If someone likes you, but this person is not liked, then hostility grows. It’s good if the guy himself understands from the first time that nothing will happen to him, at that moment he won’t have to turn anyone away. But it happens that a person floods you with messages, as soon as you log into VK, endlessly likes all the photos indiscriminately and calls several times a day. The worst thing is that he is waiting for you at the entrance and is clearly not in the mood to take a step without you. How to turn a guy off if he doesn’t give way and is sure that he will get you? We will tell you several ways that will help you do this in a short time.

Send off a good guy gently

If a guy is positive and kind, treats you well, but doesn’t like you, you’ll have to properly send him off. What does competently mean? This means that you need to try to soften the blow as much as possible, choose the right words and at the same time not hurt male pride. You still need to be able to tell a guy off without offending him. Use all your diplomatic skills.

He's good. Praise him, tell him about his positive character traits and tell him that with such a set he will find a more suitable girl who will appreciate him.

Neutral relationship. Invite him to maintain companionship. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk about friendship. Just say that remaining acquaintances is the best thing that can happen between the two of you.

Place all the points. How to turn a guy off so that he understands the first time? Try to speak firmly, looking him in the eyes, and don’t give him a reason to think about your doubts. List the reasons and leave as soon as possible, otherwise he may begin to press for pity.

Slap the annoying guy hard

It is important to be able to properly tell a guy off if he cheated on you or did something out of hand. At such moments, you can be more strict in your refusal.

Ignore. Sometimes ignoring a person hits harder than anything else. Live as if the guy doesn’t exist and this will help you get rid of him as quickly as possible. Nobody likes indifference.

Politeness. You shouldn’t descend into screaming, hysterics and swearing. You are not a girl from the gateway! Learn to competently turn a guy off in simple words.

Brevity. If a guy came to crowded place- sat down next to you on the bus, walks next to you on the road and says, calls you, then let him understand that such a number will not work. Say in a firm voice that you have no time or are not interested in making friends. After that, leave without answering his questions. Don't be afraid to seem impolite. What a girl considers polite, a man may consider soft.

Send remotely (SMS, correspondence)

The phone is with us always and everywhere. Therefore, the annoying guy will get to you always and everywhere, and it will be difficult to send him away.

Erasing from life. If you met a guy on a social network and he became too intrusive, just delete him and add him to the emergency list.

Safety. Do not tell your address to a stranger, and especially do not rush to immediately send photos in a swimsuit.

Gratitude. Tell him that it was nice to talk to you, but you don’t want to do it anymore - because you’re busy, for example.

There are no prohibitions. You won't be able to tell a guy off properly if you forbid him to write. Any ban creates a desire to write ad infinitum. If you promised a guy that you no longer want to communicate with him, keep your promise.

Sew as tactfully as possible

Street, club, shopping center, stops. If a guy is trying to meet you in public places, you need to turn him off as politely as possible. The best way is to hurry somewhere. You are in a hurry and you don’t even have time to answer. They said “no time” and leave/leave.

Former. If the guy is already an “ex”, then he needs to be turned off so that it is irrevocable. Tell him that you have thought about everything and drawn conclusions for yourself. Tell him that you no longer want to build a relationship with him and he will have to find a more suitable person.

Throw away someone who doesn't let go

Deception. Sometimes guys behave so obsessively that they can only be turned off after using radical methods. All means are good here, so you can deceive him and say that you need to be examined by a venereologist. Or better yet, say that your boyfriend (husband) works in the police, and you are just waiting for him here.

Humor. You can blow a guy off correctly and without offense if you add a touch of originality to the hackneyed phrases. Try to make a joke (just not at him) and he will appreciate it and also understand the futility of his attempts.

Send it off forever

How to turn off a guy who simply torments you with his presence?

Stop light. You should stop giving encouraging signals. Stop smiling and flirting with him, try to answer his questions coldly and as detached as possible, show that you don’t like his company at all. At such moments, it is not prohibited to tease a little. The guy definitely can’t stand such disgrace.

The girl is busy. If you work in a public institution (cafe, store), then it may happen that one of the customers - a guy - will become incredibly intrusive and you will have to tell him off correctly. In such cases, put on ring finger ring (you can even buy one for yourself) and say that you are married.

Put a friend in your place

Sometimes your friends start to feel like your boyfriend. In this case, they will have to be put in place. How to properly turn off a friend who pretends to be a guy?

Explanations. Say that you value your friendship and don't want to ruin it. You feel good with him as a friend, but you don’t see him as a guy.

Calm. When talking to a guy and turning him off, you need to remain calm. Tell him that you do not experience passion, which is an indispensable attribute of love, which means that nothing worthwhile will come of his proposal.

Do you constantly turn down people you don't like, but they still stick to you? Perhaps you are doing something wrong and your behavior is giving them green light to continue the courtship.

Mistake No. 1 – rudeness. If you offend someone who cares for you with all his heart, this can have dire consequences. The guy will either be seriously offended that he was rejected and will start saying nasty things behind your back, or he will begin to take revenge. Why do you need this? It's best to always remain tactful.

Mistake No. 2 – Velcro girl. You turn him off, then cling to him with regrets, and after that he turns you off. So you move in a circle. This speaks of addiction. Take the initiative and gain some self-esteem. You shouldn't run after a guy you politely rejected.

Mistake #3 – words and deeds. You say one thing and do another. For example, say that you are not interested in him, but on a boring evening you agree to take a walk. Of course, the guy won't be left behind.

