
Start: 14.00

Compiled by: A.I. Kuragina

An hour before the start of the event, New Year and Christmas songs are played in the foyer and on the street. There are exhibitions in the lobby.

The curtain is closed

In the auditorium and on the stage the lights go out completely, music sounds and words against it, at the same time the curtain opens:

Scattered in the background and in front are children with candles (battery-powered candles), who make certain movements throughout the prologue. On the backdrop there is an arch framed by spruce branches, in it you can see the silhouette of a sitting woman in a half-turn. All participants are dressed in white clothes.

And there was a miracle on earth, and there was a miracle in heaven:

Like the sun, a star flashed in the rays of the midnight darkness.

A luminous star is projected onto the backdrop.

Those were the times of miracles, the words of the prophet came true;

Angels descended from heaven, a star rolled from the east;

The world awaited redemption - and in the poor manger of Bethlehem

There's the faint bleating of a sheep, followed by the cry of a child.

To the song of praise of Eden, the wondrous Child shone forth!

The melody fades away and begins again, the woman gets up beautifully and comes out, holding her in her arms like a baby. white fabric, makes several movements, comes back, makes a turn inside the arch and a boy appears in front of her. Coming out of the arch a little, she pushes the boy forward, but she herself remains in place, waiting for his return. Returning after an impromptu walk, they again hide for a moment in the arch. Children with candles make movements, at this time a girl who came out of the arch merges with him. After a couple of seconds, a young guy comes out of the arch, walks across the entire stage, stands in the designated place and freezes in a certain position.

The introduction (1) to the song “Christmas” by E. Nedorubov begins to sound.

The young man sits down, and the children sit opposite him (some sit on their knees, some just stand). At the first chorus, everyone stands up one by one, makes a few final movements and leaves behind the young man. At the end of the song you can let it snow a little.

The New Year's melody sounds and the presenters come out.

The light on the stage increases, but not completely.

1: Good evening!

2: Good evening, dear friends! The new year 2016 has come, and with it the purest, most beautiful, brightest and great holiday Christmas!

1: The joyful thing is that Christ is near us - he is in every heart, in every home, and gives us strength, faith, and love.

2: Happy holiday to you! Happy New Year …

1: ... and Merry Christmas!

A short pause for possible applause, the music becomes louder

The light is added completely.

1: According to good tradition, sum up last year, make plans for the next year, congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2016 and Merry Christmas!

The rector of the church in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the miracle worker, Archpriest Nicholas, congratulates you on the holiday.

Solemn music sounds.


Against the background of a modern New Year's melody, voices can be heard behind the stage, in a half-whisper, as expected during a concert.

Interlocutor: Excuse me, where are you going?

Ogurtsov: There!

Interlocutor: You can’t go there, the Christmas concert has started there.

The last phrases of both are heard through clenched teeth. The sounds of a soft struggle can be heard.

Yes, you can’t, I say, go there...

Ogurtsov: What is this...

Ogurtsov comes out of the arch, culturally waving his manuscripts at the hands clinging to his suit. His face changes and he walks importantly to the microphone, straightening his jacket. Almost immediately after him, the presenters come out of the last wings with folders, look at each other, make blank looks, shrug their shoulders, then, against the backdrop of underlined words, they begin to have a conversation with each other.

OGURTSOV: Hello comrades! I heard that I was given the floor..., sorry..., I was delayed.

He looks angrily back to where he came from.

I came to you not empty-handed, as you see, but with a report. Please pay attention!

Getting ready to read, putting on glasses.

He listens, takes off his glasses, and makes a dissatisfied face.

What is that strange melody that sounds?

Turns to the sound engineer.

Comrade sound engineer, change the melody immediately.

The soundtrack of the song “Five Minutes” plays in the background.

This is another matter!

And so, all last year, right up to this Christmas, we followed a difficult, unbeaten road, were not afraid of difficulties, you know, we worked, studied, our motto in the year of the goat was simply like a challenge: “No matter how many horns we make, we lived cheerfully and culturedly with you!” Why is there noise in the hall?

Conversation against the backdrop of underlined words:

2: I don’t understand anything, where did he come from?

1: You know, he somehow reminds me of Comrade Ogurtsov from the film “Carnival Night”.

2: It can't be!

Surprised extras (several concert participants) begin to approach the presenters.

Extra: He speaks quite quickly. How could he! After all, 2016 has been declared the year of Russian cinema. And for the film “Carnival Night” it became an anniversary. He turns exactly 60 years old. Here is your explanation about the appearance of Comrade Ogurtsov.

The underlined word should be heard against the background of Ogurtsov’s question.

The presenters, one after another, run up to Ogurtsov.

1: Comrade Ogurtsov, we are having a festive Christmas concert...

The surprised extras shrug their shoulders and disperse.

OGURTSOV: What concert, where is your pass to the stage, (says to the second) where is the program of your concert?

The 2nd presenter takes him by the arms, speaks in a soothing voice, and takes him backstage.

2: Comrade Ogurtsov, we have a program, let’s go backstage, there we will explain everything to you.

The first presenter walks behind them, then turns to the audience and speaks in a satisfied, mysterious voice.

1: In the meantime, Christmas troubles are on stage! Leaves.

(2) “The holiday is coming to us”

(3) "Forget-me-nots"

(4) Shirshova N. “Dream”

Ogurtsov and the presenters run out behind him.

OGURTSOV: That's what you're explaining to me? Instead of listening to a report on the topic “Prospects for the development of the culture of the region... do you understand here...

(an ensemble of spooners begins to emerge) ... and what else is this?

2: Comrade Ogurtsov, this is the presidium of the ceremonial meeting.

OGURTSOV: Why was he so late, why in folk costumes? Come out quickly, comrades.

The presenter shrugs. Ogurtsov begins to read.

So, chapter one - “analysis of achievements”, my insinuating and inquisitive mind made the main conclusion, everything is fine, comrades. Life has become more joyful and fun...

2: ...Or maybe we’ll spice up your report with music..., songs..., well, dancing?

Ogurtsov first thinks, then looks suspiciously, then agrees.

OGURTSOV: This is a constructive proposal! Do you have anything serious, cultural, touching the delicate strings of the people?

2: Of course there is, because we live in a cultural area.

(5) Choir of the RDK “Love rolled in like a wave”

Exit of the 2nd leader for Ogurtsov.

The choir member lingers, realizes that something is wrong, goes backstage, returns again and does the following: attracts the attention of the second leader, points to the container and gestures that she needs to cover her nose.

OGURTSOV: This is real art! I told you everything is fine! The instruments are tuned, the button accordions are not torn, although there were plenty of reasons for this. As for our youth and children, they continue to absorb culture like sponges. In the coming years we will deepen and strengthen this, because we, comrades, are moving in the right direction.

He folds the report and puts it in the inner pocket of his jacket.

A choir member blows on a jar.

2: Fans Ogurtsov with his hands. Christmas songs and dances!

OGURTSOV: Where is the water? Continues to cough.

2: There! He points towards the wings and pushes Ogurtsov there.

The choir member remains on stage, watching them leave, and a clown runs up to him...

CLOWN: Well, what happened?

Choir member: Still peering into the wings... I guess not.

Turning to the clown... Ah-ah-ah (inhaling), listen, all hope is in you, make the report disappear! A?

The clown shows with a gesture that everything will be done like a clown

goes backstage, followed by a member of the choir.

(6) Semyonova K. “Just don’t lose heart”

(7) Arina “At Christmas”

(8) Bezrukova I. “White Snow”

(9) Nedorubova E. Sorokin Y. “Blizzard”

(10) “Constellation” art. gr. "New Music"

Ogurtsov and others come out of the second curtain.

OGURTSOV: Well, what kind of repertoire, what kind of outfits, this smacks of dissidence, why are there no staged songs, poems, no traditional Christmas greetings, and in general, where is my report?

He puts his hand into his inner pocket and takes out many multi-colored handkerchiefs tied together.

HOSTS: - No, you understand everything wrong!

I think you're just in a bad mood!

He puts his hands in his pockets, pulls out streamers from one and confetti from another.

OGURTSOV: What kind of mood can there be when everything is not going as it should be?

there are no high feelings, there is no holiday and there is no report. The report I suffered through is gone, the masterpiece is gone! Listen, this is simply outrageous! This is a provocation, comrades, remember the faces of these criminals who are preventing culture from reaching the masses.

1: Well, let's look behind the scenes together.

2: Let's look!

They calm him down, stroke his arms and shoulders, and again try to take him backstage.

OGURTSOV: Let's go without it?! And I ask you not to touch me with your hands! What's on your program there?

1: There is a wonderful number, girls dance it!

OGURTSOV: Who are they, why don’t I know?

2: They are so young, beautiful...

OGURTSOV: Are they Komsomol members? Athletes? Activists? Do they have the characteristic...?

1 and 2 together: Interrupt. Of course there is! Everything is there!

OGURTSOV: Okay, let the girls in.

(11) “Fantasy” “Winter Fun”

Ogurtsov comes out to the children during the last movements. They surround him, and from behind the scenes everyone gives signs for them to take him backstage.

OGURTSOV: Well, that’s another matter! Now I am completely calm for you and your fate, but the height of your raised legs, the amplitude of your movements - this is a reason for constructive criticism.

The words written below sound muffled from behind the scenes.

We, artists of small and large stages, can be good role models.

2: While a master class by generalist Ogurtsov is going on behind the scenes, we will rock!

(12) “Fun” “Gossip”

(13) Chukhrova A. Mashin A. “A blizzard again”

The second presenter goes on stage, calls the second one with her hand and joyfully addresses the audience.

At the same time, VIA, where Ogurtsov is a guitarist, comes out during the conversation of the hosts, they look at each other, show with facial expressions and gestures that everything will be fine.

2: Dear friends! It seems that Comrade Ogurtsov is preparing a surprise!

1: Don’t you think so?

2: No. Today a real miracle happens to him. He is changing before our eyes for the better. But look for yourself!

Points towards VIA with his hands.

OGURTSOV: Dear friends, wonderful songs performed by wonderful artists continue to be heard for you!

(15) Clerks "Winter Garden"

(16) Petrukhina T. “The January blizzard is ringing”

(17) Chkalov P. “Anastasia’s Waltz” + dance. gr "Fantasy"

OGURTSOV: Wonderful, amazing, well, finally I felt the presence of the New Year's smell and the Christmas spirit! I'm sure Christmas is being celebrated all over the country today! It seems that I have overestimated the values ​​of life. To hell with the report, let's write a new one! The main thing is that everyone is healthy and happy!

Addresses the leaders...

1: Comrade Ogurtsov, song!

2: Final!

The first leader quickly takes Ogurtsov to the right, the second leader goes to left side backstage

(18) Medley “Spring”

It would be nice if, for every two lines of the medley, groups of performing concert participants came out, had fun, danced and stayed on stage until the end.

Background music is playing

Lyrics for "Spring":

Katya: Dear friends, from pure heart we wish everyone happiness...,

Olya: ... goodness, peace, prosperity!

Anya: Live in abundance,

Ogurtsov: ... and may your home be full of joy!

Together: Happy holiday to you, Merry Christmas!

The background music volume increases.

The curtains are closing.

Larisa Nikolaevna Lutsenko
Script for the holiday concert “A Christmas Tale”

The curtain is closed and a poem is played in the background of music.

Under the cover of soft, snowy everything in Lebedyan is white.

All the roads, all the paths were covered in a whirlwind of snow.

The snow is silver under the sun,

Hello, holiday, light, clear,

Majestic and beautiful,

Christmas holiday!

1st. Christmas Christ's Day is the brightest and most joyful day for many people.

2nd. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary gave birth to a son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

1st. Christmas! Christmas!

Marvelous holiday in our yard!

It brought light and joy to every home, both to you and to me!

2nd. IN Christmas candles are lit.

How I love to meet Christmas!

On this joyful festive evening I want to feel the magic.

Sounds christmas music, the curtain opens. On there is a table on stage, chairs. Voices are heard in the distance. On girl Julia comes out on stage.

Julia. What a bore! It's cold outside! Darkness! And not a single star in the sky! There’s nothing to watch on TV, I’m tired of the computer, and my parents have left. It's called Christmas. And who invented it if it's so boring?

(a soundtrack of bells and laughter can be heard)

Julia. And so there is no mood, they are also having fun on the street! Let me sit here alone!

Julia. Let's shout here! (stomps his foot) That's it, no more Christmas! (sits on a chair offended).

The star lights up, it sounds magical music. Mummers are walking across the entire hall. Yulia rubs her eyes, cannot understand what is happening. While the mummers, laughing to the music, walk to stage, behind the scenes the presenter reads text:

Children! It is ordered for you to bring the decree at this hour,

Prepared by myself,

Our mother - Winter!

Every year, on this day,

As the guide says,

People of the city and village Come to holiday!

Everyone must definitely be on Winter holiday!

(the mummers rise to stage)

1st. Hey, hurry up everyone here!

Kolyada came to visit.

We will joke, make faces,

Run, jump, have fun

2nd. Carols have come to you for Christmastide!

We came to you for some fun!

Like our great-grandfathers once did, like our great-grandmothers once did!

Zy. Your neighbors are close to you,

Not high and not low,

Not wide, not narrow All boyars are purely Russian!

4th. We did not come to you with a hindrance,

And with joy and fun.

Have fun guys

Sing carols!

Julia (perplexed) Oh, who is this? (addressing the mummers) Who are you? How did you get here?

The mummers don’t see or hear her. One of them comes forward mummers:

5th. We sow, we sow, we sow,

WITH Merry Christmas to you!

May you be healthy

May they live for many years!

6th. I sow, I sow, I sow,

Congratulations on Kolyada,

I wish you happiness and joy!

I sow, I sow, I sow,

I sprinkle barley with rye!

Yulia Well, they've left me a mess here! I ask, who are you?

Caroler (without noticing her)

7th May God grant him

Who is in this house?

The porridge is delicious for you too,

Honey on your lips too!

You and buns with cottage cheese,

And a house full of wealth!

Julia (walks among the mummers, pulls them back, but they don’t pay attention to her) Well, thanks for the buns, just what do you need in my house and how did you get here?

The mummers bow to the spectators, they come forward "goat breeder".

8th. Come on, girls!

Come on boys!

Get in line.

I'm leading a goat!

Who will pet her?

He will add happiness to himself!

Julia (stroking "goat") Yes, that’s exactly what I lack happiness for. and understanding. (judiciously) Because I don't understand anything!

1st. Kolyada-Kolyadin,

I have only one knee-deep casing with my father,

Give me some pie, uncle!

2nd. Shchedrik-schedrik!

Give me the dumpling.

A cup of porridge

A circle of sausage.

And it’s still not enough - give me some lard!

Zy. Carols, carols, carols!

Pancakes are good with honey!

And without honey it’s not the same,

Give me some pies, auntie!

4th. Who will give us some pie?

There's a barn full of cattle.

Sheep with oats, stallion with a tail.

Damn and a flatbread in the back window!

5th. Whoever doesn’t give a pie gets a chicken leg, a pestle and a shovel, a hunchbacked cow.

6th. Who won't give a penny -

Let's close the loopholes!

7th. Who won't give you some flatbread -

Let's block up the windows!

8th. Who will not give bread -

Let's take grandpa away!

1st Who won't give ham,

Then we will split the cast iron!

Julia (angrily) Let's shout here! No to gifts on give a holiday, so they ask themselves for treats! And they even threaten!

Mummer: Oh, and I laughed heartily! Where are the owners of the house?

Julia: Like where? Yes here I am

Mummer: Aw! Is anyone home?

Julia (no longer cares) Yes, here I am, here.

Mummer: Yes, apparently the owners are not at home. Guys, let's go caroling at Makarov's yard!

(they leave laughing).

Julia: I don’t understand anything! (confused) I have never seen people walk like this in Lebedyan. How funny they are! (with a smile, thoughtfully) What are they called? Looks like mummers. (perplexed again) But why don't they see me? How did they even get here? (guess) Or maybe I ended up in the past, or they are in the future.

(The text is read behind the scenes against the background of music)

Once on Epiphany evening Girls were guessing:

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it away.

We listened, fed the Counting chicken grain,

The ardent wax was drowned,

They laid a gold ring,

Earrings, emeralds.

They spread out a white cloth and sang in tune over the bowl, sublime songs.

Julia: Oh, it looks like someone is coming again. So, this is already interesting!

(fortune-telling girls come out).

1st. Christmas today, A Christmas holidays are the most fun! Well, girls, what are we going to do?

2nd. Like what? We were going to guess! It will be interesting to find out what will happen next year.

Zya. Oh, girls, I'm scared! They say that no fortune telling is complete without evil spirits! Maybe we shouldn’t guess after all?

4th. You might think that you are not interested in finding out whether your betrothed lives far or close, whether he is rich or poor, whether you will get married soon or not at all.

Zya. It’s interesting to find out, but it’s precisely in Christmas all sorts of miracles happen and all sorts of devilry happens! Scary!

4th. There's nothing scary. You just need to be enchanted.

Zya. How is it to be mesmerized?

4th. All together in chorus say: “We are in a circle, the devil is in a circle!”

(They say)

5th I know one fortune telling, my grandmother told.

Julia That's great! Maybe they will tell me something too?

5 It's been like this for a long time:

The girls were guessing.

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it away.

(takes the boot, pretends that he wants to throw it)

1st. Oh, what a shoe!

A whole lot of shoes!

Such a boot will hit you and kill you!

(takes away the boot)

5th Why did you take the boot?

I'm guessing!

Where should I wait for matchmakers?

How will I know now?

1st. They'll come and you'll know

Only you don't think so.

(throws his boot backstage)

5th So, where can we expect matchmakers?

It's clear now

But what does the groom look like?

Black or red?

Put your comb under the lock,

Well, in the morning you’ll see what kind of hair there will be.

This is how you find out the color.

5th So, I need to find a comb.

Here's another concern!


Zya. You can also guess like this - throw the belt on the pipe and say“GToyas, show me the train with destiny!”

And at night you will dream of your betrothed, and then look at who and what.

5th. (comes out from behind the scenes, shows everyone the comb)

I still found the comb,

She put me under guard.

Well, how do you find out what kind of person he is?

Young or widowed?

Or just single?

i i. Walk along the fence

Count all the planks:

"Young, rich, poor,

Bald, widowed, average height"

It's like telling fortunes with chamomile.

Julia I know, I know! Can I try? (the girls don’t hear or notice her) What a disgrace! And these people don’t see me either!

4th. And also the women said:

You need to look in the mirror.

Light candles on the sides.

Zya. (laughing) And see the devils there!

With a mirror underneath Christmas And sit with him in the bathhouse.

Isn't it hard to sit there all night?

Until the morning comes!

Yulia My God, what passions!

2nd. I know another way!

Bring a red rooster home in the morning,

Yulia Where can I get it, in the apartment?

2nd (continues without noticing)

Sprinkle cereal in front of him.

Bread, coal, ash Put water and coins and watch what Petka bites!

4th. If bread means being rich,

Coal - you'll spend time among the girls,

Well, if you drink water, you’ll please a drunkard!

5th Fall backwards into a snowdrift And roll away quietly - If the trail remains smooth,

Life will go easy.

Well, stripes or folds -

Your life will not be smooth!

1st. Oh, girls, I'm tired of all this fortune-telling! Is it better to sing a song or suffer?

2nd. Oh, girlfriends, look, there are no visible stars in the sky!

Zya. A Rozhdestvenskaya the star burns brightest!

4th. Let's go sledding down the mountain!


Julia And they didn’t notice me, (sits on a chair)

The sound effect of magic, Yulia looks around, realizes that she is left alone in the room.

Yulia Oh, what was that? Was I sleeping? (opens his palm, there lies a star) Truly a miracle! How wonderful Christmas holiday!

(sounds christmas melody, curtain)

On Christmas only the closest friends gather, and we are glad to see you today on the kindest and most magical holiday. “Glory to God in heaven and on earth, peace and goodwill to people!” Thus sang the starry choir of angels over Bethlehem.

In village alleys and castle halls people sang Christmas carols, gave each other cards and gifts.

If you have a desire to give gifts, invite guests to your place, it means that the spirit has come to you Christmas and you want to give your friends happiness and joy.

And we want to give you a gift. Sings for you


I sincerely congratulate S Merry Christmas to you all!

I sincerely wish you happiness in this bright hour!

Christ was born into this world,

The good news travels fast.

Congratulations on Merry Christmas!

Congratulations on your new life!

We wish you that all your friends, family and people close to you come to congratulate you!

t And on the street you could hear: "WITH Merry Christmas! WITH Merry Christmas

We want to wish you happiness and goodness. So that every couple can have happiness here. This is a wish for young and old!

So that children obey their parents, So that girls and boys grow up healthy.

So that guys marry our girls, because there are no more beautiful girls in the world than ours.

So that your neighbors are not judged harshly, so that there is no discord, but little swearing.

Let with Merry Christmas peace, tranquility and health will enter every home!

Today's concert was prepared for you by the municipal budgetary institution culture "City Center of Culture and Leisure" director Vyacheslav Chernyshev.

- screenwriter - Larisa Zhdanova

Musical arrangement Alexander Pronin

Computer support Yulia Beloglazova

Registration scenes Alexey Karastelin -Today's the concert was with you:

Ours is over holiday. We say goodbye to you.

See you again!

Until new holidays.

Christmas holiday scenario

Readers with a bell run in to cheerful music.

Child 1: It’s a pity: it was a wonderful

And happy New Year.

And what else is good?

A glorious holiday awaits us all?

Child 2: There is a twinkling star in the sky,

It barely appears

Everyone knows: a good day will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

The bell rings and children run out.

They sing the song “Christmas” (Musical Director Magazine)

The snowball is turning silver

This evening is fabulous.

The moon has lit the stars,

All the kids are happy.

The heavens sing.


Coming to us

Everything rejoices and sings.

On this Christmas day

The stars are shining bright.

Miracles await the boys,

Christmas tree with gifts.


Christmas, Christmas!

All dreams come true

And under our tree

The holiday doesn't end.


After the song, the children begin to dance, the rest sit down in their places.

Child: Everything is white with fluff,

There is no order in the yard.

A blizzard of fun is swirling

White snow in January.

It swirls, stirs, howls,

It blows snow into the snowdrifts.

Creeps along the path

White blizzard.

Dance "Metelitsa"

The dancers remain in their places.

Leader: Christmas haze all around

Bells ring in the darkness

And the words sound in harmony with them

Peace on earth and happiness to all.

We are glad to meet you

Let's light candles today

Let them burn between us

Magic lights.

The “stars” go backstage to put on their stars. The rest take their places. They pick up candles.

HEADER: Christmas is religious holiday. The word Christmas itself indicates that someone has been born. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

The news of the birth of Jesus was carried by heavenly angels.

A golden star lit up in the sky.

This star was not an ordinary one.

The Almighty God Himself lit that star.

And the star burns and shines

The path to salvation is illuminated for us.

Star Dance

After the dance, the “stars” take off the stars and take candles.

Leader: Christmas is the holiday of believers in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony.

The presenter leaves. Children sit on their knees. Readers go to the middle with candles. To the music.

Child 1: A distant city, Jerusalem!
The Magi glorify him
And in honor of the born son,
Gifts are being sent to this city!
Angels and people rejoice:
Jesus Christ came into the world
And not in wards, but in mangers,
In a cramped cave appeared...

Child 2: And everything was illuminated with light.
People rejoice and rejoice
Hope, faith appeared,
That life will be happier now!

Child 3: The brightest star
May it light our path in life!
Jesus Christ is our savior,
He foretells joy in life!

Child 4: Fire of the soul, fire of hearts
We turn to you Christ,
Be cleaner in thoughts and deeds
We want!
You, Christ, we
Let's glorify!

A little dance with candles.

Child 5: Quite a few years have passed since then,
But people remember, we will remember,
How were you born?
The light in the sky has become brighter!

Child 6: And since that magical night,

When the star lit up

We praise Jesus on this holiday

Magical - Christmas!

Cheerful music, bustle. The barkers come out.

C o m p a l 1: Honest people gather for the festivities! Dress up, take the rattles! Let the whole family hurry to the beginning!

2nd: From all doors, from all gates, hurry to our holiday! He who knows how to work hard also knows how to have fun!

3rd: Winter is rushing us! Hurry! Get out of the yard! Carol, sing, dance, joke!

Children come out and sing carols.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

How the carol went

At Ivanov's yard

And Ivanov's yard is on seven pillars.

Yes, seven miles.

And near this yard

All silk grass.

And on every blade of grass

By pearl

Little children are their daughters.

Mistress of the house

Like pancakes in honey.

Child: Christmas has come - We have been waiting for it for a long time. The people celebrate Christmastide: They rejoice and sing. Young and old are having fun, who came to our gatherings!

(A knock is heard on the door.)

(A knock is heard again) Aunt Alena and Aunt Matryona enter.

Aunt Alyona: Happiness to you, owners,
Good health, Happy New Year!
With all the family! Kolyada, Kolyada, she looked young!
The sparrow flies, twirls its tail,
And you people, know, cover the tables,
Receive your guests, welcome Christmas!

Aunt Matraena: I sow, sow, snowballs,
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hello adults, hello kids, peace to your home!
Merry Christmas to you,
Which came to your home.
I wish everyone, everyone, that you are healthy!
You lived together for many years!

Leader: Come in, dear guests.

Aunt Alyona: I’ll sit next to you on the bench
I'll sit with you
I'll tell you riddles
I'll see who's smarter!

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.

They didn’t raise me - they made me out of snow.
Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.
Eyes are coals, hands are knots.
Cold, big, who am I?
(snow woman)

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone will come from the forest,
All fluffy, covered in needles,
And that guest's name is...
(Christmas tree)

Aunt Alyona: Well done guys, they guessed all the riddles.

Aunt Matryona: Guys, do you know why the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas?

The children come out and talk.

Child 1:

A great miracle took place that night. God sent us a Savior.

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger, the Baby, the Son of God, lay.

The star above the cave, like a guiding light, shone for the learned Magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically and harmoniously rushed to the heavens.

Child 2:

With people, all nature rejoiced that night: rustling in the trees, leaves

They praised God in a mysterious whisper and the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree - grew at the entrance to the cave.

And during the first days they bowed to the baby in proud delight.

Child 3:

The beautiful palm tree overshadowed him with its green crown,

And fragrant oil dripped from the tender branches of the silver olive tree.

Only a modest tree stood sadly: it had no gifts,

And the eyes of people were not captivated by the beauty of her unchanging cover.

Child 4:

The angel of the Lord saw this and said to the tree with love:

“You are modest, you do not grumble in sorrow, for this you are destined to be rewarded by God.”

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled down onto the tree one after another,

And everything began to shine, and the palm tree and olive tree eclipsed with its beauty.

Child 5:

The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the Christmas tree,

And his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and He extended his arms to her.

And since then, every year we remember and devoutly honor Christmas

Whether a child or an adult, everyone is happy about the holiday, and there is a celebration in every family!

Aunt Matyron: What great guys!

LEADER: Come on, dear guests, let’s join the children in a round dance and dance with the Christmas tree?!

Dance middle group"Christmas Tree"

Aunt Matyren: Oh, how fun you are. Let's play?

1. Relay race “Build a snowman”
Two teams (“SNOWFLAKE” and “ICE” are lined up in columns one after another. Each of the members of the two teams is given paired snowman parts cut out of cardboard. (three circles - large, medium and small, arms, legs, eyes, nose - carrot, bucket, broom). At the command of the leader, the players of both teams, in pairs, run up to a certain place, put their piece and return to their team. The team that assembled the snowman the fastest wins.

2. Competition "Snowflake"
One participant per team participates. They take hold of the two ends of the rope on which the sticks are tied. There is a snowflake tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader. Participants wind a string around a stick, approaching the center. Whoever gets to the snowflake faster wins.

3. Competition “Firewood for the stove”
Two teams of adults line up in two columns. Opposite in the box there are logs. At the command of the leader, participants one by one. They run to the box, take one log and carry it to their team. The team with the most wood wins.

Matryona and Alena sit on a bench.

Aunt Matryona: Oh, I’m tired, Alena!

Aunt Alyona: So rest, Matryona! Chai is not young anymore!

Leader: Relax, dear guests, and see how our kids enjoy winter, snow and such a wonderful holiday!

Junior group “Snow-Snowball”

HOST: Guys, who will delight our guests with poems?

Child 1: We are with the whole family this evening
Let's gather around the table
Mom will say:
- Maybe candles
Shall we light it up for the holiday?
Let's turn off the electricity
We can do without him
And we will solemnly decorate
General dinner
On Christmas!
Let the cheerful fire jump
Over a raspberry candle,
And the candlestick is quietly crying
Stearic tear...

Child 2: I ripped it off the calendar
Leaf on the sixth of January,
And under it are two words:
"Christmas Nativity"!
What to do? How can this be?
Doubts began:
What should I give to God?
On his birthday?
A book? Pencil? Candy?
Maybe this box?..
Teddy bear? Saber? Or a gun -
My best toy?
I put down my pencil:
Will you give something to God?
Well, what doesn’t God have?
And why does he need candy?!
Flipped through the stamp album -
This is also not a gift!
He threw a saber and a cannon into the box -
My best toy...
The whole day passed in fuss.
And almost in a dream
I whispered until I cried:
“Happy birthday, Christ!”


Aunt Alyona: What a wonderful time we had!

Aunt Matyron: What a bright holiday!

Aunt Alyona: Merry Christmas to you!
Meet him with Christ!
Only with Him will you find light,
Protection from adversity and troubles!

Aunt Matyren: May Jesus fill your home
Love, joy, goodness!
And remember - salvation is in Him!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Children: Thank you!

Children stand for the final song “Christmas is coming to us”

The sparkling stars have a gentle light,

They send greetings from heaven!

And in spite of the crazy winds

Christmas is coming to us!

The snow is spinning, light fluff...

Make a wish out loud!

Your soul will be light,

After all, our Christmas is coming!

Chorus. All my friends will gather together!

You can’t live without friends on this bright holiday!

And the starry round dance will whirl in the dance,

And a fairy tale will come to us!

Brings back to childhood a holiday without end,

Today we will turn our hearts to heaven.

Let today again, to spite everyone’s troubles,

Christmas is coming!)

This holiday of kindness

And dreams and beauty

Comes to us every year

It will bring us happiness.

He gives us gifts!

We'll split it in half

And candies and firecrackers,

Gingerbread fruits, toys.

Children become a semicircle.

Aunt Matryona: Well, friends, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Aunt Alyona: It’s customary to give gifts at Christmas. Well, we have prepared something for you!

They give gifts to children.

LEADER: What a wonderful tradition - giving gifts. But I want another tradition for us to make a wish and blow out the Christmas cake candles!

They bring out the pie. Make a wish. The candles are blown out.

All the children gather in a group. They look at the audience.

Leader: Blessed one, let the star rise.
And it will shine in the heavens for everyone who believes!
Holy Sacrament of the Birth of Christ
Happiness will warm our Orthodox souls!
The whole world is filled with light and goodness!
Love, hope, faith! Merry Christmas!

Scenario of the Christmas holiday in Sunday school or the library "And the children praise God again"

( While the children enter the hall and take their seats, you can play an audio recording of the song “About Christmas” performed by Yuri Shevchuk and Olga Pershina. A splash screen corresponding to the theme of the event appears on the screen. At the beginning of the event, the video “On the bright holiday of Christmas” is shown. During the last chorus, with the words “On the bright holiday of Christmas, slowly light the candles, speak only the main words this evening,” the presenters come out. One of them lights a candle near the festive icon of the Merry Nativity of Christ)

Presenter 1

Hello, dear friends!

Presenter 2

Good afternoon

Presenter 1

Congratulations to you all on wonderful holiday Nativity of Christ. We have prepared a festive event for you today, which is called “And the children praise God again.”

Presenter 1

Christ is born, praise!

Presenter 2

Christ from heaven, welcome!

Presenter 1

Our festive event is opened by little members of the children's choir, who will sing a troparion to the Nativity and the song Christmas. Words and music by Zinaida Zinchenko(" The stars are leading a round dance, a wonderful moment has come...")

( Children's choir performance )

Presenter 2 (against the background of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s overture to the ballet “The Nutcracker”):

It’s cold... Frost pricks my cheeks. The snow creaks underfoot, fluffy flakes fall to the ground, and snowflakes sparkle. Shop windows, houses and temples are decorated with garlands, fir branches and congratulations. Christmas. Christmas time. Baptism. A fairy tale come to life!..Christmas is traditionally a family holiday, spiritual, a time when all troubles are forgotten.

Presenter 1

The bright holiday of Christmas comes to the house,

We forget everything about the sad and bad.

Hearts are filled with bright happiness,

Joy flows without beginning or end.

Presenter 2

Christmas brings us love and generosity!

Good fairy tale New Year's magic.

And the good news is carried to all ends

The bells ring with a gentle ringing.

Presenter 1

The Star of Bethlehem will shine,

The right path will show people and then

The world will be kinder, cleaner and brighter.

Christmas is a great holiday for all people!

Presenter 2

Sacred words sound

The holiday of Christmas is coming.

And the children praise God again

Now at every threshold.

And wonderful Christmas trees in the houses,

And treats on the tables,

And beauty shines on the heart

Newborn Christ.

Dear friends, a children's choral ensemble is singing for you..... "Nativity of Christ, an Angel has arrived"

(The song “Christmas Nativity, An Angel Has Arrived”) is performed by a children’s vocal ensemble or choir.)

Presenter 1

Long gone out in the winter darkness

Eastern star,

But we didn’t forget on earth

Birth of Christ.

How the shepherds came to him

Until morning time

How the sages presented

He has his gifts.

How the king killed babies

Rewarding the killer

How a sent angel saved

Sacred child.

Like preaching love

And the truth of the Divine,

Every year he was born again

For the Christmas holiday.

Long gone out in the winter darkness

Eastern star,

But we didn’t forget on earth

Birth of Christ

( a short cartoon film "The Nativity of Christ" is shown (5 minutes 15 seconds)

Reading child

The cheeks of the Virgin Mary are wet with tears:

There is a newborn, little Christ in the manger!

Tiny Face, Tiny Hands,

And in the winter sky there are clouds and clouds.

"Glory to God in the Highest" -

The angels sang.

There is a pale moon in the cloud,

Like in a cradle.

(Archpriest Vladimir Borozdinov)

( performed by a children's choir or vocalists, "Angels in the sky are singing a song")

Presenter 2

And now a little quiz. We will ask you questions about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and you will answer.

( The presenters take turns reading out the questions. Those present answer )

In what country was Christ born?

In what city was he born?

Who ruled the country where Christ was born?

What was the name of Jesus Christ's adoptive father?

What is a nativity scene?

Why was Christ born there and not in the house?

Who was the first to know about the Nativity of the Child Christ?

Who told them about this and what did they say?

Who are the Magi?

Where did they come from and why?

How did they know that Christ was about to be born?

What did they bring as a gift to the baby Christ?

What did these gifts mean?

What did King Herod order to his soldiers to get rid of Christ?

Who and how warned Joseph that Herod wanted to kill the infant Christ?

Where did Mary and the baby and Joseph flee from Bethlehem?

When King Herod died, where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus live?

What did Christ save people from?

Presenter 1

Well done, you answered the questions well. It's time to read the poems you prepared for today's matinee.

( Children read poetry. Or if the matinee is held in the House of Culture, you can distribute poems about Christmas to the young readers in advance so that they can read them in turn. In addition to poetry, you can prepare several vocal numbers if desired. Depending on how much time you have)

Now let’s rest a little and watch the video of the Christmas song “The Little Stars Shined Brightly”

( a video of the Christmas song "The Little Stars Shined Brightly" is shown)

Presenter 2

If on this day for a while

Will any of you remember

About the Child in Bethlehem

A wonderfully joyful story;

If the heart beats inside him,

Like a bird outside the window,

As if the strings would touch him

An angel with a gentle wing;

If suddenly, like the smell of a garden,

Like the breath of the breeze

Gentle joy to the heart

Will fly from afar

And my soul is light and creepy,

It's like someone is walking there -

This is the Little Christ Himself

I knocked on your heart

And now Alena Alasheva’s story “A Christmas Tale” will be heard for you. Will read it for you_________________

( The reader reads Alena Alasheva’s story “A Christmas Tale” against a musical background. ):

Frosty winter morning. The clock had long struck eight. Nadya tried to open her eyes, but she was blinded by the bright rays of the sun. The girl was filled with joy: after all, today was the first day of the Nativity of Christ. Now she will wash herself and go with her mother to repeat the prayer. Mom will dress her in everything new. She saw what beautiful dress and dad brought the shoes from the big city. And then he and his brother will go to the kitchen. And there won’t be anything! Nadya's heart skips a beat in anticipation of what is to come. Dad and mom will sit at the table, and they and their brother will glorify the Nativity of Christ. And in the evening many guests will gather. Nadya will read a poem near the brightly lit Christmas tree that she taught for the holiday. Hurrying, hesitating and blushing, she will finish her congratulations to the delight of the guests and the kisses of her parents. And what toys will she receive today! The girl knows that there is a doll in the box tied with a pink ribbon. How many surprises and happiness awaits her today! Happy, tired, tenderly hugging the doll she received, quietly falling asleep in a warm bed, Nadya thinks in her sleep:

How good and joyful!..

Several years have passed. Nadya has grown up; she is in third grade at the gymnasium. Misfortune befell the family. Mom, still very young, lost her sight. Dad went far to the north and took his brother Misha with him. She was left alone with her sick mother. The apartment is still the same - three rooms and a kitchen. The same furniture, flowers, mirrors, the same cleanliness and order in the house. There is also a decorated Christmas tree in the hall, but it no longer pleases anyone here.

Today is Christmas Eve, but Nadya is sad. For the second week now, my mother has been in bed, and the doctor has gone to the city for the holidays. Nadya approached the patient and bent low over her. For a second, it seemed to the girl that her mother had died. Nadya touched the hand of the sufferer. She shuddered and remained motionless. Nadya’s heart sank, tears rolled down from her eyes. She felt scared. She felt so alone, defenseless and helpless. Where to go? Whom to ask? Who will help her on this festive night? No one cares about her! Like a shadow, she walked to her crib and stopped. Her confused gaze fell on the face of Jesus Christ, illuminated by the light of the lamp. The girl was struck by the thought: “He will help!”

Kneeling down on the soft carpet, Nadya stretched out her childish hands to the image of the Savior. Shedding tears, she whispered quietly:

God! Help me, help me... Make sure my mother gets better. You see, I’m little, there’s no dad, and there’s no Misha either. I can't stay without my mom. Have pity on me! May she get better! I am so small, and I... I will die... Save us, Lord!

The girl whispered something for a long time, for a long, long time, the words came from the depths of her heart. She prayed and felt as if someone was warming her with the invisible warmth of affection and consolation. When Nadya woke up, she did not immediately understand what was wrong with her and why she was not in the crib, but here, on the floor. She vaguely remembered that someone whispered to her in a dream:

Your mother will be healthy, everything will be fine with you, you will sit with your mother at the festive table.

With mom! - Nadya clasped her hands. - With mom!

The bright light and whiteness blinded her. Squinting, she jumped up and rushed into the bedroom - to her mother! Opening the bedroom door, she froze in shock. Mom sat and quietly whispered the words of prayer. Feeling Nadya's steps, she smiled welcomingly at her and said:

I congratulate you, Nadya, on the great joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Nadya threw herself on her mother’s neck. Crying, she told what happened to her on this great and wonderful night. Mom hugged Nadya. Now they were both crying - tears of joy. Nadya felt so happy, much happier than ever! She also remembered that Christmas when she was four years old. Then she rejoiced at toys and fun, her little happiness, and today she rejoiced that Christ brought her mother back to life. Her mom!

Presenter 1

Starting with Christmas, the most fun time begins - Christmastide.

( The presenter talks about Christmastide. Then a fragment of carols from the film “The Night Before Christmas” is shown )

Under cover of the starry night

The Russian village is dozing;

All the way, all the paths

Covered with white snow...

Here and there lights on the windows,

Like stars, they burn.

Runs towards the fire like a snowdrift

There's a crowd of guys with the star,

There's knocking under the windows,

“Your Christmas” is sung.

"Waits! Waits!"

It is heard here and there.

And in a discordant children's choir

So mysterious, pure,

The holy news is so gratifying

About the birth of Christ...

The whole universe froze upon seeing the birth of a wonderful baby. And this event, which happened more than two thousand years ago, is not just remembered as a fact of the past. We live it today - and today's light of Christmas in our lives is reflected in Christmas stories.

( video from the series of Christmas stories “Lucky Star”)

Now let's play

Presenter 2

Game 1

What doesn't happen on a Christmas tree?

The task is this: when you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say: “Yes!” When they name something that doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree, you have to restrain yourself and remain silent. And this is not always easy: someone is bound to make a mistake, causing everyone to laugh. The presenter reads, without letting the players think too much:

The holiday is coming,

Everyone decorates the Christmas tree.

Who guys can confirm:

Hanging on its branches:

soft toy,

A loud cracker,


Old tub,

White snowflakes,

Bright pictures,

Torn shoes

Chocolate bars,

Horses and horses

Bunnies made from cotton wool,

Winter tents,

red lanterns,

Bread crackers,

Bright flags,

Hats and scarves,

Apples and cones

Colin's pants,

Delicious candies,

Latest newspapers?..

Presenter 1

Game 2

According to the counting, Metelitsa, Morozets and Tuchka are selected. And the rest of the guys - some are Snowflakes, some are Bushes. Everyone except Metelitsa stands in a circle, and Metelitsa enters it and stops thoughtfully.
Morozets approaches her and asks:
- Blizzard, beauty,
Are you sad?

Metelitsa answers:
- I don’t like the weather -
Frosty and bright.

- And you wave your hands,
And you fly after the clouds,
At least bring one.
Everyone is bored without snow,
The fields are so exhausted -
They're cold, I guess.

Metelitsa, having cheered up, answers:
- Well, I’ll clasp my hands,
I'll stomp and stomp my feet,
I'll dance with the winds! -

At this time, Tuchka comes out of the circle.
- And there the Cloud is creeping!..
And Cloud gently, as if from a distance, says to her:
- I’m coming to you, Metelitsa,
I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!
My snowflakes are asking
They have been asking for land for a long time -
Try to hold it!
I can't handle them...
Snowstorm, beauty,
Take them and spin them around!

Then the Snowflakes run out, and the Bushes line up in a chain and stand still for now.
Frost, Cloud, Snowflakes take hands and quickly spin around Metelitsa, who at this time is dancing to a Russian folk melody.

Everyone sings:
- How did you go, how did you go?
Blizzard of Revenge!
Covers all roads
All paths.
It's pouring snow
To the frozen fields,
Warming up
Frozen ground.
You dance, dance,
Blizzard, dance!
Harvests today
They will be good!

Then the Snowflakes stretch out in a line, hold hands and go to the Bushes, saying:
- Look, bushes!
They return (back away) back, saying:
- Indeed, bushes,
Again they walk like a wall:
- They weren’t here before,
It wasn't!
They back away again:
- Honestly, it wasn’t
It wasn't!
The snowflakes stop. Now the Bushes are coming towards them, saying:

- We are dense bushes,
That's right, bushes,
We weren't here before
It wasn't!
Honestly, it wasn't
It wasn't!

Now the Snowflakes begin to move again:
- Why were you imprisoned?
Why are you cherished,
Here Frost, Snowstorm, Cloud and Bushes join hands and surround the Snowflakes in a ring, saying:
- To hold the Snowflakes,
So that they don't run away,
And a fluffy blanket
Until the red spring lies!
Whoever slips out of the circle first is the Snowstorm

Presenter 2

.... Years, millennia have flown by,

But we are waiting for a miracle triumph again!..

Blizzards decorated Rus' with snow,

And in our church they decorated the fir tree.

The Ark is waiting: let's celebrate Christmas!

Both old and young - everyone is ready for the holiday,

And joy and delight in the eyes of the guys!

In honor of the Holy Day - in honor of the Nativity of Christ

Star candles are burning on the Christmas tree!..

(“Christmas Nocturne” performed by Irina Leonova sounds. Can I have a video of this song? The presenters stand with lit candles)

Presenter 1

On the Bright Holiday of Christmas, slowly light the candles,

Speak only the main words this evening

On the bright holiday of Christmas, let's remember everything we dreamed of.

And let's leave all sorrows on the bright holiday of Christmas

Presenter 2

Our event has come to an end. Once again we congratulate you on happy holiday Nativity of Christ and we wish you happiness, goodness, growing up obedient and healthy. God bless you, we invite everyone along with their parents to the festive table.

Natalia Emelianenko
Scenario for the holiday "Christmas"

Sounds festive bell ringing.

Hello guys, dear guests. WITH Happy holiday to all of you! WITH Merry Christmas! Hear the bell ringing. He announces to us great joy: birth Our Lord Jesus Christ! More than 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus, the promised Savior of the world, was born Christ. And since then people celebrate Christmas and rejoice at this bright day.

Clear night. Quiet all around.

A star burns brightly above the cave.

The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill,

Blue light pours from the cracks.

The Baby Savior lies in the manger.

Thousands of years have been awaiting his arrival.

Happy will be the one who hastens to him.

Happy people, nature rejoices!

1 child And in Christmas midnight

Appeared in honor Christ

Lit up, sparkled

There is a bright star in the sky.

A star girl runs out.

2 reb. Star, you have been around for many years

You shine for people on earth

I'll ask you a question:

How was born into the world Christ?


Oh, I remember everything perfectly.

That star, my sister,

I told everyone

That he came to Bethlehem.

That night the shepherds were in the field

They tended their flocks diligently.

The Angel was the first to reveal it to them,

Appearing in the midst of the elements of the night,

Like a light shining in the darkness

That God was born on earth.

Look, here are the shepherds coming towards us. (Music sounds, shepherds come out)

1st An angel appeared to us from heaven

And he said: « Christ was born!

We have arrived glorify Christ

And you and congratulate you on the holiday.

2nd I don’t know how to write yet,

But I know that the holiday has come-

Day birth of jesus christ!

(Music sounds. Angel girls run in).

I, God's Angel.

I want to announce great joy to you

Our Savior - the Lord - was born.

Celebration on earth and in heaven

Christ God Christmas.

Celebration, celebration

Today Christmas holiday.

Angels fly from the sky

And they begin their dance.

(Angels' dance is performed).

Holiday Christmas reminds us of our attitude towards each other, of mercy and love for our neighbor. Jesus Christ was born on our land to show us an example of love and care for our family, friends and even strangers. God wants us to be obedient to our parents and educators, to be merciful to the weak, orphans, and the sick, to love and respect each other. Listen to how a boy looked for happiness



Scene 1

The grandmother is busy in the kitchen, the grandson is sweeping the room, straightening the garlands, i.e. cleaning. Grandma goes behind the screen and brings out the dough.


Look, grandson, how the dough has risen. You can already bake pies.

The grandson wearily sits down at the table. The broom falls out of your hands.


Yes, grandma, I have almost everything ready too.

He takes a broom, gets up, and sits down again.


I'm kind of sad. Tired, probably. How do you not get tired of working all day?


What are you doing, honey? I see my happiness in this.


Strange. Your happiness is in the kitchen, where you fuss all day, and if I cleaned all day, then my happiness lies in this. Should there be a broom?

Grandma picks up the broom and puts it back.


Happiness comes in different forms, and most importantly, everyone must find it for themselves. You know what, go for a walk while I manage here.

He sees him off and goes in the other direction.

Scene 2

Forest. The boy walks alone.


I wonder how everyone has their own happiness? And how to find it?

Lamb comes out from the other side.


Tell me, little lamb, have you found your happiness?


I'm happy when I'm warm, and you?


I don't know yet.


Take my scarf and you will be warm too.


They bow to each other and disperse. A goat comes out.


Hello boy.


Hello, goat. Tell me, honey, do you have happiness?


I'll remember now. Probably not at home. Exactly, no! But I have very tasty milk. Take it on the road.


Thank you. Now I won’t be afraid of any fatigue on the road.

They disperse. A boy passes by a hollow, a nut flies into him, then another.


Oh, what is this?

Picks up a nut.


Who's throwing nuts there?

Belchenok:(going out to stage)

Who-who! It's me, little squirrel. I'm putting things in order before holiday. What are you doing here?


You see, I want to find happiness. You don't have one, by any chance?

Belchenok: (looks into the hollow.)

I'll take a look now. There are nuts. (looks in) There are mushrooms. (shrugs) And there is nothing else.


OK. Happy stay.


Wait, take my nuts for the road - they will come in handy.

Gives you a bag of nuts.


They disperse. The boy walks and stumbles upon a mountain of snow. The slide is moving. The boy begins to rake it.


Oh, so much snow!

A bear suddenly crawls out of a snowdrift. The boy jumps back.


Who woke me up?


Sorry, bear, I didn't mean to disturb you.


What are you doing here?


I wanted to see luck. You don't have one, by any chance?


Let me think. No. I don't have one. But there is wonderful honey. Here you go.

Gives it to the boy.


Oh, I really want to sleep. (lays down and falls asleep)

Boy: (sits nearby)

Round dance of stars.

Angel comes out.


Don't sit and sigh

But hurry up.

In a clearing at the edge of the forest

There is only one Christmas tree,

The girl is crying bitterly there

She got lost here.

Take her to the guys

That we have gathered for the celebration,

Where is already dressed up

Christmas tree to Christmas.


How can I find this “one” Christmas tree? There are so many of them in the forest!


This star will help you.

He brings the star to the boy.


She will show you the way.

The little star takes the boy by the hand and leads him to the tree under which the girl is sitting.


But this is Alenka from the neighboring house! How did you end up here?


I was collecting fir branches and got lost. And now I'm cold and hungry.


I have a lot of food. Look. This is from a squirrel, this is from a goat, this is from a bear.

Gives her gifts.


And this lamb scarf will save you from the cold. Well, let's go to Christmas holiday.


How will we find the way?


We will show you the way.

In these Christmas Every day we want to give each other joy, to do good, so we will show you the way and on the way we will please each other with kind words.

(The game is being played "Tender words").

Love, children, Christ the Child.

Your entire childhood will be happy.

Love you people Christ's appearance:

Great holiday-

His Birth!

Light Christmas holiday.

Singing pours from the sky,

To God be the glory and praise

For Christ's birth»