In order for your lips to be soft, velvety and tender, you need to take care of them daily, with the help of special and homemade cosmetics, massage and other means - it’s not for nothing that they say that a woman’s face becomes attractive thanks to bright, expressive eyes, and tender, sensual lips - men cannot pass by such women indifferently.

The most affordable means to make your lips soft are homemade masks made from ordinary foods, decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as vitamins and other preparations that can be bought at the pharmacy.

Principles of lip care

Home lip care is based on three principles: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, protection, which is an absolute analogy with daily facial skin care in general.


This is the first and most important stage in lip care. It includes daily cleansing of lips from impurities and remnants of decorative cosmetics. To carry it out, it is enough to have a regular cleansing milk or emulsion (this can be the same cleanser that you use to cleanse your facial skin) and cotton pads, with which you should thoroughly wipe your lips before applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Also, in addition to daily cleansing of the lips, it is necessary to carry out a gentle exfoliating peeling every 7-10 days. Candied honey or sugar in combination with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio is perfect for a gentle lip peeling.

Take this into account! Cleansing lips should be done lightly in a circular motion without stretching them thin top layer- otherwise you can provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles with your own hands.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizing and nourishing are an important stage in lip care. You should definitely stock up on hygienic lipstick or balm (it’s better to buy it at a pharmacy) and use it throughout the day. Hygienic lipstick will protect the skin of your lips from drying out, chapping, cracks and ultraviolet rays. Use it as a base for your lip makeup, so they will be completely protected.

It is also worth stocking up on nourishing cream. Apply it to your lips before going to bed so that your skin has enough time to be “saturated” with vitamins overnight. The effect of the cream will be more pronounced if, when applying it, you massage your lips with your fingertips.


For lips to always look well-groomed, they must be protected from adverse effects environment. This can be done using lipstick with protective ingredients, lipstick with SPF protection and lipstick for the cold season. Don't think that protecting your lips from the sun is a fashionable excess. We protect the skin of our face from harmful ultraviolet radiation, but we don’t take care of our lips.

Although the skin of the lips is no less (and even more!) sensitive than the skin of other parts of the body. If your facial skin reacts quickly to improper care, lips can “endure” for many months. But then it will be very difficult to restore their beauty and youth. And, of course, when choosing a lipstick, pay attention to the one that contains oils and nutrients.

Lip masks

Fruit and vegetable masks

Summer is a wonderful opportunity to please your lips with fruit masks. On a fine grater you need to grate, previously peeled, fruits or vegetables such as: banana, cucumber or beets, apple, melon, watermelon, gooseberries, currants, strawberries and so on. Mix the resulting pulp with a small amount of butter and generously lubricate the lips. After 10 - 15 minutes have passed, remove the residue. Fruit and vegetable masks effectively moisturize, nourish and soften the skin of the lips.

Recipe for a softening and nourishing lip mask made from cottage cheese

Grind half a teaspoon of full-fat homemade cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of cream, and apply the resulting mask in a generous layer on the surface of the lips. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off the mask and lubricate your lips with a small amount of Vaseline or hygienic lipstick. Instead of cream, cottage cheese can be mixed with vegetable oil, milk, carrot, cucumber or beet juice.

Recipe for a moisturizing lip mask made from sour cream

Add 2-3 drops to 1 teaspoon of sour cream lemon juice, and the same amount of any vegetable oil. Apply a thick layer of the mask to the surface of your lips and hold for 15-20 minutes.

  • Don’t forget to lubricate your delicate skin every day, at night. cosmetic cream, containing vitamins E and A.
  • Use a mixture of fresh carrot juice and cottage cheese 3-4 times a week, lubricate your lips with it for 10-15 minutes.
  • If there is severe inflammation, apply a warm compress from a strong infusion of chamomile flowers. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the inflamed skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • When removing makeup, don't forget about your lips. Remove makeup from them using cleansing cream or milk.
  • Don't forget to regularly use protective balms, and not just in summer, but all year round. Just choose a product based on the season. In summer, you need to use a balm containing a sunscreen and moisturizing ingredients. And in winter it should protect delicate skin from frost.
  • To give lips bright color, this remedy will help you: Combine together 1 tsp. rice flour and olive oil to make a paste. Apply the mask, rinse after 20 minutes. using a damp swab. Then, immediately lubricate the skin with a thin layer of bee honey.
  • This remedy can add tenderness and softness: rub 1 ripe strawberry with honey and lubricate your lips. This mixture should remain on the lips for at least 20 minutes. After which you can simply eat it. Then grease with rich cream.
  • Complete care will not be complete if you do not eat properly. Pay attention to your diet. For the beauty and health of this important area of ​​the face, eat more foods containing vitamin A. You will find it in carrots, beets, salads, and liver. Also eat more orange-colored vegetables and fruits.
  • To avoid jams and cracks in the corners of your mouth, add foods containing vitamin B to your diet. It is found in garden herbs, legumes, green vegetables and fermented milk products.
  • It must be said that sometimes even regular toothpaste containing fluoride can cause inflammation of the skin in the mouth area and cause increased dryness of the lips. So be careful.

Cracks on the lips and corners of the mouth

The formation of cracks is the most unpleasant thing that happens to the lips. Chapped lips and corners of the mouth make eating difficult and painful. Unpresentable matters too appearance. Even lipstick also lies unevenly and unsightly.

Causes of cracks

1. misuse medicines, especially antibiotics;

2. fungal or bacterial nature of the occurrence of cracks. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, so-called jams, are formed under the influence of streptococcal infection or candidiasis (fungal disease);

3. excessive consumption of sugar;

4. excessive alcohol consumption;

5. the habit of licking lips too often, biting and gnawing them;

6. severe drying of the lips during a runny nose due to the need to breathe through the mouth;

7. lack of vitamins A, group B, C, E.

The first two reasons can only be established with the help of a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment. Reasons 3-5 lie in our bad habits, and, of course, we should get rid of them. Cause 6 can be eliminated by regular use of runny nose remedies during colds. Reason 7 is eliminated “from the inside” - it is necessary to eat as many foods as possible that are rich in the missing vitamins.


If you are actively involved in eliminating the causes of cracks and jams, you can begin healing cosmetic procedures:

Lubricate your lips with olive or linseed oil daily;

Before going to bed, make masks from butter, sea ​​buckthorn oil or calendula oils;

3 times a day, wipe the cracks with aloe juice squeezed from a freshly cut leaf;

Treat cracks with a special ointment for the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time (you can find such a remedy at the pharmacy).

During treatment, you should refrain from eating irritating foods - pickled vegetables, sour juices and fruits.

Special charge for lips

☀ stretch out your lips and blow as if you were extinguishing a candle, then relax your lips.

Repeat 7-10 times

☀ take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Exhale slowly at first, then as if pushing out the air.

Repeat 10 times.

☀ articulating vigorously, pronounce the vowels “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”, “s”.

Repeat 7-10 times.

☀ Pull your lips forward and open your mouth like a fish when breathing. Close and release your lips.

Repeat 10-20 times.

☀ move lower jaw simultaneously with the lips, sequentially left and right.

Repeat 10-20 times.

☀ Stick out your tongue as much as possible and hold it there for 2-3 seconds. Remove your tongue and relax for 1-2 seconds.

Repeat 5 times.

Massage for volume and juiciness of lips

Massage your lips with a soft toothbrush.

Slow, careful movements will not damage the skin of the lips, but will serve as an excellent cosmetic massage that activates the natural processes of regeneration and hydration. Ideally, it is better to use a separate toothbrush for massage. For thin lip skin, a brush marked SOFT or for children is perfect.

A good idea is to massage your lips every evening before going to bed. To improve blood circulation and restore the natural brightness of the lip border, before massage, moisten the brush in cold water. Apply a little vegetable oil (shea, almond, avocado, jojoba) to your lips and gently massage your lips with a brush for one minute. This will provide your lips with softness and shine, without taking up any time, effort or money.