Mistake #4 – too many words. Do you start from afar, talking about your principles and so on, then talk for a long time about feelings and the desire to be alone? Guys need brevity. Say without further ado that you don’t intend to communicate anymore.

9 best ways to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend

1. Speak not with words, but with actions. To turn off an annoying guy, you must always refuse him everything, and quite harshly, otherwise he will take advantage of your kindness and will never leave you.

2. An offer of friendship is often incredibly sobering. Many guys realize that nothing will happen to them, and they quit on their own.

3. Offer the guy a replacement and bring your girlfriends to the company, this will allow him to be properly turned off and redirect his attention. You can also arrange a chance meeting or describe your friend in all its glory, however, in this case you need to be good psychologist. Find out from the guy what he values ​​in a girl and find him such a passion.

4. Become obsessive. You can easily send a guy off competently if you do exactly the opposite and become Velcro. Call him endlessly, force yourself on him, throw tantrums and be jealous of everyone indiscriminately - he will run away at the first opportunity. You can take it with you shopping for a few hours.

5. Become hyperemotional. This will allow you to quickly send the annoying guy off. Be a brawler and demand more from him. It is unlikely that he will want to date such a girl.

6. Try to chat incessantly without even thinking about how to politely turn the guy off. And don’t listen to him at all and don’t let him say anything himself. Talk and talk until there is no one left to talk.

7. Demand from him the immediate fulfillment of all your desires, preferably the most absurd ones. Ask her to dye your hair, buy the most expensive dress and throw tantrums. This way you can get rid of the annoying guy very quickly.

8. Talk from the very first days about how you want many children in family life and take him to meet all his relatives. Better yet, try to get the guy to communicate with your mom more often - this will help you get rid of him quickly.

9. Criticize and reproach him. Guys really don’t like this and that’s why they push themselves away.

What if you have regrets?

Sometimes we get excited and commit rash actions that we later regret. This often happens in matters of the heart. You blew the guy off and you realize that you did something stupid. At such moments, urgent action must be taken.

You can kiss or hug your ex. If he makes contact, then everything is fine. But if you rejected him, he might get angry. If you managed to politely blow a guy off last time, he is unlikely to forget it. In this case, you should take into account your mistakes for the future and try your luck with someone else.

Eleonora Brik

Every girl has faced the obsession of the opposite sex. Dating on the street, in transport, in a club turns into a nightmare due to the persistence of the “stuck”. It is no less difficult to break up with a guy or refuse reciprocity to a school friend. In such situations, the girl gets worried and resorts to tricks to break up on good terms. But it’s not always possible to save friendly relations. How to turn a guy off so that?

How to turn off a stranger?

Among the opposite sex there is an opinion that a girl’s refusal is a signal for active action. Ladies thus flirt and attract attention. Therefore, the importunity of some guys is off the charts. Plus real conquerors women's hearts The girl's refusal provokes him. Dating turns into a sport, and the weaker sex into a valuable trophy. Getting rid of such instances can sometimes be very difficult.

How to turn off a stranger?


It is enough to say “no” once under any pretext. I don’t want to get acquainted, I’m not ready for a relationship, I’m in a hurry to meet and other reasons. After that, imagine that the guy is not nearby. Read, listen to music, talk on the phone. The main thing is not to look towards the stranger and do not react to his words. Ignoring can make a guy angry and he will finally say something offensive. Do not react to curses, there is no stranger for you, so do not take these words personally.

Explain that your heart is busy

You're seeing the guy for the first time, so you might lie a little. Say that you are dating a guy, are preparing for marriage, or have been living with a young man for a long time. The simpler the answer, the more plausible. There is no need to tell you how much you love each other to be convincing. Just say that you don't meet guys on the street because you're married.

Pretend to be crazy

If you see that you have a “hard nut to crack” and having a husband won’t stop him, then continue communication. Just behave unnaturally, talk too loudly, laugh obnoxiously, tell incredible stories. Say that you believe in life on other planets and are waiting for a prince from space. If you are in public place, then tell your nonsense loudly and seriously so that the guy becomes uncomfortable being around you. The stranger will take you for a crazy person and leave.

If a guy is pestering you in a club, then ask a friend to play your guy. Hug in front of the “molester” and dance together. This way you can kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of the stranger's advances and let the guy you like for a long time understand that you are not indifferent to him.

How to tell a guy that you don't like him?

There are other situations. You met a guy, at first glance he didn’t ask or you couldn’t refuse the first date. As a result, when you come to a meeting, you understand that the young man is boring and uninteresting. How to tell a guy that you don't like him?

Refuse meetings

After the first date is over, do not allow yourself to be seen off. Say that you are in a hurry to a meeting, are not going home, are afraid of your parents. Then constantly make excuses, don’t answer the phone, refuse offers to go to the cinema or club. Regular refusals will lead a guy to question whether you want to date him. Now the young man is ready, tell him that you are not ready for a relationship, since he is not your type.

Pretend to be boring and crammed

It is not necessary to directly tell the guy that you are disappointed in him and do not reciprocate. Just ruin the first date. To do this, prepare in advance, you will find a dozen clever phrases, quote them constantly. Speak in scientific terms, reduce all conversations to books, say that you are writing a dissertation on some boring topic. Offer to meet at the library next time. The more convincing you are, the more likely it is that the young man will not ask you on your next date.

Talk nonstop

The first meetings usually take place in a dialogue format. A guy and a girl talk about themselves, ask questions, find out their interests. Act differently, interrupt constantly young man, don’t let him get a word in, ask questions and answer them yourself. Chat incessantly, telling everything in a row, choose stupid and incomprehensible stories. If you do everything right, you won't have to tell the guy that you don't like him. The young man himself will refuse further meetings.

