When a person who financially provides for his family passes away, there is no one to support his relatives. Therefore, they have to consider different ways to obtain . Government authorities always provide support to citizens experiencing certain financial difficulties in life.

They have to formalize everything necessary documents to apply for a survivor's pension. This type of benefit is similar to payments to minor children with a designated disability status. You should take a closer look at all the nuances associated with applying for survivor benefits.

The size of the survivor's pension depends on his work activity

  1. Descendants in the first and second line of the citizen who provided them material support who were not yet 18 years old at the time of the death or disappearance of a relative;
  2. Children who study abroad can count on such benefits until they reach the age of 23;
  3. Direct descendants over 23 years of age, if recognized as completely incapacitated due to disability. The disability group must be assigned to such a citizen under 18 years of age. State authorities may refuse to provide benefits due to the fact that applicants with disability status have fully able-bodied parents who can still work and provide for their own children financially;
  4. Parents or spouses of a deceased breadwinner can also count on state benefits only in a situation where they have reached 16 or 55 years of age and have the appropriated income;
  5. The breadwinner's grandparents can receive payment under the same conditions as in the previous paragraph.
  6. Elderly relatives can count on such payments in a situation where they no longer have anyone close to them who can provide them with regular financial support;
  7. One of the adult close relatives of the deceased breadwinner, who was not employed and was constantly caring for a child under fourteen years of age.

This is the main list of citizens who are entitled to such payments.

Types of support in connection with the loss of a breadwinner

Pension certificate

We list the main ones in connection with the loss of a breadwinner:

  1. Social security for minors who have lost their breadwinner without accumulating experience for calculating a pension;
  2. Insurance coverage is provided to minor children of those citizens who already have a pension accrual record;
  3. State regular benefits are issued for children whose parents died in the line of duty related to the elimination of various consequences of man-made disasters.
  4. Military benefits provided to relatives of military personnel killed in the line of duty.

Benefit amount

It is also necessary to determine the specific amount of survivor benefits provided to citizens of the Russian Federation. always consist of two main parts:

  • Main.
  • Insurance, which is determined by the size of the breadwinner’s contributions to the Pension Fund.

Orphans are entitled to double benefits

The amount of benefits for each calculation will be determined by the number of disabled applicants for payments. It should be noted that in 2017 such deductions for a minor child were approved in the amount of 4,300 rubles, and for those who have reached the age of 18 – 2,100 rubles.

The established regional coefficient will also determine the amount of regularly paid benefits. There is a formula for determining the amount of survivor's benefit: PC/(T+L)/KN+B, where:

  • T – waiting period for the last pension accrual;
  • KN – the number of disabled citizens applying for benefits;
  • PC – the amount of pension capital, calculated in accordance with the date of death of the citizen;
  • K – the ratio of full years worked to the number of 180 months. If the person applying for such benefits is under 19 years of age, this coefficient can only be equal to 12 months, after which this number will increase by 4 months annually.
  • B – basic

The survivor's benefit is not formed depending on other accruals issued. If the breadwinner was listed as a long-service pensioner at the time of death, only the insurance portion of the payments due to him during his lifetime will be taken into account when calculating.

If minor child remained an orphan, he is entitled to a double allowance. If relatives are in a certain way to blame for the death of their breadwinner, they will not be accrued any benefits.

This video will tell you how to apply for a survivor's pension:

How to apply for a pension for a child if the breadwinner has died?

The concept of “pensioners” does not always refer specifically to older people, although we generally think so. There are types of pension payments that are intended specifically for children.

  1. Due to the loss of a breadwinner.
  2. Due to disability.

What is state social security?

In the life of the state social Security plays one of the main roles. After all, it depends on the economic situation that develops in the country.

And it affects the social well-being of citizens receiving assistance. Any citizen has the right to receive such support in the following cases:

  • Loss of the only source of income and assistance.
  • Disability.
  • Diseases.

Social pension provision– material support for citizens who, for one reason or another, have lost their legal capacity, permanently or temporarily.

Who is entitled to social pension?

Who has the right to social pension?

This right is usually given only to certain citizens who make up a rather narrow circle. Among the main conditions are permanent residence in the Russian Federation and loss of ability to work.

Social pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner is usually assigned to children under the age of 18 or 23 years.

Features of assistance in case of loss of a breadwinner

This type of assistance is awarded to disabled relatives of the deceased if the latter had no work experience throughout his life.

