What days do they fall on? public holidays- almost everyone knows. But as for professional, specialized and religious holidays- you can’t do without a calendar here. And, having opened it, you can note that almost every day there is one or another event.

Often several holidays occur on one date. Among them are state, professional, religious, international. November 12 is no exception.

In our country, this day does not have national significance, therefore it is not a mandatory day off. But the events associated with this day are significant for many categories of citizens.

What is celebrated on November 12

Several specialized holidays are celebrated on this day.


  • Employee Day of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.
  • Security Specialist Day.
  • World Pneumonia Day.

Religious (Orthodox):

  • Memorial Day of St. Stephen Milutin, King of Serbia.

Employee Day of Sberbank of the Russian Federation

The “oldest” of the entire list of holidays celebrated in Russia is November 12th. For 18 years now, since the official recognition of this solemn date (1998), Sberbank employees have considered this day their professional day.

November 12 was not chosen for this occasion by chance. It was on this day in 1841 that the Great Emperor Nicholas the First approved the Decree on the establishment of

In 1895 they acquired the status of state ones, which they remain to this day.

Thus, after 157 years, the oldest bank in Russia received the right to celebrate its

Today, Sberbank of Russia occupies a leading position among other commercial and non-commercial financial institutions, having an extensive network not only in our country, but also abroad.

Security Specialist Day

The November 12 holiday in Russia is also celebrated by representatives of no less significant structures - people in one way or another connected with ensuring security.

The work of specialists in such services is very important and responsible. They ensure the safety of not only people, but also information transmitted via various types of communication means. Employees of the personal and economic security services also celebrate their professional holiday on this day.

Despite the fact that this activity requires special training, today it is becoming popular not only among men, but also among women fair half humanity. The number of female security guards is increasing every year. They are willingly hired due to developed intuition and the ability to analyze the behavior of suspects better than men.

The idea that November 12, the holiday of a security specialist, was first introduced by the Sec.Ru portal 11 years ago (in 2005). Now this holiday is actively celebrated in many parts of our country.

World Pneumonia Day

November 12 is a holiday not only on a Russian scale. This date is celebrated as World Pneumonia Day.

The initiator of this holiday was the Global Coalition against Childhood Pneumonia. It is a global organization that includes governmental and non-governmental entities, private and government funds, as well as regular volunteers.

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases. Children, elderly people, and adults whose bodies are weakened are at increased risk. Every year, about one and a half million children under the age of five die from pneumonia worldwide. This is a huge number, so the fight against the disease is an important and necessary event at the international and state level.

On this day, preventive measures are carried out in many parts of the world. They are primarily aimed at preventing and identifying this dangerous disease. Preventive medical examinations are carried out everywhere. Specialists with medical education They tell people about the dangers of this disease, and hand out printed information.

Memorial Day of Saint Stephen Milutin, King of Serbia

For those who revere religious traditions, it is important to know what holiday Orthodox Christians celebrate on November 12th.

This day honors the memory of St. Stephen Milutin, King of Serbia.

Stefan Milyutin for a long time- for 45 years - ruled Serbia. He received the throne in 1275 from his brother Dragutin, who renounced the crown and became a recluse.

During the years of his reign, Stephen did a lot for his people and for Orthodoxy as a whole. He strengthened Serbia’s position in the Balkans, annexed large areas to the country’s territory and introduced Orthodoxy there. Under his leadership, more than 40 holy temples, monasteries and houses were built where wanderers were received.

Stephen's reign lasted until his death in 1320. His holy relics are located today in Sofia, in the Cathedral of the Metropolitan of Sofia “Sveta Nedelya”.

Sberbank of Russia Employees Day

Sberbank of Russia Employee Day has been celebrated since 1998.
On October 30 (November 12, new style), 1841, Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia “to provide insufficient people of all kinds with the means to save in a reliable and profitable way and to accept small sums for saving with an increase in interest.” It was then that one of the largest financial structures began to take shape in our country.

