Care after eyelid tattooing is necessary condition to obtain the expected result from the procedure. Permanent makeup is popular; it saves time, freeing a woman from the daily use of cosmetics, and visually changes the shape of the eyes and the thickness of the eyelashes.

Proper care after tattooing guarantees wound healing and allows you to get desired result. If care is neglected, there is a risk of defects and serious problems such as conjunctivitis.

80% of the results from tattooing are care for the eyelids after the procedure. The appearance, speed of regeneration, and durability of makeup depend on it.

The effect will last for several years if you follow the rules of care:

  1. During the care process, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature.
  2. Do not let the skin dry out or crack. If dry, use fat cream or Vaseline.
  3. In summer you need to use creams to protect your eyelids from the sun.
  4. You should not use decorative cosmetics around your eyes for up to two weeks.

It is important to listen to the advice of a tattoo artist, use prescribed products, ointments, creams, and not use healing accelerators with antibiotics, hormones, or corticosteroids.

What to do in the first days

It is necessary to take care of your eyelid tattoo in the first days. After the procedure, a protective gel is applied. The skin should rest for two hours. Later, you need to wash it with cold water and antibacterial soap. As soon as the skin dries, apply a thin layer of moisturizing ointment - “Depanthenol”, “Bepanten”. The first day after tattooing you should use antiseptics.

The ointment is used after the procedure for 7-10 days. It is applied every 2-3 hours for 3-4 days, before which the skin of the eyelids is wiped with an antiseptic. When caring, you should not use products containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. From the fifth day, the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day.

You should rinse your eyes with cool water in the morning and evening. If swelling occurs after tattooing, apply ice. For mild discomfort, swelling of the eyelids, and redness, use eye drops.

If after tattooing a film appears on the eyelids or a bright layer of the epidermis peels off, do not worry - this is normal.

Care Tips:

  1. After the procedure, you cannot visit baths or saunas. It is prohibited to swim in ponds, pools, or use a solarium. Try not to be in the sun or steam your skin.
  2. Exclude physical activity, which can cause sweating, for a couple of weeks. Sweat damages healing areas.
  3. Do not comb or rub the area of ​​skin on which the eyelid tattoo is applied.

Care after crusting

During tattooing, the needle pierces skin, causing damage to blood vessels, epidermis, and connective tissue cells. The skin of the eyelids becomes inflamed after manipulation. Plasma emerges from the thinned epidermis and pores. Blood and lymph then form a crust that protects the damaged skin during healing.

For care, the tattoo area is lubricated with a cream, the formula of which does not contain aggressive components that cause irritation and allergic reactions. The eyelid products chosen by the master should be applied in a thin layer to best stimulate the regeneration process. Do not overdry the skin.

Therapeutic ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect and should be used two or three times a day to care for the eyelids. Don't use cotton swabs or discs - handle with your hands.

You cannot touch the crust that appears after tattooing. It will disappear on its own when the area of ​​skin underneath is restored to 100%. If there is no crust, complete regeneration has occurred.

Post-healing care

When caring for your eyelids after tattooing, try not to use cosmetics containing excessively active ingredients. Be careful when removing makeup near the permanent area. Do not use alcohol wipes, choose delicate mousses and gels, special means for removing eye makeup.

Swelling may appear at the site of the arrows. Along with ice, you can use diuretics. But such drugs destabilize the balance of potassium and magnesium in the body, so you need to take vitamins to restore it.

In the eyelid area after tattooing, an allergic reaction and itching may begin. The skin may swell. Take care of antiallergic medications. The specialist will recommend medicinal hydrocortisone ointment for eyelid care; you may need a compress. Be sure to find out about the frequency of use of medications.

Rules for washing and applying makeup after eyelid tattooing

After the procedure, you cannot wash your face. It is strictly forbidden to wet the permanent area. If moisture gets in during cleaning, remove it paper napkin. You can shower after the eyelid procedure, but you need to make sure that the tattoo area remains dry. The bathroom or visit to the bathhouse should be postponed. Due to the steam, the crusts can become moisturized and come off along with the pigment.

You should not apply cosmetics near the tattoo area for about two weeks. After this period, you should try not to use drugs with strong ingredients. To care for and remove cosmetics, use cotton pads and cotton swabs.

To be sure, decorative cosmetics for the eyelids should not be used for 2 weeks, and better month. On average, skin restoration takes 21 days. After this time, you can apply makeup without risk.

What not to do after the procedure

The procedure is performed using a machine with disposable tips that make microscopic punctures. A professional can draw arrows, correct the shape of the eyes, and choose the appropriate color.

Eyelid tattooing can visually correct visual asymmetry of the eyes or face. There are three types permanent makeup eye:

  1. Classic - pigment fills the space between the eyelashes.
  2. Tattoo “arrow” - using paint, the artist applies a line to the eyelids.
  3. Filling the interlash space with shading - after applying the pigment, the specialist shades it, making the line slightly fuzzy.
  1. Rub the skin with your hands or a towel. You can introduce an infection into the wounds, erase the pigment - the result will turn pale.
  2. Wet the skin with a persistent location cosmetic product within 24 hours after the procedure. Since the needle penetrates to a small depth, the permanent can be washed away. If water gets on the tattoo area, do not wipe it off, but leave it to dry.
  3. Use cosmetics immediately after the procedure. Avoid products with harsh chemicals.
  4. Try to get rid of the crusts. The crust protects the damaged area of ​​the skin, and healing occurs underneath it. There is no need to touch it for the regeneration process to go faster.
  5. Use lotions and alcohol-containing eye creams for a month after tattooing. Because of them, the color may change shade or fade. There is a risk of increasing the healing time of wounds.
  6. Be exposed to physical activity. Excessive sweating can damage the pigment.
  7. Do not let the crusts dry out too much - apply the cream recommended by the master as care.
  8. Contact skin with dirty hands. There is a risk of infection.
  9. Do not use mascara for at least three days. The skin heals completely only after 21 days.
  10. Wear contact lenses.
  11. Abuse alcohol.

By following the care recommendations, you can get high-quality and beautiful effect on centuries. If you use the services of a professional, take into account his opinion and follow the instructions, there will be no problems after the tattoo procedure, and correction will not be needed soon.

The permanent eyelid makeup procedure will help a woman become irresistible. Despite the pain, tattooing will delight you for a long time. You don’t have to fuss with eyeshadow, eyeliner, or eyeliner in the morning. Just tint your eyelashes and the look is ready.


Eye tattooing creates the impression of permanently applied makeup on a girl’s face, which is why it is popular. But care after eyelid tattooing is important, because without it the result will not look neat and natural.

Basic rules

Eyelid tattoo care requires attention, since with the help proper care a female representative will achieve the effect she wants.

After tattooing the eyes and applying permanent makeup to the eyelids, the dye may look too bright and aggressive. This effect will disappear at the end of the epidermis recovery period.

During the entire rehabilitation of the skin, the following rules of cosmetologists should be observed:

  1. Sudden changes in temperature are dangerous for the skin, so you should not expose it to them. This is especially dangerous in frosty weather (you will have to make sure that the crust does not get caught on the wool of a warm hat).
  2. You cannot sunbathe with an unhealed eyelid tattoo; it is important to use sunscreen before going out into the sun. Especially in the first days after the session, you need to be careful with your eyelids.
  3. Eye care after permanent eyelid makeup is similar to recovery after applying pigment to other areas of the face, so it also includes limiting baths, saunas, and swimming pools for the first month after a cosmetology visit.
  4. Usage decorative cosmetics and grooming cosmetics are prohibited because it disrupts the bond between the dye and human tissue.
  5. Peels and scrubs will worsen the condition of damaged skin. This is due to the fact that during its restoration you cannot rub or scratch the thin layer of the epidermis, and these products have a similar aggressive effect on eyelid tattooing.
  6. The crusts should not be peeled off, scratched or handled carelessly, as this will cause them to peel off prematurely.

The cosmetologist will prescribe more accurate readings at the end of the eyelid tattooing session, so his instructions regarding regeneration must be followed.

Eyelid care after eyelid tattooing

Care after eyelash makeup or eyelashes is similar. When leaving cosmetology, the applied pigment pattern may seem bright; this brightness will subside after tissue regeneration is complete, when they acquire a normal, healthy appearance.

Standard use medical supplies eyelids are not necessary for healing. The cells themselves will restore the tissue, and the girl needs to ensure that the epidermis does not dry out.

On the first day, you should carefully wet the eyelid tattoo area with a cotton pad every 30 minutes, then you can wash it, but you shouldn’t rub it with a towel, you just need to soak the damaged area.

During the first week of care after eyelid tattooing, a protective layer will appear on your eyes. You need to be careful with it, because tearing it off will lead to negative consequences that will affect the effect of permanent makeup and the client’s health.

The crust will fall off on its own within a few days. Its peeling may be accompanied by itching, which must be endured. If this is difficult to do, you can place a damp cotton pad on your eyelids and apply a little pressure through it. The itching will decrease, and you won’t have to resort to scratching the damaged skin.

All this time it is worth making sure that the crust does not dry out. To do this, you need to use chlorhexidine, and during the first two weeks after eyelid tattooing, it is important to use a healing ointment that helps restore the skin.

If you accidentally tear off the protective layer prematurely, it is important to use an antiseptic (so that infection does not enter the body through the microcrack) and a healing ointment applied in a thick layer (so that the protective layer reappears).

Restoration of the epidermis

Restoring the skin is an important part of eyelid tattoo care. To do this, you should follow the rules written by a specialist, but they do not always indicate important points.

Washing with running water can introduce infection into the body, so it is worth buying special water for washing. However, the composition of such water should not contain aggressive components; it should be gentle.

The epidermis will recover on its own after the protective crust peels off, for this it should provide the conditions: avoid stress, do not go out into the open rays of the sun without protection, do not honor your eyes, do not use cosmetics for makeup or care.

Protective cream should be applied to the fabric in the following order: before a crust forms - 6 times a day, after it forms - 3 or 4 times a day.


Care for permanent eye makeup lasts about 10 days, then the skin heals itself for another 20 days. It is not difficult to provide the required care, the main thing is to treat it carefully in order to get a well-groomed result and the appearance of a female representative.

– a procedure for introducing pigment into the area where eyelashes or eyelids grow. It helps improve appearance, since the eyelashes are clearly visible after tattooing, the woman’s face stands out.

Regardless of the method of carrying out the procedure, after its implementation it is necessary to properly care for the skin of the eyelids in order to prevent the spread of infection and inflammation.

You should consult the cosmetologist who performed the procedure about the rules.

There are 3 types of procedures, which are selected by the cosmetologist individually for each patient:

  • Interlash application. The space under the skin next to each eyelash of the eyelid is filled. The technique can be performed for both the upper and lower eyelids. The effect after the procedure occurs instantly, the effect lasts for many years. During the procedure, the cosmetologist must take into account the individual parameters of the patient’s eyes. After completing the method and skin care, you can additionally apply makeup, then the effect of lush eyelashes will be created.
  • Arrow . In this case, the pigment is also applied to the area under the skin, but is done in the form of a drawn arrow above the eyelashes, which a woman could apply herself. Unlike temporary makeup, such arrows will be long-term; there is no need to apply cosmetics daily.
  • Additional shading. The same technique for applying pigment is used, but the effect is created as after shading makeup. After completion of the procedure, the eyes will look impressive and expressive.

The type of tattoo is chosen by the patient herself. It depends on preferences, purposes of use and taste.

How to make a tattoo

The eyelid tattooing procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. cleansing the skin surface in the place where the pigment will be applied under the skin;
  2. prescribing an anesthetic, which is used only locally to numb the area where the pigment is applied (this should be done carefully, since contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes causes side effects);
  3. the procedure itself is performed, during which the cosmetologist uses a small needle to apply pigment under the skin of the eyelids (it must be stretched so that the substance gets into all the folds and no empty sections are formed);
  4. reapplying the anesthetic so that the patient does not feel pain immediately after the procedure is completed;
  5. application of a drug that promotes increased regeneration, for example, Solcoseryl (eyelids heal faster).

After the procedure, you need to find out from the cosmetologist how to go through the healing period so that inflammation or bacterial infection does not form.

How long does it take for eyelids to heal after tattooing?

If the patient has no complications, she properly cared for the skin of the eyelids, restoration of damaged tissue will occur within 2-3 days. First, redness forms, which will then disappear. A temporary crust may also appear. It should not be removed on your own, as the pigment in this area may disappear. Gradually the crust will fall off on its own.

After the procedure, you must follow a number of important rules, which prevent complications, promote rapid recovery fabrics:

  • on the first day after the procedure, you should not wash your face, even with plain water;
  • on the second and subsequent days, you can use cool water to wash your face; it is not recommended to use chemicals;
  • after washing, you should not wipe your eyes with a towel to prevent the removal of pigment; they must dry on their own;
  • With the permission of a doctor or cosmetologist, apply a moisturizer specifically designed for post-tattoo care.

Ointment for tissue healing is applied every few hours in the first days after the procedure. Gradually this time is reduced. After one week you can use the ointment 2 times a day. This is done in order to prevent dry eyes, which can cause crusts and cracking of the skin.

Pharmacy drugs

To prevent complications after the procedure, it is recommended to use the following medications:

  • Etonium is an antiseptic that helps eliminate bacteria in the area of ​​application, acts gently and does not dry out the skin;
  • ointment based on hydrocortisone - contains an anti-inflammatory hormonal agent, the drug is applied topically, it helps eliminate the inflammatory effect and moisturize the skin (due to the presence of excipients);
  • Tetracycline ointment– a broad-spectrum antibiotic intended to prevent the development of infection and its spread into deep tissues after the procedure.

All medicines must be applied in strict dosage. Some of them may cause side effects if used incorrectly. Since the drugs are used only locally, systemic adverse reactions are rare.

Care after complete healing

Special cosmetic care eyelid skin care after complete tissue healing is not required. You can apply moisturizers, ointments, and eye creams to hydrate the delicate skin of your eyelids. It is also possible to apply additional makeup over the tattoo, which will not cause any side effects or allergic reactions.

What absolutely should not be done

There are prohibitions that cannot be carried out immediately after tattooing:

  • on the first day after the procedure, you should not swim or wet your eyes;
  • While the tissue is healing, you should not apply cosmetics, as it can spread into the damaged skin of the eyelids, causing bacterial infection;
  • minimize physical activity and sports while the damaged tissues are being restored;
  • You should not visit the bathhouse, sauna, or sunbathe under the bright sun, as this can cause bleeding and inflammation of the affected area;
  • Do not apply alcohol-based products, as this will cause skin irritation;
  • It is forbidden to touch your eyelids without first disinfecting your hands.

The first time after the procedure, the patient will experience discomfort in the eyelid area, itching, burning, and pain. The skin may peel or crack. These are not scary phenomena. Symptoms can be corrected with the help of painkillers and moisturizing ointments.

When can you wash your face after eyelid tattooing?

You should not wash your face only on the first day after the procedure. If no adverse reactions occur, washing with water is allowed from day 2.

Do I need to use antibiotics to prevent an infection?

Antibacterial agents are required to be used. Systemic drugs in the form of tablets and suspensions are not used. Only topical antibiotics are used in the form of an ointment. For example, Erythromycin or Tetracycline ointment.

How to choose the type of tattoo?

The choice of variety depends on the taste preferences of the patient. You can consult with a cosmetologist who will suggest the most optimal option.


Eye care after eyelid tattooing plays an important role in the healing period after the session. This reduces the risk of negative consequences, the development of which manifests itself in the first days after eyelid tattooing in cosmetology.

Eye tattoo: how to care after the procedure

Not everyone knows how to take care of the results, which is why girls make mistakes that ultimately turn into side effects.

You should take care of your drawing from the first day, and the first standard side effect is redness and swelling. These parameters appear due to damage to epithelial cells by the needle of a tattoo machine.

The eyes are an area of ​​the face where the skin is thin, and it is located next to the mucous membrane. Because of these factors, it is worthwhile to carefully care for the epidermis so that rehabilitation does not leave scars on the tissue.

In the first week you need to act as follows:

  1. To relieve redness and swelling, restore the tissue using a cold, dry compress.
  2. For the first three days, smear the damaged area with an antiseptic and healing ointment every hour or hour and a half. It is necessary to take care of the cover so often so that a protective layer is quickly formed that will hide the open wound.
  3. On the third or fourth day, a protective layer forms; you can care for it less often. It is enough to apply the products specified in the instructions from the cosmetologist five times a day.
  4. On the sixth or seventh day, itching usually begins, which indicates that the crust is beginning to peel off. You must endure the itching, but you cannot touch the crust, as this can lead to its premature peeling. This will open the wound, which creates a risk of infection in the body.
    In the worst case, infection leads to the development of an infectious disease that affects various organs and also promotes the removal of dye from under the epidermis.
  5. If you peel off the protective layer ahead of time, generously lubricate the affected area with an antiseptic and healing ointment to form a new crust. This area needs to continue to be looked after.
  6. By the end of the first week after eye tattooing, the protective layer usually disappears, after which there is no need to care for it, and the woman can evaluate the intermediate result.

There is no need to take care of the eye tattoo, because during the remaining rehabilitation time the skin continues to regenerate the affected cells on its own; the client can provide external conditions to accelerate healing.

At the end of the month of eye tattoo care, a correction is carried out, during which the master evaluates the work done during the main session. If there are defects, they are corrected, and the client undergoes skin rehabilitation once again.

Care for arrows and shading

Eye tattooing is a spot procedure that needs to be carefully maintained so as not to damage the neat design.

How to care for the arrows depends on the technique performed. This technique can be done like double arrows, like Egyptian arrows, or like a standard straight line.

In a simple case, caring for eye tattoos is simple; you just need to apply the products to the selected area. If the dye was applied to the lower eyelid, it must also be covered with a healing ointment.

However, they usually do not ask about how to care for shading, since in this case you should simply apply the prescribed products to the moving part of the eye, since the eye tattoo is drawn there.

You should be careful with the crust on the mucous membrane of the eye, since if you touch it a little, in most cases there are negative consequences for the health of the eye.

Contraindications and general rules

In all cases, to care for permanent makeup, there are certain instructions that should be followed during the rehabilitation period of the epidermis and subsequently to increase durability:

  1. Do not use decorative cosmetics for a month after tattooing. This disrupts the connection between the dye and the surface of the eye.
  2. You can wash your face starting from the third or fourth day, when a crust appears. At the same time, you should wash your face after tattooing not with running water, but with micellar water, then soak the wetted area with a soft napkin.
  3. It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, as in these places - increased rate humidity, which affects the strengthening of the dye under the skin.
  4. Do not sunbathe, as ultraviolet rays affect the color's early fading.
  5. Before going out into the open rays of the sun, use eye protection after tattooing to prevent the rays from reaching and damaging the area.
  6. Do not expose the cover to sudden changes in temperature. This changes the composition of the blood and the quality of the pigment.

Follow the instructions of the master that he prescribes for you. If you follow the instructions from cosmetology as much as possible, you will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences that affect the result or the girl’s health.


It is important to know how to properly care for eye tattoos in order to get an accurate and natural result in the end. This also reduces the risk of side effects, which affect the effect and health of the female representative.

Is it worth getting an eyelid tattoo? Many girls have asked themselves this question at least once. But any person immediately begins to have doubts, because of which most people refuse tattooing.

First of all, these doubts concern the safety of the procedure. In fact, if everything is done correctly and the required care is provided, tattooing is absolutely safe.

The healing process usually takes no more than two weeks

It is best to go for the procedure before the weekend or at a time when you can spend most of your time at home, because after tattooing your eyes will need several days to recover.

How the procedure itself goes:

  1. First, it is mandatory to cleanse the eyelids of cosmetics and sebum.
  2. Next, apply an anesthetic. In the tattooing procedure, cream is used for this. It should be applied as close to the eyelash line as possible, but should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membrane.
  3. A film is placed on top of the cream.
  4. The cream must be removed with a napkin. You can't do this with water.
  5. Then the master performs the procedure itself, applying the dye under the skin. at the same time it is stretched to fill all the folds.
  6. Once completed, the eyelids are wiped with an anesthetic.
  7. At the end, a healing cream is applied.

In most cases, correction will be required within a month. It is needed for minor corrections. Sometimes girls also want to change their tattoo: make an arrow or increase the width of an existing one.

The duration of the procedure depends on the type of tattoo. For example, applying a regular eyeliner will take about an hour.

Types of eyelid tattooing

According to the technique of execution, there are 3 types of eye tattooing:

  1. Interciliary. In this case, the space between the eyelashes is filled without going beyond their growth line. Can be done only on the upper eyelid or on both. But tattooing on the lower eyelid is not for everyone. Individual characteristics must be taken into account. As a result, you will no longer need to worry about the expressiveness of your eyes. Makeup can be applied without restrictions. Interlash tattooing also creates the effect of lush eyelashes.
  2. Tattoo "arrow". When choosing this option, a tattoo in the form of an arrow is applied. Waking up with drawn arrows is the dream of almost every girl. Also in the evening you won’t have to think about washing off your long-lasting eyeliner.
  3. Tattoo with shading. This tattoo option gives the effect of painted eyes. The application technique is almost no different from the previous one. Only in this case the lines are made fuzzy.

These types of techniques can be combined as desired.

Eye care after tattooing

The first day after makeup, do not allow water to get on your eyelids.

What to do during healing:

  • When washing your face, you need to choose products that do not dry out your skin.
  • Wash only with cool water.
  • Do not wipe your eyes, but wait until they dry.
  • After washing, apply a special care cream.

The recovery process may take several days. Usually the skin heals no longer than 2 weeks. At first, the color of the tattoo will be bright. But a little later a small crust will begin to form.

Under no circumstances should you separate the crust yourself. Otherwise, gaps may appear on the tattoo.

This happens because the skin first rejects the pigment. But after healing, he begins to take it back.

Cold compresses can be applied to reduce discomfort and swelling. You can make it by putting ice in a tight bag and wrapping it in a towel. Then apply to the eyelids. But you should not overuse this, as you can get colds in your eyes.

During the recovery period, you must constantly apply the ointment that the specialist will recommend. At first this will need to be done every 3-4 hours. Over time, use is reduced to 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to keep the eyelid area dry, but do not allow it to dry out so that the skin does not crack.

Preparations for healing eyelids

Any ointments to speed up healing should be used with caution. They need to be applied with gentle, light movements, always in a thin layer.

Several options:

  • Etonium, price: 50–100 rubles
  • Hydrocortisone ointment, price: 25–57 rubles.
  • Tetracycline ointment, price: 20–40 rubles.

Under no circumstances should you use ointments and creams that contain alcohol.

Contraindications to the eyelid tattoo procedure

Choose a high-quality tattoo parlor with positive reviews that will perform the procedure according to all the rules

Before you decide to undergo a tattoo procedure, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Absolute contraindications:

  1. HIV infection;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. diabetes mellitus;
  4. poor blood clotting;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. mental illness;
  7. moles, inflammatory processes in the intended tattoo site.

If you neglect these points, complications may arise.

What not to do before the eyelids heal

After the tattoo procedure you will have to give up several things:

  • Day 1: Do not wet your eyes.
  • Do not apply cosmetics to your eyelids.
  • Avoid sports and heavy physical activity.
  • Do not visit saunas and swimming pools.
  • Sunbathing or staying in the sun for a long time is contraindicated.
  • Do not use creams and ointments with alcohol.

During the recovery process, the skin will itch and possibly peel.

If the procedure is performed correctly and all care conditions are met, you will be able to admire the beautiful eyes for 2-3 years.

The expert talks about permanent makeup, its types, gives recommendations and advice on the procedure: