When organizing measures to prevent nosocomial infections, one cannot underestimate the importance of using reliable personal protective equipment in healthcare institutions: medical gowns, caps, masks, gloves, etc. In the article we will talk about the issuance of sanitary clothing, taking into account the changes made to Instruction N 157n<1>.

Sanitary standards for the issuance of protective clothing to medical workers

According to clause 15.15 of SanPiN<2>Medical personnel must be provided with sets of replacement clothing: gowns, hats, replacement shoes in accordance with the equipment sheet, but not less than three sets of special clothing per worker.

Clothes are changed in the surgical and obstetric departments daily and when dirty, in the therapeutic departments - twice a week and when dirty. Replacement clothing and footwear should also be provided for medical personnel of other departments providing advisory and other assistance, as well as for engineering and technical workers (clause 15.17 of SanPiN

In Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 65<3>Standards have been established free issuance sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies for employees of institutions, enterprises and healthcare organizations.

In accordance with Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 65, doctors, assistants, paramedical and junior medical personnel, instructors physical therapy, occupational therapy instructors, housekeepers, housekeepers, technicians, X-ray technicians, health care facility cleaners (including clinics and clinical units of research institutes, medical educational institutions, medical departments and classrooms of educational institutions) the following protective clothing is issued:

It should also be noted that Order No. 65 of the USSR Ministry of Health allows the issuance of cotton dresses or aprons to middle and junior medical personnel in the same quantity and for the same period instead of gowns. Therefore, if the head of a medical organization deems it necessary to make a replacement, this can be done without any violations of industry legislation.

During duty in a hospital and orphanage, as well as when working in sterile boxes, additional medical staff must be given slippers - one pair for 12 months; in surgical departments, instead of slippers, preventive shoes are issued (TU 17-1501-75) - also one pair for 12 months.

Medical personnel working in operating rooms, dressing rooms of hospitals, delivery and postpartum wards, boxed operating rooms for the collection of blood and its preparations, in addition to clothing according to the above standards, are issued the following types of workwear:

Additional standards are also provided for medical personnel working with corpses and cadaveric material. They are given a cotton dress or shirt in the amount of three pieces for 24 months.

Dental technicians working in dental clinics and departments are required to have the following types of sanitary clothing:

Forensic medical experts, forensic doctors, laboratory doctors, research assistants, paramedical and junior medical personnel, laboratory assistants, forensic chemists of forensic bureaus and laboratories and forensic medicine institutes are required to issue the following protective clothing:

According to similar standards, sanitary clothing is issued to doctors, paramedics (including disinfectants, exterminators, bonifiers) and junior medical personnel of sanitary institutions.

Employees of pharmacy points, kiosks, warehouses engaged in receiving prescriptions, manufacturing, packaging, monitoring and dispensing medicines, dispensing and selling medical goods and optics, washing pharmaceutical utensils, as well as managers and cashiers of pharmacies are entitled to a cotton robe together with a cap or headscarf in the amount of three pieces for 24 months.

In accordance with the regulations set out in Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 65, sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies are the property of the medical organization and are issued to employees free of charge for the duration of the work.

Rules for issuing sanitary clothing to medical workers

The rules for providing workers with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment are approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 N 290n (hereinafter referred to as Rules N 290n).

Note. Rules No. 290n are subject to application by all organizations and institutions, regardless of their legal forms and forms of ownership.

The above document quite clearly describes the procedure for issuing special clothing to employees of the organization. Let us highlight the main points of these Rules.

1. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Rules No. 290n, the employer is obliged to purchase and issue workwear that has been certified or declared conformity in the prescribed manner.

2. Working clothes are purchased at the expense of the employer (clause 4 of Rules No. 290n). IN in this case It should be borne in mind that the purchase of such clothing at the expense of employees is unacceptable.

3. By virtue of clause 6 of Rules No. 290n, a medical organization has the right, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and its financial and economic situation, to establish standards for the free issuance of special clothing and footwear to employees, which improve protection compared to standard standards workers from harmful factors and working conditions.

These standards are approved by the employer’s local regulations based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions. In this case, the opinion of the trade union must be taken into account, and new standards can be included in the collective and (or) labor agreement indicating standard standards, in comparison with which the provision of workers with personal protective equipment is improved.

4. According to clause 12 of Rules No. 290n issued medical workers sanitary clothing must correspond to their gender, height and size, the nature and conditions of the work performed. Thus, the law obliges the employer to provide workwear of the required size.

5. In accordance with paragraph 13 of Rules No. 290n, a medical organization must organize proper accounting and control of the issuance of sanitary clothing to employees in established deadlines. Let us remind you that the period of use of sanitary clothing is calculated from the date of its actual issue to employees.

6. The issuance and handing over of sanitary clothing to employees is recorded by an entry in the personal record card for the issuance of such clothing, the form of which is given in the Appendix to Rules No. 290n.

Reflection in the accounting of receipt and issue of sanitary clothing to medical personnel

The accounting procedure for special clothing is determined by Instruction No. 157n. In accordance with clause 99 of this document, special clothing in healthcare institutions is reflected as part of inventories in account 105 05 “Soft inventory”.

According to the standards set out in paragraph 102 of Instruction No. 157n, special clothing is accepted for accounting at its actual cost, that is, the sum of all costs associated with its acquisition. Thus, a medical institution has the right to include in the actual cost of special clothing not only the price of its acquisition, but also the costs of providing information, consulting, transport and other services.

Example 1. A hospital, which is a budgetary institution, in February 2015 incurred the following types of expenses for the purchase of 86 sets of special clothing (cotton shirt and trousers) for medical workers of the institution:

— the cost of suits under the contract is 118,000 rubles. (including VAT (18%) - 18,000 rubles);

— costs of providing delivery services — 3,000 rubles. (excluding VAT).

All expenses are made at the expense of compulsory medical insurance funds.

Contents of the operation Debit Credit Amount, rub.
Workwear received from supplier 7 106 34 340 7 302 34 730 118 000
Services provided for the delivery of workwear 7 106 34 340 7 302 22 730 3000
Material inventories are accepted for accounting at the generated actual cost

(118,000 + 3000) rub.

7 105 35 340 7 106 34 340 121 000
Funds were transferred to the supplier for the supplied workwear 7 302 34 830 7 201 11 610 118 000
Funds transferred to pay for transport services 7 302 22 830 7 201 11 610 3000

Further, it should be noted that in accordance with the amendments made to clause 385 of Instruction No. 157n by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 89n, accounting for property issued by an institution to employees for personal use for the performance of their official (official) duties, in order to ensure control its safety, intended use and movement are monitored in off-balance sheet account 27.

Note. Acceptance for accounting of property items on off-balance sheet account 27 is carried out on the basis of the primary accounting document at book value.

The disposal of property items from off-balance sheet accounting is carried out on the basis of the primary accounting document at the cost at which they were previously accepted for off-balance sheet accounting.

When reflecting operations for the issuance of sanitary clothing to medical workers, you should use the Methodological Recommendations that were sent by Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 02-07-07/66918.

As noted in paragraph 2.5 Methodological recommendations, disposal of inventories that have a standard service life, issued for personal (individual) use to employees to perform their official (official) duties<4>, should be reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit of accounts 0 401 20 272 “Consumption of inventories”, 0 109 00 272 “Consumption of inventories in the cost of finished products, works, services”

Account credit 0 105 35 440 “Inventories” with simultaneous reflection on the off-balance sheet account 27 “ Material assets issued for personal use to employees (employees).”

Example 2. Let's use the conditions of example 1. Let's assume that in February 2015, doctors in the surgical department were given 10 sets of clothes worth 14,069.77 rubles from the hospital warehouse.

Operations for issuing workwear to employees have the meaning of moving material reserves within an institution from one materially responsible person to another. The primary document on the basis of which an accounting entry is made is the demand invoice (f. 0315006).

After sanitary clothing is issued to an employee for use, the question invariably arises as to in what cases it must be written off from off-balance sheet account 27.

In accordance with clause 13 of Rules No. 290n, only unwearable clothing that cannot be restored or the restoration of which is not economically feasible is subject to write-off.