It happens that the described methods do not help. You come across a polite and cultured guy who is not ready to push the girl away. Tell your date directly that you do not want any further meetings. Briefly explain why. The main thing is to speak calmly, without offensive words.

How to get rid of a pen pal?

Common interests lead to virtual acquaintances. At first, unobtrusive communication does not cause any inconvenience. But, as a rule, the frequency of messages increases, the guy begins to lay claim to the girl. If you did not count on such an outcome, then communication will become a burden. How to get rid of a pen pal?

Send your friend a message saying you want to stop communicating. Please indicate the desire to live as the reason. real life, not virtual. Note that you had a great time and enjoyed communicating. Apologize for causing the young man any unpleasant moments. End your message with a goodbye.

Using this method, don't give the guy hope. To do this, do not get involved in correspondence. Ignore any questions. If you start explaining the reason for termination, you will get involved in correspondence. It will be difficult to interrupt it again. This method is also suitable for communicating via SMS. Write to the guy that you need time to understand yourself and ask for a break. If the young man continues to impose himself, add the recipient to spam or blacklist.

How to tell a guy off politely?

It’s unpleasant to be offended by a refusal from strangers, and when it comes to loved ones, it becomes doubly uncomfortable. Situations when old friend inflamed with passion and wants to build relationships, they meet often. The difficulty is that you need to choose words that will not offend the guy and will not deprive him of a reliable friend. How to tell a guy off politely?

Choose a meeting place

A calm environment, without distracting sounds or noise, is suitable. Don't invite a friend home or to a cafe. Let it be an unfamiliar place so that the young man does not indulge in memories. Good choice- This is a quiet park or square.

Prepare your speech

It’s not difficult here, just remember why you value your friend. Start your speech with these words. Explain how much you value him as a friend. List the guy's good points, say that he is sweet and kind. Next, say that you are not ready to accept him as a young man and will be glad when he meets his soulmate. Invite your friend to leave everything as is and not change your relationship. Be prepared for rejection, no matter how painful it may be to lose a trusted friend.

Write a letter

This option is suitable for girls who are not ready to talk to a guy face to face. The good thing about the written version is that you can express everything that is on your heart. Your friend will not interrupt, you will not see his disappointment. At the end of the letter, invite the guy to call you if he agrees only to friendship.

Before you refuse a friend, think about whether you will regret this decision. You may be experiencing similar feelings. Be careful when choosing friends of the opposite sex. Any girl is able to notice signs of attention and prevent the situation from leading to confessions. When you see a friend's strange behavior, act proactively. Tell me that yesterday you met your dream guy and fell in love at first sight. Or take the other side, say that the last experience in a relationship upset you and you are not ready for. A smart young man will understand that he should retreat.

How to gently turn off the guy you're dating?

It is difficult to put an end to a relationship when the other half is not ready for such an outcome. There are two options: continue dating an unloved person or decide to. After it it will become easier for you and the guy. Think about the feelings of the young man until you were presented with a ring and proposed.

How can you gently turn off the guy you're dating?

Speak clearly and specifically

Invite the guy to discuss the relationship. State the reason for the separation clearly. During the conversation, do not feel sorry for your close friend, do not resort to shouting and hysterics. Don't blame the young man, it's already hard for him now. To soften the breakup, suggest taking a break for a while.
Be consistent. Communicate seriously, without ingratiating or flirting. If after a week you feel lonely and decide to warm up in the arms of your ex, then don’t be surprised at his persistence. The guy will decide that you regret the breakup and want to get back.

Don't insist on communication

The young man’s feelings are strong and the guy is not ready to be friends, call each other, or meet in common companies. Don't stalk your ex, don't insist on friendship, respect his feelings. Such intrusiveness from girls will be perceived incorrectly by a guy.

It's possible to blow a guy off without offending him

The main thing is not to forget what is in front of you good man. This guy is just not right for you. Refusing a stranger or to a close friend, avoid insults, raising your tone and contemptuous attitude. The guy will hate the refusal, but it won’t be left on you.

20 February 2014, 16:16

Some young people can be terribly obsessive. They don’t give way, they call often, they hang out in clubs.

Some young people can be terribly obsessive. They don’t give way, they call often, they hang out in clubs and parks. And it would seem that everything is simple: if you don’t like a person, tell him so directly, but...

  • Firstly, not all guys are understanding enough to immediately make a retreat after a firm “no”.
  • A secondly, sometimes you just don’t want to offend a person, especially if the guy is not bad, but, unfortunately, not your type.
  • If you are also faced with a similar situation, and you were unable to competently get rid of an obsessive boyfriend, then they will help you our proven methods.

    How to properly tell a guy off so that he doesn't get offended

    First, let's figure out what type your gentleman belongs to. There is the following classification:

    • "sticky stranger"
    • just an acquaintance who likes you;
    • a good friend with sudden feelings;
    • your ex trying to woo you again.

    Let's look at how to start turning off a guy who falls into any of these categories.

    • You've probably heard that the male half of the population is simply in awe of unavailable and slightly bitchy ladies. A true conqueror would definitely want to have such a trophy in his collection. Therefore, if you come across this type of stranger, then get rid of phrases such as “Girl, let’s get acquainted?” and “Can you give me your phone number?” it won't be easy.

    But, fortunately, such guys are found a little less often than ordinary “clingers”, who most often simply have nothing to do.
    Therefore, it is better to pretend to be hard to touch when a young man who is unpleasant to you at a disco tries to treat you to a cocktail or follows you around in the supermarket and says various nonsense. Don't put up with him, but it’s better to immediately say directly that you are not alone, or better yet, that you are married, that you don’t want to, and that’s all.

    Only no coquetry! To turn such a guy off, you need to speak dryly, firmly and without a smile! Usually such serious and even slightly angry girls do not make you want to continue the conversation. And, if, after all, he is the same conqueror of women’s hearts who does not give up, act rudely: say that you are now going to start screaming loudly, because you are an unbalanced mentally ill person or that you are ex-man who has undergone successful sex reassignment surgery, etc.

    Yes, this will shock the overly intrusive guy, but he will quickly “rewind the fishing rods.” Very effective in such situations.

    • In the second case, just say “no” won't be enough. After all, you are already at least a little familiar with this young man. This could be your brother's classmate, work colleague, or upstairs neighbor. First, decide for yourself, do you need any kind of relationship with this guy at all? Will he suit you as a friend?

    If you don’t want to maintain any contact with him at all, then point No. 1 here will work no worse than with an ordinary “sticky” stranger. But, if you still need to maintain a good or business relationship with a person who shows sympathy for you, then it will be enough to have one or two conversations with him in a calm atmosphere, to send the guy off, so to speak, in a pleasant atmosphere...

    Explain to him calmly and politely that his advances are pleasant to you as a girl, but your heart is not free. Or say that you are not in a romantic relationship right now. Usually a normal young man immediately understands what this means, but there will be no offense.

    • The situation is more complicated: you have been friends for several years now, and your relationship has never gone beyond friendship. It is possible that you know his family, and he visits you quite often, you share secrets with each other, and you no longer perceive him as a guy. He's like a brother to you. And then, out of the blue, his confession and attempts to transform your friendly idyll into a novel...
    • If you are absolutely sure that you can only be friends with this young man, then you need to decide to have a serious conversation. Take your time and prepare a short speech. After all, you're not just trying to blow off a stranger. You need to maintain your friendship. You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. The main thing is that you are not disturbed...

    Take his hand, look him in the eyes and gently explain that he is a great friend, and you don’t want to lose such a friend. Don't hide your emotions speak honestly. He's yours close person and will be able to discern the falsehood. Say what friendship is everything what can you offer him?

    If he can handle your refusal, then most likely in a couple of weeks or months he will call you and offer to have a party with his friends. If this deeply hurts him, then it is unlikely that your friendship can be continued. Be prepared for this outcome.

    • Well, such courtship is familiar to almost all girls. Alas, some young people simply “kill” with their illogicality. Having once said goodbye to his girlfriend on his own initiative, such a guy often flares up feelings for her again. And you just finally stopped crying over his photo and decided to go on a date with your new gentleman! And your plans do not include the reunion of your couple. In this case, you should not meet with him. Why reopen old wounds?

    Talk to him on the phone or text him. Without unnecessary lyrical digressions, tell him that everything is fine with you, that you are just terribly happy and thank him for leaving you. After all, otherwise you would not have met your soulmate. Many young people it hurts, and they back down.

    If this only provokes him, and he decides to launch a frontal attack, he will have to act differently.

    Calmly tell him that your feelings have already faded away and everything has long been forgotten. And you wouldn't want to see him again. Try to be slightly detached, as if this conversation is absolutely uninteresting to you, boring, and you are in a terrible hurry to get to an important meeting. Coldness and indifference will play into your hands.

    How to tell a guy off without getting offended?

    Let's take a closer look at the methods of polite refusal, because they no less effective than rudeness and impudence, but do not humiliate the young man and do not offend his feelings.

    In order not to offend a guy you know or even a friend, it is important not to say that he is not suitable for you, because he will understand this as the fact that you consider him unworthy of you. Therefore, it is better to say: “You and I are too different,” “You deserve to be loved, but, unfortunately, this is not me.”

    To blow off a guy you don't know well, but you don't want to offend him, it will be enough just remain silent to his attempts get to know you. Smile at him a little apologetically, say, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to talk, and continue going about your business. A normal person will immediately understand that he has come to the wrong address.

    Politely refuse offers to accompany you or treat you to a cake in a cafe. For this suitable phrases:“I’m terribly tired and want to be alone. Sorry”, “Sorry, I can’t. I still need to pick up my child from kindergarten,” “Excuse me, but I don’t think my husband will understand this.”

    Remember, there are young people who may react unexpectedly rudely to your polite refusal. It is not recommended to respond to rudeness. It’s better not to piss off such inappropriate people. To preserve your dignity, you can respond to any rude statement addressed to you: “I don’t care about your opinion. All the best."

    How to send a guy off beautifully?

    If a simple polite refusal does not penetrate the armor of misunderstanding, you can use beautiful and effective solutions.

    Guys are simply overwhelmed by talking about money. Ask him if he has a car, how much he earns, who his parents are.
    Ask if he can buy you one small thing as a gift, for example, the gold earrings that you have dreamed of for so long. Usually such conversations immediately discourage them continue acquaintance.

    Another effective way kick the guy off - talk a lot. And talk only about yourself. Tell us where you get your nails done, what TV series you like, what kind of boyfriends you had, what a wonderful mother you have and much, much more. interesting facts from your life. No man is capable of listening to a woman's chatter for more than half an hour.

