Silver is one of the metals discovered by mankind back in ancient times, and even then people endowed it with unusual properties. Thus, some peoples considered silver sacred, and only members of the nobility were allowed to wear jewelry made from it.

Silver items as a gift

IN modern world Silver is somewhat inferior in value, but is also in great demand. Gifts from this noble metal extremely popular among people of all ages and social status. Silver is great for both men and women.

The first personal item made of silver appears in the everyday life of many already in early childhood, when loved ones give the child a silver spoon or a cross. And if this is a tribute to faith, then the tradition of giving a child a spoon when his first tooth appears is based rather on rationalism. Since silver has bactericidal properties, it was believed that it would protect the baby’s body from food infection and promise him prosperity in life. later life.

Some people wonder whether it is possible to give a silver spoon to an adult. There are no special instructions on this matter, but a gift of this kind should only be given to people you know well. In addition, it would be more appropriate to give not just one spoon, but an individual set, including and, or to present standard kit of six items.

Silver jewelry will be a wonderful gift for anyone. A young girl will be pleased to receive an elegant or small one with natural gems for her birthday. If the birthday girl is a lady of considerable age, then she can safely buy massive rings and bracelets, decorated with large stones, as well as beads with silver details.

The range of men's accessories made of silver is also varied. Original rings, cufflinks, clips are items that can please even the most discerning dandy, and therefore make your gift to your loved one memorable. Do not exclude from this list desk and writing sets, which are ideal as gifts for management or colleagues.

According to tradition, silver in any form is given as a gift for the 25th wedding anniversary, because it is popularly called silver.

IN recent years more often you can find newlyweds who prefer to give silver rings for engagement and wedding, and not the usual gold ones. In addition, in an effort to satisfy customer needs, modern jewelers offer jewelry whose elements are made of both metals. This approach is very practical, as it allows you to wear various combinations of accessories, and not be limited to just gold or silver. Wedding canons also do not prohibit the use of silver at engagements and weddings.

Whatever the gift made from this noble metal, it must be remembered that the main criterion when choosing it remains originality.

Seeing silver in any form in a dream is an extremely happy dream. Silver coins collected in large quantities, portend respect from colleagues and good luck in any endeavor. Seeing a chest filled with silver coins means you will get a profitable place. To pay for purchases in silver - your word will be the main thing in solving a complex financial problem. Receiving silver as change means unexpected luck. Perhaps you will win the lottery or receive an unplanned bonus. Using silver utensils at dinner - such a dream promises family well-being and prosperity in the house. Clean silverware - influential friends will help solve your problems. Silver jewelry - for the arrival of long-awaited guests who will bring you many amazing gifts. Putting on a silver belt or something that has silver parts (buttons, buckles) - you will soon receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Silver bars dream of a long and strong friendship with a rich and generous person.

Imagine that you have a lot of silver - silver dishes, jewelry, coins, and bars.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Silver

In a dream, silver means accumulated wealth. And the notch on the silver is a beautiful and bright girl. The silver vessel represents goods for merchants and businessmen or good deeds. And using silver utensils in a dream indicates committing sins. Finding something silver in a dream means finding a treasure or encountering the treachery of a woman. Melt into in a dream silver-k quarrel and falling under people's slander and ridicule.

Interpretation of dreams from

19.01.2015 00:20

How to give gifts using silverware?

When receiving an invitation to a special event, our first concern is choosing a suitable gift. In this regard, few gifts can compete with silverware, because this gift belongs to the so-called eternal values. No matter how life circumstances change, silver items will always be of value, if not artistic, then at least material. But practice shows that most often both occur.

But being carried away by the choice of the gift itself, we pay little attention to the manner of its presentation, and this is in fact no less important than the value and beauty of the thing itself. Buying silverware is half the battle, but how to give it as a gift?

"Golden" rules of the "silver" donor

1) The first rule directly concerns the choice of a gift. Many people, wanting to demonstrate their own generosity, are ready to give almost Catherine’s silver service; others, on the contrary, do not want to spend extra money on buying a gift, believing that the most important thing is not its cost, but a sign of attention in itself. IN in this case neither one nor the other is right.

Silver glasses or even a simple set of silver spoons are already quite an expensive gift and there is no need to be more sophisticated. And you should definitely take into account the level of income of the gift recipient, because too expensive gifts a priori oblige, and this is not always useful, especially if the financial situation does not allow you to make a worthy reciprocal gesture.

But there is no need for excessive savings either. They will think of you as a stingy person, and this is not the best move to gain a good reputation.

2) A silver gift and a surprise are synonymous concepts. At least, this should ideally be the case, because your goal is not only to present a person with a beautiful thing, but also to surprise him. Although in some cases you can choose a gift directly in a silver store in the presence of the recipient. But a caveat should be made here: this approach is only permissible if the hero of the occasion is yours close friend or relative.

3) Of course, a silver set of dishes is a very, very impressive gift in itself, but it also needs to be properly decorated. Under no circumstances should you give silver in rough factory packaging. Ask the seller to adequately “dress” your purchase in a “festive camisole.”

As a pleasant bonus, it would not be superfluous to include a colorful greeting card on the theme of the celebration. And it is very desirable if the congratulations are not stamped in millions of copies, but are copyrighted.

The sign that a watch is considered a bad gift came to us from China, because it was believed that they were an invitation to a funeral. In Russia, the interpretation has changed a little, but the negative connotation remains the same - you risk forever quarreling with the one to whom you gave such a gift.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Silver - signs associated with the noble metal

Once upon a time, silver was considered more valuable than gold - thanks to a set of mystical properties that were attributed to this metal. It was dedicated to the gods and used to create the most powerful talismans. A silver ring, for example, not only adorned a woman’s fingers, but also guaranteed the mistress’s fidelity to her beloved and her family happiness. It is interesting that many signs associated with this metal have completely understandable meanings. scientific point view of roots.

Silver “amulet” against diseases


It is an absolutely proven fact: when interacting with certain substances, silver tarnishes and changes color. That is why there is a sign: silver turns black - expect health problems. Many serious illnesses for a long time They don’t give themselves away, but metabolic processes are already reacting to them. First of all, the composition of human sweat changes, which ends up on jewel upon contact with the body. So the blackness that appears on a ring or bracelet is a reason to listen carefully to your body.

Evil eye and damage

Something similar happens with damage or a banal evil eye. Negative magical effects weaken a person and trigger a mechanism for destroying health. The victim cannot feel this in the early stages, but silver will not deceive. Has your favorite item suddenly darkened? This is a serious reason to reconsider your lifestyle, reevaluate relationships with others, and energetically cleanse yourself or your home.

Gold with silver

Do signs prohibit wearing gold and silver together? If we do not take into account the modern prejudices generated by the requirements fashion designers, you can safely combine both metals. This will be more beneficial. In ancient times, it was no coincidence that there was a custom to wear silver, gold and copper at the same time (for example, in the form of a “pack” of bracelets). This set of decorations ensured a regular supply of metal ions, vital for humans, to the body.

Someone else's silver - wear it or throw it away?


Unlike diamonds and even gold, which “remain faithful” to the previous owner for quite a long time, silver is a democratic metal. It can be safely purchased second-hand, although you should be sure to clean it before wearing it. First of all, you need to rinse the product with running water, then leave it under the light of the moon (somewhere on a windowsill) for several hours, and then keep it under your pillow for another night. After this, the silver officially recognizes the new owner and begins to protect him.

When most people think of spoons, they probably think of ordinary cutlery, used for eating, stirring tea or coffee. But silver spoons have been the pride of many collectors and a wonderful gift for any celebration. The popularity of the silver spoon began in Europe, then moved to the United States, and now collectors around the world are looking for rare silver souvenir spoons to add a unique piece to their collection. Collecting silver spoons is a fascinating and charming hobby, but even those who are far from collecting cannot help but admire the unique silver items created by virtuoso jewelers.

Types of silver spoons

In the modern world, spoons are made from various materials, but only silver products are valued above all. There are several types of spoons that are recommended to have in every home:
  • Teaspoon (5 ml.) - created for tea ceremonies, including some types of desserts.
  • Dessert spoon (10 ml.) - intended for sweet dishes served in special dishes - bowls.
  • A coffee spoon (2.45 ml) is a small device that is convenient for stirring coffee in small cups.
  • A tablespoon (18 ml) is a device for first courses, as well as some types of porridges served in deep plates.
  • Broth spoon - designed specifically for broth and other first courses. Available in both elongated and round shapes.
  • Spice spoon (approx. 7 cm) is an excellent table accessory for a formal feast. A special spoon is convenient for scooping out various seasonings.
Regardless of the type, each silver spoon is unique in its own way. She is a real work of art, created by professional jewelers. Giving a silver spoon is a great idea. This gift is relevant to everyone, regardless of gender and social status. In addition, thanks to a silver spoon, the taste and aroma of all dishes is significantly improved.

When is it appropriate to give a silver spoon?

To the question “When is it appropriate to give silver spoons?”, there is one simple and correct answer - always. A silver spoon is one of those gifts that are welcome regardless of the importance of the celebration. Newborns and babies are given a spoon for their first tooth, older children and adults for happiness, health and good luck. Such an elegant thing is always a joy for a long memory.