Special clothing and special shoes returned by employees after the wear period has expired, but still suitable for further use, can be used for their intended purpose after washing, cleaning, disinfection, degassing, decontamination, dust removal, neutralization and repair. Determination of unsuitability and percentage of wear of workwear is carried out in budgetary institution a permanent commission appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the institution (clause 22 of Rules No. 290n).

Note. The expiration of the wearing period is not a basis for writing off special clothing and shoes.

If the workwear is unsuitable for wear, in the presence of the commission it is written off and destroyed (cut, torn, etc.), in other words, it turns into rags. In this case, the stamps previously applied to soft inventory when it was accepted for accounting and put into operation are cut off. After this, it must be written off from off-balance sheet account 27.

Example 3. A dental technician at a dental clinic was previously given four sets of special clothing worth 2,000 rubles. In February 2015, their wearing period expired. By decision of the establishment commission, the special clothing was declared unusable and written off off-balance sheet.

The following entries were made in the accounting records of the institution:

If, upon dismissal, an employee handed over workwear whose wear period has not expired, the commission determines the percentage of its wear. When re-issuing used workwear, the wear period is calculated taking into account the established percentage of wear.

Note. When re-issuing special clothing, an entry is made in the employee’s personal card with the note “used” (used).

What should you do in a situation where an employee quits and does not return special clothing (for example, because he lost it)?

In accordance with clause 2, part 1, art. 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of a shortage of valuables that were transferred to the employee on the basis of a special written agreement or received by him under a one-time document, he is held liable full size the damage caused to them.

The amount of such damage is determined by actual losses, which are calculated based on market prices prevailing in a particular area on the day the damage was caused, but not lower than the value of the property according to accounting data, taking into account the degree of wear and tear (Article 246 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, in the case of correct registration of the issuance of special clothing if it is not returned by an employee leaving the organization, the medical institution has the right to demand reimbursement of the cost of the special clothing (the period of use of which has not expired) taking into account the degree of wear and tear (Article 246 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example 4. Let's assume that the doctor quit and did not return the new set of special clothes given to him. Based on the order of the head of the medical institution, this employee is obliged to compensate for the damage caused to the institution at the estimated cost of the clothing<5>by making cash to the organization's cash desk.

The estimated cost of damage is 1,500 rubles, the set of clothes was purchased using compulsory medical insurance funds. The actual cost of acquisition is 850 rubles.

The following entries were made in the accounting records:

Let us briefly formulate the main conclusions.

1. According to clause 15.15 of SanPiN, medical personnel must be provided with sets of changeable clothes.

2. The employer is obliged to purchase and issue workwear that has undergone certification or declaration of conformity in the prescribed manner. Clothing is purchased at the expense of the medical institution.

3. The sanitary clothing issued to medical workers must correspond to their gender, height and size, the nature and conditions of the work they perform.

4. Accounting for property issued by an institution to employees for personal use for the performance of their official (official) duties is carried out on off-balance sheet account 27 at book value.

5. The disposal of property items from off-balance sheet accounting is carried out on the basis of the primary accounting document at the cost at which the objects were previously accepted for off-balance sheet accounting.

6. If the issuance of special clothing is correctly completed when it is not returned by an employee leaving the organization, the medical institution has the right to demand reimbursement of the cost of the special clothing (the useful life of which has not expired), taking into account the degree of wear and tear.

Employers often encounter difficulties when they are faced with the issue of providing workers with special and sanitary clothing. What is the difference between them and what is the procedure for issuing them? Let's figure it out.

If an employee’s work is associated with pollution, then, in addition to PPE, he must be given washing and neutralizing agents: soap, regenerating and restoring creams, etc. (Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In jobs that involve easily washed-off contaminants, the employer has the right not to provide flushing agents to each employee. For example, you can place dispensers with liquid soap in a common sanitary room.

Special clothing- This is a type of PPE. It protects the employee from

harmful production factors: pollution, special temperature conditions, aggressive liquids, etc.

