Eyelash extensions are not a procedure for everyone. It thins your own hair and is expensive, and its results do not always look natural. Instead of wasting money and time visiting beauty salons, it is better to figure out how to make fluffy eyelashes at home.

A curler is a device that curls eyelashes and makes them more voluminous. To obtain the desired effect, use it as follows:

  1. The curler is slightly heated with a hairdryer and the eyelashes are clamped with it. Act carefully (if you accidentally touch your eyelid, you can get a burn).
  2. Apply 1 layer of mascara and again clamp the hairs with tongs. The peeking ends are painted over with mascara.

Dyed eyelashes are very vulnerable and easily damaged, so you need to work with them carefully.


Few people know that powder can greatly enhance the effect of any mascara. First, the hairs are powdered with a brush or a regular sponge, then colored and curled with a curler (if necessary). As a result, eyelashes look longer and fluffier. No lumps appear.

Natural oils

Vegetable oils accelerate hair growth, making them more voluminous and fluffy. Women have been using some of them for several centuries, and a good example of this is inexpensive and effective castor oil. To make eyelashes thicker, apply the product daily before bed for 2-3 months. To do this, use an eyelash brush or a regular cotton swab.

If desired, castor oil can be replaced with other oils - burdock, olive, peach, sea buckthorn. A good effect is achieved by combining several products or adding liquid vitamins E and A to them (a couple of drops is enough).

Proper care

To keep your eyelashes lush, you need to remove your makeup daily. Special attention should be given to the roots of the hairs and the space between them, as most of the cosmetics remain there. Failure to follow these recommendations will cause the eyelashes to become weak and begin to fall out.

Dietary supplements will help strengthen eyelashes from the inside. Taking vitamins E and B promotes active hair growth and an increase in their thickness.

Thus, you can make your eyelashes lush without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

You will need

  • - serum for eyelash growth;
  • - dried chamomile and cornflower petals;
  • - almond or castor oil;
  • - vitamin A or carrot juice.


To make your eyelashes fluffy, you need to pay special attention to nutrition and health and only then proceed with local effects. According to experts, it is difficult to deceive nature, so it is impossible to make eyelashes thicker than genetically determined. But if you regularly care for your eyelashes and strengthen them, you can prevent the process of their loss.

In specialized stores you can purchase a special serum that stimulates the natural growth of eyelashes, thickens the hairs and gives them elasticity. It is better to choose a serum that does not contain hormones; it is absolutely safe for health. This preparation contains vitamins, natural oils and keratins. It is better to use the serum at night; in the morning, rinse off with water at room temperature. You can achieve an excellent effect after eight weeks of regular use of the non-hormonal serum; your eyelashes will become thick, fluffy and long.

Antioxidants, immunostimulants, and anti-inflammatory substances contained in chamomile and cornflower strengthen eyelashes, make them thicker, prevent them from fading in the sun, and relieve bruises and swelling under the eyes. Therefore, you need to regularly use infusions of these herbs for lotions. Mix two teaspoons of dried cornflower and chamomile petals, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 24 hours. Then strain the infusion and soak cosmetic discs in it, apply to eyes closed. Don't wash it off. Follow this procedure daily, soon you will be able to see the first result.

Almond and castor oil enhances eyelash growth and makes them thick. To do this, you need to make oil compresses twice a week. Soak a cotton wool tourniquet in heated almond or castor oil and apply it to the eyelash line. Close your eyes and hold the compress for fifteen minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A to the oil (or mix the oil in equal proportions with carrot juice).

Evgenia Smirnovskaya | 10/30/2015 | 6333

Evgenia Smirnovskaya 10/30/2015 6333

Long and fluffy eyelashes adorn a woman and make her look more open and expressive. Find out the most effective ways home care for them.

To get beautiful eyelashes, you don’t have to visit beauty salons every day. There are many effective means, which allow you to make them thick and long at home.

Use castor oil

Ordinary castor oil, which is sold in every pharmacy, is effective and budgetary means for eyelash care. Apply the oil every evening - and after 10-14 days you will notice that your eyelashes have become more dark color, became thicker and longer.

Don't forget about serums

Serums and other cosmetics for eyelash growth can be applied under mascara, then they will act throughout the day. The effect is simply amazing: your eyelashes will become fluffy, long and healthy.

By the way, you shouldn’t buy the most expensive products. Budget cosmetic brands also have decent products in their arsenal.

Buy two-phase mascara

If you urgently need to give your eyelashes volume and extra length, use two-phase mascara. Apply to eyelashes first white base: it will separate them, make them thicker and longer. Then cover the hairs with black or colored mascara.

Take your vitamins

Vitamins A and E are essential for the health and beauty of eyelashes. They are sold at the pharmacy in the form of capsules that need to be taken daily for 2 months. After another 2 months the course can be repeated.

By the way, vitamins have a beneficial effect not only on eyelashes, but also on the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Use your eyelash curler correctly

If you curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler, do so before applying mascara. Otherwise, fragile hairs may be damaged or broken. To create a more pronounced bend, slightly heat the pads of the curling iron with a hairdryer.

Powder your eyelashes

If you want to create the effect of false eyelashes, apply a little loose powder to the hairs. Brush off any excess with a makeup brush and then apply mascara.

Make sure that the layer of powder is not too thick, otherwise your eyelashes will look like spider legs.

Make tea compresses

Tea is not only a delicious invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product. It works great on dark circles under the eyes and also strengthens eyelashes. Soak a cotton pad in strong cold tea, place it on your eyelids and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week.

Comb your eyelashes

Buy a special eyelash comb. As a rule, they are produced together with an eyebrow brush. Once your eyelashes are completely dry, comb them gently to remove excess mascara and separate any clumps of lashes.

Change your mascara regularly

The service life of an open tube of mascara is no more than 3 months. During this time, the product thickens and loses its basic qualities. You should not try to dilute mascara with water or oil; you will not achieve a good effect with these methods. In addition, you can cause allergies or infection. Throw away your mascara without regret. expired suitability.

Get a massage

Every day, morning and evening, do a light eyelid massage. Close your eyes and lightly press on your eyeballs with your fingers, walking along the eyelash growth area. A procedure lasting 1-2 minutes will be enough to improve blood circulation. Never rub your eyes during a massage: this can damage the delicate skin of your eyelids and hair follicles.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for eyelashes. Follow these tips and you'll never need false eyelashes or eyelash extensions.

All women dream of being beauties, so that others will give them compliments and look with admiration. And for this, the ladies are ready to do, if not everything, then almost everything. Particular attention is now paid to eyelashes. After all, with the development of the beauty industry, new ways of caring for them have appeared. For example, . But there are old, proven ways to make eyelashes fluffy and expressive without chemicals.

Keep your eyes clean

Makeup is beautiful. However, try to remove all makeup at night, as mascara weighs down your eyelashes and puts additional stress on them. Don't use soap. There is a sufficient number cosmetics for removing makeup. Mild warm tea nourishes eyelashes. You can wash your face with it in the morning, and then anoint your eyelids with moisturizer. Nowadays, many women complain about fragility and loss of eyelashes. And there are many reasons for this:

  • — lack of care and ecology;
  • — building up artificial ones;
  • - the products used are of low quality.

Systematic home eyelash care

To keep your eyelashes long, thick and black, try lubricating them with any oil at night. Or you can mix several at once + add vitamins “A” and “E” in oil. For 1 tsp. 10-15 drops of oil. The result will only get better.

Take old mascara, rinse the container and brush thoroughly, and pour balm oil into it. This will make it more convenient for you to wear this mixture on your eyelashes. You can use only the brush, as you wish. Nourishing oils+ vitamins incredibly quickly stimulate hair growth, thicken eyelashes, and heal the skin of the eyelids. As a result, eyelashes can become fuller in just a couple of weeks. The main thing is to do it constantly necessary procedures:

  • - smear your eyelashes with a mascara brush;
  • - remove excess oil from hairs;
  • - apply the composition from the middle of the eyelash;
  • — make it a habit to always do this procedure at night.

The best oils

In the fight for fluffy eyelashes, you will first need oils, as they contain antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and micro-macroelements. They seem to fill the hair from the inside, and the eyelashes become visually thicker. In addition, the oil penetrates the hair follicle, nourishes the skin of the eye, and has a positive effect on blood circulation. Therefore, after using the oil, the eyelashes become fluffy. You will get maximum benefit from these oils:

  • - castor;
  • - burdock;
  • - almond;
  • - olive;
  • - argan.

You can easily purchase all these products at the pharmacy and use them to care for your eyelashes. Your eyelashes will become long and elastic in a completely harmless way.

Home eyelash tinting (coloring)

We recommend using natural henna (or Brow Henna) as a homemade eyelash dye - this ideal dye will not harm your eyelashes, but will only strengthen them, make them fluffier and darker. The procedure takes 20 minutes, the color will last on the hairs for more than a month, and the cost is low. Be sure to try it to save time in the morning and always be beautiful!

Thanks to beautiful eyelashes, the look takes on something special and bewitching. Girls often use various expensive medications to make their eyelashes thicker and longer. Some people prefer eyelash extensions that help create fluffy eyelashes; oil will make them even more voluminous and gorgeous. But we must remember that such manipulations worsen the condition of the hairs.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose a suitable product for thickening eyelashes, which helps for intensive hair growth and strengthening. It may be camphor or burdock oil. With the help of such products, hairs become stronger and eyes become more expressive. This effect is due to the presence of many vitamins in the composition of such products, which help in the growth of eyelash and eyebrow hairs. Eyelash oil is intended for daily use. You can use it to make masks for eyebrows and hair, which will help make them thicker and longer within a month.


This oil helps in solving many problems. For example, if eyelashes fall out a lot and are prone to brittleness, then the product is simply irreplaceable. You can use it at home to make your eyelashes stronger. The thickening agent is applied before bedtime. If the hairs are weakened, it is necessary to this remedy add vitamin E and camphor oil.

For intensive growth and strengthening of eyelashes at home, it is recommended to combine this oil with a small amount of rum. Thus, you can get a cream-balm - fluffy eyelashes are guaranteed when using it. Care is important - if it gets into your eyes, the product will cause a burning sensation. It is recommended to purchase high-quality rum, as budget option the amount of vitamins necessary for hair growth is missing. If they are too light, you can add a dark color to them and make them thicker using a combination castor oil with tea or carrot juice. This mixture is applied at night and washed off in the morning.

It is important to do this carefully, since if the substance comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, it can irritate it and cause burning or tearing.


Burdock oil is also used to grow and strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows at home. This miraculous, yet affordable remedy contains:

  • Biologically active substances - vitamin A, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, large number B vitamins;
  • Inulin, its task is to cleanse the skin of toxins that prevent hair growth.

Using this eyelash oil, you can achieve intensive growth and strengthening of eyebrow hairs. The product is applied externally, penetrates into cellular structures and improves metabolism.

The effect of its use:

  • Thick eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • Lushness of hairs;
  • Become long;
  • Hair loses its tendency to become brittle.

This eyelash oil is applied using cotton wool or a brush. You need to keep the product for no more than 2 hours. It is important to apply it systematically to get good effect. You can add camphor or olive oil, it helps for growth, you get a natural cream-balm.

Assortment natural oils diverse. With the help of these products, it becomes possible to strengthen the hairs of eyelashes and eyebrows, giving them elasticity and thickness. But it is important to remember that any home remedy requires patience and systematicity. Only long-term and regular use will bring a positive effect.


Thanks to pleasant aroma, peach oil extremely popular for eyelashes. To make eyelashes fluffy, peach or apricot oil is ideal. It contains many useful substances:

  • Vitamins B, tocopherol, retinol;
  • Microelements – phosphorus, calcium, iron.

Thanks to the rich composition, the hairs become long and fluffy, acquiring the desired thickness and splendor. Peach also helps for growth. To get the desired effect and make eyelashes fluffier, you need to make various masks based on the product. Leave them on for no more than 20 minutes and then wash off. To accelerate growth, you can combine the product with other ingredients, for example, add camphor oil, vitamins in ampoules. This mixture should be applied to eyelashes and eyebrows daily at home.

Such masks are also good for hair, they strengthen the roots. A mixture of vitamins and oil is especially useful for colored hair. You can make a balm from natural ingredients. To do this, add a mixture of vitamins to a regular hair balm.


This is one of the common hair care products. It has a rich sweet aroma. It contains a large amount of vitamins, with the help of which eyebrows grow faster, become stronger and thicker.

It must be used in the same way as the substances described above, then you will be able to make your look simply irresistible.