Pension point is a relatively new concept in the system pension provision. In order to roughly imagine what benefits citizens will receive in retirement, it is necessary to thoroughly understand it.

What is it

Those retiring in given time people began their working career during the existence of the USSR. Then, however, as before 2015, this required the fulfillment of two conditions:

  • fulfillment of a certain age;
  • availability of the required work experience.

Since 1990, three laws on the assignment of pension payments have been adopted. During the period of validity of each law, the calculation is carried out in its own way. From 2001 to 2014, the amount of the pension depended directly on the number of insurance contributions transferred to the Pension Fund.

Since 2015, in order to retire, certain circumstances must be met:

  • age, 60 and 55 years for men and women (early exit possible);
  • insurance experience;
  • pension points.

The last two factors will gradually increase until 2025. There are also rumors about an increase retirement age for all older people. IN at the moment the innovation affected only civil servants.

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If the concepts of age and length of service do not raise any questions, then not everyone has yet figured out pension points. This is an individual pension coefficient, IPC, which is accrued annually when carrying out official work activities.

Its size depends on the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund by the employer. Therefore, the higher a person’s salary, the more points he will earn.

Upon retirement, points for the entire period of insurance activity are summed up and then multiplied by the rate of one point. The latter is established by the Government every year.

Conclusion: in order to now have the legal opportunity to receive an old-age insurance pension, it is necessary to develop a length of service with a salary at which the number of contributions paid would be equal to the amount established by law.

How much is one point worth in 2019?

The size of the IPC is strictly regulated by law and increases every year.

In 2015, when the pension coefficient was just introduced, its cost was 64 rubles 10 kopecks. Over the past three years, it has been indexed several times, and as a result, at this time it is 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

Initially, 6 years of insurance experience were required for retirement, and the IPC was 6.6. According to legislative acts, the value of these indicators will systematically increase until 2025.

From 2015 to 2020, regardless of which pension option was chosen, all insurance contributions of citizens are directed only to insurance part pensions. Therefore, the maximum number of points will be the same for both options.

The maximum salary in the current period, intended for calculating the pension coefficient, is 1,021,000 rubles.

Consequently, there is a limit on the maximum number of pension points in 2019, which is 8.7. Even if a citizen earns several million, they will not be able to accrue more.

How are they calculated?

The IPC is directly dependent on the number of deposited cash to the Pension Fund. The amount of the insurance part of the pension benefit depends on it. And its size is calculated by multiplying the number of points scored by their value in the current year.

The pension coefficient is influenced by the official salary and work experience.

Since what year

The concept of an individual pension coefficient was given in the federal law adopted at the end of 2013 “On insurance pensions”. The procedure for its calculation was also presented there and the formula was given.

How much do you need

In order to old man had the opportunity to retire in 2019, he needs to earn 9 years of insurance experience, accumulate at least 13.8 pension points and reach retirement age.

How to calculate

The individual coefficient for the current year can be calculated independently using the formula:

IPK = StVz: MaxStVz * 10

That is, the pension point is equal to the quotient between the amount of insurance premiums for the year and the maximum amount of insurance premiums for the year, multiplied by 10.


With a salary of 35,000 rubles, the annual salary will be 420,000 rubles.

Insurance premiums for the year were paid in the amount of 92,400 rubles (since deductions go only to insurance premiums in the amount of 22 percent, and savings are temporarily frozen).

The amount of insurance premiums must be divided by the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum contributionable salary:

1 021 000*22%=224 620

Therefore, the number of points for 2019 will be:

92 400: 224 620 * 10 = 4,1

When you retire, all points accumulated over the years of work, as well as points accrued during non-insurance periods, are added up.

Then the amount is multiplied by the value of one point established in the current year and the size of the fixed payment is added. This is how the amount of the insurance pension is calculated.

Recently, the pension system has changed dramatically. Insurance premiums paid by citizens between 2002 and 2014 are converted into pension points and taken into account when calculating old-age benefits.

The situation is more complicated with the Soviet period. After all, in those days, records were kept in documents; there were no automated information systems. If a person has lost evidence of work activity over these years, it may not be included in the pension calculation.