The employer is obliged to provide employees with protective clothing free of charge if they work:

  • in harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • in special temperature conditions;
  • on work related to pollution (part one of Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Regarding sanitary clothing, then it also protects the worker from general industrial pollution, but in addition, protects objects of labor from the worker (for example, a chef’s hat protects against hair getting into the food being prepared). It is necessary for workers who are exposed to biological factors - microorganisms. For example, in trade and food production enterprises, in catering organizations.

What documents regulate the issuance of PPE and sanitary clothing?

When providing workers with PPE, the employer must be guided by standard standards. They are developed both for specific professions in different sectors of the economy (standard industry standards for the issuance of PPE), and for cross-cutting professions common to all enterprises (standard end-to-end standards for the issuance of PPE).

Sanitary clothing for employees of food industry enterprises is issued according to the standards OST 10 286-2001 “Sanitary clothing for agricultural workers. Security standards. Rules of application and operation" (hereinafter referred to as the Standards for Providing Sanitary Clothing). In particular, the document outlines the standards for issuing sanitary clothing to workers in the meat and dairy industries and food production.

What is the difference between issuing PPE and issuing sanitary clothing?

The employer must purchase at its own expense both PPE and sanitary clothing for employees. Thus, they are the property of the employer, and the employee must return the clothes issued to him upon dismissal or transfer to another position. To control this process use personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment.

One of the employer’s responsibilities is to take care of workwear, clean it and repair it in a timely manner. Therefore, it is possible to issue an employee two sets of PPE with double the wearing period.

There is a specific requirement regarding sanitary clothing: each employee must have at least two sets. In the meat industry, employees may have six sets of sanitary clothing, in the dairy and poultry processing - four sets. In addition, you can replace sanitary clothing:

  • a jacket and trousers or a robe for overalls with a blouse (shirt);
  • overalls for jacket and trousers;
  • leather shoes to rubber shoes and vice versa;
  • a cap on a scarf and vice versa (clause 5. 11 of the Standards for the provision of sanitary clothing).

If representatives of regulatory organizations come to a food industry enterprise, they must be given sanitary clothing during the inspection: a white cotton jacket or robe, a cap or scarf (clause 5.24 of the Standards for Providing Sanitary Clothing).

What mistakes should not be made when issuing PPE and sanitary clothing?

Based on practice, we can list typical violations that need to be avoided when issuing PPE and sanitary clothing to employees. Among them:

  1. Workers cannot be given PPE and sanitary clothing after probationary period. An employee has the right to receive them immediately, even if he is temporarily transferred to this job, undergoing training or internship.
  2. One cannot replace one PPE with another without taking into account the opinion of the trade union or an authorized employee representative.
  3. You cannot issue PPE and sanitary clothing to workers that have not been certified. In this case, the validity period of the certificate must cover the period of wear of special clothing by the employee.
  4. In the event of damage or loss of workwear, the employee must be immediately given another set, and then understand the reasons for the incident.
  5. When hired, an employee must be informed about what PPE and sanitary clothing he is required to wear.
  6. The employer should not shift the responsibility for caring for workwear to the employee, for example, by providing him with laundry detergent.

Information from the site http: e.otruda.ru

4.1. Sanitary clothing and footwear must comply with the requirements of state and industry standards and other regulatory and technical documents for the relevant products, and be suitable and convenient for use.

4.2. Sanitary clothing and shoes should not become a possible source of contamination of food products with fibers and particles of cotton, etc.

4.3. Fabrics and other materials for the manufacture of sanitary clothing and footwear, as well as dyes and various impregnations for their processing must be approved for use by the Russian Ministry of Health.

4.4. Sanitary clothing should be made from natural cotton or linen fabrics.

It is permissible to use sanitary clothing made from synthetic, artificial or mixed fabrics whose hygienic properties are not inferior to natural ones.

4.5. Sanitary clothing must be made from fabrics that can withstand repeated washing and decontamination, or disposable materials.

4.6. Sanitary clothing must be made of fabric white or light colors. For some categories of workers, it is allowed to use sanitary clothing made of dark-colored fabric with the approval of the enterprise administration and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service of Russia.

4.7. Shoes should be easy to clean from dirt and retain their protective properties after repeated treatment with disinfectant solutions (solutions of bleach, soda ash, caustic soda, etc.).

