Not everyone knows that girls can get excited not only from active actions on the part of their partner. Sometimes it's enough just to stand next to a girl, for example, in line at the checkout, and she will unconsciously want you. Interested? Read on.

Women are significantly influenced by smell and certain foods. When meeting the fair sex, the scent of a man first affects them. Then you can invite her to a cafe and order (recommend) a certain dish to increase her excitement. Then it's a matter of technique.

Smell is only a helper. There are prerequisites: a clean body, well-groomed nails, washed hair, ironed clothes and clean shoes. Shouldn't be unpleasant odor from the mouth and alcohol fumes. A confident look and gait are required. They say that the condition of the body does not affect a girl as much as skill. But shoulders, arms and buttocks will clearly not go to the minus.

Smells that excite girls

  1. Male sweat. This is the most stimulating scent for women. Everything is simple here: sweat contains androstadienone, in short, ladies are drawn to it. This hormone, when inhaled, sends signals to a woman that cause sexual arousal. This is a fact. The girls' mood improves, their blood pressure rises, and their heart begins to beat faster. However, you should know when to stop, that is, you should not forget about the soul. The fact is that it is the hormone that excites girls, and not the pungent smell of sweat. Therefore, you just need to use a deodorant with a less strong smell.
  2. Musk. This is the second fragrance of all that can turn almost any girl into a pastel. The smell of musk is very similar to the smell of pheromones secreted male body. The problem is that musk is difficult to obtain and today it is essentially synthetic. Musk is included in the perfume. To avoid running into fakes, you should buy products from reputable brands.
  3. Vanilla. The smell of vanilla is unobtrusive, but at the same time sweet and exciting, which causes sexual arousal in women. Vanilla is also often used in perfume making.
  4. Mint. The smell of mint influences the desire of girls to some extent, but first of all, the aroma makes a person active and cheerful. Peppermint is widely used in the production of essential oils.
  5. Patchouli. Experts say that patchouli stimulates sexual arousal and enhances sexual energy. Patchouli has a wonderful scent that all girls love.
  6. Jasmine. The smell of this plant liberates a person. Therefore, it is recommended to buy perfume or essential oil with notes of jasmine.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that cause sexual desire. Naturally, they are contained in products. And most importantly: these products increase women's sensitivity, bringing her closer to orgasm faster.

Products that excite girls

  1. Celery. It contains androsterone, which has an exciting effect on girls. The aroma of celery also attracts girls.
  2. Vanilla. She again, but only here.
  3. Grape. This fruit promotes blood flow to the female genital organ, which increases excitability.
  4. Chocolate and red wine in moderation. These are powerful aphrodisiacs that arouse desire in girls.
  5. Artichoke. It also “hots” the vagina.
  6. Oysters, shrimp and many other seafood.
  7. Caviar, honey, mushrooms, cabbage. These are also excellent aphrodisiacs. And mushrooms contain a lot of zinc, which increases arousal.
  8. Strawberry, black and red currants.
  9. Soybeans. It contains a lot of estrogen.
  10. Olive oil increases female libido due to the content of vitamin E. Ghee also enhances the sensitivity of the weaker sex.
  11. Sunflower seeds. They have a lot of vitamin E.
  12. Almonds and nutmeg. Even frigid ladies can break under the influence of these nuts.

Tomatoes, eggs, oatmeal, cottage cheese, legumes, oranges, tangerines also influence a girl’s excitability.

So there's a woman you really like and would like to sleep with. Below are tips that can help you seduce her.

1. Don't consider yourself unattractive. If you feel that you are unattractive, then nothing can help you make a woman think that you are attractive. This type of thinking will affect your body language and the way you carry yourself. Change something about your appearance to feel better, and start telling yourself that you are attractive.

2. Don't “load” it. It happens that a man behaves very boringly, without understanding what he is doing. Never talk about your job, sports or the weather when you're with a lady unless you're sure she's really interested. She can listen for hours and even say that she is interested just so as not to offend you. Then she will go home and never call back. And you will think why this happened. The reason is that she got bored with you.

If she is genuinely interested in what you have to say, she will not only ask questions and listen, she will have something to say about it herself. For example: If she asks you which team you think will win the Super Bowl, she pretends to be interested. If she herself tells you which team she thinks will win and why, then everything is fine, she really cares about football.

3. Don't talk too much. If you talk constantly, a woman may turn away from you. She may think that you talk all the time because you are nervous and she will become bored. Try to make her talk too. Even a timid woman who you can “talk” to will feel comfortable, and you will easily find out what she is really interested in.

4. Never ask too many questions. I know the pause can be awkward when you're with a woman. However

However, this does not mean that you should ask her question after question. A few timely questions can make the conversation interesting, but if there are too many of them, the woman will want to run away from you. Instead of interrogating her, pay attention to her hints during the conversation, which will show you how she really feels.

A good way to test this is to repeat what she said, only as a question. This will encourage her to say more, but it will be perceived as a sign of interest rather than another question.

For example:

You:"What films do you like"?
She:"Oh, I think... comedies, mostly."
She:"Yeah, like...Meet the Fockers."
If you know what this movie is, then now you have something to talk about. You can discuss this movie and talk about some similar ones that she probably likes too. Remember that you are not chatting to pass the time. You build trust by showing her that you have a lot in common.

When doing this technique, you should simply repeat the words she said. If you say, "What kind of comedies?" that's a different question, and she may feel like she's being interrogated.

5. Avoid questions that can be answered with “Yes” or “No,” for example: “Do you like movies?” This can stop communication.

6. Don't treat a woman like a reward. Women don't like being a prize or someone else's property. She will not trust you if she understands that you will brag to your friends that you have won her.

7. Learn to read her body language. Many men don't understand that it is necessary to understand a woman's body language in order to win her over. By reading her body language, you will understand whether she is interested in you or not.
Seduction Secrets to Create Strong Sexual Desire

If this is so, then you can carry out your plan of seduction, and if not, find another woman and not waste your time.

8. Flirting is a sign. How can a woman know that you are interested in her if you don't give her a sign? When you flirt with her, you are indirectly letting her know your intentions.

9. Be confident. Women simply cannot resist a man who is confident in himself. Don't be afraid to approach a woman for fear of rejection. Life always has risks, and if you don't take risks, you won't be able to reap the rewards.

10. Make the woman feel comfortable. If you want to attract and seduce a lady, then it is very important that she feels good in your company. If she feels happy next to you, then it will be easier for you to seduce her.

Heyday - from 22 to 27 years old, advice from a psychologist.
You hope that from her point of view, your next date went just fine. Cafes, flowers, kisses under the moon - she probably liked all this and put you in the right mood. After all, you want more! All your body cries out for sex! You thought about it all evening and even imagined how she would squirm in your arms and ask for continuation. You even managed to ask her to visit her for a cup of coffee. And suddenly, instead of getting down to business to bring her to ecstasy, you suddenly hear a phrase from her that affects you like a tub of cold water...

"Not now. We barely know each other.” Not everything is as bad as you think! She's really just testing you. Girls are told that sleeping with a guy on the first date means losing themselves in your eyes forever. After this, you will begin to perceive her as a fallen woman. But she also wants the same thing as you! In fact, if she didn't want to sleep with you, she wouldn't invite you home. Therefore, you will have to convince her. The following techniques work well here.
Agree with her. Yes, yes. You heard right. Say something like: “Of course, sorry, we really barely know each other.” Just don’t pull your hands back in shame. Continue to do what you did, only even more affectionately, gently and without pressure. You can “step back” for a while - instead of fiddling with her breasts, stroke, for example, her hand or tickle her behind the ear. Let her relax. And then you can proceed to the next stage: slowly freeing yourself from the clothes that are bothering you both. Keep reverent silence. She will definitely be imbued with the importance of the moment and decide that this is not just an affair for you either. Any position will do for the first time. However, from a psychological point of view, it is better to choose either the missionary position (so you are much closer and closer to each other) or the standing position (“I didn’t go to bed with him?” she says). By the way, if tonight you were able to unexpectedly give her a luxurious bouquet of flowers, consider that the matter is in the bag. Any girl will decide that this is love at first sight, and if so, then your sex is already the beginning of a romantic relationship.

"Sorry, I'm a lesbian." Apparently she was unlucky with your predecessor (if there was one, of course). And it doesn’t matter why he so turned her off from all males (maybe in bed he thought only about himself, or maybe he always smelled as if he had just cleaned the stables). The main thing is that now your girlfriend looks equally disgusted at all men on planet Earth. However, on the threshold of her apartment today she is standing with you, and not with the girls. And that means something! So all is not lost yet! Very carefully and delicately, with gentle touches of your hands or lips, first bring her to crazy excitement and only then proceed to the main thing! Forget about your desires for a while. Now the main thing is to make her enjoy doing “this” with you. And then everything will go like clockwork.

“Sorry, not now. I'm on my period." Believe me, women are also not happy about the fact that they have “critical days” at the most inopportune moment. And they practically don’t want sex at this time. You can try to achieve what you want with caresses and kisses, but you shouldn’t insist too much. If you still managed to achieve your cherished goal, it is better to choose a position that does not penetrate very deeply (for example, the missionary position or the position when you are on top and the girl wraps her legs around you). And if you didn’t succeed, don’t despair. Perhaps the girl will thank you for all your caresses with great oral sex.

“Sorry, not now. My head is occupied with other things.” You will have to try to force out all the thoughts you don’t need from her pretty head and occupy her with dreams of your luxurious body. No brute force! Don't insist on anything! Gentle, unobtrusive touches and kisses are your method of influencing her. And when she starts moaning easily from your caresses and asks for more, don’t ask her to help you! Let her lie on her side, with her back to you. This position of “passive complicity” will allow you to achieve your goal, and for her to pretend that she is solving important problems!

“Sorry, not now. You reek of garlic." Well, in our age chewing gum and mouth fresheners are unwise to make such a mistake. At worst you can always use traditional methods, such as: chew coffee beans, eat an apple, drink a glass of milk. If you are afraid that at the most inopportune moment the effect of these funds will end, it is better to choose a position from the back. For example, a sitting position when she has her back to you.

“Sorry, not now. I have a terrible headache." In such a case, you should learn how to properly massage your head. Or, at worst, at least basic massage movements, such as stroking, tapping and patting. By giving her a massage, or simply stroking her face, you can smoothly move on to more intimate caresses and kisses.

“Sorry, not now. I'm in a hurry to get to work." Tell her that sexologists have found the following: having sex before work allows you to tune into the right mood and, as a result, perform your work duties much better. And that you want her to have a successful career, why you need to do “this” right now, and everything else will wait a little. Just don’t pester her with caresses during “really important things”: putting on makeup, painting her nails or styling her hair. At such moments, it will only make her angry, and you can easily push her. The “standing” position will help both of you quickly achieve what you want, and she won’t be late for work.

"Not for the world. You're drunk as hell." Yes, most likely you won’t succeed today. But this does not stop you from preparing yourself a “springboard” for the future, giving her compliments and saying that you are simply burning with the desire to possess her. Even seeing you in this state, a girl is still pleased to hear compliments addressed to her and see your wish carry it in your arms.

And finally, remember. A girl won't use these “excuses for sex” if she loves you. Maybe it will be better if you have sex when you really want it, and both? Good luck!

Romanenko Natalia

Being apart from the girl you love is one of the difficulties that you will have to face. How to make her miss you? To do this, you need to keep her wanting to see more of you, have fun with her, and remind her of how much she loves you. In this case, the saying “out of sight, out of mind” will have nothing to do with you.


Part 1

Make her want more
  1. Limit the amount of time you spend together. If you want a girl to miss you, don't spend all your free time on her. Spend enough time with her so that she understands how interesting and cheerful you are; if you spend too much time with her, she will take it for granted. Meet a girl once or twice a week and don't limit your social activities to that. Otherwise, the girl will think that she can meet you whenever she wants.

    • If a girl wants to meet you, she must agree with you about this in advance (several days in advance). Don't be at her beck and call!
    • When dating a girl, do not spend the whole day with her, but only a few hours, so that she appreciates this time.
    • The described actions may seem strange to you, but they are part of the strategy.
  2. Limit the number of times you talk to your girl on the phone. Let these be relatively short conversations so that the girl does not think that you have nothing else to do. You can talk to her on the phone about your plans together or ask her about the state of her affairs; All this should not take you more than a few minutes. To keep her interested in you, don't drag out your phone conversations to the point where you run out of things to talk about.

    • Don't tell her everything over the phone. This can be done in person.
    • If you talk to a girl on the phone for a few minutes, during that time try to charm her, cheer her up and make her feel special. Don't watch a football match while talking; Let her know how much you appreciate talking to her.
  3. Don't stop doing other things to talk to a girl; otherwise she will think that you are at her beck and call. If she sends you messages (SMS) and you are busy, don't answer her right away (only answer her if she really needs help). Send her a response a few hours later. The same goes for her phone calls.

    • If a girl realizes that she can contact you whenever she wants, then most likely she will not miss you. If she finds it difficult to contact you, she will value her time with you.
    • Of course, if she needs urgent help, don't delay the conversation. But if she calls or sends messages for trivial matters, do not respond to such calls or messages immediately.
  4. Don't give up your favorite activities (hobbies) in order to date a girl. If you want her to miss you when you're not around, keep doing the things you love. Continue playing football, writing an article, or studying Japanese. Let her see that you are an interesting and active person who is passionate about many activities, not just romantic relationships.

    • A girl will respect you and think that you are a very interesting person if you have hobbies. In addition, by doing things you love, you will have more topics to talk about with your girl.
    • If a girl knows that you have many hobbies, she will value her time with you more.
  5. Don't forget about your friends. Spend time with them, even if you have enough serious relationship with your girlfriend. Don't spend all your time with your girl, but date your friends too. You can reduce the time you spend with your friends, but never forget about them completely (otherwise your girlfriend will think that she has “tamed” you).

    • If she knows that you have a lot of friends, she will think of you as interesting person, with whom many people want to spend time. If she feels like she's the only one you can talk to or spend time with, she won't miss you.
    • Find a middle ground between the amount of time you spend with your friends and with your girlfriend. You don't want your girlfriend or your friends to lose interest in you just because you spend more time with one of them.
  6. Let her speculate. If you want a girl to miss you, don't let her know what's on your mind or what you're doing. Although she should know what you like, don't tell her that she best girl in the world and that you can do anything for her. Don't reveal your feelings completely - let the girl make guesses about what she means to you.

    • You can praise her and tell her you like her, but don't tell her everything you think about her (or you'll put yourself in a vulnerable position).
    • Don't involve her in all your plans. If you have plans to go to a football game with your brother, you don't have to tell her about it.

    Part 2

    Make her think about you
    1. Contact a girl from time to time. If you want a girl to miss you, remind her of you from time to time. Send a text, a quick email, or a call to see how she's doing. Contact her often enough that she doesn't forget you, but don't overdo it with messages or calls.

      • Don't always call or text her first - your girlfriend should also call or text you (otherwise she will take it for granted and think that you will call/text her anyway even if she doesn't).
      • If you know she has an important event coming up (like a job interview or finals), contact her and wish her luck. After the event, call or text her to find out how it went. This will show her that you care and remember her even when you are not around.
    2. Make her think about you when she falls asleep. To do this, send her a romantic message before bed or call her late at night. She might even wake up thinking about your late-night conversation and miss you even more.

      • Talking to a girl before bed will give you a better chance of getting her attention since she will be free and able to focus on you (this is harder to do during the day because she is busy with other things).
      • Before the evening (night) call, ask the girl if it is convenient to do this (perhaps her parents will be against it).
    3. Give her something that will remind her of you. For example, give her a necklace or a book or CD she's been looking for for her birthday. Physical objects will remind her of you, and she'll likely miss you when you're not around.

      • Give her something on one of your dates, or win her a prize (like a stuffed animal) at an attraction, or bring her a souvenir from a business trip.
      • Don't spend a lot of money on such a gift. In this case, the important thing is the item itself, which will remind the girl of you, and not its cost.
    4. Write a romantic note to your girlfriend telling her how much you love her. Write briefly without unnecessary details, but let the girl know that you really love and care about her. You can give her a note on one of your dates or mail it to her (if you're away from her). The girl will most likely keep the note and perhaps re-read it, which will remind her of you. Moreover, your note along with your gift will remind her of you even more often.

      • Don't write a note just so the girl won't forget you; write the note sincerely and from the bottom of your heart. If you are too calculating, she will easily understand this.
    5. Ask the girl questions about her life. This will show her that you are interested in her life, and she will think about and miss you. Ask her questions on dates, on the phone or in letters. Don't ask too many questions - on a date, ask her about her family, her pets, her plans for the weekend, her friends, her hobbies; V telephone conversation or in a letter ask her about important event in her life or just ask how she's doing.

      • If you really want a girl to like you, show her that you are interested in her. This is much more important than being cute or “cool”; after all, girls dream of young men who actually care about them. If a girl feels that you care about her, then she will miss you even more when you are not around.
      • Don't forget her answers to your questions! If a girl has to repeat what she already told you, she will think that you don't really care about her.
    6. Treat your girl well when you're together. There is no need to show her how “cool” you are; if you want her to miss you, do your best to impress her. Charm her, make her laugh, make her feel special, and take care of her without showing your strength. Remember her as a smart and interesting person.

      • Be careful. Make every effort to ensure that the girl feels good with you and that she does not need anything (for example, a glass of water).
      • Make her laugh. Don't be afraid to be romantic; relax and cheer her up - she will like you even more.
      • Give her the floor. Don't allow yourself to talk more to your girlfriend, otherwise she will think that you are lecturing her or imagining things.
    7. End conversations on a good note. After you've spent enough time with a girl, tell her that you have to go; it won't offend her unless you agreed to spend more time together. Say something nice to her goodbye and your girlfriend will think about you when you leave.

      • Don't drag out your meetings too long. If you leave only after you have run out of things to talk about, then the girl will not think about you. Therefore, leave when you still have something to talk about - this way your girlfriend will think about you and wait for the next meeting to continue the conversation.

Most men believe that it is the man who should chase women. However, those guys who are successful with women do not share this point of view.

That's why they're always at parties with the coolest girls. What would your life be like if instead of chasing girls, they chased you? Here are 10 tips to help you find out.

1. Use the "reverse approach"

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do everything the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice to earn her approval. How to do this?

One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and this should be done in a tone that clearly implies that you are simply laughing at her. If you do this, a reverse polarity connection will be formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

2. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is seeing someone else, then you need to understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not single.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I was trying to run after you?” She won’t know how to answer you, and will begin to understand that you are an independent guy who doesn’t need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go out with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week again.

3. Don't limit yourself to "sexual relationships"

When I first started studying the question “How to be successful with women,” the idea of ​​“sleeping with a girl” seemed much more interesting to me than now, because I believed that if I could learn how to seduce a girl, then I would be successful with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the right woman to spend their life with.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. I think it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find “your” woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but it is only a piece of the puzzle that alone will not make you happy and successful in life.

4. Stop courting and start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is significantly different from courtship.

If you are courting a woman, her first reaction will be to “run away,” and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.

And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

5. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction involves the way you communicate, your personality traits, and your masculinity. Courtship involves a "become a friend" strategy, you need to be very nice to get her to like you.

Attraction doesn't mean all that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, power and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with a woman around.

6. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if they see that he behaves confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you need to understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer: “Come on, I know that’s not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

7. Stay the course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and seeking her affection. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. The man is simply trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This terrible mistake which will lead to nothing. Instead, stay the course, even if it isn't "leading." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are the type of man who is used to being the captain of his ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

8. Never stop halfway and don’t explain your actions.

If you did something that seemed to upset her, don't try to apologize or do anything to make her feel better.

There's no need to feel or act like guilty person or showing her that you feel bad about what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Move on to the next topic or story. If she starts complaining, just say it was just a joke and move on with your story.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you may consider it over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you don't give in to this, her respect and attraction for you will increase significantly.

9. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you are not one of such subjects.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like wimps. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, tell her she's stalking you, and normal people leave messages.

Doing this will show her that you are not one of those creeps who is desperate to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys she usually dates.

10. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to "play games." And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, it shifts the emphasis in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You are a poorly behaved child and I don’t like it.” I don't think this requires any explanation.

Others use the “Let’s see who will be more interested” and “I’m hard to win, and you’ll come running to me” method. Use these methods and you will soon find that she realizes that she cannot resist you as an individual.