Using the table of density of metals and alloys, you can calculate the weight required for the length of the selected rolled products. This is necessary in cases where the entire assortment in the estimate is calculated in length, and the sale is carried out by weight. Also, knowing the specific gravity of metals from the table, you can calculate the weight of the structure by summing the mass of each element that makes up its composition. The need for such a calculation arises when selecting vehicles for transporting this structure. The density of metals in the table allows you to calculate the density of the alloy, the composition of which is known as a percentage. Knowing the mass and material of any part, it is possible to calculate its volume.

Group name Material name, brand ρ TO
Pure metals Aluminum 2,7 0,34
Beryllium 1,84 0,23
Vanadium 6,5-7,1 0,83-0,90
Bismuth 9,8 1,24
Tungsten 19,3 2,45
Gallium 5,91 0,75
Hafnium 13,09 1,66
Germanium 5,33 0,68
Gold 19,32 2,45
Indium 7,36 0,93
Iridium 22,4 2,84
Cadmium 8,64 1,10
Cobalt 8,9 1,13
Silicon 2,55 0,32
Lithium 0,53 0,07
Magnesium 1,74 0,22
Copper 8,94 1,14
Molybdenum 10,3 1,31
Manganese 7,2-7,4 0,91-0,94
Sodium 0,97 0,12
Nickel 8,9 1,13
Tin 7,3 0,93
Palladium 12,0 1,52
Platinum 21,2-21,5 2,69-2,73
Rhenium 21,0 2,67
Rhodium 12,48 1,58
Mercury 13,6 1,73
Rubidium 1,52 0,19
Ruthenium 12,45 1,58
Lead 11,37 1,44
Silver 10,5 1,33
Taliy 11,85 1,50
Tantalum 16,6 2,11
Tellurium 6,25 0,79
Titanium 4,5 0,57
Chromium 7,14 0,91
Zinc 7,13 0,91
Zirconium 6,53 0,82
Casting aluminum alloys AL1 2,75 0,35
AL2 2,65 0,34
AL3 2,70 0,34
AL4 2,65 0,34
AL5 2,68 0,34
AL7 2,80 0,36
AL8 2,55 0,32
AL9 (AK7ch) 2,66 0,34
AL11 (AK7Ts9) 2,94 0,37
AL13 (AMg5K) 2,60 0,33
AL19 (AM5) 2,78 0,35
AL21 2,83 0,36
AL22 (AMg11) 2,50 0,32
AL24 (AC4Mg) 2,74 0,35
AL25 2,72 0,35
Tin and lead babbits B88 7,35 0,93
B83 7,38 0,94
B83S 7,40 0,94
BN 9,50 1,21
B16 9,29 1,18
BS6 10,05 1,29
Tinless, foundry bronzes BrAmts9-2L 7,6 0,97
BraZh9-4L 7,6 0,97
BRAMZH10-4-4L 7,6 0,97
BrS30 9,4 1,19
Tinless pressure treated bronzes BrA5 8,2 1,04
BrA7 7,8 0,99
BrAmts9-2 7,6 0,97
BraZh9-4 7,6 0,97
BraZhMts10-3-1.5 7,5 0,95
BRAZHN10-4-4 7,5 0,95
BrB2 8,2 1,04
BrBNT1.7 8,2 1,04
BrBNT1.9 8,2 1,04
BrKMts3-1 8,4 1,07
BrKN1-3 8,6 1,09
BrMts5 8,6 1,09
Wrought tin bronzes BROF8-0.3 8,6 1,09
BROF7-0.2 8,6 1,09
BROF6.5-0.4 8,7 1,11
BROF6.5-0.15 8,8 1,12
BROF4-0.25 8,9 1,13
BROTS4-3 8,8 1,12
BrOCS4-4-2.5 8,9 1,13
BrOCS4-4-4 9,1 1,16
Tin foundry bronzes BrO3Ts7S5N1 8,84 1,12
BrO3Ts12S5 8,69 1,10
BrO5Ts5S5 8,84 1,12
BrO4Ts4S17 9,0 1,14
BrO4TS7S5 8,70 1,10
Beryllium bronzes BrB2 8,2 1,04
BrBNT1.9 8,2 1,04
BrBNT1.7 8,2 1,04
Copper-zinc alloys (brass) foundry LTs16K4 8,3 1,05
LTs14K3S3 8,6 1,09
LTs23A6Zh3Mts2 8,5 1,08
LTs30A3 8,5 1,08
LTs38Mts2S2 8,5 1,08
LTs40S 8,5 1,08
LS40d 8,5 1,08
LTs37Mts2S2K 8,5 1,08
LTs40Mts3Zh 8,5 1,08
Copper-zinc alloys (brass), pressure treated L96 8,85 1,12
L90 8,78 1,12
L85 8,75 1,11
L80 8,66 1,10
L70 8,61 1,09
L68 8,60 1,09
L63 8,44 1,07
L60 8,40 1,07
LA77-2 8,60 1,09
LAZH60-1-1 8,20 1,04
LAN59-3-2 8,40 1,07
LZHMts59-1-1 8,50 1,08
LN65-5 8,60 1,09
LMts58-2 8,40 1,07
LMtsA57-3-1 8,10 1,03
Extruded and drawn brass rods L60, L63 8,40 1,07
LS59-1 8,45 1,07
LZHS58-1-1 8,45 1,07
LS63-3, LMts58-2 8,50 1,08
LZHMts59-1-1 8,50 1,08
LAZH60-1-1 8,20 1,04
Casting magnesium alloys Ml3 1,78 0,23
ML4 1,83 0,23
ML5 1,81 0,23
ML6 1,76 0,22
ML10 1,78 0,23
ML11 1,80 0,23
ML12 1,81 0,23
Magnesium alloys wrought MA1 1,76 0,22
MA2 1,78 0,23
MA2-1 1,79 0,23
MA5 1,82 0,23
MA8 1,78 0,23
MA14 1,80 0,23
Pressure treated copper-nickel alloys Kopel MNMts43-0.5 8,9 1,13
Constantan MNMts40-1.5 8,9 1,13
Cupronickel MnZhMts30-1-1 8,9 1,13
Alloy MNZh5-1 8,7 1,11
Cupronickel MN19 8,9 1,13
Alloy TB MN16 9,02 1,15
Nickel silver МНЦ15-20 8,7 1,11
Kunial A MNA13-3 8,5 1,08
Kunial B MNA6-1.5 8,7 1,11
Manganin MNMts3-12 8,4 1,07
Nickel alloys NK 0.2 8,9 1,13
NMts2.5 8,9 1,13
NMts5 8,8 1,12
Alumel NMtsAK2-2-1 8,5 1,08
Chromel T NX9.5 8,7 1,11
Monel NMZhMts28-2.5-1.5 8,8 1,12
Zinc alloys antifriction TsAM 9-1.5L 6,2 0,79
TsAM 9-1.5 6,2 0,79
TsAM 10-5L 6,3 0,80
TsAM 10-5 6,3 0,80
Stainless steel 04X18H10 7,90 1,00
08X13 7,70 0,98
08Х17Т 7,70 0,98
08Х20Н14С2 7,70 0,98
08X18H10 7,90 1,00
08X18H10T 7,90 1,00
08Х18Н12Т 7,95 1,01
08Х17Н15М3Т 8,10 1,03
08Х22Н6Т 7,60 0,97
08Х18Н12Б 7,90 1,00
10Х17Н13М2Т 8,00 1,02
10X23H18 7,95 1,01
12X13 7,70 0,98
12X17 7,70 0,98
12X18H10T 7,90 1,01
12Х18Н12Т 7,90 1,00
12X18H9 7,90 1,00
15X25T 7,60 0,97
Structural steel Structural steel 7,85 1,0
Steel casting Steel casting 7,80 0,99
High-speed steel with tungsten content,% 5 8,10 1,03
10 8,35 1,06
15 8,60 1,09
18 8,90 1,13
Shavings (t / m 3) aluminum fine crushed 0,70
steel (small loach) 0,55
steel (large loach) 0,25
cast iron 2,00
Cast iron Gray 7,0-7,2 0,89-0,91
malleable and high strength 7,2-7,4 0,91-0,94
antifriction 7,4-7,6 0,94-0,97

People have been using copper for a long time. Everyday life... A very important parameter for modern people is its density and specific gravity.

