P. Obraztsov

In a white coat
I'm by the bed.
I can't sleep:
The doll is sick.
Lina has a cough
There is a wheeze in the throat.
Maybe a sore throat?
Maybe the flu?
Tea with raspberries
I sing to the doll.
I'll cure Lina
My doll.

Who to be


V. Mayakovsky

Good for an engineer
and to the doctor -
I would go treat the children
let them teach me.
I'll come to Petya,
I'll come to Pole.
- Hello, children!
Who is sick with you?
How do you live?
How's your tummy? -
I'll take a look
from glasses
the tips of the tongues.
- Place this thermometer
under the arm, kids.-
And the children put it joyfully
thermometer under the armpits.
- You should
Very good
swallow the powder
and potion
drink a little.

To you
go to bed
I wish I could sleep
to you -
compress on the stomach
and then
you have
before the wedding
everything will heal, of course.


S. Mikhalkov

I look sad -
My head hurts in the morning
I'm sneezing, I'm hoarse.
What's happened?
It's the flu!
Not a ruddy mushroom
in the forest,
That's a nasty flu
in the nose!

In five minutes they stripped me,
Everyone around began to feel sorry.
I'm lying in my bed -
I'm supposed to be sick.

The temperature has risen.
I lie and do not complain -
I drink salty medicine,
I gargle with sour.

They put mustard plaster on my chest,
They say: “Be patient, excellent student!”
After the cans on the sides
Leather in blue nickels.

Antoshka the cat jumped from the window
On the bed in one jump.
- If you want, I’ll tell you, Antoshka,
Shall I fill my nose with powder?

Antoshka the cat arched his back
And he purrs in response:
"Resort to penicillin?

To me? To the cat? Since such and such years?!"

I don't mind the cat -
It's no use objecting
I'm lying there, thinking
How long do I have to lie there?

I lie for a day, I lie for the second,
Third - I don’t go to school.
And they don’t let friends in, -
They say that I will infect!..

Eh, I wish I could get up now
And enter the fourth grade:
"Zoya Pavlovna, answer,
What's new with you?
Zoya Pavlovna, answer!..”
Zoya Pavlovna is silent...

I'm flying to Mars in a rocket...
The bear is growling at me...

How are you, restless?
How's your health? Are you sleeping, patient? -
This is the treating, regional
The doctor leaned over me

White and black robes


E. Asadov

If only all the professions in the world
Suddenly pile up like a mountain on the planet,
That's probably at its top
The word would flash: “Medicine.”

For almost since the Stone Age
There was no more honorable fate
What to fight in the flames of struggle
For saving a person's life.

Give everything to overcome the disease!
The goal is holy. But the holiness of this thought
Requires extremely clean hands
Both literally and figuratively.

That's why many years ago
In fidelity to calling and honor
In the bright hour with students together
The great Hippocrates swore.

And now solemnly and sacredly,
Honest hearts are warm,
The same proud Hippocratic oath
To serve people like soldiers,
New doctors are sworn in.

Mom doctor

Galina Turchina

Our mother is the best doctor -
He treats small children.
If anyone is sick,
Then he comes to visit her.

Mom will look at the neck,
He can look into your eyes,
And a secret in your ear
Maybe whisper something.

Lubricates your bruised knees, -
There is no harm from greenery
If necessary, he will inject,
It will hurt... sometimes.

Gives sweet pills
And cough syrup
You come today -
There will be apple pie!

Poems - riddles for kids

Evgenia Urusova
If your tooth hurts again
Or did you start limping?
Don't worry, don't scream
They will cure you...

Lyudmila Gromova 1

(From the series “For Kids about Professions.” Recommended illustrations are indicated in brackets.)

1. (The girl plays doctor with toys. Mom sits next to her and helps “treat” the animals.)

Masha and mom are so similar:
Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.
Smears iodine on the bear's ears,
And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,
Treats a baby fox's neck.
But not bears and bunnies.
Mom treats, and the boys.

2. (A doctor in a white coat washes his hands under the tap in his office. Someone looks into the slightly open door.)

Doctor-mom to work
Comes running very early
Puts on his robe
He calls the guys into the office.

3. (In the doctor’s office, a baby is laughing in the mother’s arms.)

The little one laughs loudly
A toothless mouth up to the ears.
- Everything is fine with the child,
Let him grow up healthy!

4. (The doctor looks at the boy’s throat.)

The doctor looks at Sasha’s throat:
- How are you, my friend, ours?..
Well done, your sore throat is gone!
Drink raspberry tea more often.

Tanya is crying, covered in greenery -
I tried to scratch the rash.
- Yes, the girl has chickenpox,
Everything will be over in five days!

6. (It’s raining, under an umbrella the doctor is in a hurry to attend a call.)

In slush, snow, heat and cold,
Like Doctor Aibolit,
Through the whole huge city
The doctor on call is in a hurry.

7. (A seriously ill child is lying in bed. The doctor is talking to one of the adults.)

The temperature has risen
The child has a wheeze in his throat.
- You need injections and medicine
I'll write it down, it looks like the flu.

8. (Mom is resting after a stressful working day. Masha either sets the table for dinner or sits next to her, hugging her mother. In the background there is a bandaged bunny, a bear with a thermometer, etc.)

