

"Give them a reward (dowry)"(Surah an-Nisa, verse 25)

At the same time, there is an established Sharia minimum size mahra - 1 dirham, equal to the cost of 33.6 grams. silver or the value of 4.8 grams of gold. Thus, the groom has no right to give mahr less than the established minimum. We would like to especially note that mahr is property that will belong to the bride, not her parents, not relatives, but only to the bride.

So, if all the conditions are met, then the Nikah itself is held on a predetermined day. According to the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him), during nikah, men and women are separated. The person who performs the nikah pre-writes down the names of the bride and groom, the names of their fathers and witnesses. The nikah is conducted by a man, a representative of the bride, who is knowledgeable in Sharia issues. Representatives of the bride and groom (men) clarify preliminary agreements on the size of the Mahr among themselves. The Muslim conducting the nikah says:

« Alhamduli-l-Lahi-l-lazi zavvajal arvaha bi-l-ashbahi wa ahale-n-nikyaahi wa harrama-s-sifaha. Wa-s-salatu wa-s-salamu alaa rasulina Muhammadini-l-lazi bayyina-l-harama wa-l-mubah. Wa alaa alihi wa askhabihi-l-lazina hum ahlu-s-salahi wa-l-falyah. Auzu billahi mina-sh-shaitani r-rajim. Bi-media l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim! Wa ankihu-l-ayyama minkum wa-s-salihina min ibadikum wa imaikum in yakunu fukaraya yugnihimu-l-lahu min fadlihi. Wa-l-Lahu wasiun alim. Sadaka-l-Lahu-l Asiam. Kalya rasul-l-Lahu salla-l-Lahu Taala alayhi wa sallam. An-nikah sunnati famar-raghiba as-sunnati falayika minni. Sadaqa rasul-l-lahu».


- Praise be to Allah, who united bodies and souls. He permitted marriage and forbade adultery. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger Muhammad, who explained to us what is forbidden and what is accessible. Peace and blessings to the family of the Prophet and his companions, worthy of blessing and salvation. I seek protection from Allah Almighty from the expelled Satan with the Name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful. “And give in marriage to the unmarried among you and to your righteous male and female servants. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them with His bounty. Allah is All-Comprehending, All-Knowing!” (24:32). And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reports: “Nikah is my Sunnah. Far from my Sunnah, not from me" Or in shortened form:

"Bi-media l-Lahi wa-l-hamdu-lil-Lahi, wa-s-salatu alaa Rasuli-l-Lahi".

After which he turns to the groom or his representatives. Sample text appeal: “According to the order of Allah, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), according to the ijtihad of Imam Abu Hanifa, with the testimony of those present, in the presence of a preliminary Mahr in the amount of ... rubles and a subsequent Mahr in the amount of ... rubles,” I give you my daughter as a wife ....” The groom must answer that he agrees to this nikah and agrees with the specified amount of mahr. Then the person conducting the nikah reads the dua: “ Allahummaj-al haza-l-aqda maymunan mubarakan waj-al baynahuma ulfatan wa mahabbatan wa karara, wa la taj-al baynahuma nafratan wa fitnatan wa firara. Allahumma allif baynahuma kama allafta bayna Adama wa Havwa wa kama allafta bayna Muhammadin wa Khadijatu-l-kubra wa kama allafta bayna Aliyin wa Fatimata-z-Zehra. Allahumma a-ti lekhuma avlyadan salikhan va ryzkan vasian va umran tavilyan. Rabbana heb lana min azvajina wa zurriyatina kurrata a-yunin wa-j-alna li-l-muttakyina imama. Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanata-v-va fil akhirati hasanata-v-va kyna azaban nar".


- My Allah, make this marriage happy and blessed. Please strengthen their marriage and give them lasting love. They were given away from strife and gossip. Strengthen my Allah this marriage just as You strengthened the marriage between Adam and Eve, between the Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, between Ali and Fatima, may Allah be pleased with them. My Allah, give them pious children, great wealth and long life. Lord, send down your goodness on us in this world and the next world, and save us from torment.

Then the last 3 verses of Surah As-Saffat are read. It is advisable to read a marriage sermon during nikah, which can greatly help the newlyweds to understand even more deeply the meaning of their union. It is advisable to arrange wedding refreshments and invite guests. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that ‘Abdurrahman ibn ‘Awf got married: “Arrange a wedding meal by slaughtering at least one ram.” Guests, in turn, are very encouraged to accept the invitation. This is stated in the Sunnah: “If one of you was invited to wedding celebration and did not respond by appearing at the wedding, he is disobedient to the Lord and His Messenger.” An exception can be made if the guest knows for sure that there will be something prohibited at the wedding, for example, alcohol.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) said: “Whoever gets married has acquired half of the faith, let him fear Allah in relation to the other half.” Create families, it will protect you from sin and strengthen your faith!

Propaganda and Information DepartmentDUM RT

Most so-called “ethnic” Muslims have extremely poor information about what nikah is and what it obliges. Many also have a poor understanding of the very procedure for marriage in Islam - the rules and conditions for its conclusion.

The site project team decided to explain how family ties should be strengthened, according to Sharia.

What is nikah

In fact, if we really simplify all the nuances, then nikah (nikah) is marriage contract(contract) between a man and a woman.

In pre-Islamic times, i.e. During the era of jahiliyya, the Arabs practiced various forms of marriage: marriage after ransom, by inheritance, after hostilities (when a woman was captured as a trophy). The final messenger of the Almighty, Muhammad (s.w.w.), reformed this institution in such a way that it took into account the interests of all parties to the marriage relationship.

Currently, procedural nikah in Islam consists of three consecutive components:

  • proposal from the groom;
  • acceptance by the bride;
  • consent given by the girl’s authorized representative, who may be her father, older brother or other trustee.

If we are talking about remarriage, then a trusted person who is not related to the woman can give his consent. The main thing is that this person professes Islam. This format is usually used if a Muslim man is going to marry a non-Muslim woman.

When a Muslim woman is not getting married for the first time, having a guardian is not necessary.

Conditions of nikah

The bride and groom who decide to start a family must reach the age of majority (in Islamic law) and have common sense. In general, they must be adequate and ready to adult life, be aware of the responsibility family life places on a person.

There are several conditions without which a marriage in Islam will not be considered valid:

1. Mahr - wedding gift to the bride from the groom. It should not be confused with kalym, which is the Central Asian tradition of “ransoming” a girl from her family. That is, in the case of kalym, the money was transferred not to the girl, but to her father or other guardian. It is important that mahr does not necessarily mean a monetary gift. It can be something intangible, but of value. For example, there is a well-known hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) calls on one of his companions to get married even in the absence of the necessary financial resources for this. In this case, the mahr were suras from the Koran, which this sahab knew and was going to teach them to his bride, who did not know the text of the Holy Book. In any case, the nikah itself is a mandatory element, as reflected in Scripture:

2. A Muslim man can marry a representative of the “People of the Book”(by these we mean Jews, Sabeans, Christians), but he is forbidden to marry an atheist or polytheist. A Muslim woman, in turn, cannot marry a representative of any religion other than Islam, and especially not an atheist.

3. Pronouncing the formula in Arabic. It is extremely simple: the word “zavvajtu” for the bride and “kabiltu” for the groom. However, a temporary gap between these utterances should be avoided, otherwise the nikah will be invalid.

4. Presence of a guardian or proxy. Regarding this point in Sunni Islam, there are disagreements between different theological schools. Hanafi scholars believe that a confidant is not at all necessary for the bride, even if we are talking about the very first marriage. Malikis, Shafi'is and Hanbalis think a little differently and say that a guardian is necessary for the very first marriage. In case of remarriage, a woman can do without a confidant.