Security Worker's Day

"Security Specialist Day" - November 12.
Security Specialist Day is an inter-industry holiday that unites all market participants, security industry professionals in the broad sense of the word.
The initiator of the holiday was the largest Internet security portal Sec.Ru.
The holiday has been celebrated since 2005.

1472 - Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III married Sophia Fominishna Paleolog.
1784 - In Oxford, James Sadler took off in a charlier (the so-called balloons with shells filled with hydrogen), becoming the first English aeronaut.
1808 - Public ascent in Vienna of J. Degen on his hybrid aircraft (an ornithopter partially balanced by a hydrogen tank).
1847 - The first public demonstration of the use of chloroform as an anesthetic was made by James Simpson at the University of Edinburgh.
1859 - In Paris, circus performer Jules Leotard gives his first trapeze performance.
1860 - The US Secret Service is formed. The initial task of the service employees was to combat dollar counterfeiting.
1861 - The Council of Ministers is formed in the Russian Empire as the highest government body of the country.
1888 - At the festival of printers in the French city of Lille, the “Internationale” is performed for the first time by a workers’ choir.

1905 - The Starobuyan Republic is proclaimed.
1906 - The first independent flight in Europe in a manned airplane is made in Paris by Brazilian designer-pilot Alberto Santos-Dumont.
1910 - First film stunt - a stuntman jumps into the Hudson River from a burning hot air balloon.
1910 - The first issue of the Workers' Newspaper, the illegal organ of the Bolsheviks, was published in Paris.
1912 - A search party discovers the last site of the English polar explorer Robert Scott and his comrades.
1915 - Britain annexes the Gilbert and Ellice Islands (present-day Tuvalu and Kiribati), turning the protectorate into a colony.
1917 - Elections to the Constituent Assembly.
1917 - The Winter Palace in Petrograd is declared a State Museum.
1918 - In Austria-Hungary, Emperor Charles I of Habsburg abdicates the throne.
1918 - The Republic of Austria is declared, the Hapsburg dynasty ends.
1918 - Decision of the Regency Council of Poland on the appointment of J. Pilsudski as “chief of state.”
1920 - According to the Treaty of Rappalo, Italy receives Istria and renounces Dalmatia in favor of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (future Yugoslavia).
1921 - The Great Powers recognize the Albanian government.
1921 - The Washington Disarmament Conference opened in the United States (ended on February 6, 1922).
1925 - The British Navy submarine M-1 (converted from a K-class submarine) dies in a collision in the English Channel with the Swedish steamer Veeder.
1927 - Trotsky and Zinoviev are expelled from the CPSU(b).
1930 - The first Round Table conference on India opens in London (to 19 January 1931). Congress Party representatives are absent.
1933 - In the German parliamentary elections, 92% of the votes were cast for the list of candidates from the Nazi Party (96% of the seats in parliament).
1933 - First photograph of the alleged Loch Ness monster.
1940 - People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Molotov arrives on a visit to Berlin for negotiations with Hitler and Foreign Minister Ribbentrop.
1941 - WWII: The beginning of “terrible frosts” (-12 ° C) in the Moscow region, to which von Bock attributed the defeat of Army Group Center.
1942 - The six-day battles near the city of Ordzhonikidze ended, in which the strike force of the 1st German Tank Army was defeated.
1942 - A convoy under the command of Vice Admiral Hiroake Abe enters the strait between the islands of Savo and Guadalcanal.
1944 - WWII: The Royal Air Force sank the Kriegsmarine flagship, the battleship Tirpitz.
1945 - Josip Broz Tito wins the Yugoslav elections.
1947 - First flight of the experimental Ka-8 helicopter with a twin-rotor coaxial design.
1948 - The trial of major Japanese war criminals ends in Tokyo, Japan.
1949 - Jacobo Arbenz Guzman is elected president of Guatemala.

1952 - Ann Davison sets sail on the seven-meter sloop Felicity Anne - the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone.
1952 - The first flight of the Tu-95 aircraft was made by the crew of test pilot A.D. Perelet.
1956 - Gamal Abdel Nasser is elected president of Egypt.
1956 - János Kádár refuses to allow UN observers into Hungary, but accepts UN assistance.
1957 - In the UK, the Post and Telegraph Office announces its plans to introduce postcodes.
1958 - the United Federal Party, led by Prime Minister Roy Welensky, won the parliamentary elections in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
1958 - East Germany sends a note to 60 countries demanding recognition.
1959 - Second launch space rocket to the Moon with the automatic station "Luna-2".
1960 - The first Russian nuclear submarine of Project 658 with 3 R-13 ballistic missiles entered service
1964 - A high court in Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe) rules that Joshua Nkomo's detention is unlawful.
1965 - In the USSR, the automatic interplanetary station “Venera-2” is launched towards Venus.
1965 - The English liner Yarmouth Castle, with 600 passengers and crew on board, catches fire for an unknown reason while sailing from Miami to Nassau. Having completely burned out, the liner will sink on the third day. 92 people will die and more than 400 people will suffer serious burns.
1966 - From this day on, Spain refuses to recognize Gibraltar passports (closed the border with Gibraltar to all types of transport on October 5 for 17 years).
1970 - A cyclone and a powerful tidal wave hit India and the Pakistani province of East Bengal (now Bangladesh), leading to the death of over 500 thousand people.
1971 - US President Nixon announces the cessation of active hostilities by American troops in South Vietnam and orders the withdrawal of another 45 thousand troops.
1971 - Vinnitsa, Ukraine, USSR. When trying to make a new circle, an Aeroflot An-24 plane crashes. All 47 people on board die.
1973 - In protest against proposed wages, British miners decide to refuse overtime.
1979 - In response to the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran, US President Carter imposes an embargo on Iranian oil.
1980 - The American automatic interplanetary station Voyager 1, sent on September 5, 1977, crosses the orbit of Saturn, passing from it at a distance of 124,000 km and 4,500 km from its satellite Titan.
1981 - The first transoceanic flight on a gas-filled balloon, the Double Eagle V, is completed. The balloonists' route ran between Nagashima (Japan) and Covello (California, USA). He set a world flight range record for a manned gas-filled balloon - 8382.54 kilometers.
1981 - Launch of the American reusable spacecraft Space Shuttle 2 Columbia-2, piloted by Joe Engle and Richard Truly (until November 14).
1981 - The General Synod of the Church of England votes overwhelmingly in favor of recognizing free churches, women preachers and allowing women to be ordained as clergy in the Church of England.
1982 - At the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee after the death of L. I. Brezhnev.
1984 - The Organization of African Unity conference at the level of heads of state is held in Addis Ababa.
1986 - The Soviet Cultural Foundation was created in the USSR, headed by Dmitry Likhachev.
1989 - First flight of the first helicopter built from composite materials and powered by human muscle power - “Da Vinci III”
1990 - Official coronation of Emperor Akihito of Japan.
1990 - Tim Berners-Lee publishes a formal proposal for the creation of the World Wide Web
1991 - Riots and demonstrations in East Timor draw attention to the oppressive policies pursued by the Indonesian authorities in the region (events continue until November 13).
1992 - In accordance with the results of a recent vote, women can now also be ordained to the priesthood in the Church of England.
1995 - The Croatian government and Serbian leaders agree to transfer Eastern Slavonia, the last Serb-controlled Croatian region, to Croatian jurisdiction.
1996 - Charkhi-Dari, India. A mid-air collision between a Boeing 747 airliner of Saudi Arabian Airlines and an Il-76TD transport aircraft belonging to Kazakhstan. 359 dead.
1999 - Eruption of the Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador).

Holiday calendar, dates and events of November


November 12th is another great day to celebrate not only Russian holidays, but also several international ones.

Holidays celebrated around the world

World Pneumonia Day

This event takes place every year on November 12th. This date appeared thanks to the Global Coalition against Childhood Pneumonia. The coalition is trying to attract the attention of government officials to the problem of pneumonia, as well as to gain the attention of health care professionals and potential donors. And this holiday became one of the main tools to achieve the goal. On this day, volunteers tell everyone about the disease and the risks associated with it, and distribute leaflets with information.

I would like to say that children are the first to suffer from pneumonia. And this disease is main reason mortality of minors in our world. Every year, pneumonia claims about 1.4 million children's lives. What does it have to do with children under 5 years of age?

Although pneumonia is spreading everywhere, it is most prevalent in Africa and South Asia. And such a disease can be prevented with the help of the most simple remedies eg immunization and good nutrition.

What events are celebrated in Russia on November 12, 2019

Sberbank of Russia Employee Day

The holiday is professional and was approved in 1988. The date was chosen for a reason. It is associated with the signing of the Decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia in 1841. The decree was signed by Emperor Nicholas I. The first banking operations can be dated back to the days of ancient world civilizations.

But in the modern sense, banks are quite young. The Russian banking system itself was modeled after the European one and closely followed it.

Security Specialist Day in Russia

This event is widely celebrated by all professional services for creating and maintaining security in the broad sense of the word. In other words, on this day we can safely congratulate all the people who have connected their lives with this difficult profession - security. The main task is to ensure maximum security of objects, information and people. Many events are held on this day, and one of them can be called the most charming. The event is called Miss Security. So every employee of such a company can take part and receive a crown.

Titmouse's day

Another ecological holiday appeared in Russia several years ago, its name is Sinichkin Day. The event was created on the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. It is celebrated every year on November 12th. On this day, residents of different settlements prepare to welcome feathered winter guests. After all, these birds winter in our area. In addition to tits, you can see jays, bullfinches, redpolls and goldfinches. Locals They prepare food for dear friends: unroasted sunflower seeds, unsalted butter, peanut seeds, and so on. Despite the fact that the holiday itself is celebrated recently, its roots go far into the past.

Holidays in other countries

Constitution Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan

This holiday is celebrated on the same day every year. Through a general popular referendum in 1995, on November 12, the country's constitution was adopted - the basic law of an independent sovereign state. Continuing centuries-old traditions, the people of the country declared their intentions to defend Azerbaijan and guarantee a democratic system.

And people also wanted to achieve the establishment of a civil society and live in conditions of friendship. Until 2006, the country's constitution was a non-working holiday, but at the end of 2006 the parliament decided to exclude this day from non-working days.

Bahá'u'lláh's birthday

Bahá'u'lláh is the founder of the Bahá'í faith. He was born in 1817 on November 12. This man's family belonged to one of the oldest land-owning cities in Persia. But my father was the first minister in the province of Mazandaran.

Since there were persecutions by the clergy of Persia, main character was deprived of all his material privileges and spent 40 years in exile. Bahá'u'lláh was able to create many books that describe the foundations of the world order and issues that relate to almost every area of ​​human life.

Juana Ines de la Cruiz's birthday

A very interesting heroine. The girl was born on November 12, 1651. Her village was located near Mexico City. The parents were not married, so the girl and her older sisters are recorded in the parish registers as “children of the Church.”

By the age of 6, Juana learns to write and read, as well as embroidery and sewing. In those days this was the complete education of a woman. At the age of 9, the girl’s mother sent her to live with rich relatives. And these relatives were able to discern abilities in the girl that would help her study further. Juana had a lot of admirers, but she never agreed to marry anyone.

Folk calendar with holidays on November 12

Zinovy ​​and Zinovia, Titmouse's Day

According to the old style, the holiday is celebrated on October 30. On this day, the memory of the Bishop of Ege, the Hieromartyr Zinovy ​​and his sister, the martyr Zinovia, is celebrated. They lived in the 3rd century in Cappadocia. The children were born to pious parents who raised them according to the Christian faith.

Then the brother and sister are left orphans and decide to give all their inheritance to the poor. And as a reward for such an act, Zinovy ​​receives the gift of miracles - he could heal the sick with prayer. So the people of the city decided to elect him as their bishop. In Rus', on this day they also celebrated the holiday of hunters and fishermen. On this day they hunted hares and were going to feast in the same house.

Name days are celebrated

Artem, Anastasia, Elena, Alexander, Zinovy, Joseph, Makar, Leonid, Maxim, German, Yulan, Stepan, Semyon, Matvey, Mark.

Historical date – November 12

  • 1335 – a meeting of the rulers of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland took place in Visegrad. This meeting marked the beginning of the first military-political alliance in Central Europe.
  • 1717 - Bessler-Orfireus demonstrated the perpetual motion machine he had invented.
  • 1803 – Nikolai Karamzin is officially appointed Russian historiographer.
  • 1841 – Nicholas I issued a Decree on the preparation common project savings banks in Russia.
  • 1982 - Yuri Adropov was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

On this day we were born...

  1. Ivan Shuvalov 1727 - Russian statesman and favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.
  2. Alexander Borodin 1833 – Russian composer and chemist.
  3. Auguste Rodin 1840 – French sculptor.
  4. Sun Yat-sen 1866 – Chinese democratic revolutionary.
  5. Grace Kelly 1929 – American actress, Princess of Monaco.
  6. Lyudmila Gurchenko 1935 – Russian and Soviet film and theater actress.

Holidays November 12, 2019

Pneumonia Day
This holiday is celebrated by people who do everything to prevent the spread of such an infectious disease. The holiday dates back to the creation of the Global Coalition in 2009, which defined its main goal as the fight against childhood pneumonia. It is on November 12 that volunteers carry out many informational and preventive events reminding about the threats of this disease
Security Specialist Day
The corresponding holiday was established in 2005 and since then security professionals have been gathering to discuss the general concept of security. Without these courageous people, our daily life would not be so calm.
Day bank workers Sberbank of Russia
Although savings banks in Russia appeared in the time of Nicholas I, in modern Russia this day began to be celebrated in 1998. During this time, employees of Sberbank of Russia confirmed that citizens’ deposits were under reliable supervision.
Titmouse Day
The Bird Conservation Union initiated the appearance of this holiday in the calendar in order to attract attention to the problem of wintering birds. Thanks to caring people, preparations for winter begin from this day - food supplies are made and feeders are hung.
Name day November 12th: Alexandra, Anastasia, Artem, German, Elena, Zinovy, Joseph, Leonid, Makar, Maxim, Mark, Matvey, Semyon, Stepan, Julian.

On this day, November 12, 2020, you can celebrate four holidays. Two of them are dedicated to professional Russian celebrations, one is an international day and one is a national day.

Sberbank of Russia Employees Day

On this day, the first Russian savings banks were created, as stated by the imperial decree of Nicholas I of 1841. Following the example of European banks, Russians could store their money in them and invest various amounts at certain interest rates. Subsequently, these financial organizations served as the basis of Sberbank, which soon became one of the pillars of the Russian banking system.

Security Specialist Day

Professional intersectoral holiday of all security officers, security services of various facilities, individuals, important information. Celebrated since 2005 on the initiative of the largest Russian security website Sec.Ru, annually on November 12. The profession itself originated in ancient times, when the first leaders and rulers surrounded themselves with personal guards.

World Pneumonia Day

November 12 - memorable date, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of the world community to solving the problems of prevention and treatment of pneumonia. Because of this it is deadly dangerous disease Every year, about one and a half million children do not live to reach the age of five. Traditionally, on November 12, medical organizations conduct free examinations of everyone to identify a dangerous disease.

Titmouse's day

This holiday, founded by the Russian Union for the Protection of Birds, is dedicated to birds that fly to Russia for the winter. The tit became its symbol, but the date November 12 was not chosen by chance. The holiday is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Zinovy ​​Sinichka. People say that at this time birds move closer to people in order to survive the coming winter with their help.