The obligation of citizens to independently provide evidence of official work, women - confirm the time of childcare with relevant papers; those who served in military service - backed up with facts.

The President of the Russian Federation signed a decree according to which for each full year worked before 1991, pension capital increases by 1 percent. This means that in 5 years its size will increase by 5 percent, and in 10 years by 10 percent.

The Soviet period of service includes not only the time before the collapse of the Soviet Union, that is, until 1991, but also the post-Soviet period, up to and including 2001.

Therefore, 10 percent is added to the pension for work in the period from 1991 to 2001, even regardless of the availability of documents confirming the length of service.


There are periods in a person’s life when he is forced not to work. Some of them are counted towards retirement experience, but only if there were periods of official employment before or after this time.

When calculating a pension, points for the period of temporary disability are added to points for work activity and multiplied by their value.

Extra point values:



Military service by conscription, one year 1,8
Mother's leave to look after the 1st child, one year 1,8
Mother's leave to look after the 2nd child, one year 3,6
Mother's leave to look after the 3rd child, one year 5,4
Mother's leave to look after the 4th child, one year 5,4
Childcare for a disabled child, one year 1,8
Care for a person with a first group disability, per year 1,8
Caring for an elderly person (over 80), per year 1,8
Temporary disability, for one year 1,8
Registration with the CNZ, one year in advance 1,8

5.4 pension points are awarded to citizens who transferred 35,000 rubles to the Pension Fund. Therefore, a mother of four children is practically guaranteed an insurance pension, because she is awarded a sufficient number of points, 24.3 out of 30 required, with less than 6 remaining to earn.

Additional bonus points include bonus points, which grow with each postponed year of retirement after reaching retirement years.

For example, if a senior citizen applies for old age benefits after 5 years, the points will increase by 45 percent and the fixed benefit by 36.

What to do if there is not enough

Unfortunately, there are elderly citizens who have reached retirement age but have not been able to accumulate the required insurance coverage or pension points. This could happen in the case of unofficial employment, meager wages or complete absence of work activity.

Every person who is a participant in compulsory pension insurance can independently increase their length of service and, accordingly, points from 2015 (before this time, only the size of the pension could be increased). To do this, it is necessary, in addition to insurance, to pay voluntary contributions to the Pension Fund.

Voluntary payments can be made not only for yourself, but also for other persons, regardless of the presence of family relationships. The main thing is that they do not work and do not make insurance contributions, which means they have no rights to an insurance pension.

An important nuance here is the possibility of paying only half of the experience. If in the current year it is required to have 9 years of insurance experience in order to retire, then with the help of voluntary insurance contributions it is possible to acquire no more than 4 and a half years of experience.

If retirement age has already arrived, but there are not enough points, you can continue to work without retiring. In this case, next year the number of required points will not increase, as for other people, but will remain at the same level.

Of course, you can agree to a social pension, but receiving it is possible 5 years later:

The size of the pension benefit depends not only on the state, but also on the citizen himself. If you make voluntary contributions to the Pension Fund during your working life and postpone retirement for several years, you can achieve an increase in it.

Since 2015, after changes to pension legislation, when calculating future pension began to take into account not monetary units, but points. In the reports of future retirees, the points are designated under the term individual pension coefficients (hereinafter referred to as IPC). As a result, many future retirees have a question: “how is the coefficient calculated and how to personally measure its volume?” We will deal with these and other questions in our material.

How are they calculated?

The following criteria directly influence the IPC calculation procedure:

  1. Official salary. IPC is accrued only to those persons who are officially employed.
  2. Amount of remuneration. The salary portion must be at least two times the minimum wage. On average, the official salary should be no less 16,000 rubles. Otherwise, the coefficient is not calculated.
  3. Experience indicators. To assign a decent pension, you must officially work at least 15 years old. By 2024, based on this length of service, it will be possible to receive a minimum amount of pension payments. IN total experience include such items as: military service; paid parental leave; care for elderly people over 80 years of age.
  1. Combination of labor. If you have two or more jobs at the same time, your pension points will also increase. Therefore, the more contributions to the Pension Fund, the better it will be for your future pension.