Another one of important conditions– absence of transfers to this person from the pension fund.

If the only possible income has been lost, then such a pension is issued to minor children and full-time students up to the age of 23. It doesn't matter if they lost one or both parents at once.

Those who had only one mother in the family also have the right to help.

Under what conditions is it appointed?

What are the conditions?

As already mentioned, some of the most important are residence in the Russian Federation and loss of ability to work.

But the legislation is not limited to these requirements.

  1. Another thing is the breadwinner’s lack of insurance coverage. Payment will be denied if the deceased family member took a job at least for one day. official work.
  2. The pension is also paid if the death was a consequence of a criminal act.

But you should not count on payment if the crime that led to death was committed by the applicant for benefits.

Survivor pensions can be granted indefinitely. Or generally for the entire time until working capacity is restored. Or received.

How much is this assistance paid?

The exact numbers depend on which category of citizen is making the payment.

  • A little more than 10 thousand rubles are given to those who have lost both parents at once.
  • Those who had one breadwinner can count on five thousand.

Some regions introduce their own coefficient, which may increase the amount of benefits.

In what order is it assigned?

Where should I contact?

You need to collect a package of documents and then contact the appropriate authorities. Using the most convenient way from those available for circulation.

  1. You can personally apply at your place of residence, to one of the territorial branches of the Pension Fund.
  2. Or visit the official website to submit an application using it.
  3. Or use the multifunctional center.

If the interests of the child are represented by any institution where he lives or is being raised, then the documents are submitted to the address of the institution.

Social pensions begin to be transferred on the first day of the same month when the application was submitted. Even if registration took place in the middle of the month.

The main thing is not before the right to obtain assistance has arisen. But direct payment will be made only on the first day of the next month following the date of application.

What documents are needed for registration?

What is the required package of documents?

Main and additional list include the following items:

  • Statement of desire to receive assistance.
  • Passport. If the child is under 14 years old, then a birth certificate is given, as well as an identity card of the person who is the legal representative.
  • Death certificate of one breadwinner or both parents.
  • Birth certificate in form 25 from the registry office. This is necessary if additional evidence is required that the mother was single.
  • A court decision establishing family ties or other evidence that the deceased was a relative of the child.
  • A certificate from the institute or any other institution where the victim is studying full-time.
  • Residence permit or registration certificate.

Is it possible to make an additional payment?

This is permissible only if, after all the calculations, it is discovered that the compensation in size does not even reach living wage. But at the same time, any type of pension is officially indexed every year.

An additional payment is also calculated if the pension has already been calculated, but the cost of living itself has changed.

The amount of additions is regulated in each region separately. These are the so-called social supplements to the standard type of security.

To receive an increase, you must contact the same authority where the initial application was made.

About the features of calculations in different situations

How is social pension calculated?

The procedure for calculating payments for the loss of a breadwinner remains the same.

The difference arises in the calculation procedure itself for different cases and in some registration conditions. After all, different categories of citizens may have different rights.

For example, if two children are left without a breadwinner, then a pension is assigned to each of them.

If the death of the breadwinner occurred when the child was 18 years of age or older, then financial assistance is not provided.

An exception is made only for those who are enrolled as full-time students at a university.

About the insurance pension

It is also assigned to disabled relatives of the deceased. To do this, one of the following conditions must be met:

Obtaining a disability group.

  1. Age under 18 years.
  2. Full-time education, age under 23 years.
  3. Caring for another family member. Either a pensioner or a child under 14 years of age.
  4. Age 55 years for women, 60 years for men.

Moreover, in the case of minor children, the fact of dependency does not require the presentation of additional evidence.

But other relatives must provide a certificate stating that the deceased was indeed their only source of income. Dependency can also be proven in court.

An insurance pension differs from a social pension in that it is directly related to the work and insurance experience of the deceased. The larger they are, the greater the compensation.

About pensions for military personnel

What pension is entitled to military families?

This is one of the government types of assistance.

It is also paid to families under certain conditions:

  • Relatives of foremen and sailors, soldiers who are in conscription.
  • Families in which the breadwinner suffered after man-made, radiation disasters.
  • Relatives of astronauts.

Dependents may receive a state pension if the death occurs:

  • During military service on call.
  • No later than three months after the military man retired.
  • Any time after discharge if the death is related to injuries sustained during wartime.

Who can count on support?

Any type of assistance is paid to military family members who have lost their ability to work.

Even if relatives get official jobs, they cannot be denied further payments.

Relatives of the deceased are considered disabled if:

  1. They are under 18 years of age.
  2. They are full-time students at any university and have not reached the age of 23.
  3. Throughout life in case of registration of one of the disability groups.

The pension will be paid to brothers and sisters or grandchildren if they no longer have able-bodied relatives.

There are conditions under which the parents of a military man will not be considered able to work.

  • Reaching 55 or 60 years of age. And in the event of death related specifically to the son’s service.
  • 55 or 60 years of age and the death of a son within three months after service. And when death is not related to service.
  • Having a disability.

The state will not pay pensions only to widows who remarried some time after the death of the breadwinner.

Social and government payments

What is the amount of social benefits?

The situation and reason for the loss of a breadwinner influence what kind of assistance from the state will be provided in a given case.

The state allocates the following funds:

If the cause of death is injury or an accident at work, then they pay up to 200 percent of the total amount social pension. Which itself is equal to 3.6 thousand rubles. 150 percent for those whose death is related to service.

  1. 250 percent for children if the father died while eliminating the consequences of an accident related to man-made or radiation causes.
  2. 125 percent for relatives of persons who were fully provided for by those killed during the liquidation of the consequences of accidents.
  3. 40 percent of the salary for the astronaut's family.
  4. With the addition of regional coefficients if the family lives in areas with difficult conditions. The coefficient is removed if recipients move to another area.

State aid is a constant value. It is granted to all loved ones of the deceased if certain conditions are met. There may be additional accruals to other pensions and benefits of relatives.

Social assistance

Now standard size assistance to orphans - 9.4 thousand rubles. 4.7 thousand rubles per month are received by those who have only one parent who has died.

If changes are made to such fees, it happens in April. This is due to the time when general indexing takes place.

Rules for calculating the amount

The amount depends on the base and insurance parts

The amount is calculated only based on income if the breadwinner worked at least one day.

It is almost impossible to carry out the calculation yourself. It involves two components:

  • Basic. Determined by assignment to a particular social group.

Now there are standards according to which adults receive 2.1 thousand, and children - 4.3.

Additional regional coefficients apply to people living in areas with difficult conditions.

  • Insurance. Depends on the capital of the deceased in the pension direction.

In general, experts use the following formula:

  1. PC/(T+ K)/ KN+B.
  2. PC is a designation for how much capital has been accumulated.
  3. T is the period for which the pension is calculated.
  4. K is the ratio between operating time and 180 months. 180 months is the maximum possible limit.
  5. KN – the number of relatives who act as recipients of pensions and are recognized as officially disabled.
  6. B – base component.

Insurance part and accounting rules

If a labor pension has already been issued for the deceased, then the relatives are given a payment in proportion to the insurance portion. The basic or fixed part does not take part in the calculations.

A double amount of the subsidy is registered for the child if a single mother dies.

The calculation rules are similar to the standard ones.

In case of violent death or crime on the part of relatives insurance pension they just don't prescribe.

Deadlines for consideration of applications to the Pension Fund of Russia

It takes no more than ten days to review documents at the Pension Fund of Russia

In the standard case, it takes no more than ten days to review documents.

Only after this the amount of compensation and those persons who will count on it are determined. Coordination is carried out only once. But the duration may vary: Until the age of 18.

  • Until the age of 23.
  • Until the disability certificate ceases to be valid.
  • For life if a relative has retired.

The pension stops accruing after the age of 18, if after school the student continued his studies, but did not immediately enter a university.

The process resumes only after the relevant certificate from the educational institution has been submitted.

Assignment of social pensions for the purpose of replacement

There are situations when people can officially count on insurance assistance, but do not meet certain criteria for its transfer.

The state does not refuse help at all, therefore it assigns a social version of it, with a smaller size. This happens in two situations:

  1. If the relatives themselves committed actions that led to the death of the breadwinner.
  2. When a serviceman died, but the cause was the commission of a crime by himself.

Receiving payments

Payments can also be received by mail

There are different ways to receive money:

  • Using a special delivery service.
  • Via mail.
  • To a bank account.

The dependent chooses how exactly he receives his pension. They inform the Pension Fund about their decision in writing.

If a child has lost parents who do not have length of service, then a social pension is assigned.

If you have work experience, you can also count on regular labor compensation. The social pension does not change in size, but is indexed annually.

Separate support is guaranteed for those whose breadwinners have gone missing.

You can contact the Pension Fund with an application for assistance one year after the loss.

The application is drawn up at home, or on a special form, which is issued at the institution itself.

In the following video you will learn about the formation of a pension in Russia:

May 9, 2017 Content Manager

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At the state level, assistance is provided to those who most need this help. Many people need financial support under certain circumstances. Such factors are age, certain merits, health status, and life situations. At the state level there are various types pensions, among which we can name assistance related to a person reaching the age established by law, loss of health, or loss of one of the family members.

Survivor's pension - what is it?

A survivor's pension, in essence, is social assistance to disabled people who have lost their main breadwinner. These social benefits in fact, they are aimed at at least partial compensation of the basic earnings of the breadwinner, who passed away due to death. A prerequisite for the provision of this assistance is the financial support of the deceased members of their family who are unable to work. various reasons. The legislation provides for a clearly defined circle of citizens who can receive assistance from the state. Survivor benefits relate to work book, since it is based on the labor relations of the deceased, who worked and supported the family. The state actually takes over the responsibility for supporting these people after the death of a working citizen.

Legislative concept of “dependents”

On the same level with the concept of assistance associated with the loss of a breadwinner is the concept of “dependents”, since it is Art. 9 of the Federal Law provides for the right to social benefits to persons who were dependent on the latter during the life of the deceased. So, dependents are citizens who were financially completely or largely dependent on the deceased person. The fact of dependency is proven by the presence of documents that characterize all family income. In addition, the relationship between the deceased and the rest of the family must also be confirmed by relevant documents, such as marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.

Subjects who are entitled to this type of pension

The survivor's pension is provided to persons provided for by law. The following are eligible for this assistance:

  • First of all, minor children. The concept of “children” includes not only the relatives of the deceased, but also his younger sisters, brothers, grandchildren, who are minors at the time the pension is calculated, do not work and cannot support themselves independently.
  • Children under 23 years of age, if they are studying and cannot work independently.
  • Natural children of the deceased over 23 years of age, if they are unable to earn money due to their health, as evidenced by the presence of a disability. As for this category of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a person’s disability must be established before he reaches adulthood. As for brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the breadwinner who are disabled and cannot support themselves, the latter are entitled to survivor benefits only if they are not supported by someone else and they are orphans.
  • The spouse of the deceased, father (mother), adult brother (sister) who care for the young children of the deceased. In this case, only one of the family members who cares for children under 14 years of age receives a survivor's pension for minors. If there are several children, then these payments are paid until the youngest reaches 14 years of age. In this case, only those citizens who care for young children and do not have a personal source of income can apply for a pension.
  • The right to assistance after the death of a breadwinner are relatives who have retired or become disabled and do not have other relatives obligated to support them by law.
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children have the same status as natural children and parents. If an orphaned child, who is already receiving government assistance after the death of his relatives, is adopted, then his right to receive payments does not disappear.
  • A survivor's pension is also provided for stepfather or mother (stepfather or stepmother) who have been dependent on the deceased for the last five years or more. These facts must be documented.
  • A stepdaughter or stepson, if it is proven that the stepparent raised and supported the child for a long time.

Benefit amounts

The survivor's pension is a legally regulated benefit. The amount of benefits assigned in connection with the loss of a breadwinner depends on the size of the labor pension, which is paid according to age. The amount of payments for the loss of a citizen who had the highest income is equal to 50% of the labor pension if there is one disabled person in the family. If there are several or more than two disabled dependents, then the pension amount is equal to 100% of the labor pension.

This year, from April 1, the amount of payments associated with the death of a breadwinner is determined at the legislative level. It is 8,725 rubles for all categories except military personnel. Regarding the families of military personnel, it can be noted that they are paid a larger survivor’s pension.

Documents required when applying for a pension

To process monthly payments related to the loss of a breadwinner, you must prepare the following documents:

  • Passports of disabled family members of the deceased.
  • Documents that indicate which average earnings has been with the deceased in the last 60 months.
  • A document confirming the death of a citizen.
  • A work book or other document that confirms the deceased’s ability to work; for military personnel - a military ID.
  • Birth certificate of children, especially minors.

In certain cases, the family of the deceased needs to collect:

  • A document that confirms the fact of caring for a disabled citizen.
  • Document confirming adoption.
  • If the deceased breadwinner is a single mother, then it is necessary to provide a document that confirms this status.
  • Certificate of study, if the dependent has reached the age of majority, but continues to study and cannot earn money on his own.
  • If an able-bodied citizen cannot work due to caring for a young child or a disabled child, then it is necessary to provide a document that confirms this fact.
  • A document confirming the disability of an incapacitated citizen.
  • If a citizen is declared dead by the court, then it is necessary to prepare a court decision with a wet seal.

All required documents must be provided in original or certified copy if the original cannot be provided.

Procedure for applying for a pension

Experts from the Pension Fund or consultants from a law firm can explain to you how to apply for a survivor’s pension. If disabled family members of the deceased cannot afford to pay for legal advice, they can immediately contact their local Pension fund, which serves the territory where the deceased lived with his family. At the institution, it is necessary to fill out an application, which will be provided by the fund’s employees, indicating all disabled persons in the family. The application must be accompanied by a package of documents confirming the facts in question. Pension Fund specialists review the submitted documents within 10 days.

Key points for calculating pensions

The survivor's pension is calculated in two parts. The first part is fixed, and it depends on the category (for example, orphans, residents of the Far North, military personnel, disabled citizens). The amount of this part of the payment is established at the legislative level.

The second part of the charges is calculated in each case individually according to the established formula.

Simultaneous receipt of a survivor's pension and another type of pension

Only certain individuals who are listed in the federal law regulating state pension provision in Russia have the right to receive two types of pensions. Such citizens may be:

  • persons who received military trauma and became disabled;
  • WWII participants;
  • widows of military personnel who died during their service;
  • family members of a disabled Chernobyl survivor or liquidator who are unable to work;
  • family members of the deceased (deceased) cosmonaut;
  • persons awarded the Order "Resident of Siege Leningrad".

Life is rich in both pleasant and sad events. The death of a person can result not only in endless grief, but also in the loss of the only source of income. As a result, disabled citizens begin an active search in various ways material assistance. The state does not leave people in difficult situations and tries in every possible way to protect them from financial difficulties.

Disabled family members can apply to the relevant government authority for registration. The benefit is in many ways similar to the payments assigned.

Legislative aspect of the issue

If we are talking about the death of a citizen who served in the Russian army, then it will be provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 4468-1, dated February 1993.

Reasons must be appropriate:

  • the cause of the sad event was service;
  • death occurred as a result of an injury, wound or illness of a professional nature received in the performance of military duty;
  • the serviceman has already taken a well-deserved retirement;
  • the combat situation led to missing persons;
  • the citizen died while in captivity.

Conditions of receipt

Registration of insurance pension benefit in connection with the loss of a breadwinner requires compliance following conditions:

  • the deceased officially performed labor duties for some period of time;
  • the cause of death of a citizen is in no way connected with the deliberate criminal actions of disabled relatives.

List of required documents

To apply for the type of state benefit in question, you should collect package of documents, including:

In addition to the above papers, the Pension Fund office may require several additional documents: full list set out in Order No. 958, adopted in November 2014.

Procedure for writing an application

Acceptance of documents and applications for registration of a pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner is carried out at a branch of the Pension Fund or at a multifunctional center in accordance with the place of permanent residence.

Current legislation does not exclude the option of providing necessary papers via mail. The date of application will correspond to the postmark.

If the recipient does not have permanent registration in the territory Russian Federation, That assembled package documents should be sent to the main Pension Fund, geographically located in Moscow.

An application requesting pension provision in connection with the death of a person who is the sole breadwinner should be completed in accordance with Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1019, dated October 24, 2001.

In the upper right corner should be specified:

  • position and full name of the person addressed by the citizen;
  • personal information, namely: last name, first name, patronymic, address of permanent registration and actual residence, as well as personal telephone number.

Main part statements must contain:

  • a request for state support;
  • list of relatives applying for benefits;
  • confirmation of family relationship;
  • age of family members in need of support;
  • information about pensions received, possible benefits and additional payments;
  • information about the date the children received higher education (the type of benefit in question is paid until the age of 23 if the child is a full-time student at a university);
  • list of attached documents.

Finally, the applicant must indicate the date of submission of the application and confirm the above information with his own signature.

The features of payment of the considered type of benefit are described in the following video: