The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holiday associated with the Christian legend about how the Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary the “good news” about the impending birth of the Divine Child to Her. Celebrated on March 25 (April 7).

The Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple is a holiday in memory of the entry of three-year-old Mary into the Jerusalem Temple, where She was given by her parents to be raised. Celebrated on November 21 (December 4).

Ascension is a holiday in honor of Christ's ascension into heaven. Celebrated on the 40th day after Easter.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) is a holiday in honor of the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Celebrated in last sunday before Easter.

Exaltation of the Cross - the holiday is dedicated to the events of the 4th century, when Saint Helen found the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem. Celebrated on September 14 (27).

Epiphany (Epiphany) is a holiday in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ by the prophet John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Celebrated on January 6 (19).

Easter is the main Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Christ crucified on the cross. Celebrated on the first Sunday after spring equinox and full moon. For Orthodox churches, Easter falls between March 22 and April 23, Julian style.

The Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holiday in memory of the appearance in the 10th century. in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople of the Mother of God, who spread her veil over the Christians, thereby blessing them for a victorious battle with the Saracens. Celebrated on October 1 (14).

The Transfiguration of the Lord is a holiday in honor of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ, who revealed his Divine nature to the disciples shortly before the Passion of Calvary. Celebrated on August 6 (19).

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holiday in honor of the birth of the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ. Celebrated on September 8 (21).

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Celebrated on December 25, Orthodox churches celebrate this holiday on January 7 (Gregorian style).

The Presentation of the Lord is a holiday in honor of the meeting (presentation) by the ancestor Simeon of the Messiah - the child Christ, whom his parents brought to the temple to be dedicated to God. Celebrated on February 2 (15).

Trinity (Russian name for the day of Pentecost) is a holiday in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter.

Basic Christian fasts

Fasting is abstinence for a certain period from any food or its individual types (especially meat). Every Orthodox Christian must fast on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, on Epiphany Eve, on the day of the beheading of John the Baptist, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. There are also 4 multi-day fasts

Spring (Great) - begins on the first Monday after Maslenitsa and continues until Easter.

Summer (Petrov) - begins on the first Monday after Spiritual Day and ends on June 29 (July 12), the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.

Autumn (Assumption) - 15 days before the Feast of the Assumption.

Winter (Rozhdestvensky or Filippov) - starts on November 15 (28) and lasts 40 days before Christmas.

The most important of them is, of course, Happy Easter, Resurrection of Christ. On this day, the Church remembers how the crucified Savior rose from the dead, destroying the shackles of hell and thereby giving hope for future immortality to every person.

Next come twelve holidays, called great or twelve. The twelfth holidays are divided into non-transitionable and transferable. The first of them are celebrated on the same day every year. The dates of the latter are associated with the movement of the date of Easter.

Also read: Orthodox calendar for 2020

Impermanent Twelfth Holidays

Christmas January 7 according to the new style - this is the most famous Christian holiday dedicated to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the beginning new era in the life of humanity.

Ascension of the Lord- on the 40th day after Easter, the ascension of the risen Lord Jesus Christ into the Kingdom of His Heavenly Father is celebrated, which took place on Mount Olivet, in the presence of the apostles and the Mother of God.

Trinity Day, Pentecost- on Sunday, the 50th day after Easter, the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire on the holy apostles and the Mother of God is remembered. This holiday is considered the birthday of the Christian Church.

Dates of the moving twelve holidays by year

Palm Sunday - date by year

  • Palm Sunday in 2015 - April 5
  • Palm Sunday in 2016 - April 24
  • Palm Sunday in 2017 - April 9
  • Palm Sunday in 2018 - April 1
  • Palm Sunday in 2019 - April 21
  • Palm Sunday in 2020 - April 12

Easter dates by year

  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2015 - April 12.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2016 - May 1.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2017 - April 16.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2018 - April 8.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2019 - April 28.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2020 - April 19.

Ascension of the Lord - dates by year

  • Ascension of the Lord in 2015 - May 21.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2016 - June 9.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2017 - May 25.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2018 - May 17.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2019 - June 6.
  • The Ascension of the Lord in 2020 is May 28.

Trinity Day (Pentecost) dates by year

  • Trinity in 2015 - May 31.
  • Trinity in 2016 - June 19.
  • Trinity in 2017 - June 4.
  • Trinity in 2018 - May 27.
  • Trinity in 2019 - June 16.
  • Trinity in 2020 is June 7.

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(in 2019)

Now every day all week in all churchesChristians go out into the street, raising crosses and banners high, so that with victorious singing, under the ringing of bells, they can stir up the spring air with the Easter canon of John of Damascus and sprinkle holy water on the shining faces of parishioners


APRIL 30 - celebration of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God (movable celebration on Tuesday of Bright Week).

MAY 3- Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring” (movable celebration on Friday of Bright Week) with a water-blessing prayer service

May 2– Memorial Day Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you,
who throughout your entire life has become accustomed to receiving and listening to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope resorting to your intercession and help,
quick help and miraculous healing are provided to everyone;
May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in physical illnesses:heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us carry our everyday Cross, endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love to neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

May 8 the church remembers the apostle from 70 and Evangelist Mark. Saint Mark was the closest companion of the apostles Peter, Paul and Barnabas. He founded the Christian Church in Egypt and then wrote his Gospel in Rome. He also composed the Liturgy for the Alexandrian Christians and visited the interior of Africa with preaching. In 63, the apostle was killed by pagans in Alexandria. In 310 his relics were transferred to Venice.

Oh, glorious Apostle Marco, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Because we are darkened by lawlessness, and for this reason we are covered with troubles, like clouds, but with the oil of a good life we ​​are greatly impoverished, and we are not able to resist the predatory wolf who is boldly trying to plunder the heritage of God. O strong one! Bear our infirmities, do not separate from us in spirit, so that we may not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers for the sake of, may He destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins, and may He be honored with all the Saints of the blessed The kingdom and marriage of His Lamb, to whom be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

May 10– day of remembrance of another apostle from 70, Hieromartyr SimeonA, relative of the Lord. The Apostle Simeon was the son of Cleopas, younger brother Saint Joseph the Betrothed. He preached the teachings of Christ and denounced idolatry. After the death of the first bishop of Jerusalem, Apostle James, Apostle Simeon was elected in his place. In 107, the pagans seized the saint, who at that time was already a hundred-year-old man, and after much torment crucified him on the cross.

We firmly and sacredly praise you, a kinsman of Christ, Simeon the priest, and a martyr, who consumed delusion and kept faith: the same day, celebrating your all-holy memory, the resolution of sins through your prayers is acceptable.

Memory Apostle 12 James Zebedee is being done May 13. He was called to apostolic service by Jesus Christ along with his brother the Apostle John the Theologian. It was he and his brother and the Apostle Peter who were present on Mount Tabor and during the prayer of the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane. Saint James preached the teachings of Christ in Spain and other countries, and then returned to Jerusalem. In 44, the Jews convinced King Herod Agrippa to seize the apostle and condemn him to death. One of the informers named Josiah was amazed by the courage of Saint James, who, even after the announcement of the verdict, continued preaching the Gospel and believed in Christ. He confessed his faith and was beheaded along with Saint James.

O glorious Apostle James, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered by your brokenhearted hearts. Because we are darkened by lawlessness and for this reason we are covered with troubles, like clouds, but the oil of a good life is greatly impoverished, and we are not able to resist the predatory wolf who is boldly trying to plunder the heritage of God. O strong one! Bear our infirmities, do not separate from us in spirit, so that we may not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers for the sake of, may He destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins, and may He be honored with all the Saints of the blessed The kingdom and marriage of His Lamb, to whom be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy, great and faithful Queen Tamara! We are sinners (name) and humble, as if we diligently resort to a warm protector and an ambulance, asking for help and intercession in the abyss of troubles plunged into the abyss of those who befall us every day and hour from wicked people, and those possessed by various illnesses, and through your intercession, since it is great If you have boldness towards God, pray for us in our sorrows, needs and misfortunes, and protect us from all enemies visible and invisible, especially from demonic intrigues and tricks, arrogant attacks and flattering approaches, so that we will not be their reproach and ridicule, and With your strong help, drive them away from us, just as you drove them away from the country of Iveron, and establish true love for God in our hearts and make it worthy.
When our departure from this temporary life and resettlement to eternity is ripe, soon appear to help us, and free us from the violence of the enemy, as if we have eternal life, and lead our hearts to true repentance, so that we too may present ourselves with clean lips and a clear conscience to the Most Holy Trinity , glorifying and singing Yu, with all the saints for endless centuries. Amen.