These data are used in calculating the composition of materials in the production of various communications, parts, products and components in the technical industry.

Basic information about copper

Copper is the most common non-ferrous metal. Its name in Latin - Cuprum - it received in honor of the island of Cyprus. There it was mined by the ancient Greeks thousands of years ago. Historians have even invented the Copper Age, which lasted from IV to V century BC. NS. At that time, people made from the popular metal:

  • tool;
  • dishes;
  • decorations;
  • coins.

D.I. Mendeleev, it takes 29th place. This element has unique properties - physical, chemical and mechanical. In ancient times, copper could be found in the natural environment in the form of nuggets, sometimes very large sizes... People heated the rock over an open fire and then cooled it sharply. As a result, it cracked, which made it possible to perform metal recovery. This simple technology made it possible to start mastering the popular element.


Copper is a reddish, non-ferrous metal with a pink tint. endowed with high density. In nature, there are more than 170 types of minerals containing Cuprum. Only out of 17 this element is industrially mined. The bulk of this chemical element is contained in the composition of ore metals:

  • chalcocite - up to 80%;
  • bronita - up to 65%;
  • covelina - up to 64%.

Copper is enriched and smelted from these minerals. High thermal and electrical conductivity are the distinctive properties of non-ferrous metals. It begins to melt at 1063 ° C and boils at 2600 ° C. The Cuprum brand will depend on the production method. Metal happens:

  • cold-drawn;
  • rolling;
  • cast.

Each type has its own special parametric calculations that characterize the degree of shear resistance, deformation under the influence of loads and compression, as well as the tensile elasticity of the material.

Non-ferrous metal is actively oxidized during heating. At a temperature of 385 ° C, copper oxide is formed. Its content reduces the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of other metals. When interacting with moisture, the metal forms cuprite, with an acidic environment - vitriol.

Due to its properties, this chemical element is actively used in the production of electrical and electronic systems and many other products for other purposes. The most important property is its density is 1 kg per m 3, since this indicator determines the weight of the product being produced. Density shows the ratio of mass to total volume.

The most common system for measuring density units is 1 kilogram per m 3. This indicator for copper is 8.93 kg / m 3. In liquid form, the density will be 8.0 g / cm 3. The overall density index can vary depending on the grade of the metal, which has various impurities. For this, the specific gravity of the substance is used. It is a very important characteristic when it comes to the production of materials that contain copper. Specific gravity characterizes the ratio of the mass of copper in the total volume of the alloy.

The specific gravity of copper will be 8.94 g / cm 3... The specific gravity and weight parameters for copper are the same, but this coincidence is not typical for other metals. The specific gravity is very important not only in the production of products with its content, but also in the processing of scrap. There are many techniques with which you can rationally select materials for the formation of products. In the international SI systems, the specific gravity parameter is expressed in newtons per 1 unit of volume.

It is very important to make all calculations at the design stage of devices and mechanisms. Specific gravity and weight are different meanings, but they are necessarily used to determine the mass of workpieces for various parts, which include Cuprum.

If we compare the density of copper and aluminum we will see a big difference. For aluminum, this figure is 2698.72 kg / m 3 in a state at room temperature. However, as the temperature rises, the parameters become different. When aluminum turns into a liquid state when heated, its density will be in the range of 2.55-2.34 g / cm 3. The indicator always depends on the content of alloying elements in aluminum alloys.

Technical indicators of metal alloys

The most common copper-based alloys brass and bronze are considered... Their composition is also formed from other elements:

  • zinc;
  • nickel;
  • tin;
  • bismuth.

All alloys differ in structure. The presence of tin in the composition makes it possible to make bronze alloys of excellent quality. Cheaper alloys include nickel or zinc. Produced materials based on Cuprum have the following characteristics:

  • high plasticity and wear resistance;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • resistance to aggressive environment;
  • low coefficient of friction.

Copper-based alloys are widely used in industrial production. They make dishes from them, Jewelry, electrical wires and heating systems. Materials with Cuprum are often used for decorating the front of houses, making compositions. High stability and ductility are the main qualities for the application of the material.


