Hello, dear friends! Soon, soon we will have to congratulate our dear men– grandfathers, fathers, brothers, sons. After all, the holiday is approaching, and children's poems for February 23 will come in handy! It doesn’t matter what name this holiday bears. The main thing is that on February 23 we can congratulate our men and remind them of how much we love them! Do you know that this day began to be celebrated back in 1919? Then the holiday was timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the Decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Times were very difficult, the First World War was going on. And all the men were drafted into the Red Army to defend their Motherland, their loved ones...

Today, February 23 in many countries of the former CIS is considered not a formal holiday; it is celebrated among friends and relatives. But for me personally, this is a special day - after all, I grew up in the family of a military man. My three brothers also followed in their father’s footsteps and served in the Russian army best years of your life. We have always celebrated this day, February 23, very colorfully and brightly. I remember parades, concerts, everything was so beautiful and solemn...

Here is a selection of children's poems for February 23, with which you can congratulate your dear defenders. Happy upcoming holiday, dear men!

Children's poems for February 23

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About business dad

Dad's not home again
It seems like it's the second month.
He went to the ends of the world
He is on a business trip.

Without it, the apartment is a mess:
The lights went out in the corridor,
The faucet is singing, the knives are dull,
The toilet is leaking.

The dog Timoshka is not well-groomed,
There is no one to go to the market,
No one can hammer a nail
And smoke with a neighbor.

What to do? For help
I'll contact the directors.
Singles - go everywhere!
Well, leave dad to us!

Tatiana Gusarova

About big daddy

There are different dads
Dad is a pilot, doctor, artist,
Someone is mining coal.
Someone is a cook or a taxi driver.

And yesterday one boy
The one with whom we go to kindergarten,
He told me: “Your dad is a big shot!”
Everyone is talking about it."

I was terribly angry!
What nonsense are they talking about!
Dad was born in the city,
Not on the tree, not in the forest.

If dad really is a big shot,
Then, logically,
Dad should have a paw
The cone grows on it!

Nasty boys lie
There's no point in talking about dad.
He's no big deal
He is an ordinary deputy.

Tatiana Gusarova

I love daddy very much!

Every evening I look forward to
Dad's family is waiting at home:
Mom, cat, dog Fenya,
Most of all, of course, me.

I'll hug daddy tight
And I'll give him the newspaper,
I'll feed you delicious food.
I love him very much!

Tatiana Gusarova

About wall dad

Although my dad, let's be honest,
Not very tall at all
Mom says all the time:
"I'm behind a stone wall."

He runs everything in the house,
Everything in his hands is burning,
He even reads fairy tales to us,
Doesn't stick out on the Internet!

Dad is smart, dad is brave,
At work, dad is a treasure,
He is the head of the department
Very important, they say.

Doctor, scientist and worker -
We need different dads.
Dads are very important
For the family and for the country!

But MY dad is the best!
I was lucky with him... and with my mother!

Tatiana Gusarova

February 23 is Army Glory Day!

February 23 is Russian Army Day!
The guns are firing upward, everyone is treated to fireworks.
They send gratitude from the whole country to the soldiers,
That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.
My grandfather served in the army. My father has awards.
So I decided a long time ago that I would become a soldier!
I know, I need to grow up... I need to become more mature...
But I know how to behave like a man!
I protect the small and weak in the yard
And I celebrate Army Glory Day in February.
I would be able to carry out tasks like a soldier.
I will ask you to accept me into the army in advance!

Tatyana Bokova

Who dreams about what?

Dusk falls quietly,
Night comes slowly.
Dreams are circling above the earth,
Softly rustling wings.
Young boys dream of sails,
And for pilots - heaven.
A skier dreams of winter,
And for the builder - at home.
The tractor driver dreams of a field,
There is red wheat in the field.
The sun is burning hot,
Like a river, the grain flows.
The astronaut dreams of thunder -
The cosmodrome shook in the thunder:
Rockets are being sent
To distant planets.
The artist sleeps in silence,
He sees colors in his dreams.
He dilutes paints with water
And colors fairy tales.
Somewhere the border froze,
A dream is circling over the border.
The border guard can't sleep -
He guards the border.

V. Orlov

My grandfather

My grandfather was a sapper in the war.
He showed me his medals.
Now on the site where the house is being built.
Grandfather works as a crane operator.
He touches the handle lightly -
The steel arrow will go into the clouds.
One day I brought my grandfather lunch
And he called him loudly:
- Grandfather, grandfather! —
People around laughed:
- You're kidding, hero! What kind of grandfather is he?
He is young with us! —
White snow crunches underfoot,
My grandfather and I are going to the skating rink together.
They went out onto the ice, and I shouted:
- Grandfather, I won’t keep up with you!
-The people around laughed again:
“The grandson can’t catch up with his grandfather!”

L. Tatyanicheva

Defenders of the Motherland...

Two old photographs, two grandfathers,
It's like they're looking at me from the walls.
One died almost before victory,
Another disappeared in German camps.

One reached Berlin itself,
In April '45 - killed.
The other was missing, as if he had disappeared,
And it’s not even known where it lies.

Defenders of the native Fatherland,
Two different lives, but with the same destiny.
They look again from old photographs,
Those who gave their lives for you and me.

And on this Day of Defender of the Fatherland,
We will remember the fallen heroes.
They gave their lives for us,
So that we can defend our homeland.

Man in the house

Dad at the airport
He told me:
— Four days
Will you be the man in the house?
Stay with me!

The plane rolled
Dad taxied for takeoff.

I ran into our apartment,
He ordered the light to be turned on in the kitchen,
He sat his family down at the table,
He made a speech like this.

“Grandma,” I said sternly, “
You run across the road.
Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground passage!

An order to everyone: there are clouds in the sky,
So, beware of the rain!
For umbrellas, just in case,
I hammer two nails.

You grin inappropriately, -
I shook my finger at Katya. —
That's it, big sister.
Wash the dishes, please!

- Mom, well, but you - not so much,
Don't be sad and don't be bored.
And you’re leaving, by the way,
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Little officer, or
A little boy's story

Let me be a little ruff
Let me distort the words!
But I dream a little
Be braver than the gray lion.

Mom wants a diplomat
Make me in the future;
Dad wants a lawyer
So that I could someday become.

I listen to them seriously
And I nod in response;
And then skipping to my grandfather,
Ask him for advice.

"I don't want to be a diplomat,
I don't want to be a lawyer!
I will be a soldier of the Motherland!” —
I'll shout out loud to my grandfather.

Well, you, beloved grandfather,
Smile as always:
“Oh, my dear fidget!
You will be an officer - yes!

I will hear you, grandfather,
I will become a general!
Let me be restless now -
Now that's my dream!

And I'll tell you at lunch
Mom, dad and cat,
That I will go, my dear grandfather,
I'm going to a military institute.

There I will be busy with business -
Study all sciences!
There they will teach me to be brave
Protect mom and dad!

And the shoulder straps on the shirt,
Dark leather belt
And boots and cap
I won’t be too lazy to clean!

And all the girls are cheerful
They will smile at me
How will I go home in uniform?
To your uncle, aunt - all your relatives!

Let me be a little ruff
I may be no match for adults!
Here's a little bit like this
Defending the country is a dream!

Kirill Avdeenko

Defenders of the Fatherland

Defenders of the monastery.
Brave fighters.
And valiant knights.
Dashing brave men.

The dark forces are the winners.
Without titles and names.
Servants of the Fatherland.
Soldiers of all times.

Here's to you guys, great!
So that there is no war!
You are our main strength!
You are the army of the country!

Future man

So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.
We play Zarnitsa there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I - future man!

V. Kosovitsky

Today Fedya is not a prankster

Fedor woke up early in the morning
And he almost fell off the sofa:
Yesterday the scattered tanks
Cars, horses and carts
We lined up. And they stand in a row
Solemnly, like a parade!
"Wow!" - he thought, -
“Perhaps this is a dream?”
But mom comes into the room
And, smiling, he says:
“Get up, defender, wash yourself,
The tea is already boiling in the kitchen.”
And Fedor remembered, this is a holiday
And today he is the main one in it.
Today Fedya is not a prankster,
He listens to his mother in everything
He saves his little sister in the yard...
And my mother dreams to herself:
Let this happen every day!

I. Grosheva

Download this collection of poems!

For future defenders

Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave,
And the enemy is treacherous
He's afraid to approach you.
And there is more in life
Big things
Where are you going honor
I didn’t call for you,
You go boldly
Spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness!

I. Grosheva

* * *

Dad, you are the best in the world,
The best father on the vast planet!
How I admire you, how proud I am of you,
I hold your friendship and hand tightly!

* * *

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

* * *

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
we march like soldiers:
brother in a cap, me with a belt,
with a yellow star on it.
I'm pulling, pulling the sock,
brother walks diagonally...
I count: “One, two, five...”
My brother doesn't want to be left behind.
So he stepped towards the sofa,
Here he is holding onto a chair...
He somehow lost his way,
My brother's legs fell apart.
He roars and I laugh -
I'm not afraid to walk.
I tell him to get up -
he is obliged to obey.
He got up, walked, and fell again,
hit the floor with my nose...
Very slippery floor in the apartment!
My brother is one year old, and I am four...

papa baobab

Dad said tenderly, with affection:
– You are my earthly fairy tale!
I'm proud of my daughter
You are more beautiful than all the flowers!
Daughter hugs dad
And with a smile he answers:
- Well, and you are like a baobab,
You are the most wonderful of dads!
My dear daddy,
Mom and I are proud of you.
For me and our mother -
You are the best in the world:
You are taller than all the best dads...
That's why baobab!