4.8. In workshops and production areas with a greasy floor surface, workers should be provided with shoes with anti-slip soles.

4.9. A sanitary towel issued in accordance with the Standards (Appendix A) must be made of cotton, linen or mixed fabric measuring at least 50 x 100 cm.

    What is the basis for increasing the efficiency of public catering?

Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the least expenditure of material and labor resources.

    What functions do catering establishments perform?

The main functions of public catering include:

    food production;

    sale of dishes;

    organization of consumption.

Typically, the implementation of any main function is accompanied by the implementation of several other functions that are auxiliary in nature. Thus, the general technological process of food production at catering establishments consists of separate processes - receiving products, storing them, culinary processing of raw materials and manufacturing semi-finished products, as well as heat treatment of dishes. In addition, the overall process includes a number of auxiliary operations necessary for the production of ready-made dishes. This includes washing dishes and containers, processing containers, removing food waste, as well as engineering devices - supply and exhaust ventilation, heating, energy supply, etc.

    What is meant by the term “Catering Service”?

According to Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation under catering services should be understood as services for the production of culinary products and (or) confectionery products, the creation of conditions for the consumption and (or) sale of finished culinary products, confectionery products and (or) purchased goods, as well as for leisure activities.

1. Services provided to consumers at public catering establishments of various types of entrepreneurs are divided into: food services; services for the production of culinary products and confectionery products; services for organizing the consumption of products and services; services for the sale of culinary products; leisure services; information and advisory services; other services.

9. What methods of serving consumers are used in catering establishments?

Customer service method: A method for selling public catering products to consumers and organizing their consumption.

Methods and forms of service

4.1 Methods of service at public catering enterprises (facilities), depending on the method of selling public catering products to consumers and organizing their consumption, are divided into:

For self-service;

Waiter service to consumers;

Customer service at counters;

Serving consumers behind the counters;

Serving consumers during the delivery of catering products according to their orders, etc.

Methods and forms of service

The following service methods are used in public catering establishments: self-service, staff service and a combined method.

The most effective queuing method is self-service, during which consumers independently take cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks, flour confectionery products, bread and cutlery from distribution counters. The cooks portion out hot dishes just before departure. Moving along the distribution line, consumers place the selected dishes on a tray, and after paying with the cashier, they transfer them to the dining tables. This form of service makes it possible to increase the capacity of the halls by 20-30%, almost halve the time for receiving food and increase worker productivity by 20%.

Depending on the participation of personnel in service, a distinction is made between full and partial self-service.

At full self-service consumers independently perform all operations related to receiving food and drinks, delivering them to the dining table and clearing dishes. At partial self-service Most of the operations are performed by maintenance personnel. An example of partial self-service is pre-setting tables in canteens at industrial enterprises and educational institutions, where a single lunch break is established. At the same time, consumers only pour the first courses into plates from tureens placed on the tables in advance and remove the used dishes onto the conveyor belt.

According to the method of payment to consumers, they distinguish between self-service with preliminary, subsequent, direct payment, payment after meals and self-payment.

At self-service with advance payment consumers, having familiarized themselves with the assortment of dishes on the menu, purchase checks or coupons at the cash register, and then using these checks or coupons they receive the selected dishes 84 for distribution. The disadvantage of this form of service is the low distribution throughput due to the fact that the cooks portioning the dishes must view and sort receipts or food coupons. Significant acceleration in the use of this form of service is achieved through the sale of set meals using pre-purchased subscriptions or checks.

Self-service with subsequent payment may be with payment at the end of the distribution line. In this case, consumers choose dishes for distribution, at the end of which they pay their cost. The advantages of this form of service are the ability for consumers to choose dishes, the release of cooks who portion dishes from parsing receipts, due to which they focus on dispensing dishes, as well as speeding up service to consumers.

Self-service with direct payment ensures the simultaneity of choosing dishes, receiving them and paying the cost. In this case, the release of products and settlement with the consumer are carried out by one employee. Most often this form of service is used in eateries.

At self-service with payment after meals the consumer, having chosen food and drinks, receives a check from the cashier at the end of the distribution line, which he pays after eating when leaving the hall. The use of this form of service helps to strengthen control over the conduct of settlement transactions, since the first cashier calculates the cost of products and issues a check, and the second makes payments to the consumer. At the same time, the capacity of the hall increases by 1.5-1.6 times compared to self-service with advance payment.

Staff service used in enterprises where comfort plays, as a rule, a more important role than the service time factor. The restaurant sets a standard for waiters to serve consumers, which characterizes its class.

At combined method A combination of the two indicated service methods is envisaged. For example, when serving participants in meetings, conferences, and symposiums, guests independently choose appetizers, desserts, drinks and other items at serving counters or buffet tables, and waiters serve the first and second courses. Payment for meals is made after eating when leaving the hall.

According to the form of payment for the sold culinary products and drinks in restaurants, they use cash payment (by invoice) and non-cash payment (payment through credit cards of the international payment systems Visa, MasterCard, Drenner Club, etc.). A credit card is a plastic rectangle with a magnetic stripe that contains the data necessary to pay for products. The card is inserted into the slot of the cash machine of the system cash terminal, which has a connection with the bank, the account number of the credit card owner is communicated via the communication channel, his solvency is confirmed, and a command is given to debit the specified amount from the account (the cost of the product or service). After which the card is returned to the owner. When you enter a credit card into the machine, a personal code is entered, known only to the owner.

In some cases, especially when servicing banquets, self-payment (ticket coupons, number coupons, etc.) is used to pay for the sold culinary products and drinks. Self-calculation can be used for self-service, as well as for service

questionnaire for buffet and buffet banquets.

Examples forms of service There may be the sale of culinary products through vending machines or self-checkout tables like a buffet, or the sale of set meals.

11. List the types of retail premises (at catering establishments)

The retail premises of public catering enterprises include trading floors with distribution areas, buffets, culinary shops, premises for dispensing meals at home, rest rooms and a doctor’s room at dietary canteens, expeditions.

The halls of catering establishments are the main premises where consumers are served.

In accordance with building codes, design rules and GOST R50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises”, premises for consumers in public catering establishments include the lobby (including wardrobe, toilet), halls. In restaurants, this group also includes banquet rooms, cocktail rooms, and antechambers. Cloakrooms and restrooms must be available in all catering establishments, except snack bars; Luxury and high-class restaurants and luxury bars have designated smoking rooms. In restaurants, the serving room, buffets, serving and tableware washing rooms are auxiliary sales areas.

The area of ​​retail premises depends on the type of enterprise and the number of seats. They are calculated in square meters by multiplying the area norm per seat by the number of seats.

Standard area per seat, m2: in public canteens - 1.8; cafes, snack bars, beer bars - 1.6; in restaurants (hall with a stage and dance floor) - 2.0; in restaurants without a stage or dance floor and bars - 1.8.

The lobby is, in fact, the first room where consumers enter and where

their service begins. A person, crossing the threshold of a restaurant, immediately pays attention to how the lobby, wardrobe, halls and other rooms are located. Their architecture color scheme, elements of information actively influence his emotions.

Depending on how the lobby is decorated and how kind the service staff is, the first impression is formed about the level of service in a given enterprise. The area of ​​the lobby should be strictly proportional to the area of ​​the sales area, the interior should correspond to the main direction of the restaurant. The area of ​​the lobby should be approximately a quarter of the area of ​​the hall. It is recommended to post information about the services that the enterprise provides, as well as the necessary signs, in the lobby. In the lobby there is a wardrobe for outerwear, equipped with mirrors, upholstered furniture (armchairs, half-chairs, banquettes), coffee tables; organize the sale of newspapers, cigarettes, souvenirs.

The wardrobe is usually located in the lobby at the entrance. It is equipped with sectional metal double-sided hangers with sliding brackets. The distance between hangers is at least 70 cm, and the number of hooks should be 10% greater than the number of seats in the hall. To store shoes and hand luggage (bags, briefcases) there are compartments on the inside of the wardrobe rack. In self-service enterprises where there is no wardrobe, clothes hangers are installed directly in the halls.