May 15 the church remembers one of the holy fathers - Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, who lived in the III-IV centuries. From childhood, he was distinguished by great piety and desire to study the Holy Scriptures. Patriarch Alexander watched his spiritual growth and over time ordained him to the ranks of deacon and presbyter. After the death of the patriarch, Afanasy at the age of 28 was elected as his successor. For 47 years the saint ruled the Alexandrian Church, and he was especially strong in its support during the years of persecution of Christians. He died peacefully in 373, leaving behind numerous theological writings.

O all-praised and glorious Saint Athanasius the Great, for the Orthodox faith you were in many labors, many struggles, in five-fold exiles and flights, you endured many slander and slander, many times you wanted to kill your enemies for your sake, and only God Himself miraculously preserved you from death. And you endured all this from the wicked heretics - the Arians, and you fought with them, and having plunged them into the abyss of words, you overcame them with your patience, and, driving away their evil faith from the Church and planting Orthodox teaching, you multiplied the seed of the faith of Christ. Truly you are a brave warrior of Christ, like a warrior, until the end of your days you gloriously fought for the right faith against heretics. Truly you are the pillar of the Orthodox faith, for your Orthodox faith was in no way shaken by these heretical persecutions, but rather became established and strengthened, and not only among you and your flock, but throughout the entire Church of Christ. We pray to you, servant of God, ask Christ our God and us to have unshakable faith and not to deviate from its right path, but to remain on it until the end of our days, not fearing flattery, reprimand, or even persecution, and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven in the glory of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, where you and all the saints abide. Amen.

On the same day - May 15 - I remember transfer of relics to the Vyshgorod templeHoly Passion-Bearers Princes Boris and Gleb , in the Holy Epiphany of Roman and David, killed by order of their brother Svyatopolk in 1015.

There is no ability and strength to glorify you, holy brothers! You are people in heaven and angels on earth, pillars and support of our land. Help your fatherland, offer up a prayer for the entire Russian land, about the blessed receptacle that has received your honest bodies, like a valuable treasure, the blessed church in which your holy shrines stand! And not only our tribe was given salvation by God, but also the entire earth. People from all countries come there and receive healing for free.

Oh, blessed passion-bearers of Christ, do not forget the fatherland where you lived physically, do not leave it by visiting, and in your prayers always pray for us, so that evil does not befall us and so that illness does not touch the bodies of your slaves. For you have been given grace to pray for us. We come running to you, we beg you, falling to you with tears. But hoping for your prayer, we cry out to the Savior: Lord, act mercifully with us, have mercy on us, be generous, intercede with the prayers of Your most honorable passion-bearers, do not give us over to reproach, but pour out Your mercy on the sheep of Your pasture, for You are our God, to You We send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


One of the closest followers of Jesus Christ, John was the only one of the disciples who did not leave the Lord during His crucifixion. The Apostle lived for more than a hundred years, preaching the Gospel in many countries. The celebration was established in remembrance of the annual descent on this day to the place of his burial of the finest pink ashes, which were collected by believers for healing from various diseases.

O great and all-praised apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, confidant of Christ, our warm intercessor and quick helper in sorrows! Pray to the Lord God to grant us forgiveness of all our sins, especially those we have sinned from our youth, throughout our entire life, in deed, word, thought and all our feelings. At the end of our souls, help us, sinners, to get rid of airy ordeals and eternal torment, and through your merciful intercession we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Feast of St. ap. and ev. John the Evangelist - patronal feast of the church in the village. Zhezkent. On this day in the church of this parish there will be a festive Divine Liturgy and a prayer service to the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Mid-Pentecost continues the series of Easter celebrations. We greet each other again and again with the words: “Christ is Risen! “Truly He is Risen!” Mid-Pentecost means half the time from Easter to Pentecost. On this day, we remember that event from the life of the Savior, when, at half-time of the Feast of Tabernacles, He taught in the temple about His Divine Messenger and the mysterious water, by which is meant the grace-filled teaching of Christ and the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit. Standing between the day of Easter and the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit serves as a connection between these two great celebrations: along with the ongoing celebration of the first of them, the approach of the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, is also recalled.

It so happened (not by chance, but by Providence) that we know the least about our most beloved saints. We are talking about the Mother of God and Saint Nicholas. Humility does not seek to show off and become famous. Humility thrives in the shadows, which is why both “Blessed One Between Wives” and the most beloved saint in Rus' lived in such a way that there are very few known facts about their earthly lives. All the more valuable is the glory that they acquired after leaving this world. It is difficult to find a Christian city on the world map where the Mother of God would not show Her miraculous love, healing, protecting, admonishing people in need of help. This also applies to the Archbishop of Myra (+MOVIE, AKATHIST)

in the Resurrection Cathedral there will be a solemn Divine Liturgy, after which buses will be sent to the chapel of St. Nicholas to serve a prayer service there with the reading of an akathist and the blessing of water. May 24. The brothers, born in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, knew the Slavic language well and translated many liturgical books into it. At the end of the 9th century. they established Slavic worship in Moravia, while Methodius became the archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia, and he baptized the Czech prince Borzhivoj and his wife Lyudmila. On this day the namesake of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' is celebrated.

It’s amazing how it is today, when people are completely hooked on television series, intellectuals discuss new plot twists and turns of “Game of Thrones” on social networks and exchange quotes from “House,” and the public spends the evening chasing dashing villains with regular police officers and twenty episodes each. waiting for a successful resolution to the suffering of another unlucky Cinderella, no one has yet thought of making a series about Saints Cyril and Methodius. But their lives have everything for the success of such a project - drama, intrigue, action, and suspense. And what kind of scenery it could be! (+MOVIE)

About the glorification of the language of the Slovenian teachers and educators, the saints Equal to the Apostles Methodius and Cyril. To you, as children of your father, enlightened by the light of your teachings and writings and instructed in the faith of Christ, we now earnestly resort to you and pray in contrition of our hearts. If also your covenant, as disobedient children, is not kept and about pleasing God, as if it were cleansed, careless, and from like-mindedness and love, even in words, as to brothers in faith and in the flesh, you bequeath goodness, having fallen away, even as it was ancient in life Do not turn away your ungrateful and unworthy ones, but reward them with good for evil, so do not turn away your sinful and unworthy children from your prayers, but, as you have great boldness in the Lord, diligently pray to Him, that He may instruct and turn us to the path of salvation, while there is discord and the discord that arises among brothers of the same faith will be pacified, those who have fallen away will be brought back into unanimity, and will unite us all with unity of spirit and love in one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We know, we know, how much the prayer of a righteous person can do for the mercy of the Lord, even if it is offered for sinful people. Do not forsake us, your sad and unworthy children, whose sin for the sake of your flock, gathered by you, is divided by enmity and seduced by temptations from the Gentiles, has diminished, its verbal sheep are scattered, admired from mental wolves, give us zeal for Orthodoxy through your prayers, Let us warm ourselves with it, preserve the traditions of our fathers well, faithfully observe the statutes and customs of the Church, let us run away from all strange false teachings, and so, in a life pleasing to God on earth, we will be worthy of the life of paradise in heaven, and there together with you we will glorify the Lord of all, in the Trinity of the One God forever and ever. Amen.

In Orthodoxy, there are twelve most significant holidays - these are a dozen especially important events of the church calendar, in addition to the main holiday - the great event of Easter. Find out which holidays are called twelve and are most solemnly celebrated by believers.

Twelfth Moving Holidays

There are inconsistent holiday numbers in church calendar, which turn out to be different every year, just like the date of Easter. It is with this that the transition of an important event to another date is associated.

  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Orthodox Christians most often call this event Palm Sunday and celebrate it when there is a week left before Easter. It is connected with the coming of Jesus to the holy city.
  • Ascension of the Lord. Celebrated 40 days after Easter ends. Falls annually on the fourth day of the week. It is believed that at this moment Jesus appeared in the flesh to his heavenly Father, our Lord.
  • Holy Trinity Day. Falls on the 50th day after the end Great Easter. 50 days after the resurrection of the Savior, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.

Twelfth Feasts

Some especially important days in the church calendar remain fixed and are celebrated at the same time every year. Regardless of Easter, these celebrations always fall on the same date.

  • Birth of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. The holiday is celebrated on September 21 and is dedicated to the birth of the earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The Church is convinced that the birth of the Mother of God was not an accident, She was initially assigned a special mission for salvation human souls. The parents of the Heavenly Queen, Anna and Joachim, who could not conceive a child for a long time, were sent by providence from Heaven, where the angels themselves blessed them to conceive.
  • Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the Virgin Mary's ascension into heaven on August 28th. The Assumption Fast, which ends on the 28th, is timed to coincide with this event. Until her death, the Mother of God spent her time in constant prayer and observed the strictest abstinence.
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Christians celebrate this event associated with the discovery of the Life-Giving Cross on September 27. In the 4th century, the Palestinian queen Helen went in search of the Cross. Three crosses were dug up near the Holy Sepulcher. They truly identified the one on which the Savior was crucified, with the help of a sick woman who found healing from one of them.
  • Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, celebrated on December 4. It was at this time that her parents made a vow to dedicate their child to God, so that when their daughter was three years old, they would take her to the Jerusalem Temple, where she stayed until her reunion with Joseph.
  • Nativity of Christ. Orthodox Christians celebrate this godly event on January 7th. The day is associated with the earthly birth of the Savior in the flesh, from his mother the Virgin Mary.

  • Baptism of the Lord. The event falls on January 19 every year. On that very day, John the Baptist washed the Savior in the waters of the Jordan and pointed out the special mission that was destined for him. For which the righteous man subsequently paid with his head. The holiday is otherwise called Epiphany.
  • Meeting of the Lord. The holiday takes place on February 15th. Then the parents of the future Savior brought the divine baby to the Jerusalem Temple. The child was received from the hands of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph by the righteous Semeon the God-Receiver. From the Old Church Slavonic language the word “meeting” is translated as “meeting”.
  • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Celebrated on April 7 and dedicated to the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. It was he who announced to her the imminent birth of a son who would perform a great deed.
  • Transfiguration of the Lord. The day falls on August 19th. Jesus Christ read a prayer on Mount Tabor together with his closest disciples: Peter, Paul and James. At that moment, two prophets Elijah and Moses appeared to them and informed the Savior that he would have to accept martyrdom, but he would resurrect three days later. And they heard the voice of God, which indicated that Jesus had been chosen for a great work. It is with such an event that this twelfth anniversary is associated Orthodox holiday.

Each of the 12 holidays is important event in Christian history and is especially revered among believers. These days it is worth turning to God and visiting church. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.09.2015 00:30

In Orthodoxy and Christianity in general there is large number icons that can be called miraculous. ...

Great Orthodox holidays: list with dates, explanations and traditions.

In addition to Easter as the main one Christian holiday, in our culture there are 12 more great Orthodox holidays, called the twelve. What are these holidays and how are they traditionally celebrated? You will learn about this from this article.

Hierarchy of holidays in Orthodox Christianity

Easter - a sign of the eternal victory of life over death - is one step above the rest in this hierarchy of holidays. This the most important holiday Christian tradition. Further along the hierarchy follow the non-twelfth great and twelfth Orthodox holidays. In total, 17 holidays fall into the category of great ones. The non-twelfth great dates include the following:

  1. The Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holiday that falls on October 14 in the Orthodox world. Associated with the vision of Constantinople Saint Andrew the Fool. At the hour when Constantinople was under siege, the Mother of God appeared to Andrew, spreading a veil from her head over the city, the city was saved.
  2. The circumcision of the Lord - while we celebrate the last new year holidays, a service is being held in the church in memory of this event, as well as in honor of Basil the Great, one of the so-called Fathers of the Church.
  3. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of John the Baptist (Forerunner) on July 7 - this is the day that we know as Ivan Kupala. It is associated with the miraculous birth of John the Baptist six months before Jesus.
  4. The Day of the Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, which is popularly known simply as Peter's Day, is celebrated on July 12. Officially, on the Day of Peter and Paul, the memory of the martyrdom of the apostles is honored, but for the common people this day symbolizes the complete transition to summer.
  5. The beheading of John the Baptist in Russian tradition is celebrated on September 11. On this day, they remember the martyrdom of John the Baptist, and also remember the soldiers who died in the battle for the fatherland.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the Orthodox tradition, the birth of the Virgin Mother is celebrated on September 21. Her parents, Joachim and Anna, had already come to terms with the idea of ​​not leaving offspring - it is believed that both were already over 70 when Maria was born. Her birth is associated with Joachim’s stay in the desert, where he retired to ask the Lord for continuation of the family. An angel appeared to him in a dream and announced that he would soon have a daughter. And it’s true - returning to the city, Joachim met Anna, hurrying to meet him with good news.

This holiday is intended to glorify the Mother of God as the protector and intercessor of all people before God. IN folk calendar it is associated with the arrival of autumn, harvesting and the end of all summer work.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

This holiday is associated with one of the main Christian symbols - the cross on which the Son of God passed the test of death. And its appearance was facilitated by the Byzantine Empress Helen in the middle of the 4th century. Already at a fairly advanced age (according to historians, she was about 80 years old), the mother of Emperor Constantine decides to go to Jerusalem in search of lost Christian relics. As a result of excavations on Mount Golgotha, they found not only a cross, but also a cave in which Christ was buried.

The date of celebration was set in September 335 - after the Church of the Resurrection of Christ was consecrated in Jerusalem. The Orthodox world celebrates September 27 by observing strict fasting and not engaging in hard work. People also believe that it is from this day that birds begin to fly south, and snakes begin to crawl into holes for the winter.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

The Orthodox holiday of Entry into the Temple is celebrated on December 4th. It is dedicated to an episode from the life of the Virgin Mary - at the age of three, pious parents brought her to the Jerusalem Temple to fulfill God's covenant - to devote the life of their daughter to God. In all interpretations of this story, they say that little Mary entered the temple with unusual confidence, as if she already knew that she would play a great role in this religion. Maria never returned home to her parents - she lived in the temple until she was 12 years old, until the angel Gabriel brought her news of the extraordinary fate that had been granted to her.

IN folk tradition this holiday is called Introduction. It was associated with the arrival of winter - it was from this day that winter festivities and sleigh rides began. It was also worth forgetting about field work until spring - the peasants believed that it was better not to disturb the land after the Introduction.


Of all twelve, the great Orthodox holiday of Christmas is considered the most significant. In the Western tradition it is customary to celebrate it on December 25, but in our country it is celebrated on January 7.

The birth of Jesus took place in the city of Bethlehem, hometown Joseph. He arrived here with the pregnant Maria, but there was no room for them in the hotel. The travelers had to camp in a cave. When Mary felt the birth approaching, Joseph hurried to find a midwife. He managed to find a woman named Salome, and together they went back to the cave. The first thing they saw in the cave was a bright light filling the entire space. Gradually the light faded away - and Mary appeared with a baby sitting in her arms. At this time, a star of extraordinary brightness rose over Bethlehem, notifying the world of the arrival of the Son of God.

It is believed that every great Orthodox holiday gives birth to kindness in the heart, but Christmas especially. On Christmas Eve it is customary for the whole family to gather together for festive table- in folk tradition, there should be twelve dishes on it.

Historians believe that it is not known for certain at what time of year Jesus was born. It is believed that the date of the great Orthodox holiday of Christmas is connected with more ancient holidays dedicated to winter solstice(December 21 or 22). This holiday is preceded by a forty-day fast, starting on November 27.

Baptism of the Lord

Second in importance great holiday in the Orthodox Church after Christmas is the Epiphany. It is celebrated on January 19 - we all know about the folk tradition of swimming in an ice hole on this day. However, the church and historians unanimously claim that this tradition is not as ancient and primordial as it seems, but only acquired a mass character in the 80s - as a symbol of the country’s return to religion.

This celebration is associated with an episode in the life of Christ, which is traditionally considered the beginning of his ministry. At the age of 30, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. The man who baptized God's Son was John the Baptist. When Christ came ashore, the Holy Spirit descended on him in the guise of a dove, and the voice of God the Father was heard from heaven, announcing the appearance of God the Son. Thus, the Lord revealed himself in his trinity. Therefore, Epiphany, among the great holidays of the Orthodox Church, is also known as Epiphany. In the Catholic tradition, Epiphany is associated with Christmas and the offering of the Magi.

Presentation of the Lord

From the Old Church Slavonic language, Meeting can be interpreted as the word “meeting” - the church believes that it was on this day that humanity met Jesus Christ. This great Orthodox holiday is celebrated on February 15 - forty days after Christmas. On this day, Mary and Joseph brought little Jesus to the temple for the first time, where Saint Simeon the God-Receiver received him. There is a separate legend about Simeon - he was one of the seventy scholars who translated the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek. The entry about the Virgin, who should conceive and give birth to a son, confused Simeon, he decided to correct the mistake of the unknown copyist: it was the Wife who should give birth, not the Virgin. But at that moment an angel appeared in the room and said that this would really happen one day. The Lord will not allow the old man to die until he sees this miracle with his own eyes. When the day finally came to meet the baby Jesus, Simeon was already about 360 years old - all his life the righteous old man had been waiting for a meeting with the human incarnation of God.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Annunciation is a symbol of hope and expectation. On this day, April 7, they celebrate the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel by Mary, who brought her good news with the words: “Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women,” this line was subsequently included in many prayers dedicated to the Mother of God. How moving holiday, The Annunciation is often wedged into the number of Orthodox holidays during Lent. In this case, those who fast are incredibly lucky - in honor of the holiday, a small indulgence is allowed in the form of animal food (not meat, but fish).