Ice is one of the most popular methods to help increase lip volume at home. Massage an ice cube onto your lips and then apply a moisturizer or balm. This cryomassage is an excellent express remedy for giving your lips an appetizing swelling before an important date or photo shoot.

Short-term exposure to cold has a shock effect to some extent, which activates all metabolic processes, increases tone, and improves oxygen saturation of skin cells. By regularly performing ice massage, you can make your lips not only more attractive, but also more resistant to external influences. And even in cool weather, without using balm, your lips will shine with health and beauty.

☀ never lick or bite your lips, and especially do not do this in the cold;

☀ do not use water to remove makeup, use extra by special means;

☀ moisturize your lip skin more often using balm or vegetable oil (ideally sea buckthorn); buy high-quality lipsticks that contain nutritional elements;

☀ don’t leave home without lip balm or lipstick;

☀ apply a restorative agent or sour cream at night; stop smoking and drinking alcohol - tobacco and alcohol kill the beauty of your lips.

Now that you know new secrets for lip care, your smile will become even more charming and your face more attractive.

Lips are the first thing that attracts a man's gaze when looking at a woman. Naturally, chapped and chapped lips will not cause admiration. Simple steps will help keep this delicate part of the face in proper shape. daily rules and simple procedures. This article discusses lip care at home.


In fact, any woman or girl can take time for herself to take care of her health and beauty. This does not require a lot of time or money. The main thing to remember is that you are alone. And the happiness and well-being of the whole family depends on how much a woman loves herself. Since the mother and wife are happy, the children and husband are happy.

We understand that a woman should be beautiful in everything. Therefore, it is also important to take time to care for your lips at home. Moreover, lips are a very delicate part of the face that requires special attention.

The commandment of cosmetologists to “clean, nourish and moisturize” is also appropriate for lip care at home. Therefore, there is no need to invent anything. It is just important to follow the right tips because it is not difficult and it is effective. So let's get started.


Cleansing the skin of the lips.

This is a very important stage in facial care. Be sure to cleanse your lips before going to bed. The most gentle way to daily cleanse makeup and other impurities from the skin of the lips is to use fatty essential oils. For this procedure, you will need a cotton pad soaked in water and then freed from excess moisture. Apply a few drops of any light base oil to the surface of the cotton pad.

Ideal oils would be: grape seed, avocado or argan. Thus, you cleanse the skin of your lips and saturate it with the nutrients contained in the oil. That is, we can say that you are performing a double procedure.

You can also practice a more intense type of lip cleansing, such as peeling. But it is recommended to do it no more than once a week. The active ingredient for scrubbing can be sugar or coffee grounds. To form a solution, you can use honey or coconut oil as a base. The prepared composition must be applied to the skin of the lips for 2-3 minutes. After performing gentle massage movements, the remaining composition is washed off with warm water or a damp sponge.

Nutrition and hydration in lip skin care.

For daily lip care at home, you can use ready-made emulsions created for the skin of the eyelids. The fact is that the characteristics of the skin of the eyelids and lips are largely identical. Therefore, do not forget to nourish your delicate lips with special products.

Instead of store-bought creams and gels, a fatty base oil is perfect as a cosmetic product to nourish and moisturize your lips. One of the leaders in its moisturizing properties is avocado oil. This oil is also an excellent solar filter, which is worth remembering in the summer.

In addition, once a week you can practice intensively nourishing masks for lips from oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Apply the contents of the capsule to the skin of the lips and hold for 10-20 minutes. Then simply blot off any remaining oil. paper napkin. This is a very effective and inexpensive way to care for your lips at home.


  1. Bad habits such as smoking, addiction to stressful situations biting nails and biting lips. These habits together cause damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, which entails inflammation and other unpleasant consequences.
  2. Lack of skill in daily use of hygienic or decorative lipstick containing nourishing and moisturizing components. In addition to caring for your lips at home, you need to take care of your lips outside too.
  3. Insufficient water intake. The foundation for skin care is to consume at least one liter of pure drinking water daily. Coffee, teas and compotes are not taken into account. It is the saturation of the body from the inside with a sufficient amount of water that is the foundation of beauty and health. Your lips should shine.


Your lips need constant care. Massage is useful for improving blood circulation in the lip area, which will affect their color and volume. In addition, massage helps to activate metabolism in the skin of the lips. This will undoubtedly make it possible to more effectively apply all the methods described above.

Soft toothbrushes or specially created massagers are suitable as tools for lip massage. This will help make your lips soft and smooth.

A few simple exercises used daily will smooth out the effects of facial stress and other negative factors.Among the most effective are: stretching the lips with a tube, moving the lower jaw to the right and left, and puffing out the cheeks.

Practicing the tips described above will become the basis for preserving and increasing the attractiveness of the most delicate part female body. As you can see, lip care at home is not at all difficult. It takes a little patience and self-love (read more about that in this article, there is a lot of useful information there!).

Be beautiful always and in everything. And, of course, because then your beauty will be real. Find out more about , Here.

The sun, cold and wind have a negative impact on the skin of our lips. Therefore, lips need systematic care that will help maintain freshness and beauty for many years. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists and visit expensive beauty salons. It is enough to take care of your lips at home.

Lips are of great importance in our appearance; they can both enhance beauty and ruin everything. You can’t hide your lips, they are always in plain sight, so when your lips become chapped, dry and cracked, even the best decorative cosmetics cannot save you.

The skin of the lips is devoid of sebaceous glands, so their surface is very prone to drying out and peeling. Meanwhile, we know that well-groomed lips make a woman seductive and younger.

How to care for your lips at home?

Before going to bed, be sure to remove any cosmetics present on your lips with a sponge soaked in a special cleanser or warm water.

Twice a day, after morning and evening rotational movements, massage your lips using a soft toothbrush or the corner of a soft terry towel.

After massaging your lips, lubricate them butter or a special balm, thanks to which chapped lips will stop peeling and become soft.

If your lips are prone to dryness and cracking, protect them from external influences with vegetable oil or oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Apply any of these products to a cotton pad and blot your lips 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Then remove excess oil with a napkin and cover your lips with a cosmetic or hygiene product - lipstick, gloss or balm, this will protect your lips from dryness and cracking. After this you can apply. A similar procedure can be done before bed, but in this case do not wash off the applied oil until the morning.

Lip masks

To smooth the skin of your lips, give them freshness and natural shine, try making lip masks.

Perfectly refreshes and moisturizes chapped, chapped lips natural honey. Just don’t lick it off right away, but keep it on your lips for at least 5-7 minutes.

Nourishing lip mask - do not mix large number sour cream and carrot juice, apply to lips, after 5-7 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Masks based on honey and melted pork fat have a nourishing effect. Stir well 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a half tbsp. spoons of pork fat, melted in a water bath, or just on the stove, and transfer the resulting mixture into a jar. This mask will last you several times. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

To prevent your lips from drying out, use the following lip mask: apply a mixture of cucumber or carrot juice, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese. After 15 minutes, lubricate your lips with vegetable oil.

To soften the skin of your lips, mix a finely grated apple with 1 tsp. butter, then apply the mixture to your lips for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.

In conclusion, it is important to recall two more important rules– never lick your lips while outside, and never start smoking. If you have already purchased this bad habit, try to part with the cigarette as soon as possible. Smoking does a lot of harm, not only to the lips, but in return it gives fleeting and very dubious pleasure.

Women are used to spending a lot of time taking care of themselves. But usually more attention get hair, face and body, and lips in the best option can count on a moisturizing or nourishing balm. It's time to change stereotypes about lip care and promote the right information to the people.
Getting an attractive smile is very simple if you know what and how to do for the benefit of this area of ​​the face.

The first thing to understand is that lips are part of the epidermis and need to be cared for in the same way as other skin. Daily care should be comprehensive, thanks to which a girl’s lips are transformed before our eyes.

Cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition

You need to start caring for your lips at home by removing cosmetics and other substances that could get here, for example, dust or remnants of a delicious bun. All you need is one cotton pad and a little cleanser - milk, lotion, micellar water, cream or vegetable oil. Since the “smile zone” has a small area, only a few drops of the product are needed. It is enough to gently rub the disc over your lips several times to remove all excess. During this execution, it is not recommended to stretch them too much, so as not to cause the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Once a week or two you also need to do deep cleansing, that is, peel your lips at home. This procedure allows you to separate dead cells and stimulate regeneration. skin. The implementation is the same as in the case of peeling, for example, for the face. Only the particles should be more delicately ground, because the skin of the lips is very delicate in structure.

Nutrition and hydration are an integral part of the exercise routine of a girl who wants to get beautiful lips with minimal effort. For this purpose you need to have several hygienic lipsticks and a special cream that is designed for this area. It is advisable to purchase a moisturizing balm at a pharmacy, but it is better to make it yourself. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better. The basis of homemade balms is beeswax and base oils(coconut, almond, castor or any other). They perfectly protect lips from external influences and are the basis for makeup.

Lip care should include nourishing cream. It should be applied before bed: during this time the skin will draw out all the useful things from it. An even better result can be obtained if you do a small massage while applying the product.

Lip products should contain the following ingredients:

  • beeswax – moisturizes and smoothes;
  • natural oils – moisturize, nourish, heal, protect;
  • protein – softens;
  • vitamins A, E, C and F – heal cracks and wounds;
  • protective filters – from ultraviolet radiation;
  • medicinal herbs - treat inflammation and heal wounds.

Massage and exercise

No matter how strange it may sound, your lips also need a massage. It is necessary to improve blood supply, which is fraught with the appearance of a rich natural shade. Moreover, this is very easy to do.

Massage can be performed in three ways:

  1. Using your fingertips. The main movement is tapping, which must be performed for 2-3 minutes;
  2. Using a finger wrapped in a damp towel. It is better to use a towel with a small terry cloth for this purpose, so that the effect is more delicate;
  3. Using a soft toothbrush. This procedure can be done if you have an old brush in stock. It has done its job in caring for the oral cavity, but it will come in handy for the lips. Everything needs to be done carefully and gently.

After massaging the lips, as after any other high-quality massage, it is necessary to apply to their surface fat cream. It will restore and nourish this area.

To have beautiful lips at home, you need to do some exercise every day. It is needed in order to maintain the elasticity of the lips at the proper level.

The exercises consist of the following actions:

  • Pronunciation of vowel sounds. It must be performed with diligence so that the output sounds are clear (8-10 times).
  • Inhale as much as you can and fill your cheeks with air. Exhale half the volume of air slowly and measuredly, and the rest - sharply and quickly (8-10 times).
  • Close your lips as if blowing out a candle. Relax (8-10 times).
  • Movements to the right and left with the lower jaw (15-20 times).
  • Tongue manipulation (4-8 times).

The best homemade lip masks

Modern lip care should include masks. They, like the skin of the face, are very necessary.

The most popular and effective folk recipes:

  1. Sour cream mask. Homemade high-quality sour cream is suitable, which must be applied in a thick layer and left for 10-15 minutes. You can replace it with kefir and make a mask based on it. Kefir should be applied in several layers, which should dry well before spreading the next one. It is recommended to remove the mask with warm water and then apply the balm.
  2. Banana mask. Bananas plus sour cream equals moisturized and nourished lips. Keep for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Potato mask. To make this mask, you will need raw potatoes, which you need to grate on a fine grater and apply to your lips. As a result, they will become smooth and silky.
  4. Apple mask. This fruit is often available at home. Mix grated apple with butter. Leave on lips for 10-15 minutes.

Solving Common Problems

Most often, ladies encounter the problem of chapped or cracked lips.

In addition to the wind itself, the first trouble can be caused by decorative cosmetics, a lack of certain vitamins, constant licking of lips and even toothpaste. Chapping is the loss of a large amount of moisture that needs to be replenished. Lips become dry, faded and rough. Calculating possible reason, you need to immediately begin caring for the problem area using moisturizing balms, creams and masks. They usually give quick visible results.

Cracks on the lips appear due to a lack of vitamins, allergies to decorative cosmetics, excessive consumption of sugar and alcohol, frequent licking and biting. This misfortune will be eliminated by nourishing care products. Special ointments are also very effective. They contain a large amount of wound-healing substances and drugs. During this period, you need to drink more water and consume vitamins.

In pursuit of fashionable news In the world of cosmetics, women often act to the detriment of their own appearance by damaging their skin. Beautiful hair, face and lips are the key to success not only among men, but also in work. It takes very little time to make your lips healthy and seductive. Don't be lazy and everything will work out.

About how to care for your lips, at any age it will be useful to know. Although, naturally, given that the physiological aging of a woman’s body begins at the age of 20-25, the conclusion suggests itself: the earlier you start carefully and properly caring for your lips, the longer they will retain a youthful, charming appearance.

You need to take care of your lips, as well as the area around your eyes, wisely - the skin in both areas is very thin and capricious, there is no fat layer at all, which means that all the restoration processes in it proceed slowly, but the aging process is slow. on the contrary, too fast. Many cosmetologists say that the condition of the lips can most accurately determine a person’s age - at about 25 years old, the lips turn pale and their outlines become less clear; at about 30, small wrinkles appear, the skin becomes thinner and drier. And then the process only gets worse: wrinkles turn into deep ones, and dryness and cracking become commonplace.

How to care for your lips: be careful!

All useful information care information is not easy to fit into one text. But a few basic rules and recommendations are quite possible. First, according to tradition, about prohibitions and taboos:

  • lips must be constantly protected from the harmful effects of the sun - use creams, balms and decorative cosmetics with SPF filters, because the skin of the lips is not even as afraid of frost and cold wind as the rays of the open sun - since they provoke the process of photoaging;

  • In winter, you should be wary of using lip balms - the fact is that in the cold the balm freezes, since it usually contains wax, freezing leads to excessive dryness and cracking of the skin;

  • Women's gloss often advises massaging your lips with a toothbrush, forgetting, however, often to mention that the brush should be washed as soft as possible, and any other (medium soft, medium hard etc.) can injure the thin skin of the lips;

  • stop smoking! Alas, smoking in general has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, but especially in the lip area: there the skin is more susceptible to negative influences, and direct contact with combustion products and harmful tars contained in cigarettes is the closest in this area;

  • Enrich your diet with fiber - it has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of your lips.

How to care for your lips: 8 feminine tricks

Your lip care program should include the latest professional products– balms, creams, serums, masks, etc. But simple lip care tricks shouldn’t be ignored either. After all, sometimes even three drops olive oil can magically change the appearance of your lips, making them more well-groomed and attractive. So:

  • A slightly chilled bag of green tea is useful to apply not only to the eyes, but also to the lips - it tones the skin, improves blood circulation and restores fluid balance;

  • See the dentist twice a year! It turns out that the appearance of the lips, and in particular their shape, also depends on the condition of the teeth and gums; diseases of the oral cavity can provoke a change in the bite, which entails drooping of the corners of the mouth;

  • to remove makeup from lips, it is best to use a few drops of vegetable oil - it perfectly dissolves lipstick and gloss without damaging delicate skin;

  • It is advisable to do lip peeling at least once every two days - either with a special cosmetic product, or products that are on hand, for example, mixing oatmeal and a little yogurt, you will get an excellent mixture for delicate peeling;

  • if you are haunted by your sexual form plump lips“a la Angelina Jolie”, the easiest way to change the situation is to get a filler injection in a reputable salon, but for a short-term plumping effect you can try the following recipe: mix chopped dill with oil from grape seeds(available in most large supermarkets), plus add 2-3 drops more essential oil dill - massage your lips with this mixture for about three minutes, then wait about five minutes and rinse with warm water;

  • An excellent remedy for smooth lips is a scrub with honey: mix honey and cane sugar and massage your lips with this mixture, next time a similar procedure can be repeated after a week;

  • beautiful and even color will give your lips an organic peeling: rub your lips with a tomato slice or half a grape;

  • how to care for your lips if they are dry? It’s not difficult - every night at night, wipe them with a cotton pad with shea butter or grape seed oil.