Density of matter is the ratio of its mass to volume:

M / V, [g / cm 3, kg / m 3]

Solid density is a reference value. The density of copper is 9.0 g / cm 3. In its elemental state, copper is a red metal (Fig. 1). Its most important constants are presented in the table below:

Table 1. Physical properties copper.

Copper is characterized by a significant density, rather high temperature melting and low hardness. Its ductility and malleability are extremely high: copper can be drawn into a wire with a diameter of 0.001 mm (about 50 times thinner than a human hair).

Rice. 1. Copper. Appearance.

Finding copper in nature

Copper is far behind the corresponding alkali metals in abundance in nature. Its content in the earth's crust is estimated at about 0.003% (mass.). Copper is found mainly in the form of sulphurous compounds and more often together with sulphurous ores of other metals. Of the individual copper minerals, the most important are chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and chalcocite (Cu 2 S). Oxygen-containing minerals, cuprite (Cu 2 O) and malachite ((CuOH) 2 CO 3), are of much less industrial importance.

Summary of the chemical properties and density of copper

Copper forms alloys with many metals. In particular, it is alloyed with gold, silver and mercury.

The reactivity of copper is low. In air, it is constantly covered with a dense greenish-gray film of basic carbonate salts. Combines with oxygen under normal pressure and when heated:

4Cu + O 2 = 2CuO;

2Cu + O 2 = 2CuO.

Does not react with hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon even at high temperatures.

At normal temperatures, copper slowly combines with the halogens chlorine, bromine and iodine:

Cu + Cl 2 = CuCl 2;

Cu + Br 2 = CuBr 2.

Copper is a weak reducing agent; does not react with water and dilute hydrochloric acid. It is transferred into solution with non-oxidizing acids or ammonia hydrate in the presence of oxygen or potassium cyanide. It is oxidized with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids, aqua regia, chalcogenes and nonmetal oxides. Reacts when heated with hydrogen halides.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise When a mixture of copper and iron weighing 20 g was exposed to an excess of hydrochloric acid, 5.6 liters of gas (NU) were released. Determine the mass fraction of metals in the mixture.
Solution Copper does not react with hydrochloric acid, since it ranks among the activity of metals after hydrogen, i.e. the release of hydrogen occurs only as a result of the interaction of acid with iron.

Let's write the reaction equation:

Fe + 2HCl = FeCl 2 + H 2.

Let's find the amount of hydrogen substance:

n (H 2) = V (H 2) / V_m = 5.6 / 22.4 = 0.25 mol.

According to the reaction equation:

n (H 2) = n (Fe) = 0.25 mol.

Find the mass of iron:

m (Fe) = n (Fe) × M (Fe) = 0.25 × 56 = 14 g.

Let's calculate the mass fractions of metals in the mixture:

w (Fe) = m (Fe) / m mixture = 14/20 = 0.7 = 70%.

w (Cu) = 100% - w (Fe) = 100 - 70 = 30%.

Answer The mass fraction of iron in the alloy is 70%, copper - 30%.

There is no such person who has not seen the yellow metal in his entire life. There are several minerals in nature, which by appearance look like yellow metal. But as they say: "not all that glitters is gold." In order not to confuse the precious metal with other materials, it is necessary to know the density of gold.

Density of noble metal

Molecular structure of gold.

One of the important characteristics of a precious metal is its density. The density of gold is measured in kg m3.

Specific gravity is very significant for gold. This is usually not taken into account, since jewelry: rings, earrings, pendants are very lightweight. But if you hold in your hands a kilogram ingot of real yellow metal, you can see that it is very heavy. The significant density of gold makes it easier to mine. Thus, flushing at the sluices ensures a high level of gold recovery from the flushed rocks.

The density of gold is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter.

This means that if you take a certain volume of precious metal, then it will weigh almost 20 times more than the same volume of plain water. A two-liter plastic bottle of golden sand weighs about 32 kg. From 500 grams of precious metal, you can lay out a cube with a side of 18.85 mm.

Density table of gold of various samples and colors.

The density of the original gold is several units lower than that of the already refined metal and can vary from 18 to 18.5 grams per cubic centimeter.