    Or you can act in the opposite direction - answer his questions with short phrases such as “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t want”, “I won’t”. Don't say anything, don't look into his eyes. Be very distant. This attitude stresses a man out. Therefore, he is unlikely to continue the conversation.

    An excellent solution would be to try to show yourself as highly intelligent and boring. There's a lot to talk about smart words, constantly interrupt and correct. Acting like a crammer is also encouraged. This option can only suit the same bore and smart guy.

    How to turn a guy off culturally?

    In principle, to turn a guy off culturally, it’s enough just not to be rude, not to accuse him of anything, not to raise your voice and behave with dignity. If this person, to put it mildly, is “annoyed” with his advances, you should subtly hint to him about it, but in a way that makes it clear that you don’t like it.

    It is always better to talk about such topics in private, so that the guy does not get the impression that you are going to blow him off in public. He must understand that you do not want to humiliate him, you are sincerely sorry that you cannot reciprocate, and you feel the same awkwardness as he does.

    You should explain your choice firmly, without coquetry or guile. You shouldn't have the impression that you're just trying to sell yourself too much.

    Don't try to smooth the corners too much, otherwise you may never get all the i's dotted. Express your thoughts clearly so that he understands what you are trying to convey.

    How to turn a guy off, effective phrases

    And finally, here are the most effective phrases that will help you get rid of your annoying boyfriend:

    • "Oh! Will my son finally have a dad!”
    • “I’m going through such a difficult period in my relationship right now... can you treat me to a cocktail?”

    There are situations in a girl’s life when she just doesn’t want to communicate with a guy and needs to send him away somehow. Sometimes you can do this in a way that will offend the guy, and sometimes you need to blow the guy off and not offend him. Read on to find out how to do this.


    If you are walking down the street and suddenly a stranger starts approaching you, whom you clearly were not expecting, then most likely you will want to send him away as quickly as possible. But how, how to do this, how to send a guy off? There are several options in this regard. We recommend that you read HOW TO BREAK UP WITH A GUY?

    To turn off an unfamiliar guy, you need to make him disgusted with you, for example, start walking with a limp, or scrunch your face so that when he sees you, he changes his mind about communicating with you in the future.

    If the above-described method of how to send a guy off did not work out, or it was too late to apply it, then there is a standard phrase: “I’m married.”


    It is much more difficult to turn off a guy you know than a stranger because he already knows you and most likely knows your tricks and character. But what to do and how to get rid of it in this case? It all depends on the situation:

    If you don’t have a relationship with a guy, but you know each other: If you know a guy but you don’t have any friendly relations and you don’t expect anything from the guy, but just know him, then several options are used to turn the guy off. The moment a guy takes the initiative and invites you or flirts with you, tell him that you have no plans for a relationship with them in the near future, ask him not to bother you with invitations and courtship. In addition, you can ignore all his advances and signs of flirting and not give a counter-reaction to them at all, and every time he invites you, refuse somewhere, coming up with banal reasons for the refusal. He will understand everything himself.

    If you have a friendly relationship with a guy: It also happens that you are friends with a guy and then one day you realize that he begins to show not just friendly feelings, but also to flirt and make advances towards you. What to do in this case and how to turn the guy off? Here, of course, it’s a little more complicated because you want to blow the guy off and maintain your friendship with him. First of all, you need to understand that you won’t be able to maintain your friendship and reject the guy. Because no matter how hard you try, the guy is most likely already in love with you and any meeting or friendly communication will give him more and more hope that you will still accept his advances. Therefore, throw away the guy who is your friend along with his friendship. If you can’t completely exclude friendship, then reduce it to the most minimal notes of communication. As for how to tell a guy without being offended, see the next paragraph on how to tell a guy off so that he doesn’t get offended. We recommend that you read HOW TO REFUSE A MAN?


    Of course, the easiest way to turn a guy off is to tell him that you don’t need him, and forget him completely, let him be tormented and tormented, but you don’t always want to do that, because there are times when you don’t want a guy to be offended, but you need to turn him off. What to do in this case, how to sew it off? Yes, there is a way to turn a guy off without him being offended, but this requires time and your patience. What is needed for this? And for this you need to do something so that he himself wants to throw you away and no longer have any relationship with you.

    In order for a guy to leave you, you need to find out what type of women your boyfriend or the one who is pestering you doesn’t like and, of course, fully correspond to this type of woman. In addition, find out what actions and what behavior infuriates the guy and do these actions as often as possible, also change your character to the one that the guy doesn’t like. If he reproaches you for this, then tell me I am who I am and will not change. Over time, he will get tired of it and he will leave you. We recommend that you read HOW TO LET GO OF YOUR LOVED PERSON?

    Mila. I hate intrusive guys to whom you hint directly that he is not needed here, but he pretends that he does not understand. Maybe he really doesn’t understand? I get such slow-witted fans from time to time, so I have to dodge and fumble so that at least something finally reaches them. In such cases, I start asking for a large amount of money or for someone to marry me because I am pregnant. Oddly enough, their greatest love immediately passes! And where does everything go?))

    How to properly send a guy off?

    Obsessive attention will not be pleasant for anyone, and even more inconvenient if this attention interferes with life. If your relationship with a guy is over, or you just need to get rid of obsessive suitors who are trying to make acquaintances on the street, in a club or at a disco, learn how to properly turn off guys.

    How to turn a guy off?

    Often a man perceives a woman as a trophy, and the slight bitchiness and inaccessibility that they suspect of a girl who refuses them only adds fuel to the fire. At the same time, many smart advisers assure the stronger sex that a woman’s “no” is quite a yes, or at least a “maybe.” To be taken seriously, you must also take your words seriously.