Here, the working day is over,
And the mother returned home.
Mom is very tired
Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest
Let him lie down and rest,
Well, Mashenka gives her dinner
He will serve it and take it away.


Natalie Samoniy

The best doctor -
Mom is a doctor.
If it cures,
Don't you cry:

Won't deliver
Terrible torment
Syringe of the most
Good hands!

Doctors... Counting book

Natalie Samoniy

We will count the doctors.

The first doctor is an OCULIST,
An expert by the eyes.

Doctor, dear to my heart -
CARDIOLOGIST, he is the second.

The third doctor is a speech therapist,
He is a sound wizard.

The fourth doctor is a DENTIST,
It is dear to teeth and gums.

Children's doctor, pediatrician,
He will be the fifth in a row.

One, two, three, four, five -
It's better for us not to know about the disease
Drive away all illnesses...
Those who are not sick - catch up!


Raisa Drygailo-Popova

He treats adults and children
For flu, runny nose and fever.
Saves the lives of all people
Both young and old.

He puts the thermometer under his arm,
To find out the temperature.
And the boys listen to their backs,
He is kind, but a little gloomy.

Are you sick? So what then?
They will help you, don't cry.
Always with ambulance
A doctor will come to your aid.


Tamara Yevlash

The doctor stands on guard
Our health.
If you want
Become a doctor then.
You need
Good to study.
Be soul and heart
Always clean.
To be sure
You loved people
Remembering only one thing
You are a friend to everyone, and
Save them from trouble
You are always ready.
You can even go to space
Fly as a doctor.


Tatyana Pogorelova

I am a doctor, I treat sick people.
Are you sick?
I'll prescribe you some medicine in no time
From measles and laziness.
I will cure the stomach of the sick,
Pass all the tests,
For you - a medicine,
And for you - sports.
And don't get sick anymore.

Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and lorists,
We sing glory to the whole choir.
Even if someone is healthy,
Life started with doctors!
Their caring hands
Eased mothers' pains,
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold,
Catch bronchitis or flu
- We’ll remember them right away!
Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and brave
How they will be covered with attention,
To improve the condition,
How to fight for people's lives,
They forget about theirs.
Took the Hippocratic oath
They are faithful to her in their work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow deeply to you.

Doctors help
Both adults and children,
Like the kindest
People in the world.
Doctors make it easier
Suffering all around.
"Thank you" for this
Tell them my friend!

If something hurts,
The feeling of fear has overcome
Be strong in your soul, don’t cry:
A doctor will help you with this matter.

There are many different professions in the world,
And people need them all,
From the simplest to the most important,
All of them are important in life.
For example, the profession of a doctor.
How did people live in the world without her?
Doctors are needed everywhere and always,
So that children grow up healthy.
The doctor will carefully examine everyone and find out
What hurts and where?
Well, then he will make a diagnosis
And only then will he begin to treat.
A doctor is always needed, needed everywhere,
To live peacefully on Earth

There is hardly a profession in the world
Which would be more important
How is it useful for other people?
The work of experienced doctors.
Their fate is pain and suffering,
The cruelty of death and illness.
Giving people health,
What is more important for them is now and here.

White robe,
studying look:
- Are there any complaints?
Come in a row!

If your cheeks burn
Suddenly stronger than the kumach,
If there is a cough, call
Everyone, see a doctor immediately.

He will prescribe pills for us,
These herbs, those herbs,
So that we wake up tomorrow
Immediately healthier for everyone.

Well, if necessary -
He'll give you an injection right away.
So that soon with a friendly team
We played football again.

We go to different doctors -
This is what it hurts to look at:
The therapist finds the “pig”
The dentist drills a tooth.

At any hour of the day or night
He will help us, friends,
And of all other professions
I choose this one!

What Doctor Lola likes to do
Vaccinations and injections for everyone,
And, saying “A-ah!” sing,
Look at the throat with a stick,
Place a thermometer under your arm,
Listen to the shortness of breath with a tube,
And in a special notebook
Write all the details.
For both boys and girls
Apply brilliant green to abrasions,
Bandage hands and feet
And stamp recipes.

If suddenly illness happens,
You need to see a doctor for treatment!
Let's go to the clinic
See a therapist.

June. The heat reigns in the wards.
Clothes stick like tar
And you - in shoe covers, in two dressing gowns
You are standing at a white table.

You heal a bundle of pain with blood:
There are arrows along the nerves, trembling in the body.
And you, leaning towards the headboard,
You will either regret it or scold it.

A healing word or an injection
Will you help me overcome the pain?
And more and more often he turns to validol:
That's why the heart hurts,

To suffer from someone else's illness all my life,
And so as not to harden your soul...
Sometimes it’s not easy for a surgeon
Use yourself like a scalpel.

On to the injections! On to the injections!
Get ready, kids!
Don't be afraid! I don't hurt -
After all, I am a good doctor.

Lift up your shirts
I'll listen to the belly.
Oh-oh-oh! Something is rumbling there
Drink compote immediately.

Here's a thermometer for your mouse,
Sit for five minutes.
I'll rub you with the best ointment
I'll put a tourniquet on my arm.

Maybe I can supply you with cans?
I can - believe it or not.
And I'll measure the pressure,
You lie down on the bed.

I'll write you a recipe,
Buy everything using it.
I'll take care of the kids
Because I love them.

The boy Shura caught a cold.
The temperature has risen.
He doesn't look good...
And the doctor rushes to help.
To relieve fever
The doctor will prescribe a medicine.
He will smile: “Be healthy!”
We can't live without doctors!
I'm telling you seriously:
- Honor and glory to the doctors!

You took the Hippocratic oath,
For an endless glorious battle,
And your promise is sacred -
Fight against any disease.

Ready to help everyone,
Giving a piece of soul.
And, despite the speed of life,
Your hearts always burn.

To others you give only faith,
Instilling vigor in the body and spirit.
And it seems victory beckons,
Under the strength of your fragile hands

Thank you for your sensitivity and care,
For your restless and necessary work.
Your sincerity is transmitted to us,
Thank you for making our heart beat.
Always respond to pain
Go into everything in detail,
You will find an approach to everyone,
Inspect, check
And to a very important matter
Trust your hearts.
Thank you very much,
You are very modest in life,
Health and happiness to you
And never know bad weather.

You give health to your patients,
After all, there are no people who are not sick at all.
With medicine or with a sharp instrument,
You are fighting for life on the entire Earth.
Thank you for everything - saving people,
For hard work always with help.
Let the inspiration never leave you
And trouble will not come knocking on your door!

The school doctor has a responsible job,
And every student is surrounded by attention.
Your duty is patience and care,
And only in the summer does the “off season” begin.

Staying true to the Hippocratic oath,
You fight with pain and suffering,
Know: your patients believe sacredly
That you can cope with the disease, anyone
You are always ready to help everyone,
And you carry a charge of vivacity with you,
Sometimes just treat with a kind word,
And people thank you for this!

Professions are more needed
We just can't find it!
May the road be difficult
But you are given by God
Treat and heal!
So what do you wish?
Let it only bring you friendship,
Good luck to everyone now
And with gratitude let it through the door
The sick are knocking on your door!
And let them say “thank you.”
And you will always be glad to see them.
And with arrangement, effectively
We wish, without a doubt,
Mood for work,
And a new zeal for work,
For whom - an increase in salary,
Who needs a promotion!
Create, heal and heal!

A male doctor, like a man of mystery,
The profession is shrouded in dreams,
We wish you to live easily and eat sweetly,
And enjoy female beauty.

Life is difficult in general
But I know I will always come to you
People in white will come to the rescue -
Messengers of God on Earth!

And this meeting will help me
Forget despair in the night...
They look like angels -
Doctors dressed in white!

And new doors will open,
And they will show us a new path.
And all that remains is to believe,
And trust your doctors!

When the result is clearer and closer,
And my heart is on fire,
Our lives are being extended
Messengers of God on Earth.

... And even though you barely know each other -
They are the beginning of all beginnings!
And sometimes you don’t even know -
What is the doctor's name...

Death of a doctor

In a remote area
Where the world ends
On the steppe stretch
The foreman was dying.
Is my heart tired?
Was it the sun that burned it,
Only the strength is gone
Return to the village.
And the peasants were confused:
Everyone truly knew
That the doctor is unconscious
At this time I was lying down.
It had to happen
What's wrong
He, forgetting about the hospital,
He himself was delirious.
And yet, in the village
The horseman flew off.
And the eyelashes are languid
The doctor raised the patient.
And under drops of sweat,
Through darkness and delirium,
There's something smart about him
It trembled in response.
And hesitantly to the car
He went, dark-faced,
And into a silent body
Injected a life-saving syringe
And in the steppe, at sunset,
Surrounded by a crowd
Collapsed in a white robe
This old hero.
Human power
There is no limit:
He, even standing in the grave,
I did what I wanted.

Poems about a doctor, doctor
Glory, glory to the doctors, Nurses, paramedics, All the nurses, ophthalmologists, Obstetricians, prosthetists, Dentists and ENT specialists, We sing Glory to the whole choir. Even if someone is healthy, Life began with the doctors! Their caring hands Eased the pain of mothers, So that we could be born. God forbid us

Source: chto-takoe-lyubov.net

Poems about pediatricians, children's doctors

Everyone needs pediatricians
Pediatricians are so important
If it were not in the world,
If only the kids would get sick!
The pediatrician treats children
Helps them with everything
And the injection can do
And solve the problem with sleep.
And it will instantly get rid of the rash,
He will give his mother practical advice,
The pediatrician already knows everything
And he is none the wiser!

A pediatrician is a special doctor,
Everyone knows it
We give him our children
We confidently trust.
Without a trace you yourself
Dedicated to children
Heaven has talent for you
They were given a special award.

Thanks to the pediatricians for their work,
There are no days off for them
And in snow, and in rain, and in any weather
You are in a hurry to save sick children.
How often, looking at the suffering of children,
Do you want to ease their suffering?
With kind words and even without pills
You could heal with your kindness.

The pediatrician helps our children,
Saves them from illnesses and relapses,
God gave him talent and strength,
To save children from trouble.

We can live without the theater,
Without a museum and cinema,
But to live without a pediatrician
Children simply cannot.

He loves his job
Helps from the heart.
That's why I'm eager to come to him
The kids come running.

To frolic like a kitten,
And he beamed with a smile -
The child must be healthy
And not sad or lethargic.
If you suddenly get a stomach ache
Or if the forehead is hot -
He rushes to help with all his strength,
Pediatrician - pediatrician.

With kindness, love and care
You communicate easily with children.
You are a pediatrician, your job
Like your own unwritten law.

Cough and runny nose are not a problem, hurry to the pediatrician,
Feel free to contact your doctor and report your cold.
That's why a pediatrician is needed, to help children,
And from the tenacious clutches of disease, snatch their health.

Children's doctor is a profession from God,
After all, it was given to him to have a presentiment and to know,
And confidently go your way,
Show mercy, patience and compassion.

He is the heir to the craft, past traditions,
A reflection of spiritual purity.
A pediatrician is a measure of eternal principles,
A bright symbol of humanism and kindness.

Pediatrician is a gift from heaven, destiny, calling
With a string of sleepless nights, years,
With endless anxious expectations,
Quiet joy from small victories.

He is timeless, he is a pro beyond fatigue,
Healing, he firmly believes in success.
There is no better gratitude in the world for a doctor,
Than children's smiles and children's laughter!

Who is the kindest doctor in the world?
Of course, this is a pediatrician,
He will always examine the child
And he will tell the baby “Don’t cry!”

There is no more important profession
How to treat sick children.
He is both a doctor and a teacher,
For parents he is God!

As soon as the baby is born -
His pediatrician is waiting...
So that the little one lives long and without troubles,
He immediately watches the child,

Head circumference, chest,
And weight, and height, joints, umbilical cord
The doctor will measure and write a note,
Have a clear picture of everything...

The baby needs attention
After all, there is nothing more expensive in the world!
And the pediatrician does his best
He will make sure everything is good!

Ultrasound, tests, massage, vaccinations -
The pediatrician will prescribe everything on time,
He will avoid even a small mistake,
Will solve many problems easily...

The pediatrician is kind and pleasant -
With children it’s simply impossible to do otherwise,
He understands the format of communication with children,
And children are his best friends...

The main happiness in the world is
These are healthy children.
The pediatrician helps
It saves the children's health.
How difficult it is for you,
But our Aibolit manages
Home to a sick child
Always and in any weather.

A crisply starched robe,
and a cap like a white cap.
From under thick eyebrows a sly look,
and a light leisurely gait.
He is a pediatrician, or more simply, a pediatrician,
that he has been dedicated to his work for many years.
Smiles, children's laughter - not moaning or crying -
him a reward. Only you will understand?
Sometimes the disease outlines its circle,
and the measures seem hopeless.
But to break - not immediately and not suddenly -
it is possible through experience and faith!
The warmth of large and very sensitive hands
it opens the door to the world of health.
The phonendoscope catches every sound -
What does a sick heart mean?
what's wheezing in the baby's chest?
and makes it difficult to breathe evenly,
and doesn’t allow you to breathe deeply...
Sometimes the question is beyond comprehension.
The doctor accepts the challenge - fight, fight!
The disease is insidious. But life is also priceless.
He is a children's doctor with an enviable destiny.
But, by the way, he is an ordinary person.

If a child gets sick,
Then the parents don't sleep,
Urgently, taking it out of the diapers,
They'll rush to the pediatrician.
You are always able to help
Provide in a short time,
Early morning, afternoon and midnight
Are you ready to help!

My dear neopathologist-pediatrician.
You are a reformer of children's lives.
You visit me often
And you determine the path forward for me.

To avoid painful misfortune,
Doctor Vodyaga S. is essentially in my power.
My parents will show him cordiality,
For his kindness that he expresses towards children.

The memory of childhood lives in us until death.
This time is happier than others.
Who was there during those whirlwind days?
We remember them all our lives.
Who met us in the maternity ward,
who was the first to console us: don’t cry! -
This man in a white coat
the best pediatrician for us!
In our memory at 20 and at 40
The children's doctor remains forever,
The child lives in us and is dear to him
the one from childhood, a dear person!
Pediatrician - profession strong people
It’s not easy, it’s not easy to treat children!
I love them, I fly, I watch,
I help them live and grow,
I bring light to this world of children's joy,
and I think that better profession- No!

Dear Doctor Aibolit,
He will rush to help the children.
And tirelessly
Will cure any ailment.
The pediatrician is a powerful doctor,
He will disperse the clouds with his hand,
The baby will calm down in an instant,
And a smile will wash away your fears.

Most important, most expensive
Any mother's child!
But a child can get sick
Then fight the disease
The best pediatrician will help!
We want to wish you happiness,
May all be well!
Don't let yourself be discouraged!

I'm different and proud
From other fellow doctors!
That I am salvation
After all, I am a doctor for children!

If suddenly the baby gets sick,
With him we will defeat the disease!
In a moment we will overcome the disease,
Then we will confirm it in the certificate!

If your child is crying,
I missed school and kindergarten...
I'll prescribe him some medicine,
So that the cough goes away!

I'm proud of my calling
What can I do to help?
your children from illnesses,
I am capable of protecting!

We open our mouths,
We'll show you the neck...
Our tummies hurt -
We'll tell the pediatrician.
The good doctor will listen,
Prescribe pills
We go to the pediatrician
Often, not rarely.

You are the good doctor
What's sitting under the tree
And for the kids without hesitation
The teeth will speak in an instant.

And then he gives them cans
And he distributes pills
And they agree to everything
And they look with their mouths open.

Congratulations today
And I wish you all year round
Live like in a New Year's fairy tale,
And work without hassle.

And who in his life he was not,
And the Hulk and Spider-Man,
Played tag, hide and seek, lego,
Even though he was a doctor of sciences.

Everyone loved him like a friend
Like a friend who understood them,
And as an excellent surgeon,
That he saved their children’s lives.

He never refused
And I didn’t reject a single one,
Never asked for a reward:
“What do we owe you?” - "Nothing."

“But you saved our son!”
"I'm glad I helped you in some way."
“We are grateful, very much!”
“No need, it was my duty...”

He accompanied them from the hospital,
All those whom he treated there.
He ordered them all to study,
And let everyone be happy.

He lived in a two-room apartment,
Poor by fate, rich at heart.
Rich only in what they said:
“He’s a real children’s doctor!”

Who will be invited to the children?
What if you get sick?
Who will help relieve the disease,
To get better?
We call you pediatricians
Our Aibolitov.
We are looking forward to seeing you
For tonsillitis, bronchitis.

What is important in life, what is priceless in life,
What do we dedicate our business to?
Sometimes we are secretive, sometimes we are frank,
Sometimes we speak words from the heart.

I know that difficult things are difficult,
It’s not easy to fight for the happiness of children,
And the moment when childhood smiles at you,
Frank words become more important.

I don’t know everyone on the testing path,
which you had to go through,
There is no measure to measure the amount of your knowledge,
There is no measure of patience to bear all this.

You are an angel walking in a white robe,
What will the fluttering of a wing remind children of?
Your voice brings hope to the ward,
So that children's life new strength bloomed!

The baby’s finger hurts, and the mother’s heart hurts,
How I want to help the child.
The pediatrician can help the baby,
Your son or daughter will become healthy.
And I bow to you for your fate,
For saving children.
The cheerful eyes of children will tell about this,
How you saved the happiness of mothers.

Working with doctors is always difficult,
With a pediatrician, it’s twice as difficult!
Your profession is responsible, important -
Treat children for various diseases!

To small child
He was healthy from the cradle,
Pediatrician helps
Words and advice to mom.
And always his participation
Brings only happiness into life!

So that the baby sleeps peacefully,
I didn’t get sick or cry,
Mom and dad should know -
They need pediatricians.

And especially those children
That they live as if in hard times,
Those who are sick
Far from Love.

More important for parents
For a doctor to treat children,
So that there is no anxiety,
So that the doctor is from God.

He, after all, knows how to heal,
To remove all pain,
How children's souls are unsteady,
How to make them smile.

We really need a pediatrician
For those who are loaded with pain,
For those who are waiting for help at this hour...
He will save you from troubles more than once.

Our deepest bow to pediatricians
For their sincerity and desire to help
Any day, today or tomorrow,
Be it early in the morning or in the dead of night
Your golden hands will help the children
The calm smile of mothers will cheer up,
You save children's lives, dear ones,
God will bless you for your good deed.

When a child's cry is heard,
Everything will shrink in the soul like a ball,
Smile and hide your tears,
Because you are a children's doctor.

And everything personal away, away!
The little one needs help
We need to relieve the child’s pain,
And don’t forget to support your mother.

And although it is difficult at times
And your problems with your head
But sometimes about them at night,
But about them, returning home.

Now clench your fist -
After all, you can’t work somehow,
After all, there is pain in the child's eyes -
This is the main thing. That's the whole point.

How many people have you saved from death!
How much more is to come.
I wish you only good luck.
Be happy, pediatrician!

Who treats our children?
Does it contradict ailments?
If the kids don't sleep,
Everyone is rushing to the pediatrician.

The neck will always look
The body will be fully examined
The thetoscope will be taken out of the bag
The doctor will listen without error.

Then he will write out a prescription,
Only a pharmacist will understand it.
The child will become healthy
Smiles from diapers.

Identify by color and smell
Any product from babies
Only a pediatrician can do it!
He knows everything - from acute respiratory infections to lice.
And if you have a cough or bloating
It’s not yet clear why,
Run to the pediatrician quickly,
He will explain, he knows everything!

Fate cannot be called a profession:
It makes no difference - working day, free day...
In heat and cold, in wind and snowstorm
You will do your duty, humble pediatrician.
One for all - both joy and misfortune:
Teach, treat, save in heat and cold...
You must always come to the rescue -
The little patient needs you!
Let mother's eyes warm up.
Let the grateful tear involuntarily.
Let the baby's laughter and joy return!
And it will never hurt again!

A small child is rushing about in delirium.
A hot stove.
“Yesterday his felt boots got wet...
Doctors, we need doctors quickly!”

“Our Polya got sick too.
The girl's stomach hurts so bad!
Who will help our Polenka?”
- Wait. The doctor will come now.

Here the good doctor takes off his mittens,
looks affectionately: “Come on, open your mouth!”
Moms, dads, nannies are so tired!
When will the doctor rest?

He will return to the sick room,
hangs his tired head on his chest.
But the phone starts up as usual:
“We need a doctor!” And again there is no rest.

Dear pediatricians, thank you for your work,
For you, there are no days off.
And in the snow, and in the rain - in any weather,
You are going to save sick children!
You often see children without a mood,
And immediately rush to alleviate their suffering...
Good advice and even without pills,
You, with your kindness, could heal.

Children's eyes are looking at you
God created them with love.
But he asks, he asks now,
Help him gain strength.

Second night and fever
The boy cannot sleep quietly.
His crib is in the corner,
And the mother walks restlessly.

And all this time the pediatrician
He didn’t leave, he was next to him.
And extinguishing the flame of disease,
We protect you like a white angel.

Only you are worthy of respect,
Who does not spare himself and his strength.
The links of the steel chain will break,
When love pulls them down.

Many days have passed since that night,
Suddenly a man knocked on the door.
And bowing before her,
He showered the doctor with flowers!

You help kids
You save them from illnesses,
There is no more important profession
Than yours, doctor for children.
Moms will trust you
Little ones who are so stubborn
Those who do not want to be treated
And even more so, get vaccinated.

Please, people, let me in,
Rush quickly,
For life - give way,
To save children!

I pray to you, holy angels,
Open the way for the white guards!
Lead with golden hands,
Restore children's health.

Trouble comes to the house by chance,
When any of us is ready,
Desperately running for help
Bormo, I can’t connect the words.

You've seen a lot of grief
And they knew everything that was coming
There is a lot of pain in the hearts of the mighty,
But Childhood idolizes you!

God bless you, brave ones,
For your difficult deeds,
Let the robes be white
They are proud of the strength of their wings!

Angels of children fly,
On guard day and night,
Under the light of blue lanterns,
In the children's doctor's cars.

Fate brought everyone together.
We are different, but still,
Kids walking around apartments
Pediatricians have a hard time.

We stand guard over the city,
We protect our trembling childhood.
Children, dedicated their lives to them,
We know how much effort everything costs a doctor.

Early in the morning it's time for us -
There are house calls, you go actively,
After all, children often get sick,
And he’s already healthy, it’s amazing.

And our souls suffer, as always,
There are many obvious causes of illness.
Very polluted water
We feel bad for the food and air.

We suffer while encouraging mothers,
Whose child is not healthy.
Where can we get energy?
To lead your sick from the cradle.

In this shocking age,
We get difficult children.
And it’s difficult for a person to give birth,
And there are plenty of painful people in the world.

And when the kids get sick,
No one will even be surprised
How much soul trembling does it take?
From doctors who are on guard for children.

I am proud of my profession.
We respect everyone on the site.
Pediatrician, he is a blessing for families,
That they are now giving birth to their own children.

Let the stork carry us babies,
Made a happy acquaintance
May God give us more strength
Raise healthy offspring.

Poems about pediatricians, children's doctors
Everyone needs pediatricians, Pediatricians are so important, If it weren’t in the world, Then the kids would be sick! A pediatrician treats children, Helps them with everything, And can give an injection, And solve the problem with sleep. And will instantly get rid of rashes, Helpful for mom

Today we have collected poems about the most respected and responsible profession - the profession of a doctor. If you, dear reader, know any other poems about doctors, then we will be very grateful if you leave them in the comments at the bottom of this article. Thank you!

Grandmother doctor

And with grandma the doctor
I don't care about colds!
She tells me: “Baby,
You don't need pills.

No, I don't mind the pills
But for everyone, hardening is more important:
Sun, air and water
People are always needed!

Berries, fruits, vegetables
Eat more! And don’t get sick!”

Elena Panova-Sinchenko

I don't want to go to the hospital

The early morning greets
Us with the smile of dawn.
Mom's mug with warm tea
He puts it. -Daughter, are you dressed?

I'll pull on tights and a dress,
I'll braid my hair tightly.
I'll throw myself into my mother's arms,
Crying on the fly...

I don't want to go to the hospital!
-What are you doing, daughter, don’t cry.
(and you can see the sadness on their faces)…

I need it, daughter. You're a doctor!)))

Natalia Gross

Doctor - A man with a capital letter

People's rumors go around
That being a doctor is very difficult.
These are not just words.
The doctor is a man with a capital letter.

He must understand everything
Believe, sympathize, listen,
Remember, love, have compassion,
Saving body and soul.

Putting obstacles to fate,
He's at key moments
Doesn't think about himself
And about your patients.

He doesn't have days off:
And outside the hospital
The soul aches for the sick,
So much so that I can’t sleep at night.

And if in a whirlwind of vanities
The doctor was not smiling in the morning,
Remember, he is a man
Even with a capital letter.

Tatiana Kuznetsova


The doctor puts on a robe
he is very happy with the kids
treats children's teeth,
teaches dads and teaches moms:
“Take care of your child’s teeth,
you need to clean them in the morning
every day, without fail,
even if you are very lazy,
don't forget in the evening
the bed will wait until bed.
And sweets on an empty stomach
you can’t eat, that’s a sure sign
your teeth will hurt soon,
caries is black poison.
And once every six months
to the doctor for everyone to be shown,
avoid sad drama
I can do it children, fathers, mothers"

Gratitude and honor
Of course all doctors are waiting.
Every doctor is important in the world!
Does your tooth hurt? Go to the doctor, don't cry!

Vera Lukina

I'm afraid of doctors

I'm afraid of doctors, I'm afraid of doctors,
Blushing, I admit this.

I shout: “No need for vaccinations!”
And my mother said to me: “Take off your pants!”
And smiles at the doctor.
And I: “No, I don’t want!”

We came to the dentist for an appointment.
We are called, we get up.
The doctor comes out to meet us.
Where am I?
I don't know myself.

I'll cut my finger and keep quiet,
What if I go to the doctor again?
And if I get my feet wet,
I'd better swallow the pill.

Nothing can overcome my fear!
I just need to not get sick
Eat porridge with milk in the morning,
And make friends with the horizontal bar.

Then I will proudly tell you -
I don't go to doctors anymore!

Yulia Lesnaya

You are a doctor!

I want to tell you – you’re great!
Having achieved a lot, you are eager to win,
By fighting with yourself, you change the world
And you carry those who have fallen to death on a torpedo!

You are endowed with a sensitive soul,
You don't spare your back or your legs,
You know that not everyone is capable
Help in this way only you could.

You hold the again trembling pump
In your hands is our fragile channel of thought,
And you know how important it is not to get tired,
When you save someone's meaning in life!

You are a doctor! Be proud of this word!
You are a doctor, and therefore a judge.
And contrary to all legal laws
You make court decisions!

May God grant the doctor only prosperity!
The surgeon invests strength in hearts!
And so that conscience does not gnaw at the memory,
May God grant love to filled hearts!

Natalya Andrievskikh


(One day in the life of a doctor. From the series “For kids about professions.”)

Masha and mom are so similar:
Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.
Smears iodine on the bear's ears,
And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,
Treats a baby fox's neck.
But not bears and bunnies.
Mom treats, and the boys.

Doctor-mom to work
Comes running very early
Puts on his robe
He calls the guys into the office.

The little one laughs loudly
A toothless mouth up to the ears.
- Everything is fine with the child.
Let him grow up healthy!

The doctor looks at Sasha’s throat:
- How are you, my friend, ours?..
Well done, your sore throat is gone!
Drink raspberry tea more often.

Tanya is crying, covered in greenery -
I tried to scratch the rash.
- Yes, the girl has chickenpox,
Everything will be over in five days!

In slush, snow, heat and cold,
Like Doctor Aibolit,
Through the whole huge city
The doctor on call is in a hurry.

The temperature has risen
The child has a wheezing sound in his throat.
– You need injections and medicine
I'll write it down, it looks like the flu.

The working day is over,
And the mother returned home.
Mom is very tired
Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest
Let him lie down and rest.
Well, Masha is all for dinner
He will serve it and take it away.

There are two shortened versions of this poem:

Masha and mom

Masha and mom are so similar:
Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.
Smears iodine on the bear's ears,
And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,
Treats a baby fox's neck.
But not bears and bunnies.
Mom treats, and the boys.

Here, the working day is over,
And the mother returned home.
Mom is very tired
Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest
Let him lie down and rest,
Well, Mashenka gives her dinner
He will serve it and take it away.

Children's doctor

Children's doctor early in the morning
Puts on his robe
He washes his hands under the tap,
He calls the guys into the office.

And then in the heat and cold,
Like Doctor Aibolit,
Through the whole huge city
The doctor on call is in a hurry.

We are not afraid of flu, sore throat,
acute respiratory infections, chickenpox, measles,
Doctor - minister of medicine
Will conquer any illness!

Lyudmila Gromova

To a simple local doctor

There are many different professions in the world
Where every day feat can be achieved.
Today I dedicate these lines
To a simple local doctor!

Being a dentist is probably more prestigious.
I don’t want to offend ophthalmologists.
But the monument would be erected during his lifetime
A simple local doctor.

Simple and kind. In troubles, in worries
His working life flows quietly.
Sometimes he is harsh, he scolded someone.
But how many have he cured, and will still cure?

It's probably more respectable to be a surgeon.
I don’t want to offend neurologists.
But I walk to the reception with hope
To a simple local doctor!

Being a medical director is, of course, a calling.
About the main thing... I accidentally forgot!
And our chief recently bore the title
A simple local doctor.

District doctor! He doesn’t walk around as a hero,
And I’d better not say anything about the salary.....
But sometimes you have to bow
A simple local doctor.

Tamara Sashchenko

Katyusha is a doctor

Katyushka has a stern look.
- What do you have? Does your stomach hurt?
You should get some treatment
There is a hospital for this.
I'll prescribe you pills.
They are sweet like candy.
Our Katya will be a doctor.
Let's wish her luck.

Belousova Nadezhda Semenovna

Gratitude to doctors

Thank you for everything. for these hands!
For your talent, for your kindness and kindness!
You endure our whims, torment
Leaving home, rushing to trouble

I wish you great health and happiness!
More strong, sturdy patients
In your work, earthly blessings and inspiration
We thank you for everything, for everything!

And let there be very, very few of us
And less often, we will come to you
But the feeling of respect, over the years
The surgeon's work will increase!

We are afraid of getting sick and want to see you less often
Alas, this is how God created us people
Therefore, it’s really necessary - cut
But just collect it quickly

How we greet you and see you off
It is full of tears, hope and warmth
We are in your hands, we entrust our lives

The talent to save is not given to everyone by God.
There are no bad guys here, you can see the skill here
Once again, thank you very much
For grateful work that brings life and goodness!!!

Angela Taran

My mother is a doctor from God

My mother is a doctor from God!
People come to her every day
If an alarm comes to the house -
Then she will treat you

If you can't understand
What hurts and how to treat it
The blood runs cold in your veins from fear -
It's time for you to contact her!

My mom knows for sure
What to do, where to run
And according to the formula he calculates -
Do you need to worry?

She will tell everyone
What to check, what to drink
And the infection will order
Don't visit you again!

Mom is a doctor - not just a mom!
The best person in the world!
I will tell you without deception -
She doesn't need a file cabinet!

She remembers every pimple!
Who is vaccinated, who is not at all
The detective will envy her
And any sports committee!

And always not for the sake of money
Will give advice on how to be better
And with prayer, like a priest
Will treat day and night

If you got a mom
Doctor or medic like mine
No x-ray needed
She has a healthy family!

In return, give her more often
And care and flowers
She does brilliant work
Every moment of Beauty

Give her what she loves
Or take me to the sea
Let her be happier -
Don't object again

If you value mommy
Your life will be brighter
After all, you can’t replace her!
There is no relative to man!

Is she a doctor or a teacher?
Mathematician and poet
She is your Guardian Angel
Your highest immunity!

Yula Severina

I'll be a doctor

Why do doctors need good handwriting?
For them, the main thing is to treat!
So that the patient does not read their essay,
the diagnosis, you know, is better to hide...
I can’t make out any letters or words,
There's no point in even reading!

And it all starts at school!
Another child writes like this:
that the teacher is in shock,
can't make out words.
And the student is not concerned,
After all, he dreams of becoming a doctor!
Well, then why handwriting?
Like a doctor, he can write!!!

Zarina Morskaya

Dedicated to doctors

Your work is worthy of worship,
The desire to return to life
And the human body
An opportunity to bloom again.

People don't value virtue
And they understand only then
When trouble is at the door
And again we need help.

And here are caring hands
They will help you get out of trouble,
Will put you on your feet again
They will help you gain strength.

We bow our heads before you
For the difficult work that chose you,
May God be with you throughout life,
Good luck every time.

Treating people is not an easy task,
Not everyone can understand you
And you need to work with anyone,
Give a piece of yourself.

Whoever gives will return to him,
God has us all in sight
We will all leave, but we will remember
Great kindness from the heart.

We will remember in prayers,
Wishing you much good,
God chose you for this place,
Walk through life giving light.

Let the road be clear
And wisdom will be your crown,
And every day will be a joy for you
From the happiness of surviving hearts.

Vladimir Kokotin

Did you like poems about doctors? Be sure to share them with your friends on social networks or leave your comment.

Congratulations on the holiday
Strength and patience to you
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

Fewer patients
More kind words.
Let every health worker
Will always be healthy!

Good luck and luck,
And we wish you joy!
Happy Doctor's Day to you sincerely,

Medical worker
You'll recognize it by the eyes
With firm confidence,
Due to fatigue in the steps.

Even on holidays they don’t end
Streams of patients,
But congratulations
Happiness and joy to you in your days.

Positive attitude,
Clear actions, light hands,
And iron health -
For yourself and everyone around you.

The smartphone wheezes, it’s all engulfed in heat,
Which, however, is symptomatic on this day,
After all, so many patients are in a hurry to see you
Congratulate via SMS, call or in person

Happy Doctor's Day! Thankful words
And the oceans splash with wishes.
I'll add a drop - let love
Relieves your fatigue constantly,

Health will never fail you
And nerves are like iron ropes
Let them be strong and grow exponentially
For the noblest work the salary

Everything will always be fine in the family,
And your pulse quickens on your wrist
May fate have magic powder
From a bubble with a bright “Happiness” sticker!

Everyone who wears white robes,
Everyone who will explain everything to us about health,
Everyone who is often asked for help,
We congratulate you today with love!

Medical work is not easy, we know
And patients are sometimes difficult.
Doctors! We sincerely congratulate you!
Thank you for the golden hearts!

Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you all!
I wish you patience and health.
So that everything is calm at work,
And so that you are always paid adequately.

For giving good things to people,
Because you care.
For your priceless, glorious work
Our deep bow to the floor!

Your profession is sacred,
The most important and difficult.
You are not repairing a mechanism,
A complex human body.

To the joyful "Gaudeamus"
The hypothalamus will be healed,
Sore throat and measles will disappear
And all sorts of other illnesses.

Both internally and externally
Assign everything you need:
Pills, diets, regimen...
And we all value you.

Following in the footsteps of Avicenna,
Keep your experience invaluable.
We wish you strength and good luck
In solving difficult problems,

And only excellent practice,
And a successful personal life,
Pleasant events and words,
Health, prosperity, love!

All nurses, doctors, nurses
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you guys
Be good people.

Let people be grateful
And they know how much we need you.
Smile is a sweet pill
For the brain, heart and soul.

So that patients are grateful
And my colleagues treated me with respect,
Good health - this is always the main thing.
So that your heart beats wildly only from love.

Happy Doctor's Day, please accept
Congratulations from the heart,
Our lives depend
From your decision.

Health to you, patience,
And happiness in personal life,
Do your job
Only “excellent”.

I wish you happiness and joy,
Our doctors, today is your day!
Let everything you dreamed of come true,
Let happiness drive away the sad shadow.

In a big heart there is a place for care,
Your soul is like a ray of light.
I wish you success in your work,
Good luck, luck and a lot of goodness!