* * *

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's congratulate dad
And wish for various blessings:
Don't lose the victory flag
Don't get captured by troubles,
It is courageous to defeat them.
One, two, three, four, five -
Let me kiss you!!!

* * *

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's congratulate dad
Defender's Day has arrived!
There’s just a flurry of wishes:
ONCE - you won’t know diseases forever,
To flaunt your health.
TWO - work without worries,
And for THREE - salaries on time.
For FOUR - bright days,
Good, loyal friends;
Never lose them...
Respect to flourish!
And at FIVE - great love,
Happy Defender's Day, hero!!!

With grandfather

I respect my grandfather very much -
I plan with it using a plane.
We are with a hacksaw, a hammer
We are building a birdhouse with him - a house
For titmouses and starlings,
Little dacha residents.
We painted the bench
We repaired the shower and watering can,
They made shutters for the windows,
They nailed a new shelf.
In the barn from thieves
We strengthened the bolt
Grandma's beds were dug up.
We are not at all tired.
Grandfather told me: “Well, that’s it!
The granddaughter has taken after her grandfather!”

The best!

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me
My best DAD!

Poems for dad

My dad! My dad!
I'm on your knee
I'll gallop faster than a deer,
When you come home.
Everything that dreams fly to,
You know and you can do it.
And under our roof
Everything is cuter
More fun
From your cheerful eyes.

February 23

And the first birds call!
Today I looked out the window:

My friends - yesterday boys -
Today we grew up and suddenly

And they promised their mothers and sisters
Protect the boundaries of joy,

Keep me safe in the window!

I. Grosheva

All Fathers Day

This morning,
Solemnly and quietly
Little sister got dressed
And dashed through
Hurry to mom's kitchen,
There was something rustling there -
Dad and I, too, hurry up
We washed ourselves and got to work:
I put on my school uniform
Dad dressed in a suit.

Father took the medal out of the closet.
The pie was waiting for us in the kitchen,
And then I guessed!

Protect your home and mother,
To protect us all from troubles.
I don't envy my father -
After all, I am like him, and I will save
Fatherland, if necessary,
Well, in the meantime, let's have some marmalade
Pick out the pie...

How to protect mom and dad!

I. Grosheva

Dad's professions

The pavement trembles and the engine howls -
It's my dad's driver coming to us.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.
It's piloted by Dad the Pilot.

Walks together with the military in a row
Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is our record holder in all-around?
We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

I’m not tired of chopping coal in the depths of the mountains
Dad, black with soot, is a miner.

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -
Dad is a worker, he is a steelmaker.

Heals thousands of broken arms
At the children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The faucet will be installed and the blockage will be cleared.
Dad is a plumber, or a fitter.

Who performs on stage for an encore?
This is a famous dad-artist.

“There is no unnecessary profession in the world!” —
Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.


The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly,
And rushes along the ground
White drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.

* * *

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon,
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It’s time for him, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

About grandfather

Our grandfather is very businesslike:
He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.
He helps his grandmother all day,
He is not at all lazy to do this.
Then he constantly loses points,
Either he will break something, or he will break something,
Always in a hurry, but tired of work,
He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring.


These are all lies, of course,
That boys love fights
Hooligans, bullies,
They grow up naughty...
Even adults make faces...
Should we be stricter with them?
Let everything go - they seem to
Will they lead to a heart attack?!

But imagine that the boys
In a fight - only by hearsay,
They won't get bumps
Just like that and for no reason!
They won't go their own way,
Riffles and rapids,
Then of them in the end
There will be no men!


Lion roaring on the shield
Helmet with feathers, handsome sword!
Mom is sleeping and I'm at the door
I will guard her sleep!
When he wakes up, he will be surprised:
Who guarded the peace?
During the parade, the ancient “lytsal”
Salutes her with his hand!
He stood at his post with dignity
A real gentleman!
True, there is still a problem
With that harmful letter “er”!

February 23

February, February, winter and sun!
And the first birds call!
Today I looked out the window:
He froze and pressed his face to the glass.

My friends - yesterday boys -
Today we grew up and suddenly
All as one, abandoning their books,
They held hands and stood in a circle

And they promised their mothers and sisters
Protect the boundaries of joy,
Take care of our world - both birds and the sun,
Keep me safe in the window!

All Fathers Day

This morning,
Solemnly and quietly
Little sister got dressed
And dashed through
Hurry to mom's kitchen,
There was something rustling there -
Dad and I, too, hurry up
We washed ourselves and got to work:
I put on my school uniform
Dad dressed in a suit.
Everything is as always, but still not -
Father took the medal out of the closet.
The pie was waiting for us in the kitchen,
And then I guessed!
Today is the holiday of all fathers,
All sons, all who are ready
Protect your home and mother,
To protect us all from troubles.
I don't envy my father -
After all, I am like him, and I will save
Fatherland, if necessary,
Well, in the meantime, let's have some marmalade
Pick out the pie...
And back to school, on the road again,
Maybe they can tell me where
How to protect mom and dad!

My dad

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.

I'm looking forward to it
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.

My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.

He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.

He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.

I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!

You are the most caring
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!


There were bumps on my forehead,
There are lights under the eye.
If we are boys,
Then we are heroes.

Scratches. splinters,
The only thing we're afraid of is iodine.
Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring.

Let your head be covered in greenery
M's leg in plasters.
But there are still strengths,
To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we
Again to battle, on patrol...
Scars from those battles
They still remain.

Our Army

On the high mountains,
On the steppe expanse
Soldiers protect our Motherland.
He flies into the sky
He goes to sea
Not afraid of the defender
Rain and snowfall.

Birch trees rustle,
The birds are singing,
Children are growing up
In my native country.
Soon I'll be on patrol
I'll stand on the border
So that only peaceful ones
People had dreams.

V. Stepanov

February 23

On a winter day,
February day
We are walking down the street.
Belted day today
With a strong leather belt,
And the medals ring on it,
Orders are burning on him.
On a winter day,
February day
We're walking across the square
To the heart of a warrior-soldier
We put flowers on granite
And the defender of the people
We give honor in silence.
On a winter day,
February day
We will go around the whole country.
We'll take off on a plane
We'll sail on the sea
And we'll see how it lights up
The sky is filled with festive fire.

V. Stepanov

nice day

Everyone sacredly honors this glorious day.
All the courageous traits are evident in him.
Any man keeps a fragile world,
Serving the Fatherland, with valor “on your face.”

Not every feat can be accomplished,
Moreover, in the flow of peaceful days,
But everyone must serve the Motherland,
To ache with your soul and heart only about her.

February brought us a great holiday.
Viva to the defenders of the Fatherland!
Will protect you from storms and thunderstorms
Russia is a warrior - a valiant soldier.

B. Polyakov

Parade on February 23

The fighters are coming for next row,
Matching the ranks!
Someday I too will pass
Typing steps,
Let your friends admire
And the enemies frown!

R. Aldonina

Army dear

Dear army -
Defender of the country
With weapons and courage
Keeps us from war.

I. Ageeva


Four companies marched with song
Wonderful infantry,
They walked and walked with a brisk step
And they melted away.

I followed them for a long time,
I took big steps
But I fell behind and didn’t catch up,
Because I'm tired.

I walk alone, I sing,
I feel like I'm on track
And I lead four companies
Wonderful infantry.

I'll grow up, then go to battle
I will lead them with me!

R. Aldonina

Army beloved

About the beloved army
Knows old and young
And to her, invincible,
Today everyone is happy.
There are soldiers in the army,
Tankers, sailors,
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!
There are rockets somewhere
And the border is locked.
And it's so wonderful
That we can sleep peacefully!

Everyone's on duty

Border guard on the border
He guards our land,
To work and study
Our people could calmly.

Protects our sea
Nice, valiant sailor.
Flying proudly on a battleship
Our native Russian flag.

Our pilot heroes
The sky is vigilantly guarded.
Our pilot heroes
Protect peaceful labor.

Our army is dear
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up without knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.

Military holiday

We have only one holiday.
This holiday is the day of men,
Day of Defenders, soldier.
There will be a parade on this day!

We'll see helicopters
Guns, tanks, planes.
We will march with military stride
Under a big beautiful flag.

Let's read the congratulations,
Let's sit on daddy's lap.
There are many men in the army,
And there is only one like him!

I. Gurina

Download this collection of poems!

February 23

When there is ice on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
Brings us a wonderful holiday
Thoughtful February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate you
And grandfathers and fathers!

I'll draw a steamboat
Where is daddy captain?
My dad swims bravely
From distant, distant countries.

I'll draw a plane
Where is daddy the commander?
And days and nights long
Dad saves the world.

I'll draw a gun
And a rider in the saddle.
I know: better than dad No
Heroes on earth!

I. Gurina

Soldier's Anthem

We are guarding our glorious land,
Cities, villages, villages and arable lands.
We will not spare ourselves in battle,
We will not give offense to our native land!

Our service came to our hearts,
We like the food cabbage soup and porridge,
You and I are almost heroes,
Well done inside and out!

And the brides are bored without us,
It's been a long time since we met them,
But now is not the time for us to be sad,
We'll have time to look like grooms!

M. Nozhkin


Red shoulder straps,
Brand new uniform.
Walking around Moscow
Young commander.

He has a gait
Full of pride.
Day of your defenders
The country is celebrating.

V. Stepanov

Anti-aircraft gunners

A rumble is heard
In our sky
Someone is wandering
At a great height
In the clouds
And in the dark.
But on moonless nights
From dawn to dawn,
The sky is touched by rays
Combat lanterns.
It's hard for a pilot to fly -
The beam interferes with the plane,
And from the ground
Towards the rumble
The guns are raised:
If the enemy is
He will be shot down!
If a friend -
Let it fly!

S. Mikhalkov


On the mast is our tricolor flag,
A sailor is standing on the deck.
And he knows that the seas of the country
Ocean boundaries
Both day and night there must be
Under watchful guard!

N. Ivanova

On patrol

Russian warrior
On eternal watch
On a plane
On the ship.
He guards
Peaceful sea
Peaceful sky
Peace on earth.

I. Gamazkova


On blue transparent lakes,
On the salty expanses of the ocean -
On any water near Russian soil
Ships carry out military service.

The border is locked

On the native border
Our Russian flag,
Cross the border
The enemy will not dare.

VARYAG is written on the ribbon

I'm the smallest sailor in the navy,

This word is golden, like the dawn -
This is the name of the hero ship.

He is on distant, foreign shores,
He fought bravely surrounded by enemies.
I fought so hard that I didn’t count my wounds,
But he did not surrender to the enemy.

He should never be in enemy captivity!
The cruiser itself went into the depths of the sea.
And in Russia, on his native land,
They will not forget about the heroic ship.

And today into the oceans and seas,
The grandchildren of the hero's ship came out.
Each cruiser is both fearless and harsh,
And the combat character of cruisers.

I ran with my friends to see them off,
Andreevsky held the flag above everyone else.
I'm the smallest sailor in the navy,
And on the ribbon it says - VARYAG.

P. Sinyavsky

I really want to be a pilot

Air parade in the festive sky
RUSSIAN VITYAS are soaring in the sky.
From the beauty of fighters
It took the audience's breath away.

Five planes, wing to wing,
They fly towards the sun like an arrow,
They make it like one airplane,
Acrobatic coup.

Birds envy brave pilots
The wind sings about brave pilots.
All. I will urgently apply to become a pilot
And get ready to fly.

Dad and mom said: “Son,
The baby will not turn out to be a pilot.
The pilot needs to grow up a little,
They only accept people from six.”

In order not to argue with my elders,
I'll fly in my dreams today.
Maybe even tomorrow parents
They'll let me into the fighters.

P. Sinyavsky


Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,
The tank will pass on tracks
The gun barrel is in front,
It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!
The tank is protected by strong armor
And he can face the fight!

N. Ivanova


He's a metal bird
Will lift you into the clouds.
Now the air border
Reliable and strong!

N. Ivanova

Congratulations, dear dad,
Happy February 23rd!
WITH early years you became a hero
And an example for me.
Glorious Motherland border
You skillfully defended
Make her proud of you
How proud I am of you!

I. Darensky

Our beloved Army
Birthday in February.
Glory to her, invincible!
Glory to peace on earth!


Our Motherland is rich,
We don't want someone else's
But my country, guys,
We won't give it to anyone.

I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Army and Navy Day!
To serve in defense of the Motherland -
Good job!

V. Stepanov

Red shoulder straps,
Brand new uniform.
Walking around Moscow
Young commander.
He has a gait
Full of pride.
Day of your defenders
The country is celebrating.

Natalie Samoniy

How should everyone play hunting:
Petya is in charge of the infantry,
Senya is a sniper, very accurate,
The nurse is Svetka.
Tanya is a brave tanker,
Raya with the radio is a radio operator.
Lenya is a helicopter pilot,
Pasha is a fast machine gunner.
It’s not in vain that we play soldiers -
This is how we defend the Fatherland!

On patrol
I. Gamazkova

Russian warrior
On eternal watch
On a plane
On the ship.
He guards
Peaceful sea
Peaceful sky
Peace on earth.

N. Ivanova

On the mast is our tricolor flag,
A sailor is standing on the deck.
And he knows that the seas of the country
Ocean boundaries
Both day and night there must be
Under watchful guard!

N. Ivanova

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,
The tank will pass on tracks
The gun barrel is in front,
It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!
The tank is protected by strong armor
And he can face the fight!

Future man
V. Kosovitsky

So far I have toys:
Tanks, pestles, firecrackers,
Iron soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I could easily go into the army,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.
We play Zarnitsa there -
They drew a border for me
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

Big brother
T. Agibalova

Secretly older brother
I decided to tell you:
“In the past, our dad was a soldier,
Served the homeland
Woke up at dawn
Cleaned the machine
To be all over the earth
Peace for all the boys."
I'm hardly surprised
I suspected
And for a long time I believed that he -
Former general.
On the twenty-third I decided
Exactly at six in the morning
I'll scream with all my heart

Russian warrior

Russian warrior takes care
Peace and glory to our native country!
He is on duty - and so are our people.
He is rightfully proud of the Army.

Calm down, let the children grow up
In the Russian sunny Fatherland
He protects peaceful labor,
Wonderful work in the name of life.

Army beloved

About the beloved army
Knows old and young
And to her, invincible,
Today everyone is happy.
There are soldiers in the army,
Tankers, sailors,
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!
There are rockets somewhere
And the border is locked.
And it's so wonderful
That we can sleep peacefully!

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Our warriors are full
Courage and honor!
On Defender's Day
We are all with them together!
Happy day to all military personnel
And when we grow up,
Let's serve our homeland!

Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
He is in his youth, I know
He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday -
Protected the whole world!

For me you are the main one!
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

Our Army
Vladimir Stepanov

On the high mountains,
On the steppe expanse
Protects our
The homeland of the soldiers.
He flies into the sky
He goes to sea
Not afraid of the defender
Rain and snowfall.

Birch trees rustle,
The birds are singing,
Children are growing up
In my native country.
Soon I'll be on patrol
I'll stand on the border
So that only peaceful ones
People had dreams.

Peace Army

Soviet army protects the world
She is respected by all our people.
She is respected in every country
She blocked the way to war.

Soldiers pass in a marching column,
And fathers remember their youth.
Weathered faces, an even row of bayonets,
The red stars on the helmets are shining.

Everyone left the house
And grandchildren, and grandfather, -
Send to the Army of Peace
Warm greetings.

February 23 is the red day of the calendar!
On this Father and Grandfather's Day
Congratulations to the whole family!
My sister and I from ourselves,
Let's draw them a horse!
Our horse gallops on paper
The harness is ringing loudly!
Well, grandma and mom
Bake a cake for them
And they will put sweets inside
And crumbly cottage cheese!
We're after this pie
Let's have a great holiday!
The holiday is important, real
A necessary holiday - Men's Day!

Russian army

Russian Army
Everyone loves us
About the Russian Army
It will be our story.

Our Army is dear
And brave and strong,
Without threatening anyone,
She protects us.

That's why we love since childhood,
This holiday is in February.
Glory to the Russian Army
The most peaceful on earth!

For future defenders
I. Grosheva

Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave,
And the enemy is treacherous
He's afraid to approach you.
And there is more in life
Big things
Where are you going honor
I didn’t call for you,
You go boldly
Spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness!

Today is daddy's day, I congratulate him!
And on Defender's Day I wish him,
I am to be considered as a man,
And sometimes obey a little.
After all, of course, I will be a general
And I won’t forget my dad’s courage.

In war games we are with we play dad,
Strategy, tactics, battle without rules!
Of course, I'm interested in all this,
But let there be no place for this in life!
I want to congratulate dad today,
And I won’t say anything about the war for a moment.

The boys are so smart today.
Everyone is wearing white shirts, seemingly big ones.

Let's celebrate Men's Day and congratulate the boys.
We praise all men today from the bottom of our hearts.

Be strong, brave, healthy.
And get involved in different and new things.

Conquer the skies, mountains, oceans.
Discover distant cities and countries.

Always give us flowers and kind smiles.
And don't make stupid mistakes.

You boys are great! We are proud of you!
And today we congratulate you with kind words.

Like dad
T. Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
Like him - wear a suit and hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.

Be strong, smart, don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don't forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

Border Guard
A. Zharov

Behind the dark ravine there is open space...
In the evening, on patrol from the outpost
The country's border guard is on duty.

Forest paths, fragrant herbs.
Nightingales ring over a running stream.
A border guard goes on patrol from the outpost
In any weather - both night and day.

One, two, three, four, five...
N. Samonii

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's congratulate dad
Defender's Day has arrived!
Wishes - just a flurry:
ONCE - you won’t know diseases forever,
To flaunt your health.
TWO - work without worries,
And for THREE - salaries on time.
For FOUR - bright days,
Good, loyal friends;
Never lose them...
Respect to flourish!
And at FIVE - great love,
Happy Defender's Day, hero!!!

V. Orlov

White paper,
Red pencil:
Grandfather at the flag
Nearby is the crew.
Snowy edge,
White snow.
Tank gun
Looks at the enemy.
Young faces
Machine gun in hand.
They are all alive
On my sheet:
Grandfather at the flag
The crew is nearby...
White paper,
red pencil.

On your shoulders - happiness, joy and peace,
Defense of a huge country.
Songs are composed, poems are read
About people in military uniform.