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

There is still a week left until Easter, and the world is already beginning to celebrate and honor the memory of the deeds of Christ during this week. This date is popularly known as Palm Sunday - a great Orthodox holiday. On this day, Jesus solemnly entered Jerusalem, choosing a donkey as a riding animal - as a sign that he had arrived in peace. The people greeted him as the Messiah, laying palm branches on the road - they later became the main symbolism of this holiday. Since palm trees do not grow in our latitudes, the branches were replaced with willow ones.

Many folk traditions are associated with this day. It was customary to consecrate willow branches in the church and then keep them in the house all year so that good luck and prosperity would not leave it. They also lightly hit each other with the willow, saying: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits.” Since these Orthodox holidays during Lent are celebrated modestly, the main dish of the feast could be fish, but not meat.

Ascension of the Lord

When Easter is over and another forty days have passed, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Ascension. This day is one of the great twelve holidays of the Orthodox Church. The image of Christ ascending to heaven recalls the predominance of the ideal divine nature over the imperfect human nature. Up until this day, you can congratulate all Orthodox Christians on the holiday of Great Easter with the words “Christ is Risen!”, but after the end of the Ascension holiday, the church prohibits making Christ.

Having resurrected, Jesus Christ preached for another forty days, and then gathered his disciples-apostles and ascended to heaven, bequeathing that he would appear a second time (this is considered a promise of the second coming) and that the Holy Spirit would also descend on the apostles - this happened ten days later.

Trinity Day

Another ten days pass after the Ascension and fifty after Easter, when the Orthodox world celebrates the next great Orthodox holiday. Simply put, it is also called Trinity, Pentecost. The event that led to the appearance of this holiday was the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. When all twelve were assembled, a gust of wind suddenly came and enveloped the apostles in flames. The Holy Spirit declared itself so clearly. From that day on, Jesus’ disciples gained the ability to understand hitherto unknown languages ​​and dialects, and most importantly, to speak them. This blessing was given to them in order to spread the word of God throughout the world, so the apostles went to preach throughout the countries.

In folk tradition, Trinity completed the series of spring holidays - after it the summer season. They prepared thoroughly for this holiday - a few days before it, housewives cleaned the house, trying to get rid of unnecessary things, and the garden and vegetable garden were cleared of weeds. They tried to decorate their home with bunches of herbs and flowers, as well as tree branches - it was believed that this would bring good luck and prosperity to all its inhabitants. In the morning they went to church for services, and in the evening the festivities began. Young people these days were instructed to be careful - after all, mermaids and Mavkas came out of forests and fields to lure guys into their nets.


The Feast of the Transfiguration is associated with a small episode from the life of Christ. Taking with him three disciples - James, John and Peter - Jesus ascended Mount Tabor for conversations and prayers. But as soon as they reached the top, a miracle happened - Jesus ascended above the earth, his clothes became white, and his face shone like the sun. Next to him, the images of the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah appeared, and the voice of God was heard from heaven, announcing a son.

The Transfiguration is celebrated on August 19. This great Orthodox holiday in folk tradition is called the Apple Savior (second after Honey). It was believed that from this day autumn begins to come into its own. Many customs of this day are associated with the harvest of apples and fruits in general - before the Savior, the fruits were considered unripe. Ideally, the harvest should have been blessed in the church. Then apples could be consumed without restrictions.

Dormition of the Virgin Mary

The celebration of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is associated with the end of the earthly life of the Virgin Mary and the ascension of her soul and body to heaven. The word “dormition” can be interpreted more as “sleep” than “death” - in this regard, the name of the holiday reflects the attitude of Christianity towards death as a transition to another world and testifies to the divine nature of Mary herself.

This great Orthodox holiday is celebrated on August 28, although it is not known for sure in what year and on what day the Virgin Mary passed away into another world. In folk tradition, this day is called Obzhinki - it is associated with the end of the harvest.