The maximum amount of pension points per year should be no more than 10! Other points are not taken into account!

  1. Other activities. When calculating a future pension, it is worth taking into account the socially significant activities of a particular person who did not officially work. For example, 1.8 points are awarded when caring for a disabled child of group 1. In addition, 3.6 points are assigned to women who take leave to care for their second child.
  2. Registration of pension after due date. When a potential pensioner decides to continue working upon reaching retirement age, the Pension Fund is obliged to add additional points to the insurance part. At the same time, the fixed part should also increase annually.

For example, a citizen decided to apply for a pension 5 years after reaching the appropriate age. IN in this case, the fixed part should rise by 36%, and the insurance part by 45%.

How to increase your IPC yourself

  1. Get an official job with a salary of at least 12,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  2. Get ready for a long-term job or start saving money for your future retirement;
  3. Aim for at least 15 years of experience.

To find out the amount of pension points, you need to order an extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or on the government services portal in the “Pension Savings” section, where you must first register.

Calculation procedure

GPC = SSP / SSM × 10

SSP - the amount of insurance premiums for the year;
SSM - the volume of contributions in the amount of 16% of the maximum wages, which is established annually by the Government;

The number 10 is the maximum number of points for 12 months. But such an amount can only be obtained from 2021. And currently the maximum points are 9 (an annual increase of 2.4 points). If converted into cash equivalent, then by 2021 no more than 630 rubles can be added to the insurance portion annually.

Below is a simple example of what a pension might look like in 50 years:
Problem conditions: A.A. Petrov begins working at the age of 17 in 2015. At the age of 18 he went to serve in the army for 2 years. He was given 3.6 points for his military service. General period The work experience is 48 years, the total number of IPK is 403.6.

Let’s imagine that in almost 50 years the total volume of the fixed part will be equal to 20,000 rubles, and the cost of the IPC will be 600 rubles. However, Petrov worked most of the time in difficult climatic conditions, therefore, the volume of the fixed part will increase to 26,000 rubles. In addition, he began to apply for a pension 5 years later than due. As a result, Petrov received a coefficient of 1.34, and for a fixed payment of -1.27.

Pension calculation

26,000 × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 × 1.34 = 324,527.42 rubles - pension amount

  • The official website of the Pension Fund. To do this, click on the link:
  • Pension calculator - link:

Point cost

Every year the cost of IPC increases. In 2016, one point costs 74.27 rubles. And in 2017, one point will be equal to 77.3 rubles.

But how does the cost increase?

By law, the cost must increase in proportion to indexation. In 2017, indexation is planned for February 1. And a little later, on April 1, the received price of one point is adjusted based on the approved Pension Fund budget.

As a result of the increase in the IPC, the insurance pension will be increased in early August 2017. For example, in 2016 the increase was only 3 points – 222 rubles.

The government has set a minimum score, which in 2017 will be 11.4. And by 2024 it will be 30!

Coefficient for individual entrepreneurs

A separate group of future retirees are individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs). Despite active entrepreneurial activity, the size of the IPC does not have large sizes. So, with an annual income of 300,000 rubles businessman gets paid 1.7 points. And to receive a minimum pension these days, you need to “earn” 9 points, and the bar will increase annually.

Consequently, in order for an elderly entrepreneur to receive a more or less decent pension, he needs to work until he is very old.

Additional points can only be obtained through official employment, which will run in parallel with business. At the same time, in retirement, an entrepreneur will be able to receive only one subsidy, and not two.

The individual entrepreneur's pension has several parts, namely:

  • Main part- paid to all pensioners without exception.
  • Insurance- includes contributions that were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with more than 15 years of experience. When calculating, the IPC is taken into account, the volume of which must be at least 30.
  • Savings- formed by the entrepreneur himself, if the year of birth is 1967 or younger. Now this part is frozen by decision of the Government. All contributions go to the insurance part.

The funded part may be returned over the next few years, when the pension reform. After all, the main goal of the Government is to provide citizens with the opportunity to independently form a large part of their future pension.

If the final amount of payments, length of service, and points does not reach the minimum indicators, the individual entrepreneur has the right to receive a social pension.

On January 1, 2015, a new term “pension points” (aka IPC) was added to the pension legislation, which, as it turned out, largely determines the overall amount of the pension.

But for many citizens, the procedure for calculating points remains a mystery, because pension formation is still carried out according to complex scheme. Therefore, the main objective of this material is to tell in simple and accessible language the fact of accrual of pension points, which are taken into account when forming a future pension.

In this video, a Pension Fund specialist will tell you more about the calculation of points.

But one thing can be said - if a person has officially worked all his life with a salary above 15,000 rubles, then such a pensioner will receive a minimum amount of pension contributions. That is, changes in calculations, in fact, do not greatly affect the amount of future pensions.

In 2015, the calculation procedure changed pension savings. Now an insurance pension is added to the fixed part. It, in turn, consists of points that you are required to accumulate before retiring. About How are pension points calculated? you can find out by reading the article. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with general information about

Pension points. What are they and how are they calculated for pension purposes?

In connection with the changes that have occurred, the question of what pension points are and how they are calculated becomes more than relevant.

Pension point (PB)– this is an intangible unit used in calculating the insurance payment. But How to calculate points for pension? Representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation emphasize that it is more profitable to receive insurance accruals. But with the introduction of the point system, the number of refusals to pay insurance compensation increased significantly. This is due to many factors, the most common of which are:

  • insufficient insurance experience;
  • informal employment.

This calculation procedure is beneficial for those who work on an official basis. However, at the moment the number of workers receiving gray wages is increasing. Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation explain that there have always been refusals; an insurance premium to the fixed part can encourage citizens to legalize their work activities. Let’s take a closer look at what a pension consists of.

You can receive an insurance supplement to the fixed part in three cases.

  • Upon reaching the age established by the state.
  • If a person has a disease that prevents work activity.
  • In the event of the loss of an able-bodied family member.

Mandatory conditions for calculating payments:

  • reaching the established age (55 – 60 years). In some situations, a citizen has the right to early termination of employment and receive a pension;
  • availability the required amount points (8.7 for 2018);
  • insurance work experience. By 2024 it will be 15 years.

The total number of PBs will also increase until 2021. If now a citizen must have 8.7 points to receive the insurance portion, then in 2021 their number will increase to 10.

The value of the IPC (individual pension coefficient). What is it?

However, many pensioners do not fully understand what an IPC is for calculating a pension and how it is calculated.

Individual pension coefficient– this is the summed value of points over the years, which determines the amount of future insurance payments. To understand what the pension coefficient is and what it is equal to, you need to know what it consists of. Namely, from:

  • Number of years worked.
  • The amount of insurance contributions made to the Pension Fund by the employer (the size of the white salary plays a decisive role here).
  • Time spent caring for a child or disabled person may also be taken into account. When forming a joint venture, men will be given credit for military service.

The value of the IPC is calculated for each person individually, depending on the above conditions.

How many points do you need for a pension and how to calculate them?

With introduction new system calculations, many began to worry about the question How many points do you need to retire?

According to the new procedure, people who have worked a sufficient number of years at the salary level established by the state can apply for insurance payments. Next, the total annual coefficients are summed up. At the same time, a citizen can independently choose where to give a percentage of his salary, to the insurance or savings part.

For 2018, it is necessary to complete the minimum insurance period. It is equal to 9 years and will increase every year. So, for example, in 2025 a citizen is required to work 15 full years and receive about 30 PB. For persons who have received a refusal of insurance payments due to insufficient length of service, the opportunity to gain points is provided. If you are planning to retire, but do not have sufficient SS, you can get as many points as you need to receive a pension.

What should be the IPC for a good pension?

Many may be interested in the question , how many points do you need for an old-age insurance pension?

The IPC will grow every year, and by 2025, to receive the insurance part, you will need to score 30 points with a mandatory 15 years of experience. On the PF website you can use a special calculator and calculate points for retirement. There you can enter data about your salary and identify the annual number of points. For example, in 2018, with a salary of 20,000, you are charged 2.3 PB.

Calculation of pension points

SP = IPK * Cost of one PB + fixed part

When calculating the insurance part, only one indicator is variable - the IPC. Since it is calculated based on the salary level and length of service individually for each person. The remaining indicators remain unchanged for each specific year.

In this case, the IPC is calculated as the IPC before 2015 + the amount of IPC earned after 2015 * KIPK, where

KPIPC– this is the general coefficient of increase of all individual pension coefficients.

The cost of one PB changes with each subsequent year, and when calculating the insurance part, you need to take into account the indicator of the year in which you must go on vacation. In 2018 it is 81.49 rubles. Fixed part also increases every year, and in 2018 it is 4982.9 rubles. It does not depend on the salary level or length of service.

Cost of one point

As can be seen from the formula, you can calculate the amount of insurance pension payments by knowing the cost of one point. Of course, the formula also uses other indicators. For example, the IPC, which is calculated by PF employees based on many factors. However, it is the only variable indicator. But the cost of one PB is the same for everyone, regardless of position and length of service.

Let's summarize. To receive good benefits in retirement, you need to take care of a few things.

  • About the salary level. Since the insurance pension directly depends on the monthly payments transferred to the Pension Fund. Simply put, the higher the salary, the larger your pension will be.
  • About official employment. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, when applying for a job, the employer is obliged to officially register you and pay monthly contributions to the Pension Fund. In fact, this rule is often violated. Remember that official employment guarantees the possibility of receiving insurance payments in the future.

An important condition for a good pension is a white salary. If, when applying for a job, you are offered a good “gray” salary with a low salary, this is a reason to think about whether you really need such a job. Ideally, monthly income should consist of a fixed salary, no less than the average salary and a bonus, if any.

Useful video

In 2018, the requirements for length of service and the individual pension coefficient required to assign an old-age insurance pension changed.

Since 2015, Russia has been operating new order formation of pension rights of citizens and calculation of insurance pensions. In accordance with it, in order to obtain the right to an old-age insurance pension, it is necessary to fulfill three conditions: to earn the required length of service and the individual pension coefficient for the year of registration of the pension, and also to reach the generally established retirement age (women - 55 years, men - 60 years). Requirements for minimum size length of service and coefficient increase annually. In 2018, to receive an insurance pension, you must have at least 9 years of experience and an individual pension coefficient of 13.8*.

As noted in the Pension Fund Branch for the Trans-Baikal Territory, citizens pre-retirement age you need to regularly monitor your formed pension rights so that by the time you reach retirement age you have the required number of years worked and pension points. This can be done through the Pension Fund’s electronic service “Citizen’s Personal Account”. To access it, you need to register and receive account confirmation in the Unified Identification and Authentication System on the State Services portal. In your “Personal Account” you can get detailed information, which the Pension Fund has, about the periods of employment, places of work, the amount of insurance premiums accrued by employers, the number of purchased IPK, and also receive a whole range of services from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in electronic form.

* The requirements for the minimum length of service and the pension coefficient will reach a maximum by 2025, when an old-age insurance pension will be assigned if there are 15 years of service and 30 pension points.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Several years ago, the definition of an individual pension coefficient was introduced. In other words, this indicator is called . It is used to calculate the insurance pension. Every year an assessment of human labor activity takes place. The insurance contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund for each employee during the period of work activity determine the number of pension points. The number of points is also affected by the length of service accrued as part of official employment. Let's figure out together how many points you need for retirement.

What are pension points

Employment in accordance with Russian legislation, as well as the level of wages, guarantees a greater number of points.

As part of the pension legislation, the minimum number of pension benefits is gradually increasing to 30, and the minimum insurance period to 15 years. This type of experience will increase until 2025 inclusive. The assignment of insurance pensions directly affects the eligibility for an insurance pension. Pension rights in case of earnings before 2015 will be assigned to the citizen Russian Federation. There is an automatic conversion into points and their consideration when assigning social benefits, subject to the citizen reaching retirement age.

Pension points

When an individual retires, for each working year The points are summed up and multiplied by the cost of one point. The amount of payment for one point is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The cost changes every year. The accrued funds include a fixed payment and a funded pension (if one has been formed).

Periods of social significance take part in the formation of pension capital. At this time, a citizen may not work for a number of reasons, for example, he is on maternity leave, serving in the army, caring for another citizen who is over 80 years old, providing assistance to a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child, it is also customary here count spouses who are on military service. In order to be included in one of the non-insurance periods in the insurance period, you must have a previous period of work activity.

How much service do you need to retire?

Thus, points are accrued for this period of time, all subsequent points are added up, including in which the citizen was engaged in labor activities. Next, they are multiplied by a figure that determines the value of the pension point per year when to an individual a pension was awarded.

You can calculate your insurance yourself. A special formula is used for this. Pension points must be multiplied by their value in the year the pension was assigned. A fixed payment is also added here. In 2017, a pension point cost a little more than 78 rubles. The fixed payment in the same year was about 4 thousand rubles. These figures are adjusted every year. It is also possible to increase the size of your pension using bonus points. They are accrued depending on each deferred year of retirement. The main criterion is the citizen’s achievement of pension.

Pension formula

Is it possible to get pension points without work experience?

Especially current question How many points you need to get for an old-age pension remains for housewives. For example, a woman worked at an enterprise in her youth, but later was forced to go to work. maternity leave, after which she was unable to return to work again until she reached retirement age. In this case, it is necessary to determine what exactly the length of service was. Based on these data, you can count on insurance or social view pensions.

Insurance pension payment is based on the payment of insurance contributions by the employer for its employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Payments are converted into pension points. For women, the retirement age is 55 years, and for men - 60 years. The main thing is to have a minimum work experience. As of 2017, it was 8 years. By 2021, the requirements are planned to be increased to 12 years. You must also have a minimum number of pension points. Officials plan to increase this threshold by 2.4 points annually.

By 2019 you will need to score over 16 points, and by 2013 you will need to have 25 points.

The essence of the pension formula

Official work in Soviet times is counted as length of service. The time spent on maternity leave is also taken into account, in particular, for one child this period is one and a half years, the total maximum period can reach 3 years. To calculate pension points, you need to contact the Pension Fund.

You can also find out your balance in your personal account on the official website pension fund Russian Federation. To perform an online check, you will need an account on the government services website. The number of points accrued is indicated in your personal account. Here you can calculate the data using

If there are not enough points or length of service to calculate a retirement pension, you can follow the following algorithm. To provide for old age, there is the option of delayed retirement. Points and increasing coefficients are required for accrual. Another fallback option is to receive social pension. The only drawback is that it is calculated 5 years later than labor pension. For women like this social payment prescribed at 60 years of age, and for men at 65 years of age. Please note that social benefits will be much less than insurance benefits. The minimum amount is a little more than 5,000 rubles.

An elderly citizen has the right to an increase in pension if it is below the level living wage. State bodies are obliged to carry out Federal surcharge towards retirement. Insurance pension provides more benefits than Social Security. Before applying for a social pension, you need to assess your capabilities. In some cases, before reaching retirement age, for a short period of time, it is possible to get a job in order to earn a retirement pension.

Explanation of the new pension form

Points for pension 2018

How many points do you need to retire in 2018? This question worries citizens who are about to retire in a few years. In 2015, the retirement age for women was 55 years, and for men 60 years.

Pension points are calculated on the basis of the amount consisting of accrued and paid insurance contributions by the employer for its employee. The higher the salary, the more points. At minimum wage, less than one point is acquired during the year. This means that you will be able to earn 30 points not in 15, but in 30 years.

As of 2018, the requirement to retire is 13.8. Next year this figure will increase by another 2.4 points and amount to 16.2 points. The main problems with the lack of accrual of pension points are related to unofficial employment. In this case, the employer does not pay taxes and insurance contributions. Therefore, for a high pension it is necessary to have formal labor relations that ensure pension rights in the future.