5. Availability of witnesses. They can be at least two men, or one man and two women. Hanafi theologians note that if only women act as witnesses at the Nikah ceremony, then such a marriage cannot be considered valid. Moreover, within the Hanafi madhhab there is no requirement that witnesses be “trustworthy,” unlike the Shafi’i and Hanbali schools.

The procedure for marriage among Muslims

Nikah is read, as a rule, by the imam of the mosque or another person who has sufficient knowledge in various fields of Islamic sciences. Shariah does not impose any special requirements on this person, because compliance with the conditions of nikah, such as the presence of witnesses, is much more important. The role of the imam is reduced to examination, as well as reading the Koran and preaching with instructions to carry out family life in accordance with Islam. Sometimes a certificate is even issued, which, however, has no legal force - the “evidence base” of the fact of marriage, in which case the testimony of witnesses will serve.

In some areas it has already become a tradition to combine the Nikah ritual with wedding festivities (naturally, without alcohol or other haram), during which Islamic chants can often be heard (). A toastmaster (host) is invited to such events, who entertains those present, holds competitions, and gives the floor to the wedding guests for congratulations. The bride and groom wear special festive clothes. Of course, this is only fashion trends, into which they are trying to drive Islamic law. Nobody insists on holding such a ceremony. Much more important is how the spouses will live together in the future.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that issues of marriage in Islam have many facets that differ from one theological and legal direction to another. This once again confirms that nikah must be approached responsibly.

Nikah (marriage according to Shari'ah) is an act in which, after pronouncing certain words, a man is allowed to have sexual relations with a woman.

Allah Almighty said in TO ur`ane (Sura 4 “An-Nis A`", Ayat3):

فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَى وَثُلاَثَ وَرُبَاعَ

It means: .

Also Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

تَنَاكَحُوا فَإنِّي مُكَاثِرٌ بِكُمُ الأُمَمَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ

“Get married, for this reason in the End of the World our community (community of the Prophet Mu X ammad) will greatly outnumber other (Islamic) communities.".

This X adi With reported by the imams of Al-Bayha To y and At-Tirmi h yy.

Nikah is the Sunnah for a Muslim who needs it and has the opportunity to provide:

- clothes for the wife according to the season;

- expenses on the day of nikah.

If such a person gets married, this is protection for him in observing religion. To marry someone who does not need it and does not have the opportunity to provide the above points - makruh.

For a man who wants to get married, it is Sunnah to choose a wife who has the following qualities:

“For her to know and observe religious duties is best. Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

تُنْكَحُ الْمَرْأَةُ لأَرْبَعٍ لِمَالِهَا وَلِجَمَالِهَا وَلِحَسَبِهَا وَلدِينِهَا

فَاظْفَرْ بِذَاتِ الدِّينِ تَرِبَتْ يَدَاكَ

“A woman is chosen as a wife according to four qualities - for her wealth, for her beauty, for her position in society and for her knowledge and observance of religion, it is better to choose for the last quality, that is, God-fearing.”

handed over X adi With Imams Al-Bukhariy, Muslim, Abu D Aat d, An-Nas a`iy and Ibn M A jah.

- So that she would be a virgin.

“It’s better to have good origins, that is, it’s known what family she’s from.” It is makruh to marry one who was born as a result of adultery. But a man receives a reward if he marries her with the intention of protecting her from sinful society and bad influences.

— So that she could give birth (not be infertile), and not be melancholy. It is also advisable not to be a close relative of the future husband.

A man free from slavery is allowed to have four wives free from slavery at the same time.

Allah Almighty said in TO ur`ane (Sura 4 “An-Nis A`", Ayat3):

فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَى وَثُلاَثَ وَرُبَاعَ

It means: “You are allowed to marry as many as you can, but have no more than four wives at a time.”.

Complete collection and description: prayer pronounced at nikah for the spiritual life of a believer.

O people! Fear your Lord, who created you from one man,

In the mosque in Satka you can order a nikah reading service for a future married couple!

Nikah (نِكَاحٌ‎‎ Arabic) – Islamic marriage, marriage union according to Sharia. According to the Holy Quran, marriage between a man and a woman is one of the important precepts of religion. Allah Almighty said: “Among His signs is that He created from among yourselves wives for you, so that you could find peace in them, and established love and mercy between you. Indeed, in this are signs for a people who reflect." . This verse clearly indicates that peace of mind and stability are among other goals of nikah that can be achieved as a result of love and mercy between spouses.

Nikah is an agreement on mutual obligations to Allah, and one must also be responsible for the fulfillment of this agreement before Allah, who does not forget a single agreement.

Procedure for carrying out nikah

To perform nikah in a mosque, the following conditions are required:

  • lack of close family ties.
  • a marriage should not be limited by time.
  • personal presence of the bride and groom, parents, witnesses
  • consent of the bride and groom and approval of their parents
  • the presence of a guardian on the bride's side (the father or paternal uncle, or brother can act). Ideally, parents on both sides should be present, since without their mutual consent there can be no nikah, but if they cannot be present for valid reasons, the mullah must be notified of their consent (in writing or must come before) in advance
  • understanding by the bride and groom of the essence of marriage and nikah, their awareness that now it is the nikah that will be read between them (they must have intention on nikah and nothing else)
  • witnesses: adult Muslim men
  • the groom professes Islam, and the bride professes either Islam, Christianity, or Judaism
  • mahr (obligatory wedding gift) from the groom to the bride, which will suit her and will belong only to her (mahr is not a bride price, as some people think, the concept of bride price does not exist in Islam)

All participants in the nikah must come in strict, clean, elegant clothes that cover the aurat (parts of the body that must be hidden from non-relatives - women wear headscarves and long skirts). You should also use incense (perfume). Nikah can be conducted in Russian or Tatar.

Nikah should be concluded not for the sake of calculation, not for the sake of fashion, culture or traditions, not for the sake of unbridled emotional love, but only for the sake of Allah’s pleasure in the fact that a new strong Muslim family is being created. Nikah is one of the rites of religious worship.

During the nikah, the parties will be explained their rights and responsibilities in marriage, then they will be asked about their regrets about marrying each other, their parents will be asked for their approval, and witnesses will be asked if they remember what happened. The bride and groom will be asked if they are Muslims and what they believe in. It will be asked what kind of mahr the groom offers the bride, and she will be asked whether she accepts such mahr. Then a small part of the Qur'an will be read and the nikah will be concluded. From now on there will be new family, all their rights to each other and obligations to each other will arise, an agreement will be concluded before Allah, for failure to fulfill which there will be the strictest demand on the Day of Judgment.

Then the wedding can begin, that is, the celebration and feast on the occasion of nikah, and no one can anymore monitor the communication of the young family (as they should monitor the communication of the bride and groom), since now they are husband and wife and are allowed to each other. The wedding can be magnificent or modest at the discretion of the family itself. It should be ensured that the feast remains strictly halal (allowed - that is, no alcoholic drinks, pork, etc. are present on the table). People should have fun at a wedding; a sad wedding will not be pleasing to God. Relatives and friends must be present, it is forbidden to invite only rich acquaintances and not to invite poor acquaintances in order to receive expensive gifts.

During the wedding it is allowed to perform local wedding traditions provided that they do not contradict Sharia.

Nikah does not provide for divorce (talaqa) for reasons other than those described in Sharia. Divorce is the most hated action before Allah that is permitted, it lasts several months, consists of three procedures-stages, after divorce (talaq) it is no longer possible to conclude nikah between the same people (except if a woman is married to another and divorces him too) . Divorce (talaq) can be given either by the husband or approved by the kazi (Sharia judge) in exceptional cases:

  • husband's failure to fulfill his duties material support family (Shariah establishes minimum food and clothing requirements)
  • husband beating his wife (Sharia provides for cases when a husband can bring his wife to reason with physical force. Strict limits have also been established for this, exceeding which makes the use of force illegal)
  • a threat to the religious worldview on the part of one of the spouses (if one of the spouses convinces, or disrespects, or through his actions contributes to the second spouse leaving Islam or committing sins)
  • constant reproaches of one spouse to another spouse for something that he does not have (for example, in the Sunnah there is a known case when the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, divorced one of his companions from his wife after he reported that she, being richer than his husband, constantly reproached him for his poor position)

Divorce (talaq) for reasons like “We didn’t get along, the love passed, we got tired of it, another love arose” is impossible, it is forbidden (haram) and entails very great responsibility on the Day of Judgment. Nikah is an extremely strong lifelong union with strict responsibility and great rights to each other, know this in advance.

How to properly conduct a “nikah” - a Muslim wedding

The other day my cousin Gulnaz got married. The celebration was held according to Muslim customs. I was present as a guest and photographer. Captured the main moments.

On the day of Nikah, the bride dresses in a traditionally light dress and wears a scarf on her head to cover her hair. The groom puts on a skullcap and also a light shirt. Because it's a holiday! Guests come with flowers and gifts. Flowers are given immediately, gifts are kept until a special moment. They do not sit down at the table until the mullahs arrive. Usually they engage in conversation. Men with men, women with women.

However, there are no strict prohibitions. A wedding is a reason for relatives to see each other and gather from distant areas and villages. Find out how each other is doing. Drinking alcohol on such a day is a sin. Therefore, there is no beer or vodka on the table. Pies with rice and fish, fruits and dried fruits, vegetables, and sweets are served.

As for decorating the room, all portraits and photographs of people are taken out. In Islam, the cult of personality is not welcomed, so it is better to remove images of faces. When the mullah arrives, the celebration begins. First - general prayer. The mullah reads the text of the prayer, the others repeat after him. It is important to keep your palms open in front of your face. It is believed that at this time grace from heaven fills the palms. At the end of the prayer, it is customary to “wash your face” to absorb all the good things.

There must be a male witness on the bride's side. My sister has neither a father (died) nor a brother. Therefore, this role went to my uncle.

First, the mullah asks whether young people voluntarily marry. What kind of bride price does the groom give for the bride? Previously, girls used to give bride price to their parents, but now the traditions have become simpler, so most often bride price is a gift to the bride on her wedding day. Its size may be different, depending on the income of the groom. It is believed that such a gift is not returned (in case of divorce). In our case, the bride received a gold bracelet. Mulla was interested: are the bride and her parents satisfied with such a gift?

Next, the mullah found out how the groom would call the bride's parents, and what the bride would call the groom's parents. The acceptable options are “mom-father” or “mother-in-law”. The parties agree on this “on the shore” so that later there are no grievances or disagreements. Mullah tells stories from life, gives advice to young people on how to live so that there are no quarrels and conflicts.

Next comes the ceremony of “welcoming into the family.” The bride's mother spoon-feeds the groom and his parents butter and honey - "so that your speech will be soft like butter and sweet like honey." The groom's parents repeat the same thing. The young ones themselves at this moment look like chicks that have not yet fluttered out of their parent’s nest...

After these formalities, the process of exchanging gifts begins. The bride's parents give gifts to the groom's parents and the groom, and the groom's parents give gifts to the bride and her parents. Then all the guests join the celebration of life. Gifts can be given not only to the newlyweds; it is not forbidden to give gifts to all guests at the table. They are usually given tea, socks, handkerchiefs, paper bills or metal coins and other small items. It is believed that by sharing with your neighbor, you are doing a good deed.

The Nikah ceremony ends with a festive dish. It could be goose, ram, pilaf. In our case - chuck-chuck.

Each guest is obliged to try the treat and put some money into the family budget.

Let me remind you that all this time there is food on the table, but the guests do not eat anything. To begin the feast, special permission from the mullah and prayer are required. Only after the ceremony is completed, the mullah gives permission to bring food, and broth with traditional Tatar noodles, lamb and poultry are placed on the table.

The holiday ends with a ceremonial tea party with sweets. There are usually no dances, songs or jokes on this day. For such a holiday, newlyweds can choose a separate day.

What does it mean that the OEG publishes a small circle of authors with little knowledge of the Muslim religion. There are few Bashkirs among the authors; there are no Muslim theologians at all

At what point can the bride's head no longer be covered with a scarf? In the second photo the bride is already without a scarf.


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Prayer said at Nikah

Tea bar Kazan - “House of Nikah”

Nikah - creating a family.

This should be remembered...

Nikah is a holiday from which a long and happy life. This day, this celebration must be carefully thought out and organized. After all, this is the happiest, sometimes long-awaited day in a person’s life.

Leave it to the professionals.

Tea bar Kazan, also called the house of Nikah, is pleased to offer you a hall for celebrations such as Nikah, Wedding, Birth of a child, Anniversary, Birthday, Funeral and others.

The restaurant can accommodate up to 100 people. The atmosphere in the hall is inviting, kind, cozy.

Nikah is celebrated with dignity and beauty according to all traditions and canons.

The service personnel are dressed in Tatar national costumes, courteous and attentive. Arriving guests we greet you cordially and with love.

Nikah is a religious ceremony of marriage, which is necessarily attended by a mullah. It is he who declares the newlyweds husband and wife and seals their union before Allah, and also legitimizes the family relations of the newlyweds in the face of society.

The only prohibition on holding Nikah is fasting during the month of Ramadan. Muslim calendar. Nikah is usually done by the bride's side, and the wedding by the groom's side.

It is wonderful when both spouses look forward to Nikah and understand its meaning.

Only close relatives on both sides, grandparents, uncles and aunts are invited to the Nikah ceremony, that is older generation, of the young only siblings.

Guests of our restaurant gather to the background Tatar music that sounds in the hall. Having gathered, they are invited to the festive table. They are seated in a special order, the seating arrangement of which is discussed in advance.

The question often arises where the mullah, parents, and young people will sit, whether men and women sit together or separately.

The mullah usually sits at the head of the table, the couple getting married is on the men's side next to the mullah or opposite him and reads the prayers appropriate for the given occasion. The young people stand while reading the prayer. Then, according to the prescriptions of Islam, he asks the guy three times, then the girl, for consent to marriage. After which he declares them husband and wife. In addition, the mullah publicly announces the size of the maher.

Maher is a gift - a dowry that the groom gives to the bride, it can be a ring, chain and more.

During Nikah, guests are quiet, do not make noise, no one comes in or out, so guests must arrive on time. During the reading of the Nikah, the doors are closed.

All guests at Nikah are present with their heads covered: women in headscarves, men in skullcaps.

The bride’s outfit is modest, everything is covered except her face and hands, it is not tight-fitting and is not see-through. The groom is also dressed for the occasion.

After the official part, the exchange of gifts begins. First, the mothers of the bride and groom give the mullah a kheer - sadaka (donations). Next, the parties exchange gifts. The groom's parents present gifts to all the bride's relatives present, and the bride's parents, respectively, to all the groom's relatives. The gift could be a towel, blanket, bed sheets and more.

On festive table Alcoholic drinks are not allowed. As for the treats on the table, the following dishes are obligatory: tokmach ashy (noodle soup) with trigon, meat and potatoes for the main course, and of course tea with Tatar pies.

The chefs of our restaurant prepare dishes of national cuisine, the ingredients of which fully comply with the requirements of Islam. Meat is halal.

Guests come with gifts, these are pies, tea, candies and other sweets. The groom often receives a gift in the form of two baked stuffed geese, one of which is butchered during the meal, and the second, which the groom’s relatives take with them, according to custom.

A pair of geese symbolizes a newly formed married couple.

Tea bar Kazan is happy to help you in organizing and providing for any celebration on our or your site.

Rules for nikah, Muslim marriage

Muslim nikkah is a wedding ceremony that resembles the wedding of Christian peoples. Traditionally, the nikah is held at the bride's house. A local imam is invited to conclude the nikah. Also these days, nikah is held in a cafe, restaurant or even in a mosque, but mostly the imam (mullah) is invited home. However, Muslim marriage has its own rules (conditions).

Conditions for concluding nikah

1. In addition to the Muslim cleric, two male witnesses must be present. If there are no two men, then it is allowed to appoint one man and two women. Witnesses must be Muslim.

2. The bride and groom must be Muslim. Usually the imam asks them, in front of witnesses and guests, to pronounce the Muslim formula of monotheism “Laya Ilaha illallah, Muhammad rasulullah” (meaning: There is no God except the One God Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God), by which they prove their faith in the One God - Allah.

3. The groom must give mahar (gift to the bride). Usually they give gold jewelry (earrings, chain, ring, etc.). The imam asks the groom to show the mahar (gift) to witnesses, guests and give it to his daughter-in-law.

4.Both must agree to the marriage. During the act, a proposal and an answer are pronounced. For example, the mullah first asks the bride's consent:

By order of our creator Allah Subhanak wa Tagal and according to the sunnat of our prophet Mr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, you Amina, the daughter of Ilyas, by your consent, married Abdullah the son of Ali.

Yes, I married him by my own consent.

Abdullah son of Ali, by order of our creator Allah Subhanak wa Tagal and according to the sunnat of our prophet Mr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, did you, with your consent, take Ilyas’s daughter Amina as your wife?

Yes, I took her with my consent

According to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa, the question is asked in the past tense and therefore the answer should also be the same. After receiving answers in front of witnesses, the young people are considered husband and wife. Nikah is considered concluded. After this, the imam begins to read the nikah khutbah and makes dua (prayer) for the newlyweds.

Now we understand that the main condition for nikah is compliance with all the above rules. Namely, the mullah’s verification of compliance with all these conditions in front of witnesses is the conclusion of the nikah. Many people make the mistake of thinking that nikah is such a ceremony. where the mullah reads prayer before the newlyweds and after that they are considered husband and wife. No, nikah is the conclusion of an agreement before the witnesses and the main witness, the Almighty, by checking compliance with the mandatory conditions (rules), and not so that the mullah reads the prayer and all matters.

Nikah between a Muslim and a Christian or a Jew is permitted, but the man is obliged, during the process of living together, to call his wife to Islam. Nikah is not allowed between a Muslim and an atheist (non-believer in God) woman.

Nikah between a Muslim woman and a Christian or an adherent of another religion or an atheist is prohibited. A Muslim woman has the right to marry only a man of her faith (only a Muslim). The only exception is if the groom voluntarily converts to Islam.

Nikah between two holidays and during Uraza

There is an opinion among people that nikah cannot be concluded between two holidays (Ides). This is a misconception. Nikah can be read on any day of the year. And during uraza (fasting), it is not very convenient to celebrate, since you cannot eat or drink during the day. Even if people do not fast, still, for the sake of respect for the month of Ramadan, one cannot hold a banquet or feast during the day. If necessary, you can conclude a nikkah during the day without a feast, or organize a small banquet in the evening during iftar (breaking the fast).

And you can also read nikkah on the day of Eid al-Fitr or Kurban Bayram, but on this day the clergy are busy holding the holiday in mosques and this can create inconvenience for them. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss everything with them in advance.

What dua does the bride and groom read on nikah?

Many newlyweds are interested in what dua should be read during nikah. See the section above rules for concluding nikah point two and we see that the young must say the Shahada: “Laya Ilyaha Illallah. Muhammad Rasulullah” ( short version), or another option: “Ashkhadu allya Ilyaha illallah, Ashkhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulyukh.”

Muslim nikkah is a wedding ceremony that resembles the wedding of Christian peoples. Traditionally, the nikah is held at the bride's house. A local imam is invited to conclude the nikah. Also these days, nikah is held in a cafe, restaurant or even in a mosque, but mostly the imam (mullah) is invited home. However, Muslim marriage has its own rules (conditions).

Conditions for concluding nikah

1. In addition to the Muslim cleric, two male witnesses must be present. If there are no two men, then it is allowed to appoint one man and two women. Witnesses must be Muslim.

2. The bride and groom must be Muslim. Usually the imam asks them, in front of witnesses and guests, to pronounce the Muslim formula of monotheism “Laya Ilaha illallah, Muhammad rasulullah” (meaning: There is no God except the One God Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God), by which they prove their faith in the One God - Allah.

3. The groom must give mahar (gift to the bride). Usually they give gold jewelry (earrings, chain, ring, etc.). The imam asks the groom to show the mahar (gift) to witnesses, guests and give it to his daughter-in-law.

4.Both must agree to the marriage. During the act, a proposal and an answer are pronounced. For example, the mullah first asks the bride's consent:

By order of our creator Allah Subhanak wa Tagal and according to the sunnat of our prophet Mr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, you Amina, the daughter of Ilyas, by your consent, married Abdullah the son of Ali.

The bride answers:

Yes, I married him by my own consent.

Abdullah son of Ali, by order of our creator Allah Subhanak wa Tagal and according to the sunnat of our prophet Mr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, did you, with your consent, take Ilyas’s daughter Amina as your wife?

The groom answers:

Yes, I took her with my consent

According to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa, the question is asked in the past tense and therefore the answer should also be the same. After receiving answers in front of witnesses, the young people are considered husband and wife. Nikah is considered concluded. After this, the imam begins to read the nikah khutbah and makes dua (prayer) for the newlyweds.

Now we understand that the main condition for nikah is compliance with all the above rules. Namely, the mullah’s verification of compliance with all these conditions in front of witnesses is the conclusion of the nikah. Many are mistaken in thinking that nikah is a ceremony where a mullah reads a prayer in front of the newlyweds and after that they are considered husband and wife. No, nikah is the conclusion of an agreement before the witnesses and the main witness, the Almighty, by checking compliance with the mandatory conditions (rules), and not so that the mullah reads the prayer and all matters.

Nikah between a Muslim and a Christian or Jewish woman is permitted, but the man is obliged to call his wife to Islam while living together. Nikah is not allowed between a Muslim and an atheist (non-believer in God) woman.

Nikah between a Muslim woman and a Christian or a follower of another religion, as well as an atheist, is prohibited. A Muslim woman has the right to marry only a man of her faith (only a Muslim). The only exception is if the groom voluntarily converts to Islam.

Nikah between two holidays and during Uraza

There is an opinion among people that nikah cannot be concluded between two holidays (Ides). This is a misconception. Nikah can be read on any day of the year. And during uraza (fasting), it is not very convenient to celebrate, since you cannot eat or drink during the day. Even if people do not fast, still, for the sake of respect for the month of Ramadan, one cannot hold a banquet or feast during the day. If necessary, you can conclude a nikkah during the day without a feast, or organize a small banquet in the evening during iftar (breaking the fast).

And you can also read nikkah on the day of Eid al-Fitr or Kurban Bayram, but on this day the clergy are busy holding the holiday in mosques and this can create inconvenience for them. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss everything with them in advance.

What dua does the bride and groom read on nikah?

Many newlyweds are interested in what dua should be read during nikah. We look above the section of the rule for concluding nikah, point two, and we see that the young people must pronounce the shahadah: “Laya Ilyaha Illallah. Muhammad rasulullah" (short version), or another option: "Ashkhadu alla Ilyaha ilallah, Ashkhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasululah."