Program tasks:

  1. Clarify children's ideas about the importance of water for all living beings.
  2. Introduce the properties of water (taste, color, smell, fluidity).
  3. Develop children's curiosity, thinking and speech; introduce the words into the children's active dictionary: liquid, colorless, transparent, tasteless, odorless.
  4. Foster respect for water
  5. Develop social skills in children: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, prove the correctness of one’s opinion.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Illustrations “Who needs water?”
  2. Equipment for experiments: glasses of water (according to the number of children), empty glasses, sugar, salt, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, spoons.
  3. Symbols indicating the properties of water.
  4. Emblems “When you wash your hands, don’t forget to close the tap tightly.”

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading stories and fairy tales of an educational nature.
  2. Experiments (transforming snow into water, water into ice).
  3. Conversations on the topic: “Where can you find water?”, “Who lives in water?”, “Who needs water?”.
  4. Looking at illustrations about water.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Gaming.
  2. Visual: illustrations, symbols.
  3. Practical (experiences).
  4. Verbal (conversations, stories, search questions).

Progress of the lesson

The teacher begins the conversation with the children with a riddle:

If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

Don't cook, don't do laundry?

Without which we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For the ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without... (water).

Educator: Well done guys. You guessed the riddle correctly.

What and where does water live?

(children's answers)

Who needs water?

(children's answers)

Children hang up pictures “Who needs water?”

The teacher helps formulate the children’s answers and clarifies the meaning of water for all living things.

Physical education minute “Rain”.

Educator : Water is a liquid. It flows. It can be poured into anything: a glass, a bucket, a vase. It can be poured, poured from one vessel to another.

Do you guys want to try pouring water from one glass to another? (Children's answers). Go to the tables and make yourself comfortable.

Experiment No. 1 “Water is a liquid.”

Conclusion: Water is a liquid; it can be poured or poured. And so that you guys can better remember this property of water, I prepared this symbol (hangs on the board).

Educator : Guys, what color do you think the water is? (Children's answers). We'll check this now.

Experiment No. 2 “Colorless water.”

On the teacher’s table is a white sheet of paper, a glass of milk, a glass of water.

Educator: What color is the milk? (White). What color is the piece of paper? (White). Can we say about water that it white? (Children's answers)

Conclusion : Water has no color, it is colorless (a symbol of this property is hung in front of the children).

Educator : Guys, I know that water can change its color. Want to make sure of this? (Children's answers).

On the teacher’s table there are two glasses of water, brilliant green and potassium permanganate. This experiment is carried out only by the teacher.

Educator : I’ll now add a magic crystal (potassium permanganate) to the water and we’ll see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color? And now I will add a magic drop (green). Let's see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color? (Children's answers).

Conclusion : Water can change its color depending on what is added to it.

Educator: Do you think the water will change its color if you add jam to it? Try this experiment at home. And now I invite you guys to taste the water (children are offered boiled water).

What is she like? Sweet? Salty? Bitter?

Conclusion : Water has no taste, it is tasteless. And so that you don’t forget this, I have prepared for you a symbol of this property of water.

Experiment No. 3 “The water is tasteless.”

Children are given bowls with sugar and spoons.

Educator : Let's do a little experiment with you. Place the substance that is on your table in a glass of water. Stir and now taste the water. What did it taste like? (Children's answers). What do you think you added to the water? (children's answers).

Conclusion: It turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was added to it.

Experiment No. 4 “Water has no smell.”

Educator : And now I suggest you guys smell the water. Does the water smell anything?

Conclusion : Water does not smell of anything, it has no odor. The symbol for this property is displayed.

Educator : You and I learned that water can change color and taste. Can she change her smell? How do you think? Try this experiment at home, and tell all the children what happens.

Educator : And now I suggest you guys go to the chairs. Today we talked a lot about water, we learned a lot about it, let's talk about it (based on symbols).

Water has its own properties:

  1. Water is a liquid; it can be poured, poured, or poured out.
  2. Water is colorless.
  3. The water is tasteless.
  4. The water has no odor.

Educator : Guys, do you know that water should be conserved? (answers). When you wash your hands, you need to turn off the tap.

Educator : There is plenty of water, but only purified water is needed for washing and cooking. And to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort. That’s why you need to save water and close the tap tightly.

The stream has dried up, the spring has weakened,

And we are from the tap, drip-drip-drip,

The rivers and seas are becoming shallow,

Don't waste water, waste, waste

And then a few years will pass -

And there is no water - no, no, no...

Water must be conserved. And so you guys don't forget about this, here's a reminder for you: “Wash your hands, close the tap tightly.”

Lesson analysis.

Anastasia Mustafakulova
Integrated lesson on ecology in the second younger group"Journey Around the Country"


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about animals and birds, about spring flowers; Remember with your children the first signs of spring.

4. Cultivate love, respect for nature and show care and attention to all living things.

Bring up interest to the spring awakening of nature, the desire to admire it.

Give to children elementary representations about Africa.

Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.

Improve counting skills, comparing objects by size (big-small, high-short, thick-thin, the ability to navigate space(top-bottom).

Continue to learn to distinguish and name colors and geometric shapes.

Introduce children to various options for playing with sand.

Form visual skills (modeling, drawing, gluing).

Develop thinking, imagination, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


Toy "parrot". Color silhouette image of a parrot without wings and crest.

Picture-scheme depicting a palm tree made of geometric shapes

Silhouette pictures "Parrot" with a pocket on the back of the tail, long and short feathers cut out from colored cardboard.

Background picture with the image of a thick and thin palm tree and three and one parrot, pebbles, nuts, numbers "1" And "3". Pictures of spring and winter, pictures of animals and their homes, pictures of migratory and wintering birds, insects.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Come on children, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello

Educator: Children, today we will go to journey. IN the journey is not easy, but magical. Where a lot awaits us interesting. But in order to go to journey we need to say the magic words.

Let's smile at each other so that we don't all end up in the forest scary.

“Turn around. Spun around

And we found ourselves in the forest"

Here we are in the forest.

Hello forest. A dense forest full of fairy tales and miracles! Open everything, don’t hide it, You see we are ours!

Children, but for some reason the forest is sad and dark. Oh, hear, it seems like someone is crying. Let's come closer and see who's crying there. (come closer).

Who are you? and why are you crying?

Lesovik: My name is Lesovichok. I am the owner of the forest. I had a problem in the forest. Spring has come, but the forest does not wake up, and I cannot cope with it. And now my forest is dark, cold and sad.

Educator: Don’t cry, Lesovichok, our children will help you wake up the forest. True, children. Let's help Lesovik.

Children: Yes!

Educator: And in order to awaken the forest, we need to remember the signs of spring. Lesovichok, do you know the signs of spring?

Lesovik: Forgot.

Educator:. Children, let's remind Lesovich the signs of spring.

Working with handouts. Children select pictures with signs of spring for the symbol - the sun, pictures with signs of winter for the symbol - snowflake.

Checking progress.

Children: (the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, streams, icicles, thawed patches have appeared, the day has become longer, the night is shorter, put on light clothes, a warm wind is blowing, birds are flying in)

Educator: Well done! Right! the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, streams and thawed patches have appeared, a warm wind is blowing, and birds are flying in.

Educator: Children, we named the signs of spring (Draws attention to the picture - night.) and in the forest it is still cold and dark. Why do you think?

Children: There is no sunshine.

Educator: Right!. There is no sunshine. Our sun is sleeping and doesn’t want to wake up. And for the sun to wake up, let us guess what wild animals are asking the sun to appear in the sky, to wake up.)

2. Use a pencil to connect the wild animal and its home in the picture.

The wolf is a lair, the Bear is a den. Squirrel is a hollow. The fox is a hole, the hare is a bush

Call it a sentence (a hare from under a bush asks the sun to wake up, a wolf from the den asks the sun to wake up. Etc.)