Toilet rooms. Visitors should be provided with the opportunity to wash their hands, fix their hair, etc. As a rule, toilet rooms are installed next to the wardrobe. There are high demands on their sanitary condition: impeccable cleanliness, ventilation, lighting. In toilet rooms there should be hot and cold water, mirror, toilet soap, paper, paper towels, napkins. It is advisable to have clothing and shoe brushes in toilet rooms, especially in high-class enterprises.

Antechamber - a room for gathering, waiting and relaxing guests - banquet participants

12 List the functional groups of premises included in public catering establishments

Public catering establishments include two main functional groups of premises: 1. A group of premises for visitors; 2. A group of premises for the production of culinary products. Premises for visitors are divided into two functional subgroups: a dining room, including a stage, an antechamber, etc. and auxiliary premises - lobby, wardrobe, toilets, additional service rooms. Premises for the production of culinary products are divided into three functional subgroups: main production premises, warehouse premises and service premises.

2017.07.12, 13:45

Vasily Kuznetsov

Expert in the selection of workwear

All employees of catering establishments must be provided with personal protective equipment, including special clothing. This task falls entirely on the shoulders of the employer. You can determine who needs what kind of clothing by reading the regulations.

Workwear and regulations

Find your bearings in the Orders and Resolutions regulating standards for issuing workwear, not so simple. Let's try to figure out what workwear is for professions in this field of activity, and what regulatory documents dictate the rules and regulations for its issuance.

The first document that the employer must turn to is the Labor Code Russian Federation. Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Basic Concepts” describes personal protective equipment for workers as technical means, used to prevent or reduce the effects of harmful (hazardous) production factors, as well as to protect against pollution. The professional activities of catering employees are associated with many harmful production factors: excessive physical activity, high humidity, concentration of suspended particles in the air with toxic and carcinogenic effect, infrared radiation, high and low temperatures. Therefore, all food service workers need personal protective equipment.

The rules and procedure for issuing PPE are clearly defined by Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The law states that the employer must purchase high-quality, certified workwear at his own expense and issue it to the employee absolutely free of charge.

When issuing workwear, you should be guided by standard industry or general standards. In this case, these include Standard Industry Standards approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 68 of December 29, 1997 (Appendix No. 7) and Resolution No. 66 of December 25, 1997 (Appendix No. 6). Unfortunately, not all possible professions of catering enterprises are included in the list of the above standards. But this does not mean that it is not necessary for other employees to be given special clothing. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the Standards for issuing PPE common to all sectors of the economy, approved by Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 541 of October 1, 2008, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 297 of April 20, 2006, and Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 of December 31, 1997.

Sanitary clothing and regulations

Most workers who deal directly with food products, sanitary clothing is provided. It is a type of workwear and is necessary to ensure proper sanitary and hygienic conditions at the enterprise, as well as to protect workers exposed to biological factors (microorganisms).

The standards for issuing sanitary clothing, footwear and sanitary supplies were approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Trade No. 308 back on December 27, 1983, agreed upon with the USSR Ministry of Health and are in effect to this day. Issue is carried out not only in accordance with the Model Rules, but also in accordance with the requirements of the modern Industry Standard 10 286-2001 “Sanitary clothing for agricultural workers. Security standards. Rules of application and operation."

What documents need to be drawn up?

After studying all regulatory documents, the employer needs to draw up a normative act regulating the rules and standards for issuing workwear and other protective equipment for use within your enterprise. At the same time, it is important to take into account the requirement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 221) not to worsen the standards established by legislative bodies.

Since all personal protective equipment is purchased by the employer at the expense of the enterprise, they belong to the enterprise. This means that when changing positions or dismissal, the employee is obliged to return the items issued to him to the supply department or the person responsible for issuing PPE. For proper control over this process, a Journal for the issuance of PPE is created, and a personal card is also created for each employee.

Basic rules for the application and use of special clothing

All personal protective equipment is issued to employees of catering establishments in accordance with internal regulations. Their varieties and issuance standards cannot be changed without the consent of authorized representatives of employees or the trade union body.

When entering work, the employee must be familiar with the list of special clothing required for him. Issue is made no later than the first working day. If the issue has not been made, the employee has the right not to begin his job duties. The employer will be forced to pay for downtime caused by his own fault.

All products must comply with state or international standards and have a certificate. The certificate must not expire before the end of its service life. At the end of this period, the products are confiscated, written off and disposed of. Issue products with expired cannot be used.

If PPE is damaged or completely destroyed by an employee, the employer is obliged to immediately issue a new set, and only then find out the reasons for what happened.

Responsibility for proper care and storage of special clothing rests with the employer. He has no right to shift these concerns onto the employee.

2016.09.14, 17:21

Vladimir Parshin

How are safety shoes issued?

Some work activities carry a risk of foot injury. To prevent accidents at the enterprise, the employer must provide its employees with special shoes. The selection of foot protection equipment is carried out taking into account the specifics of production and in strict compliance with industry standards. Thus, the issuance of safety shoes is mandatory for workers in chemical production, construction workers, road workers, oil workers, electricians, metallurgists, gas workers, military personnel, etc. Each type of production requires a certain type of footwear.

2016.11.08, 17:22

Vasily Kuznetsov

Workwear: how to find out the issuance standards

According to Articles No. 212 and No. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide employees with special clothing if their work activities involve:
a) with dangerous (harmful) working conditions;
b) with special temperature conditions;
c) with contamination.

2016.10.21, 09:56

Inga Vasilyeva

Rules for using PPE

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 212, Part 3) provides a clear definition of the employer’s obligation to monitor the safety and proper condition of PPE. This means that cleaning, washing, and repairs also fall on his shoulders. To ensure timely care of PPE, the employer can enter into agreements with dry cleaners, laundries, and service companies. At enterprises with particularly hazardous working conditions, points for the neutralization of personal protective equipment (degassing, decontamination, drying, dust removal, etc.) should be organized. All these activities should be carried out on workers’ days off or during breaks.

2016.12.01, 10:53

Vasily Kuznetsov

Workwear: to wear or not to wear?

Every manager knows that every employee must be provided with special clothing free of charge. Violation labor code entails heavy fines and penalties. How can you force an employee to take seriously the obligation to use protective clothing in the workplace? Can he take responsibility for situations that lead to deterioration in health due to neglect of personal protective equipment?

2017.02.06, 11:23

Vasily Kuznetsov

What is the difference between special clothing and everyday clothing?

Clothing is an integral part of a person, his habitat and outer shell. Clothes can be comfortable or not, elegant or ordinary, functional or completely useless. By the way a person dresses, one can judge the state of his soul, worldview and even character. And sometimes, by a person’s appearance, one can determine whether he belongs to a particular profession. This is possible thanks to special clothing. Such clothes have fundamental differences from everyday ones, ranging from functional purpose and ending with the features of the cut. So what's the difference?

According to safety and sanitation requirements, food production clothing is required for all employees of the enterprise. Such equipment must meet high standards of hygiene, appearance and wearing comfort. In the catalog of workwear according to HACCP (HACCP) for employees of the food industry, the DanVik company presents a diverse range of models - work robes, shirts, vests, trousers, overalls. Sanitary clothing for food industry workers has excellent performance properties due to the use of a mixed fabric consisting of 65% polyester and 35% cotton threads - strength, wear resistance, good moisture absorption and breathability.

White overalls - a shirt or robe - comply with hygiene standards and allow you to identify the degree of contamination. Functional details not only increase safety and make work easier in the plant, but also ensure high wearing comfort and unrestricted freedom of movement.

Where to buy workwear for food production in Moscow?

We select only reliable suppliers of work clothing specializing specifically in food production. The DanVic company is the exclusive representative of the European brand KENTAUR. We don’t just offer to buy specialized clothing for your company’s employees, but we supply comprehensive solutions:

    economic benefit of enterprises - products retain their performance properties for a long time;

    increased labor productivity - employees of any enterprise feel comfortable while working;

  1. products have a presentable appearance;
  2. the material is durable and practical - can withstand more than 200 industrial washes.

All products strictly comply with HACCP standards.