Thank you for the sun and birdsong,
For a clear clear sky,
For the smell of frost, spring flowers
And the taste of baked bread!

The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly,
A light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, the flights of planes rush into the distance.
This February celebrates the army's birth.

At night the blizzard raged, and the blizzard was chalk,
And at dawn she quietly brought us dad’s holiday.
Dad's holiday - main holiday
All boys and men.

And we are in such a hurry to congratulate our beloved dads today!
We wish dads happiness and a peaceful sky for them!
We love our boys and respect them from the bottom of our hearts!
They will always protect us, even if they are short!

I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier.
I love dad, and I certainly love him
I would like to congratulate the military on this holiday...

Now I'll climb higher on the chair,
I’ll sing him a war song loudly.
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

Happy Defender's Day,
I won’t leave him without attention.
Grandpa is always my hero,
Although he is no longer young.

During the war he was still a boy.
I didn’t fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with their hard work.

I'm proud of my old grandpa.
He is number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, necessary, irreplaceable.

Defenders of the Fatherland
D. Rybakov

Thanks to everyone who gave their lives,
For dear Rus', for freedom,
Who forgot fear and fought,
Serving my beloved people.

Thank you,
Your feat is eternal,
While my country is alive,
You are in our souls,
In our heart
We will never forget the heroes!

N. Naydenova

May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people, cities live,
Peace is always needed on earth!

Our army is dear
L. Nekrasova

Border guard on the border
He guards our land,
To work and study
All the people could calmly...
Our hero pilots
The sky is vigilantly guarded,
Our hero pilots
Protect peaceful labor.
Our army is dear
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up without knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.

Men's holiday
V. Rudenko

This morning I asked my mother:
- What kind of holiday has come to us,
Why is everyone fussing
Are you preparing a festive table?
Dad in a new shirt
Grandfather put on all the orders,
You were near the oven yesterday
I worked until late.
- Congratulations on this holiday
All men from all over the country,
After all, they are responsible for that,
So that there is no war!

Right at the border
M. Isakovsky

At the very border, in secret,
I carry out vigilant service, -
for every hillock in the answer,
for every tree in the forest.
Covered by thick branches,
and I listen and I look,
and my heart with my native land
I speak at such hours.
And everything is getting closer to me,
as if through the darkness of the night
I see my whole homeland
and all of her is next to me.

In our army
A. Oshnurov

In our army the country
Dad protects.
On the border he is at war
He won't let us into our house.
I'll grow big soon
I will become like my father myself.
That's when I'm with him
I'll stand at the border.
Let them not take it yet
To the child's army,
But can I defend
Our kitten.

Happy Holidays Russian soldier,
A young, beardless student!..
You will grow older - for the country someday
You will rise to death, formidable and great.
Just so that any enemy at sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
You have to do well in school
Love the great motherland!
...For girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!!!

The fighters go row after row,
Matching the ranks!
Someday I too will pass
Typing steps,
Let your friends admire
And the enemies frown!

This holiday has gone beyond borders,
It is not just a holiday for soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they stand in the service of the Motherland.

This holiday is a man's holiday
We can rightfully name.
In honor of men today, congratulations
They sound grateful from us.

My dad is a military man
G. Lagzdyn

My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He has complex technology
Army friendly!
He went more than once
On military campaigns.
No wonder they say:
"The commander is from the infantry."

The best
O. Chusovitina

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Can even wash cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me -
My best DAD!

Border Guard
G. Ladonshchikov

Border guard on duty
Looks vigilantly into the darkness.
The country is behind him
Immersed in a peaceful sleep.

The night on the border is alarming
At night anything is possible
But the sentry is calm
Because behind my back
Our army stands
Work and sleep protect people;
That is rich and strong
Our peaceful country.

Beat the drum!
I. Gamazkova

Beat the drum! There's a lot of noise!
Glory to all heroic warriors!
Grandpa, dad and big brother,
To the pilot, and the sailor, and the soldier!

When I grow up, I will become a warrior myself.
I will not offend our homeland!
Trumpets, blow them!
Beat the drum!
Glory to the heroes! Tram-tatatam!

Little General
Natalie Samoniy

I seriously stated:
“Being a kid is boring,
I want to be a general!
I'm an adult, I'm brave!

I'm not afraid of dogs anymore
Their growls are not a threat.
I'm not afraid of turkeys
Thunderstorms are no longer scary.

I'm almost seven years old!
I've eaten enough semolina in my life..."
My father laughed:
“Learn to twist foot wraps!

That general is very bad
Who hasn’t been a soldier!”

Defenders of the Fatherland
I. Aseeva

Peace of all ancient cities and villages
Guarded the watch of the epic heroes.
Those days may be gone, but glory to you,
The heroes who did not give Rus' to the enemy!

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers protected us -
The flag of victory was flying in Berlin.
When we have sweet dreams at night,
Our soldiers do not sleep on the border.

Let the sun burn the thawed roofs!
We congratulate today those boys,
Who is small, but very strong
He himself protects the weak and girls!

Defenders of the Fatherland
N. Migunova

Wonderful holiday in February
My country welcomes you.
She is her defenders
Hearty congratulations!

On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers protect our peace
For us, my friend, with you.

When I grow up big
Wherever you serve, everywhere
Defend your Fatherland
And I will be reliable.

We are walking down the street.
Belted day today
Strong leather belt,
And the medals ring on it,
Orders are burning on him.

On a winter day, on a February day,
We're walking across the square
To the heart of a warrior-soldier
We put flowers on granite
And the defender of the people
We give honor in silence.

On a winter day, on a February day,
We will go around the whole country.
We'll take off on a plane,
We'll sail on the sea
And we'll see how it lights up
The sky is filled with festive lights.

Military holiday
I. Gurina

We have only one holiday.
This holiday is the day of men,
Day of Defenders, soldier.
There will be a parade on this day!

We'll see helicopters
Guns, tanks, planes.
We will march with military stride
Under a big beautiful flag.

Let's read the congratulations,
Let's sit on daddy's lap.
There are many men in the army,
And there is only one like him!

Future defender
A. Usachev

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will face an unequal, difficult battle.

Don't let other people's dogs near the kitten -
More difficult than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

Anti-aircraft gunners
S. Mikhalkov

A rumble is heard
In our sky
Someone is wandering
At a great height
In the clouds
And in the dark.
But on moonless nights
From dawn to dawn,
The sky is touched by rays
Combat lanterns.
It's hard for a pilot to fly -
The beam interferes with the plane,
And from the ground
Towards the rumble
The guns are raised:
If the enemy is
He will be shot down!
If a friend -
Let it fly!

Defenders of the Fatherland
A. Grishin

My grandfather once
Was an artilleryman
And dad was a soldier -
He served in the border troops.

When I get older
I’ll get stronger, I’ll grow up,
I will stand the same way
At the combat post

Confident and bold
Follow orders
And military affairs
Seriously study.

And after the military service
I'll return home.
Both grandpa and dad
They will be proud of me!

Let war games remain just a game
Natalie Samoniy

After all, we are playing, because we are fighting for fun:
We don’t want to face trouble -
Neither Danil, nor Misha, nor Seryozhka.

Let war games remain just a game
And our girls don’t cry out of fear.
And let laughter flow like a river everywhere,
And above us - let the birds sing fervently.

Let war games remain just a game,
Let no one ever perish;
And let the sun be a golden ray
Happiness embroiders in a peaceful sky!

Today is a holiday for men -
Twenty-third of February.
Congratulations to them today
Even Mother Earth.

Our fathers, brothers, grandfathers,
We are proud of you.
Let's grow up a little more -
We'll be useful in action.

N. Faleva

Our Motherland is rich,
We don't want someone else's
But my country, guys,
We won't give it to anyone.


Today is daddy's day, I congratulate him!
And on Defender's Day I wish him,
I am to be considered as a man,
And sometimes obey a little.
After all, of course, I will be a general
And I won’t forget my dad’s courage.

Dad and I play war games,
Strategy, tactics, battle without rules!
Of course, I'm interested in all this,
But let there be no place for this in life!
I want to congratulate dad today,
And I won’t say anything about the war for a moment.

Congratulations, dear dad,
From February 23
From an early age you became a hero
And an example for me.
Glorious Motherland border
You skillfully defended
Make her proud of you
How proud I am of you

The most famous February holiday
For those who find a place for heroism
In service and in leisure, in the village and the capital,
Who protects us like a true knight.

Let the February wind blow a little quieter,
We will sing a song to the defenders - let them hear
That their heroic work is respected around
And our boys only imitate them.

O. Kapitova

Today is a holiday for men -
Twenty-third of February.
Congratulations to them today
Even Mother Earth.

Our fathers, brothers, grandfathers,
We are proud of you.
Let's grow up a little more -
We'll be useful in action.

N. Faleva

winter day, wonderful,

There will be dancing and singing!

let's sleep, let's take a walk,

Congratulations dad!

holiday, begin

dad, smile!

K. Avdeenko

I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier
I love dad, and I certainly love him
I would like to congratulate the military on this holiday...
Now I'll climb higher on the chair
I’ll sing him a war song loudly
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

Our beloved Army
Birthday in February.
Glory to her, invincible!
Glory to peace on earth!

I. Darensky
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Army and Navy Day!
To serve in defense of the Motherland -
Good job!


Red shoulder straps,
Brand new uniform.
Walking around Moscow
Young commander.
He has a gait
Full of pride.
Day of your defenders
The country is celebrating.

V. Stepanov

Our great country is calm,
Reliable protection of vast spaces.
There are big names for defenders -
Kutuzov, Nakhimov, Budyonny, Suvorov...

And the holiday today, after many years
For those who protect comfort and peace,
Who made an unbreakable vow to the Motherland,
Holy traditions multiply.

I. Vardiev

The holiday of all our soldiers -
That's what this day means!
Day of Defenders of the Brave
And just all the guys!
After all, any of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!


In our army the country

Dad protects.

On the border he is at war

He won't let us into our house.

I'll grow big soon

I will become like my father myself.

That's when I'm with him

I'll stand at the border.

Let them not take it yet

To the child's army,

But can I defend

Our kitten.

A. Oshnurov

Even though you don't wear a uniform,

But we know

that in difficult times

You too

like all soldiers,

Save the Motherland and us.

Our army is dear

Border guard on the border
He guards our land,
To work and study
All the people could calmly...
Our hero pilots
The sky is vigilantly guarded,
Our hero pilots
Protect peaceful labor.
Our army is dear
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up without knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.

L. Nekrasova

red calendar day!

On this Father and Grandfather's Day

Congratulations to the whole family!

My sister and I from ourselves,

Let's draw them a horse!

Our horse gallops on paper

The harness is ringing loudly!

Well, grandma and mom

Bake a cake for them

And they will put sweets inside

And crumbly cottage cheese!

We're after this pie

Let's have a great holiday!

The holiday is important, real

A necessary holiday - Men's Day!


This morning I asked my mother:

- What kind of holiday has come to us?

Why is everyone fussing

Are you preparing a festive table?

Dad in a new shirt

Grandfather put on all the orders,

You were near the oven yesterday

I worked until late.

- Congratulations on this holiday

All men, from all over the country,

After all, they are responsible for that,

So that there is no war!

V. Rudenko

Today is Grandfather's Day,
Brothers, dads, my!
Girls give gifts
For our men's day!

We sit dressed up in the morning,
At the festive table.
And a loud Hurray,
It spreads all around.

On the twenty third of February
We remember victories.
And on the red day of the calendar
We accept gifts.

T. Larina


Secretly older brother

I decided to tell you:

"In the past, our dad was a soldier,

Served the homeland

Woke up at dawn

Cleaned the machine

To be all over the earth

Peace for all the boys."

I'm hardly surprised

I suspected

And for a long time I believed that he -

Former general.

On the twenty-third I decided

Exactly at six in the morning

I'll scream with all my heart


Congratulations and poems for February 23 give you the opportunity to beautifully congratulate a man on Defender of the Fatherland Day. In Russia, the most popular holiday for men is February 23rd. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulations are given to all men passing through military service or those who have already repaid their debt to the Motherland. It is very nice to receive congratulations via SMS in verse. Therefore, if you want to congratulate your friends on this holiday with an original verse, you can do this using our page.

1. Today is February 23

Today is February 23rd,
And the country congratulates all men!
After all, we know that in difficult times
Protect us without fear.
You are courageous and strong,
We say this for a reason:
Today we congratulate you,
Beloved men!

2. A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:

A man is God's gift for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women today glorify men.
And all we need is for the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated warmth, stirring our blood...
And together we would defend love!

3. Dads

Where are dads rushing to today?
Dads are in a hurry to go to kindergarten for the holiday.
Here's a tall dad, here's a shorter dad,
Here's dad with curly hair, here with bald hair, here with red hair,
Here's dad with a mustache, here's dad without it...
We greeted them with a ringing song!
And the guests did not hide their joyful eyes -
Each of us sang about the best dad!
(Auntie Au)

4. Defenders of the Fatherland

Wonderful holiday in February
My country welcomes you.
She is her defenders
Hearty congratulations!

On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers protect our peace
For us, my friend, with you.

When I grow up big
Wherever you serve, everywhere
Defend your Fatherland
And I will be reliable.
(N. Migunova)

5. To the officer

Officer! Congratulations,
You are a reliable defender of Russia:
Loving selflessly and tenderly,
You give her life, hope and strength!
We know: through a hurricane, squall and rain,
Faithful in heart to the oath and flag,
You will lead the soldiers to victory again,
Just like your ancestor once did - to the Reichstag!
Good luck to you in big and small
Yes, become a general soon!

6. Beat the drum!

Beat the drum! There's a lot of noise!
Glory to all heroic warriors!
Grandfather, dad and older brother,
To the pilot, and the sailor, and the soldier!

When I grow up, I will become a warrior myself.
I will not offend our homeland!
Trumpets, blow them!
Beat the drum!
Glory to the heroes! Tram-tatatam!
(I. Gamazkova)

7. Festive fireworks

On Red Square,
Under the sky of the Kremlin,
The flowers have bloomed
In the middle of February.

Above Red Square -
Colored lights,
They're flying to the epaulets
They are military.

It's falling from the sky
Blue flower,
For our pilots
He is the dearest.

Green in the sky
Petals are burning
They are border guards
Ours are close.

Blue is coming down
Flower from the clouds
Like the waves of the sea,
For all sailors.

Red is coming down
Above the peaceful Motherland
Spring bouquet.

On Red Square
The guns hit:
In honor of our Army
There are fireworks today.
(V. Stepanov)

8. February 23

On a winter day,
February day
We are walking down the street.
Belted day today
With a strong leather belt,
And the medals ring on it,
Orders are burning on him.
On a winter day,
February day
We're walking across the square
To the heart of a warrior-soldier
We put flowers on granite
And the defender of the people
We give honor in silence.
On a winter day,
February day
We will go around the whole country.
We'll take off on a plane
We'll sail on the sea
And we'll see how it lights up
The sky is filled with festive fire.
(V. Stepanov)

9. My brother is joining the army

Why do they play marches?
Are people smiling?
Because my brother is my eldest
Now he's joining the army!

And although I'll stay at home,
I'll help my brother.
All rockets are familiar to me,
I can be a gunner.

If he becomes a pilot -
I'll make a plane.
We are preparing for flights:
He is a pilot and I am a pilot.

Will fall into the airborne assault -
I'll jump from my chair into battle,
And it will open up obediently
Mom's umbrella is above me.

If he becomes a tank driver -
I'll put on a headset.
If he becomes a signalman -
I have a phone.

Will end up in the navy -
I'll take the cruisers on a voyage,
And then underwater
The boats are fast.

If suddenly my brother
Will fall into the naval landing -
I have a pea coat, a belt
And the beret is askew.

If he becomes a sapper -
I'll build the bridge in no time.
If he becomes a driver -
I have a truck.

My brother will join the infantry -
I have a machine gun
Fast armored personnel carrier -
Electric motor.

My brother will become a cook -
He will be happy for me:
Everything they give me now
I eat it in five minutes.

I want, like my elder brother,
Become a defender of the country,
Day and night our Fatherland
Protecting from war.
(V. Orlov)

10. We congratulate all men!

We congratulate all men!
And we wish them love.
Let them be warm in heart
And in their souls the fire burns.
Bloom, delight our eyes.
And soar like a bird above fate.
Bringing smiles and enthusiasm,
Give happiness to all women!
You are our pride and love!
You are our passion and weakness!
The world would be lonely without you
And there would be no fairy tales in it.
Let the sun shine over the earth
And let there be no wars.
And strength, our glorious hero,
It will only be for the good!

11. Submariner

Here is a wonderful picture -
Coming out of the depths
steel submarine,
It's like a dolphin!
Submariners serve in it -
They are both here and there
They circle under the surface of the water,
Protect the border!
(N. Ivanova)

12. Don't let me down, son

A boy grows out of diapers,
Unnoticed, he learns to fly.
“You fly through life, my little eagle,” -
The affectionate mother will say quietly.

“Let everything be your concern,
Save your people from harm.
For the Fatherland valiantly and bravely
Intercede, my protector! After all, you

Like an unfading light in a window,
The source of a deep river,
A bright ray of a star whose name is the Sun.
Don't let me down, son..."
(I. Zuenkova)

13. Military doctor

Soldier at enemy heights
Was wounded early this morning.
A brave military doctor will save,
He will bandage the wounds!
A doctor removes a soldier from his wounds
Two small fragments
And he will say: “Don’t be discouraged!
Live long, brother!"
(N. Ivanova)

14. This is the army, son!

I was once called
Serve as a soldier for a whole year.
I forgot the part number
I sent letters from there often.

I stood on the parade ground for verification,
I remembered the girl Verka,
How loudly he laughs.
She promised that she would wait.

Shooting, cross-country and outfits -
A soldier needs to know everything,
And alarm calls,
Forced marches, feet with calluses.

And with what great excitement
I was on furlough for the first time!
I was AWOL once
The risk is huge, everyone knows.

Time's up, discharged
And he returned to his parents.
I think it is necessary to serve.
Well, what a man without service!
(K. Vukolov)

15. Happy Defender's Day, daddy! (family rhyme)

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's congratulate dad
And wish for various blessings:
Don't lose the victory flag
Don't get captured by troubles,
It is courageous to defeat them.
One, two, three, four, five -
Let me kiss you!!!
(N. Samonii)

16. Build

Four companies marched with song
Wonderful infantry,
They walked and walked with a brisk step
And they melted away.

I followed them for a long time,
I took big steps
But I fell behind and didn’t catch up,
Because I'm tired.

I walk alone, I sing,
I feel like I'm on track
And I lead four companies
Wonderful infantry.

