The day of creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will be celebrated on December 10, 2018. The holiday acquired official status in 1999 after the signing of Order No. 590 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 1999 “On the announcement of the Day of the Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.” The date was chosen for a reason; it was on this day in 1949 that Order No. 785 “On the organization of a commission for the acceptance of station facilities of the Automatic Telephone Exchange of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR” was signed.

In Russia, the Day of the Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is celebrated annually on December 10. On this day in 1949, the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs signed order No. 785 “On the organization of a commission for the acceptance of station facilities of the Automatic Telephone Exchange of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.” The holiday began to be celebrated in honor of the 50th anniversary in 1999. Before this, communications service employees in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation did not have their own professional holiday.

For 50 years, the communications service has gone through a difficult journey, constantly developing and improving: from the simplest means of communication to the latest high-tech equipment. In 2004, this service became part of the Department of Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, today it is the Department of Information Technologies, Communications and Information Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation.

At present, the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is fully equipped with the latest communications equipment, equipment and computers. This is one of the best multifunctional structures that equips the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Department of Internal Affairs, RUBOT various types communications. The main task is to transmit service information with a high degree of reliability.

The Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes a significant contribution to ensuring security and fighting crime every day.

Significant dates in the history of the Day of Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  • 1895 - presentation of the world's first radio device;
  • 1949 - signing of a decree on the formation of the Main Operational Communications Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 1950 - creation of special stations that improve information transmission;
  • 1957 - creation of the first radio communications in the police;
  • 1962 - creation of technical communication departments;
  • 1970 – creation of portable stations;
  • 1981 – division of the forensics and communications departments;
  • 1999 - the beginning of the celebration of the Day of Creation of the Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • 2004 - the communications service becomes a rear division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Congratulations in verse on the Day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

At the signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
The holiday is now in the yard,
This is a good reason
Have a great holiday.
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Interesting service
Let it be from close relatives,
It will be crowded at home.

Communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Happy holiday,
And we always wish you,
Stay in touch with us.
Please accept our congratulations,
Hear the ringing laughter
We wish you excellent communication,
No leaks or interference.
Let any information
Will be available to you
And run away in panic
All the criminals in the area.

On the Day of Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we congratulate all signalmen,
And also all the technical specialists with her,
So that the connection is good in any conditions
And in the city, and in the field, and in military conflicts.
Efficiency of communication and accuracy of information -
The success of the operation sometimes depends on them,
And if someone suddenly encroaches on secrets,
Protecting information is business as usual.

Let there be a connection! Always, everywhere!
Happy Communications Service Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
I congratulate you, friends!
After all, connection is the meaning of life!
And so it happened in life,
What have you become, friends, signalmen,
There can be nowhere without you
Success to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
A huge contribution to the struggle process
For many years you have invested,
I wish you optimism
It will heal you from sad thoughts.

We wish you good communication,
So that everything works without problems!
This holiday is a wonderful occasion
Say hello to all the employees!

Professional holiday
Not simple - original:
Communication services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
We celebrate this day:
And, of course, congratulations,
And we wish all signalmen:
So that the air is always clean,
So that there is less work,
Communication, at times, did not fail,
Even though the sound is from afar...
And the salary is high!

At the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The best signalmen in the world serve!
The “best” status is not the limit here,
Everyone here is a pro and ace in life!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Communication Service Creation Day!
I wish you big bonuses
And less of everyday dirt.

You can't do without communication
And there are no criminals to be found.
Go ahead, try it, figure it out
Where can you find a lawless person?
The signalman will come to your aid,
His computer is smart
He will promptly make inquiries
After all, communication is his weapon.

On the Day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I wish you correct information and verified sources, absence of interruptions and interference, gallant activity and excellent work, good luck in business and true happiness in life.

Teletype and telegraph
Long forgotten, long ago
There is a computer, internet
You have it now, signalman.
The connection speed is impeccable,
Accurate information
Let the criminal not dream
Hide or hide.
I wish you, signalmen,
Gigabytes tons
And so that they fall more often
Stars on shoulder straps.

Today all signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The holiday is celebrated.
To you, worthy guys,
I wish you happiness.
Let your dreams come true
May you always be lucky in everything.
I wish you health
Never know adversity.

Today we congratulate you on professional holiday signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! From the moment of its creation to the present day, the service has come a long and difficult way and is currently equipped with all modern types communications, computers and computing technology. The work of all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on its smooth functioning. She makes a huge contribution to the fight against crime in the country. We wish all employees of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to work without interference, to use increasingly effective innovations in their work, coherence, clarity, mobility, and efficiency!

The communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has an important task -
Protect the safety of information everywhere,
Transmit it through all channels
In excellent pristine condition.
May everyone honor and love you on this holiday,
We sincerely wish you success in this difficult matter.

The communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created on this day,
We sincerely wish reliable communication to everyone.
Let everything strive for progress,
The quality of work is increasing
We wish you an interesting
You have work ahead of you.

