Dad, you have always been the strongest
The strongest, and always served as an example
And now you are at least a man,
The best among the best gentlemen.
And only eighty
Even if you're a hundred, you can go to battle or go to a parade
My congratulations to you will be brief:
Let there be no obstacles on your path.

Your years fly by like birds
It's been 80 years already.
I want to go back to my childhood,
Lean my cheek against your hand.
Listen to a fairy tale, as usual
And sing a song together with you.
Continue to give us affection
And be young all the time!
And let there be happiness all the time
And laughter in your big house.
May bad weather pass him by
And may you not meet with trouble.

Grandma, our kindest dear person,
Do you remember when you were a child you read to us good fairy tales
And she gave us warmth, care and light,
There is so much sincere tenderness and affection in your eyes.
We now congratulate you on our anniversary,
And we want to give everything that you gave us -
Tenderness, care, and affection, a piece of yourself,
May she live another eight decades, no less.

Living eight decades is a feat!
Low bow to you, honor and praise!
And without a doubt on this wonderful day
Let's say our warmest words!
The former agility of youth is no longer there,
Thoughts are increasingly looking back,
But you didn’t smile less often:
The tenderness of children and grandchildren pleases!
Everyone would like to learn longevity from you,
Wisdom, will, patience, work.
Live a hundred years! Wait for your great-grandchildren!
Give your kindness to your loved ones!

Eighty years is wealth.
The main thing is to admit to yourself:
The years have accumulated all the meaning!
And even if there is no difficulty in them,
They seem to be saying
And they thank fate.
Father! I want the silver of your gray hairs
More expensive than the world's treasures!
You have already learned a lot
Now I want you to tell me
You have great life experience,
Share with everyone and with me!

I wish you vigor and strength of spirit,
After all, today you are 80 years old!
What an anniversary! Let it not go out
The enthusiasm in the eyes from life's victories!
I wish all your dreams come true,
And let troubles pass by,
Let your children and grandchildren always strive for you,
Well, peace reigns in the soul!

You are a beautiful woman
Amazing and passionate.
You once became a beauty queen,
On the podium she conquered everyone with her beauty.
Today is your anniversary,
Celebrate your 80th birthday with friends as soon as possible.
Surprise everyone with your smile,
And open the gifts quickly.
I am sending congratulations,
I put the gift in the bag.

Dare at eighty years old -
Wushu, gymnastics and dancing,
Health must be strengthened
And we need to play with our grandchildren!
Movement is life,
Strive for it
You will be surprised by your successes
Go boldly to the new date,
May your life be without limit!

We are proud of you now
And we hasten to congratulate you at this hour.
You are 80 years old today
There will be a birthday
A lot of your friends.
An anniversary only happens once
And you have it now.
I enjoy communicating with you,
I send congratulations
I wish you a happy bag.

Dear grandma! Your age is not a barrier
In order to be happy in life!
Eight honestly lived decades are needed
Remember for children and grandchildren - they cannot be forgotten!
Be healthy, cheerful, joke as usual!
Your jokes make us laugh, as before!
Life without anything to do is still unusual for you,
So work as much as you can, as much as your soul asks!

Today is grandpa's anniversary,
Let's release pigeons into the sky.
Let them give you joy,
And let life be like sweetness.
We wish you health,
So strong and big.
At your eighty years old,
You don't look like your grandfather at all.
You are young, sweet and full of strength,
And I have always loved you,
Just as strong as now
On this day and at this hour!
Please accept my congratulations
And live long term!

Eighty is just a possibility
To summarize carefully
What did come true?
What happened in fate?
What remains to be decided
Or maybe even change it.
So celebrate the holiday
Accept wishes!
For many years of work for the good
We are also very happy to celebrate.

Please accept congratulations on your anniversary,
You are 80 years old today!
This is an age that is worthy of respect,
And I want to wish you a life without troubles!
I want you to look back at the past,
Regrets you never knew
And so that you rejoice every day when you wake up,
Knowing that life is not lived in vain!

I will congratulate my grandmother again,
Happy big and bright anniversary!
May her love always
Like a ray of sunshine will warm you.
And may yours be eighty times
It will be repeated three more times.
And it will be seen as it is now
You will smile at me then too.
Please accept my congratulations soon,
Let life be pleasant.
I'll give you a bag of happiness
With a very minty candy.

On your eightieth birthday
Everyone will be gathered in a welcoming home
What a pleasure this is -
Five generations at the table!
We wish you happiness and health,
Live to be a hundred, move forward!
Well, as long as the heart beats,
The learning process is underway!

You have already lived eight decades,
And there were no riots in your own house.
Always cooking and cleaning
She always helped us with homework.
Always gave us advice
We loved spending the whole summer with you.
Well, today, on this wonderful day,
In such a way, a little heavenly.
Let's write how much we love you, a couple of lines,
Sit down and read the congratulations from your grandchildren.

The years flew by like in a fairy tale,
Today, Mom, is your 80th birthday.
There is so much affection in your eyes,
So much warmth for children.
Warmed by your support,
We are learning to take a hit...
You, Mommy, have “many summers”,
Our love and tenderness is a gift!

Here's another verse.
You are a happy husband, father and grandfather,
Beautiful in soul and face,
We love you with all our hearts,
Live in peace, dear!
Health, happiness, long years,
Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes
On this day we wish you
And congratulations on the anniversary!

On this anniversary, venerable
I want to sincerely tell you:
You have achieved a lot in life
To rest on your laurels.
A family like yours
I'm sure everyone could be proud.
And I am happy that in the age of one
I was lucky to be born with you.

Today is your significant anniversary -
You are 80! Congratulations on that!
Today guests toast at the table
They will only do it for you! Well, I wish
Good Siberian health to you!
Happy days, kindness and warmth!
Tender smiles, sunshine like in May!
More time with your family!

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Point No. 1 states: “Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices* used for their production - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Today is your significant anniversary -
You are 80! Congratulations on that!
Today guests toast at the table
They will only do it for you! Well, I wish
Good Siberian health to you!
Happy days, kindness and warmth!
Tender smiles, sunshine like in May!
More time with your family.

80 years is such a date
What cannot be ignored.
How rich you are in soul and heart,
And today the whole family is nearby!
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And wish you good health,
To glorify your valor on this day,
So that you don’t want to be discouraged!

Today you have joy through sadness,
But there is no need to hide your years.
And don’t let the years scare you -
They are your wealth and reward.
And it doesn’t matter that the hair turns grey,
The soul, as before, remains young!
And eighty is not autumn, not the limit,
That is your wisdom, but not old age.

Happy 80th birthday
I congratulate you on your respect!
Years only make us wiser
But they cannot extinguish the sparkle of your eyes!
Let everything in life that surrounds you
Only brings joy with pleasure,
And all the good things you wish for,
Let it come into your life immediately!

Anniversary is always mature
This is a great experience
This is a very young age
Never grow old in your soul!
We can’t count all our wishes
So why divide them into parts?
If they are all how many there are
Placed in the word "happiness"!

The years have flown by unnoticed,
We didn’t even have time to look back,
It's time for a beautiful autumn to come to you,
Be cheerful and strong in spirit always.
Today is your birthday - 80 years old,
Please accept the congratulatory bouquet with all your heart,
We wish you good health, good
All the best, peace and family warmth.

Today the anniversary brings two letters,
One is about happiness, and the other is joy.
And the holiday, like tenderness and sincerity itself,
Brings many different gifts to the house.
Today you are 80, but you don’t believe the number,
And believe the path behind the slightly open door
There will be no sadness, sorrow and loss in life.
To do this, just believe in happiness.
And congratulations will tell everyone about spring,
Where white flowers bloom without melting
In the sunny wind. And the truth is in the wine
Today he reveals his secrets.

Today is your anniversary - two bagels and a zero,

And this means that they could afford a lot.

You probably have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Everyone appreciates and cherishes you, and loves you immensely.

Now I want to wish you good health,

May you live to be a hundred with Hope and Love,

And so that Vera never leaves on the road,

And so that there is always, always enough attention from relatives.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Everyone who loves and respects you,

We gathered at the table today.

Your anniversary is celebrated together

Eighty is a turning point.

This is victory over adversity,

This is life's joyful triumph.

Congratulations, warmth and light,

Let only kindness live around!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Today is your anniversary,

I won't name the number.

Much more important than this

I wish you a lot of health.

And all the past years

They give you invaluable experience,

So be happy always

And let there be comfort in the house.

You are valued by your loved ones, friends,

You help them all

After all, there is no other way to live,

It doesn't work out at all.

On this holiday, on the anniversary, I

I really want to wish you

Be more cheerful and cheerful,

There is no sorrow, no sorrow!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

On your anniversary we came to study

The wisdom that you have accumulated.

Tell us your recipes.

The ninth ten will open an account for you,

And it’s not easy for us to believe this,

You don’t live up to your age, let’s face it,

This warms the look calmly and lightly.

We are inspired by your example,

We dream of living to be your age,

Be full of love, hope, faith.

You are wise, give us your advice quickly.

And we wish you health, happiness,

So as not to get sick, not to grow old forever.

Everything else is in your power alone,

Our hero of the day, our kind person!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

That's the holiday, that's the date -

Eighty whole years.

And today, as before,

As before, you are active

And always smiling.

Let them be positive

Your long years.

Forget about illnesses

And dance with us.

And be drunk with happiness

Every day and every hour!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Let the years leave a mark

In wrinkles, a wise look,

Your smile was always with you,

And there’s no need to be sad.

We wish you that you always

Trouble followed a different path.

Let fate smile

May the sky be peaceful.

Let reason win over time

The body will be healthy.

Let your heart not hurt.

Walk through life boldly!

We wish you to look at life

Without a shadow of regrets

And become your inspiration

For entire generations!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

A respectable age - eighty years!

And the anniversary is worthy of attention.

You know the answer to all questions,

Walking through life proudly and calmly.

We wish you to forget about illnesses,

Fill your days with bright joy.

And if there are grievances, let them go,

And always remember only the good.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Maybe the vision is not very good,

The pressure may be jumping

But nothing will spoil you

Glorious holiday Birthday.

About funny moments

Tell me with humor.

And how to live life,

Show us more.

80 is not yet

Live long, don't get sick.

It's a nice evening today,

Walk with us, sing, drink.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Just think... Eighty years!

The experience is enormous, and the memories

Over the years, it's like sunshine...

Yes... They have a charm about pleasant days...

You were always and everywhere reasonable,

And there were a lot of adventures in life.

We greatly appreciate your work and will not forget it.

He is a worthy example for generations.

Of course, we wish you health,

We dream of joy sparkles in your eyes

See and respect immensely!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

There is a very long life behind:

And love, and separation, and happiness.

But there is still magnetism,

And there is a lot of strength and passion in the eyes.

May your body and soul

They will be healthy for many years,

Life will be good every day,

Regardless of different weather!

Respect and warmth to you

From relatives, from friends and acquaintances.

Every day there is a lot of goodness,

Peace, happiness for your home!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Today we congratulate the hero of the day

We wish his soul not to grow old.

Even if 80 is not quite enough,

But the eye sparkles and the fighting spirit is there.

We wish you the best health,

Care and family warmth,

More joy and sincere happiness,

Not to know sadness, tears and vanity.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

All the children and grandchildren gathered,

Everyone wants to congratulate you.

Agree, it's no joke

Celebrate eighty.

We wish you continually

Always be a cucumber

And so that in life constantly

You were in trouble.

And your health is steel,

Fighting mood

You can play with your great-grandchildren,

Never lose heart!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Today is a solemn day,

Great holiday - anniversary!

After all, a lot has already been lived -

Almost 30,000 days!

80 is a decent age,

And we hasten to congratulate you.

May life please you with rays,

And now we will deprive you of sadness.

We wish you good health,

Smiles, joy and strength.

And so that every day to come

He only brought you happiness!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

We came to the anniversary

So meet us soon,

Invite me to feast

Celebrate your anniversary!

You, in your soul, are only “8”,

Well, we’ll discard the “zero” -

Let him “stand” on the sidelines

And wait a little!

Honor, Praise and Respect

For such a mood,

For smiles, kindness,

For all this fuss!

We want to live to be 100 years old,

Bypass all obstacles

Enjoy, feast,

Never lose heart!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Congratulations on your anniversary,

We hasten to congratulate you
Happy anniversary at this hour.
Wish and insist
Never lose heart.

At your 80th birthday,
So that they don’t know different troubles.
May your health not fail you
Happiness comes into the house more often!

Solid anniversary -
This is not a frontier
This is a surge of emotions
Happiness beige color.

80 years old
Time has drawn
Mature is your blossoming,
Where was he?

You can enjoy
Silence, peace,
Or suddenly get together,
And rush to the sea.

The main thing is that we wish
Live life to the fullest
Don't get sick, don't get sour,
Laugh and love.

Happy 80th birthday. I wish you not to pay attention to age and remain a cheerful person with vivacity, determination and inner harmony. May the beauty of your soul not fade, may the good hope of your heart not disappear, may every day please you with happy meetings and holidays in the circle dear people.

A respectable age - eighty years!
And the anniversary is worthy of attention.
You know the answer to all questions,
Walking through life proudly and calmly.

We wish you to forget about illnesses,
Fill your days with bright joy.
And if there are grievances, let them go
And always remember only the good.

The ninth ten will open an account for you,
And it’s not easy for us to believe this,
You don’t live up to your age, let’s face it,
This warms the look calmly and lightly.

We are inspired by your example,
We dream of living to be your age,
Be full of love, hope, faith.
You are wise, give us your advice quickly.

And we wish you health, happiness,
So as not to get sick, not to grow old forever.
Everything else is in your power alone,
Our hero of the day, our good man!

You will celebrate your eighth decade,
May the anniversary bring joy,
And let the taste of life be sweet,
Wishes will come true soon.

About past memories
Let them always warm you,
And there is more happiness ahead
May they bring you years.

All the children and grandchildren gathered -
Everyone wants to congratulate you.
Agree, it's no joke
Celebrate eighty.

We wish you continually
Always be a cucumber.
And so that in life constantly
You were in trouble.

And good health to you,
Fighting mood
You can play with your great-grandchildren,
Never lose heart!

They care more than love
It hurts your back.
Instead of passionate kisses,
You choose on a gray night
Conversations under the moon.

Anniversary honoring the order,
The bottle is placed on the table.
Eight are still dozens!
You just squint your eyes furtively
To your favorite Corvalol...

Enough! Give up your habits!
Joy waves ahead!
I have courage for one drink
It certainly won't hurt!

Don't let your heart ache,
Don't let your back let you down!
We drink everything to your health!
Don't be silly! Let's go to the bottom!

For you we are all youngsters and greenhorns,
And even those over sixty
You call us all "guys"
And your gaze is softly condescending.

Do you remember the war when you became an adult (an adult),
As soon as I entered my very first class,
When, hearing Levitan's voice,
You suddenly understood life without embellishment.

The black bread was unusually sweet,
The fire of the stove warmed your hands,
Nobody treated you to chocolate,
And at work I didn’t consider him a baby.

You didn’t learn about labor in the rear from books,
Where everyone was happy to help the elders.
We wish you health, children,
Those in their twenties and fifties.

Live long, make us young people happy,
Serving as an example of working life!
Let the strings of your soul ring on your anniversary,
You are eighty, it’s too early to retire!

Today is your holiday -
A very round number
You add more colors
Don't let it bother you!

80 is a challenge, not a sentence,
It's like splashes in glasses,
Reproach to all envious people
And the stage of further life.

I wish you Siberian health,
So that you don’t know about diseases,
So that inspiration lived nearby,
The desire to fly has not left.

You can still achieve a lot,
Who knows where this limit is?
May your long journey
It will be full of wonderful days.

May your grandchildren adore you
And love glows in the heart.
Let them deservedly kiss your hands,
Giving you a low bow.

Congratulations on your anniversary and wish you happiness,
Let various bad weather pass by,
Let your health be strong, your mood be cheerful,
May we come together more than once for your birthdays.