    • If you decide to blow a guy off, don’t delay or flirt with him. It’s better not to show your interest at all, so that he doesn’t think that this is encouragement.
    • Be serious, but don't try to offend him. What did the other person do to deserve insults? After all, love or sympathy for you is not yet a reason to run into a stream of abuse!
    • Be honest. Tell him openly why you think you can't be together. If this is an intrusive guy from work or study, just say that his attention is now inappropriate and you don’t need it at all. If it's just a person on the street, then say that you have plans and you really want to be alone. But if this is a person with whom you had a relationship, then you can’t get rid of it with two phrases, you’ll have to state all your complaints frankly.
    • Don't give any reason to doubt your words. A girl who first decided to tell him off with words, and then looks at him with a sly look and flirts, is unlikely to be taken seriously. Rather, refusal will be interpreted as a sign female coquetry. Why shoot your eyes at someone you don't like? Just ignore him.

    Send a guy off by text or text

    If you only know a guy online or you’ve been communicating through phone messages for quite a long time, then breaking off contact with him will be very easy.

    Here are sample phrases that will allow you to tactfully get rid of an annoying interlocutor:

    • “I enjoyed communicating with you, but now I want to live real life and I can’t continue our acquaintance. We had a good time, but I won't be able to answer any more messages. Good luck!"
    • “Sorry, but I now find myself in a situation where I need time to understand myself. We need to take a break, so I won't write to you anymore. I’m sorry if I offend you with this, but I really need this.”

    You also need to realize that you are taking the first step, so you need to do it decisively. If you write that you won’t be able to respond to messages anymore, do so. Explaining the nuances and reasons will only aggravate the matter - your correspondence will drag on for a long time, but it will only become very unpleasant.

    Send it off forever!

    To get rid of an annoying person, speak convincingly, but first avoid being rude.

    What can I say to get it off culturally?

    If someone meets you in a public place, you can gently tell the guy off with these words:

    • “I’m not in the mood for communication right now, sorry.”
    • “Unfortunately, I’m in a hurry and don’t want to make acquaintances on the go. Another time!”
    • “Sorry, but now I need to think and be alone, please don’t destroy my lonely idyll.”

    If you need to quickly and accurately blow off a guy with whom you have already communicated before or had a relationship:

    • “I was able to understand myself and my feelings and realized that we cannot be together. I can’t build a relationship with you now - I’m not ready for it, and I consider you unready.” The guy will want to know why you made this decision. Be prepared to answer briefly, but firmly and honestly.
    • “Sorry, my tastes and priorities change, like everything else in the world. You remain the same. I need to find myself without your help, I have to end our relationship.”

    What if the guy doesn’t understand?

    Sometimes guys perceive everything too ambiguously. If you need rudeness to turn off guys who are too stupid or annoying, who want your communication and interfere with your life, use the following phrases.

    • "Conduct? Yes, I'm going to the dermatovenous dispensary. Do you want to be an escort?”
    • “Should I go to you or to me? Yes, easily! You go to your place, and I’ll go to mine.”
    • “Do you want a serious relationship? Then I must tell you that I am very special. Do you know what to do if you have an epileptic attack?”
    • "Познакомиться? It's a good thing. Do you want to meet me or my boyfriend? You’ve probably already seen him, such a tall, pumped-up man.”

    You can get rid of inappropriate acquaintances on the street or in transport in an original way and with humor. This is cool and fun - and the guy will appreciate it, but at the same time he will definitely understand that you do not intend to pay attention to him.

    • I know your face, we’ve probably met somewhere!
    • For sure, because I don't go to this place anymore.
    • Girl, can I meet you?
    • Better not.
    • But why?
    • Because I will be bored, and you will not understand.
    • But why is that?
    • That’s why I’m already bored, and you don’t understand anymore.
    • Girl, can I meet you? Is the seat next to you free?
    • Completely, and if you sit down, then mine will also be freed.
    • Girl, wait until you reject me, because for your sake I’m ready to do anything!
    • Even go to the ends of the earth?
    • Certainly!
    • Then please go and stay there.
    • I had time to think. I see that you are not ready for a serious relationship with me. We are completely different. I only want a serious relationship.
    • I'm not in the mood to communicate with the opposite sex right now. Sorry. I'll write it myself if I'm ready.
    • Sorry, but I need privacy now, I need to be in the company of myself.
    • My interests and needs are constantly evolving and changing. But I don’t notice the same about you, your values ​​remain unchanged. Therefore, we cannot develop together, we cannot be a couple. You should look for a more suitable girl.
    • I need a man who will be tolerant of my tantrums and mood swings. Therefore, keep your distance from me, take care of your nervous system.

    The main thing is to pronounce phrases clearly and with confidence. The guy should not take them for a joke and then continue his obsessive advances. And a second attempt will produce no more effect than the first. Therefore, try to convey the meaning and seriousness of what was said right away.

    Rough and tough

    If a guy is thoroughly overwhelmed by his stupid messages, you can send him off beautifully, but impudently. To do this, use sufficiently rude phrases, but do not become personal or insulting.

    • - I’m ready to run to the ends of the earth for you! - Run and don’t come back!
    • Shouldn't you go to X, Y and the 11th letter of the alphabet?
    • - I would give myself to you. – I’m not used to cheap gifts.
    • - You look good. What are you doing for this? - Completely the opposite of what you do.
    • I guess I'll go. I want to be far away from here.