I'll grow up, then go to battle
I will lead them with me!
(R. Aldonina)

Army beloved

About the beloved army
Knows old and young
And to her, invincible,
Today everyone is happy.
There are soldiers in the army,
Tankers, sailors,
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!
There are rockets somewhere
And the border is locked.
And it's so wonderful
That we can sleep peacefully!

17. Our Army

On the high mountains,
On the steppe expanse
Soldiers protect our Motherland.
He flies into the sky
He goes to sea
Not afraid of the defender
Rain and snowfall.

Birch trees rustle,
The birds are singing,
Children are growing up
In my native country.
Soon I'll be on patrol
I'll stand on the border
So that only peaceful ones
People had dreams.
(V. Stepanov)

18. Defenders of the Fatherland!

Boys, guys, men!
The color of the rising dawn!
The pride of the ancient epic -
Russian heroes!

Become the support of Russia,
The bright hope of the country,
With smart and kind strength,
Homeland of our sons!

19. Sailor

On the mast is our tricolor flag,
A sailor is standing on the deck.
And he knows that the seas of the country
Ocean boundaries
Both day and night there must be
Under watchful guard!
(N. Ivanova)

20. Because artillerymen

We are broad-shouldered and muscular,
Because the artillerymen:
Both the gunner and the loader,
And other specialists.

Cannon with cones “bang-bang!” –
Frogs are intimidated by fear.
And once upon a time, to the roar of a cannon,
The battle going on here was not a toy fight at all.

Here the enemy fighters with commanders
The Bogatyrskys fought back.
Enemy tanks "Panthers" with "Tigers"
They advanced at full speed.

But the artillery told them:
“I’m not afraid of any beast.” –
And the enemy, from her fire,
Even the armor didn't save me.

Let them write books about it,
Let them sing songs about it.
Let the boys come here
Not to play war, but to play fireworks.
(P. Sinyavsky)

He's a metal bird
Will lift you into the clouds.
Now the air border
Reliable and strong!
(N. Ivanova)

21. Defenders of the Fatherland

My grandfather once
Was an artilleryman
And dad was a soldier -
He served in the border troops.

When I get older
I’ll get stronger, I’ll grow up,
I will stand the same way
At the combat post

Confident and bold
Follow orders
And military affairs
Seriously study.

And after the military service
I'll return home.
Both grandpa and dad
They will be proud of me!
(A. Grishin)

22. Grandfather

You are the best grandfather
And I'm proud of you!
Dreams and hopes
I always share with you!

I appreciate your advice
And wisdom and participation.
I wish you longevity,
Health, strength and happiness.

23. Hurray for tankers!

Both my great-grandfather and grandfather were tankers,
I’m also dressed in a tank uniform.
I have to take care of the tank like this
So that my tank is always ready for attacks.

After all, a tank is like a fighting friend to a tanker,
Like a horse for a brave horseman.
And he thinks with the tower as with his head, -
This is how electronics are now.

And I'm in a real toy tank
I crush barriers like tin cans,
I'll sweep away the windfall, jump over the ravine -
The enemy can't hide from the tank anywhere.

Hero tanks T-34
They shot at the target like snipers at a shooting range.
Now our tanks shoot more accurately
Now our tanks are faster and more powerful.

Hurray for the tankers! Hurray for the tankers! -
All the little ones in the yard come running.
And every baby smiles at me
And the girl waves her hand in the window.
(P. Sinyavsky)

24. VARYAG is written on the ribbon

I'm the smallest sailor in the navy,

This word is golden, like the dawn -
This is the name of the hero ship.

He is on distant, foreign shores,
He fought bravely surrounded by enemies.
I fought so hard that I didn’t count my wounds,
But he did not surrender to the enemy.

He should never be in enemy captivity!
The cruiser itself went into the depths of the sea.
And in Russia, on his native land,
They will not forget about the heroic ship.

And today into the oceans and seas,
The grandchildren of the hero's ship came out.
Each cruiser is both fearless and harsh,
And the combat character of cruisers.

I ran with my friends to see them off,
Andreevsky held the flag above everyone else.
I'm the smallest sailor in the navy,
And on the ribbon it says - VARYAG.
(P. Sinyavsky)

25. Tankman

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,
The tank will pass on tracks
The gun barrel is in front,
It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!
The tank is protected by strong armor
And he can face the fight!
(N. Ivanova)

26. Gratitude

On the Day of Defender of Russia
We bring it to you from the bottom of our hearts
Gratitude, admiration
On behalf of Russian ladies!
There is no more reliable defender
There is no fairer fighter
There is no more reliable husband in the world
And more caring than a father!
We know that in difficult moment -
You will lend your shoulder
This is why we love you
And we kiss you warmly!
(A. Voight)

27. To future warrior classmates

May your battle lie ahead
Our warrior classmate
We are proud of you
And you are pleased with yourself:
You shoot and fly
A's are only in the notebook.
You will protect the country -
The enemy will fall on his shoulder!
Be worthy of your father and grandfather -
Then victory will come in battle!

28. Military holiday

We have only one holiday.
This holiday is the day of men,
Day of Defenders, soldier.
There will be a parade on this day!

We'll see helicopters
Guns, tanks, planes.
We will march with military stride
Under a big beautiful flag.

Let's read the congratulations,
Let's sit on daddy's lap.
There are many men in the army,
And there is only one like him!
(I. Gurina)

29. Let war games remain just a game

Let war games remain just a game,
After all, we are playing, because we are fighting for fun:
We don’t want to face trouble -
Neither Danil, nor Misha, nor Seryozhka.

Let war games remain just a game
And our girls don’t cry out of fear.
And let laughter flow like a river everywhere,
And above us - let the birds sing fervently.

Let war games remain just a game,
Let no one ever perish;
And let the sun be a golden ray
Happiness embroiders in a peaceful sky!
(N. Samonii)


30. February

Our beloved Army
Birthday in February.
Glory to her, invincible!
Glory to peace on earth!
(I. Darensky)

31. We are men

Let the icicles cry
Let the mists cry
Leaky roofs
And old taps,
Skinny troughs
Window glass
And a sad hat
What got wet in the rain:

But we are not icicles,
But we are not fogs,
The roofs are not thin,
Not copper taps,
After all, you and I
As is known, men
And we can't
For no reason -
(O. Driz)

32. About dad

Secretly older brother
I decided to tell you:
“In the past, our dad was a soldier,
Served the homeland
Woke up at dawn
Cleaned the machine
To be all over the earth
Peace for all the guys."
I'm hardly surprised
I suspected
And for a long time I believed that he -
Former general.
On the twenty-third, I decided
Exactly at six in the morning
I'll scream with all my heart
(T. Agibalova)

33. Paratrooper

Paratroopers in minutes
Descending from heaven.
Having unraveled the parachutes,
They'll comb the dark forest,
Ravines, mountains and meadows.
They will find dangerous enemy.
(N. Ivanova)

34. To the Rocket Warrior

We congratulate the rocket scientist -
You are both a shield and a sword for all of us -
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Do you know how to save the world:
From the poles to the equator
You protect the borders of the country,
Sensitive ear of the locator
Not even a mouse will miss it!
Many garrisons have been passed,
The taiga and Siberia are still waiting...
We love you and the Motherland -
Strong, strong, hot!

35. Holiday of all men

On the twenty third of February
I was preparing a surprise with all my might -
I made a paper weather vane.
Finished it and gave it to my dad...
With a smile he clung to me
And he held out a bright bundle:
- Here's a gift for you, son -
Today is a holiday for ALL men!
(Auntie Au)

36. Submarine

Submarine goes deep
On a secret long voyage.
To ensure that war does not threaten the country, -
Her combat mission.

Always ready to go
Its missiles and torpedoes -
The enemy will not descend,
The boat has everything to win.

She is confident in every sailor
And in each of his officers.
And if my native country orders -
The sailor will not miss the target!

It is known to the entire crew of the submarine
What is there in the commander's cabin is a portrait.
In the photo there is a boy in his father's cap,
The hero turned exactly five years old.

He has been truthful and brave since childhood,
He is set as an example to all his peers.
He will be a submariner, dad's shift,
A real naval officer is growing up.
(P. Sinyavsky)

37. I will be a soldier of the Motherland!

Let me be a little ruff
Let me distort the words!
But I dream a little
Be braver than the gray lion.

Mom wants a diplomat
Make me in the future;
Dad wants a lawyer
So that I could someday become.

I listen to them seriously
And I nod in response;
And then skipping to my grandfather,
Ask him for advice.

"I don't want to be a diplomat,
I don't want to be a lawyer!
I will be a soldier of the Motherland!" -
I'll shout out loud to my grandfather.

Well, you, beloved grandfather,
Smile as always:
"Oh, my dear fidget!
You will be an officer - yes!

I will hear you, grandfather,
I will become a general!
Let me be restless now -
Now that's my dream!

And I'll tell you at lunch
Mom, dad and cat,
That I will go, my dear grandfather,
I'm going to a military institute.

There I will be busy with business -
Study all sciences!
There they will teach me to be brave
Protect mom and dad!

And the shoulder straps on the shirt,
Dark leather belt
And boots and cap
I won’t be too lazy to clean!

And all the girls are cheerful
They will smile at me
How will I go home in uniform?
To your uncle, aunt - all your relatives!

Let me be a little ruff
I may be no match for adults!
Here's a little bit like this
Defending the country is a dream!
(K. Avdeenko)

38. This holiday went beyond the boundaries of the army

This holiday went beyond the boundaries of the army,
Now it is not only for soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they stand in the service of the Motherland.
This holiday is a man's day
We can rightfully name.
And in honor of you today, congratulations
They sound from February 23rd!

39. Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of celebration
Protected the whole world!

For me you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

40. To boys from classmates from girls

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us!


41. Everyone is on duty

Border guard on the border
He guards our land,
To work and study
Our people could calmly.

Protects our sea
Nice, valiant sailor.
Flying proudly on a battleship
Our native Russian flag.

Our pilot heroes
The sky is vigilantly guarded.
Our pilot heroes
Protect peaceful labor.

Our army is dear
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up without knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.

42. Soldier's anthem

We are guarding our glorious land,
Cities, villages, villages and arable lands.
We will not spare ourselves in battle,
We will not give offense to our native land!

Our service came to our hearts,
We like the food cabbage soup and porridge,
You and I are almost heroes,
Well done inside and out!

And the brides are bored without us,
It's been a long time since we met them,
But now is not the time for us to be sad,
We'll have time to look like grooms!
(M. Nozhkin)

43. To Defenders of the Fatherland

Peace of all ancient cities and villages
Guarded the watch of the epic heroes.
Those days may be gone, but glory to you,
The heroes who did not give Rus' to the enemy!

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers protected us -
The flag of victory was flying in Berlin.
When we have sweet dreams at night,
Our soldiers do not sleep on the border.

Let the sun burn the thawed roofs!
We congratulate today those boys,
Who is small, but very strong
He himself protects the weak and girls!
(I. Aseeva)

44. Our army is dear

Among the Russian people
There is a reliable shoulder -
Our dear army
Warm congratulations!

Congratulations to those who serve,
Those who still have to serve,
Believe me, we really need it
Live under your protection!
(A. Voight)


45. I will be an officer

We have missiles, tanks,
Mighty ships in formation,
Airplanes early in the morning
Protect the earth's peace.
Under the water, in the blue sky,
In the open field and in the forest,
True warriors of Russia
They perform the necessary service.
When I grow up, I dream
Also get into military formation
And I've been walking in my sleep for a long time
On the cobblestone street!
Epaulets shine on the shoulders,
Stern faces are visible
At the parade in those columns
Honor and youth of the country!
Military work to the point of sweat
In the heat, rain and cold...
It's an honor to be an officer
Always in our army!

46. ​​My brother went to the border

My brother went to the border
He's a border guard. He's a soldier.
Is there fog, is there a blizzard swirling,
My brother goes on night watch.

He walks into the darkness of the night
And he takes the machine gun with him.
He protects his native country,
He takes care of his family.

He hears the quietest rustling,
He notices every trace.
In deep forests, in steppe expanses
There is no way for enemies anywhere!

My brother won't be back soon
It won't be long before he hugs us,
But I know: somewhere on the border
He's thinking about us now.

47. I really want to be a pilot

Air parade in the festive sky
RUSSIAN VITYAS are soaring in the sky.
From the beauty of fighters
It took the audience's breath away.

Five planes, wing to wing,
They fly towards the sun like an arrow,
They make it like one airplane,
Acrobatic coup.

Birds envy brave pilots
The wind sings about brave pilots.
All. I will urgently apply to become a pilot
And get ready to fly.

Dad and mom said: “Son,
The baby will not turn out to be a pilot.
The pilot needs to grow up a little,
They only accept people from six.”

In order not to argue with my elders,
I'll fly in my dreams today.
Maybe even tomorrow parents
They'll let me into the fighters.
(P. Sinyavsky)

48. Warships

On blue transparent lakes,
On the salty expanses of the ocean -
On any water near Russian soil
Ships carry out military service.

49. Suvorovets

Red shoulder straps,
Brand new uniform.
Walking around Moscow
Young commander.

He has a gait
Full of pride.
Day of your defenders
The country is celebrating.
(V. Stepanov)

50. I saw the Marines

To me passion is like hunting
To the Marine Corps,
I dream about her in reality -
After all, I'm by the sea,
Right by the sea,
I live by the White Sea!

I don't think otherwise
And I've already started
Work hard on yourself:
Four weeks
Carrying dumbbells
And - take a shower with ice water.

And dad agrees
That my choice is clear
There is nothing better than this dream:
Put on a real one
Teasing, alluring,
Mysterious black beret!
(O. Bundur)

51. Happy February 23!

We hasten to congratulate all men
From February 23,
Wishes strength with valor
Russian land for you!

You have received the honor and the right -
Defend your country
Ancestors' military glory
Let him help you get back on track!
(A. Voight)

52. Anti-aircraft gunners

A rumble is heard
In our sky
Someone is wandering
At a great height
In the clouds
And in the dark.
But on moonless nights
From dawn to dawn,
The sky is touched by rays
Combat lanterns.
It's hard for a pilot to fly -
The beam interferes with the plane,
And from the ground
Towards the rumble
The guns are raised:
If the enemy is
He will be shot down!
If a friend -
Let it fly!
(S. Mikhalkov)

53. Airborne combat vehicle (BMD)

I am the son of a paratrooper, the son of a lieutenant -
That's why I wear a vest.
About the airborne combat vehicle
I'll tell you everything you want.

The vehicle has winged infantry
Guns, rockets and machine guns.
A formidable enemy hits the armor -
Everything in the exercises is like in war.

Our soldiers on their all-terrain vehicle
Night and day in any weather
Dashingly correct, takes a blue one,
They will descend from the sky and rush into battle.

The landing vehicle is rushing to victory,
She is not afraid of any ambush.
The song says correctly:
“The Russian landing force does not surrender!”

Let me go to kindergarten for now,
Soon I will ask to join the landing force.
At least now I’ll drive BeeMDe -
I won’t let my dad and my homeland down.
(P. Sinyavsky)

54. Big brother

I am very happy today -
My brother arrived on leave.
He's wearing a blue beret
The uniform is new on him.

Nothing for me yet
Brother's shape is great:
The day will come, the hour will come -
The shape will be just right!

55. Future man

So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.

And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.

We play "Zarnitsa" there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!

And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!
(V. Kosovitsky)

56. There is no day of men yet in the world

There is no day of men yet in the world,
Oh, these poor men!
The male half is all
Lives without a holiday!
The floor is light, tender and beautiful,
It’s not in vain that he rushes to congratulate men,
Giving them smiles, happiness, joy,
At least on February 23rd!

57. Future warrior

Grandfathers from the enemy in battle
The earth was defended
And your love for the country
Bequeathed to your grandchildren!

I prepare myself
Defend the Fatherland:
I eat oatmeal in the morning
I forgot my whims.

I'm trying to train
For Rex's intelligence
And I try to encourage
Here's to success with a cupcake!

Tomorrow boldly go to war
I'll leave as a soldier
I will defend the country
Just like my grandfather once did!
(Svetlana Dream)

58. To the future man

While you are young... But if the enemies
What if they decide to go to war against us,
Will you wear a peacoat and boots
And you will stand up for your country as a wall!
Send a rocket or a tank at the enemy,
Torpedo - he will know how to attack...
But, dear boy, let it be so,
You train and study for five!
And remember: only a smart, strong warrior
Worthy of victories in battles and love in hearts!

59. Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
And so that only during exercises
The soldier went forward to attack.
Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
Who is protecting us today?
And who repaid the debt to the Motherland!


60. Oh, dear valiant man!

O dear valiant man!
Your holiday is knocking on the door,
And we want to congratulate you -
Hurry up and open all the doors!
Today you are a hero and a knight,
For our women: you are the King,
Irresistible, strong, brave
And even, in some ways, unearthly.
All praise to you today,
And to your valor and courage,
But don't forget about this, man:
Without a woman you would hardly be like this!

61. Happy Defender's Day, Russian Soldier!

The battles of war have died down,
The sons defended their homeland.
Remember the feat of brave soldiers
Brest, Moscow, Taganrog, Stalingrad.

Fireworks announce spring,
That they live freely in Europe
Prague, Vienna, Sofia, Belgrade –
A Soviet soldier protected them!

On this day there is an order on the chest.
They were awarded for valor by the country.
There are no more expensive awards in the world!
Happy Defender's Day, old Soldier!
(Rina R-Ich)

62. Little General

I seriously stated:
“Being a kid is boring,
I want to be a general!
I'm an adult, I'm brave!

I'm not afraid of dogs anymore
Their growls are not a threat.
I'm not afraid of turkeys
Thunderstorms are no longer scary.

I'm almost seven years old!
I've eaten enough semolina in my life..."
My father laughed:
“Learn to twist foot wraps!

That general is very bad
Who hasn’t been a soldier!”
(N. Samonii)

63. February 23

When there is ice on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
Brings us a wonderful holiday
Thoughtful February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate you
And grandfathers and fathers!

I'll draw a steamboat
Where is daddy captain?
My dad swims bravely
From distant, distant countries.

I'll draw a plane
Where is daddy the commander?
And days and nights long
Dad saves the world.

I'll draw a gun
And a rider in the saddle.
I know: there is no better dad
Heroes on earth!
(I. Gurina)

64. Congratulations!

I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Army and Navy Day!
To serve in defense of the Motherland -
Good job!

65. On the Day of Defenders of Russia

To celebrate and congratulate
Our valiant men,
There are a lot
Positive reasons.

But once a year there is a reason
Recognize our warriors
Both support and protection
Name all the men at once.

I really want it on your holiday
I wish you happiness in life,
To be a reliable support for you
We can promise!
(A. Voight)

66. Parade on February 23

The fighters go row after row,
Matching the ranks!
Someday I too will pass
Typing steps,
Let your friends admire
And the enemies frown!
(R. Aldonina)

67. On patrol

Russian warrior
On eternal watch
On a plane
On the ship.
He guards
Peaceful sea
Peaceful sky
Peace on earth.
(I. Gamazkova)

68. February 23

I want to become a soldier
To protect the land.
Let me die, but I won’t betray
And I won't give you any offense
Neither currant bushes,
Neither flowers, nor the Motherland,
Not a narrow path,
Not the Russian border.
(N. Filippova)

69. Happy Defender's Day!

My dad served in the army
And defended the country!
I decided to become strong like him,
I'll start getting ready!

It was possible with two hands
Raise the dumbbell for me.
Wow, I had to push myself
I want to become like dad!

I lie down on a woolen carpet,
Don't think about going to sleep.
I'll do at least one push-up,
I want to become like dad!

I eat porridge in the morning without any problems,
No need to force!
I repeat to everyone without stopping:
“I want to become like dad!”

Waltz dancing on the street
February lights.
And mom hugs us:
"My protectors!"
(T. Nesterova)

70. Glorious day

Everyone sacredly honors this glorious day.
All the courageous traits are evident in him.
Any man keeps a fragile world,
Serving the Fatherland, with valor “on your face.”

Not every feat can be accomplished,
Moreover, in the flow of peaceful days,
But everyone must serve the Motherland,
To ache with your soul and heart only about her.

February brought us a great holiday.
Viva to the defenders of the Fatherland!
Will protect you from storms and thunderstorms
Russia is a warrior - a valiant soldier.
(B. Polyakov)

71. Women have thousands of reasons

Women have thousands of reasons
So as not to imagine life without men.
Their strong hands will be able to save us,
Take any trouble away from Russia.
They hold all responsible positions
And all complex problems will be solved.
We confess our love to you,
Without you, a man lacks warmth.
Let many years pass, but we will repeat again,
Thank you, men, we say!

72. Happy February 23!

Happy February 23rd!
Our whole family is proud of you.
You best defender Fatherland,
The hope of all humanity!
Please accept congratulations on the men's holiday
For preserving peace and tranquility!

73. All Fathers Day

This morning,
Solemnly and quietly
Little sister got dressed
And dashed through
Hurry to mom's kitchen,
There was something rustling there -
Dad and I, too, hurry up
We washed ourselves and got to work:
I put on my school uniform
Dad dressed in a suit.
Everything is as always, but still not -
Father took the medal out of the closet.
The pie was waiting for us in the kitchen,
And then I guessed!
Today is the holiday of all fathers,
All sons, all who are ready
Protect your home and mother,
To protect us all from troubles.
I don't envy my father -
After all, I am like him, and I will save
Fatherland, if necessary,
Well, in the meantime, let's have some marmalade
Pick out the pie...
And back to school, on the road again,
Maybe they can tell me where
How to protect mom and dad!
(I. Grosheva)

74. Defenders

How should everyone play hunting:
Petya is in charge of the infantry,
Senya is a sniper, very accurate,
The nurse is Svetka.
Tanya is a brave tanker,
Raya with the radio is a radio operator.
Lenya is a helicopter pilot,
Pasha is a fast machine gunner.
It’s not in vain that we play soldiers -
This is how we defend the Fatherland!
(N. Samonii)


75. There is a beautiful day in February

There is a beautiful day in February,
When we congratulate men.
There is no day for a man on Earth,
But we are correcting the mistake.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
All our beauty is for you,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you,
We are ruining our hair by curling it.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love!

76. The border is locked

On the native border
Our Russian flag,
Cross the border
The enemy will not dare.

77. Little hero

Little boy rolled a scooter
And he imagined that he was a brave soldier.
A cunning scout, a skilled pilot,
Proudly leading a large plane.
Or a submariner, a sea captain -
A wolf plowing the gray ocean.
“I’ll grow up soon and become a hero!”
Thoughts were flying in the right order.
A brave heart beat in my chest,
Exploits awaited him ahead.
(O. Ilvanidi)

78. February 23 – a winter day, wonderful

February 23rd is a wonderful winter day,
February 23 – there will be dancing and singing!
February 23 – let’s dance, take a walk,
February 23 – Congratulations to dad!
February 23 is a holiday, begin,
February 23 – Dad, smile!
(K. Avdeenko)

79. Happy holiday!

There's a reason it's sunny today
It shines fun and bright!
Children know everything in the world -
These are gifts for daddies -
Today the sun's rays,
How hot the hearts are!

Very tasty lunches
To our dads, our grandfathers
Our mothers will cook...
And now - about the most important thing:
Happy holiday, dears!
Happy Defender of Russia Day!!!
(N. Zhelezkova)

80. My dad is a military man

My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He has complex technology
Army friendly!
He went more than once
On military campaigns.
No wonder they say:
“The commander is from the infantry.”
(G. Lagzdyn)

81. Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will face an unequal, difficult battle.

Don't let other people's dogs near the kitten -
More difficult than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?
(A. Usachev)

82. Holiday February 23

Today is a holiday for soldiers.
There are lines in a row on the square.

The soldiers are standing on the parade ground,
An overcoat with a cap suits them.

Native country, mother land
Our warrior is called to protect.

On a troubled day and in a difficult hour
They are ready to close us down.

They don't need trembling knees,
After all, they have the country behind them.

And each of the soldiers is a hero.
He entered into an unequal battle with the enemy.

No one made a mistake, no one wilted,
I want to be like them.

Today is a holiday for soldiers,
The awards on the chest shine.

And the country remembers everyone,
To whom were the orders presented?
(T. Konovalova)

83. No need to wait for war

Defenders of the Fatherland! No need to wait for war
To protect the offended and the weak.
They should already rely on you,
The fact that you will at least intercede...

Rare celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day or kindergarten does without reciting poems, the selection of which is a real headache for teachers and parents: where to find something new? The Land of Soviets offers children's poems for February 23 at school.

Children's poems and congratulations for February 23 do not have to be dedicated to the army and soldiers, because any man can be a defender. For a child, protectors are dad, grandfather, older brother, so you can dedicate a poem to them. The more diverse the children's poems for February 23, heard at the school matinee, the better!

Short children's poems for February 23

* * *
The holiday of all our soldiers -
That's what this day means!
Day of Defenders of the Brave
And just all the guys!
After all, any of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!

We praise those who did not cry
From my pain,
But I didn’t hide my tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
I didn't celebrate the coward
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of humanity
Those who guard the Fatherland!

* * *
Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of celebration
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

* * *
The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly,
A light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, the flights of planes rush into the distance.
This February celebrates the army's birth.

At night the blizzard raged, and the blizzard was chalk,
And at dawn she quietly brought us dad’s holiday.
And today over the wide white tablecloth of the fields
The planes of our military units are visible from above.

Father's Day is the main holiday
All boys and men.
And we are in such a hurry to congratulate our beloved dads today!
We wish dads happiness and a peaceful sky for them!

We love our boys and respect them from the bottom of our hearts!
They will always protect us, even if they are short!

* * *
February 23 is a red day on the calendar!
On this Father and Grandfather's Day
Congratulations to the whole family!
My sister and I from ourselves,
Let's draw them a horse!
Our horse gallops on paper
The harness is ringing loudly!
Well, grandma and mom
Bake a cake for them
And they will put sweets inside
And crumbly cottage cheese!
We're after this pie
Let's have a great holiday!
The holiday is important, real
A necessary holiday - Men's Day!

* * *
So far I have toys:
Tanks, pestles, firecrackers,
Iron soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I could easily go into the army,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.
We play Zarnitsa there -
They drew a border for me
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

* * *
Secretly older brother
I decided to tell you:
“In the past, our dad was a soldier,
Served the homeland
Woke up at dawn
Cleaned the machine
To be all over the earth
Peace for all the boys."
I'm hardly surprised
I suspected
And for a long time I believed that he -
Former general.
On the twenty-third I decided
Exactly at six in the morning
I'll scream with all my heart

* * *
Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your Fatherland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will face an unequal, difficult battle.

Don't let other people's dogs near the kitten -
More difficult than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,

How will you protect your country?

* * *
I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier
I love dad, and I certainly love him
I would like to congratulate the military on this holiday...
Now I'll climb higher on the chair
I’ll sing him a war song loudly
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

* * *
Happy Defender's Day,
I won’t leave him without attention.
Grandpa is always my hero,
Although he is no longer young.
During the war he was still a boy.
I didn’t fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with their hard work.
I'm proud of my old grandpa.
He is number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, necessary, irreplaceable.

* * *
Aty-baty, aty-baty,
We march like soldiers:
Brother in a cap, me with a belt,
With a yellow star on it.
I'm pulling, pulling the sock,
Brother goes diagonally...
I count: “One, two, five...”
My brother doesn't want to be left behind.
So he stepped towards the sofa,
Here he is holding onto a chair...
He somehow lost his way,
My brother's legs fell apart.
He roars and I laugh -
I'm not afraid to walk.
I tell him to get up -
He must obey.
He got up, walked, and fell again,
My nose hit the floor...
Very slippery floor in the apartment!
My brother is one year old, and I am four...