On this holiday - the Day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - please accept sincere wishes in achieving positive results of official activity, successfully completing complex and responsible tasks to protect the interests of Russia, achieving your goals, optimism, happiness, health and well-being for you and your loved ones!

We congratulate all signalmen in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday and wish them long and easy service!

At the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
This is a great holiday.
This is a reason to spend
Corporate freelance.
I wish you great victories,
In the service of new achievements,
Good luck, joy in the family,
All the best and all kinds of achievements!

Communication service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Celebrating his birthday today.
I wish her to always be on top,
Doing your duty obediently.
I sincerely congratulate you,
You are a wonderful employee.
Let good luck and kindness surround you,
Let your world be clear.

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! Thank you for your competent professional work and dedication to your work. I wish you success, health, inexhaustible energy, happiness, prosperity, good luck, and achieving your goals.

Congratulations on the day of creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! We wish that communication channels are clean and transparent, so that there is no noise or interference. So that the information received is always correct and its sources verified. Attentiveness, insight and stability in all situations!

Today the signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The day the service was created.
Your work, my friends,
We all really need it.
You stand up for your Motherland.
Glory to the officers!
I wish you all good luck
Being targeted.

On the Day of Creation of the Communication Service
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
To you - the absence of opportunities,
Only happiness and strength!
Always be up to date with events -
It's easy with you,
Keep your finger on the pulse!
Peace and growth to you!

Any unit of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs transmits information via communication channels. Often it is especially important and secret. That's why important task This means protecting it from criminal attacks by encoding, archiving and setting passwords. It is the Russian signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who not only at world competitions repeatedly prove their professionalism in the field of accurate provision of information, but also in daily work, and also contribute to the fight against crime, to the maintenance of law and order and the development of the state, and this professional holiday is dedicated.

Who's celebrating

The day of creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 2020 is traditionally celebrated not only by signalmen, but also by all technical specialists who are related to this unit.

History of the holiday

On December 10, 1949, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union ratified Order No. 785 “On the organization of a commission for the acceptance of stationary structures of the Automatic Telephone Exchange of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.” This document became the starting point in the process of forming the communications service, and the day of its publication was subsequently chosen as the date of celebration. Over the next 50 years, individual groups were united into units, then into the Central Operational Communications Center, and later into the Main Center for Special and Operational Communications. And only in 1999, taking into account the need to disseminate traditions and experience, preserve history, this day was officially established.

About the profession

Many people believe that specialists from the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation only transmit and receive information while sitting at their workplace. Few people know that they also participate in military conflicts and maintain law and order in cities and villages. Their task is to organize communication channels in any conditions and accurately transmit the necessary information.

In addition to special technical education, they must know communication equipment and be interested in new developments in this area.

Before the date of December 10 was approved, signalmen of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs held celebrations on May 7, Radio Day.

Until 1957, the police did not have radio communications.

In 1964, the communications service was combined with forensics. Although this structure was considered a failure, it existed until September 1981.

In April 1962, the first departments, divisions, operational equipment and communications groups of no more than 12 people were created in the regional and republican Ministries of Internal Affairs. The staff was recruited from civilians and certified employees. These were mainly electromechanics and maintenance technicians for automatic telephone exchanges and radio equipment.

The means used in the work of the communications service are no secret to great circle persons All information is posted in the thematic collection “Communications and Automation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,” which consists of materials provided by the Ministry, as well as organizations supplying products for its needs.

Day of the Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

December 10th is the Day of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Voenpro has prepared detailed material on the history of signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the current state of the Communications Service in the Internal Affairs bodies.

History of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

On December 10, 1949, by decree of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed. Until this point, there was no actual coordination of the activities of different departments, which significantly reduced the efficiency of the police.

At first, employees were given the simplest means of communication, which had a limited range and were not highly reliable. But this was the first step towards the creation of modern law enforcement agencies.

Until 1957, the signalman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not have radio communications at his disposal. Therefore, it was very difficult to transmit information directly from the scene if there was no landline telephone. Only in the late 50s did operatives begin to be issued specialized technical means, with the help of which it was possible to call for reinforcements or inform the duty officer about an emergency situation.

In April 1962, security and communications groups of up to 12 people were created in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of all levels. They were recruited from employees familiar with radio engineering.

In 1964, an experiment was carried out to combine the communications service with the forensic department. It turned out to be unsuccessful, but lasted for 17 years and stopped only in 1981. The departments were again divided so that each structure could do its own thing and not be distracted by other tasks.

An important event was the creation of the Main Center for Special and Operational Communications under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. With its help, police officers were able to exchange information with colleagues from other cities. This opened up new opportunities, since many criminals committed their crimes far from their place of residence, which made searching for them much more difficult. Now it is possible to put them on the all-Union wanted list, so the detection rate of high-profile cases has increased significantly.

Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian Federation

With the liquidation of the Soviet Union, the communications service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs appeared. It became a direct successor to the union structure, but the most remarkable thing is that most of the former republics expressed a desire to maintain established cooperation, so that it was repeatedly possible to catch criminals thanks to messages from colleagues from the neighboring country. A common database was also created, which included all the most dangerous criminals of the USSR who could be located on the territory of one of the powers.

The Day of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was officially declared a holiday only in 1999, on December 10, exactly half a century after the creation of the structure. Since 2004, the department has been part of the structure of the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Signalmen are equipped with the most modern technical devices that allow them to work in any conditions, since the interaction of operational groups must be organized ideally for successful operations.

With the massive development of the Internet, there is a need to create new service police communications, which could process information, organize it and transmit it via the World Wide Web. Here it is much easier to notify all colleagues about important events, and the speed of information exchange will be higher.

What does the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do today?

Not everyone knows that there is such a holiday as the Day of the Signalman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many people associate this structure with the routine reception of calls in the department and their processing. But in fact, signalmen take part in operations, being responsible for coordinating all groups. They often have to go on business trips to the “hot” spots of the North Caucasus, as well as participate in police missions during counter-terrorism operations throughout the country.

The Communications Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs performs the following tasks:

  1. Planning and updating departmental communication systems in law enforcement agencies, introducing the latest technologies and maintaining high quality standards in accordance with global trends.
  2. Creating secure communication lines, blocking leaks of classified information, combating attempts to intercept signals from departmental frequencies and limiting access between different departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Coordinating the activities of all law enforcement agencies, establishing effective interaction between them, building an extensive network of stronghold communication points throughout the country for the most efficient exchange of information.

Today, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes several dozen units, between which it is necessary to establish trouble-free interaction. Only through joint efforts can they protect the peace of ordinary citizens. And the signalmen have the task of providing them with convenient channels for exchanging information so that attackers have no chance of success and always lose in a confrontation with the security forces.

How do signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrate the holiday?

On the Day of the Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, employees are presented with departmental and state awards, diplomas and certificates, and cash bonuses. Also under holiday date orders arrive to confer new military ranks. There are words of congratulations from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government officials.

On special occasions, special awards are issued, for example, the award badge “Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 60 Years.”

You can buy it at Voentpro Voentorg along with other branded accessories. To congratulate loved ones, you should always prepare gifts not only for family celebrations, but also for professional holidays. Police service is hard work, so it is always nice to receive gifts for it.

The sign “Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” has several different designs, so Voenpro will help collectors of departmental awards replenish their arsenal. All presented options are made in exact accordance with the originals, so visually they will not differ from real awards.

The “Ministry of Internal Affairs Communications Service” medal is also available for purchase at Voenpro. It is sold together with a block decorated with the department's signature colors. A special alloy is used for manufacturing, which does not lose its properties over time and does not oxidize, so the award will always look like new.

You can leave your feedback about the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or congratulate its representatives on their professional holiday using the comment form on the website.

On December 10, the Day of Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually. The date was approved in August 1999 by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 590. At that time, the communications service had already existed for almost half a century (since December 10, 1949).

The division went through a difficult development. At first these were disparate groups equipped with the simplest equipment. Later, the Main Center for Special and Operational Communications of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was organized. Now one of the most important departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has computers and modern technical equipment at its disposal. The process of exchanging operational information has been significantly simplified. This means that law enforcement has become more effective.

Professional holiday
Not simple - original:
Communication services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
We celebrate this day:
And, of course, congratulations,
And we wish all signalmen:
So that the air is always clean,
So that there is less work,
Communication, at times, did not fail,
Even though the sound is from afar...
And the salary is high!

On the Day of Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - we congratulate all signalmen,
And also all the technical specialists with her,
So that the connection is good in any conditions
And in the city, and in the field, and in military conflicts.

Efficiency of communication and accuracy of information -
The success of the operation sometimes depends on them,
And if someone suddenly encroaches on secrets,
Protecting information is a common job.

At the signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
This is a great holiday.
This is a reason to spend
Sabantuy freelance.

I wish everyone happiness
Interesting service
Let from relatives and friends
The house will be crowded.

Happy Day of Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
We congratulate the employees,
Their work is always important
We respect their work very much.
We wish them great victories,
In the service of new achievements,
Good luck, joy in the family,
All the best and all kinds of achievements!

On this day a service was created
Communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
All Russia congratulates,
Lucky our country!

Vigilance and success,
I hasten to wish you, friends,
I wish you success and health,
Prosperity and goodness!

All signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The holiday is celebrated.
To you, worthy guys,
I wish you happiness.

Let your dreams come true
May you always be lucky in everything.
I wish you health
Never know adversity.

Communication service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Celebrating his birthday today.
I wish her to always be on top,
Doing your duty obediently.

I sincerely congratulate you,
You are a wonderful employee.
Let good luck and kindness surround you,
Let your world be clear.

On the Day of Creation of the Communication Service
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
To you - the absence of opportunities,
Only happiness and strength!

Always be up to date with events -
It's easy with you,
Keep your finger on the pulse!
Peace and growth to you!