    When a man doesn’t hear “no” - what is the right thing to do?

    In a situation where a guy does not accept either the first “no” or the tenth, when he continues to persistently annoy him with his attention, we forget about diplomacy.

    Is it possible to remain friends after a refusal?

    At the time when you think about friendship, he has a rational calculation in his head. After the breakup, when the girl made it clear that nothing could happen, he would not waste his time on her. He already has enough friends.

    As with any other rules, there are exceptions here too, but such cases are very rare. In addition, certain prerequisites lead to friendship. For example, people initially had good friendly relations, but their attempts did not lead to building a joint future, so the decision was made to return to normal communication.

    All of the above leads to one conclusion - after breaking up with a guy or refusing to start dating, there is practically no chance of staying in good relations. One of you will clearly feel uncomfortable, which will not allow you to maintain a friendly atmosphere.

    Gross mistakes of girls

    Anyone can make a mistake. But when telling a guy off, a girl should remember that at this moment she is in the role of a sapper, defusing a mine. At the very least, we do not recommend making the following mistakes:

    • be openly rude;
    • say one thing and do another;
    • Don't throw water in the conversation.

    If a guy hears you say, “We can only be friends,” while you playfully wink at him, your words will not be taken seriously. And searching for the right one beautiful phrase it can take you forever to get rid of it. Be consistent in your words and actions.

    “Loneliness inspires me. I can be absolutely free. This fuels and inspires me! To be independent from anyone - I stick to this life principle. This is my way. I will continue on this road.". You shouldn’t “pull the cat by the tail” when trying to get out of an awkward situation. Speak to the point.

    You're glad that you're in demand. Thank the guy in the same way. Boost his self-esteem the same way he raised yours when he showed you attention or affection.

    What to do if you rejected it and now you regret it?

    She refused, and then you regret it because you fell in love with him? Try to take a counter step. If his interest was genuine, he will be able to rethink the first “no.” Men are hunters by nature. They love to pursue a woman. It is possible that the refusal could, on the contrary, contribute to increasing his interest. And the lack of activity, most likely, lies in the reluctance to annoy. Try to let him know that you don't mind the attention. Surely he will start courting again.

    Hello! My name is Ekaterina Gorlova. Working family psychologist more than 9 years. I am an expert in my field and share my experience with my readers.
    Materials for the site were carefully collected and processed for ease of reading and accuracy of all information posted.

    Before applying what you have read, you need to consult with professionals.

    What to do if a young man you don’t like wants to meet you on the street? Or a guy you know has fallen in love and wants a serious relationship? How to politely tell a guy off so that he doesn’t get offended and understands that there is no point in persisting. In our article we have collected the most delicate, soft, beautiful, original and tough ways to say “no” to a man. You will learn how to properly refuse a young man on the street via SMS. In addition, we will talk about the most common mistakes that girls make.

    Most instances merge after simple phrases:

    • "I'm not in the mood";
    • “I have a young man”;
    • "I'm married".

    In the latter case, attentive men may notice the absence wedding ring. If it exists or there is an imitation of it, then the matter becomes much simpler.

    There are also more persistent guys who continue to drag out communication, despite your refusal. In this case, you need to dryly and sternly explain to him that you are not on the way:

    • “Sorry, but you’re driving me crazy”;
    • “I just said quite clearly that I don’t want to meet.”

    At the same time, it is important to behave civilly: do not shout or be rude. This may provoke conflict. Just speak dryly, make a menacing expression on your face. These words and intonations are enough.

    But there are some individuals who do not understand even such formulations. What's worse is that they are often drunk. In such a situation it becomes even scary. What if I tell him now and he hits me or starts insulting me? To get rid of insolence, use proven techniques:

    • Give him a fake phone number. But don’t give out your friend’s or boyfriend’s number, you might create a conflict;
    • Take his number and tell him you'll call him;
    • Find the nearest security guard or policeman and ask him to help;
    • Say you are going to start screaming.

    Several original ways

    Sometimes just saying “I’m not in the mood” isn’t enough. The easiest way out of the situation is to answer harshly and rudely. But it happens that this cannot be done. For example, you good mood and you don’t want to spoil it or the situation is not suitable, the people around you may misunderstand everything.

    In such a situation, you can respond harshly, but at the same time you must maintain culture and politeness. You can take the guy aside and explain to him in private that you are not a couple. The main condition for politeness is a smile and a quiet tone.

    If this does not help, then you can use several funny and original refusals, this way you will maintain civilized communication and send the guy away.

    1. Family man. Tell us about your family (real or fictional). You have two, three, six children, a handsome husband and loving family. And you can turn the new gentleman’s insistence into an insult:
      • “Do you think I’m a slutty girl?”;
      • “In your opinion, is it permissible for a girl not to value her family and to cheat on her husband?”
    2. Commercialism. Go straight to the conversation about money, find out how much he earns, where he works and who he works for, whether he has an apartment and a car. At the same time, show contempt for his achievements: “Ford is nonsense, a two-room apartment is f-i-i.” As proof, demand to buy your favorite ring with emeralds.
    3. Talkativeness. Guys don't like stupid and talkative girls. What are you talking about with your girlfriend? Talk to your boyfriend about the same topics: dresses, cosmetics, stupid guys, your beautiful mother. Take full control of the initiative and don’t let him get a word in.
    4. Silence. Don’t look him in the eye, don’t answer his questions, or say standard formulas: “Yes,” “No,” “I don’t know.” An advanced method is to completely ignore its existence. Leave all questions unanswered; you can pick up the phone and pretend you’re talking to your mom or girlfriend. Realizing that he looks stupid talking to the wall, the annoying guy will leave on his own.

    Hard options

    A real case from life.

    -Can I meet you?

    - No.

    -Where are you going, I’ll take you?

    – I’m looking for a quiet place for a grave.

    - Which one, why?

    “I killed a guy, I’m thinking of burying him.”

    Some individuals do not understand either the first time, or the second, or the third. Sometimes a young man deserves a rude refusal because of his boorish speech or outright stupidity. To answer firmly and not run into conflict, it is enough to say ordinary phrases, but at the same time turn on metal and irritability in your voice. At the same time, it is advisable not to insult him, not to give him negative assessments, and especially not to swear.

    How to correctly reject a friend or acquaintance who has fallen in love

    The most difficult situation is when you see that . There are two main differences. Firstly, you want to maintain a friendly or warm relationship with him. Secondly, you will continue to see each other, if the refusal turns out to be unclear, vague, then the courtship will continue. At the same time, simple politeness in refusal will not preserve the relationship. Because it’s not rudeness that destroys a relationship, but the fact that you don’t like him. You need to send it carefully, but clearly and clearly, and at the same time preserve his self-esteem.

    How to make a refusal clear:

    1. Don't delay. If you see manifestations of sympathy and courtship, then either immediately decide to serious relationship, or cool your friend's ardor. The longer you wait, the more hope your friend has. Then it will become much more difficult to achieve cooling of its pressure.
    2. Don't flirt with him. Sometimes you use coquetry as a way to cheer up a man and maintain a relationship. But in the case of an acquaintance in love, this will fuel his hopes. Your refusal will not produce the desired result.
    3. Speak seriously. You can't smile, but speak with warmth and love. In order not to offend, apologize to him, explain that you do not want to offend him. You can smile and joke after he says that he understands everything.

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    How to make a refusal soft and tactful:

    1. Get some privacy. Of course, you can’t do this in public, and especially in front of mutual friends. You can take him aside, or you can offer to take a walk together. Alternatively, explain yourself in personal correspondence to social networks.
    2. Polite, but specific. Apologies and assurances of friendly sympathy can easily smooth out the situation. But at the same time, you don’t need to create the impression that you like him as a man.
    3. Praise him, appreciate his friendship. You can’t praise him on all counts, just say a couple of compliments. But friendship with him can be praised 100%. Remind him how you helped each other, how you overcame various problems together, how much fun you had communicating.

    Formulations. The most important thing is to choose the correct wording for the “main phrase” so that the refusal is not offensive.

    In order to “sweeten the pill” you can give it to a young man. This will help improve relationships.

    How to properly send a guy off via text or text?

    The easiest way to refuse a pen pal is to write a message on the Internet (on Odnoklassniki or VK) or SMS. You save time, you can refuse in one phrase, and failure does not bring discomfort. In this case, two refusal strategies are used.

    1. Polite, but long refusal. You can pretend to be a busy person, you work two jobs, have children, and something is constantly happening in your life. Over time, he will get tired of it, and he will stop bothering you. But another outcome is also possible - he will understand that you are making excuses and a “serious conversation” will begin.
    2. A quick but polite refusal. You can choose another tactic - refuse quickly and immediately. At the same time, it is advisable to maintain civility and politeness in communication:
      • “I liked communicating with you, but we are not suitable for each other”;
      • “I’m not in the mood for meetings and relationships, sorry”;
      • “I have already found a young man”;
      • “I sorted myself out and realized that we are not a couple.”

    How to refuse your ex-boyfriend gracefully

    The most common mistake is a harsh and abrupt refusal. Or vice versa, too soft and unstable. Choose the golden mean - a quiet, cold conversation, complete indifference and insensitivity. It will be difficult if you still have sympathy for him. Then it is better to refuse at a distance, by correspondence or SMS.

    To give weight to a refusal, you can give reasons for it. List what you don't like and why you decided to end the relationship forever. Does he not take care of himself, is he too harsh with your loved ones, does he not make compromises? When he begins to assure you that he has changed, explain to him that it is too late.

    You cannot get personal or criticize. This will cause unnecessary emotions and lead to a quarrel. Build polite communication, a clear refusal in your head and follow this plan. Try to avoid irritability in your voice. To avoid getting angry yourself, do not get involved in discussions of cause and effect. They explained their position, said goodbye and parted ways.

    Common Mistakes

    According to psychologists, girls make 3 classic mistakes when they refuse a guy.

    1. Lack of specifics. Girls often try to behave politely and maintain a warm relationship. But at the same time they confuse politeness and sympathy for a person with abstract hints. Speak directly, explain what you want your relationship with him to be like.
    2. The opposite behavior. That is, turn the guy off and a minute later wink and smile. This creates the impression that your refusal is just a joke. In this case, the guy will begin to achieve with double tenacity. This mistake is often made with friends and acquaintances. I would like to continue friendly relations and make amends. As a way to maintain relationships, they choose coquetry.
    3. Play for time. This applies not only to delaying a “serious conversation”, but also to refusals like “I don’t have time right now.” Such formulations temporarily relieve you of unnecessary attention, but later the situation will return to its previous course.
    4. Harshness and insults. Girls make this mistake when a boyfriend doesn’t understand half-hints and polite refusals. Why ruin a relationship with a person? Maybe your paths will cross, and he will be useful to you. What if you like him later? It will be very difficult to establish relationships after a rude refusal.