583 gold fineness is less dense, as this alloy consists of different metals.

At home, you can determine the density of gold yourself. To do this, it is necessary to weigh the precious metal product on conventional scales, in which the division price must be at least 1 gram. After that, the container with the volume marking must be filled with a liquid, in this case with water, into which the decoration should be lowered. Care must be taken not to overflow the liquid.

After that, we measure how much the volume of the liquid has changed after lowering the gold item into the container. Using a special formula known from school, we calculate the density: mass divided by volume.

It must be remembered that a precious metal product does not consist of pure gold, therefore it is necessary to make an adjustment for the density of the alloy sample.

How to distinguish real yellow metal from a fake

At the moment, there is a very large percentage of counterfeit gold on both the Russian and foreign markets. There is a huge risk of purchasing gold jewelry containing up to 5% of the precious metal or none at all. Basic rules when buying gold will help you not to feel cheated.

First, you should take a good look at the product. A sample must be present on it. Moreover, it should not consist of crooked numbers or smeared marks. Otherwise, this is the first sign of counterfeiting.

A sample of the unified state hallmark for gold items.

The next sign of a fake is the wrong side of a precious metal jewelry. It must be as well done as the front side, otherwise it is a substandard product. It is also possible to determine the quality of a product using a characteristic such as the density of gold, but such an experiment cannot be carried out in a store.

There is also such a method of determination as a strength test. True, it will not always be possible to scratch gold product in front of the seller, so this method cannot be implemented.

Checking with iodine.

The following chemical methods can serve as good ways to determine the quality of a product. You can drop a little iodine on the yellow metal jewelry. If the speck is dark in color, then we can confidently talk about the quality of the offered product. Table vinegar can also help. If, after three minutes spent in it, the precious metal has darkened, then you can safely take the product to a landfill.

Chlorine gold can be of great help in determining the quality. From the course of chemistry, it became known not only the density of gold, but also that it cannot enter into any chemical reactions. Therefore, if, after applying chlorine gold to the precious metal, it began to deteriorate, then this is a real fake and its place in the trash.

One of the most good ways fencing against the acquisition of counterfeit products is the purchase of precious metal products in well-known specialized stores.

In this case, there is a high probability of buying a truly high-quality product. Although the price in them is slightly higher than in various shops and markets, but the quality is worth it. Otherwise, you can buy a fake product and very much regret the money saved.

Twins of gold

There are several metals in nature that have the same density as gold. They are uranium, which is radioactive, and tungsten. It is cheaper than the yellow metal, but the density of tungsten and gold is almost the same, the difference is three tenths. What distinguishes tungsten from gold is that it has a different color and is much harder than yellow metal. Pure gold is very soft and can be easily scratched with your fingernail.

A fake gold bar filled with tungsten from the inside.

The fact that the density of elements such as tungsten and gold is the same is very attractive to counterfeiters. They replace gold bars with tungsten of similar density and weight, and cover them with a thin layer of precious metal on top. At the same time, the high cost of the yellow metal makes tungsten more popular among young people. Tungsten products are much cheaper and more scratch resistant.

Lead density

The purer the gold, the less hard it is, so earlier the yellow metal was bitten for testing. This method is unreliable. The jewelry can be made of lead, plated with a very thin layer of gold. And lead also has a soft structure. You can try to scratch the jewelry not with front side, and a base metal can be found under a very thin layer of precious metal.

The density of an element in the periodic table - lead and its counterpart - gold is different. The density of lead is much less than that of gold, at 11.34 grams per cubic centimeter. Thus, if we take a yellow metal and lead of the same volume, then the mass of gold will be much greater than that of lead.

White gold is an alloy of a yellow precious metal with platinum or other metals, which give it a white, more precisely matte-silver color. In everyday life there is an opinion that "white gold" is one of the names for platinum, but this is not the case. This type of gold is slightly more expensive than usual. In appearance, the white metal is similar to silver, which is much cheaper. The density of such elements of the periodic table as gold and silver is different. How to distinguish white gold from silver? These precious metals have different densities.

Silver is the least dense material from all the materials discussed in the article.

The density of gold is greater than that of silver. Its density is 10.49 grams per cubic centimeter. Silver is much softer than white metal. Therefore, if you run a silver piece over a white sheet, a trace will remain. If you do the same with the white precious metal, then there will be no trace.

The table shows the density of metals and alloys, as well as the coefficient TO the ratio of their density to. The density of metals and alloys in the table is indicated in g / cm 3 for the temperature range from 0 to 50 ° C.

The density of metals is given, such as: beryllium Be, vanadium V, bismuth Bi, gallium Ga, hafnium Hf, germanium Ge, indium In, cadmium Cd, cobalt Co, palladium Pd, platinum Pt, rhenium Re, rhodium Rh, rubidium Rb, ruthenium Ru, Ag, strontium Sr , antimony Sb, thallium Tl, tantalum Ta, tellurium Te, chromium Cr, zirconium Zr.

Density of aluminum alloys and metal shavings:: AL1, AL2, AL3, AL4, AL5, AL7, AL8, AL9, AL11, AL13, AL21, AL22, AL24, AL25. Bulk density of shavings: fine aluminum shavings, fine steel, coarse steel, cast iron. Note: the density of chips in the table is given in terms of t / m 3.

Density of magnesium and copper alloys: wrought magnesium alloys: MA1, MA2, MA2-1, MA8, MA14; magnesium casting alloys: ML3, ML4, ML6, ML10, ML11, ML12; foundry copper-zinc alloys (): LTs16K4, LTs23A6Zh3Mts2, LTs30A3, LTs38Mts2S2, LTs40Sd, LTs40S, LTs40 Mts3Zh, LTs25S2; pressure-treated copper-zinc alloys: L96, L90, L85, L80, L70, L68, L63, L60, LA77-2, LAZH60-1-1, LAN59-3-2, LZHMts59-1-1, LN65-5, LM-58-2, LM-A57-3-1.

Density of bronze of various grades: tinless, pressure treated: BrA5, 7, BrAMts9-2, BrAZh9-4, BrAZhMts10-3-1.5, BrAZHN10-4-4, BrKMts3.1, BrKN1-3, BrMts5; beryllium bronzes: BrB2, BrBNT1.9, BrBNT1.7; wrought tin bronzes: Br0F8.0-0.3, Br0F7-0.2, Br0F6.5-0.4, Br0F6.5-0.15, Br0F4-0.25, Br0Ts4-3, Br0TsS4-4-2, 5, Br0TsS4-4-4; tin foundry bronzes: Br03Ts12S5, Br03Ts7S5N1, Br05Ts5S5; tinless foundry bronzes: BrA9Mts2L, BrA9Zh3L, BrA10Zh4N4L, BrS30.

Density of nickel and zinc alloys: processed by pressure: NK0.2, NMts2.5, NMts5, NMtsAK2-2-1, NKh9.5, MNMts43-0.5, NMTs-40-1.5, MNZHMts30-1-1, MNZh5-1, MN19, 16, MNTs15-20, MNA 13-3, MNA6-1.5, MNMts3-12; antifriction zinc alloys: TsAM9-1.5L, TsAM9-1.5, TsAM10-5L, TsAM10-5.

Density of steel, cast iron and babbits:, steel casting, high-speed steel with a tungsten content of 5 ... 18%; antifriction cast iron, malleable and high-strength cast iron, gray cast iron; tin and lead babbits: B88, 83, 83S, B16, BN, BS6.

Let us give illustrative examples of the density of various metals and alloys. The table shows that lithium metal has the lowest density, it is considered the lightest metal, the density of which is even lower - the density of this metal is 0.53 g / cm 3 or 530 kg / m 3. Which metal has the highest density? The most dense metal is osmium. The density of this rare metal is 22.59 g / cm 3 or 22590 kg / m 3.

It should also be noted that the density is quite high. precious metals... For example, the density of heavy metals such as gold is 21.5 and 19.3 g / cm 3, respectively. For more information on the density and melting point of metals, see.

Alloys also have a wide range of density values. Light alloys include magnesium alloys and aluminum alloys. The density of aluminum alloys is higher. High density alloys include copper alloys such as brass and bronze, as well as babbits.