Educator: Oh, kids, look! The sun woke up. It heard our song and woke up. And the forest immediately became light and warm. (bird music). Children, hear, it seems the birds have woken up too.

Educator: Here we are, what great fellows! The sun was awakened and the birds woke up, but not all of them.

Lesovik: Here guys help me wake up the birds.

Educator: Lesovichok, of course we’ll help. To do this, we have a game “birds, migratory and wintering,” you need to select only migratory birds in the picture. Children and birds woke up and immediately wanted to eat. We must give each bird the food that it loves very much. (place on top of the image of the bird - its food. (starling - butterfly, swallow - fly, rook - worm, etc.)– 5 pictures each.

Check children answer with complete answers. The swallow loves flies.

Educator: Let’s not disturb the birds’ dinner.

we forgot to wake up the smallest inhabitants of the forest. Insects.

To do this, you need to put a red button on each insect on the card.

All inhabitants of the forest give birth to cubs in the spring. Help me name them correctly

Mice have little mice

Spiders have cobwebs,

The fox has cubs,

The tiger has cubs,

a zebra has zebra cubs,

The lynx has lynx cubs.

What animals did you name that do not live in the woodsman’s forest?

(tiger and cubs, zebra and zebra cubs)

Find out the fairy tale in which these wild animals live?

(shows the book; the children name the heroes of the fairy tale.

Educator Are children, birds and animals domestic or wild? Why are they called wild?

How do animals differ from birds? (beak - muzzle, ears - holes, ears, paws - 4 legs - 2, body covered with feathers and fur. They can fly, and animals can run, climb. Etc.).

Ava know. What migratory birds wintered in warm countries? They even flew to Africa. Where it's always warm.

Lesovichok. I would like to visit Africa, I have never been there. Show me what Africa is like.

The legs began to walk - top, top. top,

along the big path, top, top, top.

Well, more fun, top, top, top, top,

That's how we do it - top, top, top.

Educator: So we found ourselves in an unusual place.

This place is not at all like our forests

And we are greeted by a very unusual bird in our area. This is a parrot. (Toy show). The parrot wants to invite you to his land, to where he lives - to Africa. There are already palm trees on our way.

Didactic game "Thick and thin palm trees"

Count how many palm trees are in the picture? Two palm trees. Show me a thick palm tree. Show a thin palm tree.

How many parrots are there on a thick palm tree? Three parrots. How many parrots are there on a thin palm tree? One parrot. Place numbers under the palm trees indicating the number of parrots. What number would you put under the palm tree with three parrots? Number three. What number should you put under the palm tree with one parrot? Number one.

Didactic game "Parrot's Tail"

Let's give the parrot a beautiful tail. Here are the feathers. Tell me what color they are. What color are the long feathers? What color are the short feathers? Insert feathers into the parrot's tail.

Drawing "Tiger"

Tigers live in Africa. They are so beautiful, big, with stripes. And one tiger was born without stripes and is very upset about it. He is often sad and angry. Let's help him and draw stripes. Take the brushes in your hands and draw lines from top to bottom along the tiger so that it has stripes.

Didactic game "In the Mountains"

The sun is shining brightly in the sky and warming hotly. Place the sun in the sky at the top of the picture. These are the mountains. At the top of the highest mountain lives an eagle bird. Land the eagle on the highest mountain. And on the lowest mountain flowers bloomed. Place two flowers on the lowest mountain. A stream flows from the top of the middle mountain. Place the blue streamer ribbon on the middle mountain. At the foot of the mountains, below, a stream turned into a whole lake. Place a lake under the mountains at the bottom of the picture.

Bottom line. How many are we today traveled. Tell me what we did today interesting, good? You and I helped Lesovich awaken the forest, we visited Africa and brought some warmth from there. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Lesovik: Thank you guys very much. Come visit me. I'm always glad to see you. For helping me, I will treat you with nuts. The squirrel gave them to me.

Educator: Thank you, forest boy. Goodbye!

Children, in order to return to kindergarten, let's remember the magic words,

“Turn around. Spun around (music plays, children spin around)

And in kindergarten we found ourselves"

Bottom line: Did you like it travel? Children, how many good deeds we have done with you today. The sun was awakened, the birds were awakened, the animals were awakened, and the flowers were also awakened. You guys are great! And now you and I will go to group, and I'll treat you to nuts

Program content: expand, replenish and clarify children’s knowledge about nature, revealing the relationship between natural objects, as well as defining the relationship between nature and man based on specific behaviors (in the forest, in the meadow and in other natural communities).

Foster love and respect for nature. Develop dialogical communication, the ability to listen, speak out proactively, respond to your interlocutor, and ask questions.

Materials and equipment:ecological signs of rules of behavior in communication with nature, demonstration material “Migratory and wintering birds”, “Insects”, music “Voices of Birds”, Alone with Nature”

Move : Each of us lives in a house. And once upon a time, nature was man’s only home. Then he did not know how to build a house, he lived in a cave. He hunted animals and collected plants for food. As time passed, the man learned a lot. Now we live in brick houses, wooden houses, but still nature remains our home.

What is nature? Can a person live without nature? Let's look at an example: a person needs socks - socks are knitted from wool, I make threads from wool, the sheep gives the threads, the sheep eats grass, for its growth it needs soil, water and the sun. Sun, water, soil - this is nature. Guys, where can you hear the singing of birds, the babbling of a brook? In the forest. The forest is very musical. He can sing, rustle, rustle. The music of the forest is beautiful.

I love you guys very much

Listen to music in the forest

And a grasshopper and a woodpecker,

And a bee and a dragonfly.

The trill of birds, the whisper of leaves,

Do you want to listen to the forest?

(listening to audio recording)

How should you behave in nature? (answers) Well done guys. love nature. To truly love nature, you need to know the rules.

Game “Who can name it correctly?”

I will show you the signs, and you will explain what they mean.

Do not cut down trees and bushes - trees clean the air

- Do not make fires under trees - a fire may occur and all living things may die

Do not leave garbage so as not to pollute nature

Do not pick flowers, flowers decorate nature, bees and butterflies need them

Don't catch butterflies, they are beautiful like flowers, weightless and vulnerable

Don't destroy birds' nests - they delight us with their songs

Do not take home baby animals - the forest is home for them

Do not destroy anthills - they remove all carrion, sewage and take everything underground. Therefore, the forest is always clean and fresh

Well done guys, you named the signs correctly.

- If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget

Remove debris from the grass.

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Don't shoot with a slingshot

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest,

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

(N. Ryzhova) Well done guys, they named the signs correctly.

Listen to the second task. Here are some drawings of birds. They need to be named and divided into wintering and migratory.

Game "Who's Faster?"

Wintering: magpie, sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow, pigeon.

Migratory birds: nightingale, lark, starling, rook, swallow, cuckoo.

Well done, you made me happy. Listen to the third task. Here are the insects, some of them are superfluous: a fly, a butterfly, a mosquito, a spider.

Game "Who's the odd one out"

And the last task: name the medicinal plants.

Game "Who can name the most"? (rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain, lily of the valley, oregano) Well done guys, you know a lot about nature. But in the forest, on the river, the plaintive voices of animals, birds, and plants are heard everywhere. Nature asks for help. Unkind people often come to the forest. They break trees, offend birds, destroy anthills and kill animals. But in nature everything is interconnected, and we will now see this. Game “Take care of nature” Guys, let’s clean up the trash together. Where should we put this garbage? What are we going to do with it? Right. We'll put it in the trash container. And from there it will go to a processing plant, where it will be made into new, clean paper, which will be used to make notebooks, textbooks for schoolchildren, and books. Guys, do you know what paper is made from? That's right, made of wood. So, by giving paper a second life, we preserve trees - “the lungs of our planet”, which help us breathe fresh air.

Admiring the beauty of nature, a person becomes better, kinder. He wants to live and make his homeland even more beautiful. Nature teaches man wisdom, patience, work, justice, truthfulness, purity, modesty, kindness and strong friendship. Take care of everything that is on Earth! People should live in friendship with nature, not offend anyone, not cause harm to anyone. For a person to become a friend of nature, he must be kind. And a smile helps to be kind. gifted to the gentle breeze, flowers, sun, each other, birds and butterflies.

Lesson with children. Frolova Tatyana Sergeevna Teacher, MB preschool educational institution No. 19


Remember the characteristic signs of spring. To consolidate children's knowledge about animals and birds, about the first spring flowers; cultivate curiosity; a kind, careful attitude towards nature and show care and attention to all living things.

Strengthen the ability to paint with paints in different ways.

  • learn to convey the image of a flower using the poking method
  • strengthen the ability to hold a poke correctly
  • place the image across the entire sheet
  • consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, green)
  • develop creative imagination children.

Demonstration material: gnome, model of a tree with birds, dandelion flowers, sample drawing, painting of a dandelion in the grass.

Handouts: pokes and brushes for each child, napkins, yellow and green gouache, 0.5 landscape sheet,

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, today we will go on a trip. The journey is not simple, but magical. Where a lot of interesting things await us. But in order to go on a journey we need to say the magic words.

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

Let's smile at each other so that we all won't be scared in the forest.

“Turn around. Spun around

And we found ourselves in the forest"

Here we are in the forest.

Hello forest. A dense forest full of fairy tales and miracles! Open everything, don’t hide it, You see we are ours!

Guys, for some reason it’s sad and dark in the forest. Oh, hear, it seems like someone is crying. Let's get closer and see who's crying there (come closer).

Who are you? and why are you crying?

Forest Gnome: My name is Forest Gnome. I am a forest dweller. I had a problem in the forest. Spring has come, but the forest does not wake up, and I cannot cope with it. And now my forest is dark, cold and sad.

Educator: Don't cry Forest gnome, our children will help you wake up the forest. True, children. Let's help the Gnome.

Educator: And in order to wake up the forest, we need to remember the signs of spring. Forest gnome, do you know the signs of spring?

Forest gnome: Forgot.

Educator: Children, let's remind the Dwarf of the signs of spring.

Children: (the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, streams and thawed patches have appeared, the day has become longer, the night is shorter, we put on light clothes, a warm wind is blowing, birds are flying in, the bunny has changed its coat, the bear has woken up, the first flowers, the grass is turning green),

Educator: Well done! Right! the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, streams and thawed patches have appeared, a warm wind is blowing, and birds are flying in. The bear woke up from hibernation.

Educator: I suggest you go for a walk in the forest and see with your own eyes whether nature has woken up or not.

The legs began to walk - top, top. top,

along the big path, top, top, top.

Well, more fun, top, top, top, top,

That's how we do it - top, top, top.

Educator: We found ourselves in a wonderful clearing.

Forest gnome: This is a flower meadow.

Educator: Oh, where are the flowers?

Forest gnome: The flowers can’t wake up because I forgot what they are called.

Educator: Don’t worry Forest gnome, we will remind you.

Children, to wake up the flowers, you need to guess one riddle. Listen.

“A similar flower stands in the sun,

Only the wind will blow and he will fly away... (dandelion)»

Children: Dandelion.

Forest gnome: I remembered, I remembered the dandelion.

Educator: That's right, dandelion.

Forest gnome: Hold it, I’ll share these flowers with you (hands out one flower to the children).

Educator: Children, what color are they?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What does a dandelion have?

Children: Stem, leaves and flowers

Educator: That's right. What shape is its flower?

Children: round.

Educator: Dandelion, dandelion,

How good are you!

Dandelion, dandelion,

You look like the sun!

Educator: Let us smell our flowers, what they smell like.

Physical exercise – breathing exercises: "Scent of Flowers" .

Educator: take a calm breath through your nose, hold your breath and exhale slowly "Ahah!" Well done! Children, let us leave all our flowers in the clearing, and it will turn into the sunniest clearing in this forest. (children lay out flowers in the clearing).

To help the Forest Dwarf wake up the forest, we need even more flowers. I suggest drawing a lot of dandelions.

Let's go and sit down at the tables. The arms were placed on the knees, the back was straightened. (ready drawing on the board)

Educator: Guys, please look at my drawing. What's on it? (Dandelion)

Educator: Let's look at the flower: It has a yellow round flower, stem and leaves.

Educator: What does the stem of a dandelion look like? (on a stick)

Educator: What do the leaves look like? (on thick sticks)

We will draw the flower itself using the poking method. I take "poke" I pick up yellow paint; I hold the sheet with my left hand so that it does not move, "poke" I hold it vertically and apply it in the middle at the top of the sheet and remove it. It turned out to be a speck. And now around it we make a lot of spots close to each other in a circle.

Before we get started, let’s stretch our fingers:

Here are my helpers, (arms forward, fingers straightened and unclenched)

Turn them however you want: (palms facing down)

Do you want it this way, do you want it this way (clench and unclench your fingers to the beat of the poem)

They won't be offended.

Educator: Now let's start working.

Look at my drawing carefully: what is missing in it?

Children: stem and leaves.

Educator: What color is the stem and leaves of the flower?

Children: Green

Educator: What do they look like?

Children: On sticks

Educator: We will paint the stem and leaves with ordinary brushes. You need to take the brush near the iron tip with three fingers. We put green paint on the bristles of the brush and paint the stem, starting from the flower to the bottom of the leaf. The stem of the dandelion is thin. And then we draw the leaves, starting from the bottom of the stem to the sides. Dandelion leaves are thick.

Educator: Guys, let’s make an exhibition of our drawings. Look what beautiful flowers turned out.

Look how the lard in the forest is beautiful, light and warm. You and I helped the Forest Gnome wake up the forest. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Forest gnome: Thank you guys very much. Come visit me. I'm always glad to see you.

Educator: Goodbye!

Children, in order to return to kindergarten, let's remember the magic words,

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

“Turn around. Spun around (music plays, children spin around)

And we ended up in kindergarten"

G. Kovylkino

Summary of an integrated lesson on ecology in the second junior group.

Topic: “Journey to the spring forest”


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about animals and birds, about spring flowers; Remember with your children the first signs of spring.

2.Develop children’s elementary mathematical concepts. Improve the ability to form a group of objects from individual objects, to indicate the number of objects with the words “one” and “many”.

3.Develop attention, memory, thinking.

4. Cultivate love, respect for nature and show care and attention to all living things.

Cultivate an interest in the spring awakening of nature, a desire to admire it.

Forms of work:


work in subgroups

different stages of the game - transition from one object to another.

Preliminary work:

learning a song about the sun.

Educator: Come on in, kids, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello

Educator: Children, today we will go on a trip. The journey is not simple, but magical. Where a lot of interesting things await us. But in order to go on a journey we need to say the magic words.

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

Let's smile at each other so that we all won't be scared in the forest.

“Turn around. Spin around (music plays, children spin around)

And we found ourselves in the forest"

Here we are in the forest.

Hello forest.
dense forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
Open everything, don’t hide it,
You see we are ours!

Children, but for some reason the forest is sad and dark. Oh, hear, it seems like someone is crying. Let's come closer and see who's crying there. (come closer).

Who are you? and why are you crying?

Lesovik: My name is Lesovichok. I am the owner of the forest. I had a problem in the forest. Spring has come, but the forest does not wake up, and I cannot cope with it. And now my forest is dark, cold and sad.

Educator: Don’t cry, Lesovichok, our children will help you wake up the forest. True, children. Let's help Lesovik.

Children: Yes!

Educator: And in order to awaken the forest, we need to remember the signs of spring. Lesovichok, do you know the signs of spring?

Lesovik: Forgot.

Educator: . Children, let's remind Lesovich the signs of spring.

Children:(the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, streams and thawed patches have appeared, the day has become longer, the night is shorter, put on light clothes, a warm wind is blowing, birds are flying in),

Educator: Well done! Right! the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, streams and thawed patches have appeared, a warm wind is blowing, and birds are flying in.

Educator: Children, we have named the signs of spring, but in the forest it is still cold and dark. Why do you think?

Children: There is no sunshine.

Educator: Right!. There is no sunshine. Our sun is sleeping and doesn’t want to wake up. And for the sun to wake up, let us sing a song. ( Song)

Educator : Oh, kids, look! The sun woke up. It heard our song and woke up. And the forest immediately became light and warm. ( bird music). Children, hear, it seems the birds have woken up too.

Educator: Here we are, what great fellows! The sun was awakened and the birds woke up. Children, well, we need to move on. Stand one after another, we are leaving.

That's how we do it - top, top, top.

Educator : Here we are with you in the clearing.

Lesovik : Here guys help me wake up the animals.

Educator: Lesovichok, of course we will help. For this we have the game “Fold the Picture”. Children, you need to collect pictures of the halves and name which animals you woke up. Let us divide into two groups and collect pictures. (there are two stumps and on these stumps the children collect pictures of halves).

Educator: Children, who did we wake up?

Children: Bear, hedgehog.

Educator: That's right, well done! Children, what other wild animals do you know?

Children : Wolf, fox, hare, squirrel.

Educator : Well done! So we remembered wild animals. Well, our journey continues.

The legs began to walk - top, top. top,

along the big path, top, top, top.

Well, more fun, top, top, top, top,

That's how we can do it - top, top. Top.

. Educator : Oh, children, another clearing.

Lesovik : This flower meadow.

Educator: Oh, where are the flowers?

Lesovik : The flowers can't wake up because I forgot what they are called.

Educator: Don’t worry Lesovichok, we will remind you.

Children, to wake up the flowers, you need to guess one riddle. Listen.

"Drops of sun early in the morning

They appeared in the clearing.

This is in a yellow sundress

Dressed up...(dandelion)"

Children: Dandelion.

Lesovik: I remembered, I remembered the dandelion.

Educator: That's right, dandelion.

Lesovik : Hold it, I’ll share these flowers with you (hands out one flower to the children).

Educator: . Children, what color are they?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: That's right, yellow. Dasha, how many flowers do you have? (one)

What about Vanya? (one)

How many flowers does Sonya have? (one)

You all have one flower, and if we come closer friend to each other and stretch our arms forward (children form a tight circle and extend their arms to each other), how many flowers are there in total?

Children: Many.

Educator: that's right, a lot.

Educator: children, now let us smell our flowers, what they smell like.

Physical exercise – breathing exercises: “The aroma of flowers.”

Educator : take a calm breath through your nose, hold your breath and slowly exhale “A-ah!” Well done! Children, let us leave all our flowers in the clearing, and it will turn into the sunniest clearing in this forest. (children lay out flowers in the clearing).

Educator: Children, look what beautiful meadow we succeeded. What does the clearing look like?

Children: To the sun.

Educator: Right in the sun.

« The sun dropped a golden ray

The first dandelion grew, young

It has a wonderful golden color

He is a small portrait of the big sun."

Educator: Children, what other spring flowers do you know?

Children: snowdrops, mother and stepmother.

Educator: Right!.

Children, look how beautiful, light and warm the fat in the forest is. You and I helped Lesovich awaken the forest. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Lesovik : Thank you guys very much. Come visit me. I'm always glad to see you. For helping me, I will treat you with nuts. The squirrel gave them to me.

Educator: Thank you forest boy. Goodbye!

Children, in order to return to kindergarten, let's remember the magic words,

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

“Turn around. Spin around (music plays, children spin around)

And we ended up in kindergarten"

Result: Did you enjoy traveling? Children, how many good deeds we have done with you today. The sun was awakened, the birds were awakened, the animals were awakened, and the flowers were also awakened. You guys are great! Now you and I will go to the group, and I will treat you to nuts.