My sunshine, get better, such a kind and good person shouldn’t get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and be in great shape again, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.

My sunshine, quickly drive this pain away from you! Gain strength and be like a tough nut to crack. Don't worry, my joy! May your health always be good.

My kitten, get well soon. I worry about you with all my heart, I believe with all my soul that you will soon get better and again the world around you will become wonderful, bright, amazing and kind, because it is only like that when you are nearby, when the sweetest and most beautiful smile shines on your face.

I can imagine how bad you feel, chills, fever and aching all over your body. Of course, illness is not a very pleasant thing, especially in this weather. Drink more tea with raspberries, eat honey, wrap yourself in a blanket and surround yourself with positivity, and you will see that it will not be easy for you to feel better, and recovery will come instantly! Stop being sick, let's get better, a huge number of adventures and new emotions await you and me.

Let the illness go away soon, let a joyful and bright day come, get well soon, because such a wonderful person should not get sick. He must make this world a better place, create, dream, strive for goals and enjoy life. Get better.

My happiness, get well soon. May my love, care and warmth will drive away the cold of your illness. I wish you one time - to stop being sick, two - to return to a cheerful and happy rhythm of life, three - to strive towards your cherished goal and dream with new strength and inspiration.

There are only clouds and clouds in the sky, but the sun is not shining, because my sun is sick. Get well soon, my love, because without you this world has become completely dull and gray. Stop being sick, it's time to conquer new heights. May my love and tenderness give you new strength and incredible vigor.

Let's stop being sick, because all the things won't do themselves. The world misses your smile. Therefore, pull yourself together, throw away all sad thoughts, make friends with linden tea and honey and forward to recovery! I sincerely wish you to get well soon and get back into the groove of happy life events.

My beloved person, I wish you speedy recovery and a brilliant return to a wonderful life without illness and anxiety, with wonderful dreams and excellent mood, freedom of action and high flights of the soul.

No need to mope and succumb to illness, drive away everything bad thoughts and get well soon. Set yourself up for positivity, pick up your favorite book, brew delicious tea, immerse yourself in the world of your dreams and find the strength to get back on track!

It hurts me that you're sick
I feel helpless.
But I know for sure that I am loved,
That you will be healthy again with me!

With you, dear, we will overcome everything,
We just need to be patient a little.
Love will help, hope will give strength,
And you will never get sick!

Get well soon, my love.
I'm close, I'm yours, with you,
I want to give you all my strength
May you get better, dear.

Well, now it’s easier for you,
And everything dangerous was gone.
I believe that affection heals.
We will be fine!

It's kind of lonely
Without you, dear.
It's probably weird
But the world suddenly became empty.

Get treatment soon.
And no more pain.
It's sad without you.
It's more fun together.

I will wrap you in care
And with your warmth.
Just don't get sick, don't.
Okay, my dear, dear?

My beloved, get well soon
Let your illness pass.
I know, I know that health
He will come to you again soon.

So I wish you health
But I want to help you
That your illness will melt away,
He will run away, away.

You will perk up again,
You will become stronger than all troubles again,
So it's a shame for us
There are no reasons.

Why are the colors so dim?
Why has the world become dim?
Why are fairy tales so boring?
...My beloved fell ill.

I'll warm you up, honey
With your tender caress,
To quickly gain strength,
Became more cheerful and cheerful!

I love you with my love
I will heal without doctors.
My beloved, my good one,
Get well soon!

May your illness pass
Like a brief summer rain.
Sick just a little bit
To be okay again.

I send you a smile
Warm like a ray of sunshine,
May you, my love,
Smiling will make you feel better!

Don’t be sick, I beg you, my love,
Get well soon.
Be always, always invincible,
Never be in pain again.
Let my love warm you,
And the disease will leave forever.
With my kiss I can
Heal you for all the years!

You're sick, I miss you
And I'm really waiting for you!
I don't go for walks in the evenings
I'm not going out anywhere!
They are waiting for you and me, my dear
Lots of clear, bright days!
Get well soon darling,
Get well soon!

Darling, get well soon,
And you will never be sick again.
Let all the bad things fly away
And will never return again.

I really want you to be healthy
Cheerful, never to be sad.
Because I love you very much,
With love I will heal all diseases.

Get well soon, my love.
Get well soon.
Drink tea with raspberries
Cover yourself warmly.

Get well soon, darling,
Do you hear, stop being sick.
Restore your strength
There's a lot to do.

It hurts me when you are sick.
I feel bad when you're sad.
I'm there when you laugh
I'm there when you're awake.

Please, don’t be sick, don’t be sad!
Please, be an optimist!
I'm next to you on the way,
Whatever that path may be...

We always want to see our loved ones happy and healthy, we always wish them only the best. And we are incredibly saddened by the illness of a loved one. And how we want, at such moments, for him to know how much we love him and how worried we are about his well-being. Warm him with the warmth of your own heart. It is important that your beloved guy, the dearest person on earth, feels your support and care. Warm words and your love can be the best medicine for the sick. So why wait, tell him how much you love him, how you wish him a speedy recovery. After reading the lines addressed to him, he will probably smile. A smile and bright emotions will certainly help you cope with even the most severe illness. Get well soon SMS poems for your beloved boyfriend can be found on this page of our website.

Come on, darling, get better!
Get out of bed, get dressed!
We'll go on a date
We will get rid of all diseases!

Get well soon, darling!
You are as caring as a cat!
You are like an invisible person in a bowl!
You are always free of worries!

Come on, stop being sick!
And just hang on the phone!
Adventure awaits us
And our love and fun!

Get well soon, it's winter
I want to sit at home!
But why do you need it, my love?
Be sick for a long time!

Get well soon
I wish you and fun!
Will you walk with me,
You will be healthy again!

Hospital ward and white love,
Envelops us everywhere
And these walls should not be for us,
Heal yourself, my love, and let's go now.

I will shield you from pain
I will help you get stronger.
Know that your health is for me
Everything is more important on Earth!

Darling, I'm worried
And I miss you very much,
I want you to be healthy so much
And so as not to see doctors!

Come on, darling, get better!
Get out of bed, get dressed!
We'll go on a date
We will get rid of all diseases!

Cold, icy and gloomy -
You are never like this.
You turned pale, haggard, but still
The disease does not last long -
She won't always be with you,
Someday the cold will subside...

Sunshine, get well soon!

Sleep well, go to sleep,
Gain strength.
Be healthy and don't be bored.
I'm waiting, get better.

What kind of mood is this?
Don't you want anything at all?!
Well, get well soon
Otherwise I’ll eat the pills myself!

Don't worry, my kitten!
Get well soon, dear!
Be healthy like a tiger cub
And cheerful, my dear.

If you're not feeling well,
The mood is not going well
Then get it from me (as usual)
A very good poem.

I'm not used to seeing illness on your face,
You have become paler and weaker in spirit,
But I know this is temporary, you will defeat her tomorrow,
You will overcome the disease, become stronger in body and soul.
Get well soon and remember,
That everyone loves, appreciates, and waits for you.

Get well soon, my love.
Get well soon.
Drink tea with raspberries
Cover yourself warmly.
Get well soon, darling,
Do you hear, stop being sick.
Restore your strength
There's a lot to do.

Haven't seen you for a long time

Get well soon
And I will be yours again!

Get well soon
My beloved, gentle friend.
Let my love warm you up
Will save you from winter blizzards!

Your health is good
Let the disease win
May you be cheerful and cheerful,
May God protect you!

Get well soon, my love!
I need your body!
You're pumped up and beautiful!
Life is not full of people like this!

You're a little sick, my dear.
I’m already running to you with raspberries!
Warm up with your love,
May you stop getting sick!

Do you want to become healthy?
Do you want to be beautiful?
You need to become cheerful;
And don't be passive!

What sadness has come over us, my love!
Don't you want anything at all?!
Well, get well soon my dear,
Otherwise I’ll eat the pills myself!

Get well soon, my love!
Well, why do you need to get sick?
This virus is playful!
It might rip your throat out!

Lonely, very boring
Walk alone without you!
Get well soon
My beloved and sick.

Nowadays it is not fashionable to get sick.
Do whatever you want.
Go to the pool, to the stadium,
Just drive the pain away.

Put lotions on your temples
And some mustard for your socks,
Wipe your snot more often,
In a word, don't get sick.

Nobody wants to be so sick
And do nothing, lie down.
It’s better to sing a joyful song
And forget about the disease!

Come on, stop being sick!
And just hang on the phone!
Adventure awaits us
And our love and fun!

Dear friend, conquer the disease,
And quickly get out of bed.
We are waiting for you and cannot wait,
Get better, stop lying around.

I will support you in your illness,
I'll sit by your bed,
You understand, being sick is bad,
And it’s better to be healthy, by the way!

My soul hurts and cries,
Looking at you so unhealthy.
I love you, and that means
You must be healthy for me!

You, my love, don’t get sick!
Cheerfulness is in vogue these days.
Hurry up, get up
Enjoy the warm weather!

I can't sleep knowing you're sick!
And sadness because you are not free.
So let's quickly gain strength,
Return to your old way of life!

Get well my dear,
Don't worry, my dear,
Let my love warm you up
Cough, runny nose - all gone.

You're sick, it's hard for you,
And the degrees move up.
But at this moment you are alone
Your loved one will support you.

It's such a shame on such a day -
Sunny, beautiful,
Lying down with a sore head
And like a cancer it’s all red!
Get well soon!
I'll give it a couple of days!

You are a strong, reliable, big guy!
Why are you sick, my dear hero?
You need to save your strength
And be healthy, beautiful, loved!

Haven't seen you for a long time
After all, you are now lying sick.
Get well soon
And I will be yours again!

I'll bring you tea
And I will speak tender words.
I will do everything for you,
If only you don’t know your illnesses!

Sunshine, get well soon!
And let's go feed the pigeons from our palms!
I miss dates like this
Behind you and your dreams!

Get well soon, beloved person!
I will squeeze your palm and touch your lips,
You get some sleep and let yourself dream about your father’s shore,
Where the blizzard is noisy and covered in snow.

Health is the most valuable of valuable things!
Love is not a temporary feeling!
Appreciate health and love,
And you will be forever happy again!

Darling, I'm worried
And I miss you very much,
I want you to be healthy so much
And so as not to see doctors!

Hello everyone and at the same time I wish you a hundred years of health!

Sometimes it is difficult for a man to resist an illness, but increased support from his beloved is the strong support that gives desired result. Original wishes recovery in prose is comparable to a ray of bright light in a cloudy sky.

  • Quickly open the door - I’m launching health, which will revive your movements and lift your body out of bed!
  • You read my SMS and with each letter you lose the shackles of the disease, and tomorrow, my beloved bunny, you will be able to run on the green lawn!)
  • I wish you only one thing - strength in all your muscles, so that the disease quickly recedes!
  • May illness remain a thing of yesterday, and may health and a feeling of vigor arrive today!
  • I wish you good health and believe in your speedy recovery, because I really want to hug and kiss you!
  • Give your sores a serious knockout so that they don’t dare come to you anymore!
  • Let's be cheerful and have fun rather than give in to snot and fever!
  • I am sending you a magic pill that will dissipate into an invisible haze over your head and drive away the annoying sore!
  • Stay strong, my dear, and let your hair be in good spirits!
  • Dear and beloved baby! I need you healthy, so gain strength and get well soon!
  • I can’t find a place for myself when you’re sick ((I mentally send you strength so that together we can overcome your illness!
  • May my love and warmth warm you and save you from the illness that happened at such an inopportune time! ((
  • I believe and hope that tomorrow you will be in service! I love you and with all my heart I wish you to get well!
  • My lips are bored and dreaming of meeting you soon... Let's drive away your illness with a broom and I'm waiting for you as a healthy man!
  • I give you an important instruction - get well soon! Wave your left hand with all your might during full sunset, standing with your back to it, and everything will work out in the same hour!
  • Have you run out of patience yet? I’d be tired of being sick a long time ago, so let’s get rid of all the symptoms and let’s go for a walk together!
  • I don’t want to miss you anymore, but I dream of hugging you tightly tomorrow! I wish you to finally cope with your illness so that you can give each other pleasant emotions!

  • My love for you has already boiled the kettle, and my passion has acquired the taste of raspberries, so let’s cure a cold together!
  • Let everything improve with your health as quickly as possible, and again you will become as beautiful and active as I love you!
  • I wish you triple your strength so that you can get rid of this annoying illness and change your dull face to one beaming with laughter!
  • I want to heal you a little - I wish you spiritual renewal and may recovery come!
  • Take a deep breath and let the disease go far beyond the horizon with a gradual release!
  • You are more, my kitten, sleep and don’t be a bit sad, and I will ask the Guardian Angel so that tomorrow you get up fresh and healthy, like a cucumber from the garden!

Get well soon, my love!
Well, why do you need to get sick?
This virus is playful!
Maybe it will rip your throat out!

No, well, what is it called?
I miss you here, and he lies there,
So he himself is lying in bed,
Shrouded in care, full of pills!
Well, I immediately pulled myself together,
I did my exercises, got out of bed,
Saved the beloved lady from boredom,
I ate a lemon and stopped getting sick!
Get well soon, my love!

Get well soon
Don't get sick or sneeze!
Without you, the world is dimmer,
Without you, heaven is not heaven!

I miss you, I miss you...
I feel so bad without you!
I kiss you tightly!
Honey, take care of yourself!

Get well, don't wait, my man is cool,
Take a deep breath into the avalanche of different feelings,
I hope you don’t remember more of those gray days
When illness had power over you.
We won't be sad and we won't scream
I am like your sun, I will heal here,
If necessary, I’ll leave, if necessary, I’ll warm you up,
I know how to love like no one else in the world.

Sunshine, get well soon!
And let's go feed the pigeons from our palms!
I miss dates like this
Behind you and your dreams!

Get well soon, my love.
Get better without suffering.
May your health be strong.
Life is so cool.
Don't ruin your health.
Don't jump into a snowdrift barefoot.
Keep your head from the heat.
Drink infusions of rowan.

You're not too depressed there,
I'm howling with anguish here!
Without your love and affection,
I live like in a sad fairy tale.
Get well soon
Come back quickly!

Sad look, sad eyes -
You are sick, you are lying down.
I miss you very, very much
Get well soon, Baby!
Get well this evening
I've been waiting for you for a long time
To tell you when we meet:
“I love you, Baby!”

You are a strong, reliable, big guy!
Why are you sick, my dear hero?
You need to save your strength
And be healthy, beautiful, loved!

Darling, get well soon,
And you will never be sick again.
Let all the bad things fly away
And will never return again.
I really want you to be healthy
Cheerful, never to be sad.
Because I love you very much,
With love I will heal all diseases.

Honey, get well soon.
I'm worried about you and really looking forward to it.
Just imagine - I’ll come to you, I’ll regret it,
I'll spend the day with you today,
I'll put you to bed, cover you with a blanket,
I'll warm up the milk and bring it,
I’ll kiss you and give you advice -
I will save you from illness.
I'll sit with you until dusk.
In the morning you will wake up - alive and well.

I want to wish you
Overcome your illness quickly.
And don't get sick anymore
Be healthy all the time.

May your body every day
It becomes like a strong oak.
It’s not in vain, because they say
What is in a strong body is a strong spirit!

The weather is so beautiful outside.
Soon there will be no more sunny days.
And you were a little sick today.
I didn’t even want to go outside.
Get well soon, my love.
There is no need to waste your energy.
Let there be only positive things in life.
Then you will be unable to cope with illness.

Get well soon
My beloved, gentle friend.
Let my love warm you up
Will save you from winter blizzards!

Get well wishes to your beloved boyfriend, man
My love, get well soon.
I want you back soon.
Don't hide and don't hide from everyday life.
I ask, and I don’t want to deceive.
My beloved, I wish you soon
May health come to you again.
Darling, without you my world is empty.
May you be lucky today.

Get well soon baby
Get well soon, dear,
Let's read books together
And we'll run with you.

Let's throw out all the pillows,
Then we'll go to the store,
Let's buy books and toys,
And a huge orange.

Mom will be very angry
For the pillows. How can this be?
We'll have to apologize
Give her an orange.

Mom will scold you a little
And he will forgive. And then we
Along the asphalt path
The three of us will go to the park.

And the neighbor's boy
Let's invite you to go for a walk.
Just... my dear baby,
Get well soon, dear.

Get well soon, my love.
Send the pain away.
My good, nice, dear,
How can I help you?
I'll sit next to you,
I'll tell you jokes.
Are you smiling? Great.
I'll spread the fun.
It's hard for you to be with me -
I don’t let you get sick at all.
I'll tell you a secret -
We have a lot to do.

Get well soon, my love...
Suddenly the moon darkens in the sky
And the world will suddenly become unsociable,
When you are not next to me...

Get over the pain as soon as possible
And quickly run to visit me,
We will solve the main problem
Our faithful and passionate love!

Get well soon, my love.
I'm close, I'm yours, with you,
I want to give you all my strength
May you get better, dear.
Well, now it’s easier for you,
And everything dangerous was gone.
I believe that affection heals.
We will be fine!

When you're sick, the world loses its color,
Even fairy tales become unkind...
Darling, please get well, honey!
May the white-winged angel help you!

My world just goes dark when you're sick
After all, you know how to warm my heart,
And only with you I will be happy,
Trust me, medicine and miracles!

Are you sick? Get into bed
We will save you.
Here is a potion, a miracle poison,
She treats everything.
We'll drink some cognac,
You'll be instantly invigorated.

I will take away all your troubles with my hand
And let all illnesses pass by
Our grandfathers once knew how
Use your hand when necessary!
Or maybe a kiss is my medicine?
Do you think it is stronger than the pill?
Let's leave behind the sick kingdom,
I will let you out of this cage.

Get well soon
Smile, don't be sick!
I'm sad without you,
Only you - my love!

I'll lull you to sleep like a baby
I'll warm you up with a blanket,

Again you say: I love you.

My lips tremble - I run faster,

Quietly, quietly, I'll take a nap next to you,
I give my care and strength,
Get well! I'm sad without you
Only you call me beloved.

Get well soon, beloved person!
I will squeeze your palm and touch your lips,
You get some sleep and let yourself dream about your father’s shore,
Where the blizzard is noisy and covered in snow.
I'll lull you to sleep like a baby
I'll warm you up with a blanket,
I touch my forehead - it’s hot, I’m barely breathing,
Again you say: I love you.
My lips tremble - I run faster,
To be with you in the morning,
Look - what a wonderful day!
Get well! I'll be very happy.

Poems wishes to your beloved boyfriend, get well soon
The vision becomes blurred.
My loved one is sick:
I haven't eaten for four days.
I'm really worried about him
I forgot about peace:
“Darling, my sunshine,
Overcome your illness!
You are strong, you are brave -
You solve all problems yourself
Overcome your illness, -
Come back to your family.
I closed my eyes tiredly,
It's morning again.
Most best doctor- dream, -
Sleep, beloved, be healthy!

I will give you all the stars that are in the sky
I'll give everything to warm your palms
For me you are the most important thing in life
Taking care of you is my purpose.
Dear, get better and don’t get sick anymore
And there are so many bright days ahead for us in the future.
Get well soon, dear - we can’t live without you!
Oh, how I didn’t know before that you could love like that
All roads lead to you, like dear Rome,
.(dot) asks... I can’t find a better one
I will disperse all illnesses and sorrows
Smiling, we will rush into fabulous distances.